Eum resuks Rasuts of the first two day8 of action ln the nlnth annual TrI.County Juvenile Tourna- ment are as follws: Saturday, Maru& 18 C division, Stoney Crack 6, Acton 2, 3 Wlstby 2 Rlclsmotid Mîill't, A Brampton 3 Brant- ford 3, C Woodbridge 3 Or- angeville 1. B Georgetown 7 -Weion 3, C Miton 5 flarkham t, B Tran- ton 4 Detrott 2, A Riverside 3 Gat .reptactng Peterborough) 0, lB Tilsonburg 4 fort Erie 0 and C Fergus 3 Etmvale . Monday, Mardi t9 A Toronto Marîboros 6 Stratford 1, A Oshawa 7 Oakc- vilte 0, M Ajax 3 Chnguacossly 2 (ovrtime). C Bottos 6 Hes- peter 0. twod lm g A fasfird playrs certifi- cati. sîgned on Saturday bas resulted in Fors Erie bcbg thrown out" of the Tri-Coun- jty Juvenile Tournament. A player on Saturday who ctamed etigbt ty was found snelirible. As a resut the tramn has bren booted out and witt MAYOR S. 0. CNILDS of Milton officlally wel. Faut Kitchen of Miltonss shows with a Mark- be replaced in the consotation comad vistors ton twn andi droppeti the puck ham ployer s ihey await the officiai puck series by Ted Reeve of Tor- ta officially open the ninth annual TriCounty dropping. osto. JuvaileHocky Turnaenton aturay Staf Phto) Fort Brie fost the Salsrday Juveile ocky Tornâent n Saurdy. (taf Phoo)aame 40 to Titsonburg. ~~Lè%',ç C .eu John Eves eurns shiîtovt -C~I iiiPro-rn bgue action IIIGGINS PLAYOFE Mossday 7.30 R. St. John, M. Beaiy. T. French, J. Knighl defeaird D. Memîit, . Garber. R. Cure. B. Geenfield. F. Marin, D. tolemy, J. Pal- tigrese. B. McPhail defeaird J. Simpson, G. Mclnîosh, M. Col ling, C. Ford. B. MeCuaig, G. Newell, S. Lockie. G. Carruihers defeai- ed E. Million, S. Childi, L. Wills. S. Meadden. b. Farley. W. Etsley, J. Downs, G. Smith defraîrd B. Reed, A. MKinnon, C. ThomnP- son. C. Martin. Pdfonday 930 C. Anderson, J. Hall, L. Dav- is, W. etil defeaird D. Ken- nedy, L. Arbic. A. Pople, G. Howden. B. Reid, 0. Yemm, A. Mus. ro, J. Sosnowski defeaird S. Legate, C. Breton. L. Waiker, J. Kelly. B. Wheeler. G. Fletcher,.HH Steele, A. Falk defeaird L. Hughes, B. Knighî, V. Barges-. C. Colbeck, R. Coulter, H. Sanley, D. MacFarlanr, R. Rowley defeat. ed I. Stessor, E. Liii, C. Hun- ier. K. Lawrence. Tuesday 7.00 N. Cameron. D. Hill, B. Mc. Clure, R. CorSest defeaird B. Taylor, K. Durnan, E. Foster, A. Arnold. M. Phelpi. J. Noble. J. Brown, M. Rasberry defraird S, Nadalin. B. Porter, A. Cairns, B. Readhead. K. Moos-e. J. Chalinur, M. Mahon. D. Hay'ward defraîrd M. Ezeard. C. Watters, D. Les- lie. B. Tallyn. B. Erkise. B . Fuîtes. E. Toi. etzka, E. Taloplîn defeated G. Chase, C. bobie. K. Plat, L. McKersie. COLTS FS.AYOFFS t undes- 7 yaarsscurling «eelnce) Tueaday 7»0 S. Pay. B. Clements. . Dis- en. . McMillan defeaied M. Phelpi. C. Waterî, L. Davis G. Carruthers. J. Simpson, L. Prion, A. Munro, J. Hughes defeaird S. Nadalin, E. Roberstns, R. Cre, B. Petit. B. Taylor, L. Asbic, C. Hun- iere, B, Readhead defeated J. Noble, E. Liii, B. McPhaii, G. Howden. D. Rowtey, P. Garber, D. Les-c lie, A. Howden defeaird S.1 