Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 5

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,oaJ,] fA~VI LOWVlfl. -March '10 igh sngles, Eleanor Marni.- ton 254 Rger Wllace 276. 11gb triples, Mavel Pegg 661 (223, '232. 206), Rager Wallacee 650. Other gaod garnis. Austin l%Îcaek 557 (260). Grdas Mur- kis 553, Stu King 640 (262), ian Hlickey 555, Janice Brdgmnan 359 (225). Met Davies 572, Et- nanar HamilIas 646 ý(2301, Shir- ley Davies 543 (209), Arnetia Bassett 564 1232, Joan Depor- est 544.(232), Linda King 540 Q13), Ray Powell 567, Met Hoad 547, Dianne Ales 210, Jeannette Piquette 207, Jai2k King 228, Dorthea Damna 212. Mel won 0 for t9, Marlene 7 for 86, Jack 2 for t6, Austin 7 -for $4, Bill DeForest 5 for 13, Stu 0 for 83, Linda 5 for 81, Bill Neg 2 for 80. P. L Robertion Girls Mareh 9 Latdies' 61gb single, B e t t y Seeney 327, ladies' high îriple, Kath Coates 600. Other good singles, Audrey Mambiy 319, Kath Coates 262, Marge Sclisizzi 254. 016cr good triples, B e L ty Sceney 674, Audrey Hambiy 655. Della McPhail 611. Marg Sclisizzi 399, Marie'Mrray 566. Heipel mon 7 for 17; Seeney. 7 for 14; MoPhail, 7 for 14; Costes, 5 for 12; Wilson, 0 for 12; Gcenke, 0 for 6; Murray, 0 for 5; Brash. 2 for 4. Ratepayers March 7 Ladies' high single, Grace Little 261; ladies' high triple. Irise Fei 669; mens high single, Jack Chaispoax 300; mens hightriple, Jack Champ. aux 844. BuIldogs mon 5 for 115; Terriers, 7 for 112; Pointers, 7 for 103; Greyhounda. 7 for 88; Colites, 2 for 80; Huskies. 0 for 72; Boxers, 0 for 60; Wlslppets, 0 for 42. 24 Club March t Ladies' high single, Donna Worth 265; ladies' high triple. Donna Worth 624. Other good singles: Donna Matira 258, Pink Teadel 253. Other gaod triple; Shirley Sirn 604, Glady MdKierie 595. Plarence won 2 for 114; Shirley, 5 for 105; Donna, 3 for 9; Erma. 4 for 49. HIGGINS PL'LYOFFS Mosday 730 O. Merriti, P. Gasher. R. Case, B. Greenfield dfealed O. Ken- nedy, L. Arbir, A. Pople, G. Homden. R. St. John. M. Bealy. T. French, J. Ksight defeaîed C. Anderson. J. Hall. L. Davis. W. Felil. E. Milisos, S. Childu, L. Wiiis, S. McFaddcn d ef1ea t ed C. Smeeirn, C. Reid, H. Emms. T Taylor. H- Rîddots, S. Roberts, B. Ci .mcnt, G. Sinclair deteaird B. MCiaig, G. Nemeli. S. Lock- le, G. Carruthers. Mausdmy 9.30 J. Simpson, G. McIntosh. M. Colîng, C. Ford defetcd S. Legale. C. Belton, L. Wuîker, J. Kelly. F. Martin, . PtoIcmv. J. Pet- ligrem. B. MePhaiI deteated B. Reid, O Yemm. A. Monroe, . Sosnomski. D. Fartcy. W. ElsIen. i. Damna. G. Smith detealed K. Hussard. B. rme, F. ison. D. Pegg. B. Rend, A. MoKinnos. C. Thumpuon, C. Martis defnaled D. Romluy, L. Foetus, B. Phil- lips, A. Falk. Tueaday 7.00 B. Taylor. K. Durnan. E. Fou- ler, A. Arnold, defealcd B. Wheeler, G. Fletcher, . Steele, A. Pal-k. N. Cameron, . MiII, B. Mc- Clure R. Carbes' detealed L. Hughes, B. Knighl. V. Barbes. C. Colheck. K. 