The Canadian Champion, Wednesday April 12, 1967 11 Ratepayers Ladies' high single, 'Bannie 'MdLeod, 241: Helen Champoux, 241; Ladies' high triple, 'Helen Champaux, 680 Mens High single, Ed 'DeBie, 311; Ments high triple, Ed DeBie 760. Bllodogs mon 5 for 134; Terrier't won 5 for 131; Point- ers mon 2 for 10Y7; Gres'hoondt wson 7 for 107; Coliot stan0 for 85; Hutkiesswon 5 for 84; Boxers sons 2 for 62; Whippets won 2 for 46. 48 Aley Rockers April 3 Ladies' high single, Ilene Me- Kerr 298; ladies' high triple. Marlene Speck 687. Oîher gond singles, Jane Gould 270, Ilene 'McKerr 298, Marlene Speck 268. Olher gond triples, Jane Gauld 667, Janet 'Mitchell 665, Ilene 'McKerr 643. Iool Kats wan 7 for 50; Sct' tlehums, 5 for 50; Drifters. 0 for 49; Pin Heado. 7 for 47: Four Pins, 5 for 44; Hat Shats. 2 for 43; King Pins, 0 for 4t; Head Pins, 2 for 40. P. L. Robertson Girls April 6 Lauie,' high stngle Aadt os Homhty 283, Ldiuos high tri- pie Mars' 1leipel 659. Other gond singles:' Mars Heipel 270, Donna Greoke 262, Marge Sclisizzi 256. Other gond triples: Sites Smith 614, Audrey Hambis 610, Joan Deloresi 593, Marge Sclisizzi 578, Donnas Gronko 571. Heipel won 5 for 35. SeenesN mon 5 for 31, Coates sons 7 for 30, McPhail won 5 or 24,Grtt- ke won2tfor 21,Wlson %votn for 21, Brush ston 2 i,,r 20, Murray son 2 or14. Early Birds April 7 Lades' high singte Hilda Rigo 270 Ladies' higts trpie Joan Waters 651,Mns, high single Rog. Thomas 252, Mn", high ripi,. Reg. Thomas, 655. Other gond singles: Reg. Gray' 232, Joan Waters 258, Les Willt 249, Don MasMurphs 240Iila Burtîo 200, Audrot Mason 200, Jim Ms.Cielland 207. Dean Gras 232, Fred Rigi. 230. Stan Maeth 230. Chis But- ton 248. Ode Crvderman 240, Jack Parkinson 217. Ras Wa- ters 250. Norma MacMoi'phN 245. 016cr gond triplet' COn', Burton 632, Stan Markh 626, Les Wills 207, Reg. Gras 654. Damornhs swonO0 for 18 point,, Hildas won 2 for 19, Audros", won 0for 24, June'stwon 5Slo 21, Stans mon 7 fîîr 39. Les', swon 7 for 26 points. Wednesday Niters April 5 Ladies' high single Lynot Burke 264, Ladies' high tipi( Lynne Burke 650. Dîher gond singles: Virginiz Wilson 238, Lys Parkinsson 236 Joan Dor 233. Marg Gray 22' Dora Dredg2 226, Shirley Hal 219, Arlenoe Hallas 215, Normz MacLeod 215, 210, Muriel Gra, 211, Lynne Burke 202, Nelli. Wilson 200. OtOer gond triles: Mrg! Gray 611, Norma MacLeod 572. Joan Der 571, Ls'n Parktnson 540, Nellie Wilson 535, Arlene Hallas 524, Joan Phillips 520, Shirley Hall 502. 24 Club April 5 Ladies' high single, Sheila Godtrov, Pink Teasdcl 263; la- dies' high triple. Jin Knoos 671. Qihor gond singles, Thelma Bousfîeld 253, Phyl Rasherry 248.1 Dîher gond triples, Gladys MeKersie 626, Sheila Godfrey .608 Florence won 7 for 130; Shir loy, 5 for 124; Donna, 0 for 113; Erma, 2 for 53.1 Florences team is the son. son", champs. Rtepayers April 4 Ladies' high single, Glenda e Sherwood 298; ladios' high trip. le, Glenda Shersoood 699; mens high single, Harold Jarvis 272. mens high triple, Jim Colvin 621. Bulldogs \%on 5 for 139; Toi- riers, 7 loe 138; Pointons. 