Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 13

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Jim's Jottings b y i im d ii 1 *Sugar and Spice b y b i 1 1 sm ile y 0 Mmy pam-l- bave hein saying it, but if takes a wuman of the stature of Mrs. John Robarts to get it across. Peo- ple dont banc to sane trading stamps if tbey dont mant to and if tbenv dont want them thes dont bave tu shop where tbey are anailable. Plans ta outlaw lbem are ridiculous. Many people enjoy saving tamps and if this is Ibeir wuy of sanxng for some lbings they seant they sbould bc entitled 10 it. t can remembr gru- cery stores giving free dishes away years agu and ttere mas nt) suggestion that should be outlawed. Whats the differ- ence? a Houais ln rural Oatcvlle and Bar- lington banc sîreel numbers nuw wich are far more belpful to the person seek- ing a specific farm thux a rural route ad- drcss. 'm nener certain, bowener. which has preference le mail delinery but 1 assume tbe rural route is demanded. If tbere was some way tbe rural route designaîlon coutd be droppcd and tbe ncw street addresses applied, referring lu tbe post office of distribution ratber than the aclual municipality. it migbt en- cnluatly be elcarer aIl around. 0 Parbinanas taws banc always been fanorites of mine because bc seems able to state lbem su suocinctly. Il wsa Cyrtl Nortbcole Parkinson, you wtll re- call wbo laid dowo tbe axiom " Work expands su as tu f Ilthe ime anaitable". He turned out a companion law "Espen- diture always riscs ta meet income." His rcstles mnd bas, naw staled unoîber "Delay is tise deadlest formn of denial'. Mr. Parkinson, announing tbe nese as- on, suys tbe "Abominable No Man" bas neen replaced in mure advanced bur- caucratie civilizalions by tbe "Probibi- lice Prucaslinalor". The PP listens and forms a commitîece The cummilte in surit drafts an otttline proposai and iormst sub-cummttîces. Supported and protecîed bv tise proiferatiof %icidom. tise cummilîse sends ils report lu a com- mission ut inquirv whicli sili connene in about six ears. e Theres a set of figures for encrv- bhing t gues Dr. A. Wood Agrieulturel Economisl. in a recen I paper le Food Prices. poinled out tbe cosi uf food bas fallen suhsîantiatlv, relative lu ncmem in Ibe last 12 vear period. Dr. Wood sans food prices and sages banechcanged le such a scuy chat tbe same fond eue be purclsased silb a 20 per cent smalter pur. lion of the wagcs received hv Canadians. Noue' Ahsnvcuar sife sucs it taises mure for lb, gruceries shes ighl bal il lekes ruparlicnalelv less. Nom .,ltels lrc thal agix .. a Premier Robarts' unnouncement osf "a wide rang ixg stud 'v ut the Niagara Escarpamerl wiîb a nîew lu preservnti ils enlire iexglb from Ouexulton lu Tub- ermurv and Manitoulin tsland as a rece- realiox one" s melcome. 1 hope tbe sludy is nul su widc-ranging as to never bc cancluded. bomener, t hope Ibe righîs of Ihose mbo own escarpament properîn for tarming will be ginen o fir %halteein whatener solution is deneluped lu pro- lect Iis nalurai us-et. TI lapîysan impur- tant part in tise geography ufthIis part ofthne country. Down[s] in this W t roy o ns Corner Oakvitte Reeve Herb Merry, mbos nener suffered et a toss fur mords.. and mords ... and mords ... ced mure murds. deinered a stur t Miton ced coined e brend new mord lest week, Speaking et an Oaisilte counacil meeting about the delcys wicb bave forceit the long bold-ups ix the open- ing ut HalIons second hume for the aged. Martin House. Herb sald (and me quote): "Mitton is an un-get-at-able place and t mens tbe builders dont ment ta murk there," t's truc, construction delcys dtd hutd up the nesu menor construction untit il seemed il old never be ready. But 1 duelt thixis the faut it mas ix Hil- ton bcd mach ta do mitb it. Herbas probsbiy jealous Ibat the Martin House is ix Miltun. Herb's bren a ictim of