Ater a t3-month study nf the drue industry and drue prices in Canada, a special cummittee headed hy Haltun M.P. Dr. Harry Harley tahîed ils report in the House of Com- mot ast week. Dr. t4orley reported consum- ers' drug bills cnuld he slash- ed hy une-quarter or cvn one- bhird if the csmmitîee's rec- ommenslalions wcre impIe- Busy North Hakton thie>ves raid cottages, steaiphene CLARE MeKAY, depuîy-clerk for King Township for f ive yent-s, began mark at is nem job as depuîp-cierk of Haton Counlv on April 3. Mr. McKay is married and the faîber of îwo pre- sebool children. The new depulsi replaces Jim Andrews who resigned t0 lake the post of depulp-cierk aI Guelph. Mr. McKay, 31 years of age, plans to moue vinto te counlp in the near future. (Staff Photo) Hallon Eat Liberals officiaI- Skuce as our gi y kick off their provincial elec- me espeet lobha ion canîpaign ith a rally aI Campaigo sus Hirnby Golf attd Cuntry Club a blile ThursdsN Saturday aI 7 p.m.-a îhr.isgb Frida Ontario Liberal Leader Rab- bandîng ut ta crI Nixon wilI head the litIof turc tn the s speakers, which sill intIode _______ Robin Siuce, the Liberal candi- date in the new riding. Dr Harry Hartey. LsbertIa lh A mebe o prlamntfo Hl-Da tnI ton, mhose parliamenlarv com- mitterecentlîn roughl i a r, port ûn drug prices, miilI alscis o1 Roi speai. Liberals will bold a recc-plion DalonM O for the gtests of honor. loliots f t ed by a dinner and a dance. of Milton fort Maurien Mand crs00 of during the club Georgetown, presidenl of the ing on Tuesdai Halton East Liberal Associa- Hc-wlssî Il ion, aid tickets aI $5 eacb are presidient Joh stilt availahlc. Julv . -W. srec lmted by the lacil Dîbher officer lties to about 300 persans,' Mr. meeting see Manderson said. "Witb Mr. John Broton,. Nixon, Dr. Harley and Rubis Ledwilh. treas Since 1821 liere bas been a member of the Anderson tam- ity frming on Lot 6, Conces- sion 7 in Nassagamepa Town- ship. Abert (Abbiel Anderson, who celebraîrd bis 951h birtb- dan on Tbursday of last meek, is the third sring of Anderson farmers. Altisougis his sight is lailing and hes conined lu a mbeel- chair, Mr. Anderson dlaims, tI'm feeling fine, theres noth- ing foo mucb the mater wilh me.. A resident oI Haton Centen- niaI Manne, Milton, sincee ast Jtly, Mr. Anderson can recalt vivîdly is dapu on the farm. Parming nebods, like evers- uinge nue, bhane cbangcd he said, but ot al the changes have heem for the heter. lYou ese't work tise land as g0usd as you used tu be able tu.' he says. "You can t gel onto il early enougb 0ibmheSpring, the inacinery is ton heanp. t ai- ways bad good teumu and good workmen and then alsoaps did a gond job.' For une vear - 1918 - Mr. Anderson terved on Ibm Tome sip council and athough be enjoped Ibm mrk,"t sion guI off i. It ob up tua much lime." For serving on colIn- cil be received $45 for the near. luesîs of bonor. nve a full bouse'" ,rkers stilI begin iv and continue la and Salurdav campatgn litera- shopping mails During the periud April 2 Iu April 8 inclusive, personnel of thc Milton Delachmenl, Ontar- o Provincial Police, wrked a total of 8741/4 ours and paîrol- ed a total of 8802 miles on area ighmays. As a resull of paîrul. 