CAMPBULLVILLI 2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Maech 15, 1967 HoId "Burning of the Note" ceremony for new kitchen in church basement Mm Geoge Inss 'Mm. George Inglis was hast- ens 10 1he Rater meeting ai the Womens Association of Si. David's Preshyterian Chue. eh an Wednesday evening with 'Mes. A. T. Msoore le charge. opening with Raster Thoughts. Mes. A. Peterson bah charge ni 1he devotional peiod. assisîrd bs Mes. M. Mhahon. Mes. W. King gave the seceetary's report. Mes. K. Mooree16e financial reportI and Mrs. J. Robertson the cheer report. Plans were made for r-wo speciai dinners 10 caler 1, Mav 2 and Mav 16. 'Mes. A. Moore conducteda '«Burning ni 16e Noie" cere- mony, for which a new kilch- en le t6e church was aimed for. The cosi $2.59.57 was fuliy paid within one yeor. wiîh help nf nue Heaveniy EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCN Commercial Street,.MMtas Minisier: Fasîne Clayton Coles 8784473 878-3542 The Lords Day SUNDAY. MAROH 1916, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sehool for ail. 11.00 aum.-.Morving Worship. Speaker, Me. Gordon Wol- fram f rom Station H.C. JLB.. Ecuador. 5.30 p.m-Youlh Time. 6.50 p.m.-Song Service. 7.00 p.m-Rvesing Warship. Speaker. Mes. Doeothy Wolfram. Slides ni Ouito, Ecuador. Speciai music, Mes. Wolfram and Mes. R. Marlon. Nursery aI Sunduy services. 'Monday, March 20, 7.45 p.m.- Dr. Gillam feom the Orien- tl Missionaey Society. Wednesday. t p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Ail Are Wuemnly Wecomed THE UNITED CNURCN .OF CANÇADA Miaister: Rev, A. K. Griffiths. R.R. 2, MilIton. Lowville - Zimmerman Pastaral Charge 'Came close la God and Be wilI came close 10 yau." SUNDAY. MARCH 1916. 1967 LOneVIle Unted Chureit Organist. Mrs. J. R. Duvey. Guelph Lise 10.00 .m.-Sunday Schoal, 11.30 a.m-Divine Wrship. Zmmerman United Chureis Appleby Lise Orgasisl, Mes. J. G. Corseil. 1.00 .m.-Divine Wrship, 11.00 a.m.-Sunduy Sehool. A Wrm Welcome ta Rveryone KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCU Minister Res. J. K. L. MeGasen, BAs. 878.6066 878-2652 "O came, let un worship and boss dawn; leltu kneel before the Lord aur Maher," SUNDAY, MARCH 196. 1967 Palm Sunday 9.45 a.m. - Senior Church School. 9.45 .m. - Young Peoples Bible Clans. 9.45 a.m.-"The Thinkers," 10.50 a.m. -Junior Church School. 11.00 a.m. - Moenisg Worship: "The Gospel ai Satisfac- ion." 11.00 a.m.-Norsery. GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Miltan, Ontario. Rector: Res. T. M. Dustan. BA., BD., DD. Assoclte: Res. Canon F. B. Mas, M.A., B.D. PALM SIJNDAY SUNDAY, 'MARCH 191, 1967 8.00 a.m.-.Blessing of Faims und Hoiy Communion. 9.25 a.m. - Jr. Church School. 9.30 a.m.-Morning rayer and Sermon. 10.45 a.m.-Se. Church Sehoal and Youth Clas, 11.00 .m.-Holy Communias and Sermon. 8.00 p.m.-Lenten Study. Thursday, 'Mrch 16 -10 um., 'Haly Communion. 