Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 6

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6 TFk Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 22, 1967 Conservatives... (Coninueti fromt Page One) tante position as is physical stature." He said "Jirn is well knoomo. sell tougitt of. andi an able man. He is a realiy big man for a really big job." Colli, mld-wlnter type wealt- or comined sitit a multitude of oter evenîs 10 cut dosen on te enpecled sizo of te crowd. Mr. Sargant mas te only can- didate mito was boostod by pia- card-maving supporters a n d "vote S.trg.unt ballouun-. honf fron thlie askelball nets. In is nomination atidress, Mr. Snow tbld tielegales. "'ve deided 10 run for titroo roas- ons. The firsti s my entitosi- asm for tiis great area of Hal- ton Easst. Thte second is my enltusiasm for te Progross.ive Conservative Party and wit il stands for. And te tird is my strong conviction tai we muni have a Progressive Conserva- ive ropreseltalive for tiis rid- ing and mainiain te greal Ira- dition in Halton.' Tise fauter of four stated te proposod Halon and Peel Com- munity Colioge sitould ho es- tablisite'5in Haton and calied for te expansion nifte agri- cultural progrant in titis area. paricutary in te more ordor- y marketing ni producis. Ho saiti. if lected. ite mouid give al lte ime and onergy needed 10 efioctively reprosent aIl te people nifte riding. If you namo me an your candidate. I wiil carry my mes- sage 10 es'ory part ni tiis rid- îng." ho concluded. Jack Armstronsg of George- town seconded Mr. Snow's nomination and said. 'we are loolunate V) bave a dedicaled man ni Jim's calibre mito is willing t10 carry te banner ni Our fine Party." le asking for te support ni te delegales. Mr. Sargant stressed. "if I am ssccessful ln winning tiis convention, il would ho mv intention 10 sup- port a program for te people. And if eiected as te member for Haiton Fast I monid he avaitabie on a fl l ime itasis. .andl erve equ.lls' and give prompt attention t al l te penple of Hailon East." Mr. Sargant waa nominated by Robert 'Hopkins ni Qakvillo and te nomination was soc- onded hy Bd Byerman ni Mil- ton. Mr. Byerman said, if titis ynsng man accomplisites as muchithe ttofuture as ho bas in te pant.bell bave ived a vory full lufe." Mr. Bateman bold te dole- gales. 'mile w've had gond governmonî for te pont 25 vears, noting is so gond tai il cant ho improvod." Ho poinleti ouI. "municipalilies need iteip from Oneens Park. N'owadays there is 100 mucit red tape miicit causes deiavs. anti delay is ime and lime is mnney." He caiicd for a "e doclion inte red tape involo- ed in everyday oporalions "- W. J. King of Oakvilie nom- inateti Mr. Bateman and Dep- uiy-Reeve Alan Day of Oakvilie seconded te nomination. Chairman for te meeting teas Douglas Latimer ni Georgetown. president nifte 'Hallon East Progressive Con- servative Association. Chair- man for te nominations teas Dr. C. A. Martin ni Milton. Nadalin Flyers crushJ in Tri-County tourney LoIs of hostie andi accuracy arouni te goal-mout paiti off on Satorday for te liadalin Eieclrîc Juvenile Piyers. OuI-skating teir rivais al te may andt ating ativanlage oi close in breaks, te Pipers smong 'Markitam 5-1to 10in titeir fîrsl gante in te Tri-County Juvexile Tournament. Spa.dy winger Keilt