.......................................-. .. .' 17 REAL ESTATE 3MD3ROOM bouse, Inunedi- ate occupaney. Reasonable rent. Cati SBurtînglon 6377380 after 5 P. 46-3021 $21,000 ful prtce, 3 - bedroom home in the country, os pav. ed road. mais fluor consisîs of living - dining roum. kil- chen, den asnd a wasbroom, 3 bedrooms and batlsroomn on second floor, fuît basement, néwly decorated. 518,9W, 5room bungalow on Ro biowood Cres., 3 bedrooms. living - dining roomt and kil- chen, aundry room, pay- room ansd finished rec. room in basement, paved drive and beauifully landscaped. 345,00, % acres on paved road, close 10 401 inlerchange, id. cal location for a commuter 10 Oakville, Kitchener, Toron- to or Guelph. I (-storey 7- room old stone bouse, mod. ersi.ed, and good banked bars on property. 5,000. 50 acres market gardes. ing land, 5-room cement block bungalow and 2 barns, gond suppty of waler. public and high school -buses aIt the door. Very good invesment. Buying or seting summer pro perdies, cossuit us. Repres- enlatives in most of the For fast, convenient service, cati your Keith represestative. For Service & Satisfaction Cosst IIELOANDI 310 Main St., Milon, ont. 878-6292 878-6592 '£ASTER SPECIAL" - Just liîsed, ahmost nem 3bedroonm clay brick bungalow. tocated close to shopping andi School ,for Deaf Children, spacious living ronm. large itches, 3 good size bedrooms, smart balhroom. fuît divided base- ment, F/A gos heating. 'Monthiy paymests $127 P. . & T. 61/4% mortgage. Fuît domn payment. cash 10 one morîgoge. $5,500. Clt Art Peacoch 8786447 or 878-292. "INVESTMENT FROERTY- 'Setter thon any pension plus, annual income 111,600 gross. This spacious red brick buiding is silualed on a 70 f. by 297 f . lot and is cent- raliy localed isn'Mlon. Ven- dor iii tahe bock a firsl morîgage a 7% interesl. "This is the chance of a lifetime 10 gel on pour feet." Listed price' $48.000 mith 310.000 doms. Open ta offer. Clt Tom Resueti 878-2521 or 878- 6292. $1.000 DOWN - Its sol a mis- lake. Witb 51,000 doms, pou cas boy ose of the besl Imo acre lots if the Tomn of Oak ville. Only 3 available. Ex- cellent developmest potes t- ili.500 f. frontage bp 877 f. deptht. DosIt deloy. You iii bc ton lte. COUNTRY HOME - Situaied on a 3 cre monded lot itb a creek and osly 3 mites from 'Milton, Yes. il's possible, and il is also possible 10 buy Iis property for 125,000. The home cossisîs of o relalivety nem 3bedroom spitlevel spa- cious living anti dining room. kitches. batbroom, large fuit basemesi, masy exîras. lurn- inum storm and screes mtn- doms and doors, F/A oit beat- ing. Clt Bob Cross today, 878- 4892 or 878"292. F-RE. FIRE" - Yes sir, check h01 fi re insurasce policy rigbl t cas. Tomorrow may ho ton lte. s your bouse cover- ed 10 fuît value aI todays prices? Are y aur con tets in- sured? Have you asy Babit' ity coverage? Nom sir, checki ha1 date. Are y ou sure tha1 pour policy bas sot expired? Men you issure tbrougb Iis office, WE mutl mahe sre your policy bas sot expirai ithout you hsoming. Insure today ilh "Halifax Issur ance Company - Canada's oldest company - trougi this office. W. take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy Easter 17 REAL ESTATE 1 COUNTRY HOME New 3.bedroom brick bungalow on lot 100 x 30W, chool buses pass the door, wili be decor-- slnd to suit purchaser. On- ly $4500 down. 150 acres, on Burlinglon tomo lise. 100 acres on IHwy. 25. $75000 fuit price. 