OMAGH 12 The Ca nadan Champion, Wndnesday Apr i 12, 1967 Wall cabinet, antique items dedicated at Bs Mes. Cecil Paiteenon ant ians Mr anti Mr Clamre Frdeont Se Miss t ronc Downs anti Mes. Mrry mas Goalti Downs morshippeti u tion i10 Honi Omagh Prsbyerian cburcb toto memb, on Sundov, May 9 for the sun- acre ta ini viing ni ibm nom mail cab- for a cent, inet. belti in Bv A lagec oîngreg.îîion 5vas ti.,.Aprit meeon îStînil., .April t .1 A ît,,tt Ontîcit Pteshs iein ct,,,ch noites ivOtt %vorship. A recntty ,nsîattmti ho talion, mail cabinet anti itemns ai Poiish Foot chu rcb histors sere dedicati gratoti'ta Cý ho the minisier Rev. Stanley confeticrati, Smith. Spcaking on hehal of ibem itheir the Womenr Association woavns-as ifte. hati donaiedth ie cabinet. -Mrs. ledot s J. C. Marshall gronident matie so contrit the gi 10t the cborcb. The huilding mo first communion cup, ai beau- ocross Con, tifol glass, sas presenieti car- The girl. lier ho Miss irene Doons anti groups anti hem brother tho taie Gemalti leaders Mms Dons-ns Paîterson A tilsier communion pitchor .înd a veget anti oups gioen by farmer .înd cahhagq menrs Mr. anti Mrs. Clame pied for1 Ford ame invtho cabinet anti a qoîte îasîy. communion token givon ho Ncst me, Nrs. MoFiden. Appreciation 15 ai 9 a. s expresseîi o ibose woo 5 ey vs-ut kindis fan-e these earty relies soup anti o ibai îbcs- migbî ho presemveti. Mrs. tom Snoso anti Mrs. Birtiday Marsall ocre the commitice Van Den i 10 plan the cabinet anti il s a aiso 10 Mr hantisome addition to the 9. Rav Mai eh,îrcb decot-. Shorin, Api Mm. anti Mes Clarence Ford A numh, S, Fifth Lino eniemiainedtri tciallen, members ni ibeir family ai a rop iostiia buffet dinner porto on Sun- urdloo. Apr don. April 9 ai i p.m. Ouests Ted Stovi score pt-sent fom Mapte, To- Lisa antiý ronto, Gakoitie anti Shethumne. meme ama, The occasion mas la bonne estimaird iheir son Carence Jr. anti is flochedti t bride. nity for1 Nrs. Lioti Han r nom a pa- lessivai. Il tient in Joseph Brant Homo- arganizeti. rial Hospital in Burtingion. on the ou wheme she is connatescing damn wa, from sorgcmy, We wirh ber a ors dosnt speetiomeensers 10 beattb. There wt We etend sincome sympaîby quiliing pi 10 the famîts' of the ltl M. J. an antique Canton who passeti amay in a demonst Miton, Son. Aprit 9. Me. Car- anti mono ton soho vas in is 941h Seat- Mnnonite ssas hightn espectoti ho ail their bah!, wbo knem him. He hati ho n are- famoi ocmo activeoin commoniiy ai- home corer faims anti serooti on mano rop anti fai boards. Ho ceaves 10 moumn Pur ar is possing. fis-e sons, Earl, largo pavi Etmcr. Lloyd. Cecii anti Go- cre -serve, raid andt iece daogbicrs Mrs. 000 a ride1 'D Downs. Mes.F. Peacock bushînhee anti Mes.A. Hunier antimanv Reîst Oas grandebiltîren Hi, noute pro. sho%%ti the tioceaseti im three veors ago, tlo son Carence, in the - test inoriti nar anti a daugh- tee Mr,. C.McCann. Me, anti Mes, C. KJievis anti Miss Jessie Jarvis aif To- onta ttentiedtihiefunemai service ni thete niece Mm. Roteiemîk Monoeb ni Detroit onThusd.a, April 7. Mrs. Mvaeh is surviseti hohem hushînti anti a son anti a tiaughior. Si nerosmpaibo s exeintid oti ore o-ho mîorn hrsutitin passing - The fluth meeting of Horn- b, South 4-fi Debuicens mas helt i tthib home of the leader Mes CCecii Patterson on Salue- da,ls.Apeit 8Sai 