.~...............................................fil The Canadion Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 Sport Lites b y lari a n tmcc ri s ta1l THERES OMLY ONE THING better thon an O.M.H.A. Pee Wee "B" fltle and thats an O.M.H.A. Jusenile "B" fille fine years taler. Thats hat fise oaithe Nadatin Electric J avenule Flyers have bren thinking aboutt nom. Mrs. Date Brusit, unosli.sil craiphook keoitor for te Milton Hockey Sonne, paiîtedîot th c woi'k tbat five pltying members nE tbe l'adalin Elesctrie J asenite Ftyorcsucvre in uni- form with the Miton Kinsmen Pec Wees mhen the club cap- tured the Pee Wee "B" crown0in 1960-61. Fîver goatender Phit Brush, defenceman John Forbes and forwards Paul Kitchen. Marty Seods and Keiih Higgs are haid-overs from tbe '60-61 Poc Wee titlists. The team, alsn the minner of tbe West Meiro division championuhip in the Little N.H.L. Toornament, was coached by Chuck Gervais and managed hy Herb Higgs. Other members of that squad were Maurice Cassidy. Gary Andress, Brian Brosh, Tom Sargent, Doug Heures, Doug Nalar. Andy Berry, P. Mountain, Gerry Devin. Steve Keane. E. McDuEfe and Davo Hanter. Bohby Orr, prize rookie sith the Boston Beuins Iis minter, piayed in the samne Ltte N.H.L.ornes that vear. The Milton team mas the first teum oser ta win the O.M.H.A. championship. Il mas the seeond Year the Pec Wees cîîmpeted in O.M.H.A. paydowns, but the first year there wete onis zone championships. VETERAN BASEBALL and hockey star Bob Salvsichrg of Borlinglon sboutd add considerabie color lu the Halton Caunty Senior league Iis sommer. The well knoosn veteran bas agreed 10 manage the Buringlon Cardinals in the Halton Senior loyp afîer sers'ing as player-eanager of the Brantfoîrd Red Soit of the Intereounty Leugue for seer.tl seasons. Salii urg is one of the btter hench jockeys in the yrovince and siosyte bis considorable ailils, hes bolier nouisn for bis cutiiof qtillys and red bot tompor. Earty indictioin% are bhat tho Carîlinats wiliiho partieulaeiv sîrîng ibis seasil - thei r second in thie Halton toop. FORMER MILTON MERCHANT hIttrmesiate star Jaick Price mas the chiof priz-winnera i the Oakitte Oak bic les bainquiet recontly. Price, mho retorned ta toun to las ,an osîbitiiîn game againut the Miton Mercbants, wsa issii thelleýll mont valuahie player award, the ttoybs loi Ieaîlio flicte teit in sooring and the mout yiulir loser aad PROSPECTS FOR A STRONG Haltiin Riial Sîiiball League gre rigbter, tollit sing tho leiglios inntiut moîii recentiy. Procor. Halton Hitel. LîsîlHîrnbs andi PuIi i have agreod 10 elum for anoibercson itandti uthoesurprie of some il is expected a cubsh iili ho ficlulesI oiii resent Omaghb The Omagh team droyyed oti t ad lced fls c "Right 00w il lbobs good."seuictarv Ri.k Joîhnsoinresport,, TOFICAL TID BITS Tho bat 'n bail seao un onthe major leafue cccel began rhis week. su, undoubtedty il is lime tu fat cuasi the Svyteniber finiuh. Our sentimental favorites, the Boston Roed Sus. 