4 Tise Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 22, 1967 Tournament bulletins A emli orowd of leea than 200) vas treated to>thrifll a minute action at bàa tournanmnrt lest night Tueadeay). Four gama, inoluding tvo that vent into çvertitm providad snaoh off the best hockey in the tourney an fr. Resuts are as ±ollovn: Acton 1 Markhain , Oaiville 3 Brantford 2 in overtijao, Don Mis 2 Bowsanville 0 and Welland 4 Burlington 3 in ovrtao. Juveniles in Dresden A goal in the final minuta off ovrtinu drop pad the Nadalin Elctric Juvanile Flyers last night (Tuesday). The lat minute aarkor gave Dresdon a 4-3 victory antd set up a third and decidin.g gnou in the O.M.H.A. Juvenile "B" semi-1inal set. Third gaa off the sarios vilbo in Milton Arena t 9 p.m. on onday. ilton von the opening gansouof the nrias lant Friday night in Milton. Clements two goails in semni-final opener pace Flyer victory Richard Clements two tli Homneik asssting. Deo and single goals from Mar in tiie second stases Marty ty Seeds, Paul Kitchen snd Seeds scored on a passing play John Fat-lis boosed te Nad- wth Kilcisen and Cemient at aUin Electric Juvenile Flyers 10 1225 aler tenis Hooper had a 5-3 viclory on Frday nigh. -put Dresden in front. Pasal The. ocetaied decision gave Kitelens goal ai 14.30 wan the the Flyers a one-gamne ]end in eventual winner for the locats. tIsa hast of lhraa OMtH.A. John Porbesand 4Clemnent arni-final et-es wilh Dreoden. had Ihird period goals. Kit- Richard Clemnent opened ltse chen and Lawrence helped ouI scorlog in the gamne ai 11.30. on Forba' goal. Paul KItchen and Steve Law- Greg Laws goal for Dresden rance asststed. Don Saunders ai 19.59 ended the scoring. lied lil for Dreoden aI 18.45 The visitors picked up 11 of sats Craig Miler and Vaugis tise 17 penalties assessed. me Milton K oe wec ttemendously pteeced V ete a ns ret rni Wes moved ltonathtOM- wth th ail-oui tean effort. I Sox y hacdtng Dinville titeir fit-t Milton goat by blesi- 8 second defeel on hornetie I lng a cht tIsaIt-tbounded shou Id hel p Ked Sox e a-i score. t la Ie Kazmyekl, Whio After e poor chowatg i filpped lise pueS tain th Deepte thtIhick layer of of interent rigisî nom and Ins the scond ganse Ins Milton, apen net. sniai on tise gmound. Son pren- iaoking formard to having a Kinamen weoni ouItouet At th mid-pont t intie- dent and manager Dick CIe- teas tiaI cas plan .50 bail th record stt-elglt. From cond pet-bd, Wedî eet-r, ment ban called a meeting for Iis sommer." Dick tise mana- tise olienhtiR hlti, It5VCa s ins gi undI s Tuesday nigisl ut 8 in lise Lag- ger repûtted. obvions thter outdcette c in tuedon dafne. ion Hall 10 gel plans under- ýMercianîs of lise tosen have for nolhlng less then C win ptovlded th svtnaing goal. way for tise coming eanon. donated ne. uniformn and in- The tremns cated bard. Sept While Mlon played e mecn Two pitchrs sho reired termediates milI hand their on tels of Dsnnvlltt andl ne- short, lin Robertaon eloli Ibrea years ago - Bulcis Rid- old oniforms - acîually anty vir gave tnis a chance to tht puck iite Dunosille daîl and John Hopkinn-have tmo years ad- 10 lise juvenile lo p. Coachs Bob Collant indicatad tiey'l bc back in un- îeam. form siltise local interma- At tise Tuesday nigisîme dae Ibsusmmer. Tom îng, tise clubs inancialît et hriafty ils tise teas, milI ha gel for Iis pear milI bc set for 8ui555o ie iit 1 0 hack in uniform as seelI. and an enees tise milI bceleect- lTeeSMst a e lot ed.iu uI f h se il' p Set out rules for playdowns Escis playaff setian milI be composed of twn ganses. ils total goals 10 decida tise inner. in lise Milton Minor Hockey