Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 8

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If You've Neyer Used ,.Clossified, You've Been Missing A Sure Thing BIRTHS CARDS 0F THANK BISSONNETTE-Mr. and Mrs. I scoîld like t o epre ss my James 'Bissonnt'e (nec Pow- sincere ihanks tu ail kind Cr3 ot 35 -Bronle St., Milton, Iriends and neighhors lor cards,t are pieased 10 annoanice the le. s, lossers and visils whileý( birth oftIheir son. Gary James, t %%as in bospilal and Ili aI weighî 8 lbs. aI 'Milton District home. In so mans wavs, sou; Hospital on April 9, 1967. have shusso me wonderful kind-1 M_ýHe nos. and love, DORST - Mr. and M..ei nz 49-3201 Bsi alr O. Dorst ut 2744 LsorBse Bsi alr Line W, RR IMilton, are 1ss îl ( use alke lbi,.op- pleased Io anooîîcl" 1 h ool.îl î,l.n.îîlîîd of lhir suit Dcîîi.e ,iR.îcdoih, .and eclaies, fi le. beiouîhI- sseighl 7hs 212-0c'.. ll\t(îoo I olos, shile 1t%%ssa patientî Disrict Hospitl on Ajoîîl 4, in. Mlton andI Joseph Brant 1967. liospîlaîv recen ly. The nurses, - -cancissîripers and staft morei LOOS - Jack and Jean (Sec isonderlul. Special thanks lu Pelersoni are pîe.îsed 10 an Dr, MaeKav and Dr. Richards. nounce the sale .îrris'al of Ither'493236 -Lîllian Gervais. non Gregg Maîbeson. seighl 8_____________ Ihs. Iloz. at O.kvill,' Trfalgar Me,. Geso. M.Dolbny wsihes tb Memorial Hospital, April 8. 1967, lh.Ink Dr. Aîkenhead, the nurses a baby broîher lue Scott. and staff ofl-Milton District Mos- McOAD- Na-il and Mar pital[or Iheir luving cars' whilc McDonald (e le)o .î apatient in the huspîlal; alsu a1 MeDoald(ne Alln) I RR. pecial îhank you 10 theswon- 6 Milton. Ont., are pleaeel tu de. luI neiglhuor' and al Ihose announce the birlh of Iheîr son thal sent cards, luwer'.an d Chrislopher R.lph, .seightl i îsicd me %%hile i h optl Ibs. 5 oz., aI Mlton DistrictI 0105 yoorsi ncerelv. c49-31821 pitl on Aprîl 6, 117- .a broîher' _____u _ for Healher. Neil. Latinre .and: We ss,h lu exprces 00 %in- Annelle. cote .Ipprecialion 10o ou triends land neighhors for Iheir kind- SNIDER - Mr. and \Mr.. 961 se-..mc-a.ges oI ssmpalhv and liam Sniîior (nec Pollardtiof , buoilul floraîl ribotes during Halton Gol and Country' Club.'oui- reccnI 'ne rcavemnent. Spec. R.R. 3 Milton, are pleased 1tu,,a( îh.ck, to Dr. MuCuteheon. annoonce the birlh or lheîr volt» ., an...d staffl of Milton Dis. 8 tbs. 10 oz. aI Milton Distric.t m Hopital .înd McKersie Hospital on April 8. 1967. Fone. .l Home. Jake Wood and tamilv. c49-3208 ENGAGEMENTS We o mb lu express lur sin- ___________ _- crc .Ippremi.tion 10 cor lriends ,Mrs. Truds Wallon. Port Arth- and nighloor'.ftocfloraI trib- or, is pleased ou annoance the aîcs . ards, express.ions of sym- engagement of her caughter. El- paîhs and the many acts ot izabeîh Doreen, tu Mr. Tîmoîhs kind nes extended tu os in the Rosce. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ions of our beluved son. John. Rome,' Willo%'clale. Thess'cdding Spectal ilanks 10 Ren. J. K. Mc- siil take place Mav 20, 1967, ai (.oun.a nd al who assisled as p.m., a! First Presbs îria .llbcarers. also tho McKersie Chureh. Port Arhur, Ont. Funeral Home. c493169 The ReidI tamils. -T.ouarkind triends. relatives DEATHS and neghbors, Mayor Childs _______and_____________cil. the W.MS. and Ladies' Aîd, Corona ion CARTON, M. J. - Ai Hallon G rop oft Knox Presbslerîan Centennial Manor, on Sondas'. Church. alvo the Senior Cilice ns' April 9. 1967, Michael John Car- Clob (or the losels .ards. gits ton, in is 94tb scar, hosband and (ootrs w ctccoved in hbon- ofth 1 r aie Forence Mav Mc o c)of00e Godcn Wedding An- Gibbon; dear laîher of Isabella n. scr,it'. sse o mb 0tu ,av a (Mrs. D. Downs). Hornby; Myrtllc rois incere thank sou. (Mrs. Abert Hanter. Nýorsai.j -John and Jusephine Muowat Lloyd of Toronto.Co, ndc493189 Gerald. aI borme, Marie (Mes. Frank Peacock). Milton; El ýWeustsb mc exp ress our sin- mer of Rockssocd; Eari of Ook' cere Ih,înks and gratitude 10 ville; and Margarcil(Mi,. C. Mu- th"uan% lrictids. elîlesandI C anni and Clarence, dcce. eghborss'hie'scbtndlv hclped Fnerl serie wahed on ndieomlord0usssbenwe so Toendav ai the MeKersie Fan-soddenls io4 cor hciosed son eral Home. Inc-menlîin Ever' and brither Brcaoifor the green cemeî.'rs..Milton. 'man% loscis ards andflioral ribotes Tbanks also 10 the EZEARD-Lîllian Maodc. at beri Bell Telephone Co. and C N.R,. bome 273 Dondas St.Wesl, toDrhsr and Constable Pitk' Toronto, on Thorsday. April, et. RosaI Casadian Legion and i 6, 1967. in ber lOîb sear. Lillian't ho McKersie Fanerai Home.ý Renîner, beloved mother ofiSpcial thanks 10 Dr. Dustan Mervin of Milton,' Murray andsrhosels ords of ssisdom and Joseph of Toronto, grandm-onderstandinig belped as in ther o) Darrs i oiMilon hnd isdarkhort. May God Res great-grandmolber ot Cberyl 1cacb une. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and Derrick, siter ni Clarencte A. Kelman and tamiiy. c4993171 ot Toronto, Fred ot Acton.ý Mrs. D_ Herringlon (Alice) of Georgetowsn and Mrs. C. Con- IN MEMORIAMS neit (Berha) or Burlington. Panerai service was irom 1he CAMPBELL - In lovîng mcm- MaeNah and Son Chapel on Sat' lirs of a dear moiber and non- urday. April 8, with iterment n,î. Liiiie Campbell. ohu pass' in Evergreen Cemeiery. Mlton. cdlaas Aprîl 12, 1966. T6eN, sas in ime sou do lorget. LOWE - Ashton Stephen Ro- ,,i omne t mas ho truc. bet. aI 'Milton District Hos- Bot neer a day begi ns or ends, pitli on 'Monday. Aprîl 10 1967, Wîlhîo tise tbînk ofl 1.0 Ashton Stephen Robert Lowcein btdis missed and oser re- his 6616 year. husband of the edbvDulsThla laite 'Mabel Ford. dear tather nirmer vDula.Tem Shirley iMrs. ari Wilson) and adgadbirn c930 Jean, boih of Milton, grand- MATHIES -In iosing memoey father of Brent and Brenda. o(a darssiie and mther. nephew of Mrs. Gertrude Lowe Gertrude Freda. sho passt.d of Htamilton. ascay Aprîl 9, 1963. Restîng ai the MuKersie Fant A mvite .nd mîîlber, sa genile erai Home. 114 Main Si. Fanerai and kînd. service in Or ace Anglican Wbai a sconderlul memurv she Churcb. 