10 T'h. Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Mareh 22, 1967 Hawtin-Wri< In a double-ring ceremony in St. Johnts Unted Churcb. Van-r couver. B.C., on Friday eenisga at 7 o'clock. Mardi 10, 1967,d Carol Marilyn Wriggleswor'lh,1 daugiter of Mr. and Mes. CIif-- ford S. Wrigglesmorlb cf R. t 2 Georgetown and Victor Gor-% don Hawtîn, son of M. andà Mes. Percival Walter Hawtin% of 1041 Keth Road, West Van. couver, B.C., ere uniled in marriage. Rev. Roy P. Stopie officiated at the candllight service. The cburcb was deccursed wit pink and white gladioli and beather. White nylon rosettes nere arranged on the pews. The naganst wun J. H. Simtp- son of Vancouver and usher was Beas Nichols of 1578 Bar-t relt Ave., Norh Vancouver. The bride, gises in marriage by ber brotbcr-in-taw, Robert B. Marsball of RA. t, Milton, chose a dark brown lwo-piece suit wilb ligbî mink collar. Sbe wore a pring bal of lighl bromo, grecs, yellow and pink petls, beige accessories andt corsage of white and pnk feathered carnations accented by spigs of ealber and pink and wite ribbos. Mrs. Robert Marshall ofR.R. t Miton, 515er of the bride. mas matron of bonor and more a two-picce suit of suIt cral brown and beige accessories, witb wite mum corsagc itb yelow centre. Gronesannan as Frnk Hans. in, brother o) te groom of 1361 Briarlyns Crescen t, North Vancouver. The grooms mother sccre a navy and white chccked suit, navy and white stram bal mvilh pink carnation crage. Tbe reception wa-, hld in Capilanu Gardons, West Van- Milton Cou ncil -MiIIl ils sb yer s jusI c bers a tise fit sessio eft B cussit pery lanewi bydro R is e the t- city ib tai appel for ac $9000 ing I front isg p ional the IN struct Aprit Octot e. A Publil 000. OSITI igglesworth couver. Tbe weddtng cake, made by tbe brîde's moîbor and snts front Ontario, was decorated with yelloso rones, a hearl, bell and lit candile ar- rangement on top wilh lily cf the vallcy. The weddine cake mas passed hv the bride and groon to1 the 50 guesîs. Grace was naid hs' Rec. Johnslone front St. Andresos W esl1ev Cbîîrcb. Many Telegranas ocre receso- cd, inolîiLfngon t- Ironthe brid', 01l"]gliesto score pîcocot rcîtsNorth and West Vancouer and Burnabv, aiso, Mrs. Faut Mav, Hornhs R.R. 2, (sister cf the bride) and Mrs. James Curnes'. George. tous R.R. 3, aunt cf the bride. After the receplion adance wus hcld invthe Gardcns and the bride and groom lrI ai 11.30 p.m. fora sou-dus hunev- mous lu Seattle, Wushington. A trip o plassned ho the nesolose,.eds for Jane of this vear' ho mosur car, travelling lhrough the Stases lu Mont- reul for Fspss und lu visit the bride's .smilv us Gecsrgeý tows. relcîrsne hob the Cas. ainroute. Thev collt sd ai 1873 Nelsson Street, Vancou- ver 5, .C, Betoce the marrlsge seoeral shuoersoec eld - îone ho he girls as t.P.F C. Interna- tional Pîsives snd FEngineerinsg ConsctltantsLo [iI cher.