The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, March 22, 19677 OMAOH 60 attend pot Iuck dinner at Boyne Community centre AMONO TH-I VISITORS et Hoty Rsary Cburch while tour guide Mes. A. Windmoller explaîns open bouse on Sundey mas'a mas quife fam- vestmenfs marc by the prient. On the rlght is iliar wifh the proet - architect Frank Bar- Jim Langedyk, generel chirmes of the parish cher of Hamilton who designed the hexagonal committee which sponsored the open bouse. structure. Here he is shown in tht centre, (Staf f Photo) A CROWD ESTIMATED AT 3,200 eftended an pleins the vasfments worc by prianfu fa ana open bouse in the new Holy Rosry Church on graup on the tour while in the background Sundey afternoon. Here guida Roy Tonetti et- another graup innpects t healter. (Staff Photo) NOLY ROSARY PARISHIONERS mare on band Sxsday afternuon ta assiot 13,200 visftars et the opeit-house in the item building os Martin St. It optned last faIt and Sxnday mas the "officiai" open bouse for ibose of other taitbs Abouat10M allencid eiiiScout and Cuh Faiber and Sun ban- quet, and guesîs ai tht Masos- ic Huit un Tbarsdav eensing. mben the maihers ai bth groupu provided fooii, and a turkev diccer was eniascii ho' ait. Clitte Blt voîcii ihasks ta al maibees for ibeir c-upera- Daniel Kidii mas ead table chaientan, and catted on Carole seugt fr voluteer .91»P North Wst Halt asVlus- teer Services ask acyosc who lxxx maut or remnants of mx- terial suitubte tue kitticg or ewisg, please lcave t16cm xl Mes. W. Ducbars, area co- chairnan is vur district. A goad cngragation attend- cd tht Patm Susday Commun- ion Service. M. Daviii Hom- des, aur cem orgaisi, jiced tht chuech by transfer rom a Toronto church. Tht Young Peuple held ibeir meeting Simdxy evenisg. Thre wiii bc a Gooii Fidav morvhip service xlt 8uoclock. Mt. and Mes. Shedos Trous- datc have sli ibeir trm. They expeet ta mane ta Rockmoad. -Cbue(ýes in the îîîwn andi district are pannisg speciat services for the asier eck- end. FJîiw1 TRUCK? ~RINTALj 2KIGST. DII 878-33123 Ifu want àtcktha goes - Cl) Crama'c to set the beeutifxl intariar of tF Ahane, Maurice Cassidy exptainfi the chelice in the mass, ta a groop tendersoc xcii Walter Hambîn ta present gifis toalal leaders and assistants tue their hetp. in the peans ut Clitte Bill,Ilia Baytey, Dace aje. Shiev Ei- ta. Marshall iPvaîi. Frcu Ran- air, Don Js. Alas MeLean and Maarice Thbadcau. James Kidd gava the toast ta ihe i,îihîrs, and James Bayn- ton the toast tothetboysaon bebati ut 1he fthers. Mes. Baviev andi Cliii tbank- cd al ixuriheir indness xand gave aiivice ta ixibers ta betp ibeir sons gel more ouI ai these îrgaieatians. Gardon Robnssonram Buringlun Dis- trict Hedquarters brougt besi mishes tram Peter Bran- tey. acd retateii neux unitoems. badges were i n store tue ait. Plan. arc mode ta have 10 bacs Io i compasx.xî%iib an aîvisor, alsu a t968 Jamboree ai Kef- su. aîîd 6e eniieJ a happy ccc- iiigiu.iib a puem Gaii Bics-, Ait Happn Boy s. A film incocube mis shows iii inieesita obans. Tht Norh West Haian Val- oclars Service, requesi ihai ansaîic-havinc ivouat.or rem- ORUMOUIN Pnicts of-wau students destr.yed hyj Bp Mcn. Catit Patteseu Mes. John Pickett Se. ma-, hosts