~1 Pioneer cemneteries are being preserved Saverut pioneer cemeteries liakeut ta Biriietes' hisiirv' entutîn. wa.s jst a few davs n the northern section of tee prenient. oId.* Burlingtan h ave recent heen M il11 gras.e phcîtagtapher "Onea panicularîs poignant lahen 00cr he the Burtington Merle Guahs rccntlv aisilcd scene herr," hc re lates. "was Partis Department, ta he pre- scacrali onte îtca, sîitpiliiap the sight of leva praves, a scrved. leancd ap and main- aploa oIleen lre ndal "ieh t .iati t o condition.ai hot i ssi c ii', ailre t-îta teiladi, siit' ta thes' inciltie sîtae lairge quit te ît h\î 1'î l ". îîî a ivothîtît1o iîîîîl i;' l iît dits pulichtîrial grottnds. somne Iti t it ai' cl.îi'Setil piprt." .ttachcd la the lins' commut- alunv. Se much of HalIons cýarIs DEPORREST FAMILY PLOT, an a beautiful wooded keall t the corner af 10 Sderoad and Walker's Lina, Brlinglon, tetures an amuIte aid iran fence sarroundtng most af the graves. ils cnurches. ana some mare private familsl plots mItere aeembers of certain familles a erc laid ta rest. Crews have invaded tte groun ds ta trim trees, rake up debris, cut the grass and eut them je presentabJe shape. aller a long pertod when few seemed ta cure for their upkeep and thev appear- ed destined ta grow thjck %%ith werds and hrush. Here je these plots lav 'lhe remains af many af Hltons pioncer mcn. momen and chitdren. Names iRe OaPorest. Rasherrv. Campbell, 'Dvidson, Viojan. Smnatl and others At the Cotttng tamilsý plat, henied theu ittest petite lit ttc intci t iî thete uaas8tcars îtd - trk yiucf [bit people dcn' eii" .îif,' ort "lur soeV aiad tee" je Ihis se.ni%, ariictidms The îîîungust hbaiecclthetciecid- historv is preserved in tttese rural banial grounds. Grave- %tunes iot hirlh and death du- tes long forgattiehs' descen- dants. Thes fitlin eimportantt hlanks ta rhosc tracing their ancestral famits trees. "This is anIN one reasen ichs il s i, o)thahile ta pre- sretheseccmeteries." the photographer notes, "for 50 mach past histant i s recorded here for ftute generations.' The photos an thjs page ra- péet fisc of the ight nantIt Bîîrlington cemeteries the Parhs Botard has agreed ta maint ie THIE CAMPBELL.DAVtDSON family plot is situaaed at lte corner ot Appleby Unen anti No. d Sdnroad in Burlinglon. il is ove oi eight presnraed by Burlînglan Partts Department. Lio/~!t ~j MANY OF the aid gravestraces havea fnac lices oi dogqcrrel eailhossd one the-i Soc e 'tay lie raî'tortieg, lîke this message left lot us by Simuon De- Forest "Whie on r.it'h 1 did rnmaic. t suffnred rniah .,îfh grief and paie, but achen the Lord thot irbest, He tooti me ta Hîs heavenly rest"- KILIRIDE UJNITED CUMUTERY on No. 8 Side- in cacy of the aider cemeterien. This n aI raad features ane af those aid ubiqaitoas large, ceii trrnd lot that lends a quiet dignity amnumental wrought iran fences thur are fond ta thaeiastresrncg place of Haltons pioncers.' a Cascade 40 electric water heater benefîts every member of the family The feitow ubonc muy be mue's best friend. But the Cascade 40 ies te ladies' heurts. The teason? Cascade 40 bas Imo heuing elemenîs. The tomer etement provides abandunt hot mter for normal use. The apper element sarges tto action mhen demunds for hot mter are anasuutly heuvy. Sa theres utmuys hot mter for uny sîze job: 3c tram dachshands ta diapers. Handy uppliance. INe Cascade 40. You can mush anc dag, or a dozen. and neyer feet the bite. live btter electrically 4> MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 A WARNING mas lel t for posterity by Mary Davdson -Kîcd frends beware as yoa pass by, as you are now, se onceacasi1;asia1a nwso yoareust he. Prepare, herefore, o foliow e. Be Prepared for Spring Work: Have Your CULTUVATOR and HARROW TEETH Çharp>îed(opt ctioi *LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED *HORSESHOFS FORGED Waldie's Bl-acksmuith 16 JAMES ST.S o MILTON SPECUAL' FRESH - SMALL SIZE BOILING FOWL OVEN C READY 37lb MOI TON POL TR YPRODUCTS Down Garden Lane, off Mili St. 878-440 FR :ANÇi3t$ %ÎP/IýA L, HANO CARVUD ARTWORK an this stanc in nrs and the bond pe nted beaven mard. theo0d Pesbyn ran emeeyon No. 8 Sde- fhoaggoacd downc bevweatherover the roud ea Kbrdetapnesnd the pboograph- ears he aaking an tha Sonnaes lcear nt Samene laNaosycarvndout he flo-a vsbe. A SMALLIR PLOT is the Collîng family ceme- rigbl. The ane-aprighî stones heme have not lery an tbe Guelph Lien soatb of 5 Sîdnroad. stood te lestofaintae anry iscll aînd ail have The Coiiing hure is shownri t lf, and the bren laid oc the graacd. cscurpmenî con Ne sean behind tbe tren AI (Photos by Merle Gunby)