Higgs fireti te first pyer marker ai 10.27 ni te first perioti ater laking o pans iront Tom Gond- ing. iflysex on seconds later Johno Irvine cashoti in a relay front Wayne Arnodi anti te Piyers bati a Imo goal bulge. Ray Fuller prexy rural mninor bal Rap Fsller ni Drontquin mas ro-lecleti as president of te balono Rural Minor Soithal Association for 1967. Mor. Fulter, mito serveti is irsi teonit as president last sca- son, is joineti on te execulive hy vice-presitient Eari Cut- herl of (lien Wiliams anti sec- rnlary-lreasurer Dave Lcsie ni liornby as moul as directors iront eacit of te member com- munities. Teants front Hornhy. Lom- ville. Kilitride. Omagit. Drrnt- qoin anti lien Williams wiii parlicipate in Association pay titis sommer. League play is expected to hogin in June. Want new entries in Halton rural softball teague Enîries in te Hallon Rural Soithail League for 1967 el ho accepleti ai Boyne Cont- moniiy C entre on Tuestiay. Marcb 28 ai .30 p.m. Secretae - treasurer of te beague. Rick Joitoston. reports ai leasl five leants wiii *ake part in ceagne action titis year. Teants front Hornhv. Lomvilie. Palermo. Haton Holel anti Procor compieteti titeir scteti- nies lasI vean. A teanu trots O)magit enleredth le Itie bal mas unabie 10 fuifill ils cînt niments. Anyone inlenestet in nlt ing a leant shouiti attend te meeting or cnntacý Mn. Johtn stune ai 845-654. Laie in te perioti Wal Stew- art scoroti for Markham. John Hurican itad an assist. Barry MTrch finisheti off a neat passing play mit Keit Higgs aI 2.25 nifte final perioti 10 mate il 3-i anti Irvine anti Higgs eacit neitedti tir second goals oifte g anete 1 bring te final enuni 10 5-i. Wayne Arn- nid. Steve Laswrence anti Tom Plenty of games stiti teft f0 see at Juvenile tourney TriCoonîy Juvenile Tourna-i ment action at Miltono Arenai continues tonigiti '1Wedoes-1 day). tomorrow nigiti, ail day1 Priday anti al day Saturday. Action lonigitt anti Tborsday storîs ai 7 p.m. anti ends ai Il p.m. Tonigitîs seitedule puts Whithy ogainst George- town aI 7 p.m.; Aldcrwooti, de- fendîng C champs. againsl Dîînnvilie ai 8 p.m.; St. Catit- orines aginsi Guelphit a 9 p. mt. aod Weland vs 'Brlinglon aI 10 p.m. Thunsday nigiti action bas Stoney Creek against Milton n te 7 p.m. gante; Brampton against Oshawa in an 8 p.m. eveol; Wootihridge againsl ci- ter Aidermooti or 'Dunnville aI 9 p.m. anti Don Milis or Bosemanville againsl Chingîta- cousy in a B consolationogante atO0p.m. Action hogios brigiti anti early ai 8.30 ont. on Friday anti continues non-stop uotil 12.30. Ailer aone00 ioor lunch1 break, te grinding scitedule continues until 5.30. An itour anti a balf break ix observeti aI Ibal tinte anti pay rexumes aI 7 p.nt. Gantes wiii begin on te hoor irom soven uxtil 10 P.m. 'hfl Inat preiiminary round gantes will stant on Sturdap morniof ai .30 o..Three other gantes iii h heîd in lte morning ant in te afler- 0000. Starling ai 1.30. te C consolation final iii ho play- eti. The A consolation final iii hogin on hour iter anti wiii he follometi bv the B con- solation final. The citampînnship finals stan aI 6 in te evening mt thte C final being te first one os top. Thte B final wiii hoiog aI 7.15 andthie A final - te final, final. iii starl aI .30. TAKE-OUT ORDERS Chickon or Fish - with Crisp Chips Hava a FassI