Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 18

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86 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 mOur Readers AUXILMARY SAYS "TMKYOU" Dca. Dear Mr. Dilîs, Wil On behaî f ai ie-Milton Dis- stam trict 'Hospital Women's Auil- then iary I wisb ta thank yau for pay1 tbe publication oi aur annuel of fi reports in The Champion, tlisa a sti ta thank yau and yaur staff ings for the escelletnt newspaper verft coverage, bath in pictures and tais articles, you have afforded the speci Auiliary aver the pasi vsar. ttc Yoars trois. ad Mes. F. Bert, Seccetary. WC Miltan Hospital W.A. chaii aura PLAUDITS FOR oe NURSING DIRECTOR ver Dear Sir: ens In al the plaudits mieted Out h.vc ta the management of the Hal- plait tas Ceniennial Masor. f well es i( deserved, I hastes ta addl I ta il have yet ta tee the namne aicase the Director of Nurses, Mrs. rise, Sykes. ing Thi goalJ lady gises ai ber- iod. seli wbolebeartedly. Her mari- ser and eeerfutness are ta he if admireci tailat times. I am anc quife sure ail residenis and mut taff wau.id agrer. ta t sincerety hope you wiIi ilj print iis letier in your won- tai derful paper. but t wouid ask m'ar Voi ta kindly rerain fram wtt prisine my came, as I mrk aral t the Manar. the, Sincerely yaurs, wtt "Staffer. top, DISTRICT COMIMISSIONER mli APPRECIATES SUPPORT bei Dear Sir, arti May I, on bebait ai the Mil- 1îay ion Central District. Rangers, niri Girl Guides. and Brawnies. lo-i thask yau for the excellent idt caserage gises ta aur actisi- jeci lies i r vaur newspaprr recent- ibii Voue editoriali n iis week's issue lMarch Il wus masi ap- I propecate and imeiy, for soi irai anis* are we in great need ai soi more capabie leaders. we are soi ai iis lime- endeavorine ta re- aguire aur Local Association o Guide and Braissie Motb-- Ysur item regarding the L.A. ialso in thissseek's issue)iwiii: 1 msure,. prove masi briplul* ta the grop. b Our thanks is due aisa ta Mr. Ras Damas wba alwass su cheerfulis dues is besita euso- cic er pictoriaiiy ans of aur esenis %c ss-ieb migbt be oi interesita saur readers. cit Voues sincerels. tal Catherine A. Barr, de District Caîtîmissianer. Miltas Centrai District. hi Urectizenlsc IDa'operutien i Effciv mmedael Mi-% FoPlieDparietiw lu-i ching a campaign againsî crime smlar ta theaone used di n Metea Tronto since laie s% Decembar. 0 The Metra praîec t. labelird ci "Operatian Ceckmaie". re- ci sulted in police receiving 1.047 collis afertng helpifulinforma-h tion. fi Tips were receised from ail ii kinds oi peuple incfuding a 10- CI sear-aid bsis isib reparted a tactarv break-and-entry. and esen ldris ladies wha obsers- ccl neighttaritig homes hein0 f burgiarized.e In the matants aof cases, Po-V ice arrisec in urne tuarruisi the crîminas athe scene ai the disturbance.n Ose ai tbe faorte dadges used by peuple srinking pub. lic duty is that they dont wisb ia'"gei insolsed" or goa ta 'curt. Thes dont under, stand police dou averthing pos- sible ta praiecc the anasymiiy ar persans. ss bu efp tbem. Miton Police ave asseried ibey oi make the samneef- forts ta sase the generai pub- lic embarrassmeni. Beeaking glass is a guaad n dication samething siratuge i accrrinit and tht. sltghtesi WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Cionad Mon. Open Ail Day Wad. Open Thur. and Fridsy iii We Puature Sed fBrand Bfllai W. Serve th. laitEnd, To. STAP B AN ir Sir: itb regards ta t rnad in g ips, I am againsi bannisg m. Afier ail, me bave ta for aur food and the rosi fod is soi asy cheaper in ire that dues ni,- gise irad- siamýps. Naturatly ihey ad- se ibat yau cas boy a cet- item cheaper but upon in- tias sou miii usuaily fiid item is a cbeaaper hrasd. i isisit, tua. e base sbopped ai the samne in supermueket beltre and r. and the prices are ram- shile