- the hridesovas emtptuvclas asien- ographer. A so cer was given ho Miss Jean Melstsoh. a form- er t oom-mate of the hride and une, ho Miss lsassne Mitne soilh close friendo cf Ihe fumilo ut- lending. Thece îcas aNooa ores- entution from emploees of Frederick Georle L imniltesci ns-bre the grooîm io emplîssec. ri ef sià Mm,- on Couusilhad oneof and Monda.so[lcthce Ealer horIet meetings of the boidas. on Monday esesing - ib CousscUtîr Tons Coosens ver an boue long. Mcmt- rcotîd the rcreation adjourned early lu allom u.,mmitîoocs .1001tcrs tousse sasce commitîe lu hld Io oosen ,pplicants for eigand discuns staff the position o) sommer recce- les. During the regular alion ds reclor, hoîh oludenîs s: cf a recreation course aI Uni- tayor S. G. hilds report- versity of Guelph. d the Wrks Suprislend- ae-t saslo.rnjd the ccc- race MKeras dis- scalion commiîtec did vol g a clverl ilS the lusor tbhe- ous y ccasing rs of as indusîrial pro- pc noavîs fs-c b-hf. nivets Son Court St.. mbose which o-on Tri-Counv hockey ay mas cul off by a sem cbampionships, as donations j substalion. arc usualy made lis trams iemrbers cosgratlaaîd inning lOntaais-wide recog- Leeve Austas Ledmith on sillon. tlecion as chairman of 0 Centenssal Coordinator Flaton Childens Aid S- E. Roso Paron sas grant- for 1967. cd a $50 a movîh tipencd for n application 10 the Os- is sock on cnens lt plan. noic Municipal Board mas ning. ted, seekisg permission 0 Mavor Cilds roportcd dditional espendiluren cf mnt îmembers had t- D os the Williamts Ave. Iended theospcn bouse aI Stoly structios projeet. etend- Rosars Cbarch on Sunday, te term of debestures and il cerlainty is a credil 1 10 20 years, and seek- lu the toms lu bacc sucb a termission for an uddit- heauliful building.' DepuIS- 1 7,500 espenditure osnReeve Charles Mesefo praised Main - Onario SI. recos- the parishionero for their tion. ork lt proparîs g frthe Daylight Saing Tinte w as wnclîtondet open bouse. and ;ceduled front Sunday, aI is suggst-ison as cter of 130 aI 2 asm. ta Sanduy. congraulationos is o csent bee 29 51 2 a. 1 o he paisb. A portion of the 1966 leny 0 A roqocot rssm the Dca- was approord for 'Milton cons. Boîard cfrlEmmanuel ei Sehool Board, aI $25e Bapîsi% Chîrcb, luo rscl dir- eclional sign, lu the cbocrobaI Msembers approved duos- the -Bronle- Hctup and Main- ing the toms office Friday Commercial intersectiosns and _______________ n Onario St.svs refeccod bsck focrIcîrîborinformation. rUARY e Coicnil apprssvod a Milton DistrctlHospitat Womens Fred Metcalf Auxisitagla dag Mas 12 and Fanerai service mas held ai St. Joepbns charcb un Fchru- arv 24 for Fred Meicaîfasec arity guard mho passcd aa n Guelph General Hospital on Feb. 20. Ne had becs in failing heslîb snce Decenther and mas 60 years o) age. 'He bad lived in Adtos tic the pat fem vears iîh is wife -Eunice, mbu survives hlm, as el as a daughler -Mary hMrs. Frank Dalevt o) Ados. FMt. Fcetcalf mus Ssrn in Yorkshire, Esglasd. and wsu msrried there in 1928 The fa- mily ltved in Toconto bctîîr coting here. Tmo broîhers Geore and Frank, 'Leeds, Esgîasd.,nd a iter Sarahanse. Leeds, e- mais- Palîbearers mccc J. Dsnsot y, Toronto; T. Clanv, R. Rod- er.- ts« Fonler. -H. Duffin açd W. Andrems. Inlerment mas in Evergreen cemelero, Miton. --Ove of Canadas ldent mes is a native o) Esquening. Westos Ostrunder of Calgary, a mentber of a pioseer dis- trict fanity, recestly cldrai- cd is 1041h birlhday in Ihai cty. He and bts ite Fanny 91, ntoved to, a Cagary surs- ing honte in September. Legion Notes by charles scott Adtos Branch mas bonI 10 the Zone meeting held on Sun- day tant, Mareb 19, when the following officers wcrc elected for a Imo year teent: Zone Contma nde