Wtheut the Fuisa OPEN 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Good Friday andlauster Sunday LARGE STOCK EASTER NOVELTY ITEMS JOYCE'S STEAK HOUSE ceania St. 87"4622 Villagers chwaige managers.. <Conninued fromt Page 4) sesys managedt 10gel atong. Some niftem are far itler off financiaily titan nîbers, bol il doesnI seem 10 makre 505 difference. We bave parties during. before and aller te soanon and everynne gels sog because tey bave one interest taI'ste ame - te leam'. illing Lens bonis wnuid ho a tougit tank for any new man- ager, but EarI Cairns bas im- pressive credentiai',. Cerloin- y no one0i foiof 1tuIlquestott bis basebail abililv Ovuring lis 15 ye r careor in aie and Senior bail. E.uu has g00e un bat 1170 limets, scred 414 mons. coiieclod 592 bits, in. cluding 9b doubles, 18 tripil-s and 75 itomers, 947 bases and 174 walks. Thte ra'ufy finIt sacker bas sirock oui 210 tintes and bas a lifetimne average of .346. Ho basnnI bit beiow .300 since 1953 and bas contbined ail is offensive skili witit bis ability 10 iteip te eam de- fcnsively as weli. Scoop, as ihey cali hilm, is iooking forward lu bis nom roie bol points nul, 'I stlilin- tend lu play quite a bit". Looking tooseard 10ute starl ni apring training, hc be- lieves. 'me're likely tu have a lilîle Ironblo 0 inte catching deparin.ent. AI Wingrove bas mnved away and Don Joyce bas indicateti ie migitl reire!' Whoo s gning 10 catcht? 'I doni kno yt. bol Vve boon tbinking about sveing mitetier Sîs King wnuld ho interesled - hes a rmal fine solhali cat- cher.' Earl indicaled. Su, baseitalin Campbtell- ville and indeud every ime Campitelîville plays onywitere. s ging 10 hc a litIle differ- Markham game Goodino aisïo iad final periud assisîs. Pi]i Brusit plavoti a slrong garntein goal for te mi ne MitIons nesl game islated toc 7 p.m. on Tborstiav againt St'unev Creet. ST. OIOeGU'S W.iwea heiatudyif oflpifa id nstus Dy MmsH. Rldsardom Thte Eveniog Brarcof n St. Georges Citrci molet lte honte ni Elva Middlebrook for titeir Marcit meeting.bIlte absence of te presidenl Joyce Beaono, Lois Harris presitied. Lois Richtardson gave a Scrip- turc and Lois barrisoatoogiti Two Milton Rovers speak at Rotary Two members nifte Thîrti Milton Rover Crew, Paul and liel Mactio. mere guesl spe.t ors aI te meekly meeting ut Milton Rotary Club Saturdav evening. Ttey reviewed te itsorv of lte Crem and informed Rotar- ans of whitI iii ho latiog place aI lite Nat ional Rover liol aI Kelso Joly 14, 15 and 1 6. An attend ance of troe 10 four ituxdred s espect ed. As. sistance mas reqnested front te ýRolarians in holing o serrst aI lite Mool. if was 1iearned te Easter Seol Cam paign itas nallevf SI, 078 so for. PERSONALS Rex. anti Mrs. John Hill of Glt wove dinner gnueslts Sun- daveven ing itit Mr. anti Mrs. George Bromnridge of Streels- ville. Mr. 'Hill mas a former minister i Bethel Uied Chureit. eni ibis year. Thte hockiing frtm te tird base cnachlng bon wiii continue boltte voice won'l be nearly as deep on amesome. Thte grond roles at home plaie will he explaiîîed hut 001 everyone wlll lilîen and undersland - Len made sure tey did. And, ait ln aIl, te miole Haloan League seul suffer. Il's gond 10 bave men like Len Andrews arouod kids and hall parks and diamonds. hecaî.