green eyes for maxy years suben ibcomtes lu Mitons tributes. Hcrb, yuu'Il rmcal, s ebairman ut the Oaknitte eommittee attempting ta fatS Miton inIa amatgamnation mitb "big brotber" te the soutb. Su for, Milton bas been jusî c ltte bit tua "un.get-at-abte" as fer as Ockileit is concerned. We ont banc exp part of an amalgamation %sitb any tIen tbat cent beedie ils omn probtems andloonks about ttikc tbe dromning maxi 10 grcsp aI any necrby ubect il can drag duma mitb it. Su mere 'un - gel - ut -cabIe"? Thank goodnes. mitb sucb greedy 'get-at-ers" os Herb Herry around, Wed ISe. white OakvillIe s an our mixds. lu corrcîateriaus roina Oakuiitu dailv papur lasi Fridai .Tise nemspaper carrîed a tait page lsit o "What pour tawn is doixg ta celebrate Caxadas Ceneeici". Tise itt inciuded ibrue Miltonuselts thal are plaeeed for Celenniai cear, ced eacb ofthlie dates suas wraeg. Our municipal celebrations mi le st tram August If ta Seplembur 4, nul Augusi 24-26 as isled; lise Sleam-Era Reansax wiut be bure Labor Dat Weekeed. Sep- lember t, 2 ced 4, eut Augasi 31 la Sep- lenîbur 2 as liseir ist reparied, ced aur Old Fasiioeed Dccs celebraîsue stiti bu train mid-Augusî lu Lebor Dec. eut c on-îeaaiaar on Seplember 4aslthe payer reports. Beides. siece seben did Mlton bc. onepart utfishat lise papi.reiîesiders .r ltiwn" Fer Syd Childus sake. me hope the pasi mccerallc eleclion resulîs ie the sarroaxding district dont set: a pattern for Milton i n our next municipal elcc ion' Il seem teterv lime .a couicil huitds a nsettn iior cils hallthtie Macor gets icSeul oit if office. Looîtîti atahp- peneul te Barlinglon. Dabville. Toronto, and Hamilton in eetvaç Burlingsas'u mayer OseceMatin a-as defeetest aller a tosn%,h all %vas con- sirucleul dorm bhis termit.Ocisiles mvrAtaMsson tost is Md for a secoînd termi stier spenief ae nets' rivie building ast dias s butae tise leclion Tiiriinl't "mîsor ut allishe peuple" Na- bhan Piilips s tishe Toronocterltion raea test ccart a ts'iile tise new ita balt sa t indu-r cîot lItectiin.Hemiltons Ilueut ovdJacksoin fostoutl le Vie Ciappt seien tl ie enHamiltonx dlv hall tees oe.sinp esîmplelisse Hiwtit Ifor tItmlier ce-ni casueltInreate? Foîr ISd' sasbikes' hope the mccx t inicrisîr acnilns d renos-allons et bhe MltosnMunisipstl Building dont hear j î'ioistsehs,' ossrîme ofthlie next vlcuisn Of îcour",' sc ionL'etlis sisini,,' o votIsiLn in ul ferember 967,sont i-itbsn eccc's'înc sillthasve tsruîlien f,lisse wn ball lob .eseept on tise- stuci-bec risce taN hbis sre dite. ,%n unusual hobby is suggested bv lise Onario Saftis League - trc ta cot- Nul lise teet ind Tise "Tb.îxisYou"' kisni. Tise league o-axis more drivers ta excisnge caanlesies and vesoap precicliaxsavs.ac Ils% a pleesant geslare. Yaa sbîîî cansiderîlion foîr axotiser driver. affur. ing im a chance la change a panicular trcffic poîsitionx. and as buel.sbe, advan- lag-ofiiiltlbei-aises une banul aboîut 1. aiches. Ysînce iusualîc rtrmheside atbecr' esein tront sut cour car lu gel inoor sout of aîdrivesýis; tir tram bc- bindt a, he pick, sp spees ixnlise taxe o bas'îeeî'îest him It share. Il PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST Il SKELTON.LIKE, a tree stands foriorn that wii lurn it into a thing of beautv and naked, amaiting thse arrivai of once more. spring and nature's wonderfui procesa (Photo by Merle Gunhyl T/se 4 oo*9dfnft 1kt/he lt4f**ot* a Remember bock in tise dayxs wban aimoxl euery panlor bad ils own orgue. a beactîful wooden cabinet ils a fax- cînatîxg range ni stops above tise key- board? At foot level îisere'd be Imo large foot pamps. wisicis mien depress- cd sîmultaneoasiy mîth the Scyboard, mouid produce tbec ils sucis grand names as fortissimo, crescendo and pianissimo. For a smail boy il mas a fascixoting instrument and a source ut amusemenf whitîe grandad and grandima entertoin- ed. t seemed to