2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday Aprîl 12, 1967 1 (ý hu ch er ic sa EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHuRCH Commercial Street, MilIon Minister: Pagtor Cîxyton Colea 87&.473 876-Z42 The Lcrd'o Day SUNDAY, APRIL 101h, 1867 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School for ail. 11.00 a.m.-mMorning Worship. Special speaker morning and evtning, Dr. J. Watlt, Store- tory of Pellosvship, Evan- gelical Baplisl Chorches. 5.30 p.m-Youth Time. 6.50 p.m.-.Song Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Worxhip. Nursery aI Sunday services. Wedneoday, t p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Al Are Warmly Welconned THE UNITED CHURCN 0F CANADA Miniter: P.ev. A. K. Griffiths, tR. 2, MilIoe. Lowville - Zimmerman Pastoral Charge 'Come close lu God and He iii come close 10 you." SIJNDAY, APRIL 161h, 1967 1.owvtBle Unted Churcb Organist, Mms. J. R. Davey. Guelph Lice 10.00 a.m.-Sucday Sehool 11.30 a.m.-Divine Worship. Zleneermean Unted Chureh Appleby Lice Organist, Mes. J. G. Corneli. 10.00 a.m-Divine Worship. 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School. A Warmn Welcome 10 Everyone GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCUI Milton, Onario. Recor: Rev. T. M. Dustan, B.A., BD., DD. Associais: Rev. Canon F. H. Mason, MA., BD. SUNDAY, APRIL 161h, 1967 HASTER III 8.00 am-Holy Communion. 9.25 a.w-Jr. Church Sehool. 9.30 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. 1045 am.Sr. Church School and Youth Class. 11.00 am.-Huly Communion and Sermon. 7.30 p.m.-Sunday evening,. Expo films ai Martin St. school. Thursday, April 13 - 10 am., Holy Communion. ST. PAUL'S CNURCN Of THE UNITED CNURtCH 0F CANADA Main St. aI James St. Pormed hy the union of te Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Chueches ln Canada. Minister: Rex. J. Lorne Grahame. Organist and Choir Leader: Mrs. Harold Magee. S¶JNDAY. APRIL 161h, 1867 11.00 a.m.-Service ut Confirm- ation and Celehraîion of Huly Communion. SUNDAY SOHOOL 9.30 a.m.-Sunday School for ail boys and girls over t years. 11.00 a.m.-Infant Nursery in charge of registered nurse and nursery department. 11.00 a.m.-Boys and girls 48 years inclusive will attend church wilh parents ansd proceed lu their depart- ments following the ae- cond hymn. Invitation lu ail. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. t78.202 Christians gathered le the came of the Lord Jesus Christ. (MatIs. 1t: 20) Lords Day SU.NDAY, APRIL l6th, 1867 10.30 a.m.-Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Sohool. 7.00 p.m.-Gosptl Service. Wednesday, 8 ps. - Prayer and Bible reading. AIl are welcome su these services. Su Christ mas once offered lu, hear the sins of many. HeIs. 9, 2t. BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister Rev. Stanley E. Smith, BA. 878-3582 SU-NDAY, APRIL 1616, 1867 1000 a.m.-Omagh Worship Service. 11.15 a.m.-Omagh: Church Schuol. 11.10 a.m.-.Bostun: Church ScIsool. 11.30 a.m.-Bostox: Worship Service. HIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assesssbly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSELMBLIES OF CANADA Pastor: Rev. M. Christensen LORD'S DAY SUNDAY, APRIL 161h, 1867 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sehool. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wovsslip. 7.00 p.m.-Evangelistic Service. Wednesday. 