'Manday le Holy Week - 10 a.m.. Boiy Communias. Toesday - 7.30 .m., Baly Communion. Wednenday - 10 .m.. Baly Communion. Faiher and co-operalion of church members and udher- esis, and visitars. Cornmtteae hatrlady mas 'Miss Katharine MgPhedran, Mes. K. Moore,. Mes. A. Moore and 'Mes. J. Schriei. now living in Cookaville. This finished projecti s ni henefit lu al ssho use the chuech for anoccasion. S10,00 mas donaled lu 1he North West Halton Voluntues Services for espense fond. and $10 was donated 1 Evangel Hall. Toronto, for needy per- sons. Il mus decided 10 seli more cookhoohs 10 6e ord- ered. A Cenlenniai Tea mas pianned for September. The roll eallwas ansmeeed 6v an Rosi e verse. A ltuile louch ni 1he Irish mas noticed in St. Fateick's decorations. Afier t6e clasing hvmn. and MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christians goîhered in the rame ni the Lord Jesus Christ. (Math. 18: 20) Lords Day SUNDAY. MARCH 196, 1967 10.30 a.m-Beeking of Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Schoal, 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service, Wedsesday, 8 p.m. - Frayer and Bible reading. Ail are meicame 10 these services. Be (Jesus)is zable lso la save t16cm lu 16e oliermns thal corme ontu God by Hlm. Hcb. 7, 25. BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESSYTERIAN CNURCNES Minser Rev. Sanley £. Smith, BAs. 878-3582 SUNDAY, IMARCH 19t6. 1967 10.00 a..-Omagh: Wornhip Service. 11.15 a.m.-Omagh: Church School. 11.10 arn-Boston: Church Sehoal.' 11.30 arn.-Boston: Warship Service, CNURCN OF CNRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sideeoud and 416 Lise Trafalgar SUNDAY. IMARCH 1916. 1967 1.00 arn.-Bible School Class- es for ail ages. 11.00 a.m....Morning Worship. 8.00 p.r.-Preuching af thse Gospel, Larry Fort, Minister 241 Kingscourt Cres. Milton, 878-3555. NIGNWAY GOSPEL CNURCN A local assembly af THE PENTECOSTAI. ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Pastor: Res. M. Chisîesen LORDS DAY SUKDAY. MARCB 1916, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sehool. 11.00 am.-Morving Worship. 700 p.m.-Rvangelisîic Service. Wcdnesday, 8 p.rn-Bible Stu- dy and Frayer Meting. Fiday, 8 p m.-Young Feoples' Service. A Chuech You Con Make Your Home A Wrm Welcome 10 Rveryane ST. PAUL'S CNURCN Of THE UNITED CNURCH OF CANADA Main St. aI James St. Furrned by the union of the Preshyterias, Meihodist and Congregaîlosal Churvhes in Canada. Minisier: Res. J. Larve Graham. Organisi and Chir Leader: Mes. Harold Magec. SUNDAY. MARCH 19t6, 196 11.00 arn.-Faim Sanday Ser- vice. Sermon sabject "The Triarnphanî March." SUNDAY SCBOOL 9.30 .m.-Sasday Sehool for ail boys and girls oser 8 yeurs. 11.00 a.m.-Isfanî Nursery in charge of regisîered nurse and nursery deparîmesî. 11.00 arn.-Boys and girls 4-8 years inclusive will attend church wiîh parents Band proceed 10 thele depart- mesîs follawlsg the se- cond hyrnn. Invitation to &IL Church Services p si b ti c CI CI .F t Culvert- at owners' expense CoseVotives PMUer Flde to alleviate truck traffic te selec tufe oca&wld prayer by the president. a social hall hour was enjoyed hy ail 12 ladies in allendance. Tihe lut Campbellville Scouts 100k a hike lasI Salurday la Mounisherg Conservation, ail Scouts reporled a good lime. Rev. D. Nicholson took charge ni the service on Sun- day when -luvd Earlv and clatghler Karen Eariv sang a duel. ai St. David's Fresbs" lterian Church. Synspathy Ils estended 10 Mes. Vera Cockram. and Mes. Fred Rdwards during the loss ofi their faiher on Sunday, the laie Me. Alfred Desand. of this village, who resided ut the former laie Mes. Robert 'Menzies home. Fanerai îook place on Tuesdas' ai Si. Cath- arises. Blrthday greetings 10 Rob- ert Hurren, Mrs. H. Dennis, Frank Wheelihan. Douglas In- glis. Mes. Connor, Susan Van- Siekie. Nancy McPhail and Mes. D. Agnew. ,Mr. and Mes. L. Crawford