Artt-McGinnis vows St. Paui'u United Church, Milon mas the cene of a mcd- ding ceremccny ou Fridav eve- ning. Februaca' 24. The church was decoraîed wiih baskets of white chrN,'anthemums, sn.cp dr.igiics aid de,ît pinkcana Frances Faye, daughter ot Mr. ai Mrs. Allan 0. CIe- merics wsaunuited lu marriage 10 Henry 0. Arti. son ai Mr. John Ati and the laie Mrs. Elieabeth .Arti o Belfast, ire- land. Rev. J L. Graham ultîciated ai the cere'munan ad thc church rganisi, Mrs. H. Magee played the meddiug music. The bride mas givea an mac. niage bv hec father and more a suit ofmisi green brocade %vith pale roue accessocies and car- ried a cascade of piuk ruses. Mir. Donna Coniier. siterrai the hrtdc. oas matrua of hanor and more an ice piuk dress suiicvithincatching .cc.essories un erie(l Liiiiisegzis01aice iciarnaction.isAiendiug the groom suas George Clemei,, bruthcr of the bride. A reception for members of the immediale lamiiy cras held ai the home of the brides par. ents, Broute Street. Special guesi ai the recep- tiou mas the brides graudlatb- er. George Cudmure. uhu cele' hratcd his 97th bîrthdav tbat >am ceekeud. The bride and groom leit bv plane for their hunevmuon la Florida. Reynard-Mowat MR. AND MOS. NENRY o. ARTT wor. married ln SI. PaulIs United Chucch, Milton an Februaay 24. The bride la a daughier ai Mc. aud Mca. Ailea . Clomenîs oi Brote SI. (Phoa by Morle Gunby) The home utfBMc. and Mcs. Mactin Caputo of 385 Williams Ave.. Mitounmadeeocated wiih white chrsyautbemama and piak carnations for the 4.3t p.m. eddiag of Mc. and Mca. 'Robeet -Ernest Reynacd on Fabcuacy 4. The bride. the former Mary Elleu Momal ut 298 E'imwood Cres.. Miltoou. s tbe daugbtec of Mc. and Mca. Jamea Momai of 298 Elmsaood Crea. Mc. Rey MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL W.A. on the WAY ly lMra. Gwyame Hamlion PubBiiy Dfireelor The Women'a Auvliary ai the Milton District Hospital bc- gina a naw yaar witb a very buay chedate ut coming v Mca. Ana Ptoiemy presided ut ber icat meeting as Presi' dent when the nes. evecatice matinl the Board Room of the HospialMardi 8. The com- ing weeka wiit aeceplans foc the Mayiime Bail May 6, and the annual Tag Daya May 12 and 13 mateciaiizing. Tin s aiee ar the pcevtooa bail together witb the intecest alcaady being abowu to date. ecuraages tbe canventer for the ocaion. Mcs. H o w a c d Grcswold and ber committee to make thia, the Cetenu l Year dance, one long tu bc remem- berad. Foc tickets and resersaticcus eali Mca. J. Benectev 8783443. And as me spea k of the Cen- tennial. the Aoiliars appcovc.d a motion that a Cetenuil Aard of $100 bc giaeuveaclv tu uadeserving Candv Striper salcu s panning ta furcher ber educatio and enter aprccfes- ston aliled ou hospitis. Tihe Candy Stripera g ou p. planned and eouveuc.d lu Juta 19615 hv Mec. Jochn OIler. bas pruved to be mot uccessfl and a ewacdcng esperieuce toc tbe girls pariicipaciiug. e are proud ta have tbree of these voang ladies noas lu training toc ch e nurs iug priofession. Since tbe ineeption ofl iis ser- vice to the hospitai and the patients 2,235 boucs of service banc ýbeau given bs 23 girls. Last vear Sandra Coates apent 20135 haurs. Duouna Kuomles 201.5, Malle L.tham 201, and Weudv Mcrphv 163 in varioas clties iu the Hospital, for mhicb ther mw'ce presen ted gcld pins. Th:s vear a goid bar o tl bc added ta their pins, and preaeuccd at the annoal mceet- ing uftihe Buard ot Goaetnacs Mareb 29. Fuc 1966-67 gold pins crere presen ted t ive girls avcîh 75 hours luticieir eredit ha' the Auxiliars Trheir mark ban been greatîrv appreciated; as thev bave es' emplified one ut the hospitai roltuteer mottos "While in, lUniform You Persouir vYccar An i ail lu tend ti Board Marcc Room East Milton the M cripp]e The NOW ONLY "229 RICHARDSON'S REG. $259.00 YOU SAVE $30.00 RADIO AND TV. 200 MAIN E. - MILTON PHONE 878-6949 The aunuai Si. Pateick's ha- zaar of Knox Preshycerian Church was held Saturday. March 11in the Sunday School ruams and viîh the