Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 19

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[L Ekampin ~ The finai Halls,, Farm-Man- agement meeting for the min- te r eson wav keld ut Lignev School on Wednesdav, Marck 8. Henr S t a n 1 ev, griclturut Reprceentaiive, 'discavved the s.îroas factors wkich decter mine the prîce oi aur tarm Th mtain factors ales. ujîkei- t v. tdemand for thke pro- duc t. suppir. and goveroment porms anti legisiation. He s tated that "production custs hase vers littie influence un the price ut agricultural pruduets. bat shuuld ke ut mach prcater cuncerrn ta furm peuple je the future. Other industries predict the market aitd tailor production an d price ta fit. Marketing costs accoue t for 60 per cent ot the couisumers dollar. This han en- crcurd tram the 40 per cent level 15 years ugo, as consum- crs a'-' requirieg more market- ing services each vear.' "Durlaug thia tt-year periud the per cru. dispusabte ineume spent on focod hv, the canvumer, ha,î-ticrci.-irouti24 pe-cent ta 20 pet- cent. Thtis points ta -the tact that the tarmer is eut receiviez ha tfair share in cela- tlion ta other segments of our economy." "Dur papulation le Canada is tnrreasing at junt over 1.5 per cent per year, thus aur tarm production munt increase. Pro- ducts such as red and white meats -increase ut tour per sent per year, wtite cereals, Stress value of Ont. agricultural exports IL- T»WOP UTM TURM AWARDS presented et for best actresui by Mrs. George Ellioti Bian Halton Junior Farmers' drame festival Salut- Cargili. mho held the part of John in Acton day evening ment tc, alermo Club. Their Juniors' If Men Played Cards as Women Do", presentation, "The Patchworh Quit", mas mas iudged bent actor andi presented mitb the judged the bet al-round play under the dires- J. E. Whiîelock ttopby by Mts. Wbiteiocis lion of Mes. Evelyn Oates. She mas presenteti Hrs Brian. Mtn DOates and-Miss Kovucbikhbold miîb the W. 1. Dich tropby by agriculturai cep- their trophiens wbile adjudlicator Verne Shaw reseetative Henry J. Stanley. Gwen Kovuchjk, of Guelph Litle Theatre loohs on t ight. who playeti Olti Mr. Wiiiis in the production, mas awarded the Margaret Alice Eiiott trophy The importance ut agricul- ittrat espurts trom Ontario kv HenrY Pauls. market devetop- ment npeciatist with the De- tario Food Council, whee he addressed the Rural -Urkan meeting ut Milton Roîarv last week. Ontarjos major cumpetiten je the U.KR. s the Unted States. but Canada enjoys a preteren- tiat tarift whjch in une ut the reanons whv business with Britain is ttuurishieg. 1h e speaker said. Revtewlng tue nmarkleltueorlu- matu juice, imeet corn, unions. white keans. cheese, tobaccu. lancy meain, trozen vegetahîns. huncy and saneed fruit, the Three plays presentedspae ondoufi om. Palermo tops Jr. Farmer drama festival ant produuss and suggented ar- cas for increuning eport. The importance of etaklish- ing a Cunadian identity un pro- duets mas emphanized. The use ut a muple leat on att Can- udian pruductn moutti hetti de- sllp sucb un identity, but the vrt, nuaît linenthut appears un mont pruductn indicating il is a Product ut Canada is tunt je the diminunce ut a trude Me. Pauais pinted ouithte prucesning trade ns completelt, dumieated hy large interna. iunul companien, and sehile it mas perhups ta their udeuntage lu promote the hrund camne us uPposed lu the country,. a comn- mun identity wuuld he pene- ally ileneficial. eggs and patatoes wilI destine wills aur ligher standard ut living. eport markets ac- count for over 30 per cent ut the total agriculturat produc- tion je Canada. Surptuses are rcmoved thruugh the expuet marketing, helping ta stahilize t,îr owne mark-t. tfi% expected that there uili he a slow but persistent growth ut espuet markets je the future" Nesun Wataon, vice-chairman of the Farm Produsas Market- ing Board, Toronto, discusseti the varjous marketing buards estuhlished ie Ontario, and conducted a warkshop on these. John Sandham, secretary of the newt >v estahtjnhcd Central Fruit Exchange, Vjneland, dis- cussed its uperation. This Es- change is