Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 16

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'Z', -V, - Ï -1 ïcii B4 The Conodion Ch. Milton and District Horli- cultural Society metin te Union Haitlu ine Stretono Monudai si tti, MIti h 20 wit a ltigo 'roetinattend Thte pesideut Mis, M. Rad- itoad opoued te meeting and mlcomed te mmes and gorsts. Mr. and Mes, W. Nosnak ut Karens Ftoue Siop ai Mit- ton Plaza demonslealod a nombereof diltereont tiomor ar- rangements miicit isro giron as doue prizos,mt ite fol- luing ladies lakin temn hume:;'Mrs. E. Byermau, Mes. R. Dredge, Mes. E. Goudal. Mrs. A. Britton. and 'Mes. . McCann. There ere quilo a nombre ut entrirs in te monlbly [tomer shtommt ite follom- ing inners: tmpiov, Wednenday April 12, 1967 Presbytery raîîy HORTICULTURAL Eiders receive "pep talk" The citarch mav flot have admission of membres, the June. She isc ou long to witnes.ý"s sU e onduct of mrsbip and theo seas Missions NO TEJlS ari nuy 00100of George Fer- training of thte young. Missionary Suc nie, 30 years an eider of a Tor- Referetng ou the number of Enrler ln tir MILTON and DISTRICT onto Proshs'eiran citorih and mon reinquishing te minis- f rom manyc pruenetty Assistant Di rector uftîrv, ho chattonged is hcarers thte Preshyteri HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Proshyterian Men, uta raîts'ofut ria manv more discouraged hv surs'ey of Brai' eiders [rom the Presbsvters iof the attitude of titeir sessions lion for faune Class t. Tranquillity' - Mes. L. Tasker, 'Mes. A. Britton, Mes F Beaucit. Class 2, Table Coelriii s..ititls-s Mis. S. May, Mes. L. Takci. Mesý H. McCaun. Ctass 3, Easler Arrangement -Mes. S. May, Mes. H. Me- Caun, Mis. A. Bitîlon. A. Woodlev aucliouod somo plauts duualod ity one ufthlie nmees. Lunch was served ity Mrs. A. Woudley and Mes. R. Tink- tee. On Mareit 2, abtout 50 mem- hors of Milon ýHorlicullural Suciety lrasielled by bus lu te aunual Flomer Shtom ut OKeoto Centre. They mere also lakon on a conducted tour of tho nem ily hall in Toronto. Nassagaweya groups discuss Citurchin Canada Atmîîsî iii %%Cisitittssliei-euit- Bramtontiti, ioi Stiltsl.tsin Aprît 9. Mr. Feenle poînîrd ot ilt Communuusuîis 50%csoies itissvear nidstatreads eigitlmilt iou suhscriiie fi) ils heliets. "Th-ss-oeld wiiti titis hon viced wheusse as elderan a citurcit peeselîl some-îhiug iii temwortd bhi sttitil \iItibh ailrasled. ite îusisîed. Ciii wenultsite ov and powser ut a fle dedicaled Io te ser vice utfte Master?" Spoakîug in te lthine. tlelp, l'mnau Eider!' heo uuliued itriolly te itsry outhlie eider- sbip [rom tho lime ut Motses and discussed te dulies ofi eIders, miticit includo goveen- ment and discipline in toe eburchitolumaînlain te faut- iv" in a mitolesomo mas, te wIrIkA; 'sn-'. ~J__ Names conveners Thte April meeting cf te La- dies' Aid ut Nassagaiveya Pros- bylerianciturcit mas iteld on Tbuesday evoning, Apeil 6 mt te ice-pesidrul Mns W. E. Becit in te chair. Mes. Bock read a poem: "If ouu bave loved a long, long ime. Mes. Cargili read te minutes and Mes. Robinson gave the fiuau- otul ululement. Weaing uft costumes for te Cenîrunial celebralion in Juemas dis- cuîsed und il mas agreod lu bave te memberes riug auy- Iingaailubie ite May meeting. Cituecitforus more priced and soid immediatly lu Imwo membors presseul. A bymn and pearor closed tiis meeting. The Wnmens Misstouaei' Su- siely fnooduder te leador- sbip ut Mes. Moion, te pro- sideul sit a sericeo f w siip for [ho Cetonutat Yeae. Minutes and coreespun dense more eead. Oue ofthlis-irias an invitation lu hear Mes bSau- ford Reid spoak ou TitursdaN. April 13 ai 2.30 p.m. at teAc- ton W.M.S. meeting. Also. [he speiug meeting out ho Bramp- ton Peshrleriat ososolire ai Si. Andremi cituecitat 10a.m., Apeil 26. mas anuouuced. Mes. D. R. Nicholson losit te Mission Peogeam citt Mes. Robinson, Mes. E. reodge. Mes. Edmards and Mes. Roborts os- plinirî te background utfte tupie. Mes. Nichtosuuspuito on: -Miislry for Indiaus To- day. Shet ld uf ber lîto in Mol- tord. Saskatchewmanmiter