wiih any aiher chais er the .period ai the lasi 10 as. Granted, prices bave ris- but su buse mages and I ve set ta hear someose com- n that thev mont iheir mag- omered. if peuple miii stop) thînb about i. ithey miii dis- e thai food cosis base soi en searis as mach as huild- gcosis. user the somne per- if the utile banda oI gripees id grosers mould make as ch fusn ,tahie gaveesmeni han or ait leosi reduce the per cent un building mater- bs -en 1i eledthey mould be urking lac something morth- hile. i realize ibis tas is led- il and nul provincial. but if se are iookisg for poblicity y sot go off the mas ta the ty receisisg the stamps hen we check oui me have :n able ta obtais sariaus idles mitb su more cash oui- ython aur food bill. By ban- ng sîamps 1 do soi ibink id cosis mould drap. Be- es, il Ihose people mho oh- t ta aamps don't muni ie. let ibem buy mhrre ihes >nit gise ihem. [f enioycng beisg gises the dacing siamps makes me a :ker. then i'd raiher be a iker thon a grouch. Happy go Luciks'. Nrite - &AN WOULDSTIFLE PRME ENTEIRPISE Dear Sir: Mucb bas been said recestty about the merits and disad- vantages of the use of trad- ing stamps. The Provincial House is even considering the otitiawing of this promotion. Nom tbis courftry prides if- self. and rigbtty so. on ifs f ree enterprise system, so any tee- istation th stifle orc would se diction of are prout there is s use of ti onliy one use of ti motion. wbere tbe stamps ar ion ta Ilt sbop aia thern. At ast Consumer as much iodav as ago. Dear Sir: Only gises oui une is tor obviously prove the I arna compare1 shopping ionalty ci pare. 1i my stani stampsa Icitbe gr please ar privitege. Stamps" i aise and milI Sin (IM >eputy clerk C., >egins work Hulion Cousis c nrmw depuis ehr Claie MeKus miii egîn aorb as Apeil 3. Me. MeKus. carres ils depuis 1ck for King Tomnship, wiii ak roser the dulies ai former lpots dclrkJames Andrews. Mr. McKay Is murnrid and sav livech ldren.He mu e. Co-opsrtet checkmudte" a spie ons bauld ttc reporird îmrdiatey Miltas Palice Chief Ray As-. rens staird. "mc'd rother on- swer 100 phase collis hai taret ait ta ttc sothise, thon miss a ait thut souid usoid or salve o rime."- If eersa vne dues bis share, ec irit, erimisais miii suas cuare thes rani compete miib ttc local eampaigs and sicer leur of the toms. GUN SAFETY Somne thisgssrverehange fram ose vers end toanaotb- er. Among ibese is gos sainsv. Nhrnrsrr sou hase o gos in four bonds, remember itmas lrsigned ta kli. If vou e- nember ibiss vu mut neser point filut unything, or assone. n jesi. Neyer foot miib these lethat sseaoas.Huniing cas bgreot fus, but dont( forget bhat gos mas desigsrd fa bill. Ap ieted fI Hs . tar NALTON MANiOR Bingo game, square dancing amongrecent entertainiment ByMisa Lotit. Moore and The service apesed ii b Ihe soecd a musical progn Mes, M. Warbasa yms 'There is a Green Hillins the auditorium. A lol The cbuecb service on Sus- Far Amay", follomed by peay- flic faces ai the reside day, Fch. 19 mas cunducted by e. Me. Dustan read Psalm 138. shomed bow mach they is Rem. D. T. M. Dustan ai Grace The theme for is sermon mas esîayîng esery soie ai muti Anglican cbarch, Milton. Priar ibe siaey ai the prodigai ason. There mere I9 in the ch ta the service the arganisi The service ciosed mitb a mhich mas direcied by J piaycd sescrai familiar hymss. hyrns and benediction. Thomsn. The aegasistv ____________________ On Monday eveuing, Pcb. 20, Grace Coleti and fthe sooi bai mouidscentm O pp sd ad depress ibis sysîem O p sd to a dn cm ta ttc o contra- aai etUlt f sometbing t e p rm n u is t oi. i canosie mhy Milton Coancil viced ils op- such a cry oser the position fa peemiîîing a plan-c his type af sales pro- ced tauc-unit duplex fram br-e eis 12 stores moles ing cînver ed inia a sis-uniti his type ai sales pro- apriment