'biotId be vatty im provesi and %&e ctnforcscensuth b utile ifiliott leout a second or Iird plac.e finish in ibe Amricin loiaoie. Cininaîl Rosi Legs should cature the National Leigue c1550 and the Baltimore Oriotes shoulsi ho repeaiers in heojlioir loup. athough îhoy could gel sif opyosition front he Sox andi tho Dtroit Tigoru. Top contender in the ,enior loupys1li ihly ho Pittsburgh. Remember, secretories of bowling cagnes are requestesi 10 contact The Champion if thee sish a phoingrapher Ioi attend thir lbague banquet. Pease ict ns k nous sceUin c e... The annuat meeting of the Ontarto Hoches Assciiation iii hc hotd in Toronto on April 29. Pros ut Hornbv Toer and Wvtdcsuied golf courses are hoping the season wiii officialtv gel undersuas on Saturdav. Both courses mutl have new pros tht s scar. Hrnbs Tomer. the popular pay-as-you.ploy course i Ot north of Hornbv on the Seventh Lino, iii hase Bill Thomyson, a former Ontario Open Champion, au its pro. Some orIv bird golf ors staeted grue- ticing on tho practico fairmas late last mcek. but actuai las on the course wiii 001 gel undermav untit Saturday. Il is on- pocled some tomyrary greens usît bcein use for the first few days. At Wyldeuuood, Diek Roche, a former yen ai Huntingona and Bolton wiii take uver as pro. Ho reylaces Bort Losng sebî beid the pont for four yearc. An oyenîng date cf Aprîl 15 fSaturday)is luaso being piannod for Ibis course. Membershiy fees romain the same an ant ve and pay-a-soun yay fees have been upped 50 cents. "We'ti open Saturdos tinless socgfetoame more heavy rain",an nynkeuman caid, Leaveuvnot forget the Miltoîn Minor Hockey Associations annual meeting in the Rosat Canadian Legisîn Holl. Miton on Sunday afternoon ut 2. An execu tise sit hoc elecied for the 1967-68 season . .. Laeo on Sandas, ibereti ho lents tif lnugbs in store if you hiko down lu the arena for the Milton O.. vs Milton irfigters broombali game. riierds frîsm the gamte go 10 the North Hatton Assoit.atio fise Menlalîs Retarded. Anrora Tigers. mho domned tbe Mltosn Merihants n nt1e first round of the Suburban Lague lavoffs. arec clii usy. The Tigers rccn tly ousteti Pares Sounnd frîîm the O.H.A. Junior "C" playdowns, are currentivteangiing mith Napance. SITTING DOWN on the joh s Unbridge Juven- players are shown congratulating a teammate de goaltender Ted Balihoger Uolrdge sqcar- in the backsground whiie an Uxbridge defend- A crossd o)fsmore than 400 watched. Milton er fishes the puck out of the net. ýc1 the final series on Monday night in Milton. (Staff Photo) RalIy folle short Uxbridge ties series fifth game on Friday Tutus ttle. iauu te suas t6e Io on Mondia% nght as the Nalalin Fiocteic Isîsenile Flc- ers (cil suint chosrt i tus eir bid lus tube s cumm.ivtlsng thece faines r,,1one lbathin 16e cbam- puinclhp seric againci Un' A second peclod let-ow cusI thoerisrs tho ganse hs s ,cre, ss aisus gam escaitlThe list gilicsusil ho piiuu'otin L'shrtlgon Friss aif pm. Ssthcmesit ho in Miltoin tut Stiuuidiuniit 8piný lis te centvh 0gaine if nec- t,ýi* ille n(vhs uuitiseon Munav a 8 pm. Moadago game su', srolIs iisioesflthce gvainesbh,ît vsecsonsus'anditbon" Morme han 4011 (tins in Millo arena houteti, -choutesi. icored and checethe ho rila minute ae- tise ansi despite bbe cîsstv second perso ut e-some. the Flyues came noîy cluse te in- oing. le 16e inai minute Flyer cstch hin Ho noani regbaced goaitulcer Phi] Brush mith an extr a attacher and tIhe stra- cfpy almuint paisi off. Bob Roab- son mbsctlesI a' sho u ot pont Minor hockey annual Sunday president reports on season Aller nearbynsevon manîhc ai minne hockey action,- the ea. son will oliiiatiy elndni Mondap