~Iu Glass s problem Street deain-up is underway e « n b i u lîa p o n A sr e dean-up program is but t %vs atucallp impossible aladn undtrwuy, t mas point- ta deai mith ail tht streets aI ed oat bv M iton Counci fol- ose lime, a %vng a leter fram R.A. Wooi- The nrabiem ofi broken las Vol. 107-Na. 49. y Au t soffDau.e..ndta. Mta MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1967 Mitann'son nspr. Srig the Caomncty for 10ta Twenty.Two Pages-Ten Cents. Choose site at Kelso park For 1968 Scout jamboree A yar and a bal of planning will climax in Augut 1968 when a shoit ntm 'community aif avec 3,000 Boy Scouts and their leaders is sel up t the Ketso Conservation Area. Tht week-long enent il be tht irst Ontario Boy Scout Jamboree and tht "Commun- upy" wiil be cotnplete mitb hos- pitli.transportatian, faod, ice, police and wtec services. Ontarto bas heu. lthe scene af Canadian and Worid Jambor- ees befoce, but ollicials are bit- ing tis event as tht first On- tario Jamboree. A planning Giauuy i,. A chimney ice t tht R. I Moflat home ai David MeMul- len, Fist Line Nssagumeya on Manday marning mas tht oniy ire cal received by Milton ire Department in tht paI meek. Mrs. McMullen alerted tht brigade mben tht stovapipes became red bol, and ire Chief A. E. Clemeni mas jut beuding out to check tht situation mien she calied agin la eport th ceiling mas on ire. Tht brigade and imo trucks beaded oui but duteta impcaptc direc- tions rhey ere delayed. On se- rival the ice as out. committet headed by D. Dca- con chose tht Ketso site alter sssiting a rumber ai aterna- tive locations. Tht Jamboree is scbedjted for August t7 ta 24, 1968 and among tht 3,000 boys wbc wil attend 80 per cen t ii be [rom Ontario, 10 per cent from other coun!ries and 10 per cent from other parts ai Canada Speelal days and events t tht "tent-zd community' mut bc open ta the visitars sebo itt lock ta tht site [rom vartous parts ai tht province. Miton Scout Traop wilt he asked ta assist en selecting the theme for the Jamboree, the planning committLe has agreed during theie montbty meetings n Mitont. A graup of possible themes wi!libc prepared and submitted ta tht tocal boys ta detertoine whicb theme witt protide tht hast toandatian fur tht Ontario Jamboree. A dclaied organization bas aten devetoped and ram tht major st e er i n g cammittee, groups are being formed ta bandit the necessarv services tram tht proisianiaz ai mater and lire service ntctssary for tht population af 3,000. Site t Keiso for the Jambor- te setl be as tht tasters sec- tion ai tht Authoritys land north ai Milton Heights. Tht Hatton Region Conservation Authority has approved tht ac- ta far tht jamboree wicb mutl sot interfere sitb tht publics% acctss ta tht Kelso area. Witbin a 30 day period the camp mut hbe set up, operated and struch and tht grounds re- ,t..nred ta their former condi- tion. Board wl1 view present signs before decision on sign Iaw Afler mrestling iîh tht terms aI a propostd hy-lam gontrning signs in Miltas, tht Planning Board agreed lu iem local onerhanging signs and gauge public rection as mach as possible before finaltzîng ils recammendatian tlaMMton couscil, Tht definition ai tht boards mrk mus la develop eguta- ions on tht "site, loction and atachmenl ai al signs is tht toms and ther adverlising de- vices." Tht Boards dscussion rus tht gamat [rom tht site ai a sign an the dactors home tnd mhelher il cauld be ilium- tnated, ta the site ai signs that woutd 'he permitted an com- mercial praperlies and base t0 yrevenl an "Honest Ed" type at sign casering tht compiete building ront. 