6 Tie Canadien Champion, Wednesday Aprîl 12, t967 Hon. Stanley Randail Tells Tories Ontario entices buyers f rom around globe Tise Hon. Stanley Randaîl, semblter ut economies and de- velopseent, deparled [rom is prepareli lest and delisered a1 speech on prospects for tise pruvince of Ontario ut riday's Progrossisve Conservtise nom- inations for lise neso riding of Hattoot West .01 Borlingon. Ge'orge Kro.ý icuntîbeot Hal- son ntember. oas onoppose ino is bid tu capture lise Tory nomination for Hallon West. Mr. Randail opened itis es- phasis un tise recogniion af- fluent Canada is reeciving iroad. He called Ontario Cao- adas musî affluent province, "tise most saluable piece ut reat estatein lise morld." tron curlain countries are shuing greater inlerest tian auy otisers in doing business. They're returning ta apitalism tor goodo thietr svstese ias't provided. Mr Sandalclaiwed. My respîsnslhilltty, ise said, mas Io expund tis e conomv ou peuople puinodas oon 't puy more taxation tomorroso. His deparîmeol brings foreigo boy. ers lu industrial shsowssin Can- ada as weIl as laiing sales mis Kerr... îCotinued tram Page One) educaton cosîs if eeced art ieing bandied about. ire said. -Ils a faine assomption t0 espet addilionat tas monev m-uld comneuout anybodys pockel bol your om," ie ciarged. "You cnt reverse charges. Look aI tise miole piclure." ie asked lise atten- tive audience suggestiog state- ments tram tise opposition mere irresponsible. "Tise monos must comne Ibrougi tise laspavers." ie statesi. Mr. Kerr resiemed govero- ment spending on education "It taIses a billion dollars lu carry ouI presenit commit- ments.' ise sid. "but ot tise sociaisîs sgv ise per cent a year ssoo d bcuisorbed.iss tise guveroiment Tise province continuaill pays more tian lise additional fise per cent a year." Our plan la no student mili ise denied an education. nu malter mhere ise lives, Mr. Kerr empisasized. "t do a gree as costs rise, some changes must corne, but me mut paltishe wisote issue in its proper perspective." ise continued. Reterring btise Smiths re- port miici bas iad educalion under s tudy for oser tiree years. Mr. Kerr said ho espeet- ed il muuld "provide some an- smers lu educalion probterss He canctuded bis speech bv praisitto parts worisers main- y and calling Premier Roiarts tise greatest statesman tn Canada Iodas" Andreso Frame, BurlioctoT president ofthtie Haton West Conseryatives. mas ciairmar for tise meeting mth Gordon Beatty. Guelph,. a past presi- dent of tise Hattun party. chair- sean for tise nominations. A maie mas sisumn on On- taro miile nominations mers received. Remarsk were asu hert frose Lea, Bernier, M.P.P. for Kenura., a ruumn mate ut Mr. Kerr's. as meli as Halton East Cosersaline candidates Jin Snum. an Oakvilte businessmat misa resides on a turm at Hornby. Mrs. A. Rickman secon ded Mr. Kerr's nomination. The meeting ended ils a collection and sume briet rn- marks fruse tise hairotan ans tise band plaved un. Mr. Randatî's speech is ro- pruduced elsemisere in this patter. F R EE FILM SHOW IN MILTON FIRE HALL F RIDA Y APRIL 14 7.30 p.m. Everyone s welcome tD camne ands son Io dramatoc pclures of vtalIntereslte everyone- "Although the las-fisbe Moved" deals witis Alaskae earlbotuake. and ihay Cel il Fisepo7'" shows hose a supposî-dly fireprunt ibuild- ing isn'l. SpoRnsord by Miltons Fis-s Dep.in stcojuRctioR wth Nalton E.M.O. ions abroad. Seveoty-oine mis- ions in tise ast toue years hrougistin 125 million insami- pte orders atone. Espurts are up 63 per cent, soay ahead ufthtie target set bv tise economic couneit '"That is tise was Ire keep Cnada working." "Were trainiogsmen to gssst around tho globe to spreîst mord ut Ortirio" Mr. Randal said. "Canada la the targest im- porter ot manutactureli goods n tise world," he ctaimed. stressing tise eountrv must bate trosie batance. Mr. Randatt aid Espo 67 soutd show Canada off to tise world. "Ét' tise greatesltishing tiats iappened to Canada in our history.' Tise tourtis targ- est pavition bas heen erecledi hy Onario- 60,000 square feet cowpletety Ontario. Benefits ta, Ontario from Es- po would biSe 12 million in gas- oictaxes, $125 million in con- tracts and op to $t50 mllion on rtoenue from extra tuii passing throogh. Surlier in hi s speech Mr. Randal poke on tise housing shortage. Ho said is govero- ments HOME progru se sould help tise mosI people. "t is n00 a gise assas ," he said, -nor a handout for people ss0wsc.