and Me. and Mes. George lng- lis were dinner guesis with Me. and Mes. A. Peerson on Saturday. Me. and Mes. John Rarly og Guelph spent lasi Thuesdav with Mr. and Mes. Wallace King, R.R. 1, Campheiiville. Me. and Mes, Rus Roberti of Burlinglon visiied wiîh Me. and Mes. William Roberts lasi Saluedas. iMes. Mars Simpson and Mes. W. Rubertsspeni Sondas wilh Mes. Hares Hood oi Carlisle. Mrs. Jack Grey irom Van- cuver, B.C.. visiled wiih Mes. Jean Garrett and Miss Kath- eine McPhedean, and alsu su did Me. and Mes. Colin Lucas q4 Oakville wiih Me. and Mes. Robhert Eliiol. ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., .RIA..C. Chattered Accountani Municipal Auditor 163 Maie Street Bon 460 Milton, Ont. 878-542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArch. - M.RA.I.C. 17A Miii Street, Suite 2. AcIon Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Sl.svehank Rd.. Port Ceedit 274-3428 Ollîce Hours hy Appoinîment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Auctuneer and Evaluator 30 Chapel Si. R, Georgetown Telephone 877-2864 CHIROPRACTORS A. P.tKENT, D.C. DounofaiChieopraciic 237 Kitngs CouartCeescent Carner Martin St. Mondas. Wednesday. Thuesday i p.m 1tu 9 p.m. Taeday and Friday 9 a.m. lu 6 p.m. Sitiedav Il a.m. 10 3 p.m. Phaone 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSIRANCE ASSOCIATION AtL-Hume. Peolecin-Accid. eni and Sickness -F*îmily Liability Farm Liahiliîs Your Milton Agent Mes. Thea Kurz R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 878-6390 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE PUNERAL HOME Cumplete Aie Canditioning Si ncore. Courîcous Service Nighl or Das 87"452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. 184 Main Si.. Milton Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 Bouru: TUESDAYS. 9 ar..1t 5 p.m. FRVDAYS, 9 ar.. 0 9 p.m. WM. C. MILLIGAN, O.D. 111 Trafalgae Rd., Oakville Office Houes Daily inciuding Satueday. ar. Cail 845-1511 'for appoinîrnent LIBRARY HOUAS Tuesday, Thursdav and Friday 12 faon 10 5.30; 6.30 10 9.00 Monday. 12 noon 10 5.30 Cloaed Wednesday Saturday - 9.38-2, 1-5.30 Owners of Miltan Indusîrial Park Limiled, Court St. were granled permission uy -Miltons Council Monday evening 10 colt- struct a colvert 10 1he lown'u specitications ai tteentrance to their propeety frotn Ontaeio St. The cosi oi the culveel should 6e paid by the property owntrs. Coanciliors ageeed. Propeety osener John Tamai phoned Mavor S.G. Childs and said that il the colvet t cuuld 6e instatled, it ssuld climinate -the need lue trucks lining up on Gc.uege Street lu gel mbt the Industrial Park peoperty. Lasi week ralepayers ieom Couet and George Sîs. appear- ed ai C o use il1 complaining about the use of 1he Imo steet., 6v heavs'commercial iraffic. Feine lu the construction of the new Hsdru substation on Ontario Si. trucks used a long peivaie road eonning paraliel l( ih. CFR tracks. Donaled blond has a fle of 21 days. If it s not ased withis thal lisete he plasma is deawn off and tîsade ine vital blond pindticts stch as gamma gloha. lin. scam aihumin. fiheinogen and lrcsh frozen plasma. Co-operative medical service completes 20 years service Ballas Co-Operatise 'Medicai Services, a mener - amsed - and - opeealed co-operolive prusidisg medical services ai :ta ils members, complet- cd ils 20î6 yeae aI the annoal meeting and dinner held in