'Milton, on Wcdnesday lh ehînd. ai 2.30 p.m. Intermeni in Si. Long days. long nîgbts. she bore Georges Anglican Church. Low' ber pain, ville. To waitt(or cure. bat ail in vain. McARTHUR, Lllian Mary - At Till God îOîmseli k ne%% uat t6e Joseph Brant Memoriai suas hesi. Hospital, on Wednesdav. April He iook ber Home and gave ber 5, 1967, Lillian Mars Lecce Mc- rosi. Arthur, beioved %sire ioi Vernon Aiwavs rcmcmbercil hs bas' Eari 'MeAribor, R.R. 3, C.imp' b.and Amos and faiv.'l heilvilie: dear mîîibcî ui Mr,. 49 3220 Leonard Berrv iAuic.îne). But'- linglon; John ofni Kîhner. PI'RUSELLLD t litsing mcm- Mrs. Bert Ca mpbcll (Jo-Ainci,' oýusti.a.îdcar al.îier (Giovanni London and Ras olrL.înîyioeii Pîîsciîsvî passed %w ville. A9i i16, 1969. Panerai service ua O heid Fni The rmtiing streiti iof file iol day trom 16e SmnthliFoîîeî . mn. Home, Boriington. IttmîrieniitstIil l lic acatnt chai!-. mas in LomsileceîîîeuIers. Reclis flie luise, the voi1c. the RYDER. Edmard D.-Ai GuelphOît un'e woiaonce atrce Generai Hspit.îi. on S. .îîrdal,s îer remetihcrcd b on April 8, 1967, Edss.rd D. Rsdet', t miii...Shirley and grandehîil hosband oi the laie Isaîbe 1ci i Oîks. Dariene and Rattds. Miliar; dear ftîer or Margae- 49-3181 ie (Mms. R. Spicisogel I of Ac- ton; Edmard Glenn Rycer oi Milton; Donald G. Rvîicr iofAc ton; Dorothy and Rodcrîck, both deceased. Fonerai service o-as heid on Tuesday. April Il. ai2.30 p.m erai Home. Acton. termen Fairview cemetery. Acton. bn WORI(FOR VOI IN MEMORIAMS PERUSCELLO-In loving mem- oury ut a dear bosband and la- 16cr Giovanni, '.ho p.îssed an-as April 16, 1965. God tob hlm hume, it %tas His Butîin urbherssseiovebim As in thebh'or hepased as.is. We olleS oitl.an(îinm. 1 hini Wh5um ce amaie nv l'or mnmoris sthe ont.>is n litigrîilcan callils 0551 Sadis missed and ai savs re memhered by bis wiie Liugia. bis children and their (amulies. c49-3185 COMING EVENTS Euebre aitbe Bovne Centre, FrîdaN., April 14, ai 8.30 p. Adnoissi.on 50e. Ladies provide. c49-3212 J. M. Denves prescrnîs "Cen- lenniai Reliection'. . Mav 25 and 2h. Martin St. Senior' Pub- lic School, 7.30 p.m. Adulîs 75c; chîldeen (6-15) 35c. c49-3096 Centur * Antique Dispiay Lunch and Tea at Si. Paal's Chrisian Educalion Centre on S.îîurdas. April 29. Lunch 12 - 1.30 pi..,75c; Tea 3J-S5p.m 50c. c50'3179 il CLASSIFIED RATES Talephona Tise Canadi an 191 Main St. V78-2341 Champion Milton, Ontarlo SItTHS. DEATIIS, MABRIAGES. FORTHCOMINO MA2SRKAOES. ESt- GAGIEIJTO- No, hrCe FOR SALE. FOR SRENT. ETC. --$S1.25 SInnoScharg.e or10sards - tr awnrd them.tter. Sub.equentinserthins (no caRy chages) $1.00OinimmOchargetfur15 or..liepr'oed ths'20te, 25c discountalwdfor cash.payntn. COMNG EV2I7S. CARDS 0F TCANKS -SI125 for 20 iC. ft- U IN MIMORU.O- 12IplsNcphlireIL.ofve» CL.ASSIFIES O<RSPLA'O. RLAESTAE - $1I40 per -1-Inh C. Dm011. 