îe neslite Les add ciass o te game. lu"..ulsuaysssadtf 1sec ilcnhaiug tiliubeir uniform. High School Highlights b y maurice casildy On Titursday, Marcit 16,00ne ni te Mont successiol fanition sitws in receni ycars was iteid aiIMPîDHS. Participaling stores more Milton Depart- Ment Store, Knight's Men's Wear an.utifr te ladies, mod- c s score shomo from te Fioro Duddy Thogus, Pau l Mountufa len scoring chuapionàsh, Bnddy Thomas and Paul Moonlain piled op improssîve point tbIais dorinp te 1966-67 bouse bcague sciteduies and svonnd up winning te scoring championsitips in te Banlam and Midget leagues respective- ly. Bndtiy clicked for 28 goals and 18 assisis for a total ni 46 poinss. igiti more titan Leslie Wilson. In te Mitiget division. Paul Muunoaun 's 20 goals anti eigitl assusîs gave hlmn a trce point edge oser second pince Ray Ev ans whio itad nine goals and lb assisîs. BANTAM STANDINGS P W L T PIs. DepI. Store 22 16 3 3 35 Bell Bros. 22 10 10 2 22 Police . .. ..31011l 222 Local 4970 ..23 9 13 i 19 West. Atlteic 22 7 15 0 14 BANTAM SCORING G A Pts. ntitisTitontas 28 18 46 L. Wilsuun . 13 25 38 P. Ctllen 18 19 37 D.Ncelantis 20 10 30 R. Low - 15 16 29 G. Presniak 17 522 D. Leslie 16 6 22 W. Presniat 5 16 21 W. Etons 14 6 20 D. Yentm 13 5 18 R. MeTracit 12 6 18 P. Ratsbasv Il 7 18 S Roberson 0 10 18 MIDGET STANDINGS P W L T Pis. Park Part 18 13 3 2 20 Haîrris Stal 18 7 6 5 19 for te day. Janet Ascait gave te citapior front te study Life histories ni former prime ministers are Ionho giv- on dnring te centenniai year. Tite meeting wsanctosed wit lunch. Thte Northt West ballon Vol- untarv Services requents any- bn avin0 mool or remnant malerial silahie for knilling or 5fin. tu cave il wiit Mcx. lîarry King. Area "C" Chair- Ledmiitts .....18 4 8 6 Kxîgits .......... 18 5 12 i PIDGET SCORING G A Paul 'Mounlain .. 20 8 R. Evans ........ 9 16 M. Cassidp ......... 9 Il R. Dunsmore ........ 10 8 D. Evans .. 14 3 L. Paggion ....... 10 6 K. Bridgman... 6 9 R. Knowies ... 3 12 L. Ritynold ...... 8 5 R. Coibecit ....... 5 7 S. Dolby.--..-..5 7 Sitoppe and Sycra PFamily Fa- sitions. Thte senior play wiii he sitown 10obe student body on Titursday, 'Marcit 23. "Se bm Titoy Rue" is a comedy and altougi t 11T'itrsda 'v's pro- ducction is mereiy a worksitop production, te stutients can ospeel aI leantt loo oum nif gond enlerlainmenl. 48 Alley Rockers 'Marcit 20 Ladies' iigit single, Hazel Reeti 298; ladies' iigi tIriple, Hazol Reed 710. Otiter gond singles: Carol Marshtall 290. Pal Kennedy 274, June Gould 250. Oter gond triples: Jonc Gnuid 666, 'Donna Fay 630, Ma- nion Gomina 636. Driflers won 4 for 47; Seul- tlebums, 3 for 42; Four Pins, 3 for 39; Kool Kais, 5 for 39; 'King Pins, 2 for 38; 'Hot Sits. 2 for 36: tHead Pins. 3 for 34; Pin 'lieads. 4 for 33. Moeiy à"us ake w* Iighter ai' 9th oeuud tounMeant Whto makes ttc initial plans for te Tri -County Juxcilie Tnurnamenî oacit year? Whto does te necessary work in lining up able bodies t0 carry oui te multitude ni citores necessary if a lournamenl ix 10 ho succensful? The ansseer tu tese ques- ions can be ond in te open- ing pages nifte Trt'Counly Juvenile Hockey Tournament Booklel. Bol just for te record, itere îtep are again. Tournament di- reclor is Bill Rownep. Arnold MoDuffe. also of Milton, ix pasî direclor and Bill Burreil - in a positioîn tes ieid since te