45 lraftic charges sore preferrerd and 63 traffie viola- tion warnines mere issurd, as welI as 41 convictions register- ed and 35 vehicles sfelv-check- ed. During this period seven pros- perly damage accidetnts, une injury accident and une fatal accident sere invesigaled, re- suiine in one person being on- jured, Imu persons killed and approsimatelv $4200 in îrtper- 10 damage. Couas of aecdents investi. gated mere adverse road condi- tons. escessive speed, cutting n and impaired drsvtng. Set. W. J. Grant reporled There ere 38 occurrencesr tîroughoot the riding. Derek Mason, Shuces s ,sm- paign chairman. said aboutt 75 to'unteerttorkers sili he tan- vasing tb -i-soppinv maIls lb hliteralure abot Skure and theDOn ts ioLiesti Parts. ri McQuaig president ifary CIuh 01 Mikton )uaig %vaselected the Rittars Club rIte 1967-68 veur ubs avouai meel- iv of lais soeek. ced the current ohn Brown on rs eiecled aI tise re vire-president secretarv Mîke asurer Bill Wood te 1914 he purehsscd a Ford car - the first farmer-owned car in Nassagaweva. Fortn-five yraru lalerin 1959, he sold the car for $108) more Iban he paid for i, a total of 3300. "Il wus as gond as the dan I hought i, but il would onîs go 15 mites an hour,' he chuekîrd. The farming tradition on lthe Anderson homestead is hring carried on hv Mr. Asderson's -on, Ralpis Mr. Anderson's onm other child, a daugter Eîbel lMrs. W. C. Dodds)limes n Mount Forest. and directors Don Kennedy, Lachie McKersie, Normn Pearce and Bert Porter. Duetel thc meeting members authorized a furîher studv on the possibilitv of consîruet- ing a Senior Citizens' Hstusing Pmojecî in Miltonnas thr clubs cenlennial project. The club direclors were authorized to name a commilte l investi- gale the detaits nf such a plan and explore the local nerd. The annual peanu I blile sas appruvi.d in the same format as last year. mith ait mnembcr, indicating a willingness 1 par- ticipale. Tbe club alsis agrerd lu continue ils sponvorship of the Milton Figure Skating Club. Reports mere alsn prevrolei on the clubs finances that in- dicaled a deficit stilI sutstavd- ing. the Crîppled Childrens Easler Seal drive, plans for a Grade 13 trip, Scout Troop sponsorship. safetn igos andi other details nf club opera- ion. -Three nets- bîuses under losrcion un Hîgbstsle Dr. are the unît resislenlial pro- jecîs under oav in Miltso ibese davs. porled, including break, enter and thefl ai Hus nb *v Garage -tornhy, in whis.h une Wright Psoer Rladc-satovas ioe;a he cottage residence toi Dr. S. G. Colensan. Cson.5, Nassagt- iaTicti., solsere sa mp. light îulhs andslasvintge dotllar hill ocere sstîco-: thclîtsif a huai. pruperîs of F. Barcd, Con.2. aagsesTsvp.. and s-soie 'esuotert'd: bristsoli sî.sselo' phone ai Dtsrnte's Setsice Si îitn son 25 Hitvtct tîeit tof ,icl and lisi frsssn Rss Oan Fiib itatceersaliCampbell- vil sneasauli;tosur ptemi- es iound in,,ue tnigt; anti .ne person chi ri!,s] os lb "tm pairo reiisti-,a ,sareitofian zit,,îtletit l T ' ttîstng osstsî rence-ssecreof.a mntnature SKYWAY REPAIRS frsilic ties the Bstrlinglun sk\sc.sssssli l iettss.ed 155 issu, jtises,.strieanc in eaeb dir- etsiso. iiegtnstîng îsday iWed- iWssrkmen mill tvsur- te the hridge deck in the titis ssuîh-hounsl lanes. whsch i, cspected lu lake about a b on h, n tbenorthb ond ENJOY SOFIREET *Cones * Shakosý * Sundaos With Your But-gers or DELICIOUS FLAVOR-CRISP CHICKEN CHICKEN SNACK -... 79c CI4ICKEN IN A BOX $1.33 SPECIAI PAK . -$1.99 FAMILY BUCKET .. $3.99 BARRELS ---.