Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 7

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Five applications Comm ittee of Adjustment busy Approval of four applicat- Ions and the reftuai of a fiftb reeulted f rom the huaient Mil- ton Committee of Adjusîment 0f the year. *Taenday nightîs meeting end- ed for Committee memibers ai 12:30 a.m.. four boums and 15 minutes af er it began. Th appleicao which drese the mot atention was receiv- cd from Benito Crisci. It e quesled relief an front yard and side yard allawances and a change in flaur area, for a double duplex h ouse carreot- ly being consîrocîrd on Mur- in St. The application was appas- ed by the Milton Planning 'Board represented by Gordon Golland, te town of Milton. f'te. and Mrs. Clayton May, Mrs. S. fi. Riddrll and Mes. Mayse Agnew. Ten other rate- payers also appeared at the meeting, bat did not speuit oual against the application. Solito Harold F un k, npeakîng on behali of Mr. Cri- sci, said titat is client was an inexperienced bilder and bad discavered the cost of the ne.w building far exceeded the es'imates. Becaase ai tiis, be tboughl il necessay ta transiorrn il ino six apart- menîs rather than four. Tbe sddilional îwa woald bave heem localed in Ihe hasement. Ait er canidering te appli- cation. the Committea ruled againsl it. An. application frora Robin Huud Fluor Mutas Ltd. con- cerning long range imprave- menits ta te cumpanva pro- perty an Martin St. was ap- proved. Thte plans called for Milton Cou ncil Briefs At ils reglar meeting on Monda y aven ing, Mlton Coan- cil: a Reciard a cItter irora provincial treasurer C. S. Mc- Naugitton indicaîing te wbole systent ai taxation ia Ontario i. being stodiad. He said the proptasal by Ibm Township of Sandwich West concni Ibe requcht fur an aenmption tram celait sales tas for machinera sud equipment purchases ha te muaicipalities would bc conidered aller te depart- ment bas bad a n opportun ils lu stoda te recommendationa ai a special committer cor- cmnliv studying taine math- ada. Milton Council bad an- dorsed te realulion by Saad- wich West. e Reciard a ltter irom clark J. C. Mctntare indicaling Nassagao-eya Township Caun- cil la prrpared ta accapt te proportianate sitare of te de- hetare cost applicable to te Towaship for te propoard ad- dition to Miltoa District Higit Scbool. e Agrard la support an ap- plication irotu Harold Herens- Ella and Sons own gold medal sire Tht Jersey bull, Brampton Niad Acmr, Very Gaod, Silver Medal, Senior Superior Sire, bas jual itee deignaîrd a Gald Madat bull ha the Cana- dian Jcramav CaIlle Club oantae bîgit production oi four of is daugittaîs. He bas 14 tledc daugittars i-lt the average me, production of 10,201 lits. mîik, 556 lits, fat, 5.45 par ceant, aud 17 classifirdo-it ite av- erage ai 86.70 per crut. This bull wasubeed ha B. H. 'Bull and Son, Narval, sud is owned by Kennetit Ella and Sons. Homnby. His sire, Brampton Actue, Excellent, Silver and Gold Medal, Senior Superior sud Century Sire, bas 118 tesrd daugitters taI average 9,778 Iba. milk, 502 lits, fat, 5.14 per cent sud 134 lassifird taIa- erage 86.74 par cent. His dam, ,Brampton B P Naîdua, Excel- lent, bas 6 records, including taI made aI 2 peara 193 dapa, lu 265 dava, ai 0645 Ibs. milit, 506 lta, fat, 5.05 per ant. Thte four Gald Medal daqgit- fers ai Brampton Niad Acnnr are: Rock Ella Acme Rata, Ex- cellent, oith record at 3 peurs 278 days, in 305 daya, oi 11,102 lits. milk, 629 its fat, 5.67 per cent; Rock Ella Acme Stan- dens, Excellent, witb a record at four years 259 days, in 305 days, uf 12473 lits. milk, 680 litsfat, 5.52 per cent; Rock Elia Niad Acrar Star, Exctl- lent, sitit a record aI 4 years 2U0 days, lu 305 days, of 11,440 lits, mut. 643 lits, fat, 5.62 par cent: sud Rock Elta Xeniu Acme, Very Gond, witit a rec- ord