Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 8

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Looking for Storage Space? Seil Don't Needs Wïth A Want Ad BIRTHS COCKBURN - John and Eieen (nee Inlils), 180 Mil St., Brampton, are pieased to an- "'sunce the birth of their daugh- ter, Gaii BEileen, weight 6 ibs.. & as., ai -Peel Memoriai Hos- piai on March 29, 1967. GIULIES - Graham and Evel- yn f nee McCann) of R.'R. 1, H'ilton. Ont., are pleased Io an- nounce the 'birth of their son, Nei McCann, ai Milton District 'Hospital on Aprit 2, 1967. A brother for Margaret 'Ruth. ROWAN - Rick and Joy Rowan (ne May) of R.R. 4, Milton, are pieased to announce the birth of ibeir son, weighi 7 ibs., 8 ozs., ai Milton District Hos- pitl on 'March 31, 1967. A baby brother for David and anotbm- grandson for Lloyd and For- ence May and Bob and Edna Roman. R'HYNOLD - 'Mr and Mrs. Fat- rick Rhynoid (mer Hendsbee) of 389 Pearl St., Milton, are pieased 10o nnounce the birth of iheir daughîer. Bonnie Eliz- abeh Agnes, weighî 7 ibs., ai Milton District -Hospital on March 30 1967. SMILLIE - Mr. and Mrs. Colin Smiiie (nec Bray) of 199 Oueen S.. Milon, are pieased to announce the irth of iheir son, John Alexander Colin. weight 7 ibs., 7½ ozs., ai Milton District Hospital on April 4 1967. A broiher for Bil. MARRIAGES MARTIN - SMITH - Ar. and 'Mrs. W. A. Smith, R.R. 1, Campbeiiviiie, wish to announce the marriage of iheir daughier, Elizabeh 10 Charles Fieck Mar- tin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Cari Marin of 'Miton, on Saiurday, April 1, 1967, ai St. Georges Anglican churcb in Lowviiie. DEATHS CHARLTON, Phiip Arhur-In his 3rd year. husband of Vera Olive Atsop; father of Jennifer Ann, Warren . and Brion H.; brother of Mrs. J. Shaws IHilda) of Nanaimo, B.C., Robert G. of Brockviite and John W. of Mi- ton. Funerat service was beid Mon- day, April 3, from the HacNah and Son Chapel, 'Milton. Inter- men Ev ergreen cemeiery. KELMAN, Bruce - Suddenty, as the resuit of an accident, on Monday, Aprit 3, 1967, Bruce Ieiman, in his 20th year, dear s0n of Chartes and Isabel Ket- mon of Milton; brother of Jam- es of Brampton, Chartene (Mrs. McLean) of Cooksviite. Chartes of Cooksvitie and Barbar of Miton. :r Resiing ai the McKerieFun. eral orne, 114 'Main Si., where funeral service wiii be heid on Thursday ai 3 p.m. Interment in Evergreen cemelery. Miton. REID, John Mal - Suddeniy, os the resul of an accident, on Aonday, April 3, 1967, John Hall Reid, in his 201h year, youngesi son of Rober and Jean 'Reid of R.R. 2, Milton; dear brother of Alan, Ann and Jennifer. Resing aI the McKersie F'un- eai Home. ý114 Main St., where funerol iii be held on Thurs day ai 1.30 p.m. Inlermeni Ev- ergreen cemetery, Hilton. ROBERTSON, David - At Jos- eph !Brant Hospital, on Tues day. March 28, 1967, David A- exonder 'Roberson of Kilbride, in his 67th year; brother of Mms. Mary Simpson of Carlise, Ms. 'Parick Brady Isobel) of Detroit, Mrs. Rachel Roberis of Hamilton, John Roberson of Milton and George Robert- son of Mamilton. Funerai seos held Friday ai Woierdown. Interment in Miii- grose ccmetery. Mr. Robertson was a member of Campbell Lodge No. 603 and of Crlisle Orange Lodge. WOOLSEY, William John - Ai Hilton, on Tuesday. March 28 1967, William John Wooi- sey, formerly of Muntsburg, in his 75ih year; dear father of Mms. Brion Hamilton (Susan) of Milton; dear brother of Mrs. Alan Nichoson '(Berha) of Burlinglon, Dr. Robert