12 Thea Canadien Champion, Wednesday, March 22, 1967 IIORNBY Community Club hanc By Ms. James Hamilton Memisers ot St. Stepiens Anglican Cisurcis Guild met ait tise home ot 'Mus. Kennejitr James on Tuesdiay nigit,c Matchs 14. Mes. Raymond Dim-à ock, in tie absence o! tise presi' dent, Mes. Gordon Miller, mel' comed tise ladies to tise meet-1 ing miicis mas opened mitis tise Guitd rayer. Tise minutes ut tise tat meeting w ee read hn Mms. Edgar Otîphant. Mes. Geoffrey Dreut .Brook gave tie reasuree's report and Mms. Alan Harrop, repoted on 1 tise Goernsep Breeders' Assoc- iation banquet miicis was ieid recentily in tise ehurcis base- ment. Tise ladies were asked to look ater tise seeving of tise unchs for tise annuat eucisre oft tise Jersey Breeders Associa-1 ion miicis itI bc heid on Ap-1 rit 7 t tise Stewarttown Hall. During tise business discossioni t was decided that tisey would 1 reptenisis tise dinh supplp. Tise roll cali "Miat ducs St. Patrick's mean 10 pou". was answered hy tise 13 memisers attending. During tise program houe Ms. Arthsur 'Pant siowed a film on ier recent trip Io Florida. Lunch mas sered isy Mes. Robert Coohson. Tise nesi meeting will bce at tise home ot Mes. Edgar Oliphant on Aprit Il. Tise rol cuit witl bs, "Ani enchange of hulhs and iouse plants. The genes-at meeting ot tisei Hoenhp United Ciurcis Wamen was isetd in tise cisarcis hase- ment on Wedesdav evening. Muecis l5. Mes. Clittord Wrig- gleswortis. in tise aisence of tise president. Mes. James Snow. welcomed lise ladies tu tise meeting whiste was opened wilh tise themne song toltowed isy praper. Tise minutes of tise ast meting w ee read isp Mes. Orville Grenlon tolowed hs' tise treasaree's report iss Mes. Harold Roison. Mes. Wriggteswortis reported on tie annual meeting of tise Halton Presisyterial U ni ted Chuecis Womer miicis was ieid in St. Puais United Cisurcis Oakritte, in Feiroary. Mes. Abert Marcisment gave a report on tise literature taisle and materiai iougit for peu- gram planning Mes. Reins Hawkes epoted on tise tsso- day peograt ieid ai Five Oaks n Paris recentiy. A report mus giren on tise banquet ield for tise Halton Egg Producees. Mes. 'Harold Roison and Mes. Oeviiie Greston weee in charge (À tise Easter Thanisottering prof ramt. Tise ladies decided to sýmtd invitations tu tise memt- bers of Ashgeove, Betisel and Eden United Cisrches tu at- tend tieir generul meeting in Apil wisen Ms Erul Sover eîgn %vill1b hie guest speaker on "Leadership Deveopment'. Lunch mas scrved isp Mes. Tiso- mus Howden and Mes. Lew Sampson. Tise Sarch Meeting o tise Nots Traalgar Communitv Clubs wan ietd ut tise home of Mes. Afred Bal Mes. T. A. Leslie peesided for tise meet- tng miicis opened sits lise cais 'Od:". Tise rail cuti was ans- meeed isn tise 20 m'misees pees- ent. Tiank pou notes sore reud fromt tisose wis, iad heen ememhered wiite i. Mem- bers ere eminded of tise eo- chre party micis wll he ieid isp tise Triangle Groupoun April 6, in tise Percs Meres Scisteul A committee nas lormed ou coiiect for tise Cancer Society siti tise cumpaign 10 staet un Aprit . During tise prorîîlt houe Ms. Gordon Leslie sho - ed a film on tise camping trip sise and ier famil:. iad en io est las( summer out1 West and hack home 'is lise Un ittedi States. Lunch %vas served bv tise iostess. Tise nent meeting witt bse t tise home af Mes. Dave Dowling on Aprit 12, Sleuisers or tise Drumqoin Women's Institate met ai tise home o! Mes. John Pieket on Taesduy atternoon, Mareis 14. Mes. Ralpis Featiseeston. tise president weteomed tise ladies 10 tise meeting. Tise roll cuti "Mame a Cunadian Arit", wan annweeed isp tise ime memisees and one visilor presen . Tise memisees -ere eminded ot tise