'fà The Canadien Champion, Wednesdsy, Marcht t5, 1967 Boles-BIytIi wedding ceremony at Ebenezer church on Mar. 4 In a double-ring ceremnony in Ebenezer United cisorcis at fine oecloek on Saturday, Mar. 4. Sandra Lee Janet Biptis and John David Botes ere mar- ried. Tise bride is tise daugiter of Mr. and Ms. Horace Bipti, R.R. , Acion, and is emptoyed at M. Ben Hair Syist Sisop, But ington Tise groom, son aiMr. andl Mis. Veinas Baies, R.R. 2 Guelpis, s eniiptaa*ed ki Steico Steel, Hamiltoit Rev. W. A. Leeman oficiated at the ceremony, and baskets of whiste sissta mamns andl lece decoraied tise cisorcis. A cousin of the bride, Frank Armstcong ut Montreat, piayed tise srgan for tise service. John Kiteing. R.R. t Moffai, sang The Lords Praver iefre tise service and The Wedding Pros'- er during the signinsiof tise refis tac. The brides., fluiac engtb gomn was oflwiste peau de soie stvied in Empire fines mush long lits' point sceeses. A chapel train was aiiached ai tise waist and edged siih daiss embroiders. Hec sioulder lngib seil wiii s -alloped edge feu fcum a single peau de soie rose. Sessre apeari neck- lace and earrings. Hec bau- quet svasa as,iale tf swie sbasia mums ands'eltii se, Matron of honnir 5505 tie bride-, aider sisi . sKeitis Anderson, .RR , Campiseit ville. Bridesmais%vie'a tri end, Miss Patricia Grant. Bur litn gton,' and ber sooniger 1 ter, Miss Peggy Bistis . R RL Acton. A cousin Miss Janet Mason. RR.t1.TroiSss,sjun. or bridesmaici. Tises sere al ai essed alike. in luir languis lime green gowns fashiineal in Empire sisie Tieir %,cils matibeai and tise ssorasisge sirands of pearis. Shissa munis cîm- priaeal iisirisbouqoets. Tise bride ssa, gises in mai- niage bs ber fatiser. Groomsman matt Brion Cir gi. R.R. 1. Canîpisaiti îlle. n tise usieisis%,oe Rabeit Baisai. Guelph,.couosin cil îthc griini Robert Bunok, Waiiaiiisi. anal Robant Bîstis. hisiaibeii th,-e bride. In te ccetnlia .icePia wa,s iel i n tisehuaich is ti %ben guesiswr cond trîîm Minircai. Peiehcrisacsgis Toronta. Hamillian. Paic,. Per, th. Waterlooî. Trits' Waer duown, Bringion. Gai1pis. Georgetuown anti Acian. Thse hides mther receis%'a iseorngaitaaupeisi'aisn cmisii ,cd shcatis airas, t a ilet i, peau ae soi e sitismatising accessories. ftiisereai bitan Tisagronom', matier cbosa ï urquouise thiseepicee niiiec suit sitis turquoîise and ista.ý bat and baîck aies,iries an( a cursage of ciratacarnations Specliguct sawecatb brides graniparenis fîom Pot i-, Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Runtd and tise grooms grandparenis M. and Mrs. Rimer Bee R.R. 2, Gualphs Tise couple lit un aosscd ding trip tu Huntsvilla an surruuriding aras. tisa brid ss'aring a two-piea.o suit a green tweed sitis white Ilu colac, block pilibus bat, 910% as and siues. H er corsag i sacs of saie gardenias. Tbcy are making tieir home at 443 Pearl St., Burtiogton. Beore lise marriage, several speciat evenîs were iseld. A surprise miscellaneous sisowee was ietd by Mes. Tom Mates and Mrs. J. Emery, Burlington, ieid a panlry sisower. Tise Ebeneer cboruh ladies ield a misceloaneous sisuer in tise Sundav Scisoot raîaîîî MissiJanet M.son, of liais, ieid a siisei ai ber bornte. A trousseau tea usas ietd on February 26 t tise brides home. Tisose pooring tea were tise gtsoms grandmotiser, Met. E. Botes, tmo conts from Wat- erloo, Mes. George Bictis and Mrs. Doreen Botes, auni Mrs. Fred Mason of Troy and Mrs. James ishser of ergetown. Tise table svos deeorated witb pink carnationsmwhite mums and candies. Recciting ssere tise grooms mîtiber, Mrs Botes and tise brides motiser, Mrs. H. Bist asitise bride. GI.Kerr is candidate George Kerr, present 'M.L.A. for Hatton, announced he witt be a candidate for tise Conser- va tiee