A Jim' 0 Readîng s number ot meekly ncaspapers tram acroas tise country on tise meecknd, tisere sieemed ta tic anc ommon kind of stoey - taxes. Aand abcy mere ait indicating they mere os tise wa up. Hikrs iv mili cales semrd ta bc tise rate casher sisan tise exception and il seems tisaI Milton and otiser municipal- iies ivn ation iii be tltamiag the pat- tera. Noticed tisas in nactis Pickering Tomntsip a iome-omner aiis an assets- ment od $5,000 ailI puy $428 iv lunes, as increase of 507,50 avec 1966. Tise residens- il rate ment up 17.5 milîis. 0 Ideas for meeting tise cestennriai bnep popping up. 1 sec misere ove graup sn avaliser commuvilp is promising ren- viai raina iv change as a functlan tisey are sponssoring. Thats a veut angle that dostst assayttiing if pou cas obtuin a large enougis supply aftie 1967 coin- age. Some of il seems a littleascarce. 0 The mar Ian Vlet Namt continues in mp mnd us a modern day piece of foot- isinsssa but Im tired of bearing eneey action of the United States ridicuted. e- iecled or misivtecpcetrd, misith ie North V1ietnamese tromities, guerrilta attucbs and ioetuinig are ovcrtoubed in us effort su pains lisem as tise underdoga. The US. bas oftemed a bombisg trace for segotia- tians ovip ta isave it igsorrd. pet Ibose misa parade t embasies cisarge the US. as tbe aaip eriot purty lanlise dispute. Mn ftser autavns tld me il saab tisa s Jottings b y 1îm d ilî1s ta figbt, and i don'tthlbîk limes have ehanged. 0 Stolen cura cas be a prohlem asd quile arien the car is %taon lhrough ne. .lci orflise driver in leasing tbe car uinlockecd or Ibe kevs inathe ignition. Il vaîe'1p'-isivg lh.,i o ain til Q17 per cent îf the slon C.uî ý1rec'.clallv ticovai i d.Tise Ontario Provincialoicr poried recentin tisai of the 9,983 malar vehicles staSes in Onacrio during 1966, ontu 292 bave vol hecn recovered. The D.P.P. reports cites lise record or recor- ery as "perbaps tise bes recoverv record on lie tNorth American continent". e One w1t uiserved thas four and 201 are tbe mat desirable ages. At four yau ksow ailthIe questions and as 20 you bnow ai]thtie ansivers. 0 A recent meiropoltan editoriat drone home the problem of bunger in tbe srortd avilis a tew bey sentences. 'Nearin balf the wortda population tuf. fer tram undernooristiment or malns- trition .... Lasi near tbe worid prodsîced va additional fond althougb il had 60 million addiîionat mouîhs. ..At tie cretrate, il avili tube 11111e more than 30 vears ta double . .. . At prescrnt, more tisas anc in v mcm irer bîsmans lune in Cbina or 5ndia and hallh nations bave a population grotvils of heisacmn 2 and 2.5 per rentIa vtr. Down[s in this wtsrpdomos Corner As you'Il vote by the aras picture atop iis columv. Dowsisl beginning te spart a beard. its purs ut my person- ut three-paci 1967 centenai projeet (VII fil ou in laser on tise other two partsf and teve been isving barrets of fan sitis it. I greis a beard once before, isuetsii 1957 tubes Milton had a beard conses for tise toma's 1sts birtbduy eur. 1 parti- cipated. joined tise 'braisera of 'tise brusis" toc fine tong isiry monîbs, gcew an inchs of fuzzy chinmissers and bad a bail. Buets Ibm, tome cutted me "Abe Lincoln' and a fese itimated tisera mus a lîgisi resemblance brimeen me and anc J. Christ - in pisusicat uppearunce onty, t busten ta udd. Tise presesst crop begun on "Good' Priday. Mareis 24. Itm panning lu beep il grou'ivg (if tise tetilizer suppin tassa long evougisi until ati cati Labor Day. Today, purs ove of 'A Beard Growers Dirv': B-Day minus ove: Receined hass plant. Been casher avdp yener amner. Wife did't reattp apprave but dida't botter ton toadty, sa assumcd il mas safe ta proceed. B-Day minas one: Received boss' btessivg lu came ta morts touisg libe e- fuder from coufh drap factumy. Boss ut- muai drcided ta join me in projeet but cbickeved oatsoua. Toots eai pleasure tram laving