Stamp Out "For Rent" Sigils witb a Fust Acting Want Ad. BIRTH-S OEATHS ARTHU3R - Lorne sud Joanne FISHE. Mary Aun - On St. WA -(ueo Pion) cof RR. 3, Milton, urday, 'March il, 1967, iu tisen Ont., are pteased lu announco Georgetownu sud District Mcm- Jar the birtis cf heir daughtor, orllHiospital, Mary Anu teé Lynu Marie, weight 7 lbs., 8 uns., Campbeoll of 'RR. 3, Georetown, las at Milton District Htospital on in bier 841h year, wlefe thtie Ma Mareh 16 1967. lte George A. Fuber sud dear Ti mother dif William, Gordon, D7URRELL - -M. sud Mes. De- Jean and George of George- ek 'Burrett (nue Juhnston) uft twn district and Irene (Mes. Upper Base Live, R.R. 6, Mit- James Rau) of Brantford. me ton, Ont., are pteased to an- Rested at the MCure Fone- W nounce the irth of their daugh- ai Home, wheee funeral service c te, Penny, weight 5 Its. 141 was held. Interment Greenwood, ut uns., a 'Milton 'District Hospital cemetery. aw on Mrch 7, 167. KYLE, Elizabueth - At R.R. 6, Sw CORBETT-Bruce and 'Heather Milton, on Sunday, March 19, Y (nue Ross) of Otawsa are 1967, iu her 86th yoar, Elizabseths pteased lu sunounce the bietis Gilmure, widow of Oliver sud of hie daughtee, Shetagh Mer- dear mother of 'Mers. J. Gal- MY4 edith, weight 9 lbs., 3i os., braith (Maude) and Tom Gard- e aI Geace 'Hospital, Otawa, ver of Montreal, Mes, S. Goi- mn Maech 11, 1967. Firs great un (Mina) of Toronto sud Ja- geandchild for Me. Bertram Rai- mes Gardner of R.R. 6, Milton. noy of Milon. Funerat service tias fruen the- Mact4ab and Son Chapel on Tu- LEGERE-Mvr. and Mes. Joseph esday, Maech 21, with inter- A. Legere (vee Bernard) of ment to tolluw in Sîsyner cern- R.R. 2, Miton, are pteased tu eton'.1 announce the ietis uf their son, sd Regionat John, weight 6 lbu., 12 SNOW, Samuel Fredorick - At ni uns., aI 'Miton .istrict Hpi- Gueph General Stosital, ou taI on Tuesday, Marcis 14, 1967. Sundsy, 'Maech 19, 196, Samuel- Prederick Snuw of 273 Arthtur MARSH - Ken and Jean (noe St., Acton, hotovod hustssnd of Ce Shields) of Don Mitîs, Ont., Doris (M. Clifford; loved brth- ic are proud lu anvounce the bietis r of Mes. Isabel MdDowell of Su of their son, Brian Kevneîh, London and Edwaed of Milton;- weight 8 Its., 5 ous., t Scar- predeceased by une sister, Miss boro Geveral Hospital on Sun- Bessie Snuw, and three brts- ac day, March 19, 1967. ers, John, Thomas and Wilfrid. da Rested aI the RumleyShoe- ni PENNEY - -Met and'Myrna are r.aker Funeral Hom, Actun. happy lu announce tise bith Requiem 'Eucharist was held aIt of their daughte, 'Benda Char- the Chuech f St. Altusu the lene, on Sonday, Match 19, Martyr Tuesday et 2 p.m. Inter- Lu 1967, weight Il Its. A sister for ment 'Pirview cemeton'. b 12 Craig. -i SAIJER-ýMe. and Mes. R. Sau- CARDS 0F THANKS - er 'nec Cote) of 23 Robert _____________ St., Miton, are pteased lu an- sd nouince the birth of their daugh- 1 would ike tu express MY M8 te, Benda Lorese, weight 6 sincore eianks tu D. McCut- Lu lhs., Il ors., as 'Miton District cheon, nurses and staff forsi Hospital on Marcis 8, 1967. their kindness duetng my rec- - ,nt stay in Miton District os- SENICAR-Larey and Carol Se- pital. Aso many thsnks fore01 nicar ý(nee Whitehead) ut 271 cards, flowees. gifîs and rides h Ftmwood Cees., 'Miton, are ptoa. for my wife, and tise man who C sed lu announce the 'irtisofutotok me lu the hospival afler at their daughter, Sandra Dartene, my accident. Pl weight 7 ths., 8 02., at Miton c462879 'Hert, Wld.