touroament hogan bu 1959, is regixîrar. Pounder and pasî direclor is Art Snarr and o- directors titis year are 'Fred Hammond, Elmer M or nb y. Hank Watt. Bill Jackman, Jim Brockie and liorm Hart. Referss-ln-clslafIlaJim Kink- ley and Bob Cohlen Is on charge ni dressing roomns. Pele Gales is equipmenl ma na g er and Pîrsi Aid is heing iooked aller by the St. Johno Ambulance Bri- gade. Fred Hammnnd, Jim Brockic and Bol Patterson are looking aller player certifica- lion and Elmer Hornby - aiso ATTENTION!! Besidos Their QUALITY DRAPERIES, Jume ais. cardes TOP CARPET LINES Such as - HARDING MILLS - BMK MILLS - CARAVELLE MILLS PEERLESS MILLS - CELANESE MILLS Canadas, Mosi Raspacted Masnufactucee #<f4 REMEMBER JUNE'S GUARANTEED INSTALLATIONS WITH FIRST QUALITY RUBBER UNDERCUSHION. 9' x 12' ROOM SIZE RUGS ARE ALWAYS IN STOCK ... AT TERRIFIC PRICES I FINE Isilmaes 882 Avallibi. No. Anytime Marais in a post he's ield since the tournament was inaugurated- is cashier and ticket manager. Murray Hood and Clay Jubit are the chief announcers and Don Wilson is in charge of te goal judges. Bill Jackman is timer and statistician and Lachie McKer- sic looks aller the lcam stand- ings. Ail these gentlemen are ably assisted by eager volun- leers. Arena Manager Larry Ar- bic and bis able staff. Neasdpreiéa Mars. Bob Kerr of Acton was elecird presideni noftte Jun- ior -Farmers of Ontario aI last weekend's annoal conference in Guelph. The former Pal 'Knox and former vice-presid- ent, site was married in the fail and lives 00w in Acton. THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION sîur ln ,,nlgtnsy h s Th-Sth'.s,. ii. P0l F,hsp. SaI .1t,é.,sfhotu"oi tnnhaq fosr. Wtnfoîonpo. eu sin i Rond, TwSn.s7. AI any rate, lte publie willl ho auile 10, vicw a polisited production in te verv near future. "Sec How T'iey Rue" mas direcled by Brian Cryder- man, a grade 13 student, but ie rust ibis miii nol rednce te play's effectivenons. Mr. Cryderman han excellent mal- erial 10 work witit. Homever, you wili bave 1t5o slte play 10 find nul more. As lunse approacites, I wil seize ibis npporlunity 10 cons- mcnd lte grade 12s on lteir fond - raiino projeels 10 Ibis point. Titeir efforts bave un- doubledly accenled teir dc- sire 10 go10 lte Exposition. i-nm te moment lhey enter- ed scitool in Sepiember, .tcey organieed titemnelves instant- iy and wenl 10 mort. As any grade 12 sindoni miii tell pou, June seems 10 creep alnng slowly but sureiy. For tree days titis June, al te grade 12s will reccive te fruits of ltoeir labor miten îtev visil lite World Pair. Ex. p0 in Monîreal. Jubilse modal A dlsplay 01of ue viatOrla Dia.o.d ubilea stenllt at Tihe Champion office (70ll- tonton lient Man3sOl's pacso ai cectennlal projecl) proimpt gd a local womao, Mr.Z2em Cox, 10 look up auol0 qb lion site bas itad artisd ar htome for yean. Site read about Mr. Marsit- als stamps and wondgnad if Ibis old medal ital anyltitt 10 do sititVictorias Jubilso ycar. Sure qenougit, it la a llgit- weight medal larger titan a'ail. ver dollar, issoed 10 comment- orale te Oueen's 601h anni- versary on the ltrone i0 1897. On theo back of lte medal ws lte inscription "Canada con- gralulates ber Queen" and thse coal ni arms ni cigitî Catadi- an provinces (Albterta and Sas- katchtewan did col John lte union un111 1905>. The