Woosey and Stanley Woolsey, bolb of Mounlcburg. Funrai service mas held ai the 'Kilching - Steepe Funeral Home. Waierdown, on Thurs day. Marcb 30. Inierment ie Mountsburg Meihodisi church remelery. WOOD, Ena May - At Mlon District Hospitl, on Thurs day. Aàrch 30, 1967, Ena 'May Soper, beloved ite of Jake Wood of Campbeliviiie, former iy of 'Muntsville; dear mother of Margaret <Mrs. Ray Otan) Campbellviiie and James of Mil- ton; also survived by six grand funerai service was beld on Saiurdoy aI the Addisan Funet- ai Home in Hunsville. Inter ment in Ltocks cemetery, Munt ville. CARDS OF THANKS (Ars.) 'Margery Browen mositV sincerely thanko ber friendo and neighbors mbo sa kindly r sent her cards and fiomers e whiie she mas a patient in they Orthopaedic and Artbritic Hos- pitli Toronto. c48-3129 A 1 wish 10 express my sincere7 apprecialion t0 friends and neigbbors for cards, flowersV and gifîs recrived wile o pat- ient in Miton District Hospital.A Special thank, tu Dr. Legate, Dr. Aikenhead, nurses and staff and ta Dr. 'Dsian for is visils. c48-3078 Thomas Malpress.F I wish ta lhank al who were sa kind ta me mhite 1 mas a pal- cnt in Milton 'District Hospi- tl. A v ery special ibonks ta Dr.V McCutcheon, nurses and staff, P. L. 'Roberson 'Mfg. Co., St.f Clair Lodge, Canadian Legion, Rotary Club, Rev. Ciayton Cot- es and ail who sent cards. Ev-r erything mas greally appreciai-1 ed. c48-3080 Eddie Goocb. Wr wish ta express our sin- cere lbanks ta relatives. friends and neighhors for cards, mes- sages of sympaihy and beaurti- fut floral tributes sent to us ai tbe passing cf< our toved one, ta Ar. Allan, doctors, nurses, staff and residents of Motion Monor, Rev. Royal and al mho assisted as palîbearers. the 'Kit- cbing Steeple Funerai 'Home forc kind. efficient service. Susan and Brion Hamilton and Woolsey famity. c48-3123 We wish ta express our sin- cere apprecialion ta our friesds and neigbbors for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and beau- tifut floral iribules durisg our recent bereavement ibe losst of our lovisg wife and moîher. Special tbasks ta Dr. Aikenbead,1 Rev. Dr. T. M. Dusian, nurses and staff of the 'Hilton Districti Hospital; 10 the dociors ond1 nurses ai the cancer clinie int Hamilton for ibeir usîiring ef- forts, and ta the ltuile girls with the striped dresses wbo do so mucb for so ltte. and 80 the ýMacNah fuserai home. Mayi God biess you ail in the trouble-4 somne days Ihat lie aheod. W. H. Desin and the boys. c48-3124 ht is ard to express in mords our sincere opprecition ta friends, neighbors and relativ- es for floral ribules. cards, ex- pressions of sympaihy and the mony acîs of kindess es ended ta us durisg the ioss of our Dad, Fhilip Arhur (Art) Charlton. To those mes who hunird day sn and day out, week afler week. we owe s0 mach and yet ait wr cas say is "thanb yoo". Special thanks ta t0he patibearers. Dr. T. Dus- Ian, the MacNab Fuserai Cha- pet and the ladies of tbe Even- isg 'Star Rebekah Lodge No. 79, i.O.O.F., for their kind and et- ficeni services. God bless you. each ose. Jensifer, Warren asd Brias Charlon. c48-3157 In appreciatios. On behaif of my family, my brother Bob of Brockviiie, Dnt., sister Hilda (Mis. J. Show) of Nasaimno, B. C., 1 ish t1. express siscere appreciatios ta felow workers, friends. seighbors, armed ser- ice personnel, Brasch 136 Roy- ai Casadias Legios, other ser- vice organizalions, Rev. Dr. Dusias asd al the other