9am. Sisteen girls ansnserod thecroii ciii. Wbcemn onces tors came tem It i as itOtestinf ta note tbai boities thoso from FIt,-iOet. lrei.,nîianti Scot- lad members ,îti familo liesin Hî,tt.n,Potutgal anti Germons President Unda Kuenzig nias in charge of business. The eîgh hmeeting i, tu ho bott in lti îmys of ,, pato Poor wires cause fires! Now is a good tinte ta check for firee.sariing bazards in Four honte. f u1t , ot\i i fl,, Ic 'i ii- equtpinten tîeil cal .tipiattcna t îhhi,h t t t-, And! tee ,, a it,,t A CIA rcprcsentatlvc would be plealicd go review your fit-c Insur- aice necets iiibyom. For etîmpîcie detatis. catit TMEA KURZ CIA Automobile, Accidentl andi Sickneun, Fart Fantiiy Liability, Honte Protection 3242 LwerBa Li.W R.R. 1 Mlton Phtotne 878»9741 à Omagh church ocre mode for ibis esptaincd hc prtcess of ssi ecretars- Roselant m.tking. Abottt 2; tboa' s10 scnd an invita- trees are îapped caLh.Y nbv Womcns Insti- ,,,,dMm. Rci,î hiabouht1 crs and the girls Thet'iiî,,r, %e ebey sv nvite ibeir moîhers tttk ot,,t,,n for more fui tenntal porto ta bc Itfits tvao m% nu dv% ne Centreon Satur- tattostant fine op frmmb 29 fr,,m 2-3.3f p. oq.a intill ittot datk, htt t.nflclart pla\sotilt,.,,- ,,î, t,,,carne lu ni i.Hotngarttvs ant irtce ecrtiisitîuî et ,p as ibev immi- Sîtîset ettmnted t i t- anada sborily afier sers ptoa,antt dav and > in, bringing witb es-croc hild sb,îîid hase customs, foads and chtvce tu,î e the ,sas of cThese people seti- thaî thesc quiet. tIeve at on farms and al- tpeuple wiîb their qîtainti ied greaîty teatomnes ,vnd heottiful hol tads and railroads andti lne neat ,tmes adi! ida. orcutv Is bhey divided in Peoceeds fron thiis eveni dsopcmvised ho the coniributedta th ie -orh rs Kiernan anti Mm. rciarded adalis. prepared pizzas Tbcee masoa curling h etable salati of boots spiel anti a hoches tour ge. These socre 50 m- ment. Coîngratulation, tio lonch anti proveti cing will be ApritlOW IL m. ai which time F prepare rhubarh oter dis:es. ix ten d Boom, 8Son April 12. i h e Ir.Wm. Sloai. Aprit n th e s., April h anti Antis By Mrs. A.R. Couitei 'mril 9 S vm piat h viestteîîti 'cm from ibis dis- Mr,. D.Sssllosand [ai dcd the Maple So- in the loss tf hem laitier, D ,, in Elmira on Soi- Muir, Hamilton. andtio Mr. pril9. Mr. andHMrs. MrsBîb Reidtavndl.îînîi r. Julia, Faut and the loss of a son and brt Sandra Feaihersian John Reiti, an a mes tlt tif ar Dng the huge crowd cient last sseck ai over 20,000 sebo The contnuniiy also moi oihe ltoile comma- the loss oflarespectei cit iheir ibird annuat ti the deaîb last ,eck cof. tmas esîremeto mcli Vernon ILilliani MeArt Cars weme parbeti Hem gracious hospitalitv ,itskiris and iracior talent ni ith obte fans tank the -.sit- Ia. so ce ncrous, milI ho i iown. i sýetianti hcr vans r gas lais tinsee -a h,atls a,.tsof kinicsîil arty. roap making, ,raýsbho a memoria tuo ieae an art sbow, S ospthosî,e steniedtiut ration of wcaviné amîls ini their hereasery îother eshibits. The H' enn cladies held soles of cuti linet to Hentier-tin Ger ing, for sshicb bheriHospitalin5 Hamilton os Farmers solti Vitr,,,n S intinchtt tid meai. maple sv-Mm. ant IMrs Citeter Ni ýamproducis. Wiîijm 1-asitti.andi Mm, ntik% nai s tun Mr,. Cari Sý,set eîgn, Bu cks ad 51P ton, utth Mr anvdiMr.Rt, candtiiis also gave iviceme, en. ho bbus to the snar ia ,tt t former Emmanuci M.lnMr.R\(i a fine btst .Ho 1'.0ttiMt ,th'.t, te folks artountianti PouJpon, cdltnn ttSMUte DRUMQUIN open house, ri ~rIrnmptou istrict Pg , ~ u R', Mrs. Cecil Patteron Vrop ASH isnd 'l se ir siti hfo ifke tnMiigen- ei a cser Elmio cas- Plan to a rses niailecommit I tO ai PercyW. S.