Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 20

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RNBY B8 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 Nothinc seftled CIiurch sewing unit makes susn o ni o ite ofa utm t bandages, slings for lepers Esusn1o cl o mte fajsm n By Me. Imm sa auMmea St. Stephens Angican Chsur- ch Women met t the home of Mrs. Cart Saunders on Tues- day aflernoon, April 4. Mes. Frank Weler, the president opened tise meentiof with the usual openinz prayers. The Scripture reading taken fromt St. John, chapter t4, was read by Mrs. Saunders. Minutes otf the last meeting serre read and adoplcd. AIrs. Weller read the monthîsv bulletin. Two quilts mere bound for the bale. Tise meeting etosed with prayer and lunch mas served by the hostess. . e Nots Trafalgar Com- munity Club hetd their mon- thly euchre parly on Thurs- day nigist, April 6, t the Fercy Merry Sehuol. There were t5 tables of euchre in play ilh prires going 10 the folosing innees, 'Mes. Kmn Gites, Mes. Wes Dunie. George Ennis and Foyd 'Hamilton. The tochy drawss ere seon iss Mes. Fred Near, Mes. C. Stewart. Nor- man Spurling and Mes. Mur- jorie Harris. Lunch mas serv- ed by lise Triangle Group. The atternoon seing unit of the Hornbs Unted Ciureh Women met ut tise home of Mes. Gear Sinclair on Thurs- day aflernoon, April 6. The Easter meditalion and Sceip- tare reuding as given bs Mes. Lem Sampson Tise rol caI mas ansmered bv each member giving an inspiration of Easier. Bandages and sings ere made for the lepers, and moot mas handed oui for knitting infant eefugee shirts. The-next meeting iii be hetd on Aprit 18, at the1 home on Mrs. Sampson mhen a quilting ii bc hetd. Lunchi mas served isv tiseisostess. us- sisted sv Mrs. Lem Samps<tn1 and 'Mrs. Harold Reed. t The North Trafalgar Eochre Club heid tiseir meebis cuchre un Satordav nigisi. April 8. Tieremwere ico tablcs of cucis- re in plas' sitb the priecs go. ing lu tise toliomins «'ine, Mes. Jim Hamilton, Mes. Fred Worhman, irs. Franks Hadies' Cliii Norton. Jim Hamilton and Walter Barnard. Lunch mas servcd bs thceiosless, Mrs. Elmer Mas. Te nest eucisee iii bc Saturdas tt Aprit 15. Mr. and Mrs. Rus Breaks. Clifford, Donna and Dianne eturned home on Fridas' ev- ening. fromt a pleastot holi dav in Florida. Me. and Mes. Faul Mas isit- ed on Saturdas evening mitis Me. and Mes. Baren Litle of Markham. 'The Youug Polks met recent- sy t Bethel United Cissrcis ilh 30 mremers atending. Louise ieket was in charge of lise discussion period on machines and gadgets and isom thes' ellecl our lices. Tmo games fsere piased daing lise program period. Il mas de- cided tisatthe dancesehich mus lu becield in April mouid be poslponed onti the tati A cor mash <iii be held siib lise date 10 bc decided aI lise meeting of the execa tise. A Fashion Shsows tit 'be iein Mac. Loncis <ta'.served hs' Darienc Wootd, tosiind Meres and Grant Gooeing. Annisersars' grcctings lu Me. and Mes. Jack Loos, who iii be celebrating their wedding aniversary on Sueday, April 16. The Edeu Yousng Peopies Socety met recently ut tise home of Jane and Catherine Hati with ten membres attend- ing. Witma (Mason, the presi- dent presided for the meeting which opeord sith a hymn and prayer. A Bible quiz mas iseid and a social evening mas ptanned. Loncis mas seesed by liseisosieus. The evening geoup of tise Hoenby Unted Church Wo- men met aitishe home of Mes. Thsomas Hoseden, on Monday nigisl, April 3. 