e ibere arr mufyIr ldiaus. Titey bave bail gumos and te la- dies have itouts. Tieroare local Homemuhees' clubs and Imo Indian rosidenliai sohools miticit mero under te direction of te WMS. tut are nows fi- nunced itste Dominion guv. orument. Western ludiaus are iomadie and foiltîogame aeouud. Num te ludians are inlrgraied itt public scituols. Boys are laugiti faemiug and girls hum lu cusai and mauage o boasetoid. Prehvleiau Fe1ooms hip House opouod in Winnipeg in 1960. Iu 1964 a secon'dlbouse mus opeuod. lu 1961 a bostel in Kenura peovided a centre for cummuuily lite. Tite change [rom reserve Ilu etiJior lumu s a greal une. Wr need a cen- tre tu inforus Indians ot social services inotites aller ter euve ho roserve.Wr mus SHOPPING CENTRE MILTON " Lobîaws * Plaza Motorm " Smoke & Gift Shop " Fabian Furniture " Laundre-Eze II Pollock Shoem " De'ath'm Hair Styîists " The Lori-Ann Shoppe " Saveway Totm to Teens " Stopp's Cleaners & Tilors " New Style Barber Shop " Caravan Restaurant "*Kiren'm Fîower Shop not deprive him cf is self- respect. Given equat uppuetonitîes ho cao become a gondcitîioen. He is a forgollen Canadian but il s tu ho hoped tai me iili shtowmomre couceru for our feilom buman hingin te fu- Thte meeting ciosed mt prayer. The courlosy convener lhanhed Mes. Roberts for ut- feing ber hume fte ieove- ning. Mes. Nicholson for ber înîeeesliug address. and te oter ladies for ltherbelinl te peogrum. Lunch mas ier- ed and a social buif boue fol- lomed. TWO-WAY VISION Simming along in fresit O lier mitoul spectacles, te anahiopi. a tropical fit. i ra- is, a four-eyed upocimen. Titis live-beurer. inhicit somelimes gromi a foot long. bas unus- ual divided vision. Ils epe te- sembles tai of a frog, encepi Ibal lite upper portion [s ad- apied for sigit in te ie. îshile te osier is for vision n temter. f or Spring bazaar Tite Spring Bazaur held hy Halon Cenlennial Manor.Wo- msu s Auxiiary mas discussod n dota il ai liteir April meting Wedesdayeven ing. and a [it oi table superisties Oas d rason op. Titcrscîil include Mes I ibGî bous ut Georetowsu aite iatabteMos .1J.Santîîîd ut Miltîoua i te peuns tahle, Mes, C. Hilli ofiMîtît itocre io itaudseatîs, Mes. G Masîiisit ut Mltonu iu charge t! itcit diais tickets, and Mis A. Wtt sou aud Mrs. A. Wutttttes of Miltoun up2rcisiug ts'e.e,% t les. Gratitude mou espressscil li Mes. A. Briiou îud iber aisit anis tor the deoirailinusaiFis. tee ausd St. PatriksGa% Fîîtoiîîg adtouorunîu t. coi-i tee. s-a aud luuch isere soi od ityMrs S. Allen andtItiMesC Rosi erv Hieleua. capital ut Monta as ituîkss u as Lasi Chance Gutoit uy gstd peospeclurs ho- tores-il uastoiudedta, a coni miluits in 1864. ii,'merndraedhing iug nom memiters iuîo [ho chorch, itesause ts-y siero af- raidt et hiilicou the-iniiii th- le poinîted out thal iherc i iin e 11iuster 10 svers' 18 eider., lu Brampton Preshyters' lu shois Ihal te is-iole load eau uti ho borne bv the minister. He. addod thai eidors eau gel lii places and imake coutact, tai the nui iii siter caulîtt "Whal is the gospel acirdiug Ioi sîu? Me. Ferîtie asked. A panel dscusion ou pracli- ca utetin o lit elctership luilossesi. Panetisîs iucluded Rer R.MacMitlau, Knos Oait- sie: Rev. D. R. Micitolson, Caînpheitvitle; Wiliami Wright,. an eluer tram Poîrt Credîl: and Me. Fornie. The couveuor ot te Prositeirys Esaugelisir. and Social Action cummille. Rev. D. Gibson, Oraugovillo. mudeaid. Song teader mas Jim Lain ut Hamilton. The Mate Quartette ut Knox, Mil- ion, hroughl messages in song. Amongst thoeiders ssas une lady, Miss Mary Whale, ut Er- indiate Churcit, locl osilute oidership sinco toe Gerat As- soubtys historie appruva t ut te ordinatiunu f omut aý dirootor ut Over- sof lthe Women's ocieîy tW.D.t. he day 130lsisitors cougreguliolsisn ry oarried ouI a imatouin propura- bing lthe Preshy- tlrstis ocngregalion. They localod 235 Preshylerian families and manyulbhersin livre-led l inte tlum Chui'ch aithrijies i taitecd thai liisuas te uosi succes l s uc h ffort tailites had eerr ituomu. Plans cati [or the