îîorday, Ar are The commit kof so pricing thev have t b0n- incloding bc( My pl r.n 'me.iin ;lhemr n-tii aMirt. ilal- !erna Thompson wins i annual science fair ieotrge Fellelicelo a cettîttiiotl t t,,11 t il Mits, John Math beui honor, hetet ti ttteB.'n cpents olalovels C,,nmuniykCntelastlTue- tel cocker chair at oay ni.ght. Mm. anti Mrs. Moth have raid iheir larm anti have nîseti f romtti is tict. TheN n in iheir vîctaro amy proren îîy living near But- brook. (Our besi misher go sitit attendti e iecenien- îhcm in heir foture ptans. tece rummagecsole Niru. Alan Tyreil, Mis. Bob rMerrs' Schnol an Shiîam, Mes. Cari Pattersio ýpril 15 ai 1.15 p.m. tece bave beon bu- anti Mrr. G. Feletteritirepre- article cf svhtcb senieti Si. Lobes A n g i c a n ies chureb ai the 8lst annual mcci. tondretis of itm ng cf the Ntagara Dîoces,în tis, bobs carniages, Board ai the Womens Aoxil- d nte P ro-nd ary of the Anglican Church of )r he ibar. fud. Canada on April 6. The mmn- ing serv ice scas betti ai Christ Church Cathedra]i n Hamilton, canducieti by ihe Asistant Bîsbîîp. the Right Ren. C. R.H. Wlkinson. The afiersoon ses- athy Rite Caihedral wiib the Pres,- IL 9 dont lAcs.E.A. Colqoboun pre- n Trtov Uniteti Cboreb Ait ho Sontiav mtring sr vices in Lowills-miZintmernian Uniteti Churcee. Ren. A. K. G riffith, preace d ,n esep- tionatis fine sermon, comtnm omating the SOîh annîmersars-iti the Baille of Vimvy Ritige. A vocal solotasvrendereti ho Mes. A. K. Gmiffiihs. The generai mneetigcf the Lomoitie Unitd Chumch Wo- matnwubetti n ihe Junior Lhomeh Sehoot oith Mrs%,1 ard Cool son eondueting the snorship seroie. In the absece- of the prestifent. Mrs. G.Malot- strom. the business Oas in charge oif ies. R. Couiem Flans rsere citnonei]formthe U.CW. Thinkofitmngservice ontîJo 1 i.t tvheh time-ftotu- bceivit tri! , .îttcnlandti tke nonFtll,ttiig theointng servieeilunct,%011ttihe-se-rctit the ehurch. Plans.arc gîttt-,hctditor -a hazaîtîtnt[lie tait antian a,, tiottsaleoin Nias. prttecIoît- lot,,he J Nit iBuiion pro- cit for ne-larîcîf ibien. I ,nastiecidel t,,bits.a pianoî loi service oen1tres More than 100 good reasons to cati C-I-L and the C-I-L dealer network for the fastest, most complete fertilizer service in Ontario. C-l-L han more than 100 service centres n Souîhern Ontario. And 5 C-l-L plants, including Dur new Lambion Worko ai Courlright, back them up wilh a constant supply of high-grade fertîlizers. Theres a service centre near your farm. Il's siocked wîlh Super Flow fertitizer. in a broad range Df recommended analyses. And supplies of direct application materiain such as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Poiash. There are nurse tanks. Nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders. If youre ready for instant service were ready tD supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. GROW AND PROFIT WITH FERTILIZERS the Jonter Clîureh Hall shîî n is nom undergoiîtg en,,eiltns. A weiconte mas estendîctii Mes. H. R. Farr,îm anti Mrs. DO Fatr, .nne,,mems totheoin munity. Di