duing consirue-c Peupile may boy ftain. iey like and if tradisg The B. Cisci propereiyan ie a source ai irritai- Mrfin St. haedeeing an the C.1 hem, lbey sbouidnit N.R. teacl sscs under diseus-% a business ibat uses sian. f olio wmi ng notification r rom the Committer ai Ajus.i- i food market, Mes, ment sucb an applicatioin 1 er cas boy tbree times %cald be beard Tuesdus. ifor an boue's woek Deputy-Reeve C. Mrnefy sot- she could 20 yeors cd a permit mas isared for a double duplex liane anitsl und Yaurs teuly, if sbauld bu adbeeed ta. J. M. Ledmith. Concillcîr B. rsi suggefed tet faie cuid ttc flacetd îiîh a charge oi discriminaition. LADING STAMPS sinesif ecentis .siîsied a r: neighbttring properevtst add one store sn Milontas sunuts muing if nuis an ap- aif trading stomps, nosaracment. iced ta shopt ier. 0 Councîf for C. Johnson point- ly ibose sebo do, ap- cd ouf t te aher building hud e "Stamp Meibod -'ttcen in existencer and mas ce- a cretai shopper asd gre a tnns- eanformcsg cpices ut the different uset 5tthen teiuiaw aspass. gmarkets and accus. cd in 1957. change and agais crm- have iaasd i con shop Reeve A. Ludmtb rerralied samne level and hase ihat during construtiasnttc ps, os I con meeeno had înqucied abocut the pssi- are gises. So mhy sut ifitv iii using ttc bîsement gripers shop herr ihes lac aparimeni,ince if ap- nd llom us the saine peure-l bithaivs the plus. He cI appeose oi "Grecs uas advi.ed the plans did sut " ose hundred per cent. incud the.'ise'iof te buse- i approse ai freeedm meut lite living arcîmmoda- h iis tom and ihat lau t itis fast losing if. Cauneif ippecived a,îmafias inceeely, otissa-tne tcapplication ta ttc uts.l Ena L. Bridgman. foeserded ft the Commutter ai Adjusi ment. McKaày Y E CROSS is pril 3rd IServin.L ram 25 upplians.flve+T oday + am s er init o wd. for Tomyrf- ing salarvmasetai The C auntvis scrres ivlooîk- isg for a personnel diresior and cirrk Grfield Brown e. p,rt,. "iee:,ti sers gaodap- plications." -Alie Me. And rews resîgnrd. te possihifils ai hie- ing a personnel olficer mba ssouid aiso serve as depuis- cieb oas invstsigaied. Hou. ever, if mas di scavered the duir. ssouid ttc timigreaI litr Wear rubhe glanes mhes cutiing osions so yo dont get flic sirong smeii on youe hands. KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT 0 W. are ahi. ta make duplicates of most sies and shape keys - quickly - at Iow cost. MITO HA m:RD A RE'Â,~ again the Ciinettes tram Oak- c illa aidb same gentlemen lendisg a beiping bond. The occasion mas o bingo. Il was as usal a sery tense ceeing. allmaiting for thai elusive wanted number. Six- tees games mere played, vitl: une speciol priae ai o iovely basket ai fruit for a ful card. Tbe Iueky wlnners mere E. Leuser, Mes. H-arvey, J. Begley, M. Demberry, Mes. Plasmas. Me. Leger, Mes. Tolley, V. Rev- nafds, Mns. Fret limicel, NMe. McKinney. Miss H. Marcy, J. Sullisan, Mrs. McCaffery, Mes. Farbes, and Me. Drmbeeey mas the lucky misser af ihebasket- ai fruit. Those respossible for the cîenig mee Mes. J. Kaeslag, Mes. D. Hirlick, Mes. M. Wel- brrer, J. Wettheee, H. Koeslag. Mes. B. Eakins. F. Porteresusnd R. Hagge. At thecanclus aiofthe bingo, coffre, ira and coolies tere sers'd. A heurty suie ai thonks mas gises ta the gursis by the tes- idents. The r«esiduin ejayed a mon- drful esesisg on Wednesdos. Feb. 22 mhen ihe choie ai Cen- trai Baptisi Choech. Oakville, j Nortem Nassagaweya Wrecking yard approved f ai Jean ltisis tran. Ai ch e close iof the cîrniaf. memberesai the Manue Auxili- aes sers-rd rrfrrsbments. Res. Ricergos-r the heneditios and Miss L. Moore îbanked the choie on hehaif ai ihe resid- On Thursday evening, Fettea- aes 23 ihe esidrtsreniayrd an evenîng ai square dancing. mhrs the Fîcur Corners- Square Dscer Club ai Part Credif vis- ted the Manar. Same ai aur mure