medal wan itanded dowst bo ber by a relative andi Mm. Cox doesn'l know lte back- ground ofiti. If anynne ban a similar one or cao explain te one site bas, site would likc 10 bear f rom you. lier telepitone s 878-9346. -Restaurants in losen bave noiiced a considerable increa- se in business during lte pasl few days. î'ls Tri-Counîy Juv- enile Tournament lime and lte more titan 500 boys whio are piayittg in lte Inurnanlent al bhave bei ly appeliles. Milton Parks Board of Management Announces t. MEMORIAL TREEPLANTING CENTENNIAL PROGRAM PrivaIn persons and local organizal ons are inviled feu subscribe 10 a project ni Ire. planting in park arean mich nre under conîrol oift.e Board. TiteBord wil f oîîach labels sehicit state lte names oiflte donors or thte notnes oi the persons inmitose memory or honor the tree le given. Witen the Irees grose 10 a sizen shicit permils the attacitteni ai larger, more permanent labels, ilis itoped tai the aulhnrily titan iaving responsibiliy for te parks, wiul replace the original labels. Thora miii bensnall public ceremony, or probablp several ceremonies, ai planting tinte. TheteOres miii be sel ected by te Board. Varielies miii include many colorful, unosual kinds ni Irens andi large-groming sitruits. 66osf of the trots seul be planntli n Victoria Partkmitere manp diseased aima have been rnmoved in receol pears. Homever if pou moulti perfar 10 "ave your Irne planînd in one of te nîher psrks miticit ste under te aohority aifte Board, please s0 indicale. The Board reserves lte ightl t0 delermine te acionl site Io bn citosen for naci tfren. The costi s $15.00 per tren. P1631s1 comploe th. cospon below, and send il, wifh $1 5.00, 1 To: Milton Pnrkx Board of Management, P0. Bon 340, Milton, Ont, Dole ------......... Parks Bord Municipal Tren Projeel Fiente enter (mpi (ouri subscriplion for a rneton be planfod titis Spring in (Victoria) (Rotary) (alingitrooti iKingsleigit Court> (Wakefield R. Park. i mouiti lite a label 10 be allached tatîning: (Please PrînO)-.... liersthe rigitl On modiy iii. 1 nlse (citeque) ilinnny Order) for $15,00. Notress ................... ........................... .............,,... **ddresn ------------- --....... --.....- - - -I N ............. f ~5, 1> sPICIALS THIS W EK Reg. 39c Pkg. Christie's HOT CROSS BUNS .. 3 pkgs. 99c Save M6e - 4 Gallons Neilson Golden Grade ICE CREAM ..... 89e Maxwell House COFFEE .......... lb. 75c Redpath SUGAR .. 5 Ibs. 35c 10 lbs. 69C BANANAS---............................. lb. 5c No. 1 Ontario POTATOES .--....10 lbs. 35c Primo, Tortiglion, S. Biscuita, Dell"io BISCUITS .................. 3 pkgs. 95c No. 1 Mexican TOMATOES ..... 2 Il». 35c WIN A GIANT $75 EASTER EGG FME TICKrI WITM !EVIERY $5. PURCHASI Colemnan's BOLOGNA------ 3 Ibm. 99c Fresh Lean Back PEAMEAL BACON .... lb. 69c Colemsca Smoked Pork Shoulder PICNIC .... lb. 49c Fremh Pork FARMER'S SAUSAGE...- lb. 49c Round, Sirloin, T-Bone STEAK ...... lb. 89C Fresh Lean HAMBURG ........... 3 lbs. 99c ALFONSOYS FRUIT MARKET 172 MiII St. Milton 878-2460 F REE D E LIV ER Y DOG TAGS FOR DOGS UN MILTON MUST BE OBTAINED BY APRIL 1st., 1967 LICENSES MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE TOWN OFFICE Towen ni Milton AUDREY B. RUSH, Match 22, 1967 DEPUTYCLEIX

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