Hasrop, E. Plaît, E. Toietzka, M. Rasberry. Thuseday 9.00 M. Bealy, 0. Yemm, A. Cairns, R. Rowlry defealed C. Anderson, G. Pletcher,-. W Bs- iey. G. Sinclair. I. Siessor, D. Pioiemy. A. McKinnon, A. Asnold defraîrd D. W. Haywas-d,.C Thompsos. S. Mcaddes. K. Moore, K. burnan, B. Mc- Clure. A. Fak defraird R. Har rison, R. Randeli. V. Barber, T. Jenningi. MIXED SOCIAL Wednaaday 7.00 P. Siseelman, M. Swveiman, R. Harrison, J. Harrison, 12; vs M. Mabon. J. Andrews, A. Cairss, F. Mabun, 4. D. Pariey, L Fariey. J. Nu' ie, P. Noble, 6; vs G. Neweii. W. Neweii. J. Brown, Browsn. 3. B. Taylor. C. Walkes, G. Fiel- cher, J. Fletches-, 8; vs D. Green, N. MeKersie, G. Cas-- ruihers. B. Carruthers. 4. Wednesday 9.00 D. Ptoiemy, P. Watles-s. C. Tbompson. L. Tbompson, 8; vs H. Steele, M. Coulter, A. Falk, B. Falk, 4. S. Harrop, N. Has-sop, L. Fur Jan. B. Perguson. 9; vs K. Hemn, L. Hem., A. Cairnas, P. Jackson, 2. E. Robes-tson, M. Robes-tson, D. Leslie. A. Leslie, by defauli: vs J. Noble, P. Noble. A. Mun- ru, B. Munro. MENS COMPETITIVE PLAYOFF Felday 9»0 D. Parley. B. rame. J. Nu' hie, J. Ohalinor, 7; vs P. Bas-s- S. Childs, R. Cure, F. Duxos, 5. C. Swerlman, P. Sweelman, H. Emms, M. MaSos, 7; vs F. Mas-in, M. Pbelps. S. Hans-up, S. McFadden. 6. R. St. John, K. Moore, D. Ptlemy. A. Munro, 6; vs D. Rowiey. L. Porlrt, B. MPhail. R. Rowley. 4. -Sps-ing oficiaiiy arrived un Tuesday, March 21. By John Mcl.ea McConneilisîopped McCutch- eus hy an 8-5 margin in Tues- days opener as Doug Peddie led the way sithl a four goal output. Othes- marksmnen for the winnes-s wrre Bill Joyce (2). AI Reid and Barry Flech- e.Assists weni to Gary Nay- ier. Lee McPhail. Wayne Mc- Consel. bouc Lu)omis and At Reid. Pus- MaCuicheon John Heipri 21, Brios Stover, Mike Johnson and bannis Sinclair srored. Terry Cairns 42) and Ray Andreis assisted. Ken Thmoni had four goals. Bill Brasb and Don Wil- son Iree apiece, Bruce Me- Golfe and Stu Hannani ose e.sch a' Brush duwned Turner 12-9. lrasving assisis for the s alors were Brusb (4), Han- navi (3). Lrry Arbic (2). Stone> Burke (2), McDuffe. Thompson and Blacie Gaton. John Heipel led the Turnerr crwin a iosing effort wirh hree goals. Wayne Howden pcked ap a pair and singles came frorn Art Melanson, Nip Gervais, At Reid and Les Jack- sus. Nip Gervais led the as- sisi parade with Ibrer, white Heipri had a pair and singe bripers weni to Art Melansos and Don Akenhead. Hitrecived two-goai per- formances fromt four players in downing Cals 9-3 in the tinst gamte on Tbursday nichi. Wayne Sharpen, Carl Hilte, Mîke Boughion and Jerr Pryke ail fired doubletons and Dwigbi May scnred a single for the sinsers. Assisis were counird by Pryke (3), Hitt (2), Sharpen, Asnie Vannent. LaverntBlackiock. and Soueis tus. Bruce Mbuffa, bava Pinkey and bannis Sinclair att taiid once in a loslng cause. Sinclair also had an asi. John Eves picked up a very rare (for thse Pro-Arn teague) shutout as Willmoit downad Champaun 4-0 in the nightcaP. Scoring for the sinners were