Association playofîs. AU ganan; ilii ha imed tisa samne as regular seasoo games. and sny overtima. if ncessary, ill ha confiacd 10 tise second game of escis sries. AIt overima mill hae sudden deatis, played in f ina minuta, stop lima periods. Siots on goal sn tise second oveatima period silI hae counted in ordr 10 dacide lie inner. in lise evant tisaI tiera is no scorusg in tise overtime. In th Novici, Fee Wee and Baotam sections, tisa taam scaring lise mot goals in aise quarter final serien. wilI recaive a bye mbt tise final playoff series. In tise Bsnlam section, Milton Deparîmant Store recives s hye mbt lise emi-final series. Wtdsday, Mercis 29 5.30-6.20 psm. - Rabekais Lodge vs Momirsy Fuels 6.20-7.10 psm. - Litle Firemen vs Crat Hardweare 710-8.00 psm. - Chicken Kingn vs Hilton Fharmacy 8.00-8.50 pm. - Canadian Tire Corp. vs Milon Lumber 8.50-9.40 psm. - Bell Brohersnvs Local 4970 Salut-day, April t There ii be no regularlY schedulad House League gans this morning. Mondey, Apil 3 4.306.00 p. - Monday-Nitcrs. This mili be tise ast session for tise Mooday Nilers. Al boys in Iis group mutl pIeuse Iurn in their sweaers scien ties -have finishcd lhiat game on Iis date. 6.00-6.50 psm. - Beecis Bothers vs Litle Poniass 6.50-7.40 psm. - Fay lSmbing vs McCuaig Innurance 7.40830 psm. - Local 4970 s Bell Brothers 8.30-9.20 psm. - Milon Police vs Western Alili Supp. Tuaaday. Aprit 4 5.30-6.20 p.m. - Momhray Fuels vs Rebekais Lodge 6.20-7.10 p.m. - rant Hardswute vs Little Firemeo Wednmsday, Aprtl 3 5.306.20 p.m. - Litle Pontiacs v, Beecis Brothears 6.20-7.10 p.m. - McCuig I surancenvs Fan Plumbing 7.10-8.00 psm. - Milton Lumber vs Canadian Tire .00-8.50 psm. - Milon Piarmacns vs Chisiken Kingn 8.50-9.40 p.m. - Park Farm Daimv vs Ledoitis Food Markets Thuraday, April 6 5.306.20 psm. - Western AIletic vs Milton Police 620-7.10 Psm - Harris Stationery vs Knigisls Mens Wear !HOLIDAY A GO -GO: ACTON LIGION MARCH23 u FEATURING " "THE SHAYNES#" M Admission $1. Par Peson - Dancng 9.- 12 p.m. Toamnamenl slelcplayalîn seul] bc-used tu decîde tise Hal- ton Cuunly ItnIoediale ISen- ioml hascbisal champions Ibis Tise playoff system, dîscard- cd complelcly last se-a, bas comaeItack t flue, but in a lu- alsv different shape. Tise top four teams in lise league, prois ahlv leams one and îbrec and lino and four, mili plus a gaime -n Salurdav, Augus 19. Tise mw i oners %%il] play tise next dan. Sandan. Augusl 20 and tise mi nncr of lise scries miii ha lise league cbampiosship. A nuls tleala has heen aîtded toltheleagu tissvcar - Wa- lerdonsn. "Ticy've isad a sîrîog Junior tease and shoald bce vaisable adidition o lise leagae. Thev're atsîî hoping Io plan liseir cames under ligs," Mil- ton Red Sos manager Dicis Cîsmant said. Otiser lc.ms in tliseacoue are Milton Red Six, Campbel ville Mercianîs, Oabs le Oaks, Preston, Gc-îîrgetosen, Burling- on, Hamiltn and Dunda, N.H.. scouts visittounwy Bîrd dog-. or most ut tise Natioînal itockey Lcaguc lcams as mcit as scscrS I clubs banc bren statking lise 91hs Annual Tri-Counts Juveniic Tourna- Monday ntght %vIs tise bus- est ni-ht nntb tbrec N.IL sotin atîcodance -Slcnc Brklatîccifur New York. Jacks D.tsison for Chicago and Gars Yoiung for Boshon. end, tlipped eacshort- paue 10 ihot go froin tht e lt ide, Two minete late, Duos- ville moved back Imb con- tention on e goal b5r Doug Slddalt. Atter e chottrest aI ite end of thaesecond pet-lad, Mlton cerne out tn score tht-te imes bln te hhird pet-- lad. At thesils minute met-k Rtcky Bridgman made ait lhe Milton fene breetie iCi- ler wt.th an unasieilid e. AI I minette, ihns Robset- aon hit RIeky