în f. tordtou puy."* Low Incarne and senior citi- CroIs îilt c he tie nIs people suhsidized hv lise prograse. ho climed. Mr. Randalssas introduccli ho Mrs. Len Andrewos, Camp- bellvilte, sec:ond ice-president ut tise Hallon West Conersa. tives. Signs . lContinued rum Page One) Deaing itis instituttonal gns, il wsuspointeli ouI tise spe of sign t Haton 'Manor, mounted ua masoorv malt, osas illegal, vol il osas qite a destraiste tope ot sigo ITt ws agreed reqirements sioaId be des elopcd tisaI mould per- mol Iis tope of sigo. Do me oant uvrisangong ,iogns? cting ciairman G. C. 1Goosoland qized members. Counellior Gord rantz sog- gesteli remosal of al tise oser- iangingsýigns cooId lead lu a drais street. 'He noted councit aI il$s ast Indication fasored overisunging sigos. Gordon Gomtand observedi ise liised tise appearance ut Yosogo St. n Toronto since un- >eriangiog signs iad cuame down. Cooncillor Chartes Fay sug- g ested oserisuoging sigos more nu more menace tisan amniofs and eanopies. Memisers greed 10 look tise Street user and seek tortisen local opinions. t -Support tise Canadian Can- S cer Society campaigo. A cao- sa vsser will ise calline on you. -Wisat iappened tu Marcisl Tcame n like a amis, and i. mventoot tise samne mav. OBITUARY E. D. Ryder Esisoard D. Rydcr,' who mas ioro in Acton and speot aI- n.tatt is 88 years here, passed assayin Guelpis Gener- at Hospitat ou Satorday, Aprit 8. He tad good tînuttis att is tong ife. but isalibeen in rut- idty fiing beais for tise Toit îireessoeks. He lited at 93 Mitl St. E. oith hi stooaghter, Mrs. Ru- cltpb Spietvoget and Mr. Spiet- vogol. Funerat service sous helli on Tooss% lo lrnoos oi tise Raui- lesra 1lsemkr soe l me. condoctesl i tise SeN.A. tt MeKenzc, and intel ment fol- lowed in Fairview cemeterv. Pattisearers mere David Ry- dur, Aton. Ronld Ryder and Robert Rvder. Miton, Ibrce gruodsons:;Bilt and Franks Spietsoget, Actoo nctndJobn B. Calder, Georgetown. Mr Rvder is soroived bo daugiter Marguerite (Mrs. Spielîsîgell, sons Eslo'.rd Gten RosIer, Milton andt Don G. Ro- dIr, Acloo, six grandcbildreo zidselOn i geat-grandctO.ldren, andoîune sisor, Lural(Mrs. R Fîgie) Torono. He ua, spredeceusesl bv is %ite. ,oeson Rodericis Miltar Roder. dauglter DorothvIsa-b belle Rvsler sister Bertba (Mr,. A. Vuncel. MaY (Mr, W. ciseosslel M.îse (Mr,. J. elit brotiero Tiomas. Fredericis ansI Nelsîn. He mas horstin Acton on September 10. 1878, son ofî James Roser and tise former Fronces Mrtin. He iegan in bthe tber trste aI lise îgti sf 14 witi stîîîeo Glîîve Compînsv anli frornîe ime hast is oîssoglose bîîineso BHe os emplovectfor a misVin tise leuîber indoolro oinHîtiltoîn, busît re t îortoectoî %ooîist Oea îît mosre îîîd Co.. ansI retiresl fioon here in 1956. Milton Co un c il B r ief.q Ourong lise reglar meeting a toarc .i Milton oCuncil Monday. nIl 26. meotîbets: Scisool1 0 Noooid Assessi'n or hnosu Ago C. A. M; I ' sos mos usnitcisîspal rlepre- Boa.s ne t,, c iCentral Ou- ais Deoelopotoeolt Council Monscit along îilis Councillor Percv tisaIipis Barr.borcierei a Agreesi momiers mould ie subi meel mils memisers ut counicil Cunsers f cos Esqu-esing and Nassaga- malter -l t tise Higis Scisoot for amenirr t-i-al -I He and tise former Isabelle Millar sere married in Toron- to. Sports were bis particatar iterest, Ho played ils en- tisssiasnn on many teasn scnltintes on tise suOns teams as is brotisers. Ho mas ac- lv inlacrosso, hockey andi baseis,îl ansi is participation spannest manv sears. Afer ise sîoppeli being a popuar ptav- ui n tise teanos hisisecf, ho sisteol., cted a s seorekeep- etonsls.oachesl Almost anvone wtis., sîs ectoinolîed in spiots n Acîon befoîre tise past 