rhe Canadien Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 87 TNRM PFIREUPRVENTION AGINCIES mre hon- ored ai the Mulual Aid dinner in Milon ire Hall on Saiurday. Ontario Depuiy Fire Marshal John Turnieull presenîed cerificaies te the Halton ire Prevenion Bureau, Milton and Oakille ire Depariments for iheir iciories n the 1966 N.F.P.A. competîlion. Heme Mayor Syd Childs and Fire Chief Babe Clement beam nuer Mions award -ihird for ail of Ontario, honorable mention for al of Canada, and 251h oi 258 Canadian ommunilins in the onlestl Syd holds thn dnparimenn's scrapbook whitn abn shows offtihn cerlîfîcale. (Staff Photo) Halton Fire Prevention Bureau receives contest recognition Halions' priee winning Firn Preveniion Bureau and thelei Ouheitte and Milton ire De- ra parmenis wmcm praised for li. iheir eontinuiog morS in the o isieresis ut ire saftle. ai the io Haton Muluat Aides annuat 25 dineier and dance in Miton un il Saturday evening. h, John Turnbull, Depuiy ire M Marîhal ut Onariu, atîended ca the dinner and pesenied CI three cerilticaies te, theM eruups which mue recognition er on the 196ire preveniion cumpeiiion sponsored by the vi Naional ire Preveniion As- s suciation. He told the aud.- i inoce ot 80 ihat Hall on couant 2 mas inning inernatiotnaltrec- ct ognition iih ils eftective Mu- fc luat Aid service. and ils Fire ia Prevenitun Bureau's ideas ere a Seing copied acrose the nut- ci ion. t Hatin ire Preveniion Bar- bi eau as amarded a "speciat re- i cognition for an ouisianding eounte -spunsered fire preven- t lion campaige' in 1966 Mr l Turohuil presenled the cerli-b icale îe Haton Ceunie War- s den William Colier. mho pre-b sented il lu Muluat Aid Ce-Or- v dinalur Chef Douglas Wilsona ut Oakville. Fath.rPaul oini Pl EBrwcier w Ian user 40 leurs OinToronto.r Sas îoîoed ic son Ross E.c Brancier in the jesseiiery irm t ai 220 Main St., Mition. The l irm witl i ucorpuraie under an Onario charter as a imited i company.e PauaiBrancir sianied in the jemelery busines ai the age ot 16 lu Toronto, and hue openaied hie ome jemettery and repair shop since 192f - and siiuaied oe Lombard Si. in Toronto, since 1if8. He i e mcii Seum Milton Fine Deparimeni. en- tered inthe lselfr mici talitiet or 5,000 le tt.000 popu- laoen. tied prize tor ail of Ontari,htonoîrable mention er ail of Canada. and siîîod 25th et 258 Canadian commun- iites wthich sii'nmiiind scrap- book eniries. The Depuiy Fire ilarshai iresenied the cerlifi' e Milton Masur S. G. Child,. %shoî presenied il lu Milîton Fire Chiel A. F. Clem- Aise henored \%;as the OaS- tille Fire Deparimeni. ls scrapheeh. eniered in 5empe- ilion se 1h munisipalilies et 25,000 le 100.000 poipulatiotn. ne- ccived an honorîable mentioîn fer huiS Ontarîio anti Canad- an conteste and siuud 2fih in al] of Canatda.. Otikviiie Courn cilion Donald Gîtrdone accepied the ceriiiate frîîm MrTitre- hall and passed il in ti Pire Chiet Wilson. 'We have a challenge ai ail limes 10 stop lires Scitre ihev ,tlan." Mr. Tarnîsuil said le a Sniet, iniormal speech. He ,uggesed the aeard, recivei Se Halte e ceunts'in resent %,car, prace the tirelighîcrre- lls cani abeult ire presen tille butihecsvtrnedithsm ihstr Ys son Ross rellry firm as ato ieptthmnilissaid qil s ils ,in riti in tustbuniti. piecres.Miesof ii tregttiar tiiý cois arcexepected ot inue locuion. lis wlfe wili i so Sc Selpîeg n the Milton stoin. Shita emptoved sii t. ipii.n'e Sucer- mare and ArmatndiTnîîphî for the pasi eight veine. Rues Bretecier, in makine ii' aiineuocs-meni hiel.îtîtr hlai- joined h - irm. pîitulîoi rhai souS the tilîitioil 1w slaff members the sitîre i i otter bellter antio, l1iin maish repair service. The Paît1 tirteetet - itti mîteeti ltoMiltontndmil rv . loo ng torss'rd te parlisipilinit en commîte ie ueHe isa ttr ihanas'eragehttt mîtîeet gîfe-r (ne challeunge,. pleteel ted fl- Cii enttis 10-pin ltutuing m 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp & [jlverd FREE DELIVERV "Di thi- and e wi'll Cul Sl,% nte ire lits and sioP htrnig up pciiple,"hle aid. While Onariî's reporied ir- esootailîd 23t19 ast var-a drotptf 93 trîîm tie preelout %cr i hereisere 229 people klled and anitihet f37 iniured n ire,lie'aid. Btih the dctandi injuries figure, tter increz,e, (,ver 1965. Oher speakers inclitdett Geortige Alesaunder and William OStlllisan ti the Fire Mar shai's ilticc.Wanîten Couter .ptthe refll, praising the lre seisces flrter toiiet ilin and iheir csitin tîint tedi a tien i>tiheir dulies. Muiciipal officiaIsintrittttc' ed iitideet Masîiniti'.ph Gih- Sites (il Georgetoiwn, Maor Les Dîtite (i Asinandi Coun- ilîtîr Geoirge Hrringtln of Britlingien. Ralph ElderRIeld utfRîrling ton> 1967 chairman ofthle Mu- titi Aid> shaired thettittier. The banqueit *s arrangeel hy d t.smmillee tf Miltn ire- lighlers iteacled Se Gtenn Sîringen. and the dinner was titisided 'us the Milieu ire- fieparimeni Ladies' Auxiliarv. Dancing liillittted siih mus- icsupplied hy irelfigliiers [rm he Georgetoîwn and Mit- tîn brigades. :5 \\\tt\\\\îîiS\ti Accidents Can Happen, and If They Happen... Dont suIfer a le financial Ioss! Our Auto fn srance affords aprotection fit to your need... check with us!1 Protect ourseif I ç McCUAIG Insurance Limitod S 878-28iil or 878.3691 NEW _ _ _ _ _ _ I NTRODUCI NG THE L..dSI LVERPLATI An esciting N ývteri istl a duii I ý c red scritit on a sh liii ering testurs-d backtground vvith ail the tisgiiîî ofol od world giJice and sharm. SEE THESE Introductory Offers ... UNTRODUCIORY N.189 OFFERS SEAT RWRMT No. 1$3.5 ANNIVERSARY SET 40 piece service for 8 8 KNIVES, PORKS, ILASPOONS, SALAI) PORKS, 5 0 O LOK ISASPOONS. $7500 SET 60 psete evt o SALAI)tPa01 CETEASON Il FOURCOFFE HNDCRFTE in attractive Esperanto No. 4 Package CRYSTAL SAUCE BOAT No.3 $ 50 & LADLE $ 9 N.38 oz. CAPACITY $ 9 4 ross baiieri;Dlewellery t 220 MAIN E. MILTON 878-6341