test saue 'l Labor Dan. B-Day: Caeefutty pactsmd aman racar, brusis, blades and shaisnv cream unlil netsfut. Touts freat satisfaction oui of missivg muenîvg shave routine. Tisas nigbt as bowling attey, mas subtected to sidemuasgiances bu hast of frievds wbo thougisi cra7v catumvist musbas-rftoc gottenltsane tisai monivg, gos mac- ied misen nobodv said anvvîiig ta allais me ta espiain, Decided againat adnertis- ing tact sraîf on face mus acsuutty mats. ings af futllieard, did't muni ta uppeur bausifut but frit sitty sitting here with 36 boucs' gcawtb and no evptanasion in sigisi. Day Tiso: Daugiter, 5. diaomned me. Neurip ibreis temper tantrum misen Dad didv't immediaseinv demisster according su ber toud demanda. Tireairved vo more isses assit ctean'cheeked agin Daugter 2,iusifelt andsaid "scvat cher". Day Tir.'c' Wife. ss'v ote pricing hobby sou chisieen la continuteft3etecl. single beds in Eatav's calalag. suggcstcd ed noie of hopefalvesa invroico 1 Sload firm. Alto shaggv. Alto scralchv. Oh tarît. tigured avaliser suets hefare heard woutd he sali and silkn Hapefulît' Dan Pour' Mther. uho llbcd 1957 beurd. toutsed appravnva on proieci. Day Stx: Began ta gel realîn serai. cisu. especiatîn araund neîtsaviserc shirt collar ruhised acainsi shiskers. Dan 5ev' Noird large number of gran haies .imovg hlack, Put il atovn ta sian aI matucitp. DanPEigisi Yoicbt' Pesa erdiairs began Ir)pro.iTraced familv ancestri' four gevera lions. vo rediseads amovg tisem Mntery. Dan Nive: Spaota croup of 4-H press reporters alI tainiag morbsbop. iviroduced self aitis apotugv toc uppear- anme, tld theis ibis miter tou, otd, tou fat aad tona hald la buc.a beatnik. su heard must bc regarded as cen tenniat projeet. Dan 10. Moîber. wiso iked 1997 ieard. loutsed again - disapproningîn ibis lime. Day 12: Whsbers hegan fettingsg tt or brai sit a hit sceaimbu. Had troubte keepisg face ciras during ratiig pros cess. Began laking serviettes ta dinver table and fariausîn aipief afler eues moaîbfut. Praised forefatisers for fore- sigisi iv usiaf moustache caps and won- dered miere agun u han oe these dans. Dan 13: inalin broke duiwv and trim- mcd blasird tiing.Pîîund immediate ce- li2t ai dinner table and i narrantf coltar. Seneral commenîs recorded on naaer appearance. Prietere.taou Dan 14: Pouvd heard veeded irirs. mivg again. Decided daitu timmiaf more muets thon dailu fuît shave. Had senere second thougisîs about misote pro- jeci, but decided ta "stick il oui' fora misie longer. Tiats il to date. NesI meets: Parts Tsuo and Tise of persona] 1967 peoteets. hPEEKING; INTO MILTON'S PAST Sugar and Spice lay bi1h11 smil ey COL. JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE, the first leutevant ganervar of Upper Canada, saperoised the Qucens Rangers us they cul out Yange Streetlin 1795. Simcoe vanied the hîgisaup uter Sic George Yonge, then secreturp of stase for mur and un MP frorm vear Simcoe's family estuIe in Devonshsire. Il mas no mean- derinq bush troul The Rtangers look four monlhs ta cleor Vonge and their military precisian kepi il stright as a saler for most of the 30 miles fram Yark ru Loke Simcoe. Evtensions pusis. ed lhroughIot Georgian Boy durivg the vent 25 peurs. Wisevtise work started, the province mus onîp four peurs aid andthe first trees had been culdcomnin [ ~Miampiou We1coime optimniôté Tise frnai cisrtering ot Multons ones? seviocer 'ai',Tise OptimistiClub #of Mfito, .on Saturdap nigisi isurvessed uvother group of eortmuvity morbers lu tise task ut co aanuty improoemnevt and me eelcome tise gruup. The evtisusiasm ofthtie grnup me sain educird as tise charter memnbers of tise club was roident. and iftbnp tolais tise ai, rtior of toing on Optimistie opproavis ta 'te in geveral and crm- manity mork iv partulor, tiseir influ- ecve ii nul be long vn being feait. Tise saling wiii vos ail be smootis for tise gruup because lfe and