Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 15

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Extend crop insurance to cover spring grains Bp H. J. Staantey Already in effect as fac as winler sobeat is concecned, tbe Ontario Ccop tosocance pro- gram bas nom b eco esleoded lo cover ouls, bacley and mixed grains. Covirage includes the bazards of dcougbî, flood, frost. bail, sinir, excessise ramn faîl, excessive moislure, plant dsese and i isectifl:ain A frmer moy ttsureeîp tri 60, 70. or 80 per cnt cf fus normnal eslrected yield. Cover- a8e is wcilen on a cooinuous policy basi ich cons fromt year 10 yeac unlil cancelied iv lire insuced or lire Ccop Insur- ancc Commission. The insucable value o Sping, grains bas b ccn set ai 2.2 cents per pound or $44 a ton. Due 10 pcemium soisidies, aînoonîing 10 25 per cenltiry tbe Fedecal Government and 5 per cent iry the Onario Goveru- raIt, lire cocerage io uvaitable ai mucb leso Iran cool. tIn ad- dition tire administrative costs are bi.rne by lire Imo levels oi irveennieni. Ender thre plan, provision has [reeriîmadefor the adjusîmeiri uil eaitlî lýess lele lire lain- e i iaL ituabandon tbe crop or put theiaged acreagelto olrcuse-. Paymenîs in tbese eacly stages acie made ai a ce- îiuced cale. Tire prlics-contcac-t s issued opoo receipi of an application lt iu thci Ie minimum depos- il preiium m-r $15. Wireî tbe r nsured person bas inisired seedii. irec mompîcies and Oie-. a mial acceage report and a diagcam, accompanied bv lire balance of pcemiam. Tireio- ,utrecd person must be an'- ecuclor" - cubher an omnec-ip- calor or a tenant-operatoc. Ait sprlng grains must ire in- sured on ail land seeded 10 sîreirgrain bcthe insured pere suimlielirer o on1e oriie arms or onrenteillanid.Fina.l date foc seeding of spring grain bas been setl by the Commis- sion as May il. No applica- lions foc spcing grain crops miii ire aceepled aller May i. 1967. Focîber information is avait- aile frîrm tbe agent for Hai- ion Cronty - Roirert MeCuaig, 1h01 Main Street, Mltoîn. ~ionsz~ Norval, Kettleby men represent marketers Local green bouse Nvegelable proJuzer, reccoilo e lec led Nick Ferri of Norval and Bob Voorberg of Kelilebo. Io0 cc as ler cepresentolives lu the Li- cal Board of lire nem Green- house Vegelable Producers' Macketing Plan. These twmo nmen milt represent the count- lies of Halton, Peel, York, On- tario, Simncoa and Duram, in Ibis procince-ide marketing rrgroiieafion. A cdistricet conrsmiilee of ive members soas eleceed as mcli. Membero ili ire as folloms: Bill Rupka, Bulinglon; John Vandermaret, Morn-by; Ron Singshotl, Norvai: Peter Van Tuyt. Port Credit; Leon Rad- dcc, Brantford. These persons mili bandle local probiems of the marketing plan, and miii oct as tire voice of tbe gromers in eporling lu tbe Board. Thce Marketing plan sirould irecome rîpecational very soon. Thre nemly elected Board is nom busy sorking out tbe manvpcoirlems inorved in set- lins op tiis hope rrforganira- lion. Tire marilurnctron of lire mackcting plan ai lire present time riili bc 10 esiablisir mini- mom prices lire lie ccop. No person mill be altowsed 10o el belom tins price. bnce sore market olabililo sirould cesul. Fees sil[ ire collecled lcom aIt producers on avolunme basis. Tirese monies sili ire used 10 opecale tire plan. Loala produrers slîouid noie lire names of lireir local cepre- senlalives. and il anc diseus- %ion siouiiiaiiise aslrrIreiri nc- lttniigeif lits plthon lie, rer cnaies roiirhrve lie anveor roilbe able 10 di- cecl the inquicer 10 somerrne miro ia the ansmer. -Judge H. P. Cacers- of Or- angenille iras conducled courn- ry court work in Halton soute Hatton jcrdge A. B. Spcaogcscas on an encirange visil 10 Guelpir ast meeb. -Plan 10 visit Expo '67, Apr-il 20 Io October 27. STORM CENTRE Lîsîcu 10 moIrer pcodding faîber 10 put lbem up and VojuIl inom miry bev col] lrer sioror mndoms. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 83 4-H Club News 1 NORTH HALTON 4-0H HOLSTEIN CALP CLUB By Mary MeGie The unIr regular meeting of lire Narrlh Halton 4-H Holstein Cal Club mas held in the On- taî io Agriclloral Office, Tirurs- ciao, April 6. The members ansmered rol cîlI bv namig apartîofacome. John Cocirburo di seussed the pari-sîof a cursTire senior nirinlrer, depariel (o a separ- - îî socnio he lî:îîr.d Alîn lirorsnrîdge di scas-out silir the junior memberslire lîed:og and nlanagîng ol lire ireier caîf. HALTON 4-H JERSEY- <IUERNSEY-AYSHIRE CLUB By Stuart Nurse, Press Reporter Loden lire leadcership ol pees- dent Mir ray MeCîîaig, vire prerideir Carol Sîcackhrer, secrelans Elizabeur Nocring- ltclu!r ieadciîs Walter Nor- r ingloir rni Johîn McNabb. lire lalren 4-11 ici sec Orirnses- ANrsiie Club ireld ils is rlieeiîrrg ai;ire AercurrlOf - liee rin Niirýn toApril 4. lhe A-ciîre A1rcolioral Representairie, John Cîrekbacr driiled the members on the parts of o cow, osing a scate model and diagrants. Tire 17 members ttren îplrit no jun- iors and seniors and eacir dis- cussed Iheir respective pro- jects for the comiog year. Airer a ftoat ceviem of lire bovine body, a film was showo r!ealiog with the U.nited Na- tions Food and Agrictture! Organization.lir mas decided riraI the nex- meeting ire held aI t hiefarmof cIBruce ad arrMr- leY Pickering. 4-H PROGRAM UNDERWAY Althoogh tire 4-H Club pro- grains h ave slarted. rirere is stilt tinte la joir. and applica- tions froor intecested young people milI irc meleome. Infor- mation i s avoulable from lthe Agricoltoral Office, 181 Main Street, Milton. OBEYED SIGN Teacirer to tardy boy: Wlry are you 50 tate? Boy: Well, 1 almays obey lire tamo. Teacirer: WIell, just wirat do voo mean? Boy: Tireres a sigo down lire road lirat says Sciroot ahead, go slow. CEUI!JEÂLAPRIL 13 APRIL 22 SAPETY 15 THE! THING rn Haîron Coanrp as farmers sock up on items înrnndnd ro rake rire danger from agriculrural morir The eqlrp- mont includes large ed and orange slow- moning cehicîn signs, centre, iîrst aid kirs, and a hosr of pamphrlets. Fire exntgutohers cao ire of rire oconomicai havd-iorce type, or tie $348 average at Caif sale A cali sale spoosormil ho Rockmood Itnarorional Ltd of Georget own as held recenti lie itir an average fur 41 iread of $348ecach. Top pice of iis sale %%as S875 paid iry Edoard V.Lac- colt. Guelph, to Caude F. Pich- et ol Georgetowon lcrlire ice- montir-old euh. Cierci -Wav Magie Susan. Edmard Carroll also paid tire second and tiird iigiresl prices at this sale. Hpad $700to R. . Grahram. Ercm for Grairacn Supeeme Faye, a nîne-rrrînîh- oid daughlec of lire "Excellent" and Supeior Ty pe ire,. Thrnr- lea Tenai Supeeme. Sil10scas paid by Edward Caceol lii Don- ald Dolson, Norcal our lire nine-montb-otd femnale. Green- iodge Supreme Clarîce A miro mas aiso sired bo Tirnrnnîca Texal Supreme. Otirer good prices nc.luded $400 paid by Alvin O. Baiger. Cickasla. Oklahroma iii Ralpir Ford and Son. Milton. 1B1 .i ulii litsreeirnie.md oanae lir te Mairon Brancir BILL MULLIN UC.O. Manager April 14 your fini aldt. te import Jumuicun lor By Charter Warner Daue10 lire lack il tri siiîcu tory rasoal larm Or i,.irîî able to Canacii an anîis, su.i- sonal monbers leoni lire Carth irean area iii ire adnîîîîeî l ii Canada again hIm-sîrînic. Gromers sisiing iii iahe use of Iis loiror source- noir place an ordeccciîbtirohir ir)cîl Carir cua Manpomee Office hi Apr il 14. The main coînditiros isiicir appv 1tbchehiring of tlirese s- sonat mwochers arc-. 