kind people who expressed their con- cern and sympaihy, for the flor- ai triboles, and assisted in any 1way durisg the disappeoronce, .discqsrry asd final inierment 1of our brother "Art"')(Philip iArhur Charlton), ilh speciai 1expression ta Mr. Max Back, -a devoted friend, for is contin- uing untiring efforts. and 10 the LOntario Provincial and Town of H ilton Police for their assist- 1ance and co-operolion. Me 1mords connol express our deep »ieeling of gratitude. J. W. fJack) Charlton, R. G. f Bob) Charlton, Hilda E. Show. IN MEMORIAMS )COJLSON - In memory of a î. loving mife, moiher and grand- fmoiher, Aima Colson, who ypassed away Aprit 10, 1965. f Aiways rvmembered wiîb love bs the family. c48-3139 1 - _____ ;- DREDG-In losing memory of n a dear moiher, Lydia, who h passed away 'April 8, 1965. 'Ever remembered by ber la- nmity. c48-3086 yMcDOWELL-In loving memory r- of a dear husband arnd father, Ceberi Grenville McDowetl, r ho passed away April 3, 1966. 1- Thal besl portion of o good 1- manss 1f, His lilile, nametess, usremem- S bered acts 0- f kindness and of love. r- Sadly missed by mife Isabel, s- son 'Eari and dougter.in.law Rena. c48-3079 MUR-" wm Ai 'W TI %'Y Ai A F, m F ni L ai F d rr 9 V y, A tc p tI fi à c p sc 1 s Aa 6v F IN MEMORIAMS CLASSIFIEI WILSON - In toving memory of our dear mother and grand- noîber. Alice Wilson. mho pass- Teiephose h Cmx d amay 'April 4, 1957. 978-2341 Chamii Nhy dues God gise us the susi- Mmli. oxATna, oo.AMA.ESom., shine, 0A0EE8888- N.ocharge. And ai nighl-tine tlle it amay? ]FOR SALE 8015 3878?, IC. - -812 Nhy dors Ne gise us roses, go aroded 55tte5r. s*208<5 rhat onty bloom for a day? 35e di.coxst .iin.ed or cà<mispm .hy dors Ne gise us our iosrd cobmn< 85.<-e. cAtnsOrlTRAN oses, Ille for 82<0 .Odiicnal une.. A md lcoch us 10 cberisb tbern IN bmd8O8iLM- $1 25 plusOnier ir su? Ct.ASSIFT8,0 5iPLAY. REIAL ESTA And Ibmn lobe lhem back imb OaleOttcn claicati,on - 5 p. Heaves. BOX NIMBERS tlu 500 offlce - 25c. tOc guessW~e milI neyer know. Fr there must be a brighter lo- DEADLINE S 12 Ni morrowi n t e, , lhere sighl n l er r unknows, TeCnde hmin W'here the roses bloom on for-. h eaia hmin eser, rom serds Ibal the Master bas1 FOR SALE 2 Atmays remembered by Ver- WALNUT bcd, mallness and la, 'ervis and 'Kim, Shirley, spring. BesI olfer. Girls side- io Larry, Kein and 'Kent. m4-12 ath bicycle. 878-9788. c48-3122 1965 SILVERLINER' camp traiter, used iice. Phone A. C. st Bromsc, 'Hilton, 878-2943. t2 COMING EVENTS 14g-3127 - ADDING MACHINES, type- Iý Doser 10 Jeff Berry orchesra mrilers for sale or restaî.Phone 81 ai Adtos Legion auditorium. 8786962, Hars Stalionery. riday, Aprit 7, 9-I a.m. lIcf-4l7 b40-586 -r PROVE 10 yourself Punino F; Euchrr ai Patermo Hall. Fn. toredingcellss ess. Feed for pro. day, April 7, 1967, 8.30 p.m. Ad- fils) Sec your Furia dealer. mission 75c. Lunch prosided. c4g-2931 s c4-16 14 PT. 'BOAT, traiter, 40 hp. Hoffal Sofibati Teoms last re- outhoard tutly equipped. Besi gistralion dole, Aprit 8, Brook- offer. 878-3424 aller 7 p.m. 0 ille, -2 p.m., for boys 7 - 15 lc4g-3137 6 years. b48-593 21" ADMIRAL TV, in good altion and Fetl Jersey Club shape and perfect morksg or- l AnulSocial Evoning, Sewart- der. Reasosoble offer. 854-9976. e oms Hall, 'Friday, April 7, 8.15 _____ ______________ yen. Euchre and dscer. c48-3083 BOYS bicycle. 3 speed. bond brabe, high risers, 28" framea Tees Dscer, Boyne Commun- excellent condition;. $30. 