Georgetwnson Saturday. Reports during the Meeting îndicated il %vas% a successial vear. despile theconusiderable changes in uprationseneces- sarv sincerthe Co'Op mas iman- dcd. In recent sears, 16e Ont- aouvresment has lohen ous e the hmspialication field, and nom eroas urganica ions su Auver the phssicians' ser- The coaopersîlve aost appros- imaiels 10 per cent or ils membeeship daeing 1966 when the gaversmest's OMSI'F mas inteodaccd. Direclors' reports Satarday indiealcd Ihere are stilîl 2,324 indisiduis served hy 3.Ci?à..,. ilh 883 actual cunteocîs Mo-bdine 656 carry- ing the comprehensise roser- age plan and 27 under the sur- gicai and major medicai pion. A geuss margin ai 521,258 wasrecpoeled ons1966 uperot- uons. Eared prcmiums mere 186.266 and cdaims cosi $65,008. Dedutian ut administration es pevses and t6e .additioan of tîther incarne shused anet sa- sings lue the sear iof 115.358. ýompaeed t $2.343in the prers Nov. Il ceeus firsgt Turn down "byve decided me should set- dle 'Armistice Oas firsi. ls mure important," Councillor Charles Johnson declaecd us Mandas as be shol doms a peupusal for "Flag Oas", Vaing a cummittre of the mhoie session tif'Milton Court- cil, Conciiloe Juhnsn sp- porlcd aeresolutiîîs frum the Township of Accoster sloling Februarv 15 shuuld 6c deelar- ed s a stataatorv holiday and becummemoeat ed as "Flog Oas". A resolulion regaeding the proposaI mas voted on 6v couri'il and appeoscd hy a 54 margis. Ltter te the meeting, Coun- cubeo Gord Keanîz mode a motion Ihat cuaneil endorse the reslation of 1he Town- ship ai Aneasier. Spcahing og- ainsI 16e motion, Reeve Asîs- ton Lcdih said, "'Novembler Vice-preuident W.R. Hume, ishu peesen led the di rectors' report, reviewed that in the oasI vear 16e Cocsp mosed lu a ncss' office ai 143 Maîin St. Members ocre advisced ihat doctues' tees fl ite ý il n creuse afier Apill1.The esig- naio mas ive Ihis munîh, ni secetors'- treasoreeMes. Fred Edwards .,tethrec ese cf service, anl Mes. Motets Tasher has heem .ppsinlcd It replace 6cr. Mi-s Stîsî Andereson h.îs juin- cml the'staff. i:îking the place iii Mes. Barbara Andrewss, ishît recsgned Iîst mîsnth. Direct, rcleeted for threc e ar terms ocre Tam Aldeeson .R.Haste andDr. J. W. Torves. Frances W. Wil- son Je. mas elecîed lu replace J. N. Bird who reeigsrd. G. H. a ad and Farîsees. ehartereil ctIuanlanîs. Were-appoinl- as auditors. Other iretorastili iilîing sîsespired Ierms on the 12- mas barofdIti redtes inelude Harold C. BigLar. R. L. David- son. Clifiorîl Browsn. Mes. Rus Wilsoîn, Sam Finsie, Arhur B. Barris. Abert Honier anl Getorge Rîheet son. Speakers,îlîring the .îîîc soin inellcml Gcsrgetstsn Masor Jtiseph Gibbosns, Bal. ltn Cousis W.meten WilliamnîJ flag day Il K Armislice Day and il i sut t staloatues' huiiday. Which smitre important?" Mayor S.G. Childs cailed for a sole and the mîtitîn ssas defeatcd as Councillor John- son changed his mind. "I'vc deided me should seule Ar' mistice Oas fiesti.Ils more important," 6e said. CALL CR0 WE TAXI S ER VIC E 878-2992 RADIO CONTROLLUD Ixy Cîtalter. Central Cu-Operaîlve MIedical Servi ces secrctary Mes. Mlle. Central Co-Op ma- nager M. Brîigden, and John R. James, provincial secreeaey ai 16e C-Operative 'Medical Se-. vices Federation ai Ontario, mho eandacîed 16e ection ni 'ifiicers. SPECIAL ON BRAKE SHOES FOR ALL 4 WHEELS Reg. $27,95 NOW.