'Moore. t. Challisor, M. Mahas. . Haymasd detcated P. Bars. B. Clement. J. MeMil- tan, J. Cosmay. M. Eccard, C. Watters. O. Leslie, B. Tallyn dcfculed S. Fay. T. Hainstork, R. Case. T. Jennings. Tueady 9»0 M. Phelps. J. Noble, J. Bromn, -M. Rasberry deteuted R. Couter, H. Stanley, . Me- Farlasu, R. Romtey. S. Nadalin. B. Porter, A. Cairss B. Readhead dfeated I. Siessor, E. LilI, C. Hunier. K. Lamrence. B. Erakisu, B. Pollen. E. Toi- etzka. E, Tamplin defculed S. Harrop. R. Randeli, -N. Couter, A. Homden. G. Chase, C. Dosie, K. 'Plaît, L. MîtKersie defeated H. Funk, E. Robertson, . Srhuyler, R. Segsmorth. Wisbss.day 7.00 H. Rlddolls, J. Fish, S. Le- gaie, 'N.,MoKenzie. by defauli; Noarosr9 Ladies' high single, Joan O'- Nitl 247; ladies' high triple. Joan ONeili 615; mens high single, M i k e -Boughtan 329, mes's high triple, Mîke Baugh. Ion 648. Other good singles, Ans Wol- laston 217, Gwenda Anderson 197, Feg Fontaine 195, Frank Fedulla 322, Jirn Harkis 239. Martin Vandesheuvel 223. Oîher good triples, Ans Wol. laston 603, Mary Lamant 481, Jean Churchill 474, Frank Fed ulla 647, 'Mike Belvedere 619. CarIs Luit 614. Borns mon 7 for 122; Corner- pins. 7 for 109, Dummies. 4 for 104, F Traop. O for 87, irates. 3 for 74; Happy Gang, 0 for 70; Headpins, 2 for 68; Mîstts, 5 for 67. Ladies' Special Fébruary 28 Ladies'tigh single, Bert Bridgmnan 243; ladies' high triple, Audrey Masos 631. Other good singles: Doris Luwsos 240, Kay Shields 226. Edrie Dawson 220, Freda Law- rence 216, trene Gilbert 196, Joyce 'Merkley 192. Other good triples: Kay Shields 586, Joyce tberktey 541. Bert mon 5 for 12; Isabel; 4 for Il; Miflie. 3 for 3; Jean, 2 for 2. March 7 Ladies' high single. Florence Hall 243; ladies' high triple. Grace Brown 576 ( 190-28-16). Other gond singles: Audrey 231, Nessy 228. Mary Ferguson 212, Millie 205, Kay 204, Grace 218. Isabel mon 5 far 16; Bert, 2 for 14; Jean. 7 for 9; Milie. fi for 3. John Heipel in Pro-Arn 1< By Johas icL.ean Action in 16 'PrueAm loop the pasî meuh had bath Tueuday nighî gamnes mon by single goals as McCurheos edged Býrush 8-7 and Turner Iopped *McCnneil 1-9. Meanw hilea-n Thorsday evesisg bath turnes endied in ies as Wiimstt and Hiliz ment ta, a 44 draw and Cain and Champaus had a 6-6 sassaiT. Wayne Hswden led the Mc- Cutcheos squad ta vîctorv wilh hi-, lour geais while sing- le ere-.curi.d by Wayne Tim- bers, Dave Lawrence, Reynolds and ilins. Assists for the wîs. tiers wrnt la Dune Lawrence (3). Timbers 13, John Heipet (2), Ray Asdress. Howden and Reynolds. Larry Arbir led the Brush crew wilh lhree goals while Bill Brush 121, Faut Maihies and AI Reid aiso scor- ed. Reid 121, Bah Sark 121, Ken Thompson, Eddie Mur- risos and Blackie Gaelos had assi,.ts. ln the nighseap Turner mas led b 'N John Heipel who potîed fine goals whiie Les Jackson tired ihree goals and singles weeadded by Boh Stark and Nip Gervais. Heading up the assisi parade was Nip Gervais sobo helped oui us ise goal. Double assisîs were tailied hy Heipel, Jackson and Larry Ar- bic. Gary Nayler noîched tsar goals for MeConnotl whiie Bill Joyce and Wayne MeCossel had a pair cach and Ella added a single. Nayier assisled tbree limnes as did AI Reid. Doug Luomis (2), McConsoll andi Duug Feddie aiso helped oui. In the Wiimott-Hftz encoun- ter Norrn