initial ser- vice lu ho hold on Suuday morning, April 16, in Dorset Deise Publie Sehool. Parlici- paling ii ho Rev . A. H. Mac- Keuzie. Aclon. Modralur ut Piosslei-r Ros'. C. Eider, Gir- eclur ut Choîrcit Extension for te synud of T oronto and King- ston and Roy. J. MeBeide, Brampton, represen ling Pres- hylorys Extension Commiltee. Citureh scitoot sess ions milI preceed at 9.30 and the ser- vice mutl be aI 11.00 u.m. The ninlter wili be Rev. Ruipit 'endaIt, mito conmes bere f romt île Peerol, Que. A manse bas bren hosagit for bim and bis family and a lot bus bren oblainrd for the future cituroit building. Gifîs for te nom cungrega- lion meer dedicaîrd by St. An- drem's. Brampton, last Sunday. Gter guIfs are coming fromt te Presitlry and ultre con- gregations. ChUrCI, reCeives 13 new members A geoop of 13 nese members was received at St. Pauls Unit- ed Churcis during te Sunday murnttîg service. Tbey mcme wetoomed by Rev. J. L. Graham and cterk of session L. MeNeil. Fottowing thte service îhey ,xere entertained in the Fettom. ship Room and inteoduced to officers of the Church. New members are Mr. and Mis. Henry Artt, R.R. 2 Milton; Miss Jean Benson, 129 Anne St.; Mr. and Mns. Chartes Grec, 28t Kingsleigit Court.; Mre. and Mrs. F. Jefferson, 272 Elmwvoud ores.: 'Ars. James Kerr, 212 Main St.: Me. and Mes. Fred Massee, 385 Ontario St. Me. .and Mes. Larry A. Mc- Douguit, 399 George St.: and Mes. E. Rossbottom, 465 Rings- teigh Court. -C. W. Dredge, Campbtell- ville paid $400 for a mithing femote at the dispersat of thte Barrie Holstein bord of Dalton Wright lat weeh. THIS VITAL YO UN G RELIGION * - e sr- "4 Sia.natn illine .ppi n0n-d th- umrtd todnty ho b.- li... hn . nino f O.nk.d êaa0- -iif01Gd foreneng@. Thnp P.mhap. ma.i i hbtf 0or fSlu b. b<aa P-. unqunsti 15 Lnia *-ndTnrean7. Hamilton boy wins contest Thte Zone Two Optîmîst Club cratoricat contest held at lte Burlington club April 4 resullt ed in a Hamilton boy, Stever Jeffrey Abert, being chosen to represent the Zone in the Southero Ontario oonlrst. Milton Optimist Club was repeesented at the competition hy Alesander Douest, a Grade 8 student at Holy Rosarv Separ- ute Sohool s a SPECIALS THIS WEEK Large Size Pkg. - Reg. Fffre 2 pkgs. 69c White Swan FACIAL TISSUE ...4 pkgs 95c Redpath SUGAR ... 10 Ibs. 69C or 5 Ibm. 35C Maple Leaf Tenderfiake PURE LARD .... 4 IL pkgs. 99c Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES ..... 4 doz. 99c Large Size GRAPEFRUIT ---- . 10 for 55c Long Green CUCUMBERS ....... 2 for 19c Schnelder ' CHEESE SLICES, 8-oz. pkgs ...3 pkgs. 95c "A" Fryers CHICKENS ------......35c lb. Lean Back PEAMEAL BACON -------69c lb. Loin PORK CHOPS .............. 59c lb. Butt PORK CHOPS ............ 49c lb. Pork SHOULDER ROAST ----- .... 39c lb. Fresh PORK LIVER -----------.- 3 Ibm. 99c Fresh PORK RIBLETS ...........3 Ibm. 99c Fresh PORK HOCKS-.......... 4 lbs. 9%c ALFON SOYS FRUIT MARKET 172 Mill St. Milton 878-2460 FREE DELIVERy SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP $1.25 CHEF SALAD SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER WITH DRESSING MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES MIXED VEGETABLES FRESH PEACH SHORT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PH-ONE 878.9061 WeAre Open Every Day Thm-ughouf the YO&r LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONEO Milton Go ail out with OZITE carpet!1 OZITE' Town 'N' Terrace Carpet made with polypropylene olefin lier... proved so durable it's used outdoors ... proved so attractive it's used indoors! Use Ozile Town 'N' Terrace Carpet in the i kithen lc-rorr, at . .on the porch. patio, terrace! It's the original outdoor- indoor carpet. wilh oveli10nmillon yards - 9 ý so.Wnroormdcalready in uset Sitrugs off tan le n sq. yd. ETLq4 and spotng. Vacuuns ct n nidhos EMf1%J clean outside. 1t6 decorator cotors înctuding .Ap l e TOWN 'N'TERRACE CARPET made with potypropylene otefin fiber 228 Main St. - Milton PHONE 878-2067 1 wum wim %-driaua s inciians

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