Wayne Sharpen (2), Rosi Mc- Lrod and Adamson. Mceod and Adaniion assisted. PI., HaItoe amo a imnpertut etàig Ad Sth Plans our the upcoming haseaal scas',i arc alrcady in auil swing. Murray Hood, third vice- prasideni ut the Haton Cous' îy Basehall Association, re- ports a meeting bas bren cati- ed loi Wcdîîcsday. April 5 la organizec cagues and ichedule dates lus- the minus- icami. Any association - curreni- V rhere arc four - which hasn'i pad ius share ut the 966 umpires' tees will nul hc allawcd lu citer ieams in the Halian leagues. Mr. Hood siresseti, "any îuwn inlcnding lu have ieams in the minons mast have a rpreseni uivc ai ha meeting." ta other Haton County news. At Burrows ofutOaiîville bas bren named as umtpir-in- chief of the minors for anoth- eyear and veteran Mike Tim- mis wai resamed umpîra-in- chicO of the Intermedoate ( Senior) league. Murray Hord was nameti oterai chais-mas ut the min- vrs and Les Andrewisewan îamed chairman of the Inter mediaies. The chairmen for each outhebrminor iragors s as foltows: Tyke, Roy Potti- cas-v of Burinton; e Wee. Wally Poster ut Oakvilie; Ban- tamt, Barry Deacon utfPort Credit: Midget, Harald Cote uf Buslingios aid Juvenile and Junior. Ait Bapîton of Water- sic on. F:;,] ~riii LowvIIe March 17 High singles, Bilt DeForest 273, Joan DeForesi 249. 84gb triples, Met bavies 601, lUnda King 614. iSîher good scores, Amelia Bassell 544 (214), Roy Downs 364, Austin Hîscnck 562 (228). bianse Ales 580 214, John Bridgman 560 (233), Grdus Harris 57, Bill Pegg 583, Jor Hickey 558 1252). Lee Couison 586 (243), Mel 'Davies 249, Lin- do King 232. 206, PFat Gowtand 550 (221), Jeannette Paqueite 552, Jim Newell 248, Will Bas- saIt 237, Jack Kisg 227, Joan beForst 59. Austin won 5 for 89, 'Met 0 for 89, Bill 'beForesi 5 for 88 Jack 2 for 88, Marlene 2 for 88, Bill Fegg 7 for 87, Stu 3 for 86, Linda 4 for 85. HoIy Rosery Mardi 16 Ladies' bigh single, Gerta Windmolier 255; ladies' high triple, Geria Wisdmoller 714;'- mes's high single, Pete Vandes. heuvel 284, mens hies triple, Prie Vandeseheuvel 662. Olber gond singles, Edie Schoulen 234, Juan b'Neil 226, Joanne Seelen 223, Mike Boughios 260, Frank Pedulta 238, Sert Churchill 237. Ottier good triples, Joanne Sees 603, Joan ONeil 594, Mary Buekley 519, 'Bert Chur- chill 641, Mîke Boughion 617, Cor Vandenheuvel 615. Bums won 2 for 124; Corner- pins, 5 for 114; Dummies, 5 fr- 109; F. Troop, 5 for 92; Pirates, 2 for 76: Happy Gang. 2 for 72; Headpins, 5 for 73; Misits, 2 for 69. Wednesday March 8 Ladies' hic5 sincle, Lynne Burke 240; ladies' higb triple, Leore Flarilv 596. Ollier good singes, Vera Phillipi 230, Leone Fiarily 222, Marion Anderson 222-207, Joan buer 221. Nous. baugue happeninigs in Midget, Bantam louaes Nildget goals and Bobisy Rusk G Heul Gibbons and Tom Lear- Bugene Muler and Hart mont fird markers as Park Si a h tsr sMî Parm bairy nippeti Harris tia- Police dowsed Western Athit tiosery 2-I.: Ray Evans ticked is Supply 7-4. Stuart Robai up an assIsi for the