latht memberu ai Drumquic Wumtc's Institute oc Tuesday. Mrcb 14. The presidesi, Mes. Raipb Featbcr- stuc opeced tht meeting svtb Instiiote Ode and Mary Sicw- art Coiteci. Rail cait was as wered by ine members anii un e visitor - 'Name a Cana- dia, Arisi'. inot arrangement-, mer e furmed for thteebre on March 30 ai Percv W. Mer, Sahool. at micb ttre ibere will -bc goud prices. a ice tunch. and gitt bxgs far overy- ane. Tickets are being -aid lfor a drxw and the ucky prize tin- secsuwitl recelue a beautitul hxcii made mool rue, a mac's leaiber wallet. a bas of tracer- les xcnd a set of irce crochet- tii tabte mats. Mrs. T. Aidaesnhasbeen named tarm accident sorvev re- Porter. Ail ofiicers casenied te building, ta continue in their presea t i Ihe . e wrktfor acuther vtar. )p of visitOès. ' The thuugbt for tht dxv mas Priendubip is tht aciy cernent that iii lJ the world ta. (Staff Photo) getber -- _______ Mis-, Giadys Featber-,toiî publie relations canventer,in teoiiuced tht guest speaker, Mes. D. Irving of Miltas, mbî b gave a very înterestiîg ancin- Sfoirmative talh on Contedera- c b tion".leadisg up ta Canada tu- dxv Dealiîcg itb ccciii-,prior et86tf7sh showed the necii 0itu union betmeen the scatter- iqsal cfdparts of British North Arn - stl a rica. Prom the srnait Domin- il us lfr ion .Canada ofut67wbicb Capbaeltrac1 maw ampasrd aiOntario, Oxe aphtv ilic bec, Nova Sctia xaii Nei r-. J. Wbceti. Bruinswick ta the cat ciiuctrN bhat bas becs fîîrneiiandci :mbcrs i ee esceeded in area bvOlone jaiciof St. other cn the morid. ian Cbxrch CanadeaIsa vasa naturat ce. professioîn ut sources mhich make i a lanii a, Ellie Jagi. ot oppartunitv fr tue iî n uditih Inglis, million ichabitants, a land ai Mitchell, Bec whicb me sbaatd bc versv Robertsoîn. praud. have heev re. Miss trving cane tuiiei bv îbrhp bv rcadîng a patriotic piicrn.'t tiicate sere arn a Canadian". !an, Me. anii The meeting aiiiuarneii andi ndv. and M. tonc,.uas srvcil bu tbe bos imGardiner es nbaii cbarge Tht isstitite la planningi lu n Service as hîitiia cipperiîîating course in sterand Mes. MeCaiivs schîîîl on Aprit 10 re leaders Ofai Il t ram 10 arn. ii 4 pm ic renered. A nvon c itee ,ieîicontacti pree rgrectinits i i <ent %Mes R. F,îibe eîn. i, Laurie Mc- .îp aîndiPam- rsars greei. Mes. Edua,,r tes. Campbel idMrs. Her Frkluy bleze Wiligw orkc rpard an vd 4d zndeio bat dogs for the papils of Per- cv W. M errv scbool for lanch on Marcb 16. Moibees betping suc rMs. Ratpb Ford, Mes. Royv Elis, Mes. K. Kiercas. M ru. Geoirge Peacack, Mes. F. Needbam. Mes. John Hanxb, Mes. Citt James. Mes. J. Cale, Me.i. William Tattv Mes. E. A. Jessernan. Mes. Jack Hlsan and Mes:. C. Patir-ain. Praces.-i tue Hame xcii Schaat gradua- tion banqueitfond. Grade eight studecis iof Per- cs W. Merevschsebuaeaned mîtb regret uftihe tireai Lamne Skuce schout an Friia v ee niang. The graii> 8 bas attend- cd home economics classes for the girls and sbap tor the bays ai ibis scboîît icce last Sept- ember andit mas une ctass tbai aIl eagetIv loohed lormard 1. In shop mcv hladt becs mark- îcg tue eeks on articles sach aseleciriecachcs, radios. lamps. watt plaques and in mooudand mctl ipraducis. and one mas morkicg un a boat. These articles