eent- are sut plotted tisat map, but Tise Op- truat Crerd ta misicistise mambers tub. scribe cn contribale immeasarablp if bhey permit it ta direct liseir tisaugis and discussions. Because me tinkth ie creed could one more idelp subscrtbed la, me pint t isere: Promise ouarseif -. To bu strovg tisat noting eus dis- tsrb peur peave ut mmnd. To toIts isaltis,iappinesand pros. pnrity ta eoerp persos pou mccl. To mobe al pour trievds feel tisat tiscre is omntbivg in îisem To lok ut tise suvvp ide of everp. tise district by L.oyuiist settiers fram tise soutis onîy a fcm peurs cachier. Bus already tise farms mure neatly laid out and groming high-quality isheut. Suc- cessive muses of immigrants follomed tise Loyalists into Upper Canada. Thaus- uvds ot settlers came from tise United States, attracted. by f reend in the Niagara Peninsula and alang tise nantis shore of Lake Ontario mhicis Lord Sim- coe gave ta those misa Saab theoauth of llegiance la King George. Mennonites f locked inta the Grand River country. A iseay influe of settlers fram the Brît- ish Isien laid tise foundations of Western Ontario. One of the great, broising stresses of modern society ta which sociotogists puy little attention was imposed on me this wee.tt1 traded my car for a new anc. Tthis psychotogicai crisis cornes ta ail of us every twvo or three years. St bears tookina aia, as a manifestation of the tre- endaus pressures we have to cope with, and aur grandiatheca didn't. Wisut a unap they had. They went ta a repotabte hsrse dealer and bought a horse. No sweat. They didn't even have ta asake the agonizing decision of whc. ther ta boy a brand new one or a late- madet osed. There was no soch thlng as a new horse. Wbat's more, tbey enjayed it. There was tome good-natuced dicbering which ssuatty csded wf ti bath parties thinking thcy bad gostbe better of the des!. Grampa cbuckted as he drove bis iively getdisg home, thinking 0f haw sauch trade-in attowance bc'd rceive for GMd Min, tbe mare, who hada't mach mileage teft in lber. And the deater chuckled as he tbougbt of the getding steadily gains btind and the tact tisas the preacher, wha knew notbing aboot horses, was laoing for o quiet mure like Otd Min. My point is thu: it was not tise wcencbing, cxhausting thing that a mod- crn car deai is. The avcrage iayman then bnew wbether a horse was saund. He saab a look ut the tceth, feit tise beaut here and there, bitchcd it up for a tial spin, and made bis deai. TIsere wasa oly sn mach tisai could be wrong with a horse. He could be blind, or spavincd, or windbrokcn. Bai be didas rast. there was no chance of bis brakes gratbing, bis transmission was autamaticatiy automatie, and he didn't casi $1,5w0 a year for lite. And ibat's onc of the ceusons t boy a car cnactly the wan Grumpa used ta bssy a horse. i look as its tecsb. That ta, 1 if tifhie bod 50 make sure theres a mo- toc, and opcn the truskts t matie sure theres a spare. 1 dont feel the beasi bere and shere, but t kilkts he ires and give tbe doues a gond stum or two. i tuke it -.V '1ks%0 for a litte triai spiln. And If noslstng faIts off and tise color sul'5s my wifc, 1 deai. There are different typcs of car boy. ers, of course. Theres tise bld wbo maties $60 a averti. He avalbs up t0 the rcd con- vertible wiîh 8M yards of chrome, bucti- ci seats, and dazliof aheei dises, points ta il 'mid says 'Gimme dat ove". Cheerfutty, ht ilgas the indenture pupers whicb witl ensiave bim for four yeacu, and dcpurts Ibm Sas wiîh a sgueal of tires. Wbere cisc can bu find poaver and ses appeai for a lousy $80 a modstb? Aand therea ithe bora borse-trader, who dm1; - for the sheer joy of It. Hie spendu mass of bis spure lime ln 'car dealers' lots. budgering the suiesmen, dispnraging the merchandise, and quot- ing the terrifie deul shat Honent Joba down the street bas otfercd him. He sel. dam bas a car mare iban six montha