7 for 114; Grevhounds, 0 lue 107. Col iers. 7 for 92; Huskies. 2 fr 86, Boxers. O for 62; Whippets, 0 for 46 Ladies' Speciel Mar,.h 28 Ladies' high single, AudreYs' Masos 326; ladies' high triple. Audreo Mastîn 715. 016cr gond singles, Jean Me-' Oslle 248. Dorothv Pieketi 224. Nssie Ferguson 208. Isabel Wallace 207. Brt won 5 fon 28; Jean, 7 lite 23; Isahel. 2 for 20 Millie, 0 for 13. April 4 Ladies' high single, Audrey Mason 282; ladies' high triple. Audrey Ma',on 623. Other gond singles, Edrio 279. Mary 234, Florence 212, Mary Frguson 253. Bertswo'n 59for993;Jean, 5for 28; Isabel, 2 for 22; Millite,2 for 15 48 Aley Rockers April 10 Ladies' hgh single, Marleno Speck 342; ladies' high triplo, Marete Speck 785. Dîher gond sngles. Pot Ken- neds% 314, Gail Milles 271, Juno Gt,uld 270. gond triples, Eloon MeDougai 729, Jane Gould 720, Wîlcy 700. Scuttilituins 'on 2 for 53: Drilieýrs. 2 foîr 5t; Pin Hcads. l'our 52, KuKiit sis.0Ofon50; Foar Pins. 5 for 49; Kng Pins. 7 fr 48; Hot Sot, 2 for 45; lead Pins. 4 for 44 Lowville April 7 e Hîgh trple,, Lînîla King 650 ( 241, 223); Sisi King 6S0 2601. 1h06h singles. Hanrold Goîsland ia 280, Amelia Basseti 251. 6. Other gonîl sooros. Bill De- ý7' Forest 618, Don Gloser 550, Pas il Gowland 635 229, 202), Ran la Potsoli 642 (229. 238F, Jeannette 1 Paquetto 504. Austin Hîscook ie 558, Eleanîse Hamilton 509, Marlone Morton 627 (223, 221f, ight trophies, 25 crests won hy top local ho wlers SEVERAL MILTON BOWLERS îopped the zone ta Jane Gould,J comontition of Central Ontario Bomlers As- Audrey Maon sociation in the past three months, and re- 25 bomes me cetoed trophies aI Milton Bomlamay Frîday tops in their av eeneing Fn recognition of Iheir big triple ceagnes. scores. BihJ Hughes, lefI, presents the trophies Celteniol pro/ad Suggest Spring deàan-up to mnake home lire-sale F.o îhosoîho doîîîhave a 1967 ceniennial proclundcî- wright nîm,. batnCount Fiee Presoîttiss ureaou h.îs an dca "Make a sprîeg cloasîapvîîur pro- joui lîr 1967," The Bureaîu sug- sonte0,000OOitiup poster, ils me.ilo r ire eaiict tri. dîstirîulieg. The nem posters goitioutil i'a home ansdhbusiness placsssin Oaki le. Milton, Actîte, ',otry'o' toton and the North 1Ilten towsnships tof Esqssosing and Nlasagiisov.