Fleminglan (2), Bert Las-~on and Gord Hasseiteidi scorcd for Wiltmotî. Hassel- teldt assisted twice white Stu- Milton minor hockey H ouse league happenings NOVICE scering as Beech Brothers and Brad Smiths umo goals pros- Mutwbrav Fuels hatîied lt a cd the dilteresce on Sturday 1-i deadliotk. iris Salihu help- as Rohckuh Lodge closed ouI cd eu[ uts Whurran's marbre the regular schedule with a uni are Marshalli eurned an 20 s ctory oser the Litte Fort. 05h51for 16e Fuelers. tiacs. Smith scored luire in David Tomner. Eriu. Ellisen 16e second period. Asssîs and Paul Sproai soicbed sus- %t'estuiciLurs Charlton and gir geais us Crest Mrdware Sieurs Fomer. stcepî tu a 3-0 iclory oser 16e Wayne Whu rras and Jehn Litle Fremen. Ailthlree Cresi Robertson Ionked fler the goals were unassisted. _________________ PEE WEE Garrv Lasrences imo geais pau.ed McCuaig t nsurast.ulia 4-13 decusion ocler Milton Phur- macs. Mart in Caurns and Bey- ~g6~eu an Lyonss bcd a goal eacb and 'W assisîs ment tu Lyrins, Cirn-,. Ricb Case. Gins Murray and e a "3M Bill Clarridge. ns. L. Smith, L. Chullunor, J. Randy tuodens marber ltl Chlisar, K. Smih.« in the tisai pnrid gave Cana- D. Merrilt, L Hemn A Mc. duan Tire a 21 decisirin oser Kinnon. G. Merritt 9 v B Milton Lumber. Morris Curtis MrCuig, H. Porter: B.'porter bad b6e other goal for 16e J. McCuaig, 4. Tiremes and Ross Fulle cars- R. Harrison, J. HarrisonG. ed us assîsi. Steve Knc>s- Carruthers, N. Arnold, 7; vs. ncreîakfer the Lumbermens ut E. Milîsos, F. Nichois E. Fos- e aisg apass from Steue ter, K. Poster. 4.Se.Mr. M. Eceard. E. Ezeard J. Diii-, Steve MeCann set o p Mark S. Dis. hy defauli: vs. C. An- yatî with a perfect pals and derson. J. Anderson, A. Kilv nn minsoles and 35 seconds J. Keily. 'laies Ricks Johh ied t ut s a Wedsesday 900 raY Plumbine and Hoods D. -Romiey. J. Romiey, B.> Chicken Kisgs fougbi to a 1-1 McFhaiI, D. McPhail, 6; vs. K. BANTAMck Damasn, J. Bedton, C. Waler, Buddy TMa dDsi P. Watlers, 5. BdyToa n ai G. Fecher,.MM Colies E. Yernm rapped in a pair of ColIes, J. Fletcher, 8; vs.R. goal n hu ilo eai Ranell J Radel JMcMl- mest Store smamped Local Randil.J. asdni, Mnii-4970 7-3. Blt Presniak, John las, M. MrMilan, S. Nadalin. E. Nudalin, R Roberesen and Don Leslie hod Ruuwiey, J. Ferguson, 9; vsK single goals for the inses Hemn, E. Wright. A.Itosodes, and assisis ment 10 Thomas M. Hosudes, 4.12), Robertson, Kirby Musso Thursday 9M00 and Duncan Craig. Rick Lowe, K. Hussard, B. Wheeier C. Bllui Brouse and Dune Mcci- Watters, A. Monroe, by detaoit. ands smsred for Local 4970. s. . AderonB. eid G.Mc Broose, Lowe, Dace McKee, C. su.C. ndrso, B RidG. c.McCreadv and Steve Clarke Isiosh, J. Bromn. carrsed ussisîs. H. Stanley, P. Bure, M. Ma- Dancan Cralg. Jobs Zasaîta hon, P. Smeetmas. il, vs. D. and Dos Leslie had muekers Meriti, J. Simpson . A. Cairns, as Depasiment Store noiched A. Falk, 10. uts second sicîory of the mcek i. tlessas, M. Beuls. K. Mers. a 3-i dncision river Western J. Sproal. t: vs. D. Furies, B. Athietic Supplies. Rasdy Han- Frame, J. Noble, J. Challirsor, . nn() Dn6seadBl