Qu.ry site, coat, need North O0akville continues airport opposition 1 1 toucisy subject. Tht proposai years ago, and tht farmeen bas estlmated SM0 an acre for werv stili able lu reain their tht neeessarv land, but faetn- land. Tbey said faem land es note an ail company paid sbouid bt worth $1200 an acre S1,00 an acre ta run an ail today. and cited farms recent- int througb tht district a fest ty soid for that amount. "Rather fight than swi (l'o three-year council Ward One Oakvile Ratepay- ers ara contnulng their heated protests against thse proposed BuriingtonOakvitle airport and itS selected site at Omagh. For over an hour Wednesday evening two 5url-Oak* airport commýitteemen faced a 'firing squad" of 32 area residents seho loudty citicized the site, cost, restrictions and apparent tack of need for the airport. Town counciltor William Re- aume and Oakvitle lawyer John Ham, members of tht commit- tee sopporting the airporî yen- ture, were questioned at length on various aspects of the air- port project. The ratepayers had earlier voiced objections to Oakville Councit, then at a planning -board hearing which approved rezoning of tht lands for an airport, and then again aI a coanit meeting two weeks ago. Needes to say, none of the residents came away tram the Wednesday meeting with changed minds. In tact. mot -favored a pub- lic plebiscite on Oakvittes share of the ensts. and ctaimed tan- payers in the rest of thetlown dont know how espensive th project wilI be. Oakvitte is scheduling 575,000 this year ta- wards the eost ot buying the necessary tand (hall the origin- ai estimate af $150,000 which ratcpayers dlaim is an unreatis- tic figure) and annual maint-, enance couts are expected ta bc around 10 cents per capita for bath Oaksiltt and Burting- ton residents (lthough sup- porters dlaim tht airport will bc self-supporting wilhin five years). Tise ateprt committeemen. n answer ta questions. said tht need for an airport was shown by a survey conducted in the arta. which showed 38 irtns and individuats wouid use sscb a tocat airport. Tht site is ideat, they said, and couid bcexepanded in a south, east or west direction at a later date if necessary. They said ontly welt water services would bc needed for ftush toi- tets and "- a bit of mater for planes". Tht airport coutd han- dte smatt freight planes but mas mainty nteded for eseco- tive ptanes for local industries. They pointed out tht Feder- at ýDeparîment of Transport has given tht venture a high priority and tht DOT. would construct tht runways and buitdings if tht two tosens pur- chase tht land and bandit tht maintenance costs. The buitd- ings mould produce some tax- es, they said, and neighboring prnperttes mould be morth more htecause of their proxim- isy ta tht airport. Tbey sug- gested tht airport shoutd not meus rezonittg of neighboring farm lands ta industriat usage. BuStihe ratepayesa had et- torts toalat tht ansmers tht Imo men offered. Matcotm (Mac) MeKinnon. who was tut- er in thse evening etected presi- dent of Ward OnteRatepayers Association and is a commer- cial airlin pitot himsetf, ed tht questioners. Ht charged if tht airpors ex- tended south tht ptanes woutd bc running intoat125 foot high power int, and "I dont think a ravine at tht tnd of a run- day is gond ptanning" Mr. Mc- Kinnon said tht airpuet would bc a noise nuisance. especiatty on wttkends, and tht airporl woutd end ap as a charter ser- vice and a rentai ugency for weekettn isa rather than an aid ta industrial firms whose esecutives f y. "'You are bringlng in some- thing ta this area tht peuple du not want" ha added, sog- geting land prices w oui d plummet rathtr than go up. Other ratepayers charge d their proptrty values woutd de- peeciate and none wouid want ta boy tend near an airsteip. Ont, Hank Peacock, said tht ratepayers should gel some as- surance their lands would not ha trozen by nese eoning re- strictions for