nomination for tise pro- vincial riding of Hatton-West, at tise annuat meeting of Ac- ton and Norths Esquesing Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion. Tise meeting and social ev- ening drew a modest erowd Io Acion music centre, Tise nomination meeting %ililibe heid ai Central high scisool auditoriam, Burting- ion, on Aprit 7. ln ha atidresi to the group. Mr. Kerr announced that 10 ites cf Higissay 25. ietween 401 and Acton, iii ise comp- Sleteis' reconstruc ted ibis sum- Smer.tte ais,, referred 10 im- provrmenis pianaed for Higis- was 25 from Higismar 7 to 24 ai Ospringe. Tise provinciat agricoiturai museum taise iocated on 85 ' acres: ai Keiso Conservation A rea stit sisow a pre-Confed- t. eratiin agricottural commun- sv. ise said. Ha rley to Halton b y hsar ry h a r1e y mp. Tise H 005e ofi Cammons bas been eessed mosiaoi thepasi asc, iseai'eotta taagc and uadden passingo ai Hs Ex- seilenes. tisa Governat Ger ai. t tioagisi t migisi revis-a n iis caiumn sorne aitisa ai esoftise dîaag iriolsirs n Canada.Tise Drug Ciammi tee iearings basa nova been saintpieteai Tise somni' e as not% a hcadssiismans dacas- ins aahisasi sauid sgnifia.atIN atuer tha dtug naliasrs in Can- ada. Our report mui bring n a pigram avichis aitimaintain aruger ibaoantween the niersl~s of tise ndusîrs ond tisa iniresis ut tise drttg cotn- sumr asd vili asa ase to taka' nti, sansderation tise imprtance ut in.reased i enitisaresois hin Canada. Ilsisoalal bcepaanied oui tisimusi aittise lianadian drue induairv ta usder lareign sunirol. J tisa recentis tise ast large Canauian firm. rosat oi Mntreai. as purcbosed by aAmerican sampans Tise question oainternational pat- enticannti. tieretaire, efr tise pcture anad Canadian sois Seek co-ordi 1Of welfare c A - the -ibsAisaiae Couns i fur uthe caýrinatioa and Es panssan aif Social Sac' t a bc cais soarmed n South- arn Ontarioa Tise arganîezatian, nianded ioc-riae avaitare accc n prts ai tise sauntîes.aaas i rpiuaeda,!ast vesit isa teý paott spanrsarsd ba Tise Ont.,,it 1 Weiiare Cauncil. Halian asîuid h, nuleal astisail omui iessbstseen Hamiton andl Ossa ta a Rtcaoed hy AntisaîtsAdam- siiairies pas patent royalties taîtiseir parenicampaniesouot ide ail Canada. Most of the drugs manutue- aue n Canada are actualis' impotied t raim ulside ail Con aain thisr rasa state and aeNltlie manufoture ut rasa niatersîl takes pase n Can- ad tisait Moast rasearsi ai d rug aaan- panies taises place ai ibeir iseaiaoffice and as tisaeiseod ofie aaelcated niasti out' ifCanada, tiera tara masSt ai tise researcis is dunc ou t sida' ut Canada. Tise avidence ietare tise caîmmillec sisi)s5 tisît tise profits o drug cam- pantes in Canada appear tu be about ta'ice as mucis as tise proflits for tisar manufactur îug industries in Canada. Il was uiip reaiized irom tise ieginning tisaitisere ssauld be nu simple or single resammendationtisat lise aom- miticeaaould make tisai saauid auiomoatieaiiv ead tu o reduc- lion in tise cositif drugs tut tise sansamer. Thias an be brougisiabout unis baivarisis 09 msasur- esand i %vas for thiss esoan inotion igencies sana hara,n aithtia'muti. saa)mnauîîts siuda saammits-e. tise regain soggesiea tise unit býtzs"ai,iaied taiplan fond taasang prajeci and aelare crie ntise area and eim' aale dassouragîng conusion nwpres aient. tisaitishe commuttee studied al aspects aoi drugs - tise menu- fatiiirng level. tise u'ioiesaae ieaei and tise real laetl The recommendation mode motIrequently Io tisecomn- mic mas tisaItise guvern- ment siouid remuve tise 12 perscenti ederai Sales Tas un presc ription drugs. Homever, ta du iis atone and du nous' ing eise wo id nut sgniis' mus vreduse tise cs ofaidrugs ta tiseetonsu mer. fi is mvsisncere bape tiai