100 acres north of Milton. 135,000 fuit price. Sydney K. Lamb REALTOR R.R. 4, Milton, Ontario 878-3212 Member of Canadian. Ontario, Orangeville and District Real Estate Boards. 17c46 PAUL S. STARR and Company Ltd. REALTORS Brampton - Guelph - Orangevilte Woodstock - Milton -Hespeler Ayr -Cookslown BUYING OR SELLING Contact Our MILTON REBRESENTATIVE BARBARA KING 1W0 Marin Sreet Phone: Milton - 878-3551 Brampton - 451-1510 Country 3 Bedroom Bungalow $23500 fuit price for this new 3bedroom busgalow, brighl cheery itchen mith lots of cupboards. spacious living ronm witb dinisg orna. 4-piece bath mith separate toilet. full basement. oit beating. This home i s situated os a scenic lot 150' x 290 prliatty mood- ed itb school bus ai gale Taxes are to. Inspection b> appoisîmef t. ChoiCe Lot on Steeles Avenue 35,500 is as exlremety tom price for Iis large ose and o balf acre building lot. siluatea jusl minutes 10 Oahville in lercbasge 0f 401 Hmy. afd 30 minutes 10 Metro Toronto. This property bas 100 fI frontage on Steetes Ave, anî is in os area of other homes of good quaitp. Commute and Save Hom moulti you ihe lu live ili the country on a scefic on and one-baîf acre lafdscope. lot that overioohs a floii river in a quiet commusil> pet stilI be han dy lu shoppinâ and 0f ly hait an hour f roer Melro Toronto? We bave ar older. solid farm bouse,1 rooms. 2 aparlmefts. plusà 2-roonm cottage, plus as av erage sieed bars. Att con b rested. If pou mouldn'l minc sharing eis haves for a fes short ears. il mili att pop foi ilsetf. Yes, the bouse seeti some decoraling, but for tI price the vesdor ix askis mhat coutd pou expect? Reni aIs exceed $200 per moftI and tond values are goisg uf Futl price 525,00. Convefier terms caf be arranged. Ideal for V.L.A. Purchaser Can You Qualify? $17,9W00lt price for this twu and one-half acres ilh 1t year.otd t' i-storey home or small sturdy bars. Would b s ideat for aspose mho ca quatify under V.L.A. The bon is right upto.date mitb k piece bath, oit furnace an t lots of cuphoards in a kitche big enougb for famitp disinl s The bars is ideal for a hor. e or mbat bave you. For cas 1 commutisg, me con thish f0n better acceso Ihan the p ved rond leading lu 401 Hou If pou are flot a veleras. % cas arrange ao pay-lihe-resi 7% morîgage mith taxes, Our nom Spring catalogue d great tond bargains. is preti cousntry retreals, acreages, hi mes. farms and invesîmei property lu nom avoulable at 16 free os roquest. 17c 17 REAL ESTATE Christie &Wo"d REAL. ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St. - Milton $14,900 fuît price, 2 - bedronm stucco bungalow asti garage, large living room ilh but- is bonk obelves anti fireptace. kitchen anti diselle, 3 - piece bath, fuît basement ilb rec- reation ronm. auntiry tubs, oit furnace. Termo. COUNTRY HOMES $16,900 fuît price, 3 - bedroom white brick home under con- stroction, silualeti on lot 100 x 270. on mais paveti roati. approximatety I mile soulh of 401. LOTS 10 acre lot, t mile fromt Milon. Asing $8900. FARMS 100 acres, large stone home, banh bars, highmay frostage. AskingS358,000. 10 acres, large stone home. bask bars, close lu 401. Ash- ing 330,00. 