two ta ibret. miles away fram tht aiapart. M. Peacock said farmees should not ha protibited fromt setling off frontages for homes, adding, "If t have ta put up with ail tht noise of an airport, surety t shoutd be able ta seti a tut ta htip pay my taxes. Please treat us su me can sua- vive, not sit here and farm for tht rest of aur lives." Some worried about build- ing it the district belng ton higis for airpori standards. Tht compiex scale of building heights In relation ta runways mas explained, and committet representatives assured tht ratepayers nu barns or silos mould have ta camte down, and shouid ever be torbidden in tht future. Land prices mere another OBITUARY Peter F. Quinn A resident of Acton for tht past nine years, Peter Forest Quinn of 36 Rosefurd Terrace passed away 'March 13 in Guelph Generat Hospital afler a tenglhy ilness. Ht was 54 years of agt. -Ht is survivtd by bis mife. -Daihia Quinn. daugbters and sons James. -AnntJMarit. Law- rence, Cathserine and Anthony. ail aI home. M. Quinn taeuta Canada fromt Scottand in 1928. Ht was marred in Milton in 1942 and came ta Acton afler living in Malton. Rev. V. J. Morgan conduct- ed tht funtrat service Tisurs- day. Marcb 16, and interment was in 'Evergren ctmetry. Milton. Patthtarers mere Clar- ence McCann, Roy Brown- ridge. brother-mn-tam Jon Mc- Cano. Jim -eruscetto. Totea Peruscetia and Eia Polion. OBITUARY Mrs. G. Fisher A lifeiong resident of Es- quesing Township, Mary Ano Campbell, wife of the lte George A. Fisher, passed away aI -Georetowà' and District Memoriat 'Hospitl on Salue-. day. 'Marcb Il. in ber 841h year. Bars on January 21, 1884. Mes. Fisher mas tht daughîer of tht tale Robert and Litian Campbell of -Mansewood and Acton. She attended Ligny scbool and was a member of Boston Preshyterian cburcb. Site la, uurs'lved by threet sons and two daugblers. Wil- liam C. as home. R. Gardon of RR. 5, Miton, Jean A. wbo teaches ut Shaw Streetlseioot n Toronto, rene L. liMes Ja- mes Rue) of Branford and George W. of R.R. 5, Miton. He seven grandcbitdren are Robet, Paul, John and Eliza- beth Fisher, David and Mary Fisher and Suzanne Rat. Tht palibearers were James Fisher, Lloyd Fisher, Robert Lawson. Heilson Stark, Gar- don McDonatd and Douglas Currie. Tise floseer bearers were ber four grandsons. Robert, Paul, John and David Fisher and Leslie isher and Clifford MeODonald. 'Rtv. Stanley E. Smith of Boston Presbyterian cburcb cunducted tht fanerai service aI tht Harold C. 'McCure tun- erat home on Monday. March 13, witb itterment in Green- mood ctmetery. Georgetown. Delivers fiery I>ep tulk"F ut Huken P C neminutienr A 20-minute "pep tulk" on tht Prugressive Conservative Party pilosophy in Ontario, drew loud applause tramt tht close ta 400 delegates and sup- porters t tht Tory nomina- tion convention in Milton on Ptiday nigbl. Small in size but big itn vuice, Provincial Secrettry and Minister of Citizenship Robert Welch txcitd tht cruwd wittt bis dynamic approach ta poili- tics. A person la a Conseralive because be munIs ta maintuin tht institutions of our country - you might say he wisbes lu conserve aur istritage - and be is Progressive hacause he wants ta cise tht condition of people by means of pro- grans sof national devetop- ment and social justice," tht speaker sid. "Ou r representutiun in tht Ontaro Legistature is certain- (y not maintuined an any aur- rumly hased support, in fact vie bave 50 members wbo have OBITUARY Alfred J. Desand Tht faîber of twoU iltun dis- trict ladiès and a resident of the Halton Centennial Man- or for tht past thete years. At- frediJ. Desand died un Marcb 12. Mr. 'Desand. hum n 'Middle- ses counîy on October 1l. 1885, was aneclectrtcal con- tractar in St. Catharines for 43 years. Ht was active on the St. Catharines' Apprenticesbip Board and the Niagara Dis- trict Etectrical Contractors' Association. On Octohar 5. 