at 5 yearn of age, in 305 days, of 10270 lits. milk, 612 lits, fat, .96 per cent. the tart oi improvements 10 the property in the near ftt- aire and te complelian in 1947.Included lu tbe plan is te eventual tesring duwn of two buildings, the relocat- ion aifte cumpany offices in te present milI building, the extension oi parking facilitica and impruvemenla lu the ex- terior ai the buildings. Approva i oite cammillar of Adjustmnt aaaneded ince the company's busianes icurrenlly a nan-cnforming use in an ores zaned commer- cial. Dr. C. A. Martin and hitksal- car William Sharpe spoke againsl the cumpanys pro- pusal, stating tbe company did nul have suificienî space. lu ruling in favur af the ap- plication te Commillee imdi- caîrd. "te general improve- ment woald be more beneiic- li lu the applicant and lu the luwn as weBi. Two aplicationa frora Fred 'Paup9t ai 22 'Mary St., anking relief irom the zuning by-law covering lot requiremenis were upprovedi. The Commilîe raîrd thal since tbe two huas- es an the properly involurd wrre bul before the zaning bv-lasa o-as adoptrd, the ap- plications sbould be approved. Thte bouses are locaîrd aî 171 and 175 Branle Si. An application irom Oew- mac Construclion Lîd. o-as also, approved. Il concerned the building ai a bouse on Higitaide Drive. Approval ai Ibm original application waa granîrd in February, bal a sligbl errar un the part ai the surveyor had made a ueo- application necessarv. The Canadiani Champion, Wednesay, March 15, 19677 Queen 's Park Report b y g eo r ge a. k e rr m..a. My mai regarding trading seampa has bren quite sab' §tanlial. Lellera range iroro "havent you gaI somelbing mare important taowarry ab- outl?" ta "pIeuse, pIeuse, please support the bill tu outlawa tbem". I bave receiaed mure letr rom- peuple opposed lu stampa Iban f rom peuple wbo lite îbrm and use hm Opinions arr in Ibrereste- furies. (Il) Thoe wbo 1k alampa and continuously collect Ihera. Tbrsr sbupprs say thal the prizes and giits Ibea oblain are worlbo-bite items t1h a t bhey 'would nul narmally boy. Somne admit Ibat it la their High School Highlights !ucatio ee:;:Milton Hn in-aksetund c::- :red diagrans the formation Ditic igh Schuol was a ducted a disection of a pre serv- of the Great Lakeýs system, or and lectures were informative under the microscope. These iran weighing 400 lbs. When and very interesting to the dispîsys included grasshopsper the two buses rift -for Mlton students. mouth parts, blood cruls of the they cutttained a geoup ai high- On Tuesday, during the three f rog, and many mure. The tu. ly knowledgcable peuple. cafeteria periuds, severul sci- dents weee genuinely pleosed ence student., including Garv with the exhibit. Andress. Beth W a rdl1e and r- -- . .. 1 -1 ier gcrIoithc' Ontario Higbo-av Trasport Biord requetiof a "C" licence wich scoatd alloa hlm tiitruck goods tbaud [rom te 1(aaniof Miltua Couacillor Bria n Bcsi .tgrced lta represcrt toan counicil ai te bearing. Mr. Huensiterger oo-nsanîd îîpcî aies Central Cartage. 0 Ag recîd i totl osr a ce- quesl, 1 Wlliaom Green of Nuith Burliaglun for a quit cl..im cecd iii un 1Iacte ptr- colol l had oa is properis lu- aatc uler te escorpocat. i wa'.alsoaigrec-ilIiio-ait un- tîl te nesi meeting ta tube action un is requesi for a de- l ecasemnent on the townas vater ina whicitpas-sas throagh his property. Mayur S. G. Childa aaid. "te twoo solicitors should li il oe andI coma up wilb an estimale ut te coat involved"' e Welcumed itacit Oeputy- Clerb Audrea Brusit seitas bospilalizcîl ast a'eeb Mca Bru-b îbaaked counicil for secding ber floaers duriaf ber la bin ospital. a Approa'cd accouais total- licg $18,419.18. 0 Gave icol readinga 10oa b v-law estimatiuf road imu pruvemets and mainteanancc capendit ares avoId total S85.- 100 for 1967. 