free Copper Tooling Course miicis will bce hetd ut tise Norths Trafalgar Communily Centre on Apil li-lt fromt 10.00 a.m. 10 4.00 p.m. Anpone miso cres to inqire absout mteiat re- quieed for tise course may con- tact Ms. Raipis Fetiseeston. Tise final plans ere made for tise annuat eucisee wNscis itI be heldi on Tiursdap erening, Marcis 30, ut tise Percy Merry Scisool. Eveepone mas remind- ed 10 hring their card tables. Tise elecion of officers mas heid with al tise officers being reesened for another ear. Dur- ing tise progeamn houe Mes. Douglas Irving, miso mas iro- duced isy Gladys Feafiseston. gave a vers tnteresting tlthon, "Conlederati,în'. A c'ontest on sentences ccntaining isidden nmsof Canadian cilies, was conducted isp Giadys and mon Mes. Feutiseeston. Loncis mas serred isy tise iostens. Tise fouets meeting of tise Hoenisy Aclionettes mas heid on Suturduy. Murcis 18, ut tise home of Mes. Rop Wilson. Cathy Neelands meicomed tise memisers ta tise meettingmisîci mus opened mustiste 4-H pledge. Tise rail cuit - "'A iood eommonly parcisused tu- dap misici mas formeelp made aI ho)me,' sueis us mapte syeap. cheese ard butter, mus ans- weeed isy tise 13 memisees pres. ent. Mes. James McKap eead about European Discorery of lise nem moeld. Tise girls all took noies on lisis. Tise nent meeting utitIibe ut tise home of Mes. James Mc- Rap. on Saturdap. April t. Dar- ing tise Easler Hotidays tisey irilt take iseeud makirg and Aciienement Day p t an n inag. Tise girls eetired ta tise kitchen sciere tise foitoming dishes Oece made: peu soup isy Carol Peteis and Laurie Maxwell; ta- malo isahe ispElizaiseths Nor- eirgton and Linda Andrews; potabo paneakes isy Gme n Weisbsand Barbsara Lerichse; German tea squares hy Mary Jean Maxwell and Elizabseths Daisnert; Dutesciscocolute isn Cathy Neclards and Karen Bradley; and pickled eggs isy Ms. 'Roy Wilson. Ritchen help- ces oere Joyce Wilson and Laurel Lagceqaisl and th e pressereportler for tise da.%scas Elizabecth Norrington. Tise m-lis Trafalgar Eucisre Clubs ield thiciesekis c-chrc' on Satuedan nigist. Mueci 18. Tisere ocere six laisles of euchre rn plan mils tise peizes gaing oa thec tooing w> nnees, Mes. Margaret Teepstra, Mes. Colin Bc'utn. Mes. Ralpis Featiseestor. Fred Warkman. Walter Bar ard and Bilt Thomson. Lunch was serrcdisv tise hast and isosie's. Me. and Mrs. Ralpis Fealiseeston. Tise rent eucisre scili bce or Saturdap, Marcis 25. Gel uteli misies are- eslended ta Mes. Lloyd May, wisa s a patient in tise Milton District Hospital. Frtends of Arnold Sutitzer wttl he pteased 1t0 heur he was able tua neturnhome last mecis fro thtie Sauts Pecl Hospital, Cookil ttle. Get well wiisea ares-s lerded la Mes. William McPiserson. ssho is a patient ir tise Milton District Hospital. Vc'lma Bail. Shirley Marshs- al, Carol and Duriere Lc'siie ai lise local Young Foik groap. spent tise seekerd at tise Fine Guises in Parts, mserc' tisesaut terded lise Hamilion Teens Conterc'nce for grades 11-12-13. Tise tiseme was. "Dor't terce mc-jr". An inormal discussion mas iseld and dancing toIlons' cd. On Sardan mornirg lises attended a short cisarei ser- Tise HornispUitted Chuireis Women eatered foetise anrual ba.nquet andi meeting ufthtie Hailon Egg Prîîdaeers isiicis CALL CR0 Wl TAXI SERVICE 8 78-2992 IADio CONIaOLIS Il NeHoSlips, Yom COUICD à Trouble ... Liabllily inauroince la is ur business.. ë9 ta prolaci yourn 160 MAIN ST. ZP 878-2894 or 878-Mll 111n g ca ncer canvass Iras iseld ai tise ehureis an Beacis miere tisen enjayed oui- Mîîrdos' igisi, Marcis 13. Mus' dîtor aetis'ilv Ski'Dooing. ivssuptiiied lit Ruts amni Mrs. Paul May rela rntd Wiima Mason. Tise gac'st speak- honme on Tisursdam' yerening er oas Dr. William