go ils tise decor ot the room miicis iad large prints nf Lord Ktciener and King George on tise mails, bearded and forbiddixig leaders oi anotiser age. These strict patrîcians looked stem- y t lise small boy misa fiddled witis tise stops, eapenîmented ils tunes like "Tise ld Spînning Miseel in lise Parlor". "Gid Black Joe" or "Pack Up Vour Trou- bles", Occasionall misex tise mood it îbem on a Saeday lise company wuuld assemble ix tise parior on tise floral pattecned rag. gatiser 'round the argan and ing, witis a tisunderoas accompani- ment, tise iymes misich is ted spirits and provided saxtexaxce for anatiser long meeis of labor Tise sabbats mould never be profaned by popular sangs like "Red Sails ix tise Sanset' or 'Tiseres a gold mine in tise Sby", wisicis came tram tise mantal radio ai tise day. Tise grand aid porion argan gave may ta tise piano, misicis in tare wenf into decline for fise television set, Nom tieres a sig back ix tise otiser direction. Home Gonds Refiling sayx beyboard musicmisicis nom envers everyfhing irom tise tom priced cisord organ ta tise etectronic unit at $2.000 or more is groming steadîly in Canada. "Tise smingern", says une manufacturer, "like tise argon saund", Customs, metisodx and manners may undergo some drastie averisouling but tise singers ai anufiser age probobly figure fastes reatiy dont change mach. rii inpe66io'ft.* a* Naling creates as good an impres- sion on a stranger ix a cammunity as tise may ise micishe ix greeled on 5e visils local places ai business. Cammenting on lise motter, tise St. Marys Journal-Argus feuls aitise reac- haon ut a nisitor 10 tisaI lame. "Witis more nem people maning ncu aur cnmmuxitp as imne gaex an, tise mercciants ai tise commuxity saouid be moce tisax euer amare niflise need ta serve 10 tise uery besî of tiseir ability -not oxly Ibrogis tise ide variety ai goads tisep ofier, but in tise unique per- sonal seruice givex by tisemseiuet or tiseir emptopees. "Tisis past meek me had a cisat about thiss ery malter ils a mon misa ix reiaîîaelp nem 10 tise commuxiîy. He isas beex moxI pleased ils the service he bas been gînen in same local oullefs, but in more tisno ne case hi han taand a place misere ise states'Tise attitude s bad." "By tiis ise meons tisaI a fese stores and places ai service toise a very short sigisted attitude misen il cames ta cn- couraging xem business, If a persan is o regulor custamer tisey are mormly greeted. If a comparative stranger or nemeamer enlers the establishment, and if by chance lisep are aust shopping or bromning. they are ailen ginen any- tbing but a melcome treolment. "One meak linS in tise cisain ai ner- vice ottered meaes tisaItisere ix a ne- ilection ot pon reputofian rabbing off on everyane. "Unforîunofeip. a tem short-sighled pensons isave la be reminded quita ofen cancerning tise disservice tisey are peniorming an bebali ai al." Pôèc/edeicexperiei»ce.. TI SUMMU SCI400L mos bîld in July of 19t8 ils a loge numben ai en- rolees. Do yu recagnize onp ai lhem? Photo tram tise George Jacksoan col lec- tioe. Teex-age mussc? Dont iold up pour bonds in iorror. If pou iavent donc tise irug, the tmist, tise moxisep or mapb he seFreddp, uccomponied bp a "lgroup"- -pou isoent lmcd. temember bock misen pou daeced lise ton trot? Smooth, dceamp, mussc. Hom abouta atx,lisvelp polka. Or mapbc pou couid do a pretlp meax schotische. ils passe nom in isc livclp cîrciex. No more holding o gai or gup close. Tise dca nom s 10 exercixe. You shakc yoar hcad,,iggle pour sisould- ern, gel those arms revolinig ix 15cmr sochets, smap mifb the beal and lois like a Beatie or a Supreme. il's healtsy tlies'eerpbody - bond îecludcd. Some groups can play an their ieads. GIbets moaid muke snakes exciaus ai tiseir iggle. il's tise end produet wmise counts, lisougis. 