winters. sonpicked top a pair of assisl B. McKe cored unassisîrd Others went to Walter Wei for tisa Stailuners. and Kim Mouniain. Wayl Scott Corps' iwo goals com. Eîmsý scos-ed ibrer goalsf hined wilb single goal perfor- Western AtOletic Sapply ai mance& fronm b. Griswold and Terrv Rowley bad oie. .mr B. Coulter to houst Ksighî's assisted on Rowley's goal. Mens Wears kaiers to a 4-3 decision over Lcdwilh's Super Save. Steve Cement (21 and Bernir Johnson had assîsis. b. bunsmore scored t-1cr for the tuners and imbDascer had a single. Peter McCuaig (2), and Sroit Wiiiamson assisted. Bantam Rick Lowe and Dave Neet- antis conîrihuird a pair of e goals each and Robhîe Bsad- bury netîrd a single as Local 4970 iopped Bell Bras. 53. Heul Bradbury aid Rick Lowe bad two assisis each. barryl Graham, Bill Presniak and Gary Mabougait scorîd for Bell Bras. Mebougati. Phi] Ramsbaw and Pbtl Colico had asîlîts. Rick McTrach s,.ored ibrer MURRAY HOOD di sas 09 Mliaway 23 at Miltons Open Dally teS pa. Frlday & Saturday teo 1230 pm. SUCKETS 0F CHICKEN For any mood 8 Wisola Chieken) $199 thie Inn offers so rf 12 PSerm Four $3.09 e radulm n 14 pOvm Six $3.59 tranquil courtyaî, 16 MIOMs.v,« $4.14 (rails; suni by the SlevesIfyou'renfotinc 18 SPwe-vs EisIt $4.62 horsehack riding 21 ~ ine 525 badminton; shufi 21 P'e"rmes i.. 5.25 pool; put(ing gi 24 ph'- 6.12 curling; skiing. Il' 28 Ss-a 12 $7.11 or within 5 minuli 3 2 mo'em" à $8.10 36 pb 59.09 ADO TO YOUR DINNIRSê OR SUCKfl INCIALS Box Frnch Files to Sm ee six ....... ..... 0 l c Ioll a -................ e Sink eOsier FrenscisFri«as20e six Faaka or Monsv ......0e PHONE 8784028 Mad rait iave poils-os-des eady ' (2). >ld et- Srt- eise for and The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, March 22, 19675 Tykes, paperweig hts Olbar good triplas, Masion Anderson 568, Lynna Burke 58., Virginia Wilson 520, Sally La. ing 518, Marg Gray 516, Vas Phillipi 513, Joan boar 5M8. Vera won 7 for 32; Leone, 7 for 62; Lynda. 7 for 44; 'Marg, 2 for 41; Arlene, 5 for H1; Alice, 0 for 27; Barh. O for 23. March 15 Ladies' high single, Lynda Watson 243; ladies' high triple, Lynne Burke 577. Olher coud singles, Judy Fer rier 219, Marions Anderson 219. ArIens- Halbi 204. Othar gond triples, Marions Anderson 541, Lynda Watson 541, Gail Coulson 533, Norma Maceod 528, Alnme Hallas 510, Marîba 'Hickry 501. Leone won 2 for 64; Vera, 2 for 54; Lynda, 5 for 49; 'Marg, 5 for 46; Artene. 7 for 38; Bas-b. 7 for 30; Sandra, 0 for 27. 24 Club Mords 15 Ladies' high single, Donna Worth 260; ladies' high triple. Donna Worth 657. Other gond singles, Tbelma 'Bousfirld 246, Sheila Godfrey 237. Other gond triples, Sheila Godtrey 633; Jane Knox 583. Florence won 2 for 116; Sir ley, 7 for 112; bossa, 5 for 101; Es-ma, O for 49. PL. Robertoon Girls March 16 Ladies' high triple, Joyce Schultz 260; ladies' higb triple, Hary Heipet 668. Olhrr gond singles, Wilie Wilson 256, 240, Audsry Hans- ly 249, Joan Hannan 249. Other good triples. Willie Wilson 659, Betty Seeney 642. Audrey &amhly 617, Joan Smith 594, Marie Murray 576. Heipel won 5 for 22, Coatas, 3 for 17; Wilson, 5 for 17; Sreney, 2 for 16; MuPhail. 