combined cffares.)'lithe ladies of the ehurch aicd the pairocnage ofi Ciec ommunia', madeia verv .uc,,lui vet Flu,%, I JK. L. Vtjii ap.iiiedlihe b.a aiih aca'ord ofi ccl.ic.a2 'clîiek.The ai- irac.iive tables %ith bartiicles fur sale ciere oell pairau ized. Mrs. MiGaivu, Mrs. S. Laekie and Miss Ediih Dick vclcomied the lic i o he hisser .auditoriumc, chichcvas cîrietiielvrdecorai- cd iunca'pring mîcili The iea A MOOTOAGE SUENINO CEEMONY an Wed- gage couered a partioan aithe Cool Mias Kath- nesday night markedtha oficial campeta iono eau McPhedran, chairady oaitha poa cet, Mra he modern kitcheu inSt. Davds Peahylerian A. T.Mooepreadea aif bueWA.and Mrs Church hallCampba n a e.The aunvataon ai Ken Mooeeceary-nauaroft ha WA nard is the aon ai Mc. aud the k ichen aeaumaa the Mrs. Eruest Reynard ut 697 M.A.andcsa talao Auyou St.. Gceeulietd Pacbrk, ________ Muntreal. lnth brieso eie a aeet Teugbrdsaige w afseonPapFir on lace uve a sitk abeai. Hec headylece and mbimaey mare i e lu ha' Christian Dior. She ace a wiite Bible witb white aicia' The March meeting mecs aud golden garuet smeei- Scotch Bluck Wumea"s heart roaea. lote was beld ou Ti The ceremony waa conuat- afternuoo aai 2 p.m. en cd by Rev. Stanley Smith. Hall witb Mrs. C. N. I Bridesmaid Misa Margaret la the chair. Armstrong of Toronto wuce a ics. C. Service cea( paie greeu auit uitb match minuutes ofihe pceniou' iag green baadpiece and a cor- iug and gave tbe linon. sage of white tiara swee theari part. The rolaIl euh as MISSea. at.weced hv uamiag au Iris] Mn ionmas givean in Plaus mere iualied fi marciage by ber ather. bcthdav parivts bcbeh Gruomaman cras Thomas the Hallou Ceateuniai Freuch ai Monîrnal. uThursdav aveu iag. Folfowiug the cecemnouy. an 16 eveuiug recepilun vas hetd ai A donation of 123 wý ha Caputo home aith 30 cd tu Red Cross. Mrs. guests atteuding. Licsuu Mcs. Murray Receiviug toc the bride mas aud Mrs. Robert Dredg( ber moîber, Mca. Peact Mow' appoiuted as nosucuatiai lu i a browa sitk dresa witb mittee to bring a new sl matcbiug brama accesacries cfficecs to the April m oppedofiby a corsage ai Mrs. C. Service. Mr bronze orchida. . L.cwsou Mrs. R. inc The groom's mothec recaîn- ed ln a tocquoiaesui t wt white accessories and a cor2L O sagaeutfashite smeetbeari cas- H LO iary; Fornobmiboaavmiotitnp la cnvitatian la eteuded ta Foth nem ntrpt iai communits a i Niagara Faits and Ottawa, the taa- bride wore a blacb and white beannual meeting ai the tedsi ihawiewn ai ofGoveruors ta bche bed twe sit ita tcin c 29 lu the Coulercace tecrhaat, black glanas. porse ai the Hospital ut 8 p.m. and shoas. H er carsage mas ai piuk cases. Fulccwing tbair retaru tram the hoaaymou. theY look op Seuls @out resideuce ai Greeuiieid Park. Moutreul.- stec Seuls mere mailed ta Go cats cama ta the wedding ýn anud district residenta tramn Toronto, Montreat and .aeek. The sels are the Milton. ai tond raisiug projeet ut Prier ta ber marriage. Miss Miltoan Roary Club and Mmat cras houoccd ai a mise- -eds wiut bc ased la aid eliaueous showrcai the home led' eblidren. ot Mrs. Kay Sonne, Thicd objective is $1.400,000 Line Miton, Janaary 23. cosîs. and the growiug nom- ber af rippled cblîdrea. Pres- entir 16000 Ontarioa blîdren depend ou saur Easter Seul contributions. Bacc Porter ta ehairman ai the Milton Rot- ctrs's cmpaigu. -Yaungsters have been seen chi, scee'k plasing on iceait the mi pond. Athortcsccvacn the icucis nul sale and the 5ccund belîca. the ic. is precir suat. Parents shuuld keep chiidc.-n accav irum there. ,10cin PI an Now t. Visit1 %00 EXPO '67 LL~sL~;Maple Leaf Tours hie U c~' can. provîde you with CanieuncaGuaanîoed ACCOMMODATION la a nnperb aie apahimont hal TRANSPORTATION by luaary ceieruiser ta yaam hatl door and rturas, plunsitanpoaioiaavia metra lae Eapa ile. AT LOW COST An leur an $45 for a weehend incuiniansaportaioan). W. beliave iis is the loset rate for comparable accammodation aaywhere. *Nu raileprobiemns *Lasurs hitet va 1h indoor pool and sauana bath% *Dooc'tcdaor transportation *Doavtasan location - close la Expo aabway " Choice of 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 or 7aight atays " Dearaclaes irccm April 28 ta October 23. 