- District 'Hospital on Wedvesday, March 15, t1%7. A bahy slster We wish to express our sn- vi tue Sherry, who is thrilled. cre appeeciation lu our rolt- di vus, riends and neighboes for Al WATERHOUSE - M. and Mes. their kind expressions of sym- fr Jim'Waterisuuse f(neu ýMathe- pathy and beautiful floral tri- 5 son) of 20 John St., Mitton, houtes during uue recent ieeesve. to Ont., are pteasud su anvounce ment in tie toss of our lovlng tise birtis of their daugiter, Li- mother, Special tianks t0 Rev. t' sa Jo - Ann. weight 8 lhs., 1 S. E. Smith. Dr. A. W. Ashen-' oz., at Milton District Hospi- hurst and thu hurses cif George-A taI on 'Maech 16 1967. A l111e town tavd District Memorial sister for Tracy. Hospital. 6. c46-2883 The Fisher Family. w We wish lu express our ieart- ENGAGEMENTS toit thanks and appeeciation lu ____________________ ue many relatives, frends and l Theenagmet i anoncd neigistors for the ieautiful The egagemnt isannou cards, floral offerings, acîs of s or or Eizaets Baues RR.kindness and sympathy shuwn 2, Georgetown, tu 'M. Lawreence uS in the osn tf s loving bus- i Bertram Matte, Brampton. The bond and father. We especially ' wodding lu take place on Sat- wih lu thank the Milton Pot- n urday. April 29, 1967. iv Ash- (eRex J.E. Murphy, the Mit- 2 grov Uvied hurc ut ton Fiee Department, Or. Ed- octuck. waeds and tise'MaciNai, 'uneral Home. Mes. J. 'McCaron and family. DEATHS c628 DEVLI'H. Noms trene-As Mil ton District Hospital, on Tu: IN MEMORIANS c esday. 'March 21, 1967, on ber 67th bithday, Huma, betoved MILLS-Io toving memon' cof as wife of William H. and dear mu- dear mother, Eliza Jane Milîs, tiser of Donald, Kennetis. Jim- sho passed away Matcis 21, t mie, Grant and 'Henry. 1944.A 'Mes. Devin ix esting as the Always rememtueeed by Edytise. .MadHa'h and Son Chapet. Pun- c46-3012 i oral service in Geace Anglican Cisurch on Thursday, Maech 23 SMITH-In memon' ut s dear ast 2 p.m. Interment in Ever- friend and neigihuor. Dan green cemeteey. Donations su Smith, who went to est a yesr Cancer Society greatly appeec- ago, 'Marcis 24, 196. isted. Ever ememhered tuy John and Editi. c46-2892 McI'IJMOYLE, Wilert - At is home as Nogies Creek. on SMITH-In toving memon' ut 'Monday, Marcis 20, 967 Wil- a dear father and grandfatis- bet 'Mllmoyle, iv is 77tis or.'Daniel Smith, who passed year, hutoved iushand ufthtie away 'March 24, 196. late Cecite Grand-Louis, and Wtat we wuuld give if we could dear father of Chrstine <Ms. say, Alex Houghtov) of Lindsay, Ru- Hello 'Dad, in tise samne old ber, James, Harry, George. Lit- way; hian ('Ms. H. 