r, W. Shields, Braneb 114; DepuIs Zone Cont., C. Heath, Branch 82; seerelary, appointes); Memherohip. F. Scott, ilrancls 114; Sports, Don Murduff, Brancb 136; Publie Relations, C. Heath, Brascb 82; Poppy Fond, P. McMillan, BrunIe Brancb; Service, C. Pray. Branch 15; Dcep u ty Sports. J. Aldernon, Brascb 82; Cenlennial, H. Hascîl. Branch 582. Cuntrude Art Adants, Thîrd Vice - Provincial Commander svas guent speaker.w Milton Branch mas repre- sented hy omn. Murdoff. Jobs- sosn and Dingman. MEMBERSHIP DUES We are socs- mcl inIa the msnlb of March and althougb memherohip ducs mere due sn Januars. qoile a fec mr still cststancling. "Dues" lime eacb cear is a sizeable job for the brsnc h secrelary, but if ducs sore paici un lime or within he monlh uf Januaro a lot of the work cuuld be eliminsted. Su. ,.otrrades. if Ibis matter bas slipped vour mmnd. pav- ment of 1967 ducs milI ttcmont appres iated. THE NEW LOOK Ilosaure an occasionsl vis- loc tuo our clubroom or have vol heen here for a mbile, il s,culd be morlb s 1cm minutes csf soor sime somcrocsning lu dlrospin and sce mat is being cîoe bh, hheface-lifting depart- ment. Yoa oouldn't knom the su1d homesleud nom. Csmradc Andv Grabat han eocelted himocîf mitb bis nam .sîsclhsmer and thismwork is ueaurncomplelion. Wbes tbe îsnihing souches ar-e duine and le us nitare inssalled. me cuIlbase a s.-uhront second i 0 toe iii the oounty. Nom bhi theb ressorulisn bug seents o have sel and since il s cen- sena eur t mouldn't ttcsur- psî,ed if Andvo takes bis saw .snd hammer upstairs to the oecnd fluor. A ltle face-tift- isg Ihere mouldn't ds any hacm. for Heights, Peru Nosuoseva and Esqueing impronentent basts Councit representatises ilI Reeve W. Ceuller mccl ss os 1h representativ- cilor W. Mubos - co stMilton luo eek permis- lu clmee ilh Es ,io 0t oblain mater for Mit- ilb Milon. isn Heights Iron thIe InOs lineorîsigisatisg aI elîn in Kel- su Conseorvation Arcs and par- :stteing Higbmao 401 10 Mit- Thc Ontario Water Resourc- os Commission bold Nansaga- %%er, îymududeaec-aCosseil Manduy in a let- N O N feasi ilils study mhiek mould ho preparcd un thc -asnulnp- sis saîec mouId ttc napplied fron tIhe ise sapplyingMAilIon. FRÉ The OWRC uargcd the couscil su meet iIh Hilton repreen- lalices for permission te tap MOULAR DILIV the ise. Wels Le thse Milton Heighîs area bave beconte contantin- ated and sisce part of the Mit- M L ton Heigts and Fera area is ili Esqaosing and parI in Nan- ,igamcya, bbomonships are invoilved. Il mas esiimaled 12 houses scre ocaîed in Nansagameya and abosut 85 iv Esquesisg. It s anicîpuled a saler supply cîold ho prssided on a local 7 $100. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444 44 WIOLITSt $30. Dl 133 Main St. r and Cous- were named suesing and TME NEW LOO ... PLUS Comeade Elmer Blaeklock is a mas of many talents. Am- ong olber instruments, Elmer pîsys bagpipes in Ihe Lorne Scots Pipe Band, but is pet hbby is canvine. Onua recent visil lu is recreasion room I cas shon cringoflatlecast a do en regimntnal cresto o) the Canadian Army. al vcry meliculounly carved. Hin ltent carving ns of the crest of the Royal Canadian Legion mhicb lie kindly dosated 10 eue Brancb and mhicb bas found a place o) hosor on the malts ut our nemlovrenuvaled cub- roont. In addition lu