1iîncesgised against tise noise cam- îng from axe pactîcuar radio station for lise kids one day. Tisey stopped shois- sng and iggiing for a moment, "If pou dont liSe il mhy" are pou snappixg pour tîngers and keeping tise beat mith pour feet?" tisep monted to, knom. Darxed if I could lisinis ai a gaod My daugbler bcd a birlhdey Ibis weeci, ber si'clecnlh. Thats 9011e a mile- stone in a momans life. Raîber like the furtielh milestune, exeept in recense. Lite is beckoning, nul mavng. Id gice m% rigisi arm far that girl, eelhaugh ils ready ta drap off f rum bttritis, and Ine ciready uffered ilta I he bigbesl meacial - retearcb bidder. And sbe'd lake il. t ccx slill wrile cheques wt t. and il slill suorks wmcli exugb to reazh for mxiv sallel. Ah. t shoatdxl bc eneicat about mc babs'. SîethIe uni- axoe I bacc. Tbank Î' 0d. Shes bees eauslng me paietul pieu- .sure -mce tbe dan she suas haro. Anc normal kid, as cou isnose, is bore aI 4 a.m. Kim papped, liîeraliy> popped, inIa th-'tsarid cI noue. And mc ile bas nec- e torgicen me. The Otd Girl begax la gruel aed fnacabout 4 acm.. bal didel muent 10 dîslarb the daclars leep, and tld me il se îýutd he about 24 hours beture cxv- îfing happcned. She knew -ait about il, bacing atreadv bad c son wba ouis e bout 36 baurs gelixg uolut fbte xesl. t isees !r,,m ntling. Su tue drove sedatlîn latbu buspil- at about 9 a.m. cnd buoked in. She suif- gisied t go ta trork, as Ibere mas nu point iîcnging araund bang-doggedlc. t caid. tuarfuls, but wilb the ulmost re- ici, "You're sure vou donti need me?" She recc-ld Ibillerln, t lecrned laleri, "Don'l bu silytIti bc huart." This mas 'thault If a.m. 1 phosed the hospitl ata noox 10 ask d il wcs OK lu drop ix un mc mite ced isold ber hcnd. The nurse chorlled, "Con- gratulations! You banc a fine baby girl." And !he kid bas been getlixg me ix dateb ener sice e Tîteres nolbixg besicaili wroxg mith Kim. Encepl Ibal shes Ion mucb like ber moîber, as fan as t'm coxcerrd. And tua, mucb like ber faîber. as fer as ber noîber ix concerned. Aside frana Ibis shes a perlectly normal. iefurialing teenager. That is, site inhahils Ihe hatbroum tinteabuit fine bours a duc. She butes scboni, but ber whole social lite is cent- cred there. She lunes prinaun, mitb some infernal machine blatting beal-noise. She îbinks ber parents are the square ront of tssu, the unty concessiun site milI muSe la maîhemnaties. She doesut i ke liner. uystgrn, mush- ruums, nepetables, salad, unions or cor- rc wbicb makes for a blund diet aI aur p lace. She ikes steak, imported cheese and eus- fruit Ibat is ou-I ut season, ishicll ns,îkes for an expunsice groccry bilt. LiSe clil eenage girls, she gels atung beautitulîn snilb ber moîher, Tbey agree #in enerclhing. Escept junI about uny- lliixg voua ccx name. Like cl] teenage girls. she ix nul lcmperamental. You cax rely on ber muds. Eilf'er turious or radiant. She claims ber parents wmaxI enen îr -v ta "ctlmmaicale'. This inaiabty tîccars jusl et hedtimc. She'd lone an ex- tra hatîr ot communication. Pruxoueced Het choice ut apparel is palting ber maiber aner the brinS. Raîher than mear the ni.e mcichsng swecater and skirl she gut for Chîristmas, she'li haul ouI an oId lartlt-c-u1.h tgu fram the Red Cross subex t1sas acerseas, eavc blue, match il \v;lfi pink mesb staukingis and un an- cxl tmasiard suede jacisel Ibat een ber hi-suber tlîrea- out, and salty lu schiiol. Naîtefs : acrnings, Ibreals ced ap- puais la deils-, stop ber tram tualtzinno .