10 acres. brick home. bask bars. on pavet roat. Asing $23,500. Cal 878-2095 878-6057 17c46 Owner Transferred Omser must el Iis charmisg spt - evel home of English pre-fab anti brick, buitt on large treeti lot in the midto of a gataxy of brittiant hom- es in Mitons choicesî resiti- estial area. The upper 3 beti- roomos anti halls tasîefuîly ce- veret in rich broadlonm. You mutl love the ivisg ronm mith ils large, saburaI stone f ire- place asti the easy-Io-morh-in kilchen anti tetighlfutly in- vitisg dining area. Large. op- en teck aI rear matie 10 or dier for reaxation os sums mer evefingo. Bult-i garage astid atlachet greeshouse. tati t mwite birch afnd shady pins f atdit eresî for the excusive 9 buyer. Friced ti $ 25,000. King Size Comfort cA home gtoifg iîh marmîls asti comfort, boass economi- cal bot mater gos beating, y tuxurious stone fireptace in living romst bright L tising area, famitp siceti itchen mith hasdp extra asbronm, 4 bedrones anti bathronm UP sîairs asti fisisheti math-out e bsement wilb 4-piece baîls If ronm, extra bedroom, living d ronm anti itchen. attached 1- garage ilh an inopirins poreb-dech for bot somnmer nights. Roones for att inctuti L ing mother. rice $25,000. 4 Bedrooms Almool nem buff brick homt iîh attacheti garage. attrot tive living rones, itchen ilt saturaI finisheti cuphoarti te anti 4bedroomo lu ccommo !d date the famitp. in quiet as< il refiset residentiat area. rict Y, 322,500. M V. LA 9 Neat týilstorey home. on aciq a lot. cosvenienl lu mais igt - may for commuling. nem fur )e noce, etra maoooes sepot t aIe dining ronm. large ivieI w ronm, 4 betronms asti tort 'r fomitp itches. Dont mis .5 Iis opporlunity. rice 320.,0 gl Garden Farms bh 14 cres ut choice gardensosu p. gond 4-betronm olucco homn nt futty equippeti hog barn t bouse 200 feeder bogs, cxce lent mater suppty pressura lu bouse anti outhuilding! other gond borns anti toubl garage. Here is pour OPPI Iunitp for gond cousntry ai comte. Frice 131,500. 10. 15 acres and beautifut oit 0101 id bouse mitb colonial cent. we hait entrance. 3 betron an fireptace if living rones. mu se rs coavesiences. 8 ocresc 4. goati gardes soit, balancei ti white birch anti cetor monl to lnd. Frice $36.500. ~'9 For these anti other large aî se omaîl farmo, clt pour Gibsi 's WiltougWbbpLti. represent of ive. ,ë Anna&Ardiie Cairn t340 Mals Sreet East Phone 878-6980. SOLVE pour MHelp Waset problem bp calisg 878-2341.1 Champion Classifietis. 1Y REAIý ESTATE PRIVATE Corner Mary end Bronte St. Immediate possession. 7 ROOM 'HOUSE Central location. For appointment CALL 878-9962 l7c46 GENERAL PURPOSE and BEEF FARM 218 acres, near 'Dundalk and 'Hwy. 10, contains 190 clear, tilliable acres. painted 60 s 64 hank bars, buose bousing for beef, plus number of pig pens and hen pens. steel - roofed drive shed, large brick home. hydro. mater, sicen bath, C & 'W fureace in. -Must sett before spring crop ime. List $25,500. Contact M. K. Hendry REALTOR Dundalk, Ont. Dial 923-2812 17c46 ROCKWOOI> INTERNATION- AL ANNUAL AL.SRBEEDS 18 TEDERS Dairy Caîf Sale County of Halton Tenders FOR MATERIALS AND SERVICES SEALED TENDERS, ptainty marked as lo cosnnso. itt be received by the undersigneti un- 4 tlt 12:00 o'clock soons. Tuesday, April 4th, 1967 for the folloisg materiats and c services:; (A) MATERIALS <f.o.b. asyÎ point in County unteso other- isc noteti) .-Road SalI. fine and coarset n bags and buth lo.b. Plant and Cousty(. 2-Calcium Chloride is bago anti butk (f..b Pant and Coun- ty). 3.-CI>. Culverts. 4-Crosheti Stone, ail sizes (foIs. Plant). 5-Weed afd Brosh Chemi- cals. 6.-Spray Palcisg Emul- sions. 7.-Cotd-mlx and Hot-mix ai- phait ptchlng materlol (lo.b. Plant). (B) SERVICES. .