2 for 16; Grenke. 5 for Il; Murray, 2 for 7; Brush. 2 for 6. Last Sunday afttrnoon tae Milton Tykas started their cbampbonsbip quest in suc- cesoful fashion in tbe Tinusy Tyke Tournassent at Scarboro, hy edging East York 4-2, Milton opened tbe scoring when bave Tomner bit fromt John Roskam. East York scor- ed to tir tbe count, but Brion Wilson set up Steve McCui- cheon lu put the locals ahead. After East York managed lu deadiock the came again. Poui Sprnai fired the winning and insurance markers to gain the sictory for Milton. Thse Tykes retors to Scar- boraos Salurday morning, April 1, for a 1025 a.m. game wifls Ted Reeve. If successful. tbry plsy agais at 1.15 p.m.. meeting the winner of the Ar- incourt-West Rouge game. The Paperweights start iheir tournamest play at bixie wiih a Imo gante, total goals serins agalsst Bert Robinson. The first game is riday afternoon, Match 24, ai 5.20 p.m., wilh the sedbnd game seheduird for Saturday moroisg, March 25, ai 10.20 aBm. --Gui your opring 'bouse- cleanisa underway? SelI your uswanted but useful items wiib a Champion classified. e2dareyou o have a uill lime at the I 'or any season, nucli ... there's tent. ropen heartb; -d; scenic park -pool; sauna. clined<o recline: i;gymnasium; leboard; diving ;een; bowling; Is ail at the Inn des drive. Three restaurants: imaginative menus; dancing; cocktail lounges. And its only 10 minutes <o down- town for al (he (heatre and enter- tainment you can handle. But don't think <ats every- thing. Surprises are part of our way to keep you happy. We dat-e you (o have a dul ime. Write or phone for a reservation. For a free brochure write Dept. K. the Inn on the Park Eglinton at Leslie, Toronto 444-2561 i f MILTON PUBLIC SCHOOS Pre-Kundergarten Registration FOR SEPTEMBER 1967 If you have a child 5 years of age on or before December 31, 1967, please f ill in the form beIow and return to the Principal of the school in your area. Name of Child .................................. Date of Birth..................................... Father's Name .........................-.......... Address......................... Phone....... Parent Signature PLEASE NOTE The Town of Milton Municipal Offices WilI b. CIos.d FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1967 MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1967, AUDREY BRUSH, Deputy Clerk ri--. - ý.- -. - -.- - - i. - ý.-4 -. Z, -- -ý. --. Z. ýý -i --, ý. -.. Z. -j- -- - ý, . . ...... .... . .. -, 1- . -.., - -.., _-, -.- .- .- - - -.1- . . I.. -. . ý i', -.- '. - .- - -... - -Il 1-11 - - ., SPECIAL ON BRAKE SNOES FOR ALL 4 WHEELS Reg. $2795 NOW --s 17-9.5 (Reliniîg and Labos-) GUARANTIS For Ose Year fsrn Installation LIMITED TIME ONLY Aino the Place for *éoodyae Tras *WhoeI saeng Pully Lcensed CLASS 'A' MECHANIC DURANTE'S 1550 878-2079 Highway 25 Jus) North of 401 Oves-posa