1. Employer. iii ire requin- ed to pop a minimum toîge ofi $1.30 per bouc. e r e preeiil. ing piecemork ale.,miicirecer s iigier. Tirey iii aiss pro- vide a minimum averageoce-k- y sahacy of $50 during rire en- tire emptuymcnî pciod, Aso tirey most provide .dequateau commodation. lA charge cao ire made foc his accoimmodal~- lion). i. Tcansporititi11ccl.. bis c-c on liree crînrîvrîsc.-tirnoair i.re fhum KcsiiJamarci :i tiirolto, cîiibc pari ho the enrîlioer .îpprxîîrr.îîcl 82501 ler empirîseci 3. Tirese t onke vs cao brougbî n asici Mac t, 1967. but must bcre laîncîl h ovîember i, 196'1.Ourino iis period mîck- ers cao h,- hntugiri in lue c mîinmmomf K sw eeks, orî maimm Im torur calendar montis, PROGRES Tîco tra.mps in thebeobo jungcos ere dioiossing the empicymeni situaaion. ioe suid 1o Lobe: 'tve tiîoughî oh going back lu mark, hupros- periîp brnos inflation. uhicir begeto reccîsion. îchicb mcadv o de pressionsoicir catis foe ligi money, causing unein- plooment - and 'd ire right bec k miere1 am nom. DELUXE ELECTRIC tu18hp MOW E or IanR 34 m ngehbadc aurbolift le" nde desp gr Iacscuen cul Ca r a pjath Lage6'ohees wtt Pusirbaton* ann rd i asuce R otn - ~ SALE PRIlE e$5095 e«Ch$ -oesophisicated ores sitei as niose held by Wîlma Mason. Junior Former Queen. and Mariyo Kirkwood. Saietp Councîl repreoenta- tI-vs, for Haiton Junior Farmers Thisper tie Halton Farm Safety Cococril s pullîeg a Hanpdy for speoral empirasis on salety and ail tiese îemus HoeL o are avaîlabme riroogi members. (Staff Photo)l 70 Farm LUsi ECONOMY WIEELIARROW " fuhular heaop steel tfm itre 'l>'Otype 1e, a""Mnlp SALE 1 9ch *I. .ta y aactpai PRICE ac 4 caStc etr " Ponîture irruo tire s Remutar Value $21095 eath $350 Per 40 lb.bag prooîdor tir'"'Coobln e o ri CH-HP E <2 .9O major plant tuttirnts PRICE 10-6-4 ilruct our act a Fortille uiit regular tordî"el as CRABGRASS Toeil"aS TOPPIN TORCHECRAGRARSS REVENTER bctarc il starts. .. ar CoOP me 40 lb. $8.95 SALE ~'bag 40 lbs. bai PRICE $7 1 i CG, , liceciil Lîhr'1,-liHa er.iitinsManaigersIm t-(ic.i in a proir ti ai dir ici Billias fireî.rîii.iiget otlire irieibueno Co-(lpraiiie .idas somed is duessoithlbthieMiti lon. Georgetoos il-F 'rltiran Orangeville branchtestur Ajuril lire nom manager gr.diiieil from lire Lîstomel Distit il iigli Scirol. served as acciorilini soir lire Lisiomel Prodai.e Cri forrergiri cears and jîîîned tiCO. as Mantagement leatore i1957 at Kingocille Co-ip, Fomîbee be manîgcd lire V,înleck Hiii Co-Op ficritour veas and ils branchin Alexaîr dc;a. For Imo vears he mnare cd lire Prince Edooard Cii-rip in Pic!on and tiren Io Sihhur ne Mes. Muliîn is presen ilv ieacing ai tire Pri ncess Mat- galet Public Scrool in Orange. tille and is lîroking itîrîard tu continuing bei leac ing in hbis sarea. TireMulliios hice lotir daugitrres. Susan 14, Kaiti- ln 12, iennrler 10iandl Bar. iara 4.Al iirheirisireiocied tu i idîinu c loirbi Sicli]rne ,,t 1,Nil hireoiîîkng hir a muine[lireteir irtrses whi Motirrand Oai lookiîlforîraîa- riiihouleîtîriitlie 'viliiiiea ai thirc lusiiiionîîîîIlles: bîtlo FIRE EXTINGUISMERS Reîcnily a centrial Ontirî latler was able tu bae tis lrvclce and machine shopîrienî tires caoghl lire, nul hecîii-cc ie lias close tu th-- -to%ilire deparimerîl bol iretract l c loresigirîci and had pariscîl, Iwo drv camicai eiiigcisii- er s, ont e ir e rac lireand one for lire sirnp Fo1itlis >tialiespeni:uioirebr%%a, urle ilute. cecitiioîs.nds ni idollars lit tirel!osses. HM ou îd sN ire protection? Sinll and large drtc climical lire coinguisires aieaaial rom lire itiltiruF.rrrîi rkIc Coan cila a iilILII"I Qiiniactei irOnticollinti Olii,,,. M i titi, il il oci Spacial Spring Valute 3!