thin hie donaîrd the hand carved lct- tecm and numerals mieh ides- lify our Branch. Me cas only say "Tbank Yuu, Elmer." but te itI have the satinfaction of kneisa Ihal is fine mork itl bc there for ai]tot sec for masy years 10 conte. INDUSTRIAL DAITS Tean t nandings as cf Marcb 13. Hoods Chicken Kisgs mon 12 for 166, linîtoses mon 8 for 184, ions mon 14 for 164, Superiors mon 8 for 158, Es. panders mon 8 for 228 Dam- busters mon 8 for 150, Hotnoers mon 4 for 136, Dingers mes 2 for 146. RUCHRE As a prlimisary notice, Zone Eucbre se811 be held in Actas on May 13. Milton B and C teains milI compele. A "POWERFUL" NIGHT On Saturdsy sight tat sur main fluor mas bopping te, the nousds of tbe "ould ned' mben me held sur snnoai St. Pal- rickts dance. For patrons' dancing c o mfort admission mas limiled lu a certain sunt- ber, the lunch put on bv Cent. Frank Kaszycki and is sife mas excellent, tbe orchestra mas fi st classand realty play- cd for tbe occasion, and -to top '.1 ail the displsy cf Irish dancing put os by Joan Waters and bier girls wsa reatly mat. nificent. In lI me bud a grand and 'pomerful" night. The onty tisg missing mas tbe eld boy, St. Patrick, himself. THERE WILL BE AILK DELIVERY IDAY, MARCH 24 VERY SAT. AND MON., MARCN 25 end 27 .ON PARK DAIRY EXCIT N G A/ek'~Ws -t, 878-2131 St. Patrick's dance at Brookile Hall Continujng their efforts t0 make Centensiat Year "the jrendliest and mont go o d neighborly yet," thc Nassaga- weya Nseighbors' Association held a St. Paîrick's dance os Friday, March 17, St Brookvjîle Hall. Over t00 aîtended the event, despite the wintry weather. A raffle for a large green and mhite cake, mas wosn by Dos Sntalt of R.R. 1 Campbellvilte, and a door prize' sas won by John Jarvis. Rsfrehmcnî os wereprovided bv a commisico., and the ma- jority cf the nighs passed with squsare-dancing 10 the "Jolty MilIes'. An Eaaler Sunday party is planned for clildren of mem- bers. It will ttc held inî Brook- ville Hall. Those wishing to join the As- sociation do not have tottc residents of the Township. Clildren may attend the Eas. tee parly if esrotmcnts are filied! before the date. Membcrslsips for 1967 are sold at $2 and may be acquired front J. Bell of R..I Campbell- ville (854-9t97) or Mrs. Newe- ton cf Long Acre art, RR. 1 Campbellville (85499921. SmnalI attendance at benefit dance Residents of the North Bar- linglon - Campbeltville mous- lais areastsaged a benefit dance for Halton Opportunity Prodsct Enterprise (HOPE) morkshop Priday evcnsng. Poor weather and the similar occurrence nf another celebru- ted event combined 10 create a raîher disappointisg attend- Over 50 people did attend, homever. and an evening of square-dancing in old-fashion- cd cotantes to tIse muic of tht Crnie Orchestra of Brook- ville mas tollowcd by refresh- mets served by the Ladies' Auilisry for thse North Haltes Association for teeMentallv Retarded. The dance was hld in Ligny Hall and shoot M30wss reatiz- cd afler espenses. Novelty and door prizet wcre given. $375 damnage IMilton Police report a veh- cIe drives by Jane M. Goay of 154 Geofrey St., Toronto, re eeived $300 damage mhen il mas in collision with a car dri- ves by John Del Nin of 410 Woodward St., Milton, Satur- day. Thse oelon, shich t oIt place aI the interseclion oft Woodward