'Mes. Thsomas Bousfietd peesided for the meeting, and welcomed tise 13 ladies atiending. Mes. Bous- field mas in charge of tise de- votions miicis mas on "If a man die, shaî lise live again'" Mes. Keitis Hawkes gave atli on 'Situation Ethics'. Poliose- ing tise business part of tise evening, a baby strotter mas peesenîrd 10 Mes. Bawkes f rom tise membees of tise ev- ening geoup. Lunch mas amyv- ed iss Mes. Ed. Gtdford and Mes. Bousfietd. Tise next meeting-wmut be aI -tise home ut Mes. Brock MueFiserson. Mr. ansd Mas. Uàoyd Ramsay and famity ut Guelph, serre dinner guests on Sunday ev- ening ut Me. and Mes. Thomas Hoseden and famity. Congratulations lu Me. and Mes. Jack Loos 'loge Jean Pet ernon I on tise irtis of tiseir son on Salurday. Apeit 8. A brother tue Scott. Birihdav greetings '10 Cisis- topiser Durante and Anderson Mas on Aprit 14, 10 Eaet Mc- Do<teii on Aprit 15, Io Mes. Georteee Ha<milton on Apeit i7. Mr, Johni<r< tdie% and Geot- tres Dress-Biock on Aprît 18. Tise Hornniy Actionettes met on Sttuedas' mototng, Apit S' .t 9:0011a m aithe home ot Mr,, 0<,s Wis<tn Tise presi- denît. Cathu Nectands «pettet 1tite meeting' <itistise 4-H Ptc.de-e Tite roll cati 'One ,tig1 leettishcttssabout Sc.rtdin.t< t.t .nd Fini.tnd," <se., n'.s<eecl hie 15 mem- 'eeptescritMes. JamcesMc K.tt eead au artice on Guide (o fiIesCanadian made checsc' and clgirls, tth notes on(tis Me'.Wii,n gaveevotes on <iii eren t htnd< <ot tfoodc of Sý,i.nciin.tt t. Finlanti. Sssden N. t,<s t a nd Dcc m.t e tnev dt,ct<,sed tise Achisece mient Das kii A Stete 's Siens inut i tago.tc'c' and also re- ht'.dit «nceIn tise itchen Carl eiFtch and Lauttie Max- «cill matde Rht<istehS<<p, prit to tise meeting Mes, Mc- Kat% mad<e C.thhaceRolls, Karen BFi.dles ,tnd iBarbara Leriche madeourttt ret c.<h igc . appi<' cake %%., .matde Ltncd.<Anite<s. .andi Fie.<eth D.tbnert. Caro«l .andi triene Lesite «ctise ktchen help The nent oteeting <iti ibe on Apei U.. ith<e bhome«if'Mr,. lai- McKi%. Bittb,,tg.tecttec'< to Me,. Henes Arnold, <u5ot%%il e bree er htth tbiton Apil Wb discuss lhorny issue-of Iand separations Esquesing countcil and tise tomnshsip committeut adjust- mient lound tlsey cautd came ta nu agreement mils res utiser because tisere mas disag. reement among lhemsetces coucerning tise direction Es- qaestng sisoald tuke uland separatons lti-buiding ftou' ses in ttc townsbip. Asked tu appear isetore tise regular meeting of tise toms- siipecouncil Monday nigist foi- luiug a recommendalion they made lu slow domnusepara- lions fromt une lu four yeaes. tise cummite ut adjustment and cuunc'il coald came tu no conclusions. Tisera were differences of upinion an almaut ait mattero up lue discussion on cisanging tise peesen t tegistation seiicis alums une separation ai a liieto a total ut four fram racis 100 acres. Councillor C. F. (Ilat Patter. son itened ta ima suggestions tue catting domo separatians betotee bld lise meeting tise towcnship eoutd nouicontinue ta go tise may lisey mere go- ing. "Lets loohkaisead ta tise fa' tare." ise said. "Wr coutd hase an education tas rate tisaI iii put tise armer oui 0f business. tt's not tise farmers business tu seli off lots. Teers gat ta bce a isake put on it salme- misere. Ilse gon coune il dont do il. soteebodys going ta telt as ta o <uit,." hccontinaed. "Me. Plunkeit mas be rigisi." ise said.refeering ta tise Pin- hcittreport miicis eeeommend- ci tise norliseen part of Haitttn ho kcîtt rtral. "Tise educatittn <s iigiser tan 1 t e togbt i Couold e" Couneiltar George Cuieids- «t<cd"Iif<o uccet scîl an .1i <<<<sure <til gotttg <t 'Ili ad iti<'i cot cboisd htit <r.l," intettecteel Reete Gcoet e Lelie, " ni"tet<tgoiog fitothlie lit C <rie. Edwcin Harrop. cis.ttt o t ttt.tttiii"ile its ueitsn tiso <<« thi t-,pen gifiits ua tiittie «n. t'm a gos t.