Brdgmn wslth e perfect peuami tndi- cky mede no mitekie as ha fit-ml e qulek chot loto te tlee ln tha final minute, Ker. t-y Kitchen seit hadt bien pleylng one of hin bet- gantes, caugitt Dunnvlît napplng, pleked up etonnee peck beind the net, moved out ln front and fIt-ed tht pueS peteaîtartled Disnn- ville neiminder for th final goal. Thts tateat cucceal eersted th Kinemen tht OMHA Southt Grmap chesplonehip. MUilîo now plays Dut-hans hi thte emi-finaia FIra gem.s là tn MilItos on Mon- dcy t 7 pan. Second Umsmi le in Dut-Itm on Wednee- dey, March 29 et 730 pan. MILTON ARENA THURSDAY, MARCH 23 7-1 t p.m. - Tri-County Juvenili Hockey Tourne- ment FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Ail Day-Tri-County Juvtnlle Hockey Tournament SATURDAY, MARCH 25 Al Day-Tri-Coosty Juvenile Hockey Tournamani SUNDAY, MARCH 26 8-9 pm. - Couplet Club MONDAY, MARCH 27 2-4 p.m. - Public Skting - 25c 4.30-6.00 p.m. - Mondey Nigisters 6 p.m. - Tri-County Hockey TIJISDAY, MARCH 28 2-4 pm. - Public Skating - 25c 745 p.m. - Pro-Am Hockey: Gama 1: McConnell vs Brus; Dame 2: McCutch- ton vs Turner WUDNESDAY, MARCH 29 2-4 p.m. - Public Skating - 25c 5.30-9.30 pm. - Milton Minor Hockey Playoffs YiIIaa.rs cag ~ngu After 15 yaors Andrews resigna lairI Cairns is naimed new Iecd. fly Bries llcCrltafl Asklng Lan which one af bis tisa village - il was a 5r. Thera's bean a cbangiog of champîonship teamo was tIhe able nîgisl - they tsad biie! s tha guarot in Campbellville. hast is like asking a doting fa- goîng and it really qulte, a Afler 15 years as manager ther 10 pick is favorite son. tht-ll.Y of tise most successfol îeam in Mont of tha guys think around Bad lhings also happetpà 10 Ontario basabaîl history, Len 1959 we mare ai our basî, but tise teaam but probably'lte Andrewes will ha out of uni- the 1964 leaam was very strong worst was mima Harry H0 .il farm sohen lise Campbeliville - tisaI was lise year me had ton broke uis lag ln a m~e Mrchants open tiseir 1967 Hal- Dave Heffernan. The 1963 againsl Petrolia. "Il waa a ton County season. tuamt mas also a great une. We freak play and ha broke fwa onily losI ix games, aIl of hones. Il was away fros horne Lens pet-canal Centennial (hem h v one rmn,' hce said. and the leg aInt set right. Il proiecl is banging ap bis bail Bigges;tishrilP l? imas a silly mas a bad day." spikes. Taking is place - or question. No one ls a perfect manager taiser - taking over as5 man- "Well, me had so many. Lant and even when you in ýyou ager, will ha Enri Cairns. year mhen Jack (Roberts) can casSe sistakan. Taking The change took place in a thresc Imo no-hitters was quite flime 1 criticize himsaf. t6n neat, stylish way. Lai said il, a thrill. bol ena mwon a loi of said, "in tha lasI fa. yeart I and il mas donce. TiaIs the cual good playoff gamtes in an- dont think I was daclalva way il han heen for the pant ra inoingn. In tha OBA. play- anough. Il probably wottid 13 years. During tisaI time the tatI. carnes t, siodesi of the gama han heert one of the big reas Isons for tise fahlous socces string of tise Mrchants. E1ev. an Ontario championshipn combine mwils Il consecutiva HatIon County tilles to giva tise Vittagers more hattle hon c 0 than aven lise mont cela- hralted mur heroes. Why le ha reliring? Filteen yvars in quile aCle miile in onejoh. Fin not eai- y retirina - Vim going 10 ha general manager. t dont think r t'IIdo any harm 10 have as fresis personality in charge. lin getling a litletired - ý % 1 maybe losing la littte fire. Ive iscen manager for so long tisaI RARL CAJUNSLIN ANDW S the players knom my thinkîng of fs, evry gamte is important hune