Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 10

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10 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 NORNBY Institute enjoys quit display 4-H Acionettes make Dp MesJames Hiamilton land, Se( Tire Marcir meeting of tire Wales, r }lornvby Women's Institute was 13 memir heid aItirhe hume cof Mes. Mil. ar local w ton Brown, on Wedsesday ai- sed. Mati lernoon, Marcir 8. Mes. Clif- isb Selîlei ford Wriggtesmortb, tire peesi- Folowî dent.,selcomed lire ladices'trigirls nseni tire meeting mhincir as oliesedet Lagerqç mitir lie Institute Ode bos' w.made uW, ed by tire Mary Stewart Col- Bradies ledt. Tierollît col - "A detigiri Fisses- uf Espo 67." mas answeeed iv Irisir soi tire ntse members and thre strated h, visitors present. Elzabeit Tire correspandence included Ja a an invitation t a Centennial lie madt Tea ai Ligny Scirool. a eueirre Mes. Ens paety aitirhe Peres Merry !isir Trifle Scirool, a short course in csp- il 10 tire per loling and also an an- made Ha nounicemesi af a forum on Ap- mr rt4 sS.Put's Unitled lunch V Circi in Milton. Tire ladies îossed il ere asked 10 assist in a farm coig safety campaigs and Ms. coKilgcie Hugir OConnor and Ms. Wil. were Gm lam MePierson offered 10 aci wcîî and as lire commutteer. T5 sant T1%e eountlee on tire Cen- home of lensial projeet of a quilt and Satiordan craits display reporîed il would ire beld in tire Agricul- Thse ait lurat Hall. Milton, in Jon.c eclion of Ors. Detireri Dosons and Mes. iv Bll C Cecil Patteeson ere appoinied d,în nigi as a somisating commisitec. A ange Hl donation itI ire mode to tire iremode Milton District Hosptat Mes nda Milton Brown, tire historîcal c.se researcir connener introdueed tire guesi speaker. Mes LGra OMAGI' ham, mira chose an er ispie. "Thins is aur ieritage. Sire gave lire ladies somne mosti n- îeresting information and td some af tire lite stoen of Mari- h Inn MeLcan in iis ses larnd. tire speaker alss dîsplavcd îireee qulis ot differeni ages By N andtd anses utofachsune. A leig Mes. Brous îbanked t h c liee larer speakerrand sire .aso gae a Il deco% mata .Luncir as erved iv childie tire ostess. sisted h% Mes. Ra.% ner ltantes Mas iteam 0t Tire'Nanti Trafalgar Escirre and a 'l Club betd ibeir eekîs cucirre sicasio parts on Saturdas nîgiri, and 1.)r Marcir Il. Tirere ers ine rab- iheir ir tes ut eucirre in planvs thtirie Helpei pizes goisg o thlie fsttowing. ner. Dit Mes. .im Hamiton, Mes. Jim Peaicc Cunsingiram, Mes. Frankr Had- kepi ai ley. Clore Wilson. Frank Haitl re pet and Ciartie Bromn. Lunch sa, tire Pct servi-d iv tireiosi and irssîess. Lirarn M. and Ms. Fred Worimanespressn Tire sent euehr iiibireos tieir ir. Marcir 18. reput iv Tire annoat meeting of tire Thon -lattas Minor Soltirait Associa- seventir ion miir bc eld un Tirsdasv and ira nigit. Marcir 16is tire Banne Tirose; Communrîn Centre. Plans iii Claie. I ire mode for tire coting sea- Le Ruc son and eectisn of oficers Jinmmi ritt bc ired. tîterenied par and Jetl ents are asked to attend. tria and A eochre pariy mas betd ai grands Boyse Community Centre on sn os1 Tiredan nigiri. Marcir 9. irs Timrn tire Omagir Mrsor Sofibaîl As guesis sociation. Tiere mire 12 tab- Ravree tes aI cucirre 'n plus mur prie- enjo: ecd es going 10 tire folowisg is- dan u sers, Mes. Veenie Bradley. Mes. The