0h...Ltaaic.inn 5- ElMd.y. BOX NUMBERS ti hL. 11. Ec- 25.rditilonl.. DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY Th1e Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 1 FOR SALE WHITE maie miniature Foc- die. 2 seaev cid, registercd. gocd ailh ehîldeen, 8789875. 1c49-3239 A DDING MACHINES, - type- uriters for sale or rentaI. Phane 87-%92 , Harris Slationery. Ictf-417 1951 G.MC'li ton truck, mc- our in goul condition. Used re frîge rator and s105e. 8789216. lc4993240 BUILDING cor em,îdeling a barn? Formna bas hciplal plans Hasdy mon rummage sale at a dmaas. Sc 1c49Pria -0 Percy W. Merry School Satulue . -9-1 dos. Apeil 15 aI 1.15 pin. Coi- REFRIGERATOR 12 Cu. ti. leclurs' items in the lot. forni- $200.00 or bevi citer. ýi maîtres'. ture, clothes. Peoceeds Cen- $1500 or hesI otie Phone 878- lensial Libeary. c49-3227 3592. lc583233 A Eucere parts and babo sale SECONO-HANO oms musc- cli bc heltI in Brookville Hall. ors, ail mîehauled andI gond as Apil 21'.î. aI 8.38 pin. sponsor- nea. Phone 877-3270 George- cd b'. v1te Nassagasceya Neigb- cow. la40 641.6151 bor. Association, good prizes. AEWYceîi ,tr retreshinents peovîded. Admis- bodr on roec ion 75c. c49-3224 brmdr mut roe.cp- acit y 300 chcks. $25 each. Jobs J. M. ýDenye'. Home and Ridgecav 878"175. c49-3150 Su.b.oi meeting sili 6e heitI in ELECTRIC scwing machine. the Martin Si. Schoul new, audi- excellent conditios, $35; aivo t ,rumm Mondas. April 17. at 8.15 Ireadie machine. 120. Phone ai- p.m. iîb (estia tecun er b p.m.,878-3474. 1 c49-3204 gunen b%, chutsoir g1 h Festinai. c49-3238 BOLENS lassn andI gardes cquupmcnî Sec sior local dea- The Miton and Ditriec Hur-lor. Ales CIemeni'. andI Son. liulauoral Society mnvm ee iOt- runie St. S , 878-2328. ing ai 1he Union Hall. ine St-.1 u58-3209 Mondas evening. Apei 17, ati 8.15. ProieNsor John Weaili ut FREEZER BREAD, chute. Guelph 0.11 vpeak on SpringIbccmn. esc. o rapped n freezer Gardening. AI]l - iom. aes. Spem iai rim e. Int.rnson 1 FOR SALE MATERNITY CLOTHES aI "Great Espectations"', a comp- l-uc maîeenii *v vhop, Welington Oquars- Mal, Brant St.. Bue- lingion. Lingerie. spcetswear. ..lîcnuon and evenîng dresses 6v Lagnon. Phune 6344936. Clo- '.ed Mondas 1lc51-2907 SYER'S tue mutecnity ctoth- ng. tops. limv, short'.. vkirts and dreessev 6v Lagnun. Comp- lotc and latevi styles in mater- cilsv ciothîng at Spee's Famiiy Fasbions, 228 Main E., phono 678-2067. Milton. 1c48-3136-tf LARGE glussy prinlu of Can. adian Champion staff photos, 5 n 7 size $1; 8 n 10 size $1.25; plus tau. Cash must accompany order. Enquire nOw St Champ- ion office, 191 Main St.. Milton. Ictf 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE HAY. good quality. Phone 878- 6244. 2L,49-3000 TIMOTHY seed and aisti AI- Ialitaîeed. Stuart McFaddes, $78-2639. 2cO3241 HAY and straw delivered ut ce.tosabic prîces. Stuart Me- Fadden 878-2639. 