î shîsulîd prompt homeosceers t dig iseulthe priiet cith6gostîs, the Bureau hopes. Arlsoîrk on tho pîssirs inldsa picisrosla.lire- lîghtor pîietiig og the heading, "Careessness Cutis Dollars" andi ltarge replis .i ot's sentennial svmhîl. "Check sitar hme- prees lires,"* ho posters urge. "Re- memhor, esers tire salli, .an is s i ta r omiin titis" What's thse salue of a Spring sleaiistp ,î tour honte'? The Bureau poits 1,lit that îne tome, arc llleîl ssîh lite Ioa' ards eoorvShprsîîg. flllîîsng Shirlesy Javtes 519,. alind Grwlaed 559, Amelia Basst 625, Jack King 597, Joae DoFor t.,t 511 (223). Ilazel Pegg 600 (224, 22.. Kari Cartmright 645 (262), Gordion -Harris 617 (2791, Dianne Allen 239, Haîrold Mor- on263, Dîrothea Dotsns 534, Lee Cuulsîîn 566. Final stanediegs: Jack King woue5forl102 i, Bill DForosl 4 lite 101, Lînsta King 7 for 100, hia Kiep 5 tr 981z. Marlone Mortion 2 fur 97, Austin Hi%' oock 3 foi 96. Mel Doctes O for 96, Bill Pega, 2 for 93. the .'st ti'sacu ltino i uhhish Go hrîugh yoar home s'uoni allic ta hasement (don1 larges the garage) and gel rid ni ansihing sout nu longer need. Make tour home more ire sale with a Speine eean-up, moen hors sasd, and there is a gtitis chanco tour homo miii stiF hoc aroand stOon Caxada colo- braies 6cer second ceeiennisl. The Bure. in cautions, ag,îsnt open hînfircs.and gra-s lires. Il incincrotiors ,are ,llî,s'und LierFor u omminii'sOsass teake sare sitars is equipped ssith .î lsd and that sticnloti there lu satt.h t. in aee her os pread t fia.e.stirnea los' buildings. Thn Bureadites orein end hurning dead gratt ai tiî ime if vear. Ils ton danger- tins hen the grass is su dry. After a heavy inters use, sotte menace sholdhbccaned and chuckod iter hs' a reiahle serviceman. Mako sure nu stîsopipes bouch maIls or parti- tions. Store flammable liquids in afetv-approved stirage sans aed check sone ltire exinguish- or evers home shîuld haro tine)Ito make tare it s fltî sharged and reads Itor omor- Dont us' fllmmahFe liqaidss for cleaning clothing lîsîsh in sour d rer and mako',surethe mue ýnia;cloggedxihfn ore dust. Maki! sure there are no matcho. tir ighters s ieg arnand sshe ri.hilsrensin reai.h hem. (filrdîof titIs tr paintsuaked andicheick hcne.sih cers statossoî t i make titre etthin is siored iere. When ouldoors thîs Sprirîg, hc sareful tI make sure %ti Eihtlca6 wer ho 0 6 3 ner Jntir nd F6b ours ycaue cr oppd fe honordFr a vningtMil tnBolaav Loa .0 il A.oaie lo1o aco O OSd eagdivso;ClaeeCad gruploane Seee Ilol Rn 14 arod Gownd o Joan Waters. Harold Gomland, aIl in the 131-155 avvitge gittisp and Joanne Seelen. Another ind Josnc Gîsîlanî Attirer re amarded cresîs for heing M,îsîn tsI Erlv Birîts. rIn erage divisions in the Mlton thi' 206230 divisioîn. Another 25 lmwlers e reoni (StaffPhoto) hý.înîl 10 .cî.ept ss ois to p- ping their avergdivitiiies cigarettes andI moRnes lie turing the il tre o nseh,.The "dead nul" hfore sou dilîpîo Fladies inloîtoîlVirginia Wtt- tf them. Wilh dry gî ao, the onsi, Caroil Lit Arielne 14,llis, lighist spark con tssucofftitai uxe t".t,tiI.Mrta lîsoev, hush or grass lire ciosîngoun- Iselt'e Z,initt,Wtîlie Witttte told damage. M tîlene Morto,o Pal Fox, Dr Adhore lu these "eîîntl îhe.