8 p.m.-Bible Stu. dy and Frayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p..-Yuung Peuples' Service. A Church You a Cn Maire Yuur Home A Wrm Welcome 10, Evexpone CI4URCH 0F CHRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sideroad and 41h Lice Trafalgar SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1867 10.00 a.m.-Bihle Sehool Class- es for ail ages. 1.00 a.m.-rMurning Wurslxip. .00 p.m-Preaching ut tht Gospel. Larry Port, Minister 241 Kisgscourt Cres. Milton, 078-3555. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. J. K. L. McGosvn, BA. 8786066 878-2652 'O cume. let us morship and how doms; let us kneel hefore the Lord oor Maker." SL3NDAY, APRIL 101h, 1967 9.45 a.m. - Senior Church School. 9.45 amw. - Young Peuples Bible Clans. 9.45 a.m.-'The 'l'hinkers." 10.50 a.m. -Junior Church School. Il.00 am,. - Morning Worship: Art Thou Weary?' Il.00 a m.-Nursery. 8.00 p.m.-'A Nighî ut Espo, an introduction lu tht 1967 Worlds Fair asnd Christian inleresîs there. Films. Ail melcome. Martin Street school. OBITUARY M. J. c Weil knuwa lhrooghoul tht district as a frme,, coonicillor. church worker, lodge meesher. fair board directow and ama- t Chsoian, Michael John (M. J.) Carton of Halton Cen- tennial Mantr pa.,sed aay on Salorda v ai tht Monor. Mr. Carton tvas.in his 94(h star. Thetorurai service wa.. held from McKersic Poneral Home 111 Tiesvitit .lirnisin wil i i- cii1O1itii .iroin Cenii tory, Milton. Rev. Siiilev Smith ut Bostot Prtshs-leritn Church offictaled. Paîthoarer-. wec Ernie Wlson, Cliff Hardly, intaV McCallum, Clorence Mc Crcadv, EmmeIt McGihhon atnd Cecii Chishotîn. Honorary paîl- hearer% mere Warden William Coulter. Wilfrcd Ceozior, Art Beotcn and Edwin H.rrup. Mr. Carton epen t most of his life tic the Na'ssaaweya - Es- quesing Tuwn Line farm he purchased in 1911. Ht a knuwn for his heen memors for namcx, places and dates and ctold recal manv high- tights frum hi.. husy life. Brn of the irst Line West, Caledon on Jais 24, 1873. he livtdlthere unîil htvas 16 and tht family movtd tu. a larm ai Mtft. In 1898 ho married Florence May MtGihhîît. Their Town tine larm s - once ,he site of a large lnîlin .-ncampsent. mhov.. geoloist, futînd the remains )f- ift llaîge and bitrial ground daiing t,î somte timt helsceen 1400 aînd 1800. Mr. Carton ran for Nassaga- we'va Council in 1908 anl spoot nrevason tht councit He wiRecvo in 1917. He o nt'd the moîtioîn that made Camxp- bivlea noliî-t village i 114 Mr. Cartoîn was one of til,. nîxal-oxarian.. who .ittd the 50th ativers,îrv , ,-ihra- ix 'inhe village. le ,l-o. 5900tJour vaso Esqutsing Councîl, îîîciîîîg 1,0 voars as dopui trooso. In Carton 1 949 lie headed a cîîmmiltte that w rote o cenlenniol history of Nassagosvtya Tusvnship. Ht svas quiie actlive le the 101h axniversary cclehralions ai S.S. 3 Nassagaweya in 1955. A meeshar of Camphell Ltîdge Camphellville, he was also a former masitruof the Orango Lodge. Hesvas a mmi ber and formeroldor ai Boston Pt-sk%1i oîîîîîhurch. Dui)swflîsixlifetime litooxjoy. oit ssorkixg iih .tlilo[irs. He ,soi.iotiyitro.surr of flite Nassagowoya Tusvxship foie for sesen stars hefure il merged wiih MitIon's ceux ty fair ix 1912. Ht ma-. a di redue mwith ;bc Hatton Agricultural Society and in 1943 hie recoived as Ag- i ou lIaal Servicet Asva d ai the conclusions of 35 stars as a di- reduer