and iv dclùded insu thinbing thut bis lot ia improving witb cvery tradc. Bus for the avcrage iuyman today, baying a car is an excruciasing ordeal. He suspects the dealer. He fears ridicule tram bis friendu, ail of wbom bhave mad.e excellent aeals lutety. tic dreads tbe in- tervew wlth the bants manager. Me trails tram anc car lot ta another, trying to tind a Baicti for the orice of a Voltinva- gen. And the uphalssery mass match al bis wifc's clothes. Mot me. Mot no mort. Lites too short. Ycsscrduy, 1 boagbt la 20 minutes. Let my seife drive il home. Oh, tere wcre anc or smo tittie thingu. 15 stallcd, and ave discovercd the buttcry cable was touse. The ligbt in the cciling woldas go oat and t bad ta phone the dealer t0 find wbere the switcb mus. One of thse doues won't close. And tbere was a de. ighttul bit of fumlly estitement wbcn my mife pushed the windom-masbcr bot- tas. itstsnck. and soapy water gstshed avec tise windshield toc five minutes with marc suds thun a detergeant coin- merdiai. But itîIl ait mark oat. Thee years fom~ nom, itîIl be hast another flus- buctiet, aimostpuld for. And I bave probably added a year ta my life -by bsuy. ing tibe Gsampu. Tcy 15 yourself. Pages of the Past frc n champion fi les ting and mabe pour nptimism corne truc. Ta tiivb nty af tise besl, su morts onip for tise bustsand espect onlp tise best. To bu ualt as evlisususlic about tise saccess of oisert as ou are abuut pour To turget lise mistakes ufthtie pusl and press on la tise greoler aciievu. munIs of tise future. To mear a cieertul couvlenance ut ail imes and gine everp living crealuru pou meut a smile. To ginu ta mucis time ta tise im- pronement of pourseif tisas pou bave vo ime ta criticize otisers. To bu taa large for marrp, toc, noble for anger, ou strang for feue and 100 iappy ta permit tise presunce of trouble. Tise Club is nom oftieiallp launcisud and tise vumber morking in tise inter- estttofthlie cammunilp a is aS mach langer. We banc vo doubla bat tisaS lie num group miii buitd a record df ram- muvitp service jutS us otiser local service clubs isave dote. Oplimisîs are Friendi aftie Boy and tisey miii bu diructing lisein tisougissad activilies ln tiss avenue. We miis tisursevery auccusa. 1 (ditopri ift'e WHO CAN TELL US misa tisse people building. Tise photo malauned by Art migist bu? Or do pou rucognize tise aid Higgins. Automobiles are ca:ing Ira cast more, but vol evougis mare la imprave lise traffir situation. Ia isuard for a peraon la get uheaut becauae e bu sts puvd ta maciseffort ual uvoiding disater. Tise rosI of veceaaitius la gaing up ad lise pice of luvuries isaS caming dumwn, elisher. Texus bus uvolisur distinction. lt'a gelsivg lu bu tise morld't biggust soot- ing gullery. Trudition uside, msy soutdn't a bridegroom tsee lise medding gama bu- foreisuvd? He moldn't notice il ap- muy. Expert doubl tise auuienlicitp of a signauture of Henry lise figisti, wmisa mu isundier wtavi n utsthatise pua. NoS yul unsmurud is tise qustion, "Hais mucis Asian jongle la marIs ane Amerieun lite?" For mistever reusan US. maniey as green, t'a a midty paputur cotor. 20 years ago Taken fronthtie Issue of The Canadlian Champion, Apri! 10, 1947. Ths- Easter sueebend stoem mhicis brîrugisi damage and sutterivg iv munp parts ut Ontario left iis maets un Miltton and sîrrausdivg couatrvtide. Mosts sec- oas damage avas caased by bigh minuta mises il blets offt about ose-third aftie gravdstand rouf as Agricuttucut Parts. Nrartp 40 fret aftie cool on the soutis- ers section mas itted ivnlava piecet and biaisa ucrots tise race tracts. Oneseaui section cottapsed and mas lourd tying on tiesetas. Tise aeativg arrangement did nos appear ta be dumagrd. A large trer mus btown avec opposite tise resid- race of lobs London, Court St. la osher sections ut tomn. treers mccc givra their spcivg manicuce us dead limbs avere bris ken ott. Muny tcom Nassagumepa No. 7 scisoot accu attcnded the tomnasip matie festival us Broobvilîr Hall lusI Taesday. A tatl hait isteard ta tise ciildren of tise public scisoul isg tisir solos, duets, or tube part in choral worb. .50 years ago Taken fron thIse efe The Canadian Chamion. Aprit 12. 