'there were questions on mbether a permit maald be re- quired ta erect a sign and mhether il muuld bc an ansua t permit. If a permit mas re- quired there mere questaons about enlarcing il and i!ssar- ing tht maintenance aI sigss. Present regutatians govern- ing signs arc contained in tht tuens zoo ing hylam. It mas potnted out there mas na pro- visicn gascrning tht site ai a persanal type ai bouse ame and number signs that sonne residents place an their front lamn aI tht enîrance. While it mas agreed so permit sbouid bc requircd for Iis te of sign, for election posters or for eai etatsigns, ih mas suggested there uhouid be some egutation on tht persan- aI sign. Mary Capuoa suggestd there shauld be regulation on persanal signs il ihere wus re- gulatian on commercial signs. 'You cnt Iell certain peope tbcy have taca mpty and sot ut bers." lCanîinued an Page Six) THE OPTIMIST CLUB of Mlon mos offtcially presented mith il.s frmed charter and club banner ut tht "charter poriy' in Hornby Tower Galf Club on Satcrday. Heme Governar Mac McDonald aifOOkcrlle bonds tht charter ta clcb president Herb Hrggs, tirt. A dinner ond dance highlighied the aven - ing's fesîrartres us thet rsns nemest sercice club mas born. (Staff Photo) nmove the winters accutmula- ion of grave] and dust on the tosen roads. Couns itor C. Johnson notcd sonestlret.had alreaid.vbeen done andtthese sererttuch im- p r'sred. Councilor P. Barr, chairman ai the streets cammittet point- cd out thecwark mas undermay on streets, also raised itt Mr. Wooands [cter, drew cauncil agreement on the problem, but ittie suggestion of a solution. They (boutles) corne out af ca %indows" ohserved Coun- cillor Fay. "They corne out of the hunds tri nit mits'. corrected Coarrcil- or C. Johnson. AskP.S. board pare '657 budget Shortty hefore the regulur in mbich Milton ugreed 10 edu- meeting ai Miltron Public cule north Oukville students Schot Board Manday evesing, or the blîher Oukvitle rate, the hords finance committet Revenue mili be reduced bp visired Mitron coancils finance upproimtly $20,000. cammrrîee ta, discuns tht Reduclion of tht board bud- btr.rds 19h7 budget. gel by even ose mili miii cre- T het russ asked Ibat tht att a deficit, as a number of board reduce ils $42300 te- casis camputed in the estiro- quest by ont mitt, expliiing aIe bave gant up. thai ubmis,..so csae ausea _____ un ocre-"" af tint miits in the municipal budget. Two ni the thret-und-one- half mills i ncease uattribuled ta tht schaat hourd oct due ta espirv ai a cantructwmtah Oabville Pablic Schaol Board, JUDGE IN GUELPH Hattan County Court Judge Atan B. Spragae presided ut the sittings af tht Weltington Countv Court in Guelph lest hvck There mas a 16case isi. Charter party launches Optimist Club of Milton Ttte Optimist Llttb ut i , on t t 1ric i a t1I s hor -tîrîsi, the Optttntsýt Clu Miton Io charterliaad uo a'day tvenirgsai the Hc l'cssec Golt Club. Mlton presidelt Herh reccived tht toaotcharter i>pttmtst (overnar Mac Donrald aIfiJavitte sdot tata Charter Part forr thotn 150 itets.spo,our, tlireOpttmtstClttut ofBu tona bat rrgarrred the irrrup. Tostmantec Tercp Ca prcsidrrd forrte lmetspr thrt incuded àrssetsrme eltsh rom RrAustan Kerr unanimous pick of Halton West Torie George Kerr mas the unanimous chaise ai del, ta, carry the Progressive Cvnseroar've standard in ihr rding ai Halton West at Frday's nomirnation meeting i lngton Central hgh sehool. Naminaied by Rev. Andrem McKenzetofiAcin Kerr, preseni incumbent lortihe Cacnty oai ation, w opposed irn a quiet meeting mhrch ttractd detegateý Acion, Bu rlrngron. Nassagomepa and tht northern p. Esquesing mhrcb comprise tht nom riding. DOWN ON HIS <NIES mith a proposai for mho playn Gmendoine's mother "Lady Brack- "Gmendoline" is "Irnesi" ont ai tht major neli", sehile Roy Tonelu as "Algernon" tacrs stars ai the Milton District High Scbool's drama on aI rigbî. Tht play miii top off drama meek club presentatian. "Tht Importance ai Being ai tht sebool mhen it s presented Tfursday lamnent". Grant Schayler plats the Lotbario and Friday evenings t 8 p.m. More photos and the obleci ai bis attraction