utth1e latent. Bu there won' be aret for hockey bufis. Planning [or the 1967-68 seasun usîilhegîn hic Sunday afiernosnant 2 p. mhen 16-t» annual meeting iii the Milton Mînor Huchos As sudiation is beisinth1e Reul Canadian Loegion Hall, Miton. At the annusîl meeting t6e probtmms ibai mav base crsap- ped og dursegith e anon sui l ho diseunsesi ansi an enecutisuc for the neet season miii bu eci ectosi. Rtiing geesident Jim Mur- ray notesi Iis moek, "t thiol we hadoarealigoodsi sasîobut il's lmays disapgeunîing mben me bald our annual meeting and vory femturn out. Il bus almayn beon a ht-dome ansi ibis ear il moulsi ho nice if there mas o change." These non anlhe suboto mas tremendousuny uceescli, bhe roîiring p res i doen t beieves. Teamu repreen ting the tome mon fiee Tri-Cousîty champion- ihigs ansi teamn setoctesi from the bouse ceagne picees up bonors aI caronus tournamonis. Three ni the tomn f ive "tomo toams' reorhed lIse On- tario finals in their dvisions ansi Imo - t6e Jueeniles ansi Foc Wees - are cili i n conten- lion for crowos. One tbtng JMm wouldlil, t sec nedt ear imur ce rim lise houus- cagne tams. "id le uiem tus have a gaule ansi a pusticocsversssok. lu w îs e san c suls have ots rasse- hheraton. botthki m t ssuutsbc-ssirth ii'- Ho s pirbicalarIs yieancd uith [fts'efotrs iof lbeMilice Retorces Asscioatioin, 1ia' evr reiiienlx'r shev use husi asJiuuitltndsiluiblv ecroeciug as ui'e-iistIbisscar,"hbcniicl Anuuther ptoscanltspect mml bus act torsei in i l t's anHiti socmcocc in c oitpii iti îl imeen bbe Miltonsî hn tti Jsuniorandiflite Assoiin.e 'The o oîkol alteite Jtisses ilthis bisor mvii hout,-\a i.,it pruabtoîn %t-birsaidiiigj' lic - i bnletr-m flii la,s n tact t thunk rites opiscrsuuuil o the- Junioîrs m mne mlt ttioueis liri thbbcJuveiiles l.haieiaitet bbc finals:' bceinticastid This peur cvery pltisse ssi, paio5sin a teain 50 iio bscesctsp usilI toes,-io s '-rosi Prý,'i'isosl -s tucsi gi-n moii bsn las-is titiclais ionsbig nue inaluitisants. More bonne iciguso la >%esn thon oser betore hîtiano spur- units te ake partlin otntof tomo tournaemnis anoitht pro- gram morkdosstu-ot l.Pitix ors from hbusselotgue lttons foitport in tîurnomonîs sl Newmmoret. Brînîateaîani For- gus ansi Tyke andîtP.smneighb boumn ii ,f pjO it lisrs tîssinthe huisebiguepistotI invScarbiri) nd Biramal.it. Jin pralsesi the iuuitsuhuit k evcisachoc.andiotau.setcautjd the millir nitctobses ualtelin- uoe buskes es-ci-ouus "Tisecl iperasione las becrii emt Therse otmade nus jobh îrsouî easy.' hccatdt P ruihie ns c "Wcoue hdb out ,l-tors miisss 011,huit 1t titill issu ibriogis bt-cullc liii-ohp avnd mmml iistuissuiussuhiiuheng chut mi Andi bit 's otithing' ho csncluulos \'.uuui.tls%\înten'e tus apici )a Cinai utb' ito- uiu, lu etlitci m Ilit,. lit cr Výli i- n [hou ils- lisit cttis ifC Mifton Phurmucy 246 MAIN ST. 8 78 - 234 3 COSMETCS citlaheth Ardeuu Prepasaitons Du Bsiro*Y Msx Factor Chanel No. 5 Agevey for LAURA SECORD CANDIES te open corner andi ona close te tes Uebl ige goallendor Ted Bailinger wsout c ofnEpuition1 bel bbc chot headieg for t1ee oct glsncedolff a defenccm.