scussîingmops de- cidedt iai thmrevas avnctifitr leadership traîining in theort ,a ,vor,ikhip ifor tepn) of tearning dîîlîesî(ilte vr oas ofiiecrs in [lite Unitedi Chureh Wonien. bit s ott,il C,îaisitt lcad i a t, i îsi v slt,, b, Kennttth A M1ýi O is oto theorî,ds ih tilt ttîl 1% Ros Le L.,chitooRefichirlotil set i-cib\theil,- io The Witli,, \o,,t C,,pol îih, ivenîroriIl o ot knit i i ît tîlo miitts ceot Ii, 1,-eok ai lit , ome- tit bir- George- tt, ,I Oît, i -. [lite ,tteillcnt ,es,,tn, is MIrs Aîttitoi Brotin, nationtal chair- man of the candidates dopari- Fotioscin o the cinner in the evoning the speaker mas Dr. Kenth G. MeMilian. Gencrat seerctary of the Canadian Bible S;,te;aty. Rev. attd Mrs. Ken Pal- teson atteudedth ie dinner ansi croning sersion. NIe. anti Mm. Alesander (Sait- dyi Jaek, lefi by plane on Sai- urday mîîmning, hountifum Lon- ton. Englonti, oheme ihey plan ta make their home. They milI t)e misseti very much ho their feiends anti former neighbors. The UC.W. of Zim-ncrman Choreh beldi iheir rogular meet- ing iost Wetnesdlay nigbî ai the tum lofMm,. Edgar Campbell. Miss Bever loy Poliers anti tmtî girl irientis li ho car earit, Satordav morning bounti t,îr iaviona Beach, Florida, where thon plan 10 spenti a short vacati)n. Visiturs on Swsday afiernuon with Mm ont Mms. Bmock Har- ris anti lamily mccc Mm. anti Mrs. Dave Wilson attd son Neit oi Jarnis. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Bel anti girls of Burlingion aînd Mm. antiMm%. G. Petteiteria. Oscar Bird returneti home Saturdav fom St. dosephs Ilospîtai, Haitlon. where be hati laen a paient last meek. Congratulautons 10 Verna i hompson ton lhemsuccess i the Science Faim helti ai Mc- Master Unisci,,itv- Hamilton, i.i,t lhomsti.-v. Frîitov anti Soi- ut dos Vert,,tplacet] lirsti n the Meeicnto ad Heaiih cate- gtîroand for[imntovomi00 en- irio- , ibe io% rîll i p t i tof titoiteai Scitences Hem lijt%% , t e telet, oilthe reoa ftie thymus glanti in -:Ig it îtc \e-rttý,i, ,siii The Bethct U.C.W. meeting hotfied ai the hom.n of Mrs. Fred Tucek on Wednestiay, Apt-il 5, wiih 15 ladies aitending. Presidient Mrs. Tom Aldersan %vas in charge. The devotionat pcogram mas given by Mrs. Et- ison Ball. Plans %ocre made forflc hanquet fur lady tcach- vs of Oakvite o he hetd in 13ctil hor,.h on Tltar-,d, ,ttettthtiudtu othe mem- bers for koitting bandages. These wiitibhe io, three and t, or inches side and miii he sent t tlepe*rs. Mms. Carlyle Featherrtîn con- ducted a contesi and Mrs. At. fred Bail anti Mm. K. Main ser- ved a tfettcious lunch and all arded a comptete 20 volome set (if the Woeiti Book Encoctopeti- The Patermo Jatnior Farmers' and Junior Institute hetd iheir meeting ai the home of Karen andi Larry Camphell. Their goesi speaker for the evening %vas Joy Hayward seho showed ,tittes on her trip to Western Canada and parts of the United States. Mes. Fltoyd Green of Atder. shot mas a weekend visiior of Mr. and Mms. Edgar Camphell. Mr. and Mms. Barney Wana- maher of Atdershoi sisiied Sai- orday evening wiih Mr. and Mis. Fred Aesander and fam- ily. Mms. Hogenhoomn and sons Leonard and Mark of Mapte. lvirmeriy onibiis district, visit- cd Sunday willî the Atevanders. Or congratations ta Rus- sel] Gomtand seho celebraicd kms 84hbbhthday on Maech 20. Abtiot 20 members of bis fam- ily wece wiih bim