82 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 Festival of colors heralds spring season A festisvat ot colorIaI spring fanhions drew "oohs" and 'ahhs trrom close ta 300 Mil- ton and district ladies on Wed- nesday night. 'Holy Rosary Church Hall was the sceneuof 1e'tremend- ously succesfut show.' spon- sored bhs the Hots Rsais Caîhuic Wnens League. Fashions pros'lded its Milton 'Depariment Store were mod- elled by local ladies. children, junior petites and teenagers. Ros E. Brancier Jewellers of 'Miton supplied the jeweltery for the show and Karens 'Pîoer Shop provided ftow- A demonstration of bair- pieces and hair styting o-as gisen 6v the Fathion Beauty Lounge. Prceedstfrnm the event go towards the projecis ut the HuIs Rsais Cathotîc Wîîmens I cagte. Commentaior Mrs. Robert Mackay desrihed the douens ai fine fashions and modets for the esening were Delores Melanson, Drothy Dingman, Yolanda 'McCann. Henrietta Vandenheuvel, Gera Schouten, Edith Schouten. 'Bruna Cura- detti, Janice Arnold, Douglas McCann, Connie Lewin, Pal- riek OConnor, Cathy 'Arnod, Myra Keane, Gail Facto, Mar- ilyn Reynolds, Barry Ferguson Trevar Houston and Mark Bradley. Vana Mairo ut the Fastioi Betots Lcongc tant Mtrs Van G rîossen demonstrattett hou and harpiece stiiio Mis. M auro and Mrs. Mars Van G,-unsven were models. Menibers of the urganizing committer were: Conseners, Madeline Sanford, Mary Tuf- ford. press and puhticity, Zelta 'Bonin; prugraiti.Daîts Wheel- er; tickets. Joan OConnor; modets. Detores Melanson; make op, Vi Gassrunski; dec- orations. Kathv Vandeheasel and Joanne Arnotd; lighting, Chartes Cairins; re freshments. Deilia Serafini; posters, Jill Giest and the Huis Rosary schoot children. Speciat draw prizes were provided 6v Ross E. Brancier Jeuetiers. Miton Depariment Store and Kirens Fliter Shop. Fottowing the sitoa. retresh' ments stere sersed Donations îotatling $37,199.26 from Hatton Coanty residents w-iIl hetp fight the batie again. si tuberculosis and other re- tated respiraiury aitmenis. The annual Christmas Seat campaign ofticiatly ended last week and totat receipis were $37.199.26, the secretary-treas- are, for the toao association Mis. M.E. Lutiu reptiî The fleure represens alih drp -about 3396 -osdt.'î the record high igure o f 537.- 568.21 cotlected in 1965. About 40 per cent ut the 30,948 pack- ages of seals sent o ut in Hat- SPRING MATS topped offi Yolando McCans and Mrs. photo. Library Notes 'qby mrs tosephine johnston CLOSE TO 300 ladies watched the fashian show sponsored by the Cathoic Momens League of HoIy Rosary Church, at Wed- nesday evening. Three of the models n the show were Mrs. Gerda Shouten and Mrs. Dorothy Dingmas. standing. and Mrs. Delores Melanson. (Staff Photo) aIM OF TMWJUNI OMDUI were Janioe Arnod, Cnnip Lewin and Cathy Arnold. Fashions were provided by Mlton Departotent Store. (Staff Photo) ,eeALIN EIJEcr4 INOUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTIM MUTATIONS MOTOS luNEmiS 24 HOUR MISITENANCI 5ic8 BOX US., MILTON, ONT. 878-2206. NEW PERIODICALS The librars has added Cor- ent History, Gonsd House- keeptng, Holiday, Hot Rad and Sports Iilustrmted thîs vear These. as wtsi ai]'s at cither magazine,mas bc ta-' kes out Le hbookstitr a M see period. NEW NON FICTION A Window in Wiliamaburg. John J. Waket and T. B. Lew- is - Bautifut cuor photo grtphs and inercsting test t hittîte troagit and a mati fur tnocplanintg a trip Hsnd Tambsg Wiid Birda 'ai the Feeder, Afred G. Martn- Desiriptians tf bird feeders. tîîods. haths. and care utfsick bîrds. as wctt as has tus go ab- oui1 iamîng îhem l lrnt touaihand. Raccoons are the Brightest People, Sterling North - A dcightuthbook. mentiîîned here hecausti 1 hase bern as6' cd abot iil a fr-vs il-es %as bc fond in te crildrens sec' toa, mas' the itîtitîss book. A Stoth in the Famlty. Ger- aid Durrel -Worth iittking throttgb iut lotii thc culii photii9r.phs iii thitis mititng ltte aonial. FICTION The Thinking Reed. Rebeeca West - A re issue 1The starv ut Isattette-tuang. rîch. sittitted and her ttvcr. i Earope.