-Gravet Resurfacing- 1 apply, rush, haut asd spread apprux. 18,000 Ions("). 2.-Surface Treatisg - supi- ply asti appty approx. 110,000 gais. 'RSIK Emulsios and 5,000 tufs 'ia"cbip. 3.-tise 'Painting - supptp anti apply appron. 1,650 gais. t 4-Liquid Calcium Chlori4j; - suppty and appty aprax. 200 tons flahe equivatent. 5-Supply of Roati Signo. 6.-.Supply of Gasoise, Die- Ssel -Fuel Oit asti Gear Lubri- 'Prces must 0e submtted on bititers' oms lorms for Item "A" ('Materialsi anti shah in- <tcude Federat ont Provincial Sa- :- tes Taxes mbere applicable. h Counly Tender Formo must sbe used for 'Item " (Servic- >- es). dTendier Forms asti furtber in- e formation may be oblaineti f rom the office o! the usder- signeti. The lomeot or asp tesnders e itI not neceosarily be accepl- -ed. D. J. CORBETT. P. Eng., o Counîy Engiseer, ýe Counîp Administration Bldg. is Milton, Ontario. 19h46 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND> OTHERS Ins the RElate o! DAVID LIRNE BIRD. deeeaaed. Att persons havisg cdaimts ag- ainsotthe Estale of DAVID) LORNE (BIRD, laIe ai R.R. 2. Georgetown, is the Tomnship of Esquesing. in the County ot Haltof, Former. deceased, mhc died os or about the 23rd day o! Seplember, 1966, are hereby nolified ta sendi particulars ai their cdaims lu the ustiersigsed os or before the 251h day ai April. t167; afler micb date, the saiti EsIate iti be dislrib uted. baving regard only la tht dlaims mhicb the 'Administraloi <ha1ll Ien have receiveti. DATED aI Miton, Ontario, Iis 151h day of IMarch, 1967. HALTON & PEE TRUST & SAVI'NGS COMPANY, 282 Laheshore Roati East, Oahvitte, Ontario, Adminisîrator. by SHARPE & NIOIOOLS, 207 Mary St. Miton, Ont.. its solicitors. 9c48 Offeelng Calvea Eligble for 4-H Club Worls SATIJSDAY, MA31CH 25, 8167 At 1.30 p.m.. ait the Gorgeowa Saless Aren (!,îimite soseth of No. 7 Hmy., & miles north of Interchange 40 off 401 Hwy.. os Trafalgar Rd. ai Georgetown.) - 60 HF-AD - Presesting a choice selection of top calibre calves from which I-H members. sew and aId, clan purchase the kinti thal mili prove 10 be future hrood como. Many breeders have atîomed us lu, dig deep isto their bel- ter cow families, thus affording you the opportunity 10 be the lasI bidder os really top show prospects. Catalogues available on re- quest. Lunch avoulable. Rockwood IlessatonalLtd. Sale Managers P.O. Box 67, Georgetown, Ont. Phone (416) 877-4101. 20h30 AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas recelv- ed instroctions 10 seli by pub> tic asiclios in the Tmp. osf Sur. linglas. Lot. 2. Con. 7, 3 miles straight norlh of No. 5 Hwy. and approx. 5 miles soulh ol Milton, on the Burlisglon-Oak ville Tows tise. nom called Tremane Rd. A FouIlUne of FWm N WMm Misr adMtlkng Equlpeset For JOHN MVTM Commencing SaIurday, Mardi 251h Att1 p.m. Ford tractor, No. 8; W4 Inter national traclor; bath in gool ironning order; Massey Harri; itractor, No. 101. setting as is [nt. momer, trait type, 7 O.c.; h.p. momer. hydrautic, for Fore traclor, 7 ft. cut; No. 45 Int. ba ler, gond condition; 2 - furrov Dearbors ptow. 3 h.p.; 2-furros [nt. traiter plo\v; John 'Deer. 17-ros grain and fertilizer drill grass seedier, attacbed fertilice box. onty used once, on robbee tnt. grain drill, l3.ron; farm mcz gos, on rubher, with hay racl 16 fI.; 'Massey 'Harris 3 - sectio; spring îontb cullivator; Jobi Deere cuttivator, os wheels. fi.; bale buncher; 500 gaI. mate tank; 2 chiches shellers, 18 1 long. 5 ft. mite; approx. 