responsible for seli- ing fruits and vegetahies for tke pruduc-rs je the Niagara Peninsua. Chairmen for this mee ting were Chuck Warner. Fruit and VeLetabte Spccialist; and Tom i Aldersun. Chairman of the Ed-1 acat ion Committeut the Hal- ton Federat ion ut Agriculture. EXHAUST MIJFFLERS lv voue car slarting tu souurd a kit lite a hot rudder? If set. yoar mutIler muv hune a dan- gerous leak. As well as the sound -eing noisier il wili aisa euh out the cohaust fumes. These dangeraus carbon mon. unide fumes could soep juta ho body ut the car wjth fatal revaits. Dont ftuai wjtk leakv mufflers and tailpipes. Gel them replaced belareils o uatc. -Eliminate th, haard-. ou ouar tarm kbelure thes elimi,. ale yuu. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 15, 1967. 87 Experts ta, lecture on fruit., vegetables By Cha«. Waerm Dr. John Wiehe of the Eorti- cultural Research testitute ut Ontario, witI he the headtine guest speaker ut a meeting ut t he Burington and District Fit and Vcgetable Growers' Association, ou Tkursday, March 16 ut 7.45 p.m., ut the Optimnist Yuuth Centre. 2091 Prospect St.. Burlittgtun. Dr Wiebe mutl speah un the lopic ut "The Future ut the Fruit and n'egetabte tndustry te Ontario". This may bc Dr. Wjebe's last visit su tbis area toi, a whjle, since tce s leasing suon lu work je Egypt fur twu or three years. Alun on the prograun are sep- arate sessions for hath fruit and vegetabte gromers. The trait gromers will hear tram Dr. Wlde, ut the University ut Guelph, on the sabîuct ut FPest Control un Apples". He plans, lu di cuss some idean bcebas that couîd saveup to 30 Pcr ce-et on a spray mater- tais bill. Dr. Harold Hughes, also of the University ut Guelph, vitl tath on mechani- cal harvesting ut trait cropu. The vegetahie session witt kear Dr. Hughes speah je me- chanical harves ting ut vegeta- hie crops, and a represen tutive [rom Niagara Brandti miiidis- e-uns cabkage rout maggut con- trat for 1967. Thisu10takie une ut the hest meetings ut the yeur for a fruit and vegetuhle grower. A person who grums fruit onty, wilI eut have tu nil anti listen su Vegetabte tatk att night. Att grussers are ievited toaut- *end regardlens out nmer- ship. This ns a meeting that nu grumer con attord to miss. If me are ta have genian, we most Put up with the inconve- nience ut geelun. a ching the mortd milI neyer do; it wants geniusen, hut woutd tile them just tike uther people.-George Moore. A crosnd mick lankcîcd the seating ai tke Christ ian Educa- ion Centre ou t.Si auls Churck and spread tkrougk tke &~ors into the hall atte-nde-d the annual Haitnun ino r Furmers' Drama Festin-ai Sa;- urilateveeîeg. The three clubs, Actan. Nar- val and Fatermo cumpeted ta decide mhick iii represen t Haltun in tke Zone compeli- lion je lte Marck. A winner wilI ke picked tram ane ai the four coun tien en the zone- lu enter the provincial content aI Guelph ttnerstts April 8. The. plapa moeeadjadicated hy V. rie Shaws a director ot Guelph Lttlc Thteaire. Commeettng oe the plans bke Scotch Bock food pro ject Sharon Con 'nus elected president ut 1kg nemly lurm- ed Scotch 'Bloch 4-H homema- king club t their first meet- ing Suîurday. Fekruarv Il. uAls elecîed at the rnecling. hetd in Ligey Hall. ere vice- president Sharon Hume, sec- retary Sandra Wilson and as- sistant treanurer Lyne Frame. The club is called "A Wrid ut Food ie Canada" andtis the 4-H centennial projeet. At tilde firut meeting, food uf Cunadian ledjuns was dis- cassed ukd Blueberry Bucille mas made. A second meeting wus stag. ed te the same place -March 4. The 25 girls attending mere Spt inta tour un its. Cuoking of the earty Frenck mas re- vicneed and tke girls prepar- ed French style union soupi Trand peus and tortiers. ture .,iardjng the trophies, Me. Shais praiseti the opeeing scenc ai Nrvls 'The Bath- ruum Dor. The plan, sritten kv Gerrude Jeenings, is fuit oi cuntrast te age and occupa- lions. The atjadicatar feut the makc.up job ut cunncrting Dan Hamilton jeta an ldcrly gen- tleman mas serl dune. A igh operaic nise mainlajned kv "prima donna" Wilma Masun, hu-eve-r tenticd ta gel sume- sekat