87Ï8- ily Centre, Salurdoy, Aprit 8. 9451. c48-3153 0 Music by J. C. and Squires, plus the sound circuit. Admission $1. 2 CA'BIN critisers, ose 21 fI. Supervised. c4g-3091 long, ose 25 fi. long, partiallyS -_rebut. Besi offer. Campbell-B The North Haton Association ville 8_54-2352. 1 c48-3118& for the Hcnitty Rtarded, Lad- ies' Auxiliory. Rumogr Sale. 1.0. 18 iMERCIJRY molor, 383, O.P. Hait, Saturday, Aprit 8, 9-5 good condition; 11 5 cu. f. freez- p.m. Enquire 878-2445. c48-3099 er, '10 years, old. excelent con-P dition. 878-817. lc48-3117 t 'Euchre ai Kitbride H alt osn HSEFEO uts i Saturdoy, Aprit 8, at 8.3pm CETRIL sut;ki-l rizes. Lunch provided. Admis- chen suites; bunk brds; china sion 75. Sponsore-d by the tc- cabinet etc. etc. MocLeod For- cal Girl Guide Mothers. nilure, Adtos, Ont. b40-601 c48-2749 FREEZER BREAD, white, The second annoal Hiltn 4,oo.ryi. ropped in ireeîeç District Hospital 'Haytime Balil hags. Seiai pricer. <trrnaîions1 sponsored by the Hospital W. alc48-30pone87-991 A., it) be held ai the Club GaI- 1___48-3084__ osy, Oabsittc, on Salurday, May FURNITIIRE for 3 rooms, 6. Mabe y our reservaions earty comptete, in good condition: ai-,b wiîh Mrs. J. Beverey 878-3443. so electrie adding machine. Ap-1 c46-2886 ply ai 28 'Ht)) Si. afInr 6 p.m. 1 c48-2750 Saturduy, April 29, in Hoty9 Rosory Frish Hall, 'Hilton, 8- 10-20 INTERNATIONAL troc- 12p.m.,Social and Dance. The or 4-chccl wagon; wood saut; Carlton Shoo'hand in attend- seed dri)); plow; Zcnlh hearine ance. Tickets only - limiîcd. aid. Georgetown 877-2342 atter Contact 'M. Kelly, F. Lee, J. Sas- 6 p-m 1c4,8-3134 lord, A. Kierean or J. Larbin. YO- IL IE syngyu ils set oui c483087building mteriats and cool ai _______________________Crawfords, Compbetivitle. Ouick service. High quatity. 'Phone FOR SALE Campbettvitle 854-2232. lclf-416 A LOT for sle on the 201h SIGNS of att kinds. Ray Guay Sidcruad off the Guelph Liset 878-2150. c47-2613 West, 150 fi frontage hv 230 _____ _ _ deep. Lot 20, Con. 3, Nassaga. FLAYPEN lfo)ds) wilh pad, eya Twp. Clt Campbcttvil)c ike nem. 878-5145.____c483100 85e4644. 1 c47-3106 r ELECTRIC stove, 39'. $35 or LARGE glnssy prints of Cas- hesi oilfer. 878-9639. 1 c4g-3073 adian Champion staff photos, 5 s 7 sire $1: 8 x 10 size $125: HORSE traiter, carnies imýo. plus las. Cash must occornpany Georgetomn 877-4410 cvenings. order. Enquire nom ai Champ. 1 c%83144 ion office, 191 Main Si.. Hilton. McCLARY range; Easy mash- Icîf cr spinncr. $15 each. Phone 878- HATERNITY CLOTHES ai 9791. - t1e4g-3085 "Great Expecaions', o comp- 24 SOWS; Ford iraclor' 3-for- lte materrity shop, Wellington rom plow; cullivator. Streets- Square Hall, Bruni St., Bur- ille 826-1580. 1 c4g-3088 lintgoti. Lingeri, spot tsmcar, _______________________ flernoon and eoenisg drcsses FUPPIES, mate, mother min- by Lagnon. Phone 634-1936. Clo- iature Golden Retriever, bouse- sed 'Honday. leSt -2907 brokes. 878-4857. 1 c48-30821 bi - SYERS for molernily clolh- t LADIES' humn as wîg,1 ing, tops, sims, shorts, sirts ncm, atready stltd, 340 aind dresses bv Lgnun. Camp- (bromni. 878-2513. 1 c48-3089 lto and Iat,tt î stos in mater riln ctothing al Syers Family Fashions, 228 Main E., phone TIPIN-TIRE 878-2067, Hilton. c48-3136-tf SALES LIMITED CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- BASE LINE - MILTON RES, ncm and usrd, oser 2,000) Kelly Springfield tires in stock, U niroyal ail sizes, tom prices; flots fixed, à 1.00; mheets batanced. 