on ibis oc- Tbe Bureihglon Ceniennial Bond wili be ptaying ai con- certs on Tharsday and Friday at North Bay. and wili be play- ing "n Sadbory on Saiorday. This Bond consisis of siodenîs from att the Barlingtîn secon- tory scboois Andv Shorrin of ibis district is one ot the mcm- bers of the band. Ands- Shcrrin celebrated bis 1tîh birtbdaov on Sundavy. April moDNDUgsuie Perey Merry enjoyed a social baîf bouc. The new pitepie blue Cenlen- rial f lag is waving ai Percy W. Merry Sehoot atong wfibithe Canadian mcd Mapte Leaf tlag and tbe green Etmer Safely flag. Litte Michiael Lister is con- vatescing and doing nicety ai bis tome fotioming a siay in iSakville Hospital. Michaet bad tonsiitis atnd tc hope be is sonmîtîhbebtter. The April meeting oi the Fer- cy Mcrry Horne and! Scisoot wiii b held rhursday, April 13. Open boose mitt he beld (rom 7 15 p.m. The chairs- wilt pre- sent ibeir noînhers prepared for the festivat, and Room 6 Diama Group witt peeseni a ptay. The music nute mili be the tant regatar meeting for ibis vear. Saiardav, April 15, a grand, rummage sate mitl be beld ai Percy Merry Schoal siaeting ai 1.15 p.m. Items of att kinds bave becs banded in: cracks, dishes, etecirie dlocks, radias. hettes, farnittire, elties for ait ages, cotteciors items tn the lt. This is sponsoed by the Cenienniat Commitice and proceeds are for the ibeaey of the sebool. Mra. William Aldeenon and Mrs. George Baitey are holiday- isg ini Ftorida. They were in the tour arranged by tbe Ses- or Ci, cens of Milton. Biribday greeiings ta Norm Ftemingion April 12, James Hil- sas April 13, Jacqoeline Wilkin- son Aprit 14, Dehrah OConnel Atîrit 13, Sharon Bates Aprit 6, John ýHilson April 9, Vivian Royce April 1l. James Hilson April 13, Wendy Presiidge April b anti Lvnne Stewart April 1h. Tbe Oaksiie Music Festival mut hbe held att sext meek ai a dilfertnitlocotion eacb day. Percy W. Merry pupits take ptart on Monday ai the Gatany Club on No;-ih Service Raad cari of Sovcvih Lise. Good luck children. Cctobmatiig her sesenlb birib- day os Aprit t, Kaîhy Patter entcriained a number of yoang fricnds ai a dinner pariy ai iio.Those aiiending were Lisa Tallyn, Lisa Stover, Ksfby Eaki ns. Monica Aberns, Claire Noribeoti, Dansa Stemart, El- len Gaoding and Debra Patter. The Cool Cat Cougar is the Hot Buy!1 - Get the Cougar Bounty now! - save $119.50 on this special Iuxury package__ Stvvk neo Cotînat s wnrof Mo Trend Mautm, c , rtot c,,t- sylish Oxford rooflin whie or black vinyl - anatti Anti Cou ca, ir cti t i -tit v traact uîî.,t s taindaid, on luxurious kniiied.vinyl upholstery for alI-weather comforit~ - Couqat is 1tkel t9 cri iPiuttr ît No wonder Canadian tmtc ginq tenarrow-band whitewalls for Ihat on-the-go look - Couqat' Noe frýct.ttly tot sptttqncl.y - conidess ,. p yfn,îCniiaat ittît,.ttiar deluxe full wheel covers 10 add the finishing touch - tnnitf >Thts o niquer racaqQ s -rf - $20.0 yet yo. ay ttiy O8t 30' brighi metal door guards for extra protection A ntiyou car rhnnse Iorýrca eqrino SmmCoîqat n ýI ow Men .ci,iq Pamon this spring special "Car of the Year" Cougar is Ioaded with standard features that are ikely options on other cars! and backd uphvna umorecomprehensve 3poin vurnir GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED MILTON PLAZA 1*J TELEPHONI 878-2883 1 I I 12140-C t . . - mm