is Beth War- nside. delI. Looking on mitb dsmay is Liz Robinson (Saff Photo)j Deaclhed an 'cabinet mat- criat" by Lea Bernier, Kenora M.P.P., a remark picked op and amptificed bp the Han. Stanley Randai, minister aiece- anamies and development in bis keyntt speech, George Kerr mas fi sî etecled ta tht provincial bouse in September 1963. A Burlinglan tamyer, he suc- ceeded the laie Sranley Hatl, ai t'tarby, as HalIons mem- ber in the egislature. Events at Mohawk Raceway Parades, shows, hootenany, giant cake included in Nassagaweya celebrations Parades, variery shows, a horenuny and a giant birhday rake al figure n tht plans of tht Nassagamepa Tomnship Cenlennial Celebrtinscorm- millet. A pcogrum designed la pieuse almost everpose is being formutatd fur tht eekend ai June 23.24 and 25. Manp of tht ucr;iiies mitI lake place in Mo- hamk Racemap. Thse cernee, headed bp chairmas Murirre Newtonsand seccetary - troasurer Mrs. Vera Cochram, conits af epresen- rallyes of ail organieations in the Township. Tht festivilies begin on Fri- dav, tani! 23 mith ao batenanv and stdance or Mohawvk Race- mon. Tma ,rchestrasss'ilt per- la ris and the commillet hopes o lavseua dise jockey ram ra- dta statiotn CHUM in Ttronto as masier ai ceremasies. A Cenlenstal Quen canresr, open 10 girls from tht Toms. hip. mitt also be a hightight ai tht Piday nigt pragrum. A giatt birthday cake - about etght fmit tail miti be another itature. On tht Saturday. a parade utong tht Guelphs Line is being ptanned, Clowens, floats and possibly a bus toad o the Tosesship's eIder cîizens mutl be iearurcd in the parade, rshicb sill end tîp aI Mohamk. She retrilt hca rdisptas sf th- sic foltk dancint hv siadents ai the Joan Waters schoal aI danc- ing and aI tht sanie ime in tht ctd Township Hall in Brook- ville lhcre milI ha, displays ai antiques. A vartetp show in Mohamk Ructsvay in thtenening mili featare tomnship and rea tal- est, and il is enpected there milI be a mass sehool choir in ulltendunce. Tht varitty shom milI be fotomed by a firemorks displuy. On Sunday, tht Tomnship's Centttnial projeci - improve- orenîs ta communits pochs aI Eden Milîs. Broabsilte and Campbrllvitle - sitl bc dedi- caled and a speciat Cestensial mevc itI beh ld ai Brook- ville. Tht service mili be folomed by a picnic and probably games. Repretentattve ofai atttht municipalitits in tht caunly as %veet as Hulasn M.P. Dr. Harry Hurley, Hulas '-M.P.P. George Krr, ýHaton Counly Judie A- an Spcague, Magistrales Ken- netti Langdos and James Back and tht ardens from nelgis- banini cttnti2s milI be invted toatend the cetebrations. ln his acceptante speech shich precc-ded a viervry par- arde up the aistes rof the audi- torirtm mith an abbrevialed brass bond aI tht bead and a Frestcf supparting signs. Mr. Kerr pur the record ai tht prcscn t Canservutine ganeri. ment on tht mie. Ht spoke af O.M.S.IFP., pollution. regional govern ment and educalion casîs, defending tht Roauts' goversment progrum. Because there mere more subscriberv ihan unlicipuled. Mr. Kerr said there mas sonme trauble getting tht klnks ouI ai O.M.S..P. but he udvised bis lislencrs ta be patient. Ht mas proud ai bis govtrn- menî's record on pollution and espccialty the Minisler ai Health's intention ta tahe aver the air pollution prrthlems. Mr, Kerr ceferrcd la tht Ptunkrtt report. anticipating there maukt be sorme decisions onrecommendations in tht nesl four years. Ht said il mas going la lahe toterasce and bard worh ta evalse tht besl fsrm cf admiistration. "But mere amare oftfhebcprab- lems and feelings on Ibis. We bave no intention 10 ram uany- thini domn peapîr's ibroats. There has ta bc reform but changes musr bceacceptable and beneficialtolapeople." Mr. Kerr rtserved mont of bis talh loaunsmer charges lbp apposition parties on tht gon- tcnment's education policies. Stutements [rom opposition