în usîlsu 16e coine. The Flyers, lrsutung 5-3 011the endi osfthc' secondi periosi. came hack strof in the final 10 oiutsler Uxbidge recciv. oui a gfui scixi gîtai. Gars Mountaîn bout Bolli- for from 10 feet nul t 11.02 sibh Mais Sectîs ansi Foui Isitche osisinio At 13.06 the luoalc muisesi lis ithin 00e gîtai ut a tic an Barry McTrach tai rom bebinsi the net 10 beît Balinger mith a bock- bander. Rchard Clement an- sus t cd The Fîvers took the leasi in he lirut periosi as Wayne Ar- stisiss baokhander from a serambie in front of the net beat Bllinger. Bob Colbeck andI Slove Lawrence assinleti. John Noble ied il up for liobritige ai 1446, bealing Mil. ton gualie Phit Bronh ilb a tîîm shol from clone in. Barry McTrach's first goal tuf bbe nigbt ai 2.36 of the sec- ond perid madeit 21for Mil- tiot. Keith Higgs and Tom fodising buipsîl out. Mîke Mor- ricin cidbbe coene.fore Un bridlgc sic minutcs lotcm Pool Pennants on display Coliurful gonnants ignils uelg the tire Tr[-County -"B' ebam- piensbigc ssvon 6v Miltonto boms ibis suinter. aueonom on dslty un Milice Arena. Three penoan Is arc pinnesi (in the norihmall of the arena andtiw msare un thoe esaiesi grecs box. SponcsrnEof1te leîms, Trafalgar Molors (No- sire)i. Milon Kiosmen Club (iFc Wees), Miltoan Legion it3,nia,l Milton Roars Clob i Misgel uni Nad,îtin Eecîrie IJuvenitecl paisi for the pen. 0001 s Kitchen wsat1e muekumon on Milttuns ird goal ansi thon Usbridge scored tbree in quick fashion aller Milton faitesi 10 cuipitalize on a two mon adi- s antage. Unbridge goal seor- ers more Wayne Foote, Ron Cramiord ansi Doug Barlon. BLUELINE BANTERm ((il- ton miccosi defenceman John Fîîrben mhn mus ilb ansi unable to play . . . Misigel star Bob Robson filted inlecapably . . . Fans manting 10 o 10 Fridoy night's gamne bv bos shoulsi 6e ut the arena by 4.45. manager lins Wilson reports . . . Alan Glbert fîlle i n hriefly for Phi] Brush in the seconi. per- iod . . .Bresb hurt bIs bond ansi hasi 1 (ouve the game for regairs. He came bock to glas he third periosi. By Ken Young Aller sropgiog bhe tîrsi gsnte lu Durham, Milon came back tu in Imo gamnes on Dubam sec ansi move ilonthe Ontariou finals afuint Thocobhil The Kînsmen cllmased iheir t.tamebuek wsith a decisive 7-3 viclory tant Wednesday nigbl. Wit oneofiîthenisttesîm c. lutsfthi a1e scason Milton be(l a "-0 ca th1e mi geint uot the gainî'eon ueo goals each bs' Rc kv Barber ansi Jee MoCar- bitsv ansi a cingle 6v Jum Robert- cen- Brvans ansd MeFasitcn asi deti tsssmarkerctfor Durham (atcicn the secosnsi prisoltua keep iheir 6open olive. la (he Iird perlod bhe Kin,- mon ou inenresi Durham 2-i on goalsitN 6vGrog Cbuehmacb ansi Ricks 'Tiget" Brisigman. Dean Noîut snoted-siDurham'c onlv goali. Assisîs on Mitonscor- ing tlavsnssent bu> Wade Bekar (2), Mîke Kasivc hi 12), Brion Wulianin ans i JusRobrtso Kinsmen Pee Wees drop first game of "Wo'll come back and take is slated for 7 g.m 'em,' Bob Colhen, pepper-pot in Milton. coach nf the Milton Kinsmen "We onl hud on Fe Wees voseed one Monday figer.Lino - thta nigbt after bis teom droyped mcli tonight," Bnl the first gameouf the Ontario The Tigor line, ct Fee Wee "B" finals aguint Ricky Bridgman, Thornhili. or. .tim Roberucain Traiting 3-0 ai ane stage in hie and Brion Wili the coitlest, thoeIscals fîoght in (in al bece Mil back 10 lie the game bcforc Rîcho Bridigmar basing anoîher brief lot-dîsonoct mon on t-ho sqt wbieb cout tbem tmo goals and big mon for the i tbe gamne. Final score n'as 5-3. pair nf goals. Jiry Second gante nf the