î Dîtîtts. JîsînîseArnotldl ,eseito"'tletiol lire's and.'s' atdit i oitKing, retassurod sus s'în'l havse 'iThe trien store Dein Grît ir ayourhonme,ithelîlileJiiandiileîis'Ntil',kxs'ith titi sats Nohodv asoiaillire, et sretsoii'h. plus CIa rencue pecilly during cetennetl .ior ' Criilna, ov tGriv, Gus Tiel- A N N UALMEETING ESQUESING TOWNSHIP Progressive Coservutive Association ESQUESING TOWNSHIP HALL STrEWANRTTOWN ON APRIL 20, 1967 - 8.00 P.M. Corna and meet your new Conservative candidate for the forthcorning Provincial Election - MR. JAMES SNOW EVERYONE.WEF.COME - TOM HILL, Presdent emans, im McClelland, Reg Zanatta, Gord Hadts'v. lock Gould, Harrs Soronson, Brt Zîsolman, im Gminn and Clasude Paqiiette one apieco. Sorretare', nf the local lIon gue file their homiers' Ocot scoret cari', don 1h and C.. HA sofficiais seetci 1e in- EASY TO ERR Fils the poor elitor. Ho is drîvn ntuonear -i osaîitv inan effrttokcep misînkes osît nI his newspper or maîgazine. Jusi îhink srh,îi a ask ii sîhen, 0000 in a short phraîse ike lOis, "10 ho or nol il, ho", ho iranspisiion alsne, il i poîssible tui mke 2,758,009 ci [Àgapsvtrlvcl MAIL DELIVERYV1 STARTS MAY 1 IN MILTON ... ARE YOU READY' We have a large assortment of MIAIL BOXES 0 29 DIFFERENT SIZES AND STYLES TO CI400SE FROM $1 .20 to $898 MAIL SLOTS IO14HTO CHOOSE FROM- $2.25 to $6.30 HOUSE NUMBERS A MUST - CHOOSE NOW MILTN H . D An IT'yS AS EASY AS 12 3 1 OUR USED CAR SELECTION IS THE LARGEST IN THE DISTRICT 20OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT WITH AFTER SALE SERVICE TOO 30OUR TERMS ARE TUNED TO YOUR BUDGET TRADE Up TODAY AT YOIIR OUNERAL MOTORS SEOVME CMMR June Gould winner under-240 tourney A lournanmentI for howiers wVith 240 and onderoaverages wastaged on the weekend ot Mito Bowtlaway. with 42 howl"r'. .onipeting. Fivd of the top scores ltvith hatndicaps) more chosen to go on Io azone competitioît and five more hotvtert who aust n îssed ihe catoll mre oisrd- 'iF o inu Itîsîlîso prizes. teýJH COUI (, ,l Farty BMîds loe,îîotoppe'i the ist \vith a hetîdicappod s%.coo f 850. Oth. ers ttho titt go on are Jim Gttinît 829, Marlene Morton 8t0 Lt toc Burke 840 and Len Meson 783. Prizo toinors inctoded Jack Peddie 774, Linda King 772, Carol Maîrshalt 760, Frank Ped- tolla 758 anît Ron Shatnnon 755. BE PREPARED MN1ROYA GO SAFELY with UNIROYAL IF TS SURE.FOOTED ON A WET ROAD, IMAGINE THE CONTROL YOUUL HAVE ON A DRY ROADI Theralintir"e (THE TIRE FOR WORRIERS) 0 50% Greater Skid Rssac *30% Shorter Stopping Power on Wet Pavement Roads MR. FARMER .... If's lime to Check on Your TRACTOR TIRES Then See us for UNIROYAL For Tractor Traction Neyer Known Before BsLneWE CARRY AFULL LNE OF TRUCK TIRES -NEW AND USED 24*ORSERVICE TIP-IN TIRE S AL ES LI1MI1T ED