81.00. We Tires and Bateries hase batteries for Most cars and trocks. Hilton Tire and Ra- -diator Service, 191 Miii St., 878- Corne in and see the sem 2711. Iif-419 UNIROYAL MASTER CIL ES sho.epr The tire for tire woreleex, iline o) Ettlish and Canadias *chitdrn's shoes by Clar's, Sa- nage and Starl-Rilo. Distinctive USED PASSENGER and sling. Ecllent o-cor and fit. FARM TIRES The Chitdren's Shue Shop, mer- z anine loor, Wlington Square IJSD RUK IRS all , 377 Brant St., Burlinglon In ailUCKaIES )ctosed Mondays). c48-3019 878-3131 AMI-rIME THE AD in his space lait If busy CAL 878-2367 wook .was stopped be- 24 Hour Service cas ifgteut. lidcas tgtrsis 4IPEET FOR SALE 15 VEUILES FOR SALE 1 8 HELP WAMTED NEW and used gos or diesel Cockshutî traclors; used trac- lors of ail mokes; used cors pianlers; groin and ferlilizer drls; cullivators; wherled dises; harrows; masure spread- trs;, loaders to, fit almosi any tractor; new and used Pioneer and Homelile chis saws. Or- der your Cocksbuîî and Oliser parts eorly. Ser your Cockshuil dealer rartv for sales and ser- vice, Archie Kerr Equipment. phone 853-1959, Adtos. 4b40-594 D RATES adian 191 Main St. 'pon Milton, Ontario 'T8<C0M2NG MARAM. MR- 08<5 mOimSicharge for la 7 d808 z<87.:. par ar.d8'<d sete. TATE $ 1.40 p.,ernol- iSols p .Mond.y. lOON TUESDAY 1964 ACADIAN. black wiîh red inlerior, radio, whiiemotls, 6 standard, in good condition. 878-4792. 5c48-3132 1 DIESEL road grader, tan- dem drive, fuity hydraulie, pow- er stering, compltlely equip- ped. 878-2847. 5c48-3155 64 PONTIAC converlib, power sierrine. power brakes, V-8. .rttmatic, t ossner, good condition. Phono. 856-4422 afler 7 p.m. 5b40-591 For Your Next Car .. TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 8784380 Self 7 WANTED top. 318 V-8 molor, autonmoUc, BOY-S 26" bicycle, standard. radio, nem ires. 878-2847. Phone 878-6603. 7c48-3141 5c4g-3154 GUITAR essons, in chitds oms home. 854-9977. 7c4g-3074 ds WANTED TO BUY, tandem bicycle, in good condition. 034- 905sn s 80. 7c48-3081 0F UNUSED MILES 'RIDE 10 downtomn Toron- STILL AVAILABLE IN Io Monday lu Friday. Working EVERY ONE 0F THESE husfrm9 7c48-3131i "I olry, goose and dock Used Cars a dVE poor, et rticks, Miget Used Cars and pices. Wr colt. Write I. Zenen, Tru ks 792 Cofiege St., Toronto, o 1966 Oldimobile Delta eningo 638-5793. 7c-4941 tf 4 Door Sedan Pomer equipped, radio. Lic. HEPWNE H29505. 8________________ 1964 Chevrolef Sedan WOMAN, daity hetp in nem White itb rrd inlenior, ose home, or ise in, no maxing. omner. Lic. 175927. Campbetlvitte 854-2685. 8.48-3119 1964 Chrysier Windsor TRUCK DRIVER, age 25 yrs. Two Door Hardfop or oser. Appty Wisosa Pruj Automalie, radio, mhitematls, Co.. 370 Ontario St., Hilton, 878- pomer steeing. pomer brakes, 2451. 8c48-2896 s1mr-1 codio20i. EXPERIENCED temate cterk 1100typisi required for iemporary 1964 Corvair Coue ork, Jonc 10 Oct, t. 5 - doy . mu eek, domniomn office, Repiy Automatie transmnission, ose Box 134, Canadion Champion. omner car. Lic. 56064. 8o483l14 1963 Chevrolet Sedan HAN for service station. musl Autornalie. mhiîematts, mheet bie esperienced in ait phases dises, original condition. Lic. ut service station operalionand 206392. be able 10 do ligbi meehanîcot morb. Hust be bondobte. Appiy 1963 Acadian sn person tu Gaitinger Hotors Station Wagon Lîd.. :Milton Plaza. 