20 oers rec lîs Mr. Ryder. Wlocn age corlailed i, bis iiit 000 pîat ansi later esen lu ut- tend 2amoes. lio still tollomesi is favoîrite te-los ono radio taIsnsion t-is inlerest neoeî fistogesl ooool tise past ooooveciss He- lt-osals,o ntewier ut te Conustiars Wsooosl e n ofthtie Worid satisf action Gurated IN Custom.made Slipcovers, S Bedspreads and Draperies QUOTED PRICES INCLUDE Hanging and Advice on Interior Decor DRAPERIES Made Right on The Premises mentlbh Iher tli sisoppinî e Pro as Lisea e Nîi arranged ng io ai 7.30c eartisqu ensergen ils il. lu isea satticien e LLa ut tise tacilities an Ap- as guests ufthtie Higis Board. -eed to eonsull mils De. 0aolin and tise Planning ,,n ao Depinîent sot îal Allats sggestion lasfor any land tilI in s nortis ut Main St. and d isy Milîside Or. moold )c lu appruvat ut tise -ation Aulisority. Tise 7arase in plans for an nent in tise uons ot- plan lu permit aparl- uildings an tise site, ra- han lise eartier pruposeli roclaimed April 16 lu 22 rary Week in Milton. loed lise tire cisiet isad md a special film sisow- tio P ire Hall Aprit 14 )dîtpicting tise Alasksa uake and tise use ut ncy sersices in dealiog -t A latsr sisomiof mas arranged if tisere mas ot interes. arne i n a tle t rîm the Police Chiet there mere still comptaints of trucks us- ing residential streets. He not- ed, isowever, tise prolber woutd soon be uvercomne and in tise meantisoe the trucktng tirse was only taking tractors 10 tise former bus tactorY building on Court St. Trailers %vere being tett on job sites or parked at tise rear ot Mittun Ptaza. a Agived tou inqoire loto tise tocation uf saftv sigos former- ty erectesi by tise Roary Club as tise two toain entrances to tooso. A copv of a Rotary let- ter pointiof out tise neesi for Stop sigos t tise Oits from thse po king lots of Milton Plza, Brwu s' Rait and Mil ton Curling Club was toli dtovcted to the owners. It sous notes tise tome coutd not erec t stop signs on private propertv. e Approved a payment ut $2.000 from tise curren t les.v to, tise Milton Pubicti Lihirr Board. * Approvosi pavment of ac- counts totatting $5,8029.41. DRIVERS HOMORED Two Milton Police Coosta- bls,5 Wayne Hardy and Bilt Patterson were among tise gests at a dinner in Oakvitte tast wsek mien tise Brewers Warehousing Co. Limited isetd bhei r annoal safe drivers aw ards nigist Emptovees nf tis-. irse froim Miton, Oakvitte, Bronle, Strecoîsilte and Ctark- snattenleot. *THEY'RE HERE! LETTER SLOTS ARE NOW IN STOCK MAILBOXES AvailibîR fs-sm $1.69 up LARGE 3" orS s- ber SlE PREPARED FOR MAY 1 Watch Our Window McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN ST. 878-9222 and save on the World's hottest-selling Hardtop! Todayo lise day to decode to boy tisaI Mustang pounve boon dreamongabDouti Ansi loin lise Mustang generalmont bur choîce of enlry -thse iDdtep. lise convertible, or lies teak GT-slyled Fasibact 2+12, Witis over 100 options, pou can make pour Mustang distinclively peurs. And 10 reatly save, ciseose lise '3rd eirlisday Treat' equlpped Mustang hardiop! Drive home in a new Msang. Wisat an entry you'lI maket 'mHu Commerce ftnancing and bank services helped this fas-mer bnp a tractas- and equipseent ta fit thes job. As-e pou planning any purcisases? Came ta tisetarseers bank. CANADIAN IMPERIAI BANK< 0F COMMERCE DO IT NOW!R (Join the Mustang Generation) reMust get a Mustang!"lç IRVRRY1I6 FORD CARIIID EDOPPER WITH TH FORD OF CANADA &TANDARD NAFITY PACKAGERAND BACKEDUP DY OUR MIONIECOMPREHENSIVE3-POINT WARRANTY. TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 Main St. East Phono 878-2369 Il ADD A from '$30 Iu OR EXCITIi 1 o FASHION WIG 13: Main W. 13 VISE UP NG VIGS op 1 .2131 WhiIe you can get our special Mrd BirthdayTreat", "3rd Birthday Treat" * Dl Hoond ott humsignal IoAOOOR aWtteet Lp Mosîdings *Whte S dewal lTires e Kntoed Black Vnyl lteior e ChoTooT sot Candyapple ed. e Dons Edge Guards St o'ngie ymloIToA o cerPanel Moldings ThtidebirdDaond green é Deluxe Wheel Covers Lots ofsparkle at a special Iow pnice. 878-2513 MILTON 8 MARTIN ST. 1