10 as 6lomatic chiches moterers; brooders (rpne); circula sam; danns milIl; 3 2½.-to trocks mith 12 fi. platform could be sicelp mode mbt fart traiter; oaî roller (Jim-mode Wood's deep freeze. very goo ronning condition. -HOORSE I3RAWN IMPLIEI ENTS - McCormich momer, fI. eut; cutlisg box (for stram Massey -Harris grain dritl, t ros;disc. 5 f i.; boy loader; gfurrom riding plom; scoffle D2-rdm scuffler, osn'mheels; t s. 2of haroess (brasd nemi; othi psel of harness, very gond shap ifand masy more articles Il insumerous 10 mention (coi ýybinder). tYIUJLKING EOUIFMENT - )f unit Surge milliers; Univers dvacuum pukmp asd pipes for e, S1RAW - Approx. 400 bal b-o ai t stram. if nol previous lesold. Mr ORSES - I Belgium mat rising 2: t Belgium mare. risit 3. TEIOM: CASH. & Farm lasoîti, Omner and auctioneer n resposble for accidents d of sale, CHRtS A. SCMOUTEN. Auclioseer. phone 878-2Y 1Clcrh; Jim t.angedyk. 20b 20 AUCTION SALES 19 LEGAL 2 NOTICE is hereby given that if 1951 (-ton Studebaker pick- up truck left in 'November 196 at Texaco Service Station, 25 Hwy. north of Milton, is flot claimed by April 1, 1967, the samne will be sold for débt ow- ing. Alfonse Znk. March 22, 1967. 19c4&200 20 AUCTION SALES Good Friday auction Annual Sale of Imiplueeass, Homes, Ponlea & l'urnlture At the GalI Uvestoek Exehange On 97 Hwy., 6 miles east of Gait and 7 miles west of Freel- FRIDAY, MARCH 24 1.15 p.m. Anyone wishing bo consign any articles, contact the aoc- tioneer or bring lhem along on the day of sale. Auctioneer. CARL ROTH, Waterloo, phone 7434557. 20c46 The Canadien Champion, Wednesclay, March 22, 1967 ~ueeu $4 Walter Reinhart Brampton Livestock Exchange Snelgrove Licensed AuCtioneer Farm Sales, Hoosehotd Sales and Appraisals 'PHONE Oneigrove 8431071 Bolton 857-1726 CollecI Kitchener 519742-7437. 2cf COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Households - DispersaIs or Farm Sales Chris. A. ScIiouten AUCTIONEER Graduate from Kansas City Auction School Sales conducted asywbere. Please cati coltect 070-2576. 20c44-tf Easter Monday Evening ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Meadiovale Village Hall MONDAY, MARCH 27 7 'P.M. Fine glassware and china t'Mary Gregory, signed Aurene, Tiffany etc.); guns: colt. flint- lock. pinfire, pistols and long; Canadiana fursilure; estate jew- ellery; hanging, table and ban- quel lampu; 'brass; copper; it- verpiate; pictures etc. Prom local estales and homes. N o reserves (f0 chitdrenl. ROY ASIOWORTH F.V.I., AscI.. Brampton 4590580. 20c46 AUCTION SALE Of Moden Fuessture and Antique Pleces For MISS IRENE DOWNS Of 376 'Woodward Ave., selting n the Agricultural Hall, Miton Fair Grounds, on Thuradap Evennsg, Mardi 23nd At 7 o'clock sharp. TERMS: CASH. PRANK FETCH, Auctioseet. 20c16 Tel. 877-2864. AUCTION SALE SATIIEDAY, MARCH 23 t pm Estate of the LATE VERN NICHOLSON t mile south of Carlisle, on fProgreston Rd. t 'tnt. "A" tractor; t tnt. Cub tractor; bolh wilh hydrautic implemesîs; 10,000 fI. of sew lunber, ail kinds and sizes; 7 piece dining room set. watnul; fuit lise of farmn implements large quastilp of scrap iron; tools of att kinds. IVAN SMITH, 20c46 Aucioneer CLEARING d AUCTION SALE '; O CaIlle, Figa, May & Grahst S ar iCeaner. Maelslnery. d ousehold Effecta etc. For w A. R. SERVICE 1; Lot 4, Cons. 7, Nassagaweî !r Twp., situated on the Nassaga r;meya - Esquesing