1967 " Special discounts toc groupa ACT NOW - RESEEVATIONS ARE NATUEALLY LIMITED C. H. NORTON BUS LINES SuOen 6346958 Cakvilie 827.0971 ae prajeci ai tha chucch ara shomu as thay bhan the maciguge. oi $2,596.57, A mari- (Staffi Phato) iSt. Patrick Scotch block of the 'SInstu' 'ucsdav nLiguv Rowuev ,a the vs meet- ncial ce- bhsong. for the hetd ai ,Manur March vas vol- David g corn- tIata ni meeting. drs. D. ng and Miss Eva Chishotm Were nainm cd as farm accident sures ceporters foc the coming rear. Plans werc made lac the next euchre to bc hetd lu Lig' na' Hall cn March 29. Mcm' bers were urged to attend the short course "Cccfcr lu Your Home" ti c b hetd ou Aprit 4 at[ 9.15 p.m. lu the Christian Eclîcation rcccm, St P;icIts tUited Chorch. f s buped the members il enter the Otd Fîshioccud cccckie bake -'ofctficcchheeid ai the April meeting lunI igns Hall. The uluner icccli pete acthe District Annual. Mr. C. Service gae a payer on St. Patrick, the p.ctcou Sacnt of Irelauci Thiicgh but n in Dunbru, Scciand bchbc came a missionars n l n anudtriumphed tirer herîthen, ie.ining i a land tif Chrislii.ns. His de.iih oc- curred onv M.rch 17. Mrs. J. Irving couducied asa Irish ciiuicsis, and the cinuers crere Mrs. C. Service aînd Mrs. R. Irving. The meeting cli.sed with the singiccuoft heOcicen anud the lustiiaie Grace and a delic- oas lunch crus served. -BicciS 20 bills iurned up FOR ALL OCCASIONS ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS SNOWERS GRADUATIONS ANNIVERSARIES CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIFTS OF DISTINCTION Gis lhat Are Sure To Bn Appceciaîed Choase Confidently Ai 1834 Main Si. - Miln tables carcied out the Si. Pal' rcbs theme. milh Irish table ceaires. Poaring ima were Mcs. Ro- bert Laklng, Mca. Aiea Watson, Mra. P. W. Cooke. 'Mrs. John McMilian, Mrs. Stanley Agnew. Mrs J. 1< L. McGown, Mca. W. A. Marshalli,Mrs. RiabertiThom- ,on, MrsBessie Lamb. During the alternoan guesîs we enîerîained wiîh piano music by Mcv. J. -Mocrai. Mra. Ted Figg. Mrs. ýMyrna Thomp- son and Misu Mary Wiiis, and Irish danees by Marilyn Mac- lin and Karent Ricket, which %vc're eu jcved hYa al preven t. NOTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of the Milton District Hospital Corporation wiII be heîd in the new conference room of the Milton District Hospital on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1967 ai 8000 p.m. Amendim.nts wii bu pmpon.d i.eth. Hospital By.Laws A tour has been arranged at 7.00 p.m. for the new wing and renovated areas. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL Oated et Milton, Ontario, thia 14th day of Match, 1967. by order oi the Board oi Directors. D. E. McQUAIG, Secretary ýNCPERAIVE 1 MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " Ali Surgieul Operationa IndIividuaa or Fanlovee Croups " Daciora' Calia Pald (raom siv emml i am;nlimîce ai he Firsi Visii,,e " ConfInements RFV.ISI.I>RATFS " Anaeniheiii' Services Mon th[% - 35.75 Single " X-rays mont Iimia- 511.58 Couple " Alan Malar MedIcai Mcnhiv - $13.25 F..miiy Yeariy Plan. Drugs Pavable Quarirlu or Veariy BiALTON CO-P MEDICAL SERVICES 143 Main Street Box 474, Miton - Dial 878-9712 P'ieuse end me iniirmiion. (No ochahieiionî. Na ie Addlv e. ,.. PHILCOHOME FREEZER PHILcowth 10 Year Warrainty ON SEAIRD UNIT START SAVING ON YOUR FOOD BILL NOW! WITH A PHILCO CUSTOM TAILORED CHEST FREEZER 0 For this 18.2 cu. ft. Chest - with 10 year warranty on ssaI.d unit * YOUCAN BUY ON BUDGET TERMS m O S PRING 20% STYLE SAVINGS DUE TO VOLUME PURCHASINO MANY McHALE PATTERNS WILL BE REDUCED BY 20% FROM ... Thursday - March 16 TO Saturday - March 25 COME IN EARLY AND GET THE BEST SELECTION 250 Main St. 8784501 Milton The Canadian Champion, Weànesday, March 15, 1967 3 St. Palrick's bazaar held at Knox Church go