'Herenserge) of Tu hear youe vice, see youu Milton and Chartes ut Calgary. Tosmite, at iseMacey 'un sit witb you and chat a Resting a h ak u- .wiie. eral 'Home, Lindsay, until Thur- Sa you chu bave s father, sday morning, Marcis 23, thence Cheris i ie witis care, su tise 'Bocaygeon Baptist Pue yuull neyer know fise chuecis for service ai 2 p.m. In- ieartacise, teement aI 'Bobcaygeov cener- Tilt you see is vacant chair. On. Sadty missed uy 'Norman, MeDONAIJD, Alexander Sandy) Charlotte and famity. c4&2880 - Suddenty, on Wednesday, WHETHNM - In toving mem- Marcis, 196, Alexander (San- on' of a dear grandfather, dy) 'MdDovald, in his 6tis yea, Harld E. Wetham, who passs- beloved hushand of Helen Craw- rd away Marcis 18, 1963. ford; dear fatier ut Gail; belov- Dear grandfatiser, 050w lsy woek ed son ufthtie laIe Angus and i 'r Emily 'McDonatd; brother outhtie ý s o uf.adn fmmois late William ut Georgetownand m oIn gren mmris anWe s.tently watk with thee lu- Josephs and Hector ot R.R. 4, day. Ar-ton; dear brother of 'Pearl almisd nder - (Mes. 'Wesley Litie) o vr- mmbered by grsndson Ricis- tonKeneti, Rssel ad ~ ard, gesnddaugiters Sandra tord of R. R. 4, Acton, Arcie and Brenda. c46-3023 of Limeisouse, Norman utof ___________ Georgetown and Margaret (Mes. Sam Muddte) ot R.R. 3, Miton. TIIDN Fueral was frue tise HaroId C, McCure funerat Home, To your friendly Champion Georgetownu. Inteement Lime- Fsmily Wat Adn sud sec Iouse cemen'r. ail of thse tungains uffed. IN MEMORIAMS URI)NGTON - Iu lovlng memon' csf mother, Mary ane PAlîginu, late of 'BoItant, reland, sud wife of tise late saac Warmlngton, depsrted darcis 26, 1926. he page of memton' is genty Iuened Ioday. He famity, Sarais, Hugis. Ja- nes, Pearl and Rtfhy. c46-2999 NHETHAPA - In lovivg meen- oey ut a dear husisavd, Har- Ad 'E. Whetham, who passed iay Marcis 18, 1963. SwecI memories ssill linger for- ever, fearu tisai aay came cannot (y loolng remunsirsne sf you. Sadly miuued and ever re- membered hy wife Hilda. c46-3022 COMING EVENTS Euchre as Palermu Hall, Thur- say, Marcis 23, as 8.30 p.m. Ad- mission 75c. Lunch pruvided. c46-3002 Tees Dance aI tise Bayne entre, Ssturday, Marcis 25. Mu- c by Tise'Ends. Admission Si. upervised. c46-2488 Scotch Block WI. ssitl hold e uchre tut Ligny 'Hall. Wednes- ay, Marcis 29, as 8.30 p.m. Ad- missiun 75c. 'Lunch peovidied. c46-3007 Ashgeove Csuecis Daffodil Luncheun, Tuesday, %Marcis 28, 12.30. Illusteated travelogue tsy Mrs. 'Harvey Dagg of Torunto. c46-2745 Drumquin WlI. Eucisee, Thur- day, Marcis 30, 8.15, aI Percy Mem'y scisotl. Admission 75c. Lunchs. Gooti prizes. deaw and ifst bag for even'ove. c47-2956 Tise annual meetingogfthlie Omagis Paeks Board wilt tue heId in Boyne Community Centre on 'Monday, Marcis 27, at 8 p.m. AIl interested parties tlease attend. c46-3010 'Mr. and 'Mes. John Mowat tilt ceteheatu tiseir 801h wed- livg anniveesan' on Saturday, April '1, t1%7. They wittl ruceive friends and relatives tram I ta 5 p.m. ut 385 Williams Avu., Mit- ton. c47-276 Tise second annual Milton District Hospital 'Masytime BaIl, sponsored tuy tise Huspital W. A., ssill bu hetd at Ihu Club GaI- ssy, Oakvilte, on Saturday, May i. 'Malte yaur reservalions eaety titis 'Mes. J. Beverluy 878-3443. c46-2886 The Sunsisine Ladies' Auxit- iay of lise Harts Nalton As- sociation for tise Mentatly Re- tardud witt tue holding a rum- 'nage sale ut lise 10.0.F. Hall, Satueday, Apeit 8, 9 ta 5. Du. nations welcomed. 