îroand bueboitte in ber bcru teel. But she sf111 bas an enecrixg qua- litv tram ber childbood; if she reaches foîr Ihe sait, the spilîs ber milS; if she make.. e baleh ut couisies, il lakes Ibrue daYs o lu dccxuptphe kitchex. What ducs she mant lu be? A nurse? Aghl A leacher? Yeucht t lhixk ber sec- ret ambition s Io bu a loxghaired shonl- iCg si-uger sith a Group. llnftunalelv, ber isair in ta curîs bhat if chu Itlif grow long, she'd tout, ise c Zltîis'arrior. But ,be sure as bull ccx shîtut. Especietie whee shes in thie-trng. As neu've probabty galhered, f dole on mc daghîer. t wouldx't Irade ber for c brand xem Cadilc. t'd banc lu havze somehode otter me c Roils Royce. Spcaising ut cars, 1 gaess Vve no kick. She's heex 16 for tseo whole ducs 'ted stilI hasel a-bckd me suhex she ccx gel tscr ,riviasg lireese. A reat scrIer- braix. Pages of the Past f ir om champion filat 20 yers ago Taken tram tise Issue of The Canadian Champion, Marais 13, 1947. Our tumn constablte, Mr. Canning, stopped lu speuk ta sume vcny yonng boys ptaning on the Preshyterian Cbsrcb .teps the olber day. He mas ind and if be mere reprimunding the boys, bis man- nrdide't shots il. He travctted on. One ut the ctcun-faced tidy four-pear-otds mas noticcd tu banc a durS glumering tonS un it cisubby face and mas beard 10 say ini a lbreatening nuice, "If be speuks lu mce again lilI scratch bis facel" Carol Stevenson, duugbler ut Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Stenenson abteined f1 marks minning asecond prize certificete for piano ut lise Toronto Kimenis Music Festinai. Annie Rujan rcceined a $100 schelarsbip ut the Festival and ptuycd a niotin tutu et Masscp Hall for the final cuncert Menday. Mercis t0. Bolb girls are pupits ut Miss Mignon Teigmun, Trafalgar Tomnship Councit met in tbc Tomnsbip Hall Mercb 3. Accounts umouxting lu Sf64.74 mere passed for pcymenl unnd noucher no. 2 ufthIe roud supernnedext's amountixg to $2,272.80 mas ordered peid. A grant utfSt100 mas made lu lise OuSnitte Public Librare suili the understueding the tees milI be reduced to residents ofthIe Township tebte paîranuze the DeSsille Librery. 100 years ago Taken tram the Issue of The Casadîan Chamspion, Milton. Marrh 7, 1867. We ern biset Mr. J. E. Harrison is about tu commence pruebice us a Veber- mnary Surgeon ix Milton. He bus iseex et schtoniiix Tersebno, under bbc care ut a quatified surgeon. We heur Ihet he mas nery succcssfalini a seriaus case ut cum- plete paraipsis of bbc hinder extremities ut a naluabie mare belongieg la T. H. Harrisan, ai tbe Stenxtb Line, Trafalgar. Caplain Basbedo, cammaedixg No. 6 or Milton Campany ut the 201h Baîtatiox, receiced orders taxI Seburdap, to serve ouita oeacb mue ut bis companp 60 rounds ut hall carlridges ut once, MoxI of trie members bave been supptied, and arc ansiaus to gel e buste oit froxtier ser- nice, senicis et present tbey seem tliSetp lu gel. Wr betiene the uther compunies of the Butation banc rezcived simitar urd- There milI bu a Refurm meeting at bbc Temperence Hall. Oakinltte. Saturday, Manda 23 et 7 p.m. Mr. White and uthers milI be present. 50 Years ago Takn framntishe Issueof Tise CamdMla Champion, Pareh 15, 1917. Tbe tome bull bas been sitent since Sunday mxrxing lest, honing tost its tungue, Besides coxsidering the malter of the Tanstey bridge et its meeting test Tuesdep, the gfoud roads committeut tbhe counin councit laid out ils mark un gond roads for nexl summer, A guod deal milI be donc in Nelson and Trafal- gan. Nassagameya bas nu more to do and Esque2sing iI be dune this year. Little miti be donc in the tusen or vittages. Trafalgars mod dug experience bas ted the counciltol increase the dog tue to $150 ton tbe first dog ced $3 for the .second. THE "ANADIAN CHAMPION Pubh 'bdb btheDisPr sig adPbbhgC.Ltd. liiii,lcitsir on-ssscA Dll9 " i',SI l.,ii.iiiiaii Scicclît ee sie.Asîsiatisisiant irsie or, suis 'sislsssLitplisIsiirate, pýaîîe ri îl,î,, 4.0 se Can.îîi; S7.00l 'c mI isetrises iibcr tl,.s Canadta iht.in the ecent - -0f.stvgrshie.1 e- _cIe h>ulhta utre hic.tiaoinnahe d-ti-ent i be r at. fo a inte evrint n i espraphicat rorai e, -cYi eaPo e "Id. sasrctsi Cenel fe.atté, ..Ile_1 cMySe oiitdan rI nytsehcme Aaîbîîrized as Second Cleis Mail bn the Post Office Deparîmenl Ottawa

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