waald bave been carnplteiibv F.siere aciiah. en home Ihen. Masy aludensarac. oping ibev cas contiînue ibeir stad- e- ai same other location. Students tram Paterma and Sciders also xtesded Lorse Shace for Ibese classes. Most liadt purcbased supplies for ibeir mark, otten neaetv $4 or more. and ibese wmcc efti n lucher-, ai the sebîot rtra week ta meek uctit compieted. The sbip mas mdll eqaipped and losu tb îe mill be qite nx- îcn.ioe. Nat octv iii the eeg- utar papils of Lorne Shuce bc depriccît ut iheir scbîîîît acitit- e-,, butithe anes bilsed cn for classes. Congratulations ta local sta- den ts paeticipaticg in the White Oaks Variciv nigbî as Mxrcb If anii Maecb19. Boh Robson, fimen Ruiedge. R. Cule, Tanna Dcring, . BrBad- lev, M. Manneiix. Cole sucre membersîofithehanii. The con- cert sas qaite a uaccess and iieem large bîîîîses iii'parents acd riends. Sirthday getîns ta George Trecs, March 24; Robert Rab- usO, Marcb 27; Fenota Jones. 10 on Mareb 27; Kenneib Rut- leiigc. Maecb 23; Siephen Hac- ciîck. Maech 29; Rfichard Pact. Marcb 23; Sîcpbc.n Btes MIaech 23; Jimmv Snois'. Marcb 22; Sareca Hawke, March 25; Pameta Lom. 'Mxech 26; Dow- mac Chow, 8 un Marcb 6; Dougtas Hacabtu8xo Macht8. Gai wail iahes te atlly Exkics. Hexiber MeKet, Ketly Stevenson, recovering f romt tht measîts and tu Douglas Doeuey who sufteeed witb murnps. Little Mius Jeannette Simp- son, dxughter of Mr. and Mes. Jack Simpuon spenl a tew days n Oxkviite Hospital. We sish ber a speedy recovery. . Priendu are plexued thal Mes. W. McPberson is doiog nicely toiiowing a few dxyu in Miton Hospital. The Haiton Mits- Basebal Club betd ibeir accuat meeting n Boyne Centre. Ottictru et- ected for the 1967 seasun are presideci Rxy Patter, Horcby; vice-pesident, Exel Cuthbert, Gîta Wiliaims; secrelxry.treas- tirer, Oxce Leutie. Hornby. Di- rectors: Horcby. Sert Stewart; Drumquic, Lamne Norîheole; Omxgb. Met Dolby. Directors for Kitheide, Gien Wiliams and Lowviite iI be xccoucced la- tee. Eacb area mutl be represent- cd hý a locat dicector and wilt bave Ithie individuat eegislea- tien dates ta ht xnnounctd sous. Muttut tearnu are with- drawickg tram tht teague and milt jais witb a ctub dloser ta their territary. Mottat boys and coaches were xtways good sports and will bc missed. Ages for teamu are: t8a te vees for Squirls; 12 ta t3 years for Pet Wtt; 14 ta 15 years for Ban- tat:m;and 16 to t7 vearu for Midget. -t t mxv be psycbological, but ever since it mas assaus- ced that Higbmxv 25 between Actun andi Milton would be repxved this vexe, tht road -cern-,ta get bompier mith --vcrv trip. -boume eariy birds are - e- pectîng tu take their sterme windows ofitiixweekend - if tbey cxc reacb tbem the- iiugb thtesaw. 246 MAIN S. 1878-23431 COSMETICS lzabeh Ardel 111 repaj1refioPjj Du Barry-Max Factor Chanci No. 5 Agency for 'AU"A SECORD CANDIOIS . . . .. . * JOIN US FOR A FREE COFFEE AND DONUT AT OUR * GRAND OPENING Thursday, March 23 ~ NE PEO LE! OAN AND TED MARSH ~NEW H U RS. Monday <ru Thursday: 5 arn. ta 12 Mid. Friday and Saurday: 5 arn. to 1 ar. * Sundays . .... . 