2c46-3006-tf 200 BALES tft dean, dry, ouI siLOs', bs the haie or ton. Hue- mm iii ares 878-9846. 2c48-3142 14_ýMPLEMENTS FORSA LE18 HELP WANTED 1954 FORD. Cail 8786100. ---5c9-383 AVON 1965 FORD Galaxie, 2 doue brkepoerseeig.87-44. CALLI NG 5c49-3221 H ave ans ladies in 16e count- 570- 13 ole .a- tes 3 hoors a dus go service $7500 199 Pntic 6' ato-their neîgbbors wthAvns pro. malle reeîsrhu.neduets"i Tam svotiespare ime mot joh Phonu 'apblvi. inti..extra dolars. Make $2 10 8.54-2537, 5c49-3232 $3Liil hor 1961 PONTIAC Convertible, p055cr stecring. powebrakes, auoomatic. nesv paint. open 10 citer. 854-2520. 5c50'3175 For Your Next Car .. TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 Write MRS. GRAHAM 2396 St. Francis Dr., BURLINGTON. Or eaul colleet aller 6 p.m. 112-637-2408 8c51 MALE HELP WANTED MECHANICS Self Licensed for Diesel Irucks. - aiso - GREASER - for same. 7 WANTED TRUCK WASHER ______________ Part-lime iSaturdayx only). PIANO Bencb in good condi-, Good pop, tringe benetits. ion. 8786912. 7c49-3187 Apply BICYCLE, girls' or boys', 18" .20" ubeel lusedi 878-6733. JOHNSON BROS. 7c49-3193 HOME wanîed for ColIte TRUCKING LTD. pups, 5 weeks oid. Phone 853- MILTON, ONTARIO. 1974. 7a48-279 WANTED t0 Rent - Cenlen- Phone 878-2843 niai Dree's, suitahie for costume 8c49 dance. 878-9868. 7c49-3191 SALprivate coan for fient TA FER mrgg.RpyBox No. 140, STA FFE Canadian Champion. 7c49-3235 WANTED TO BUY - Girls REQUIRRO PMMEDIATELY bicycle, 18" wheel, in good con- FOR NEWS AND WRITING dition. Phone 878-2975. 7c49-3162 DUTIES WITH THE WANTED tu Buy-Used con- CANADIAN CHAMPION croe mixer ismali) in good Interest in varied work andI re- condition, also Girl Guide unt. sponsibilities important. Mont orm, ice 10 or 12 . nele style. have gootI scholastic background Phone 878-9518. 7c49-3174 in English, be interested in LIVE poultry. gooxe andI duck meeting people andI have a good icaîhers, feather ticks. MigheI appearance. Peevioos nemI ex- price'.. We euhl. Write I. Zener, perience desirable but not ex. 792 College St., Toronto, o sentiat. Must have iyping andI phone collent LEnnox M4, ev. 6e able 10 drive. enings 638-5793. 7c-1941f1 Write givine comniete details 1.O. i S.MALL Sebago ptat -____________ ccv,. 7516 608 31I.00. Phione 878- 6497 bs oppoisîmeni. 2c51-3116 O HL WNE C49-3213 .lBîsrpms 7-71 DEKALB hbbid se on 1 c48.-0084 Smrghum ansd Sodas. Eari Snom, MATURE comas requiredfor Hillua Sonit r Ciicens" t3dger Saies andI Set-ice, 878- receptionisî. part-lime. Reply monthis meeting in Knox Pres- YOU WfLL LIRE bnyingyoue 6406. 2c47-3056 Bnx 137, Canadias Champion. b'.tecian Cburch Hall. Wcdnev building înateialn and suai aI dat. April 19, ai 730 p.m. Res. Cran-tords. Campbellviile. Ouicb ROONEY cts. cicancd tor 8c49-3206 Father Murphy ofllOol'. Rosars service. High quaiity. Phone. cedul;bieîi bas .înd 'team SECR ETARY-Recep ion isî for Parih. Milton. sit addrevs Campheiiniiie 8542232. 