hast of bad the other Mil tbree nories milI hbei Thorn- Robe'rtson and R. bihi at 7 pm. on Saturday. had tmo assisis ou. Third gamne and Miltosp- Bekar and Brion porters are sure thore w Ilbo, had one each. Manager Ken Yc d,'eeplayesi Midetswi and me know wa M id Their big gon is Pa tOI&F If me con stop i »O t do oa. tourn meni Demarco, a rang3 Twoownsin arom on Satur- ing lad, came og day boouîed bheM iton Rotary goals for the inni Mtdgets 10 the cbampîonsbip ________ in the annuai Mapto Scrup Fes- tivut Tournamont 'n Elmira. a Je.MeCa.. skate rs came 'KIO1 Lki, top w.itb a 6-2 vic tory ovor Et- mira in iboir firci fumne, Gra- bamn Hem bhit for a bot trick gives and Martin ONeill notchitd Richard Ctcmcnt singles. Bob Robuon, Rich Cuis tird goal ni tht.it and Phil Martin had mno as- te bird perind, b sisesueacb. TLd Hood and Mihe lnurth une mitb te McGratb had single heigers. minutes remuinit Tecry Cale came up sitb t6e ltion lime .hat or hig savos n nt1e second gamne teronce. tunPace thelociltoa7-4 tri- For thecsecond unb oser Waterloo. Rick sueek the Nadal Coleo and Graham Hemn hadi Juvenile Flyersi 1sa goal seacb fo the minnecm. bridge A rena and4 Don Cbuchmacb, Martin 0'" yod lime tosvcan Neill ansi DoHesîrîts ad sin- a ,ictorv. TheF gle goals Assiss svent 10 Ted u nnoedesii h Hlood 131 Don Hers, 131,' Gra- tinogaine lud io ham Hern(2). Du.n Chtchniach seven sertes for il (2). Jim Cale and M artin UO- Jusenito 'B' bhant Nnil Faclng the vicli The tournament marked the ard Clement andF cloe ofthe scason forthe Ro- prant moveiofthL tory Midgetc. me MeCann ut 18.38 of the tl eîîached the club. Ron Mac- With a teammato Kay m'as manager and Bob cootet Clement sc Stork mac assistant manager. inside the Unbriu and riited a baro Ted Baltinger lu an 8-7 in. Banquet Fîser manager A ssîndoyp banquet f00 the rcpurîed "ail the Milton Mercbant Juniors and oel A couple i Nadatiti Electrie Jusenile FIs turmancs nlike il esil] be beld in 16e Rosat bc 1he champs." Canadian LegioneH all, Muilton, Cheered un 6va onAprit 26. supporters pins At an emectillicomeeting tif la,' fli%' h the Juniar ClubaS uncay l ointefromt bcbin( suas dcsideul ta bctol th1e ban- Ocastt5 ey dis quel (in thb ateila.nd invite Ivan Geer put jnvenile placets andi ans otb- Iron i6.07capti ers mbii laYed mith the tram îîen.îlîs o Steve sitriof thenseacon. Milton. Multon's Ati t ime amards mii bhockIotier ai 8.18 yresentcd to. tbe 0usd valu- stored mîîb 'ssis able planer. 10 the mont sports- Maris% Seeds andF mantike placer. Io 16e loy goal Juubn Nobie gui U screr and lis the rookie ofth1e inItînt at 953 cour. Puckc ii alco ho pro- minutes taler Bat sented 10 placers mbo scored scared bis lîrsi af tboir fies ntoregoîalibis sou iii licethe cout son. Gooding asnited. In an effort lis balance 16e lord's goal ai 19. budget. the Mereant execu- bridge a 32 lead t ciei planning a $111 di nnor came I0oa cloue. for June 14. Noble' s second night gave Ushi idgt bulge ut 10.43 of stonna. belore Mait isheti off a gassîti Clemeni andJ Stete Noble's tiicigoal slisci 6v Clenîsr final series n. on Monday te lino - our at mas going Ob regsîrted. consisiir,nf Roekv ftarh. n, Wadc Be' tiamcin mas lissn gisais. inthe cmatt- nasi, mas the night mitb a lm Robertson ilIon macker. ýocky Barkee ach and Wade nWittiamson îung sgent- id 16cm