- 17.5s (Relining and Labor) GUARANTEED For Ose Yeae foam Installation LIMITED TIME ONLY Also the Place foe *Goodyear Tirles *Wheel Balaseing FuIIy iicensed CLASS 'A'MECHANIC DURANTE'S ESSO 878-2079 Highway 25 Junt North af 401 Overpans Thurs.-FrI..Sat. - Me. 23-24-25 Sun.-Mon.-Tues..Wd. - Mer. 19-20-21-22 "WAY WAY OUT" - Color "THE AGONY AND ICSTACY" - Color JERRY LEWIS CHARLTON HESTON - REX HARRISON COWflOYS HOLIDAY "CIRRHOSIS 0F LOUVRE" - CARTOONI 'SIJPRESSIED DUCK" - CARTOON Sat. Matinee 2 p.rn. show Times We.kdays - Sunday thmough - 8 p.m. 878-3272 Frlday and Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. Sometirne laIe Fridity even- ing, the Ballon West Progress- ive Cossersiative Association wiI have a candidate for the sext Provincial electian. Three party hopettots - costractor James Snow, univ- ersity studet William B. Sac- gant and Oukville Bourd af Parks supervisor William Bale- man - will sîride mbt MiIton Higb School on St. Faîrick's nigbi. seekisg the nomination. Goet speaker for the meet- ing will be the Hon. Rohert Welch, provincial secretary. Close to 400 delegaies as well as severai hundred spec- iatoes are expecled in the school auditorium for 16ï88 p.m. meeting. Several paty supparters have indicated that Mr. Snow is favared ta sinir0 the lhree-man race. Motorisîs on Highway 401 see plenly of wiidlife a inte Ballon County area, hut acca- sionally the wildlife gela a i- dle Ina close for camfort. A Don Milîs man, driving an Highway 401 just west of lte Campbetlville Road on Friday, gui a reaiiy close look aI a cIrer. The deeras mb b is path and the eesulting colli- sion caused $700 damage 10 1he car, plus the demise of thse deer. "ES I 14.6 cu. ft. FREEZER BY KELVINATOR e Large capactty in compact cabinet *Lifelime porcelain interior finish *Fise pimary freezing surfaces " Fise year freezing systern. warranty " Ragged "Kelven" shaiterproof tries " Cunvenient aulomalic lemperature conirol $18995 "TRI#AWALL" Model KCI5IO RA~ UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO broei" St. Mt, 878-2391 i ,.t "ARABESQUE" - Color ssra TU GREGORY PECK - SOPHIA LOREN Manu SA. a SAY. MAN AND IS WORLD MARCN 1617.18 CARTOON - IT LOST DOGOIE" 2p Jeifrey and David Elsley of Milton spent twa weeks with iheir grandparents. 'Mr. and Mes. A. Moore sehile their pa- rents were holidayisg le Ant- igua. Me. and Mes. Edgar Cairns spent Sondas ilh Me. and Mes. Tom Dales and mmrnlivut Dixie hefore t6ey move ta tondon, Ont. dueing t6e Ros- ier holidays. Severat tram Iis area t- iended the fuserai ai the laIe Bush Smith of Moffat. who passed awuy ul Ballon Cen- tenniai Manor. Me. and Mes. Robert Bue- ren ni R.R. J. Camtîellsille. are enjnying a holiday near St. Pe- tersburg, Fiorida. Me. and Mes. Bush Veemneu- les ni Burford spent Sunday wiîh Me. and Mes. George le- glis and family. Mes. A. Moore opened hee home Musday and Tuesduy 10 a quilting for t6e Wome's As- sociation, ai which many woe- kers aerived lu help iih t6e projeci. Wedding asniversaey greet- legs ta Me. and Mes. Wallace King on Maech 14. JACKIE KINODON Jackie, a grade 1l commercial student ut Miltas District High School hon becs selected by the teachers of the school ta attend the Rotary Club 'Ad- venture in Citizenship" trip ta, Ottawa irom May 14-19. Jackiens hobbies inde read- ing, horseback riding and swimming. (Staff Photoi) Saturdoy matinea et 2 p.m. 1