1909, Mre De- sand married ýEdna Estlle Dc. sand. She died in 1960. He la aurvtved by (aur daughters. Mes. Fred Edssards (Durothyl of Campbellville. Mes. William Cochram IVeral of Campheltvilte, Mes. George Voisard (Elvu) of St. Cathur- ines. and 'Mes. Walter Head IPhyttis) of St. Caharines; and une sister ýMes. Ertest Ba- tes (Anne) ut London. FaneraI servic~e wos betd front tht Fiest United Cburcb. St. Catharines, an March 14, witb Rev. G. C. Ooigley uftic- ating. Interment mas ut Vic- toria Lawn cemetey. St. Ca- tharines. Patîbearers mere Larence Bunting. Gordon Gregory. Keith Jackting. Jack Cornet- ous and 'Harold Tufforsi al oI St. Catharines and former cm- plovees. and friensi D. A. Wtt- doter oI Palermo. a clear majoeily in their seuls," the noled. Steeaang tise importance of selling paety policies, he said that in tht upeoming etection campaigning tbrough pull or- ganizations is tht key ta suc- In ciosing he bold tht dele- gtes. "mark ta keep Huilas Progressive and Conservative. Work lu keep Huton on tht Government team." Earlitr Me. Wetch had prais- ed the efforts uf Hatton MPP George Kerr, describing him as a "quulily member and a man af bigb calibre." Mir. Kerr aises spake briefly and predicted a Progressive Conseevative victory in tht sem iding of Halton East in 1967. Htenpluined tht 'Go transit" peugeum that is ging intu effect in tet south por- tion of Hulasn and desceibesi tht Ontario Schont for tht Oeuf in Milton as ont of the finest in the continent. In closing bc said, "tht Ru- harts government bus sevesi yau a-tII. Gel behind im and is team mben tbe eteclion Bth Me. Welcb and Me. Kerr inted thtetection muuld ha "sous" and added. "prahabty bhis vear'. 1Jqek Henry preaenIed a list 1of 13 questions on behaif of 1the Oakvjtle and District Labo- Council. He was asked ta sub- mit them in writing to the committee. itch"ý term) fluor. noting councit bas ai- ready given one rvading ta tht by-law instituting a thret-year term. Counciliar Geof f Orese- Brook reportedl tht council bas tht rigbt ta start tise sys- lem withoul a public vote. Ht noted Oakville eections cost $13.080 to operate and thse 10500 would bave this mocb muney tvtry six years by swil- cbing to a lhree-ytae term. 'But tht ratepayers indicat- td tbey wauld "rarber figisi than switcb." Tbey protested that notices of a public meet- ing tasI meek on tht subjeci were n01 placed in Tht Champion. and claimed al residents of North Oalcvllle dont read tht Oakvilie papers or listen ta tht radio station whtre tht meeting mas adver- tised. Countilior Dons Gordon sald tht advantage of a tbree-year term would bc in saving mon- ey on coslly debentures. Nom thet Ise-year tem allows tise cauncil ta spread large capi- tal expenditures over Iwo years and save tht high inter- est rate on debentures. A Ihree-year tem would bc even more beneficial as projects cauld bc paid f rom cureent revenue over a thete - year term. "On un issue of Ibis kind. the council shoutd bc willing lu permit a voice of tht peu- pIe," sai ratepayer Ken Giles. But another ratepayer, Sam Finnie recatied there mus once a vote on a site for tht new administration building. "Tht peuple voted and they (courn- cil) dido't carry il out tht wuy me voted for it," lie said. In a "straw vote", ail but four persans mere againsi tht longer temof office and al lavored a public piebiscite. Tht enectlivetii pies a peu- test ut ils eext meeting.- PleaseNote MILTON STORES WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. THURSDAY MARCH 23 *CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY Retail Division Milton Chamber of Commerce ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE Firm Red TOMATOES .......... 2 lb. 39c' Sweet Juicy TANGERINES .. ... 3 do:. $1. Firm White CAULIFLOWERS m...... ach 35c New Brunswick POTATOIS ...25-lb. bag 89c (Save Ise) Christie's HOT CROSS BUNS .... 3 pks. 99c Grade "A" SmaII EGGS ........ 