Toms Lise,1 a-miles north-west of 'Milton, a kthe 401 Hmy., on :n SATURDAY, APRIL t, 8967 n 1.00 p.m. 8 RONALD C. LAM'B, rAuctioseer. t.Fergus 843-3839 - (Fuît îlot neot week.) 2 20U is. s THE )d '10-25" 51 IN Go COMPLETE BP 2- SERVICE iaI Groceriea, Cigarettes, 22 Confectionery, es Tobacco, Tires and dW Batteries ng Open 8 a.m..1 1 p.m. Delly Inndudlng Sunday A. R. HARKNESS, PROP. lay '10-2Y' ay SERVICE STATION R.R. 1, MILTON-878-2932 6. Corner of No. 25 Hghway A6 and 10 Sideroad BEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COE910UR Designed Juol For You -and - COM'ILETE BEAUTY SERVICE Cali 878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR STYING 198 Milt St. - Mlton CAILL878-3263 FOR APFOINtMENT * Modern Equipmnenl * Expert Styling, Coloring. Wavisg. c52-tt ELECTRICAI SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e IODISTRIAL e COMMERCIAL eDOMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEMrING iComplete Eledtric Homne 66 Chartes St. Milton 878-9513 TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLUO4CES SALES & SERVICE " 'Philips TV & Tape Recorders " R.CA. Stereo, TV, Appliances I* Sparton TV and Stereo n 222 MAIN ST. 87M«445 c-t LIUT'S T.V. 4SALES & SERVICE * EMsERSON *Colop TV and Sterco * Tape Recorder 112 Mill St., Miltos. Phone 878-3208 on 21ctf w PAINTINO ADO MCORATINo '; GIL VANSOELEN n; PAINING r. Contractor Industrial - Residenlial Inlerior - Exterlor Cal nom for Free Estlmates 878-6137 bal Box 1347, Mlton. 2lb45-tf if 21.1! WILL DRIWNG WELL DRILLING J. E. RUTAN R. R. 2 Milton, Ont. Phone Burlinglon NElian 4402 SIWIN MACINER CUSTOM UPHOLSTYW SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 8756 Milton Fabric Centre Services anti Repaira on ail makes of sewing machines. 20ctf TAILORINO - REPAIES *Taiting * Aterations *Geseral Repaire * Reasonabte *Sec our stock rack FRED'S TAILORING SHOP Fret Versîrocte 217 Main 878-3302 FOR ALTERATIONS anti REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Street PHONE 878-4472 21ctf MILTON UPHOLSTERY 'Nom omnetianti aperated by Lamne Arthur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 MUtais * Re-uphottr *Auto tries *Uphotery cleantns *Custom bul furoithre *Free pick-up antdtielvee 318-If Halton UpI-iostering Re-Upholstering Custom SuiltIFursiture Chrome tlhen Chairs Free pick-up anti deîtvery. H. ENSEN R.R. 2, Campbetîvitle. Phone: 854-9939 21ctf PRINTINO For Your Printing ... *Top Quallty * Efficient Service * Resionable Prime THE CANADIAN CHAN 191 Main et. N 416 - M7 - 2341 MIPON NmEo j Mrs. Stella Parton REAL ESTATE Milton 878-6705 17c46 0 Farms * Homes 0 Land *Businesses 1 DRAPERY BROADLOOM *Resîdental *Industria *Commercial Ready-made 'Drapes in stock. For Custom Service CALL 879-2067 110E HOME APPOINWSIENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 21o0 OB4IRAL CONTRCORS BOB LUMBERS Carpentry Contractor Alteratlons Custom Cupboards etc. R.R, 3, MILTON. Phone: 878-9937 21-tf RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * Home Omprovensente * Renovations *Ateratona *Adtions *Commercial or Indualela UL 4-2263 CAL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING E&VESMRUO2IDO ALUMI'NUM SIDINO Re.Roofing our Spediatly Carpentry Work o! AUl Klnda 'Phone 878-M2 or 8M0303 MILTON -Frac Esttmaîes - AIL WORK GUARANTRUI GARDIN SamVCE Formosa Landscaping tCONTRACTOR eSeeding anti aoddtng eWeed aprayios *e Fertlizing o eTree îrlmming ePatios8 -36