'Phase 878- 2445. c4&-2889 1 FOR SALE ,SIGNMS ot aIl kindu. Ray Gusy 878-2150. 1c47-2613 2 CUJSTOM buils chairs. Campbilvilte 854-9939. lc46-3018 RECON23ITIOHED refesgora- lues. 129.95. 'Manning 'Etecîric, Attcln. Itu38-484 CH9ESTERFIELD and match' ivg chair; ass General Etuctric cofrigerator. Phone 878-9738. lc46-3027 CLEARANCE Used 1V's Etc. At Your Home Entertainment Centre 1 21" 'MOTOROLA TV ssitis 110 picture lube. Reconditiovu. tiseougisoul. $85.00 I 23" ADMIIRAL, ness pictue tube. Complesety reconditian- ed. $135.00 t 23' SPARTON eadio-pisono-TV combinalion. $275.00 I PLEETWOOD hi-fi. $65.00 I WASH'PHG MACHINE, used, R.C.A. wringee type, iv gond condition. $85.00 Richa.rdson's Radio & TV 280 MAIN STREET 878-6949 CLASIIEID RATES T@spbom ub.n adIum 191 Maille si. u04841 Champion Mil ta. 01b umr nm AMsatAIom, ,oouoecm MsAB O - 0AD55ium- 110 charge. $1.f 0 entWý mmnue.tfu fUworo an ver ff0lt=elgo 1c dteunt utalo ed lrh o ayment. COIOONO EVmm .CAZI or 0TRMEXI - $1-a 0hrtit os" ma n. fN 5500ORILM - $t145sPlutt10e tt nirwu., CRLABatFMiO OtPtAY. OJAAL ZrATIS - $1.a0p-.oleuon lsdi, Omédtino O tbl.tttm - na..flo.o BOX nounox uast u.0 .- noiu DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUUSDAY 8 Tise Canadien Champion, Wednosday, Marcis 22, 1967 i FOR SALE 'FRIGIDAIRE automatie sss- shers. $59.95. 'Manning Electric,i Aclon. ltu38486 LIVIINGSTON coul stoker. May tue seen t Milton Public Liheary. 1 c46-3004 1958 MERCURY motor, 383, 'goud condition. 878-6817. c46-2890 RECONDITIONED electric ranges. 129.95. Manning Elec tine, Aclun. 1 b38-485 -DOULBLE laundn' tutus, white ensmel finish, witis1 lid, hike sess. 81. 878.682. c46-2878 BEDROOM suite, 5 piece, mas- isugany, Andeew 'Macolm tyl- ing. 78-2753. c46-3020 21 INCH Westinghouuse TV, floue madet, S45, goud wurking condition. 878-2532. 1015.2866 ADDIHG MACHINES, type-1 writers for sale or rentalPhone 8784962, Harris Statîusen'. lctf.417 REFRIGERATOR: drusser; chest ut druwees; day .nlghter ounge; deep 'treece: 8784769. Ic46-3009 BIJTLDING or remodelling a burn? Formna has hluo plans and ideas. Se yuu ur ds le. 1c622 30' ELECTRIC 9-lave, M4; aquariums wilh tropical f is; tablte tennis table and equip-v mens. 878-336. lc46-3015 YOU WILL LIlCE buylngyour building malerisîs and coal ets Crawfoed's. CamptuellylIle. Oulck - service. Higis quaHty. Phoneo Cumptuelîville 854-2232. lctf-416 j WEDDIHG and bridai shoseerb decoration, centerpiecos, becluS.d table covees, gume books etc. Write for free iltustrated câta- logue. MinuIt Lîd., 25 Welingon Street West, Toronto, Ont. lc46-2795 LARGE glouuy printsa utCon. adian Champion staff pistos, 5 n 7 size SI; 8 s 10 sîze 5125; plus ta. Cash must accumpauty order. Enqire now aI Champ- ian office, 191 Main St., Hilton, 'MTRIY CLOTIiES aI "Great Expcttions"', a comp- ltt matervity shop, Welington Square Mal, Brant St.. Bur- linglon. Lingerie, sputssoar, attersoon and evening dresses isy Lagnon. Phone 634-4936. Clu- sed Movduy. c51-2907 CAR. TRUCK & TRACTOR Tl- RES, sew and uued, uver 2,08 Kelly Springfield ires in stock, uIt sizes. 10w prices; ftsu flxed, $1.00; whieels bslsnced, 51.0. We have tatteries for mass cars and trucks. Hilton Tire and Ea- diatue Service, 191 MiII St., 878. 