3 clos. $1. i9ozL Tins Cudney Brand FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 for $1. Large i9oz. Tins Frankford Brand PEACHES ...... 3 for $1. Large 19-ou. Tins Cudney Brand DESSERT PEARS .... 4 for $1. Royal JELLY DESSERTS ..... . 10 pks. $1. Chase & Sanhorne COFFEE, reg. grind 75c lb. (In a Tub> - (Save ge> Blue Bonnet Soft MARGARINE per lb. pk. 49c FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS Clearbrouk Faney - Preah Frozeni - (Save 10e> Siced STRAWBERRIES - 15-oz. pk ..... 39c Ciearbrook Fresh Frozen - (Save lac) Fancy RASPBERRIES - 15-o:, ph ..... 35c WEEKEND MEAT SPECIALS Grade ".A", Maple Leaf TURKEYS et LOW, LOW PRICES Maple Leaf Butt Decorated HAM$S... 9c lb. Dmuvu:my RESTI VO'S s Tht noise prubtem mwas brougbt up by Mes. Phyllis Fer- rie. "Yusit be innves- ienced, i admnit." repiied Me. Hum, bul be said Hlighway 401 mas just as noisy and tht toms dido't receive any objections f rom ratepayers living near it. Frank Opsteen. who ives on tht Third Line. warried there was no compensation for him. The airport woutd take away lis ont *v close neighbars. tht Ra vner Brothers, on mhom he depended for beip mith tht farming and mould force bis f ive childeen ta malk up a tant- ly road ta eeach tht school bus. "Who will boy my farm?" he wanled ta knam. At tiheed ofthte meeting Mr. Hum suggested tht area objec- tors sboutd be poRed for a list of their objections and tht cammitte mould try ta ans- mer Ibeir camptainîs. Mes. Fer- rie summed up, "There are 60 ta 75 per cent of the people in Ward Ont mbo feel there is no peint in objectine. because il sson't do any gond. Wr are sick and tired of fighting for something sou neyer gel - and that is rccognition from the front." Tht Association's directors plan ta meet before tht end ut tbis month ta peepare a presen- tation for the council meeting on April 3, wben coancil is ex- pecttd ta make a decision on tht arpart project. INIURANCE T'he Cantadian Champion, Wedneaday, Maorch 22, 1967 1 j a~ "ifY hmwdy chehiw for SfoeoeS pmY>Vhdd ceeiet Dr. Harry'Harlty, Liberal M. inlend 10 hae quile activa P. for Ha-Ion, stili bt honor- Me. Skuct's campalgn. ary campaign chaieman for "b am t5tIly home Robin Skuce, LteraI candid- meekenda and b'm going aie for tht provincial iding make a point of spending 0 of Hallon East. e days as meli campaigei in a rmnsage Io Skuces. for Me. Skuce." Dr.blet cumpaign commiluet. Dr. Har- said. iey suid tisaI iie be mas in -Skuce. isead of tise Frer DIla-a most of the meek. 'q deparîment ut Appltby ( _____________________ ege, Oakvilie, mas nominal ut a convenlion in February -Florisîs in tht tamo and run us tht Libeut cundisi artu are expecling lise usual in tht next provincial electi rush on Easlee hules and lisey are preparesi.W A R S -Halton County Roads De- A TS parîment moekmen împroved tht Campbellvitle Sideeoad AN. MERBAL REMEDI consideeably lasi meek. Many U.Iht ouA178-hande,. ut thtepaltisoles mhîeh devel-t- ua a es ta nasOOaN-nW, oped during tise inIer mere aau1lovg*. Sot aontlcd. tunms fiiled in. AT ELSLEY-S P3IARMAC SEIRITE STORES on 194 Main St. ln on tt kr1ey snci col- attd tion. hnm. tin a I A N NOU N CIN G e R. G. Clements Texaco Service Main and Ontario Sts., Milton NOW OPERATED BY SHIRL WARD AS WARD'S Texaco Service OPEN 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. *b Texaco Producfs O* Goodyear Tires lb Milton Driving School Oakviiit Council's proposai ta -ave council elected for a ibret year tem, beginning in 1968, bit a snatu Wtdntsday evening. Oser 30 ratepayers attend- ing a meeting of Ward Ont Dakviile Ralepayers Associat- ion voted unanimounly in fav- ne of a public plebiscite hatore fthe councit cao institote tht lhrte-ytar tem. Only four citizens ttending tht meeting indicated they favored tht longertem ai office, but ail were definitety in fuvor of let- ting tht people make tht chire - 001 councîl. Retlrlng prealdeusi Len Buck- tee broutht tht subject ta thse