nimbir resîdents joined n and perfored s-rry nimbis. Henri Jalicorur an the siolin and John Alisoski an the un- cordias assisird by o record- ing machine sapplird the tue iapping munie. The calieres mere Bert Everert., Bill Duncan and Grant Grutti. Some ai the ladies mere in cenienniaf costumes, mhicb addrd ta the cube aif the graaps. Afere the dancing, membres of the Masor Auifiry seesed refeeshmests, assisird by the sisitars. Miss L. Maure enprrssrd the thanks ai therersidenssta this fise geoap mha hase bren en- tereuinisg ai ithe Munor lue Manar for mass- veors. VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE 81àec à Cartons end Over S Lsu Thoai S Ctns. d. 9c lacIs SîZE 9 x 9" xs 1/16" Four Populer Shaidaste Chaos. rom Vus me WILt Break Cartons Sao Aito Sampies ot Our REOULAR LINES OF TILE VINYL ASBESTOS - SOLID VINYL Dy Dominion, Amitico, Armstrong and lInilot. HUNDREDS 0F PATTERNS AND COLORS Approval or tbe establlsb- ment of a recking yard in tbe nortb end of Nassagaweya Townsbip mas giv-!n by towen- sbip council on Monday even- ing. An application by John Mc- Lean and Douglas MeLean for the licence mas approved by a tbree to one margin, witb the proviso that the approval is sutjeet ta okay oi the Halton Cousis HeulIh Unit, The Townnbip Planning Board had recommended the application ttc turned doms. principally because of concern for the possible pollution of waler in the area. Councillor Ross Grdon spoke out in favor ai grant- ing the licence and Reese Wil- liam Cauller and William Ma- hon also voled in favor ai the motion. Councillor Anse Mac- Arthur soled against. Deputy Reeve William Hoey mas un- able ta attend the meeting due ta ilness. îProvided approval Io ro- ceived from the Cqunty ttea.lth Unit, the wrecklng yard mitI be established on tIhe soulh bal of lot 24, con. i. o k.fr $250 or our Sprlng 8CI,s.angSpedalI 6 Ibs or Leu. for $2.00 WhiIa euya-t-oh, pw de Yue Iaundy S». h» mmué ee b 21 lb. wash.r WINl bd. Waai pour big MM$, hankelaor washable drap.»fruI 75c PER Of Milton Laundromat 191 MIL ST. - MILTON THE FRESIDENT AND BOARD 0F DIRECTORS 0F THE CHILORENS AID SOCIETY 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALY01N codaly invte you and your friends 1t0 attend the ANNUAL MEETING on Thursday, March 16, 1967 at 8.30 p.m. AT KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main Street, Milton, Ontario GUESI SPEAKER MR. H. H. DYMOND, Secretary Ontario Association of Childrens Aid Societies CANON C. M. MITCHELL, MRS. FAUL LANZ, Presidient Secreaary Canada's finest COLOR TV at NEW, LDW PRICES an ]ELEOTROHIOME 6Oth Anniversary Special Il you'vo been wiin aort iht'=cot Coreaogoa top quality, bran-nmCor TVConsole, wait no longent Right now, Canada'.s ownc Electrohome la celebratisg ita 601h Brth- day with a money-saing Annivrsaty Salol it presenta a rare opportunity lu get Electrahome quality and dependabilily ot savings ai $100.0O or more. Check the line ... check the pricos - . .you'll agree ifs Canadas biggest value In Coor TVl 181 MILL! CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES ST. OM8221 I SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM CHICKEN & MUSHROOM soup$125 CHEF SALAD ROAST CHICKEN LEG & SAGE DRESSING MASHED FOTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES FRESH GREEN BEANS CREAM RICE PUDDING FOR RSERVATIONS PHIONE 078-9061 W. Ar. Open lEvry Day Throuphout the Yeaa LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Mikon >IUA*DIAH Save $ $ During March ON *BRAKE JOBS *STEERING *WI4EEL BALANCING *GM PARTS 0 TUNE UP *EXHAUST SYSTEM -ME lEST SERVI 5NTE CHEAPEST PHONE FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT REED m REDFERN LTD. YOUR CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER IGHWAY 25 SOUTH 878-2393 1 MLý-ý

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