-$5.25 For Prompt Tae-Oui Service on Tender, Julcy Flavor Crlsp Kentucky Fried Chicken Phono 878-6028 MURRAY HOOD r DRI VE-IN Base LUne Rstsd - West of Hlchwsv 23 at Milton Who say you caa't lad a pure wool suit after Easter? We doa't. Neither does Michaels-Stern Corne see ail oter wool worsteds in 1ghz weighlt veaves Y OU LIKE WOO - Pure WOO - for year-round wear'> Fine. But don't sweat out the summer in heavy winterweight wools. Michaels-Sternts new lielttueig/ts worsted suits arc here. Excellent styles-and fine Miehacls-Stern needlework. Pure Irish linen to gise collars permanent shape. Pure nylon thcead 10, keep buttons front popping. 500 tiny pudding stitehes hidden inside every lapel for per- muent contour. Cometayononteof nue Mieharis- Stoenwool sotte. Soon. MILTON Dpartm.nt Store 0 Open Prldoye Unil 9 p... menied. The report ured quick action to lower priees hecausi of impending medteot care insurance and other wet- lare measuresst'bich mav cor- erdrugs. St wtt tihe finclinotf the comtee "that the price of drugs in Canada is aI eq litiher lban i et i. 1,Cs gassut .t,.lici tuititit, sho1lsie lssseîeci ltrusglteg- itive and administrative ac- lion on patent. îariffs, trade marks and taxes. At the same ltme tise goreroment safels checks shoulsl he increased and a programi should be latinched tu cstnvince dtîctors and paticnîtstaltlrugs sold liv chemical ttr fenertc nanmes ste 05 ju tssale as mr s pensive brand-titme sIrops. The eommtterin additiotn sît-gel csnsumer to slop for tîso best prise tin ltavitng pre- ,. iîîtissns filîrd. sivce prices The Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 Drugstrip On rami ru dwy Signal 01 youth's ngwity? Harley committee drug study seeks ta Iower cost of drugs ahly the other end says "fin- ish". Whto could pnssibly say Cao- adian youth doso't have on- gesuity? igh afraugetoi làa Murch accidenfts Mlto detachment of Ontat- t> Proviocial Police report 38 accidents occured on the Nor th -The South Halton motte festival witt be hetd nest week tn Oukvitle. Ose for North Hal- ton seltootsw-ill be hetd in Ac- ton later Iis month. WOOL Reulize the ighest returna for your woot by putrooizing your ows Orgaimatioe. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. I, Weston, Ontario Obtain sucks and twine r North HalIons well.puned bac k roads, often licd with tcs anîd spars di populated, bave for sonne lime been ideal spots for lining up tou or three bhot" cars andi deciding who', i-ctliv lastest. Atlutritie-., loto crs, take a don isest iti qttrtc r-mtle tests mipubltic tottsisand> therae t ut l l i m 1 ,i 1-,it i iii Nixon heads ist of speakers as Liberals kick off campaign Abbie Anderson is 90 recalis farming days Somethine or astmore perm- Hall on area during the monlh without charge fromt an ntnature bas des eloped osn ofi March, resulting in 14 injur- BA RWRDE(icrr tbe Sesentb Liner tf Esqotesine. ies and $65,560 pruperty dam-RA.BONIG Ser) lthtg h. age. R.R. 4, Mlton Ahotttsmitle itsrtb tsi tbe Base fiesotiis roasi. sonme The large damnage figure is WM. A. WILSON (Sher) tIgserii àsesssc of srga n-due lu une accident un High- R.R. t Georgetown lan mie tclfiia une- ivus 401 in which a transport 5crir mtle sireteh tsf road truck rolled and hurned, with Phone 877-6687 sssîb gsttd siisiv AI the a lots of $45,000. or hy mriting to ssstisc*ientd> li e lias patnted The March accidents bring CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVI ;nirsssl ad ss letters, asfie the vear's tally su far luI WOOL GROWERS LIMITID rutîsosof rusts shîsîtder lu 123 accidentswilh 40 ijuret 40 t li vneEs sulder and tsosfoot estters hree lalalilies, and S 07,950ort.olarAvnuetari oai,, 'StarI .Undersland- prîsperîs damage. Trnt MOnai