bean baller if t mnade bacismards, ha said. and il-. a ihrill wisenever yoa more dacisions on mny osen How dld ha happen to cisoose uin one." and quieker, but I1 mb ltotise Earl Cairns as iis replace- vus juest e litîle biti of habit of asking tisa oldar play- ment? prompting, ha recalled ho. ers for their advisa," Witis junt a trace of a chock- tise Merchants mon their fient Baaeball bua provided Len le. ise indicaled, îiingn on OBA. ciampionship undar wilis whsl ha descrihas as a tise club are set up in a prettv bis leadersisip. "it mas in 1954 "great tesson in damnocracy'. democratic mas. escepî îheyi and mc iscat Bloomficld. We He notas, tisera's bean a greal h2ase mont of tise decisions to won tise first gamne in Camp- variety of players on our leas. me. t had to analyse miso mas bilîville and wcît !o Bloom- They hava diffarent person- available and after givina t sa field by bus for lise second alilies, diffarant habits, differ- lot of îisougist t decided Earl gamc. 1t liinis wu oearly blae ent mental capacitias and dif- was tise bcst man for tise jois," S big lead bot mc mon il any- ferant tantes but ticyve ai. ise said. mass. When soc came bacS 10 (Continuad on Page Six) Fords reach Novice "B" f inals, seek second consecutive crown. Milton Novice Fords are jusI ,of ties emi-final series against er Bill Bradbury, Noms Mosa- one series away from liseir Duoniville. Bruce Ellinon earn- bray, Ron Twiss, PeeOsucis- second, conseculive Ontario cd one assisI. mach, Bruce Ellison and Brent Novice ' ciampionshtp. Morras A pair o weakend wins lnathe aecond game of the boosted the Fards ioto tise Ots- series on Sonday aflernoon. tario finals againsl Caledonia. Fete Chucismachs onassistedd Tihe t'tds ae. a husy sdi.- First game of tise hast of goal gave the locals a 2-1 .in daie during the nesI faw days. Ibrea sarias wililiha in Caladon- i noverlime. Norman Mow- Fridav lthe local% ta their ia îonighî lWdnesday). Tht hrav lied tiesaore .t 1-1 in firsî 1.0 gamas n %Brpton second game wieul hain Milton the second perlod when hae Novice Hockey Waak Tourna- on Monday at 6 pi.m. cashed in a pans from John ment. First gama of the 15l. Two goals from Scot Mc- Tonelli. ta count sertes againt arts Kenzie boostad tisa Fords tu Outslanding performars in is aI 4.30 and tha second gamne a 2- I victory in lse first gam e the Sunday Win wer a go l lnd- is a I 8.30 p. . ANNOUNCE MENT WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT MR. HAROLD WEISE (Forma ly of Harold n Welding Service Ltd.I Has Iained our staff and is now in charge of welding and fabrication. W. are sure that Mr. Wiese's many years of experience in this type of work wiII enable us ta give aur custamners an even broader coverage in the truck and equipment field. HALTON TRUCK SALES PHONE 878-3121 Highway 25 North MILTON -ONTARIO A 's SMILING FACU WERENT SCARC i n the Nad- 5-1 to win their fie if geme in the Tri-County alin flecric Juvenile Fiper dressing room on Juvenile tournament. The Pipars play their Saurday aternoon. Barry Mclrach, left, scor- next game on Thrsday niglt at 7 agamnst ed one goal and John Irvine and Keitis Higgs Stoney Creek. had tmo each as the Fipers downed Markham (Staff Photo) Elminate Dunnville Pee!%w Wees reach semi-finals ATTENTION BASEBALL FANS! ALL INTERMEDIATE AND JUVENILE HARDBALL PLAYERS ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1967 LEGION HALL 3rd Floor - 8 p an. FnanciaI statemaent from 1966 wiliiha presanted, also budget for 1967. PNayers having anifarm ofetesr tea - Pie utrninl hera sr t meeting. For Frther Information Coli 878.2194 K. W. (DICK) CLEMENT, Pesident