The Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 89 Week of openings The week of May 10-13 will bo a busy one for Milton and district people inleresed in official openisgs. On or ahoul Wednesday, May 10 authori- ics Will officilly open th ncw general purpose room et th. Martin St. Senior Public School. Friduy, May 12 is the opening date for the senior school addition et Ontario School for the Deaf. And on, Saturday flernoon. My 13 the sew 30-bed second storey addition is scheduled et Mil- ton District Hospital. The bas- pital is shows in the top photo 0.S.D. in the centre, and the Senior Public Sehool aditori-. um t the botfom. (Staff Photos> New leader or incinerator Ballast huys coasidered for land fili site were useless Acton os a ru 1mw ndî.d o alie 2p E t, - h l-ila pura-e of a 21,400 rot nd wldliIierquirco 01for 0 Li, lu loi o1 'k loader for the toms'-,îsntrv earoo iu,t [f y i,-l o' rto.Fý'1I1j lad filmasdela-.ed a uuuk, The .oninllîte hotormiri a)- a ni0'0000"IM tollowisg discussion at .% 'eillas -.îttoedl zong r,iriclons l ~ 000 000o 11d \11looo. tIPI loola Counils Mndav meeting. the prueu t -.tuand 16tho:bl 0 %\a'O0.ollîtaIl0100 . Counetlor Bias Bet r- i tutti the incineratotrtfolihtato 1,,col' 00000000 00 nîewed discuss.-ions tas urch- Air Pollutotn Controti .pprorl. 000î.îo0001t. ase of as îsuierîlor a-. tpaos- as rua-.otlî-to oiiiiitttoîooth(.' ute rblem olppoolott cd ta buryisg 1the municipal prescrt mo-lhotd, oloîl , 000010 ,co garbage asd rupurtuîta om CtocllorC tohn-, oîoîe.ll roil-01.0ilOfil ,.trlk",toh mille recommendatiotulapur- ud di -.ou-.-oote, o tîh ct.0r0000 on "Io"o îlî'11 [l,.\ oOOfll'1 ellase 1he 12 tas machine, cons the poî-.'hotl of a ,ocoîtorat I.. 000 . o l111 L 00 l tiuig to burthe reusae. 'to r twha.intTt. îîoî ' il ao', ooo.t'oî" Heni'as.d an in i nraltcir toh, ,hai,.dîl0.0001lî' lOOloOOOOOo It would cost appr-osimatll Sf. 000, installation a turîhur $4.010 to $6000 and a front end Costly manth 17 accidents Mlton Palice. rpor t 17 i ctent ocrd durng 'elrch brisgin, te uarly total lu 56. The acidents,. uuun aa-.g more Ihan 1 00 propuit teduon agu asd 10 ls%, han $100,. ru ulting in S3,686 damage andî tIse itîjurv Su far daring f967, tîtce ha, becs %12,316 pruperle îdamaîge in molur uuile lînglu-. in Lea u e î.k re-. ao a, rough a -andpapuer Cou riil loîr RtB l d'.oo t e A.t m onl 100e 1il po- o't i o-t 1 0i , lit- on t,onlmi md È,qu, i100000 1,r zi durp îi.lo ertba 1., totoil a hi',î\\a, il Rl rtap %iie .h o i-, t .olîo, and ilt- i n h' ttoK. 'Li met intho de ,ha b Couneît la. HRest nîteslapo 0iI ttO pttî.. ttîîo îoooldot a00,0 the ouri on O hoîole't lt pi'ie in e c apitalî.0 Itot.- t t h At MjtoîrCliill o'i the6, 0.. î 11 ltotulo i. %%:'I .11111 A"p'LN ELECIjr COMPANY, LT D. INDUSTRIAL 8I& COMMERCIAL CONTRACTINO SUBSUMTONS Moal' REPAIES 24 HOUR MAINTENANCE SERVICE LOUIS NADALIN BOX MS MILTON, ONT. 878 -2206 ,v r, .,îrtonc, ufoicoît, - aida îhc icii %%c. ore hr e n, vd utIitlic ummî ioî't,tîtî.havse tc1d- licn hure. ICampbeI HH H(CRADE MEMORtALS IMMCRIAL INGRAVINDI 6 aer . SINorth, GALj CAN YOU WASH AND DRY A LOAD 0F CLOTHIS IN JUST 4 MINUTES HTSABOUT ALL UT TAKES WITH THE NEW HEAVY-DUTrY LAUNDROMAT AND DRYER' Mod. LTH350 HEAVY-DUTY MULTI-SPýEED LAUNDROMAT ~- -u . t8 USES LESS WATER. 1/ LESS DETERGENT AND BLEACH 2 SEPARATE DEEP RINSES (WESTINGH-OUSE EXCLUSIVE) LIST PRICE $3 19.95 Less Trade $4000 YOU PAN' ONLY 279-95 WITH TRAOI.IN MULTI-SPEED MASHING ACTION IficlIldOl Dlilvery, 1400k-Ip and Froe Factory Service NO MONEY DOWN - LOW MONTHLY TERMS AVAILABLE HEAVY-DUTY HIGH-SPEED ELICTRIC DRYER: r~-- u3~ Mod. DEH350 YOU CAN BE SURE .. IF IT'SWESTINGHOUSE. BALANCEO AIR 'FLOW ORYING GAS MODELS ALSO AVAILABLE LARGE CAPACITY BUIIT-IN LINT CODLECTOR LIST PRICE $19995 YOU PAN' oNLY ........179-95 Includes Delivery, Hock-up and Fre Faccory Service Mod. LAH250 HEAVY DUTY TOP-LOADINO LAUNDROMAT " Hugeoi15-lb. Tub " Specially drsigned sus- pension system wilI handreaven large us- balanced loads. " Heavy duE1î transmis- sion " Safety lid lock Liol Prcc $29995 ONLY215 9.95 Wiîh Tradq Mod. DEH250 MATCIING HEAVY DUTY ORVER 0 talanced air flow sys- tem mt6 5 minute cool- doms period prevent mrinkling 0 2 Temperalure selec- tions Luit$169.95 ONLY 149.95 i-NO MONýEY DOWN LOW MONTHLY TERMSj Mod. 1AH450 Mod. DEH450 DELUXE 2.SPEED HEAVY DUTY TOP- LOADING LAUNDROMAT 0 Huge 15-lb. Rab 0 Regular and gentîs mash speeds 0 Regular and gentîr spin speed 0 Water nouer controI 0 5 temperoture selec- lions Lia $379,95 ONLY 329-95 Wlîh Trade DELUXE MATCHINC HEAVY DUTY DRYIR 0 4 drying progroms for ail fabnics 0 Automatic dry setting switches dryer off auto- matically 0 Safety door switch List $219.95 ONLY 199.9ý5 CHASES HOME APPLIANCES 181 MILL ST. MILTON 878-3221 P r o clam atiïo n DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME IN MILTON WNherea ooaoii-ber of oouoocpalites in the dstrict about Milton are adopti e a uniforel tinie for the adoption of Daylight Saoooeq Tiooee and in ordnr ta avoid confusion in tavnl and buinesthe Councol of the Corporation of Milton has pmsed a by-Iaw establishing the period for thn obseroance of Daylight Saoung Tme in Milton, from SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1967 AT 200 A.M. TO SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1967 AT 2.00 A.M. Cotoenns are rnqunstndi to compty wth this by-Iaw and adopt thn tome from tfre dates spectfied. SYDNEY CHILDS, Mayor 1 1 - âmom Moci. LAH450