D. owly, . MPha , . Pesnah had assista. Wayne Portas. R. Romlev, 6; B. Taylor. Emmu scored onassisted for G. Flelcesl. K. Durnan, D. the Suppiiers. Pegg 3. Kugene Mlles. Ricky Mc- Frlday &M Trarh and Bob Rusk handied F. Martin, M. Phelps. S. Hue- th scoring as Milton Police rap, B. McPhail. '9; vs: P. B arr, omst.d Bell Bros. 3-I. Water S Childu, F. Dison. R. Cure, 2. Winse. Bob Ferries, Bob Sue- R. St. John, K. -Moore. D . sî usad Stu Rabecrtson earn- Plalemy, A. Mussa, 17; vs. B. cd ussisîs. Phil Ramshum scor- Hatticlîl, P. Gueher, K. Plaît. cd ftr Bell Bras. on a passinfi M. Rasberry, t. plas iîh Tom MrTrach and M. Eceard, H. Riddoîs. H. Phiiip Cites. Emnrs, E. Toleleku, 12 vs; B. MIOGET Reed, A. Popte. A. Cairns, C. Omen Yemm and G. Gond- 1Thompuos, 2. sng scosed for Marris Station- S. Fay. E. Robertson, R. yad LeRoy Rhysold and Coulter, G. Jackson, 1; *s.. Steven Smih repIied for Led- Roberts, B. Erîkine. R. Ras- siih us 16e tearnu hattled to 1del. B. Herd, 4. a 2-2 tie. Rhysold had uan us- Final mens rompe ti tisve sisi for Ledmiths standings. Top eighl learnu en- Ray Evanaseored fise goals tes a rousd sobi nueries to de- and assisied tiie as 6e spark- clare misser. ed Park Farm Dairy ta an 8-2 R. SI. John 127,1, . Faslcy is oser KnighI's Mens Wear. i22,,F. Murtis 1151/2, R. Coul. Pauli Mootais had a bal trick ter 110, O. Romley 10912, P-and three assisis and John Barr 99, C. Smeectrn 93, O. Ferry, KeiIh Bridgman and Merrilt 92, i. Siessar 94, C. Neit Gibbons had alliaIs for Anderson 82, M. Encard 82. B. the Dairyrn. Scott C orp sror- Matieid 73. K. Massard 701, cd bath goals for Knighî's. Don B. Ertkise 681j, E. Millson Grismald and Bernie Johnsîan 56,. B. Taylor 46. bad ussisîs. The Canadian Champios, Widsesday, March 15, 1967 Fis an Gae NwsYoungsters thrilled Fis an Gae Nwsat first sleigh ride bp arn couison Sluigh bells jingled and do "Ithskhe sleigh rides rais- ens of yousgsters squealed cd a s ci. bit rit moscy for the _________________________ wit6 ennîterent as King and pi*oject, driver William Ray. Bil- a air f Beleonbrses ner said, butenot abi ick top scorer oop action ant Doihel and Larry Arhîc had single heipeet For Mille 16ee sharpshasters were Ross Mc- Lead, Barr Fletcher, Lee Mc- Phail and Narrn Sîsîl. Mc- Phail and MoLeud assisled. In the finat garne of the week the Cuis crew received îwa goats each frram George Chisholm and Gord Hasselfeldi white Bruce Gales and Bruce MDuffe added singtes. Assisîs ment 10 Gales, MeDuffe and Stuil who each had a pair. Wayne Huwden was the big mas for Champaus as be pour. cd in tour goals and assited os the other lwo. George Brases and Severe mcme thr other goal scorers. Brawn picked up twa ussisîs and Brian Lawrence ad- ded ose. The teague sehedule for the reinaidr of the seuson isas tollaws. The tirsi named game sn each case ýtarts ut 7.45 and the second samed game begins at 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 28: McCon- nelI vs. Bru-h. Tuorner vs. Mc- Cuicheon. Thursday. March 30: Cuis vs. Wiiimott, Champausons. Hiltz. April 4: Brush vs. Turner, MeConnelt