1tetf-416, Phonme Muli..' Lîiais.ms.Freeli legai cilice. Attractive position meeting. Varied musical pro-!- Iomns65993620. 2c49-31121toc person c'bo likes responsi- gram. 49-3101, CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- Atp qaty lal ' - -----'RES nem andI used, tier 2,000 BioAYie top qualoit ita1 .inuits. Ropis13 con hand-ri7- "SoisIAueYe". a ravel Kelly Springfield tires in stockBu mmmc. sisahler cophoed .1 tMN wan10 Bo n 13. c-p7 and advent arec cubefilm. per- ail iCes, 1cm pices; fiais fined, luemge orbmiee hneBrgbMNo' eindscop sonaivsnaeeated 6v the photo- $1.00; wheels halunced. 3.00. We i in6342913. 2C51-3205 gaed'sing '.'k. geeigo g 1p9rii oprssi' hWd ave batteries for mont cars RED doser seed ,DC., re- maWmitg aekcu s prefee nesd.îv. Apemli ,n 16e RotaryandI trucks. Hilton Tire andI Ru- catued. aiso haiet i a .,eum Pcse on eOk5 Ln.1ap2g Club Trasci and Adsenî are sec- dialor Service. 191 Milt St.. 878- Rc.tmuanie. A. P.r'sinen. 20Ads-85 28 aiter 7 p.m. es ai Wiliams Ave. high 2711. Ictf-419 Bell Scbooi Lisre. 878.275 8b49-3148 schou]. Aduit admission 11.25. 2c49-,316.. c49-1461 Ep recdG r o The second annuai Miltoîn Dis- TIP-IN-TIRE E precd Gr o trict Hospital MavtimmeBalil ee lO fc 'ponsors-vth v1e Hos.pital WA. SALES LIMITED 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE G nrlOfc oilb h ei th 1e Club G.lax'.,. BASE LINE - MILTON 16B Y '.8oesci. Duties Gabuie.cx alrds. as6 1 1 Phone 878-9881. 3c49-3186 Experieneed in typing andI Cocktails andI Dser 7 Ip. 1 . t nroyai -- -biiiing. 9 p.mm Dancing t o iclow. dccc 9 FIOS, . 9oceks nid, Wilson rries'. Re'.erna'ions 8783443. Tires and Batteries ML7Dovcl., 878-9463. 3,49-3242 Ans additionai knomledge of c52-3228 Office andI Boines'. Machines 10 REGISTERED Yoeks.hire mould ho an as'.et. __________________ Conne in and see 1he ne mtilts ibredi; 20 open gi'. Ross UJNIROYAL MASTER MAilis, phone Freelton 659-3649. Gourd mages and henetit'.. 1 FOR SALE The tire for tire morriers. SVRLrgsee 3c49-3113 Repty * EALrgstrdHoîs tein BO No13 SIONS of ail ind'.. Ras Goay heîters, due sn Apeil and May. BO No13 878-2150. is8-3163-îf USED PASSENGER andI uther latec. Ail suitable for ex- CANADIAN CHAMPION FARM TIRES -pneu. Haerv Buet, Hiiisburgh 8-c-49 2 PIECE Chesterfield andI rog. liI e554579, 3b41-616 _______ _____ ceap. Colt 878-9895. 1 c49-3226 HORE toue. ceei'. mb. USED TRUCK TIRES 2 YOUNG pure-hretI Hostein HOS rilr aristo In al nîzes. cumas. due tu treshes ibis monîb, First Class Georgeomn 8774410 enenîngs .... Ose daugbtee ot RolandI Reflec- -lc50-31441 878-3131 lion. One daughtec of Achilte'.. Tool & Die Maker BICYCLE, toit vice, in goud l qJJYTn'.'E Aiso BaietI Has. Raiph Ring- conditaio,$20. o neps 878-6632o.a IF 1 .. - ý I7 don 878-6523. 3c49-3229, EXTRUSION DIES (PL ASTIC)' 1C49-3166 SET of Ledmîg drums mith experts metai snare. S225. 878- 6120. 1c49-3211 ONE IRON hetI andI mattre's fu sice. guimîu condition. 