In recent years hiehas hein an h,îxorary director of the H:îltiixAgricutturat Stci- ety, aîtd rttaised a great inter- est in tht fair. Mrs. CarIos prtdcceased Show free films at fire hall Friday A special fret film showing i.. heixg planned for ihis Pri- day evenixg ai Milton Pire Hall, mhen evtryone is met- tome lu sectwIo interesting films. Ont film doals wilh tht work of tht Pmcrgoxcy Mcasorcs Or- ganizalion following the Abas. kart carthvîuake. Ili iscalled "Atthough tht Earth ho Mur- cd". Tht secon 1 film concerts fire provex lion, and points oul thal so-talled firoproof" bus- pitals caxhttrx with costiv re- 'ulîs. inciadixe iiiss of fle and priipertv. Tht namte of ibis film is Thos Cati il Pîrepriiof" Tht films xxiii ho shosox lire- fighters ix the Pire Hall audi- torium htgixning ai 7.30 pm. Pridav. Ever.vone is solcome lu attend. * ~ OAKTOWN * A PLAZA *131 SPEERS RD. AT KERR ST. PH4. 845553 SLet 2 Days - Big Hand for Litle Lady at 7.30 DellIy * "A Fine Madness" et 9.15 p.m. OnIy - Aduit Starts Friday et 6.30-9.45 - Sot..- Sun. Matins. 2 p.m.* là "MONKEYS GO HOME" *Aisoet 8.15 p.m. Nightîy - Set. - Sun. Mtins. 3.30 p.m * "THE LAUGHING TWENTIES" * Starts Monday et 7-9 p.m. - Aduit "HOTEL PARIDISO" - .Color Cornecdr ACCOUINTING CHIROPRACTORS EARL G. BLACK B. Comm.. R IA, C.A Chaflerc'd Aci.oux tant Munictpal Audtor 163 Main Street Biox 460 Mlton, Ont, 8786542 ARC HITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BAr. - M.R.AIC. 17A Mill Street. Suite 2, Avion Teiephone 853-2740 or ' 20 Stavehaxk Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Oltice Hours hy Appîînîmt:x AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Aoîtiîieer and Evaluatur 30 Chape[ St. E., Georgetowna Telephone 877-2864 muumIuIImI.uiIbl- ------------h-uh --urnouumIIm lmi GOING TO EXPO 187 16 A f KENT, D.C. Dtoi ol Chiixiîîra.iic 237 Kinîg, Coi lit-sent C îo ter Mrtin St. Moii.Woi îod.îs, Tfii,a3 1 )n1 ui 9îp.M. aîoa,î.ndi 1rida% iaw tii 6p.es SLiIi, l aiantIo 3 pxî Phýnc878-2031 INSU RANCE CCOff .RATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Oitî-IltoicPiieiioiîi-Aui.d- cr.illi Siokios tîîilv Liahîiity Fi i t i.îhilit 'I mit MiltonîîîAgent Mît Tiîo.îKuiît R R. Ni, 1. Miton, fime 8 7".390 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKfRSIE FUNERAL HOME Ciiepîsto Ait Condiîtioxîng Siijýcic. Cou, itou.-Soitvice light or Dat 8784452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0. 184 Maiîn Si.. TMilton Phone 878-9972 Ris. 878-9678 Hours: TUESOAYS. 9 a.m. lu 5 p.m. FRII3AYS. 9 amiIo 9 pwm WM C. MILLIGAN, 0.0. 111 ii.îi.ileai Rd.. O.kt-itle Off ice Houes Daily i;îiitidiny, frtotday a.m (,j] 845-1-11 tut appoitnt LIBRARY HOURS Toesdav. Thursdas- vand Priday 12 nox lu 5.30. 6.30 lu 9.00 Monday, 12 noox lu 5.30 Clused Wednesday Saturday - 9.30-12, 1-5.30 -Pareont- s, wrn sur child. rex lu siay amas from smotles creehs and ditches ai this timt of yeae. Dtes ln 94th peer hies four stars agu. They cete- trated Iheir 641h weddisg on- nivtrsary shorlly hefore she died He le survîved hy firo sons, Eorl of Oakville. RImer uf Fer- gus, Cecil and Geraid aI homo, andI Lloyd of Toronto, also threc daugbters, Isabel (Mr%. Deihert Downsi of Horny. Myrîle (Mrs. Abert Hunteri of Norvz.l and Marie (Mr%. Frank Peacooki of Milton. Anoîher son Clarence mas killed ix tht first wor, and anothor daugh- er Margare'l