8e48-3093 Very dlean throughout, local- I NEED mes and wmIorn1 ly omnrd. Lic. 4947X. set) Rawteigh produels for me sn Hilton, also Esquesing Tmp. 1962 Volkswagen Onty reqoirernents honesty and custorn desire 10 monk, Phone 659-70Y71 Custom afier 5 p.m. on write ýHugb W. Radio, mhitewatt tires. Very HacDougatl, Carlisle, Ont. Sharp. Lie. J5592. 8c4g-2884 IMPEMETS OR ALE1961 Zephyr Convertible 4 IMLEENSFO SL Radio, whitemalis, pomer to.. ____Very clean con. Lie, 365035. IRRIGATION pump mitb mu- toc and pipes; dlay pots. Phone Buringlon 634-2867. 4c48-3130 MI-INEAFOLIS Muine trac- lors; heavv duîy dises; corns panters; Fon forage equiprns. EsirI Snom 878-6406. 4c48-3108 1,000 gal. mater tank; 80" Lus- dc)) shredder, .T.O., on rubben. hydraulie lift; boy elesaton wi'lh I hp. molor, on robber; International I - way dise. os - obbi.r, 22 bales of halertiie, 9 îhousand fi. bales. PINELAND FARMS R.R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 877-3748 or 878-243-7 4c48 ATTENTION FARMERS AND CUSTOM OPERATORS Corne to ,HILTON EQUIPHENT CO. LI-ITED 3163 Base Lise Road, aI 8 p.m., FRIDAY, APRIL 71b. Hear Alcs Chisholm ut Niag- ara Brand discuss the laiestini spraying mclbods and herbicid- Corn Growers Le rs abotLinazine. Sec a film enitlîd 'Traclor Sirelcb- 1961 Cadillac Coupe de Ville Automatie. radio, mhitematls,i fuît power. Lie. J10394. 1960 Thunderbird Two Door Hardtop Pomer siecrng, pomer brakes, pomer indoms, pomer seat, air condiîioning. many othen exîras. Lic. J7144. TRUCKS 1965 Chevrolet Pick Up Sîyteside bas. Lic. C89816. 1963 Dodge 700 Dump 5 Ton V-8, 185 reor, 1000-20 tires, ex- cepîiosatly good shape. Lic. V12115. 1963 GMC 3 Ton Cab and Choisis 25x 20 tires. 2-speed rear asie. oniy 53,000 mites. Lie. B87M9. 1959 International Tractor 461 molor, 5-speed transmis. sion, 23,000 lb. 2-sperd axte. 100 gaI. saddîe tank, 51h mbeeî ilb fotI air brakes. Lie, BI 1915. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT Reed 'Hassey Ferguson tractor eqoip- ped mith pressure control mitI be on dispiay, R ecifern Limited PHONE 878-2121 or j ostanio Street South, Hilton, 878-2122' 878-2393- 4c48 5c48 ME N To take change of shifts in Plastiic Aoulding plant, Etobi- coke orea. Witl train Our M&e thods. Sbould have meelsanleol obilily. Wold cossider men experienced in sei-up moutdisg or extrusion. APPLY BY LETTER TO Box 328 Acton Free Pres 8h48 Fin? Clas Tool & Die Maker EXTRUSION DIES <PLASTIC) Varied and inîerestisg mork. Top rates of pay. Appty in mriling to: F. JENKINS, Toot Rorn Poreman, Building Products of Canada Ltd. Micro Plastics Div. ACTON, ONTARIO. 8c48 PETROLEUM Driver Salesman Required by United Co-Operatives of Ontario 45 Guelph Si.. Georgelomn. 877-2271 Excellent mages and emp- Ioyre besefts, Suceessful opplicani miii be aggressise, self-slariing and ca- pable of assurning greater res- ponsibilities as urne progresses. 8c481 fi, ci Pl ki 1. ft el 'SEED oals, Gary, germinal- on 97. Colis Beaty 878-6326. 2c48-3145 300 BALES ot dry mheat .îram, 40c per bale. Oakvitie 827-3322. 2c48-3135 QLANTITY of good, dry, loose loy, inI bars. Free for remosai. 878-3145. 2c4g-3151 HAY and stram detisered aI reasonable prices. Stuart Me- Paddes 878-2639. 2c46-3006-if 200 BALES of ciras, dry, 001 slram, by the 'bale or ton. H-ar- oid -Hurren 873-9846. 2c48-3142 NO. t SMA'LL Sebago potat- aes,, 75 lb. bag 11.00. Phone 878- 6-197 by appoinîrnent. 2c5l-3116 AÎPPLES: Cortland and Delie- ious. Bring your oms contain- ers. Roy 'Bousfield 878-6355. 2b51-3090 500 BALES of dry stram, 45c aI the bars. 