vs. McCutcheon. April 6: Willmot vs. Cham- paus, Cain vs. 61111e. April Il: MConseil vs. Turn- er, Brush vs. McCutchess. April 13: Cain vs. Champaux, Willrnott vs. Hille. Thaw culverts on George St. Floadîng an George St. ,brouht lhree ralepayers tu MiltasnCouncil Msnday esc- nisg, requeuling "sorne kind of a permanent imprsverns." Casancillar Brias ýBest said records shauld bhc made aunnuat- ly af the damage raused in pooriy drained ameas, so that when che rnoney is availabte the ras seriously affeeted ls- rations could be improved. He l»a cornplirnented the lswn warks departrnent cm- pioyees for wsrk-ing long hoars le deai with the rnany prnts- lems that have arises this win- ter. Ose raîspayer indicated, "Ive lived there nine vears and euch year more water seerns toaca- curnuiote." Coussetîlors eecogsized the problem and said! the wsrks depariment stearn jenny waald bc takes ta the area 10 gel the rulerîs hawed sut. se# offl Miltun Optirnists have iaonched their campaign tri bnlp Milton celebrale Casada's Cenlensial year. The sew ser- vice club memhers are sellisg centennial and Canadian flags and decorations wbich arc ideal for rnarkisg the coustry's hirthdav. An Gpîîrnisl will caîl os yoo FProceeds are for vuiuth work is Milton. 0 - I g.diasterest 4ýsAVINGS ACCOUNTS CHEQUING interest is reckoned on the Minimum quartely balance, end s credited ta you in June and Dacember. Reason- abis number of cheques may b. issued 41/2 0,O SPECIAL4 4 SAVINGS RISIRVI NON-CHEQUING Interest ns reckoned an the minimum m.athly balance. No cheques may bi isuid bot yau may withdrîw amv amount in person or by mail if îny s time. 'b HALTON & PEEL TRUST0 £SAVINOS COMPANY 1 Assets Under Administration Exceed $69,000,000 HEAD OFFICE: Oakvilie BRANCHES in Brampton, Burlington, Miltan. Geargetawn, Caaksviile, Simcoe, Delhi. MILTON 252 Main Strect - 878-2834 LORNE SI<UCE, Manager LOCAL DIRECTOR - Or. C. A.Martin, Vice.president NORTH I4ALTON ADVISORV BOARD John T. Arrnstrong, Charman; Rford Gardhause Michael Ledwith, Maurice C. Beity, John Goy, Dr. B. 0. Young CONVENIENT OFFICE NOURS Mon.- Thun. 9.00 - 8.00; Frldays 'il 0.30 At the Annuai Convention ut Sudbury ai 1he Ontario Pedera- liun of Anglers and HunIers', the lady mayor of thut lows welcsrncd the delegates trorn ail oner Ontario. TheY inciud- cd docîrirs, laborers, lawvers, 'rappers, fishermen and oib- ers. Inber opening addicss lier Worsbip siuied ihat she wus ssii a tisherwmrnn orea hosto r and there was anc thisg n biei mmd she could sot gel slraight. She suid site did not knsw hsm a mus couid pursue and preserne ai t6e sarne ltime. She husuapoint. Wr as sports- mes ras osly delend ourseines by saying thul ans good crop musti 6e hurnesîrd eor ics and dealh miii prevail. jusi the sene us in larmers caille, chiirens or pigs. Wr aiso hope the goori worb me do sn cesser. nation oteti ans tarm sce du. Tise Witetlah hi Lak - Sim- coe ibis yeur hune sot bees very cs-operatine. Milton and 'istrict fishermen are getting a leur bol none in uns quuslity. When such weii bsoms ice fish- ermen as the