tîte-sume kv the ed. hé saI Halton boys excel at College Royal By Henryt J. Stanley, At the annual College Royal kcid ti thie Gtario Agricltur- ai Courege, tudentseuompetc for kîînurs ie Shommanskip. and the enhbijîng ai field cropr and fruits and vegctaý bics. Haltun Couanî stadeets e t vey sucecsslul Art Lau- son. Milton R.R. 5, wue the Dairs shuwmaiskip; sith Geit. Nurse. Georgetomn R. 2. as Reserne. Bob Merry. Milton R.R. 5, was îleclared Besi Shomman. Also campetief in tke finals ot the Beef Skommanship clas mas Bill Jacksun. Mono Road R.R. . Harold Thumpsue. Milton R.R. 2, mas second, skuming a Junior Shorîkore. He mue thc Reserve Championship en the Field Crsp classes, exkikiting one 20 different nrjetie'. ut grains and smuil seeds. Hue- oId ulso won the sitner truy. .for havieg top score.i n carcas esaluation. Halon can kg pruud ut these former 4-H Cub mem- hems. CATTLI OWNERS IF YOU BUY ANY BREEDING STOCK YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THESEf REPRODUCTIVE DISEASES BRUCELLOSIS - causes abortions at 5 ta 7 monîhs, resuits in many sterîle caws. Avoided by eariy vaccination of ail heif- ors aMd artificiel iuteminaîlon. TRICHOMONIASIS - causes eariy abortions from two months. Coms discharge and become sterile. Spread by bulis. There is nu completely effective treatmenî. Avoided by artificiat ins.mination. VIBRIOSIS - causes breeding problems, lom conception ratos, early abortions, irregular heat periods and dis- charge. Spread by buils. Treated by breedieg rest, then artificial insemination. Avaaded by artificaie nueminatian. You san protect your herd trom the spread of these diseases, and use top quality sires through the services if Central Caff le Breeding Association George S. Kaumans il Mes laved Cordy a- Women Du'. prese-ete-ti kthe Acton Cub. m,îs lahelicti- a bit dat- ed.' but Brian Cargili a, "John" recîeidthe J. E. Whitc- loch Tropkv as ke-st actor ot the esenieg. resenta tille sa matie kv Mes. Whiteiock. Blest al-rouud plan ut the cecnieg. under tkc directîin oi Mrs. Evcise Gale-s %a-. Pue ma's 'Thc Fatchwosrk Qi,', ks Rachel Field. Me Ska--, anis cicis,i o the plan mas that the- .îtoirs uccaionalis allouned gap-.in the tialtogue, anti isete siig hti out ofthe locus ioithc bilue ight tiurîng the i antas-" Me,. GOttesv .ccepted the W. t Dk Trophn tram HaltuirusAg- ricuitural representative Henry Staniev un kehali ai the luk. Gmcn Konachjh. seho plaved "Olti Mev. Willisivj the pren-en- .,îiue. reeised the Margaret Alicc Eliioli Tropk v for kest ates- tur the second vear je a rom Il mas presented kv, Mes. George Eltiait. During the eenignseneral kits anti musical vetections mccc prewontetibnv,riuiu.4 crtups anti clectionv kv the llaltn lJunior Farmcr Girls' Tri.cu, n'-ltjneu aiRuth Ma- ,(,n. Wiim., Masîte. antiJttv Hvîsard werecenjved. Thc Feel Couets- Junior Farmers pre-senteti their ..kut te the ttrm tof an amusing tashion ,hitsn. anti Rari Burt tl the Acý ton Junior Farmers sang svr alslcions. Attention Poultrymen CHOOSE MASTER Chick Starter Krums The FTive Ways-Bellot" Feed that Insures the lest fromn Vaut Chicks 1 1. UNIFORM GROWTH 3. INCMUD VISOUR 2. QUICK FIATHIRINO 4. MON UVAUUyY S. DEPENDAILE COCCIDIOSIS CONTROL WWHN YOU NUD M W. stock a fuN llino MASTER FIE D MASTER FE EDSI (SUWARTTOWN) ID Dial 8773312 - Georgewmn0 Commerce finaucing and bank services hlped thus fermer buy a tractor and equipouent to fit the. job. Are you planning any purchases? Corne to thle farmers bank. CANADIAN tMPERIAIA4K 0PCOMMERCE WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLE TV. WH5 YEAR-ý GUAR-ANTEE ON SOLID STATE POWER SUPPLY AND "S-EE-MATIC" CIRCUIT I GUARANTEE ON ALL TUBES AND PARTS I 1YEAR- FREE SERVICE I ModelKV21O 19,500 VOLTS PICTURE POWER . ONLY TO BE SOLD 0*20 TUBE FUNCTIONS A T THIS PRICEI IHEDCANLONIAO Il WALNUT FINISHED WOOD CABINET s1Y 238-88 WITH TRADE NO MON-EY DOWN O N L Y $ 3 . 5 0 A W E E K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES 181 MILL ST. TEL. 8783221 Final farm management meeting discusses price of farm produdts -77 -Mme ft 1

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