1917. Tise Toma Hall mus ceomdcd Tues- day eening attise production 0f Gilbert and Sîslivana camic apera "The Mikado" by tise Brampton Opera ad Dcumatic Club under tise auspices of tise Junior Red Cross. Receipta totalted $128. Tise club mus trard by Harry Bueron, torm. erein utHilton. Aayone misa man hune imagined tise club suas over-umbishoas in ustempsing Tise Mikado was deceived. Tise gracral verdict mas tisastishe per- fo-munce mas us aearty perfect us coald hane been eapected tram asy compan of amateurs ivn ingiaf. acting ad busi- nss. Me. Barras starrcd as KoKo, Lard Higis Eeutioner. ad lava other es-Mit- toviansu isba ad teadiat parts disting. aisbed themarînes - W. H. Moore usthtie Mikadô. and John Fartais as Poub-bah. Mca. E. H. Dote tuas paeiicuturly goud ut Katisha. Tise fine orchestra ufthtie club desernes spaciat mention. Piftt-bee membrs of Milton Curl- ing Club tursîrd out yesterday curais5 ta tiseir rad-utfasasnbanquet ut the Cors. merecialteaschniicis did credit t0 tise tovdtocd Kennedy as a cuierer. Polloav. isg tise dinner president R. L. Hemstreet toukthie chair. The usual carters' aand patriotie toasts mccc proposed and ce- sponded ta. Members of tise wtnatsg chats and cannera-up la the Inter-clati fumes mccc eacb pretented ailis a silti umbrelua: J. J. Peacocti. skip; C. M. Stuart, Jue Wiltmott and J. Croave, ais- sers: and loba Maxted, skip; J. R. Mur- tints, W. 1. 'MeLean andt 2. M. Mucben- cie, rasvers-up. Ex-Manar Baina Smto sitb ombrettaaerr hasded ta A. S. Will. malt, ainner, skilps andt vhce-sbîps aad R. Wiltsn, aecosd and leads. 100 years ago Taken fron thte iuotie of Tise Canadien Champion, Miiion, Apeil 1167. To tise editor: I1avould askthie mayor of Miltos, tismugis you, by wisat author- inv he graatcd licenses for fine tuveras sn tise toms. By lise laul specia canss tubes bu Couscil. cisc inhabilans oattise toma numbcred less tisan 900 aouis. SB- section 4 ut section No. 249 oftie lest Municipal Act passed. strictty limnita tise sombereut licesses ta be grantcdl - one license for every 250 people. Notai, air, untesa a satistueloru answer be given, le. gai steps aili be tubea ta entorce the penalties of suis-seeson No. 7 of the samne section. A convineing proot ofthtie abitity of aur tarmera 10 do aithous recipcociu-e aiti tise United Stateasaili tic foand in pesterdan's market report. A sate is ce- .Wrted of 5,000 busis of whieal ut $1.90 per bushel brought here bp an Amneri- can bayer for shipmeat ta tise United States, upos aviichin laaddition. be aili hune ta puy Amneriran duty. Tisis lua bigiser price tisas mas ever ceachcd in tise dans of Reciproeîty. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Pubttshed by the Iii. Priottuse end Pubtishing Ce. Ltd- Manut ng Editoc - lames A. 1> 55 News dtor -tt t E.D,,is 4du eting Mgr -fHnde Parkt Piibtsised enery Wednsday as 191 Mait St., Milon.Dntario. Memher oI tise Caaadian Weebty News. sapera Association and tise Os. taris) Wcctly Nemapapera Associa. tian. Subacriptios rates payable vn adsance, S4.00 la Canada; $700 ,n alaitcountre raothertan Canada. Adetsn eaccecsn an te candtetI, taSatuteavannt nd a tl»unPtau ansr,, sht osnrton ofthe uivnfltisa.puncf apebtnt he Or rmnmu. ituan tooh with mumnulnau..ne.nnfor knter. wlii ns beau trCnifor. but thse burtner ufthsIe uuurri.eetn ttb. sai ar thn appticuits rate. inthaa snnsnt. ora uiacaerer au aû veauna os orsr rtivusas àt osan ertnn. aosose srvitte tui ns ait,.eti. Adverttuls s s te un o uteacut i ; maie bu vithiresetmiusie. Aatisorized as Secondt Casas Mailt isv tise Post Office Depariment. Ottawa ........ ..