lise committees repart oilbc availabie in tise vers near fui- are and ai tisat i ure. tw gai nia detaîls ai tise repart tseli. Au»mee New fleslimgSubtance: shrimks Pule r"aiposiey, rtieor« it5in & i.eeisiiss. ini ues a" ta cmii star msWvih"i Setly meinipais, setuat redlucios C.heikagitask ptaen. Miel imprant of a-rilti enre.shsrouchsthii"imprsne- umaet ,ras altaiand sve a bupoid Tits ieuacesspliahsd il la a so 4 b stiustance iBWoDM vhieh sekty hes ehut fisM cilleax "kuulatm tnsvlh e0 Nov is-Dysa lesofinui in ohit- 555cm. Otiatios or ysr euaY Trade-in Alen 30.00 ON;Y $17995 CE FAMIY 0 ASK FOR A HOME DUMONSTRATION Crest HARDWARE 136 Main St. - Miften 070.6011 AUTOGONE?Ne IRENT ANEW '67 CAR FROM USu <We're just a few minutes away.> Smile. Relax. You can ent a spanking new Ford-built car from us. Quickly. Take your choice. Prices are reasonable and include insurance. So next timse you need a car ins a hurry, corne to us. And do your own disappearing act. In one of our new cars. RENTr-ACR M pnSSt us NOW fANniasses ETE CAR OF 5050 CIiOIC. M RENTACAkRTRAFALGAR MOTOR CO. LTD. -1409 Main St. East Phono 878-2369 ewStyle Barber Shop Table Lumps Compare et $1495 t. $19.95 oach OUR SALE PRICE $5.99eo.. 0 Sold lnPailrs Onily FABIAN FURNITURE Factory Pumniure Direct #e ye» DIAL 078-2091 For the early Easter, ws present a carefully selected _____ group of sesson.spanning styles in coats, tuits, cos- turnes. Choose now, look forward to Iastng fashion Lori-Anne Shoppo Mlton Plaen07843512 Do Your Eustor Washing Wi4ILU YOU SHOP WASH - 25e 12.1b. loid DRY - 10c PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE DE'ATII HAIR STYUISTS PHONE 070-2501 For Pesonlid Attention end Svingi PERMS $10 and UP TINTrS - $600l' Plhons now for .our lester Appelntmnft Dine with Us ... lts a break for Mois ... and à freet for the Iids. CARAVAN RESTAURANT Theresa Stean, Owner-Maîsager PHONE 070.3231 Easter Time is the Time for Eggs and The Time for Eggs is EASTER TIME! also rabbits at MILTON PLAZA SMOKE AND GIFT Open 'tiI 10 p.m. Daily lnciudlng Sunday r.. Speclizins in 1 FOR .L SAVEWAY SHOP HERE 0 Where There'. PIenty of Free Parking 0 Easy Parking KARE N'S FLOWER SHOP MILTON PLAZA 878-2881 Ps~xter We have a wide selecmon of quslity Lily, Pot Mums, Hydrangea end Mixed Pans available for the Easter sesson. ALSO - A BIG CHOICE FSON BROKEN LINBS Clearance Specell LADIES' FLATS 99C - $1.99 HIELS 99c - $2.99 l'ot in Ail Sizes POLLOCK SHOI Your Friendly Shoe Centre PLAZA MOTORS AUITHORIZED DIALER VOL KS WAG EN SALES & SERVICE Phene 87e-2962 LOB LA WS PRESIDENT'S SALE SPECIAU L.blews Cottage Sllced er Unslked BREAD WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT 3 «,«65C FRESH AS A DAISYI That's what everybody says aboat garments we've dry cleaned to Ilk.- new perfection, even when fhey're badly soiled or stained. CLEANERS AND TAILORS Fast Dependable Service Phone 878-2972 for Pree Pick.Up tn Teos te Taetns IN TIME f I EASTER Ncs..ic'V, YOU&LL. GO FOR THESE -7n WEEKENfD SPECIALS Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 978-3161 * FREE D E LIV E R Y Primo NORTADELLA .............69c lb. "S" Biscuts, Biscttl Dellatosi, Champagne Primo BISCUITS ..- ---------- 3 pks. 99c Espresso COFFEE Medaglia D'Oro ....99c tin Peameal BACON ................75e lb. Red GRAPES -- .......... 2 Ibs. 35c Primo OIL, 1 gallon tin . ..........$1.95 Fresh Chickens --- ........ 37c IL Florida ORANGES ............ 39c doz. PORK CHOPS ------------------ 69c lb. Primo TUNA, 7-oz. 3 for 99c, 312-oz. 3 for 69c RED BRAND BABY BEEFI " ROUND " SIRLOIN c 0 T-BONE 8 lb jCoat Assiembly $11.97 This ls a speclil preuase widm assoried styles, szes end celer.. Coe usrly for bat ss.rlnaest. SELF SERVE CENTRE Un The Milton Plaza ai