iMrs. Cecil Mc- Cannl dicd a fow stars agii. There are aiso 17 grandchild- rex and 28 great-graxdthitdrex. Pho 8542353id Cyri aL testa C tR0 Wslad atr Phne8-2392 RADIO CONTRoLLU Emmanuel addition wiII COSt $98,500 Building permnits with a to- tl value of $115,00-) were lu- tued within the Town of Mil- ton during March, town as- sessor J. Charlton repsorts. The structures included one house valued ut .il7,000 and a $98.500 additiuon to Emmanuel Baptist Clsurch. This brings 0l value of per- mits issued in the town dur- inc 1967 lu $132,500. Cheuin, fin# wilhe showii The executîve of the Bruce St' Home and Schuol Assocla- tiufl has ljned up an excellent film os studenl cheating, fur ncxl Munday evenings regular meeting. Pollowiog tht film a discussion iii hc held on the film, on studenîs' study and homework hahits, presideol Mrs. -D. Plolemy reports. Tht meeting will also dscuss a proposai for a centennial pal- t ern xchuol lunir. Memherx are at work now planning a hobhy shosr, pet show, and fomily fun nighl for tht June meeting. CHAMPION CARRIERS WILL BE CALLING IN MILTON SOON THEY'LL BE ARRANGING TO DELIVER YOUR COPY 0F THE CHAMPION EACH WEDNESDAY. JUST SAY O.K. WHEN THEY CALL IF YOU WANT REGULAR, SAME DAY DELIVERY BEGINNING MAY 3. THE SAME LOW 10 CENT RATE WEEKLY WILL APPLY -FOR YOUR WEEKLY WELCOME UN EVERY HOME. BOYS AND GIRLS!1 THANKS FOR YOUR TREMENDOUS RESPONSE TO OUR CALL FOR CARRIERS. OVER 70 APPLICA- TIONS WERE RECEIVED FOR THE 20 ROUTES, SO NATURALLY WR CANT SATISFY EVERYONE BUT ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE KEPT ON FILE TQ FILL OPENINGS AS TI4EY DEVELOP. THANK$ AGAIN. Lady injured 401 accident A Toronto moman mas in- jured Sundoy mornisg eshen ber cor mat invoIved in o sic- gle car accident on Higlway 401 o mile wgsl of Milton. Tht driver, Carole .Prancea Uzunoff, was treated aI -Milon Hospital for a sprained back and shoulder, and later releas- ed. Tht car mas extensively damaged. -APRIL 12 THRU 18 - OPENS 7p.m. DAILY INCLGSUN.- STARTS730 ~MAf~IA~KOHOj DGL ILLE 4- LIZAtETS W-- * FRE IN-CR ELETçIC ETER AO«YURcomFOTO MLLYEVENINOIE Q!be ùnibîin ërnmpiont A Weekîy Weîcome in Every Home 191 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2341 TI%. "ByDîBOB HOPE -PHYLLIS DILLER ut aIi SAT. "BEATLES COME TO TOWN" ag APRIL 131415 "BULLY FOR PINK" (Cartoon) 2 p.m. MOSN. "GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" TUES. 0 MAX VON SYDOW APRL1.171.1 0Dr Dorothy McGUIRE THURS. . Goldfoot and Girl Bombs" - Color Saturdaey FRI. VINCENT PRICE - FABIAN Matinue SAT. 'NIAVING A WONDERFUL TIME" a API 02-2 "VITAMIN PINK" - CARTOON 2 p.m. Show TimeS Weekday - Sunday thmough T p.m. 8783272.m Corne To "A NIGHTA AT EXPO"P MARTIN ST. SCHOOL W AUDITORIUME SUNDAY, APRIL 16 L 8 P.M.C NATIONAL F ILM BOARD FILM O EXPO '67: A PREVIEW M Alto Introduction te Certain Specfic Expo Presentatione Sponsors - the Chueches' Commitiee on Expo '67 If you are now a Milton sUbscriber Your paper wili be deîivered t0 ils carrent explry date et ne extra coulte you. A carrier wiII hava il et yeur door beginning May 3. On expiry yen may continue by paying the Iow monthly rate. If you wislî to prepay dolivery You may arrange this aI the Champion office. Subscriptions in the carrier area are now $5.00. Your paper wilI be deîivered weekîy but the carrier seilI net have te bother you for nsonthîy collection. -1