Mrshuiîs, Nus- lors. Whiiscys. Guetins, Bocks and Paqucîtes are roring bock lime aller lime wiih very teso fish. yola hsoss'il s s nt pour management. Therhbosiig sasosrîsosed on a guiod noie for sonne of- the bîs a nd in;s tror the Branle Gos Club. In the last ime wveebs of huntisg Gordon Tuck stot ose ton. Ronnie Breckon 155e, Bob Black imo, George Breckonoune-and bis %ite France.s ibree Wbat goes on bore mes> Duniltel me 16e -umnsart-startuntz tsu uthunt the mes. In the 100 bird rae amrcb ags ai the Appîeby Gos Club os Nalikr's Lin--, seves mes of the club shot oser 90. Nsîrm Richardson mas the highest sihQ95out ofta possible 100 Good shooiing. Whiie fislsing with Morras% Revnoids of Kiibride, Dick Seherte also ofi Kiihride cuughi a 27'-: inch, 9 lb. Lake Troul ai Bobs Lobe is the Sharbuui Lake Area. Dicb is the Maton Spirsmens estertuismesi consoner and an ardent tîsher- mas and gond club memc-r. Ho seldorn, il mver, misses a Meeting. Jack Fattersrin and Pool Couisos brought hack aloers înîrresling report os the Con- ventien 16ev ttesded ai Sud- bars a-. delegaies irrim Haltes Sperismen's Associatioîn.Nos cn as ippreciale the gotîc worh ibis rrgasicu lion does for niankind. Il is ail dose iree ot chargeranil i s rusand 'irgasierd hy le.îrned mes wose tishing and hunting davs aemîssls oser but thevstil base a gesoise inîrresti n Con- adias mildlife future. - i4heir bit towards rnak- ing a Centensiai project suc- cessfsnl. The bramo and white tearn, omord hy William and Gardon Rayner af R.R.1IMilton, lrudg- cd lhrough stush and snow and gave manv children thrir first sleigh ride. As a resait, esoney was rais- cd for the Ferry W. Merry Schools Cestenniai prajeci - the purchasing ot sew books for tIhe uchonl ibrary. sut of seeing the yongnters enjoy the rides." Pree I p.ss. ursail4.30 on Sat. urday, the Rayne farrn on the Third Lise. Oakvil-ie. was a hive of activi-ty. King and Bill made the trek thrsugh che fields os vine separate occas- ions- each lime puîling a Ioad ut excited ebiîdren. Afler the rides, the children were able 10 purchase refresh- ments pras'ided 'by a school committee. Do sot torgel the rnurmoth Steak and H-amn shoolta obe beid ut the Club Hause af the Haitos Sportsmen os Friday the 241h of March. As usual there iii be trap shontisg, largel shring and Iucky bhols.You ,are 90110 welcome 10 hring tbe tamily. Ttc club bouse is marm and lois of t ree calIce and lots oI roomn for the kiddies t1i play. Guidisg tees wiit be increas- cd Ibis year and they certainly shnuld trorn our point of iem. Mri'it lshise guides huve becs charging $10-S16 per day for very long morkîsg hoors, some- limes tram dayiight onltil darb. This is Ics han $1 per hour while the people îbey are goid. isg make [rom $2.50 10 54.00 per boue. It just ducs sol add csp, s e sincerelv hope none of you fellows mili kick il sou gel Iapped an extra $5 for guid- ing Ibis year. The Hatos Sporîsmens As- sociation wouid. at Ibis lime of 1he year, ask eneryrise who loves the ouldoors 10 lry and help stop poliluion. Oh yes. il is your prohlern, encrysse rit us, mas, Womas and