0f taItotal. $15,000 oill hc spent on road canstruction, 165.000 on main- tenancand S5,000 on the con. struction oficuthers and brui' Pes' *VER Stock Up Now - W MILTON UN 1 Open 'til Wrdîîesday ai last wc'rk. As as- pecîrd. Ibm parents cameoutl la droves. Tbey could bava spenl tha night talking ta teachers or merely oandrring about the corridors sieoing scientiiic. econamical or lang. uagr dispîsys. In addition duriug tbis past o-rab Ibm Science Club tbraugb Mr. Rabinson obtaiurd a Pro- (essor nf Cbemisîry at MctMas- ter Ulniversity ta came and lec- ture ta the entire ruSdent body ai M.D.H.S. Hia Ialk waa ou the theora ai ligitt sud ils imli- mate st ructure. Once again Edocatian Wek bas pravrd ils value ta student, tescer and parent alike. On Priday, Marais i0 several grades aiof wuld-be gealogias. led by Me. Blacb sud 'Mca. Sam- mev wrnt ta te Royal Ontatu Museum ile Taronto. There the almdents o-arr fortunata n ougi totahave a guidrd tour lbrougb te buge Grologa De- partment. Tbry saw te formation of Ibm prasent rock and soit base n North America. 5555in cul- AAi au'e suie, aucre ut Sp.ysdà Thecannaal baba sale sud ruchreraI, Spayalde Sebool beld on Friday evraluf, Maecb 10. o-as a financial succesa. The lucky drase prizero-- ners o-ere: $10. Nettîr Mc- Trasb, NatIon Manor, Milton; bushel ai apples, 6. Wingfirld R.R. 3, Ger'getown; box oi graceries. Mary Kraata, Hat- Ion Manor, Milton; I0 quarts milit. Mrs. C. Cata, RR 4. Actan: gallon motar ail, Mrs. M. Koka, RàR. 4, Actas. The raclîre prize wianera o-are' ladies' firal. Doris Kent- ner; sec oid. Mae Fauntain; biddrn score, Doris Barber: gants, firat, Merain Barber; second.,i'iarty Houper, bidden ai50re, Heien Sacque. - 1 Lunch o-as saraed bv tbe ladies la charge. Heart disease destropsansd cripples eneculive personnel and wipea outl eara afinl- vraIment la akilîrd labor. GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB - DANCE-ý Saturday March 18 8SP.M. UNION HALL, PINE ST., MILTON HUGO0 MEISSNER'S SAND R E FR E S HME NT S I 9 Il.1.. L.IM Ealster SPECIAL )RDEN'S ONLYwo u VY BIG ON FhAVOR" On. REGULAR One CREAM oua This urs. - 3 RICKS Fri. - Si- Sun. Fe are open aIl day Wod. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sit. . Sun. PLAZA SMOI YO HOLIAY THE MILTON PLAZA NEEDS I 10 p.m. lncluding Sunday gambling instinct Ibal givra Ibetu sume satisfaction, aI- tbougb lbey cdaim te store catalogues arr vometimes tmis- leading. Thev accept te propos iion ltl Ithe gmmick .0515 tuonea andlthci'etoîe alusl'beaedded 'a the cost of food. Howevrî. they are resigned la the ladt gracera muat adverliar and promoîr, and if nul with stampa, tIbm in some oher way ia wbicb the coalomer may nol be able ta parlicip- aIe. Cualumers bave a choice. Ibey argue, Iheretore il would bc contrara laaour conception ai a [rer democralic saciel v lo an noIis cboice. Wauld wr trade Ibis for the drab old dosa ai bulk marchandise and homespun garments? (2) The nseond calegory arc thase cualamera woadon'tre alla care as long as tbey have a choice. Tbese people indic- atr tbat tbcy knoa' tbe sys- tem is cost, lbink il ai sillv, bol oppose gavera mel legia' ltion and regulaton on pria- cîpîr. 3) Peuple wba 'apport the dca ai banning trading 'lampa are more vocal and quite veitement. Tbey titink, quite rigbtlv an mv 'opinion. tut lampa are i stoune item bhat bas made the wo otelod iadsry sacb a controvers.ial ane. Tawrl and dishes la aoap packages, muga ix oatmeat. lova inacercal: mosts' item, that are unnecessacv and add greatta* 10t- tbhe -t outhIe pro. dort. Large paekages that sas "10c oIt" tI0c oll Saat't ad con- taintesofthe podacltb,în asmallc, pua'c ofthe sao-c braad wlo-itathIe "brgaia" The bardw are alore'and the dlraf store docs ntt "gl-. mick" bhel rcosltamers u scb a îlegrce. Wbv Ibea thc fr0. crst ore o-ben food ,cl ssu es- seaial aad pricescotneI risc? Tbe mainv reason. ut course,is tbat Ibere ia 11111e or no difiereace ta tbe quality of praducîs sold ta grîlcers Because many woamen today do nul take adequate lime ta abop, thea arr mare suscept- ible ta the "som6lbîing for nu>- tbing" principle. 