878- 4418. te49 3188 1957 BPILK. sein.-ziutomantic-' masisg smimmnci. BLest îîftee. 878-622. 1c49'3149 22 VOLUME Aneî.e.îs eo- pie". Enccluîpedia sîitb case. S75. 8786023, 1 49-3190 SINGLiE [ou ed lîcti s bSeeta sylin tmgitrles', n gimmd condi- mio.8 786732. c49-32 171 FORTY Imutltis Spruce trocs IY' lu> 18" igb - !50c each. Camp- belhilie 8242388. ls49-3222 KITCfIEN copboaedv, coun- tee. sink andt aps, goud condit- uons. Cou] 878-3213. c49-3210 PUPPFES, also good home for asyear-oltI female dog; 5 gai. table chuen, 878-6266., c49-3216 'BOAT,,- TRAILER. 'cutom matIe, lighî'., wibch, in good shape. Phone 878-2215. 1c49-3207 24 Hour Service Itf 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE ONE Side Robe, Coccshutl M anors- Spreader. Binder andI Mossee. atter 6 pin. 659-3678. 4c49-3231 13 RUN Hussoy Harris. Peelili- zer Drill mith geass'.ced atiaeh- mont. Hugh Beuly, phono 878- 6120. 4c49-3234 5VEHICLES FOR SALE FREEZER SPECIALS mt Fedet ai Inspected Grain FetI Prime Beet 'i'FRONTS 45c "SIDES 57C 'jHINDS 67c CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER Bus direclt roîn 16e tarin, aiso fu retail coune Fiday andI Saturday. Free tIoiinery in Hilton andI urea Wednesday andI Tbue'day BUD ORGAN 689-6561 Waterdown Vaeied antI inteeesîing work. Top raton of puy. Appiy in weiting 10; P. JENRINS. Tool Roomn Foremun, Building Products of Canada Ltd. Micro Plastics Div. ACTON, ONTARIO. Mc4 Experienced Private Secretary 1956 D000E Pick-up. for To morb in local business ut- mrcking, maxy good part'.. 878- cie, begisning'May 1, 1967. 2100. 5c49-3180 Good uiiity in typing, sIen- ciiiing, fiiing antI generai oftice 1960 CHRYSLER, in gocîd con- procedures required. GootI mor- dition 1300.00 or bevI oflor. 878- ing condition'.. Suiary '.ched- 4403 aller 5 pin. 5c49-3223 î.le andI fringe benefits in cf- 196 FNTACParivien ne -con - ted - 19-6ihPeNT6AClmaie 0od o- Appiy in miisg, giving ugo, di.tion. Phaorn 78-340 5cn-9eprience antI reterences, 10 diton Phne87-1.5c839 Box No. 135 '1964 -PLYMOUTH 2 door. 6 cy-1 lixder standard. 31,000 miles.1 Champion Office 878-3419 afler 7 p11.- 5c49-3177 8c48 JI'M DILLS Managing Editor THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 'Main St. - Milton 8c49 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 -'BEDROOM apartment or omail bouse, end of June. Pheone Burlinglon 637-3695. 14c49-3215 3.B933Ri3M bouse, in Milton or Campbellviiie district. Good reterences. Coul colleci Bronte 827-3436. 14c49-3203 WANTED 10 boy or rent, 3- bedroom bouse. tomn or cotun- try. Stanley Luciw, 1118 Wilson Dr., Sarnia. 14a40 642-579 FORD morker reqoires 2 to 3 hedroom bouse or aparîmeot. Possession May 15. 3 cbldren. Very reliabie. Hamilton 549- 5009. 14c49-3161 15 PERSONAL CORNS - Cailouses. Prompt relief fromt painful coros and calleuses with Lloyd's Corn anxd Cailous Salve. 98c ai Elsîcy's Pbarmacy. 