10 arn. to 12 Mid.. I U Home Cooking, Full Course Meals NEUW E U : Home Baking, Take-Out Orders 9 '/ Mlle North NEW NUMBER:878-9229o lha .. . AND NEWatew Dr p-n (omrLcto tHîghway Coffet Shopi S24 Hr. Towing Service Expert Wheel Balancing STEXACO SERVICE AT SIMILAR HOURS GENERAL REPAIRS * Dp Mra. Caci Pattaeon Tht annual St. Patriekus pot luck dinner and quitting for1 tht Omagh Preshyterian WMS. was hetd xl Boyot Cen- tre an Wednesday, March 15. More than 60 ladies tram Milton, Patermo, Oakvitte and district galbered for the de- licious bot meai ai noua. Mrs. Ceeul Fallerson, president. wetcomed tht gaests. Mrs. H. tsbam, principal and leacher at tht Hope Sehoal xl Hocnby was tht gueut speaker and was introduced by Mrs. Robert Marshatt. Stides and a film on mark xl tht ochaut were1 shown and tht interesling talk by Mrs. tsham espiained what bas been accornptished and variaus' plans for tht fu- ture. Adulte ama trained al Hope ta bc useful and happier dti- zens. Variaus artictes of mark mere dispiayed and found a ready sate. There mere covered coat hangers, clown dalîs, knit- ted dags, aprans, knitting nec- dte cases, aprons and tawn chairs which had been reweb- bcd on tht sexto and back. For Ibis a charge ut $2.00 pays for labor and materiats and site stressed tht studenîs tact do- ing tht work. Rev. Stanley Smith express- cd appreciatian la Mrs. tsharn for ber interesting pictures and talk. Mrs. Olive Brown then entertained xl the piano. Phree quilts mere completed for tht baie. Me. and Mrs. Joseph Wilt- mott returned hume last wetkcnd trom a picasant holi- day in Bertnuda. Deepite untavorable weather a goad number attended tht Boyne Euchre on Friday even- ing at tht Centre. Prize in- sers mccc Mrs. Harold Reed, Mes. Milford Catiing, Edgar Et- tentas and Fred Smith. Four ,tucky deams gave prizes ta Mrs. Gardon Tasker, Mrs. AI- fred Ford, Harold Reed and Raipb Peathersion. AIl prizec are in cash. Tht usual deiciaus lunch and social tirne toitomed. Con- ventru were Mr. and Mrs. Homard Winch and Me. and Mes. Roux Lawrence. Ntxt paety wiii he held March 3t. The fourth meeting ut Hues- by South 4-H Ctub mas held on Saturday, March i8 at 9 am. with t6 members attend- ing and answtring tht uroi atI by "namicg a food commontv puechased tada#,' mbicb for- merty mus made at home". Un- dx Kuenzig, president, opened the meeting assiuted by Rasa- tyn Meery, seceetarv. Tt was decided cent meeting moutd be beld Aprit t. Tht girts were saery ta tcare that hume ecunomiut Mes. Paf Squire wxs retiricg tram tht Department at tht end ut March. tn a etter Mes. Squire sent regrets xi bting acabit ta visit Hoechv South. Achieveseent Day wili be in St. Pauls Educatian Building an Sxtueday. May 27. Recoed books mut bc at Miltas Dept. of Agriculture by May 12. Due te the large number ut girls laking this unit, il hxs been decided ta have two Ach- jevement Dxys in Hatton Cous- ty Ibis sprirtg. The clubs in north Halton wilt meet in Bxl- linafad Hait on Saturday, Mxy 13. The leaderu, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson then took charge ot the meeting texding a discussiun and giving notes, "Canada becoming a nation in 1867." At this time many set- tiers came ta Canada tramt Germany, Hattand and Bet- giam, bringioz mith them tra- ditions in tood and customs. The girls tearned ehat these had great influence in the