/, O, ROTARY - ~Raglar Value $M0.95 $ Til a full 26 udhn ih $1 adîusiabl cili rudeptir fr O toi, REVOLVING FS7SRIMKER lChrune-piaicO Regular Value $499 Stasu spray aros "cuver.sameas up C-P ~ t 51. rîccit SALE 3 Suze: 2 il' xc PRICE HOSEMASTER FERTILIZER LIQUID IL INSECTICIDE SPIATIR Ca-SP SALE PRICE - IpicYs up lu R.iguiar 1l0 gillons ot $4 each 51.25 ranlu DIEUX! 22 CU.P. (lopCEST FREEZER SALEIE , Itli ceze3e-tor fl oapresor. Heigiri 1' D.pth 2748 Lergth 75'. 5 year warraoty or unît ard t 9 echa3year food oporlage warrarty. DURABLE MEL MAC SALE PRICE lM E -Guaranteed for WARE ireuag. laar value Find out when pour stock macho theINSTANMT-WAYp weight boyero s - oront and jjill pay higher Dil FVÀR : prices fo SCALE SALE ~ r eInstlant reodîng orthoot SALE $balancing o r Ievelling. PRICE eai r *Wighs ifromt 5 lbs. ta 1600 hos. Non-Buening monWired free,. odourees t lna" moisfure-holding Keep PcrtiliIc108.4 SlOaipmnrer Cs RMER c o LAWN vital plant toad I' PEER ol - lo pour grass as ~ B A MP IFERTILUIR teeded. ETMS " CO-OP COO Regulan Valut $330 Reaular Value $0.99 ti Relular Value SALE Regulan Value SALE CO-OP $ d.W CO-OP$3I.5 WSPEEO 0 A pu 0l.bg$3-1 71.N bag $ S-" PORi c .ft& PRICE Mlà" T-POR>tPS5FNE pcc45 b.bag 80k. cr4cu l. baie e r p cr u, t. bale Oorcae blador for LU SATCO-OP SHADED LAWN aeiplinaa l air, , I~ Islug san mai.SEE I M IX TU R E F ae pc0ar guarnion imrata Prp r1losndtal An ecesllent blend for sttadcd, 55 dry oarr cnllru* eprtira cle sais. aa5499 SALE 'd [i ecrlan Co-op C eaaa aOrI4cs-SP $.4cRcCE ae sAi. SAL ALEft.SALElaL$449 Rala le 2094oi $05 PRICE U W PRICE .7 5 bPRICE Per5 tb.bag 1Rgm au n9 âh P PIGLET PRESTARTER (Mirdicatard) lira Co-tperaic Formula provîdes ci all tiensin a taoper balance lot added gronlir and vigu durrrg tOms vetp delicaic tecding petiod. PRICE 2 15., lb.bag. UIIT LL LOKEOL Great Fuc for BUSINESSMAN'S je--.'t'Aîîso uIELcEUs I th îd'FILE jORj .E. i. Bs 3I RUViral$Bs-U KING Four dinwer SUe $0.9 IjI W /L.~~~i5~~.j7eI1\~~~~ hiddct rout and ~ [.. 1.ctbia rlcr n* e~i. 22 aii 31 Ths ccciftg plapu me Va e £ uu L .. Spcci dde $55irCO-OPTUIELESS 825%14 -uw uaRelsa, SALE $18-99 R SALan C$217.eh00e s $24.3~îrSaas DHUMIDIFIER Skp Shootr punpn PRICE each $10 PRICE pec __________________WITH NEW WEAR eAR $23.39 $21.49 d t tefro a ratetiîs turnîluen ails, " SUBURBAN I F- I I1 valuabies, agairsi AUO MOTIVE destructive nuisture. rust. *Nylon values - 20 fleoot " m a w . *.Ovtoaihird alg .12'h gallon Kem-Oil hose aIUIttttttlUIII inicaor fght tank - Adusable M D R a taop in Equal ru or boter Ihîanrgrnal . payf elerc resirrouir is cyle2 uinumlspa s aitir a rut 12 Volts: Real ctuiptrenu nul Yse rir e pir. engnlue itO nlldltng- D Onish. H p aies uan Ragalan *SmPa u nies un 54hplea er 6rolts: au 1.0 cumpressor ont. trecit starter disance natale CO-OP uy steec 40 mnnlh Value$30.15 30 plat Vlu1!8 ch trrcd SALE PRICE aip SALE PRICE 18ti vO SALE PRICE COPSLPRE RNear Value huiRsuta 0an/Sne6wa/Î.lpRz Ian i >e $77-M v-ear Van lie159crna<i.~ $619 17 15me O0SPSALE PRCE cacir eatt$9450 ech i ex1 1t5 ~ ~ V ai $124095 C I@UAUTT CO-O1P PROIUCTS DISTRIBUTEI DY LJCr UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO, HALTON BRANCH MILTON ERIN GEORGETOWN ORANGEVILLE When your v neighbo7urÀ knocks answer the cCd11 and GIVE to the CANADIAN CANCER SOC IETY Bill Mullin manager Halton Branch UCO. -1- -. ý - . 1

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