<ktttytlclattac t is%%e tut i«t ais" t urati r Iode to close il off," continu- ed Me. Fatterson. Cterk K. C. Lindsay mises questioned on tise lamber of lots sotd suid 1913 mere sotd n tise 10 years from 19531 ta t963. LasI sear tisere mere 102 separatittns. "A loi (il 10 acte lots sttic belore lise by-lato mas put tiseougis," suid lise eterk. "You eue srît 10 acre lots la your iearî's content - fhey'ee con-' sideeed arms." "Justi n unr area of tise towenshsip, thougis." said court- cube F alteeson. "No. ait ocre." said tise cieek. Tise pligit af etderly couples misiine to bud a smii bouse came in for discussion after a eommittee recotnmendatios to imit lots ta 20000 sq. fi. and bouses lu 1200( sq. fi. Me. H arrop su id a 20.000 sq. ft. lttmasnot going lu affect tise sumiser ot lattd sepuru- tions. Hc citeti Nassagamepa misere houses couid onty ise builttin spec'tied areas - vil- lages. "Dont tisinis tises aren 't go. isg to get boss making sttng. sirs tisere. fou"saiel councit. or Cornie. Blgger vilages cnd tisen sou are faeed mils sescer anti mat. er problems. cautionedth ie cteek. "Whut do sou thini tise cure is?" shed Me. Corrne. "Coi domn ]anti separations." answered councilior Fti Pal' tersas. Tise ensu ing di seusitn tn 10 aere lotsisrottttgi t ttti tg. gestitos tf<teittteeeng te minimtmtm i izce It25 acres ada sOgcsit.tn ttttionitîns' hotme. an setra 400 «j i.<«'«titdil' a bat <ship fotter<<<1cr 'ci " ii'tc'ttheise «'<s t 'li<aiti sised. "Louok ailise t.tnbisltioser tise ast is e s,s" Fat Fuîteesttn saitt "Basic t'axes are' dosen - cdtteatittn tax s s pl Mv tases sts'nt trttm 165 in $417 iset <se oft etioction." Recte (aeo<gc Lc'<ite ptuttd cdlis gasel and ubsett.'d Es ittesttttt<%vtatst.'fl ettoa, anv itn< «1 nOnt<t ta and mon. UN o pn n education uvtis «0<-i blttthing an cye. "il t keelis otisotc re. se ggt'tttg kcep ttads tno siapesitîh tise iseasis ralliet We'ne (10< tt put acttsstfict<ecdltttroitds." Asistant ctcrh D. Frent.b toldth ie meeting atn engineer ifrottthetcatc'tat tsad sstsqtaimporntttutlhave (lttttshtp z<tttcd antd plan led as a t ttcs studs. Mare discussion and coun il <te Hill ashc't thescctmmittee 1 àL1I ieJ <t octte isacis tsltct thescre 100 peret ag reed on misai lhry muni lu do. Me. Hareop said Coutteit mas nut 100 percent rusher. Me. Fatteesan peesisted in 'bis demand tue Imu lot sepue. allons instead of touerisut bc tost a motion. Tise rec-se sttd is'd liset at te cttttncillete (iltttic cotme bac h. "We musti c'tcpee- aie sitis tisecommitîece utad- usiment," ise staîrd. .. 1irosgist up tise matter ot 1200 sq. fi. tue a iouseuand 20,000 sq. fi. for a lot and t stiti sticks mithist." saidth ie "Tiai's ess tisan tise oher townships," said eommiîtee member Don Mattisems. "We'ti gri misat tises dont muni." "I lisinis Cutedon is 1600 sq. fi" stid ttec ciehk Rob school Vandais smasised a mindom lu gais eniry to Faiesiese Pub- lie Seisoot on Ntt. Fise Sideroad uner Easterssec'hend. A tape recorder and film projertor, vatard ai an estimated $800. are missing tetam tise seisoot. Thc tiiees aisttrassaehed tise seiooi attige. Tise Delamare Rier, etsing inNew Y<tek's Cutskiii Mous- t .ttn, anti loitu t'ng ttt thie Dela- ware Bav, s 315mies long ,tnd dratins 12900 sqtuate mil- AUTO BODY SERVIC]J Service yeu con elways ceunt en Wben sac mem do tise job of pointis sorf.