new country. The members were divided cn ttsree graups and prepared Dutch chocotate, French styte union soup with croulons, and German tex squares. These were served tor tonch and en- jayed. Home assigrnent b ta prepare for the tamily a Hot Potato Salad or Sausage and Tomato Bake, and record coin- ments, in record book. The fitth meeting will dis- cuts how newcamers trom Itly and exslern Europe brougbt customs wbich taday are part uf aur lite. Pizeas wilI be the food dernonstrated. The Ward Ose Ratepayers meeting beld in Boyne Centre on Wednesday, Marcb f5 mus wett attended despite bxil wea- ther. Many questions were dis- cussgd in regard ta tht pro- posed airpuet at Omagh. Studente et White Oaks Higb School Variety Nigbt tram this district wgre Fred DeBoer, John Rombotlom, Donna Gow- land, Wayne Lawrence, Bob Bealy, Robert Ctark and Put- ricia Ford. Mxcv tram Ibis district ut- tended the tuneral ofthIe laIe Peter Quine ut Acton. Sincere sympatby is estended te the wite and tamitv ot sic cbitd- be i their sorrow. Me. and Mrs. Hank Ford xnd tamily David, Judy and Lori- Lea moved lu their new home on Seweit Ave, in Oakvitle taxI wxeekend. Birtbday greetiofs ta Barry Riebut, 4 on March 24; Chris- fin Opsteen, 1 un March 26; Linda Leriche, t on Marcb 21; Charles Lawrence, March 17. Friande and relattves in this area were shocked ta tearn ut tht suddec passing ut Sam Scow ut Actan os Sunday, Marcb 19. Mr. Snow is surviv- cd by bis mite tbe former Dor- is Clittord but bad nu farniiy. Ont sister, Mrs. toabeti Mc- Doweti ut London, Oct. and a brother Edward Situa <f R.R. 5, Miltan and macy nieces and nephesus moxrn bis passisg. Tbrec brother, Thomas, Jack and Wilfred Snow predreceased bim. Mr. Snawwoutd bave bacc 70 vearsaof age on Wed.. March 22. Sincere sYmpaihy is entend- cd ta bis mite and other mem- bers ut ihe famits cn bel,- CMPBELLVIILE Changes ahead for scouts,i related at father and son ban cxci-, ai maierial hcitticg or sesicg same mih the C Area Chairmas, Mr ban. Cigbî ceu men metcumeii bv, Oaviiis Presho teic last Sunacivon Pi taitb, George EIIt, Martec Inglis, JL Johc Inglis, OIes Nyhoît andsiilci Other membersh ceived inia mem firanster ai centi 1Mes. Allas McLea -Mes. Donald Kenne txnii Mrs. Wiitiar Ren, O. Nicholson ai the Comrnon mcli. Miss S. Che, L. Cramiîîri ivre speciat chîoir mu-. Happy hlrthday Miss Rita Habbert Phait. Brenda Ce;l cia Hxrnhtv. Weuuing anniver ingsto Me. andii Cairns, Me. anii Mi tAgnescacîd Me.and .Wisgrave. WE HA VE BOXES! FOR YOUR HOME 0 Home Delivery is Coming to Milton - B Rady - Choos. Yours Now Befor. the Rush... Latter Siota WilII haArrlvlng Soonl Watch Our Wlndlow McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN St. 878-9222 Atention Farmers Aak us About TH1E "MASTER" PLAN FOR RAISINO YUAL CALVES WITNOUT " WhyIt works " How It pays jPROVIED AT MASTER REERHFR 0 MiASTI VMALER s excellent for feeding calves after they are three daya of aea. It mixes well and it contains a high levai of antibiotic ta lasses the risk of caîf sSours. By feeding MASTER VEALER if enables you ta seli more whole milk and it ecables you ta make more profit from W. stock a full lino.o MASERFEEDS MASTER FEEDS 0 D iii 877-3512 - Georgetown 0 S