2711. lctf.'419 OHPfLDRHH'S sisocs, expert ltlivg of Englisis and Casadisu childens shoes by Ctaek's, Sa-1 vage and Start-Rite. Distinctive stytivg. Excelent wear and fit. Tise Childre's Shoe Shop, mez- zanine fluor. Welington Square Malt, 377 BravI St,, Burlingtafl (ctosed Mondays(. c483019 TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED 13ASE LINS - MILTON Uniroyal Tires and Batteries Came in and see tise noe UNIROYAL MASTER Tise ire for tire ssrriers. USED PASSENGER sud FARM TIRES IJSED TRUCK TIRE In asl sizes. 878-3131 If busy CAIL 87.2367 24 Hour Service led 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE I'AY and stress dellvered aI reasonaule prices.Stuart Mc- Fudden 878-2639. 2c46-3006tf GOOD quallty ctesned alfal- ta seed in ocw 50 ls. tuais. Phsone A. Shea 878-6397. 2c47-3028 APMES: Côrtlands and De- licious. Seing your ossn contain- ors. Roy Bousfield M68355. 2b47-3026 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 'PUJPIES for sale, part Dal- nation. Phono 817J-27i7. 3c46-300 Il YORKSHIRE pigs, 10 weeks old. CsmpbeIlvlle 854- 2655. 3c46-2894 'REGISTBMi Geeman Shop- herd puppies, 9 weeks old. V&8 6402. 3c4&.2881 COLLI'E pups. 5 weok old; ulso good home for 2-yesr-old femule dug. 87"4266. 3c46-3001 2 REGISTERE1 Holstein casss, due Marcis 20. acceedited snd 'vaccinsted. Howsard Gow- land 878.656. 3c46-3024 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE DRILL., Massey seed and fer- tilizer, 13-run. powser lif t. clu- ver seed attacisment. $S0. Mugis Bealy 87"4120. 4c46-2ffl Hay - grain elevator; baie stocker; Cyclone seeder for trac- ,ue, P.T.O.; l-sssy dise: 3 h.p. hale 'busler, on tiheels, witis long extensioun cord; 4-furrow hydraulic on ruister ploss; stock buster on rutboer, P.T.O. and isy- deaulic operated. Milton 878-2437 Georgetown 877-3748 4c46 SVEHICLES FOR SALE 1964 'FORD Custom, sutomat- ic, 6 cytinder. Phone 878-4M0 aflter 3 pen. 5c4&-2895 For Your Next Car .. 'liT BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. led Spring Sale Specials OF Ai Used Cars 1966 FORD Custom SO 4 - door uedan, 390" musur, many ex- Iras, 12,300 miles. Lic. H10285. 1965 FORD Galaxie 500 4 - deor sedan, 352" V-8, autumatie, 30,000 miles, Uce. H99065. 1965 FORD Custuen 500 Tudor, V-8, automatie, radio. 29,000 miles. Lic. 11131. 1964 PONTIAC 'Parisienne con- vertibule, V-8, sutomntîc, powe- ee sleering, powser turakes. ra- dio. Lic. 1.364112. 1962 MERC1JRY 2-duor isard. top, aulomatic, powser beakes, posser steering, radio. Lic. 114062. 1962 FORD) Galaxie 4-doue, V-i. sutumatic, Lic, H9261. 1962 PONTLAC 'Laurentian stat- ion wasgun, V-i, automatic, paower steering, radio. Lic. 99784X. Trhomnpson Motors Acton Ltd. 45 Main SL. N., Actun. PHONE 853-2370 Yuur Friendly FORD DeaIer, 5b38 Pa pr 1965 Chevrolet Pick Up Styleside box. Lic. C89816. 1963 Dodge 700 Dump 5 Ton V-i, 185 rear. 1000-20 tires, ex- coptionalît good shape. Lic. V12115.r 1963 GMC 3 Ton Cab and Chassis t25 s 20 tires. 2-speud rear asIe, onty 53,000 miles. Lic. 1959 International Tractor 461 00010e, 5-speed trunsmis- sion, 23,000 lb. 2-speed asIe, 100 gaI. suddle tank, 5tis wheet with fuît air iseakes. Lic. B 11915. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT Reed Redfern Limited Ontario Street Souths, Hilton. 878-2393 Sc46 7 WANTED SHOTGIJN, oser and under 12 gaugu. Cash. 878-4733. 7c45-2874 SHEEF, 20 to 25 ewes.IEus- tee lamtu for sale. 878-9402, 7c46-3014 100 'PEET of svow fonce, in good condition. 'Phone 878-6422 dueing the day. 7c46-2885 LIV'Spoltn'. goose and duck fecathees. feathee ticks. Migst prices. We caîl. Write I. Zener, 792 College St.. Toronto, or phono colteel LEnnox 5-724, Cv- enns63-5793.1 7c-1941tf 8 HELP WANTED 'BOYS ta suIt papiers, Good Friday. Primes and commission. 878-9264 . 8c46-2893 Phone 878-3121 8c4 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Required by 1. B. M. Depart- ment of medium size automotive parts manufacturer. Applicants shoutd have at lcast Grade Il and some exper- ience in key punch uperation. Life insurance, medical an d hospitat plans fulty paid by the company. Appty PERSONNEL 1DEPT. Standard Products (Georgetown) Limited 346 Gueph Street GEORGETOWN 8h38 MALE HELP WANTED INSPECTOR An assemhty and metal parts manufacturer in the George- own area requires a fluor in- sector. Appicants must have a hasic knowtedge of inspection, be ahte to maku tayosts. eiead and .svderstand 'htueprints and in- pection instruments. Must have at least 2 years' high schoot education. Hospital, medical and ife in- surance paid for hy the comp- any. Appty: Personnet Dept., Standard Products (Georgetown) Limited 346 Guelph Street GEORGETOWN, Ontario. 8h38 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL do typing in my owo home. 8782678. 9c46-2877 WtÎLL care for pre-school age childeen iv my own home. 878- 9645. 9c47-2891 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED 1 'PRIVATE, 1961 Falcon station TR'UCK DRIVER, age 25 yen. vagon, good uhape. Bout 0f fer or over. Apply Wnona Frut t, )r will accept umatter car au Co., 370 Ontario St., Milton, 878. n )art payment. 878-2096., 2451. 8c48-2896 5c46-3025 "ARN fahulouu cash aud free gifts ueliug nylons lu your a friendu. Send 5.80 (refond- a MAKE YOUR able) for complete salen kit to: Sari Hosiery. 1482 Bathurst, To- FIRST r0to.8c46-20 I tN),tEBD mev and momen vo t C H~~ICE etl Rawteigh products for me CHOCEivn'Miton. also Esquesiutg Twp. Only requiremonts honesty sud IN USED CARS desire to work. Phone 659-7071 atter 5 p.m. or write .Hugh W. AND TRUCKS 'AacDougall, Carisle, Ont. gc4g-2884 HERE WELDER 1966 Oldsmobile Delta Certif ied welder for mainton- 4 Door Sedan ance and repair weldlng at a Power equipped, radio. Lic. quarr-5. H29505.Cali Acton 853-2230 1965 Rambler 660 Sedan herween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Automatic, whitewalts. Von' cle. Lic. J6710. Cali Milton 878-784 1965 hevrlet efouens 6 p.m. and 8 p. 1965Chevolet8a38 c46 Bel Air Sedan Automatic. radio, oeser ing,32 mtor, whitewalls, M C A I oheel dises, son' tow miteage. Required at quarey for ser- Lie. 25495.vice maintenance and running repaies of off-highwsy equip- 1965 Pontiac Customn ment such as dozers, loaders Sport Convertible and rock truck. Powser equipped, whitewalls, aiAtn8323 radio. Lic. 601574.llAto 5323 1964 Chevrolet Sedan ewe8an.nd5p. White with red intenr oune Call Milton 878-6784 owner. Lic. 175927. hoîsseen 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 1964 Corvair Coupe 8a38 c46 Automatic transmission, une Y U H uwner cr.Lic. 596064. O T 1963 Chevrolet Sedan To work in Automaic, whitewalts, wheet Parts Department dises, original condition. Lic. 206392. Grade 10 required. Excellent pprtunity for advancement. 