îo higb oitvth Ie My Lord ut Canterbury. Godlrey Turion - .Archishop MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Dame in ud Wfesit of flsway 25 ai Milon Open Daily lu 8 p.. Friday & Smurday lu 12.30 pin. 5UCKETS 0F FL4YOR's CmI CHICKEN 8 Fieces (A Whole Chiekesf $1I-99 12£PServes Four .$3.09 14 Smeee& Six $3.59 16 rZjmeseven $4.14 18 ,eetihl$462 21 P'eme Ni ne $ 5.25 28 In- $7.11 32 eb-usa $8.10 36 5.0 ADO TO TOUR DINNERS OR BUCKET SPECIALS Box French Fdes tu Serve Six $6 Co i eu ................. e. Single Order Freench Fdes 20e Six Packs of Hossev .......» PHONE 878-6028 MWdel have yohr ore ready Thîîîî.îsCi anme iandi te it i ltr'nt i VItI,.ni ai t- 1% ac urs' tc it t i l nn l Hait of Mirrors, John Row- an Wilson A trgeon hit ,cl[. the .îîthor Otites steli. in tht, s medî.ittitet t ioîtiig The 20th uf Jsly. Hans Hel- lmui Kîsi - iod ict a ied Ici-sîtîn of itilt'tutii h lo tit Hitlers lite The Roni Ipstairs, Mon- Ica Dickens--Bs te wihoti ii 'ale ztnttEmmttandtPorte- tietitiRtiad. An Angela Thirkelt Omnibus -Cîînt:ins tree iii the auth- trs,ok-Anide eep. High Rising and Wld Straseberries. Mrs Jusephînelohnstîîn. Libraritit. the colorful. new fa Brasa Coradetit are! -1,eC hampio t, hIp tort dît pentsive "titr sale" riter. ai-, tmure antoarie in The Early Birds March 10 Ladies' high single. Audrey Mason 320; ladies' high triple. Loreen Marnh 721 (202, 281, Gootd 291; mens high triple, Jack Goutd 695. Other good singles, Len Ma- san 258, Jonc Goutd 244, Hilda Rigo 258, Bill Shields 223, Fred Rigo 211, Doug Picheit 231. Reg shions. Mes. Gray 217, Juan Waters 206. Les shown in the Wilts 201, Sadie Thomas 231, Loreen Marsh 238, Kav Shields (Staff Photo) 268, Ede Crvderman 226, Rav Waters 267, Ivan Crvderman 23n, Stan Marsh 247. tes MeCet- lad 209. 10n ctassttîeds 016cr goud triples. Len Ma- tour spcîng son 616, Jane Gauld 664, Hilda SelI att itar Riga 648, Bill Shields 610. Fred with an inet- Rigo 625. Doug Pickeit 610. ad. Audres Mastîn 627, Kav Shields tearlv Spring. 666. Ras Waters 632. Stan acinsales Marsh608. c Champion% Dorothv wttn 2 pts.. Hitda 0, ntatets. Aurires' 7, itîne 7, Stan 5, Les 0. BIRD SEED e~ WHILE IT LASTS ià Oc per IL McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN ST 8789222 ton County were answered wth donations. The money raiscd will hetp support the monthly chesi cli- ics hetd in caunty hospitats, provide for an expanding pro- gram against related respira. tory ailments and provide a grant of about $10000 for t'e- searcit. "We were really qulte pteased wit.h the results,' .Mrs. -Lunsu conctuded. -Many have been attending the onnuat Sporsmens Show which opened in Toronto on Friday. -'Georgetown Public Sehoot trustees have decided 10 accepe te maximum altowabte psy- ment for their monthly meet- ings. Ststutes set the limit at M4 per month. TO ALL PARENTS INTERESTED UN REGISTERINO FOR DAY CARE CENTRE PLEASE CONTACT MRS. R. McMURRAY 85 3-2694 FOR STATISTICAL SURVIT ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE Can. Fancy SPY APPLES ---69c 6-qt. bâkt. No. 1 Ont. POMMTES 10 lb. for 39c New CARROTS . - 3 cello pks. for 25c Firm Green New CABBAGE ..........9c lb. (Raisin Bread) Cbristie's FRUIT LOAF ... 2 laves for 39c Cartons of 6 Suncreut BEVERAGES 39c ea. plus deposit Wizard - Save 20c ROOM DEODORIZER Spray Bomb 2 tins 98c AIIan's FRUIT DRINKS, 48-oz. tins ... 3 for $1. WEEKEND MEAT SPECIALS C.P. Devon Brand BACON, 1/2-b. pkg. -- 39c Mapie Leat Vacuum Packed COTTAGE ROLLS ...63c lb. Maple Leaf BOLOGNA. . .....3 IL for $1. Lean Park SPARE RIBLETS ---- 3 lb. for $1. DEUIVERY RESTI VO'S F" she just splurged on a flutfy, triIIy delicate, ridiculously expensive negligee and she'il throw it in the gas dryer without a worry. 8 4 p. - Christmas Seal fund $37,199; near record