15c49-2547 CHECK faliitg bair, dandruf 8, itchy or scalp scalp with Lanex, a nem ianîoiin scalp leeatment. Satisfaction or money bock. $2.25 jar ai Elsiey's Pbarmacy. 15c49-2556 16 SERVICES HORSES boarded, s ceni c Irails for riding. Phone 878. 6244 or 9476. 16c49.3237 INTERIOR paintting Free eS timates. Experienced workman' ship. Caill 4ank and Jim. AgIon 853-2324. 16641.620 ED. MCMULLEN Contractor e PlaslCriflg, Cemuist Work e Chixnneys amd Plrcplacc t * Exterior Scacco 1 * Plasteetng Repaira Phone Acton 853-1818 l6ett Peter P. Looser Carpentry Form, Frosne and Trim Work Repaira - Alteratona Phone 854-9886 R.-R. 1, CAMPELVI<LR. lietU PACONI EMPLOYMENT WANTED) Dead Stock Removal WILL baby sut in my omn 3ýhome. 878-6632. 9c49-3167 WILL cure for pre-schooi age ebcildeen in my owx home. 878- 19645. 9c47-2891 EXPERIENCED Baby Situer avoulable day'. or enening.. 878- 84426. 9c49-3176 ROTOR Tiig minimum $3. per boue. Phone afier 4 p.m. 878-3167. 9c49-3230 WILL baby sut s my omn home and prosude teansporta- tics. large yard, roterences. Phone 878-3610, 9c49-3165 '13 FOR RENT STORE os Main St. Appiy V. Mule. 8786043. 13c49-3192 2 BEDROOM Aparîmext, Mil- ton Court Aparîment, 878-3395. 13c49-3178 MAY Ist - 6 rooca house, cen- teaiiy tocated. Phone 878-9925 afler 5 p.m. 13c49-3184 ELECTRtC MOT WATEBb HEATERS mils free service., Phone Milton Mydro 878-2345. 13eef-425 FURNISHED eoom, centrai location, ighî housekeeping, lin- en suppiied. Phone 878-3461. 13e49-3225 VISIT EXPO-Teailers, eight mile'. lu Expo. May lhro' Sep- tomber, rate'. reasonable. Tel, 878-6261.- 13c52-3172 SMALL tuenished busemenl aparîment. Mature single No- mas prefterd. Phono aler 5.30 878-2579. t 3c49-3218 'MAIN tioce cf J bedroom 'nungalow, working couple with vmaili amity prefeered. Phone 878-2558 days. 13c49-3219 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 BEDROOM bouse, on taem preeereed, 2 childeen. ref- orence'.. Phone 878-3610. 14c49-3164 ACCOMMODATION, wanted la rosI. app. May t, 2 to 3 bed- room bouse or aparîment, any- o-bore in Cestral Hallon, George- uown or Hilton area. Culi Hor ace Tomiinson, Surge dealer, Inglemood, 838-2264. 14c49-3214 7Highcnt eash pricea for dead or e disabed eows and horaca. CALL OPERATOR - ASBC FOR r Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 73RF67 97067 6 16edf '-Walnut Ranch Ltd. nCrippled and DisabIed Cava and Horsa 5 24 Mour Servie Lie, Nos. 133«P 20SC462 Waterdown MU 9-1044 2 idett LAWN CHAIRS REWEBBED *4 CHýAIR - $2.00 -* CHAISE LOUJNGE - $4.00 Paironize HOPE WORKSHOP PHONE 878-3369 DAYS or 854-9%66 EVENINGS 16c49 >17 REAL ESTATE it Leonard R. CHANDLER -REAL ESTATE BROKE h'Coupteoux, 3'rofexsional Service' 9 Thinking of Selling? 'FOR FAST R'EGULT-S, LaIST WITH Leonard R. Chandler A leading 'Real Estate Broker d 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat r1Homes - Faross - Acreages - r, Businesses 4 17c49-if -w- pu 'Zi

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