'HeLeas Bros., Pus- tinch, R.R. t. Phone Guelph 824- 0499. 2c47-3048 DEKALB hybrid serd cors, Sarghum and Sudax. Eart Snom, Badger Sales and Service, 878- 6406. 2c47-3056 RODNEY oats, cteancd for wed: bated boy and stram. Phone Murray Cottomay, Freet- on 659-3620. 2c49-3112 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 9 PIGS, O meeks old. A. C. Hadlietd 878-9482. 3648-3147 2 HÏOLSTEIN -coms,- I fresh. t duc Aprit 4. Burlinglon 634- b994. 3c48-3138 PI)PS toc sale, mothet- pure hred Boxer, father soi hnomn. 18 cach. 878-9124. 3c48-3133 10 REGISTERED Yorkshire gilîs (bred); 20 open gilts. Ross Hîlis, phono Fretton 659-3649 3c49-3113 FREE lto a gosad home, 2 te- males, part German Shepherd and Cottie pups. 9 meeks old. 878-2036. 3c48-3158 à VEHICLES FOR SALE 1937 CHEV. truck, runsing condition, good original body. $i00. 878-6493. 5c48-3125 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne con- vertible, 6 automatic, good con- dition. Phone 878-3415. 5c4g-3159 60 CC. ALLSTATE motor bike, used. $125 or besi offer. Cana- dian Tire Store, Hilton. 5c47-3049 Wednesday, Aprii 5, 1967 2PRODUICE FOR1 SALE Required by Juvenile and Famhily Court Office GEORGETOWN, ONT. Salary - Grade 5. Range J3,255 - $4,055 perinuas. Qualifications - Grade 10 ed- ocalion, Preferably Grade 12. Mont be able 10 lake diciation in sborthand, dieta- phone, iranseribing letters, ie- ports and memoranda, book- l'eeping, aceorate typisi, SI leont 50 mords par minute. Ability to follom simple in- stroctions and willingness t. learo sem procedores, aleninesa. adopiabilily, pensonali ottbil- iiy, Seat and mcii gnooined ap. pearance. Appiy: G. BROWN, Clenk - Admininleaton, Administration Building, -Milton, Ont. Due to Major Plant Expansion the. Following Permanent Job Opportunities are Offered INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSIMN Wirb expeience in sasal 101 and fixture design. MACHINIST 'Wiih genenot machine obop experiesce. METAL FABRICATORS Experieneed in light meuhl fabricatisg and assemblies. Muni be able 10 monk 10 blue- prini. Excellenti mages and finge benetits. Appiy to: PHOENIX MFG. CO. Phone Coleci Milton 878-2818 Mn, 'P. Lange. Experienced Private Secretary To work in local business of- 'ire, beginnisg 'May 1, 1967. Good ability in lypisg, sien- cîliing, f iiing and generai office procedures required, Good wor- king conditions. Salary uched- le and fringe besefits in ef- (eci. Apply in mriting, giving age, esperience and referesces, to Box No. 135 Champion Office 8c48 MAN WANTED To f il orders and deliver, and do generai yard dues, FULL TIME JOB For a mas wilting to monk bard and who enjoys worklng culdoors. Apply for Appointment 878-2351 Copeland Lumber 8c48 Order Editor Local manufacturer requirco intelligent yousg mas for vae- ascy in the inside sales section. Since the prime fonction in- voises customer contact through order editisg. the abiliiy to quickty acquire o worcing 1knomledge of the company's produets. as weit os a pleasani telephone personallty, is requin- ed. The company provides an ex- cepiional range of compielely subsidized fntnge benefits, ai- ong wiib excellent morking con- ditions. Startîng salory to be based on educalion and exper- ience. Apply in writing, outlining aIl pertinent information indlu- eing present solary 10; Canadian Meter Co. Ltd. Box 970 - Milton, Ont. ATTr: CONTROILME. t k46 Secretary I a .1 1 11

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