nom it 10 look for. laoi Domarco. om me shoutd gy. bard ukat- m ith thee ors. Ho start- ed theoseortng erly ln the fient poriod. Nick Bernardi mode il 2-0 and John Regan gave the visitors a 3-0 hulge. Rlcky Bcldgnnan nacrowed the gap ut 14.50 of the periosi and ai 16e sume lime in bhe second yeriod, Jim Robertson matie il32. Britigman's sec- Oru goaul ofube night ut 3.20 osf the ibird lied 16e score. Less thon tIomorinutes Iter Demarco cliched for hi s second goalf.n! the night and ai 12.30 ho fiished 1he scoring vitb an unussisled effort. The largesn erowd of the oea. son for a Milton Pee Wee gamo mmcnd out for the fast paced affair. Only five penalties mere assessod. lhreee 10Milton. Thornhili manled 10 play a mn -game goals 10 00001 SOC- toc but O.M.H.A. consoner Jim Kinktcv rnled il w05 10 o n beci of tbeee series. Milton %von the tîsnc for the thîrd fume. mentis fourth goal Vers 8- 7 win Friduy nt noiched hic nigbl euely in lut il mus hic lesc thon Imo tg in regu- nade the dit- td lime in a lin Etectri. invadui Us' 1fuse 6e c te home uvilh Fridas nighî i te hcttof the O.M.If A. essua, Rich- hic Most im- he nighl came third yeriod. sittiof in 16e aile the puck idgc blueline rd chot pyod gise Miltn Jue Wilson eboys piased oi more per- lai and useIl s hu, Joad oi touerai ar Fris sha tu i ti on 505'i ai id. t Uxbridgo is ititizing on a Lawre ntce cf ipomer plas' las Clemeni 515t goin g 10 Faut Kitchen, sxbeidge hock and about 9 ares McTrach tf thece goals 1agaîn. Tom .Ron Cram- 23 gave Un- as 1he perind goal oi 1he Ig a tmo goal 16 te second rty Soodu fin- meg plus îeith we Lawurenco. ýai 16.36 suas iec sccoîtt marker le" ihan a minute lot- Or. John Forbes and Paul Kit choC assis ted. At the 43 second mark of the bhird gerioti Clement ied the score us lb Forbes and Lame- ecec assisding. Bares McTeach scoresi ai 6.35 lu gise Milton the lcad for 1he fient lime. Tom Goiadiog ansi John Forbes as- ictesi. Nobles, goal as 13.19 dead- luekesi the score agaîn and imo minutes liter McTraeb had bis bal trick andi th, Fisers had he leasi. Giiidiog and Keiîb Hsggcsassîcîod. The lbourg of the leasi dido't oct long as Ivan Geeccsuieed 25 scends iatee lu mokc il 77 andseso the stage lisr Clament', isinner a0180.38. Steve Law'ronce piekesi up a misconduci penalty uith1e 20 minute mark of the third per- odý Manager Joe Wilson desceib- ed goalsender Phit Beusb's per- fomanceas fgeur MILTON ARENA THURSOAY, APRIL 13 7.45 p.m. - Pro-Am Hockey FRIDAY, APRIL 14 8 p.m. - Horobg Night SATURDAY, APRIL 15 8 a.m. - Milton Minor Hockey inals 2-4 g.m-Public Skatiog 25c 8 p.m. Public Skating 50c or Juveoile Sintb Gamne of On- tario Finals SUNDAY, APRIL 16 7 p.m. - Broombaîl Game iremen vs O.P.P. BUY SAFE TIRES! For Safety's Sake You 0w. it to Yourself and Your Familly t0 Have DEPENDABLE TIRES.. B..Gorc \ SILVERTOWN "THE DOUBLE LIFE TIRE" WITH THE NEW "EASY STEER" TREAD DESIGN. Choose Dependabi, Tires ait JOINSOINS \\\ A Trusted Name for Two Generations ______________________ in Automotive Value. Best effort pays off Pee Wees reach finals DECORATING? Enquire About GLIDDEN CARAVELLE LATEX SEMI AND HION GLOSS FINISHES $2.39 Quart $6.49 Gallon 1 WHITE AND PASTEL COLORS Me have a complete paint service with t,000 avoulable colors (Ctai>t1HARDWARE Do erritt, Authorized Owner 136Mai St Milton 878-6011