child, This sommer mbile tisbisg, camp- ing, ikisg, etc., do 001 throw anylhisg in a srcearn or lake. Evcry little hit hetps 10 poilute. Farmers also. ieuse 6ecure- fol wilh tertilizer a round sîrcarns and rus-off dilches. In fertîlicer Ihere are nir aies and phosphates both usetul us gesise stimulants. In wuler lhey promole the growth of negiîatos as algue, 50 do sol wash yoor tertilicer drill rieur astream or rus-oft dilch. Un- itel States and Canada hase ci6usadIbtis ycar is the greaiest tighl uguinvt pollution eser. Your hclp is needed. Blood mas frsI îranstased to a bornast n the 1716 century. Ani- mal biood was tîsci and the patient lied. As aresl. 1the idca oft ransfusion therapy wua a- doned for t6e nesi 210 ocars. Today. there is no0 silule for transfusion iberapy in many medicai reaiments. ~rde Your Wem Tires NewI ruDIoSuS S 191 CATALOS PMEC MI TIACTiONmIO Il p te SIZE 01 m e WI. Wli 52 /1 2 32.490 2 .. 500-520/13 27.94 .... ...** $2 - 0 590-600/13 28.98 31.96 33.4 TRÂBI-IN ALLOWANCE 640-650/13 30.94 33&92 35.60 ON THMSE 700/13 32.26 35.14 34.0 PRICU 500-520/14 J .... 560-590/14 30.74 33.62 "u1695/14 (650/14) 3. 6.44 2 R T775/14 (750/14) 33.143.6 3 7U3.00 UPER-LASTIC SAFET y 099"é (85 90/14)4.5.. 4.464.98 NYLON TIRES - Votir choice of (900/1..47 .. th aomu; rood-grippin , st -9 6 -0/151 30.644 350 33.60 m-o-dîme" IGH TATON 65/5 59/1> 2.634.98 or th. new, HIGH SPEED CNE-751 (640/15) 33.28 36.14 ulIAL dsi n. Bathare fuliy ROAD 775/15 (670/15) 3378 3&44 40.1 HIAZARD INURED. 851 (710/15) 38.14 40.90 43.32 FR11E INSTALLATION .885/15 (800/15)..... 47.34 .... s -e lqf7ý 459 MAlh eNDI9 IRE IUYLER BROS. LIMITED I Sr. E. MILTON 978-2349 Groups see film "Fireproof" is-n't really so A sew film on tire safty in day members of t6e tire bri- publ ic buildings, 'Thcy Cil Iil gade sut in n a shswing. and ireproof s being niewed ibis on Thursday t6e EîMfl. Munic- rnonlh 6v seneral staffs and ipal Commitîce will sec 16e orgasieulirins sn Miltasand film aI their meeting in the district. causty buildinsgs. Milton ire Cbiet A. E. Cie- ment. in conjonction mith 16e Haiton Emergescy Measures Organizatios, il showisg 16e films 10 as rny groups usI possible. The film points sut thai cvnsbuildings iuhelled 'irepruat mwili horsnif cure Il sol lakcn mith thercontenssou the building. - "Itlàl a good fims, and reaIiy gels the message ucraîs,' sayâ . Fiee chief Clerns. Il shows .: how eseryone bus 10 lake 16eir Oms part as far as tire prenen- lion isrcoscerseýd." Mondav s cnisg 16e night siaffers at Motion Cn -na Manor suso the fladd lime worbers mili see il Ibere as Friday. Wcdnesday (toduy) f eSlips, a1 is eing shows ut Ontarioi YuCudD Schooî for the GeaI Lasti- enoldl in Trouble ... MISS BERMUDA TRIP Sevcrai Milton hsmiers mere n Guelph on t6e meekcsd labiliiy inaucance competine for a trip 10 Hermu- is sue busines... clu. grand price is a district la prolîct yours. Bowin PopietrsAsoca- MCCUAIG lionof ntar Noe ofthe Insurance Limlte Miltnias f . ihed igh 160 MdAIN ST. enogh o w!n prze.A 078-2094or 070469

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