and Onaro Ss., renultrd is $75 damage 10 the Del 'Nin vehicle. Two accidents. holh causing $75 damage, occurred Tuesday asd Wednesdav. Drtivers are being sougbt in esch case. Notice To tise Citmenssof Tise Town ef OAKVILLI Tise Munldpal Offce. WIII b. CLOSED lb Good Fridey and 0 Easfer Monday MARCK 24 and 27, 1967 F. MeLeen Anderson, Mayor, Town ef Ochyile 41 years minister Rev. J. L. Graham retiring Rcv. J. L. Graat, mînîster M. Ledwitk, dMes. T. A. Mots- of St.,Pauls United churcls for Inton, trs. R .Lltt, Glbert tIse paît Il ycars, ansoonced Wriggtcsseoefh, Jobs MilîmttI, bis plant to relire at tIse end of June, mIes he addeessed the congregalion on Sunday MHis tinisîry bas apanned more Ihan 41 ycaes, tIse paut Il as mînisîe of the Milton ehurch, -is decision ta retire, he bold fhe congregation, vias for heallh reusoss. Me began as miniter t st. Pau's in Peameal BACON ..... Nuvember 1956. PORK CHOPS ----- Following bts relirentent, he -- ii lake a position mith R~oy- UNICO OIL ---------- ai York Road United church Ontario POTATOES-- n Toronto as Retieed Assist- ant in Charge of Visitation. R.dpath SUGAR .... He iii ttc the thîrd tinisler Maxwell Hous. COFFI in Ihal congeegatios, At a congregalional meeting Fr.sh CHICKENS . .... foltoming the Sunday mors- Shed.' INR ing service, the 0f ficial Board Shedr INR mas uuthorlzed ta appoint a Maple Leaf BOLOGNI pastoral relations committec otdlaPRM to seek a succensor. t4amcd to M rael RM .. theceonmtntîtclale wcrc J. RED BRAI AUTOM BODY SERVICE* RON 0 eSIRLOIN 0 -BONI *FREE DI ~J22s Geni When oar mes do the job of psinting or fia- f ing he bodp et poar cor, yoae ac sf6.bet.ESQUESING IILLS AUTO BODY PUBLIC Si Manlt 878-3251 K INDER Seek Milton water ENROLMENT Ckildr.n who wiIl b. 5 yearm .ld on or b.fore D.oemb.r 31, 1967 will atend Grade 1 or Kndergarten. PARENTS: Please complete the attached registration form and forward ta the principal of the school in the district in which you reside. Ths form huld b. compotad and forwarded net Isar. than Match 31 Parnts ah@aId have y.., chlld'sbirth ceaeIificat availabla and registration day. Child's Name ....................................... Date cf Birth .........Month .........ear ........ Parents' Name .................................... Address .....................Phone No. ......... PLEASE PRINT THIS INFORMATION Tattersail Checks in Spring Colors For Pant Suits, and Lightweight Coats Reg. $550 yd. (aô Jtei' SPECIAL $3 50ydL SALE of Knitting Wools CONTINUES at BANKING HOURS IN MILTON DURING EASTER WEEKEND The Chart.r.d Banks in Milton WiII B. CIos.d Fridlay, March 24 and Will Provici. Extended Hours THURSDAY, MARCH 23 PROM 4.30 P.M. TO 6 P.M. NORMAL BANKING HOURS WILL Bt OBSERVED MONDAY, MARCH 27 THE CHARTERED BANKS IN MILTON William Mabon and Charie lThomson. Alternates named were Douglas CruickahanIk and C. Hiltz. The P.resbytery representat- Ive on the contmittee %dB be Rev. A. K. Grifflths of 1fOw- ville. --------..... 75c lb. -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - 6 9 c lb . .....- . ..$1.95 Tin -------50 IL - $1.25 ....... 5 lb. bag 35C :E...... 79C lb. bag -- 1.............. 37C IL ... ...1....... 55c lb. A --------2 lbs. 75c ........... ..... 69c lb. kNO STEAKS 891b ELIVERY* teral Store TOWNSH1P SCHOOLS tGARTEN Lqzw"w