- ing tise body e ofat est.r yo'sre otft h. hait. BILL'S AUTO BODY 269 878-2721 Main St. 878-3251 "il mas a suggestion fromt the Board otf Healthtiihat me go 20,000 sci. fi.," said Me. Hill. "E go along wmus a larger isouse and lurger lot. Theres cousin0 Ittstotp us trom goieg inlupplanningt o tni<tg. Hum longmill ilt.the<" said tise EStimuates merer il wouid take a sear. Cost? SiO.000. Tise discussion terminaîrd sith a sie lo utnier meet- HOI OBITUARY Mrs. W. A. Devlin A resident of Omagh for 46 years, Mrs. W. A. Devlin died at Milton District Hospital, Maech 21 after an iliness of four months. Born Nomna Irene t r w in March 21, 1900, she was une of the famity of f inn of Me. and Mrs. Joseph K. trwin of Fever- sham, Gray County. She received ber education in Fesersham. In 1916 se moved wilh hrr parents lu Milton, and mas rm- ph's',ed as a nigist operator with the Bel] and Halton Telephone Company. She married W. A. Devlin in Jont. 1921, and tisey moced to Omagis wiere sise ived untit her death. She mas a membre of Grace Anglican Church, Milton. "'e'. Mt. i'aeeop mus accom ____________________________ patied iss Drnsy Chartes, James MePhait, Bob McMast' e and Don Matiisems, alA Adiusi ment. WATCH OUR- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 -8 P.M. FO S See how they run" SPECIALS AT Thurs. - Fei. -- April 13,14,8 pama West End"THE IMPORTANCE MEAT MARKET OF BEING EARNEST" Close Mon.BY OSCAR WILDE Oe ADWd P4Prasansmai by Opa.AilDay ad.THE MILTON DISTRICT Open Thon. aud Friday MI 9 HIGH SCNOOL DRAMA CLUB We Fealure Red Brand Bief Wa Sarve the Easi End, Tee ALL PERFORMANCES AT 8 P.M. ______________Aduits $1 .25 Students 75c EXCELLENCE SINCE 1907 2 6Oth Anniversary Specual. ce Huge reductions on top value COLOR TV consoles Heres an Asntoersarp partp artti gotng tai To celebrate 60 gears ai masutuclaning, Casi. udas on Elecicaisame isas ardered rieur-oui ot 1967 Colon TV consoles ai prceslisai wiii bring pou sao ugsofa $10000 or mare. ils e THE BRIGHTON"u 25" COLOR TV CONSOLE 111 Famous "Centurion" i CoorCiasss 0Cos gly urnpiose pios r pisos in p t.etiube prodanyoivd lfeike con rs and refleshI 0 Automulic demagnetiz- ng rermoors stray colon linges even if set is moveti 10 Deicraft cabinet, 327/e" W. 29/h" H. 19" deep Cb Remote rontrol unit anaiobir mus set or may Se udded lsien value avant ai tise peur! If poanve Sean tapisg wis lise idea oi Colon TV - sec Canadu's Seul in aur showroom - and tises uskubout tise hig.santngs deais watsg foe pu daring Elecraiames 60th Anniversarp Suie! Original List Prici - $99500 NOW e ONLY- $s699-9-5 WITH ACCEPTABLE TRADE ~CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS AS LOW AS $6.00 A WEEK FR11 HOME TRIAL CHASES HOME APPLIANCES 181 MILL ST. TEL. 979-3221 Mes. Devtin is survived by ler husband and five sons, Donald, Kenneth, J immi e, Grant and Henry. Survlvors aiea hielude sisters Mr&. 3. A. WlBsott (Murlel) Of Milton, and Mes. Bob Alan (Blanche) rof Hamilton; and brothers Frank of Toronto and Aifred of Dakvitte. She mas pre-deceased by a brother Ken. Fanerai service wsuconduet- ed March 23 f rom Grace Angti- con Church by Dr. T. M. Dus- tan. Intermeni mas in Ever- green Cemeteey. Fatîhearers included Ctifford Beaîy, Ceciu NIcCann, Elmer McDmwell, Rotbert Brownridge, Humer McCann and Clarence Ford. -<fHatton West 'ND.. candi- date Ted MaclDonald of Bue- linglon mas out touring "the isustings" last meek. DON'T MISS UT! REXALL c SRTS THURSDAY *THURSDAY - APRIL 13 THROUGH APRIL 22 10 BIG DAYS Be Sure to Get a Copy of the Big 4-Page, 2-Color Handbill E LS LE Y - PHARMACY 87"-492 After Heurs 87"-961 212 Main St. - Milie 4b FREE DELIVERY 0 FREE ESTIMATES A Complote Lawn and Gardon Service ' RAINBOW LANDSCAPING, 0 CALL 878-2741 or 878-2097 1

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