'Large conven- lent stores witb elaborale pa- c kaging, aide eboice ai mer- lî,atise and fast service bas made real marketing a lbiag ofth bapast. Mrcans reatl doit Itave la selI. Tbe manu- facturer does Ibat for thero a'itb tbe contrat and tbe giva- The "Ban the Stamp" sup- porters tberriore fet lb a t sametbing abould ha dane lu correct Ibis giganïtic shatu and bhat gaverument regulatian is the anso-er. Tbe food industrv, taced wilb sucb contrai. wil1 do aometbing about tbe proh- lem bhemsrîves. Frankly. I bave my doubla. t dontthîiak Ibe large food chains aill gel tbe message, niaialv because lbere are 100 maypeople o-ho are icdii- tereat about att Ibasa cruel Ibiaga bcing doue 10 thern. Forîunataly or unfiortunstely, a e cant change human ual- More important. goverameal legisaaian could neyer ha nf- lec'tive. lIbn tbree provinces thal ban stampa llbey stop- ped tberm briare tbey ever bc- came availablel. Ibara are jutas nmacs gimmicks ta ho- bher and distract tbe cu9tao- I 1am tbld tbat $101ailI boa ju51 as mas grocarira in Ontario as il oill la Alberta, a'berc stampa are againat tbe KARIN'S PLOWER SHOP le the Milon Plaza 0 Faneral Tributes 0 Wrdding Design 0 Hospptl & An versay Arrangements' e c' 878-2881 %Te Foc Agil -4-x. Occasions mi ~schn... lCantinued irom Page Oua) nase," te huards finance committeec ciairman Glyn Rab- crIs said. Deputy Reeve ;Meneiy said "o-e oanted lu read sud sec and itear what te Consultat- ive Committer bad la ssy on Ibis plan. I'm prelly sure te directive ta te cammitîce in Frbruary owIit e difirrent titan in January." Aflar discussing lte isauing of debenlaces. Deputy Clark Aiicrc'v Bnîîsh was i nsîrocîcd se e il there was a tond for dehenioras proaldine guoron- leed interest. Couccillar Brian Sent aabed il tece had iteen rxplorslory wark doue wîit Acton 'la sec if a minimum ai 12 studeuls in ana ace cias.s migitt ie arrang- cd? Principal R. C. Hanter said te iacts unearlhed indicatrd tera Oas saificient need for te addition an thehais ai Milton and district's demands, bal taIttis wouldn'l pre- clude occepting stodeuls frorn tuber districts ta make a more caanomic aperation. Councillor fiLen uared ln- ta thte need for an extra gym- nasium, and wan told Il would be necetuary Io0 tuet goveen- ment regulationu wh4ch ra- quire a gymnanlam for every 400 cludents or pacI of that total. Principal Hanter satd carrent gymnaula facilitien ara witbin a iew periods of cap- acity. if you lte loto conuld- eration the cushion provldcd by the stnggered lunch per- iods. tn aaawer ta a query irotu Rerve Austan tedwith, Mr. Gardhaaae said the present higli schuol plan cauld cotnti- nue ta grow t10 ram une or îwo more expansion levels and would likely evenluslly accora- modale 1,500 - 1,800 students. Before leaving, members of the board agreed 10 give defin- ite grant fi gares ta couneil as soon as they are available. YOUR RED CROSS W4i ITS NOT TOO LATE Rd TO ORDER Your Draperies for Easter TO BE SURE ORDER NOW! WIDE RANGE 0F FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM *FRIGIDAIRE FLOOR MODELSAN D EMO NST RATOR MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ONE ONLY FOR ONLY 4 BURNER, AUTOMATIC Ifla VoWh CLOCK coNTrROLLED 'I 47 ad. REFRIGERATORS t7 n b As Low as ------- $1 7.95 Tade MANNIG ELETRICACION MANNIG ECTRI853219,50 FRIGIDAIRE protects you for 5 vears Even 967Figiaire until ha. a parts wareanty 19on lite complediva 72systera lucludiug lte: 19 motor. protectlng you untili1972. 1 AMMbépm% 1 à % 1 )n 3r te h- H(E (

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