Gregg. spec' [rom Vancouver, snheee sise ut- tatîsi of pouttry diseuses ut terded lise medding of iser sis- Connaugist Luis ut Toronto. tee Marilyn. Cal Loomis. seceetary-maruger Congratlatiors to J a mites ot tise Ege and Fomi Marketing Snosr. mis president of an Board of Taronto, ulso spoke. Gakvilte construtlion fi r , miso mas elecited us tise Pro- Me. and Mes. William Tattyn g eesire Conseralive candi- and Me. and Mes. Sonny Hall date for lise nem provincial rid- spent lise meekerd ut Wasagu ing o! Halton East. Auction sale, Recreation annual centennial film are on agenda Plans mere finalized for the success it mas. impossible Ides". This la about second, annuat auction and A game ot badmtnton was tbe Pallier of Confederation, bake sale to be hetd attise cen- played foitowisg the meeting. Sir John A. 'Macdonatd. ire on Saturday, Aprit t t 1.30 -It la a tact tisat everyone in "A united community is an p.m. wisen the 14th Burtington going 10 the annuai meeting on active communit'y". Csb and Scout Ladies' Ausiti- Wednesday, Marrh 22 at 8 p.m. Fotlowing thse meeting re- ary met tasi Tuesdav aI the in the Kitheide Community freshmentn witi be served. Centre, Centre IKiliseide 'Roadi of the Ettuty persona attended tise Att donations such as tarot Klbrjde and District Commun- dance aitishe Centre Saturday, titre. hoaseisold conterts, bools, lvY Recreation Association. Marcis ti. sponsored isy the skates and sisocs, c lolising, Tise troeram consisîs oftIhe Mens Group Committee. Spot bake goads snilise greatîn ap- election of otticers for the 1967 dance mas mon by Mr. and preciated. For furiher infor- season of thse Kiliride and 'Dis' Mes. Phill Fisher and Mes. A. mation please phone Mrs. Ray trict Communitv Recreation Patterson mas tise iucky win- Turner ai 878-2096 or Mms. Phii Association. ner of tise door prime. Fisher ai 634-6942. "Tise memisers pou eleci 10 Tisere iti be a paper drive President Mes. Ray Tuorner serre you can onty do a good on Friday evening, -Matchs 31 remarked on tise Fatiser anidjois if îisey gel poar support." staeting ai 6 p.m. Tise drive is Son ianquet and tisttiked ttc- A speciai attraction is a Na sponsored hy tise 14th Burting- eryone miso heiped in any way tional Film Board of Canada ton Boy Scouts. n making tise banquet tise Centenniai Film entitted "Tise .Everyone is requested to lie papers in Seat busdles or pack theem in boxes and put them Sat thse road. Pdluet a mes Morrison re- ported $»0 had been collected in lilbride scisool during thse month of I'ebrtaxry for the Canadian Red Cross Youth Or- ganization. Proceeds from 5a speciat hot dog day were don- ated to the fund hy the Homne and Scisoot Association. Ronnie Harbottte. grade six student, mas dectxred winner ut thse Junior Pubic Speakang Contest hetd at Kiiisride scisoot Monday, Feiruary 27, and i-- ceived tise Dr. H. R. MaDonatd tropisn presented isy Jamrs Mo rriso n. Otiser contes tant s wrre Brent Witson, Shelty Tisonp- son, Ricky Taytor, Ricky Wilt- siser and Teeriti Tanner. 'Te content was chaired hy Lynn jervis. Thse next schoot assembty iti bc hetd on Tisursday mont- ing. 'March 23. Al parents are cordially invited to attend. *AIL LIGHTTRUCK OWNERS la This Area WiII Receive a N1MIIRLD Brochure Through the Mail - Storting March 24... LOOK AT YOUR BROCHURE - BRINO UT UN TO TRAFALGAR MOTORS AND CHECK YOUR NUMBER WITH THE "HOT NUMBERS" WUNNERS. YOU MAY WIN ... ,~A PORTFABLE COLOR TV 'PORTABLE B/W TV 'I.FM/AM CLOCK RADIO *s~ PORTABLE TRANSISTOR *Or a CentenniaU Cuf Link or Tic Tac Set ee fe7he tq0be P Easter Sunday ON ALL CTV STATUONS 7 TO 9.30 P.M. Spona.r.d by thé Pord Moter C.mp&ny of Canada Llmtod MOF osnLo CO. L TD. 409 Main St. Milton 878-2369 1