1960 Thunderbird Apply su: Two Door Hardtop MR. HUNTER Power steering. poweor hrakes, atnT ae power windows, power seat, alonTuckSae aie cunditionivg, many ther extras. Lic. J7144.mie TRUCKS H'wy. 25 North, 'Milton, Ont. 'Please Contact JACK HOLMES 'HAIEDRESSER, prefeeably PREAL ESATE rOROKEI uxperiesced, fuît or part lime, Hennys Haie Slyling 878-3263.A TN -9315 8630713 FOR RENT 8ACTON - Street LOCAL fuenituru store relluir- FURHISH'ED ruom tuerssurk- building)ttoteopon us relired gentleman or ssoian ivg gentleman. Phono 878 2016. builing wiIis some sales experience, une 17c4601 woh likes lu mccl people, ap-134-31 proxlmnseîy 25 lu 30 houes per FURNISHED hodroom, cloue THES AD lu tIS Spacc lasI sseek week, Apply Adaens Fueniture, to Plana and dowulowu.c No ws s topped becauso 15 gui re- 8c46-3013 cooking, 878-2036. 13o42-2697 sais. cdt s. 7 1 . 3 FOR RENT CMFORTAIErom, ferint bedenuen, suit business gonsle man. Phsone 878-4473. 13044M4 STORRAGE for snowmobiles and trsllern, Seasun rates. Boat and Teai-ler Storage 878-9613. 13j i-975 DLECMIC MOT W&TER HBATERS wltis free servie. Phoune Hilton Hydro 878-2345. 13caf425 N4EW 4-room, countn' apart- nent, centrally located, 10 Min- ules tram Milton. Cali Aeton b53-1669. 13c46-2406 E7IPO travel - trailer sccom- nodation as Montreal salalable. 2aity and weekly estes. Sleepn i. 87U-653. 130183803 VISIT EXPO. Reut s modem house traiter for n week, only 8 miles from Expo gase. Res- souable. Call 878"261 atter 5. l3c45-2961 14 WANTED-Tn RENT 6 OR 7 ROOM house, Milton and area. 1800 tu $125 routai, 87"-221. 14c46-3001 15 PERSO!.AL 'A TREBAT for your loetf Ice- 'Miss quicklyeelieves tuuruing, acbing. 98c and $1.75 as Elsleyns Pharmacy. t5c4-26 16 SERVICES 'MACHIINERY installation, fa- hricating andwelding. 87M2241. 16c45-2985 DAVES TV Astenna Service, 14 yeaes'experionce. Towers sud aerials. Att woek guseanteed. Phase Campiselîville 854-9934. 16a&62992 ED, McMULLEN Contractor 0 'Plantering, Cament Work e Cimueyn sud Plrqlaces e Fxterior Stucco e Plstring lapai Phone Acton 853-1818 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LINl8RD Higisost cash pricea for dad or disabted cosansdbornes. CALL OPERATOR - AMiCFMR t Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 73R?67 97067 i - lied Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippled and Dlsablod Cams sud Morses 24 Hosir Servie Lic. Nos. 133"8,?20OC-0 Waterdown MU 9-104 lied! Peter P. Looser Carperttry >Porta, Frame sud Trien Wo* Repaie - Alttwasiloo Phone 854-9886 c R. R 1, OAMPBEILVILE. 17 REAL ESTRTE Reduced B Sfii FOR QUICKS.AZL' Recuntly rens96itd 4 - sco ed semi-cle achoWf' lnsn-iýi un eatow in Actlon, cxtras 'ane- 8ment bedeuuqh or roc. roO9fl. ýNvw sellirtg Por $f,580. $2,00 adowv, Low "l~es. Presemt car- n'ing chargeâ, are cbS5p0r ment.