parties thul Ihey muuld lake over a greater percenlage ai tConiinued on ýPage Six) 1Bar- ar'hii , statcaiio and r hast te Is 't t esecta ions, ahb af Pre-,ntnthe ctub charter, nr Sut- Gcvern"lr Mac McDcnatd s:rcs- crnhs sed the respansthtlttv >oftoem- bers tu tead artr optsmistic flte, Htggs nininiteing pr,.htemis and mas- -t 1rom tmtaing opportunitie- He sIres- il Mc- sed the irr,,vrttce ot vouth ri g,t ssrltstth as'totstofteectzge tr r oplatin. Opttmists arc ',,tt1, ctres ,t hs tFierstoftthe lurtsng lIts s i, le CILI ia h to', the tlocal G,setriir noted. "We are proud ,,l tc Optt- assads iitt Ctub cil Mittcrr rodI e rogtam kLove itoi itct t cît ruad 0ci tua the the Opi'tist (tis. s"Itle (C,)t cn Lest- .crr cutedrltthasrsstrnthe cttar'ert,, Presidot Hcth Higg, 0111, c rs t Ile tilt tic loir' .stsal-instrltestbs the Cos- bhei r r. andrilitterr the an isntrs b',t' oked stp lit sthe c,mststrnitv-" Oltic'srs s, Ilcrrb lgc', presistesrt:Jack PetiLrcsan sast rh Kaseshci tOuts sre iressIents antI Jack Fer- -eanem rOtt as secrtars tresîsuret Di- in rcoýare Bill Maclrtsre, Ken Bar- Ore. Jarck Clarltt, Reg Th- tmisAIîSincs and Ken La- s)iM. ine Li, M tGovereor iJshn FIrratî 'as n, n-rstatted the 31 chatrter tserem es from bers taha îsines the 90,000 olh- trits of "r Optrstists in Canada. Char- tvrtenembers nclatde: Htarold Agneas, Lau Beruha, Barry Burrte. Btair Christen- sen. jack Charltrats Peter Crese- 'an, Bah Dance, Bruce Ding- miýn. Bob Dick. Jim Eige, Jam- te Pas, Harold Perguson, Sam Graham, Net-h Higgs. Ed Jases, Prank Kusevecki, Ken Lachine, Bill Mactntvrtr, Ken Orc, Ian Rrtbertson, John Peroît, Jack Pet tigrens.GrarhamnReeve, Mar- ris Sine, At Skinner, Bob Stark, Chartie Thomas and Reg Thtamas. President Hcrb Higgs recein- ed the betl and gavet [rom Bill Vivies, th, banner rom Les SCrotinued on Page Sevets) won t ho set kiltIApdi 24 Dtspitetarlier predictians of a municipal budget by April 10. Milton is not exptcted ta set ils miii rate until April 24. May- or S. G. Cbilds tld Tht Cham- pion lolloming Monday's Coun- cii meeting. During tht -meeting tht May- ar culled on the Finance Com- mitîte ta meei foliovwing tht regular meeting la continue ils sîudy ai local board and tom- miltecbudgets. despite the a- sence ai chairman Deputy- Rteve C. Menefy. Ht observed thai despite tht interim tax biliing introduced Ibis peur the toscu had nom lound il neces- sary ta begin bank borroming until tht other ta instalments came due. Il mas aiso ruporttd the Pucks Board, Reoreation Corn- millet and Sehool Board bud- gels had been returned 10, the gcoups for furîher paring. A ceport from these gcoups 10, tht finane committet mas being amaeted. Councillor A. Cousens repocted tht Parks and Recrea- lion committees had schtduitd meetings Ibis mtek 10 consider tht budgets again. Rotary shows interest Senior Citizens home A Rotary Club ai Miltron ex- pressotrof interest in study- rtf the pvtssthtily ai a Senior Cittrens' Hume prujeet, mas re- ceit cd by Milton Cauncil Mon- say in reply 10. an tartier toma querv ta local service ctubs. Il mas repaclned replies had oct set heen received from other toaclutvbs la a proposaI tuvstan Qakeitte prajeet and neestigule the locat feasibilitp. A tuether lette ta other clubs was suggested, seeking au indication of isteresl or lack of il, Cauncillor C. Johnson stress- ed if tht projeet requirtd utty kind of a contribution on tht part of tht munîcipalitp. tht tamn could flot support il. Cauncillor B. Besi pointed ouI the toms had ta guaruntet the stubility of taxes on the units hut 10 maintain a basic rent. Causcillor Johnson indicatea Ibis mould be agretabie and he even mondered il Ibis could sot be considtred for other senior citizeos, pacticuiarlp in regard ta spiralling educution- a] lunes. 1ëA GEOGEKEE, .P.. oc aton ecli.th Ho.tnty adat d ntsebccucj by lhe pSt ýfl" ýpa--.