Clarenîce MeCans. Pele Task- Omagir er and Fred Smithr. Tire luckn mas hel dramv ere mon iry Mes. Fred 9. in ti Smth and Hoard Winci. r MevC Lunchrmasvsernedir the comn- or tir m:ttee. Roireri Tire tiird meeting ufthelirîng pea, Horsiry Actionettes as ield gres uni Saturday morning. Marcir Boineý 11, atie home of Me. James lion t McKay. Tire meeting opesid Milttoas soir tire 4-H Ptedge foloîserl unMai ir tire erelarn'v report ir mcmlii Etizairetir Noringirîn. Tire roll C,îsail. catI - Naome a recîpc ire lîîîd Mes' mitir claraieristiii'.oiiEng. WMS. otland, Ireland. and cas ansmered by tire bers present. A varicty wild fonds mere diseus- te mere given on Beit- es and tireir fuood. ng lise discussion lire irato ire mIches. Loue- aisi and Jovce Wilson 'elvir Rareirit; Karts and Carol Pelcir mode laddie mitir egg sauce: )a Bred mas demon- by Catiry Neetands and rh Daiseet, and Mary imwetl and Dartene Les- de Apple Dumptisgs. ,Wilson mode an Eng- 7e ai home and irrougirt cmeeting. Mes. McKay aggis wmicirmas seen- lirhe airove divires for /aried comments fol- ie vaispting of tirent efforts. sn helpees for tire dan xan Webbr Laurie Max- àElizairetir Norrisgtsn. imeeting milI ire attire ,fMev. Ron Wilson on V, Marcir 18. nomuai meeting and et- I[ officers of tire Hors- Club svill ire held Tues- rt, Mareir 21, attire Oe- l., Horsirv. Plans wil efor tire coming season Centessial projeet dis- up haggis M. and Mes. Leonard Buck- tee and son Rop spent tire weekend in Lakemoori, New York, miere tbey attended tire 25th edding anniversuen af Me. and Mes. Waf f. Geltselisires are etend- ed t0 Arnotd Slimiler miro is a patient in tire Souuth Peetlion- piaI, Coorraille. Blrlirday geeetngs to Graînt Lee and B race Bailev onMarcir 16. Pal Flippance on Marcir 17, David Bailey and Billy Porter as Maech )8. Ms. Wilmer Ma- son and Mes. Bll Hitl as Marci 21. Mes. Gordon Miller and sons teft on Monday. Marcir 13, from lire Toronto International Airpori for Florida. mirere they milI spend a vacation mur Mer. and Mes Jack Miller. Mes. Paul May accompasied ber iste and beotirer-in-lam. M. and Mes. Robert Marshatl Jr. on a plane trip io Vancou- ver.,miere firen atlended tbe edding of urner sister. Mari- lyn Wigglesmoelb. mbo mas mareied un Friday. Marcir 10, n St. Jons United Cirurcir. Va scouver. The evesslng geoup of tire Horsby United Cirurcb Women mer t tire home uf Mes. Leslie King us Monday ngiri. Marcir 6 priar ta going ta Huys Res- taurant in Strecinnille for a feigh A*d ut Ruyner 1Sw eits schoel hVruy fund rs. Ceci Pailemson ir ride iretd on tire Ras- s. Thîrd Lise. on Marcir ýa large aiiendascesof ,n and adaîts. William sur h ishîbansme ilBelgians. bell risgîng leigli litted out lirtire )n. made manvihappy emuvst ftirem itu ir reat vleigh ride. 'evîswere Goredon Ras- cr Corsrernd Hasir - A ecle-sirment irsîtir in rom gsîng iranges ricecdsrof the d,îsgo to ris Meres Ceisiessiai %l[ud. Apprecatosîss sed tir Ranner Bro%. for aspitalîts and eneevne sa rvssderll ime. my Green ceteirra'ied ii h irtbdav os Mareir 6 ad a paety on Marcir Il. ottending mere Kenn Robert McKissîrs. Peter cire. Kelly Stevenson. jLe Richre, Ronda. Peter 4f Ridgeman. Diane, Cnn- id Valerie Grees. alvo hii rotirer. Mev Harrv Dv- Dakirnite. mes ieetrned ii milir a vigir ride ai tire rl,îrm. and tires liter A gam-v. lunsnasî tIi etir iper atibrme. W.A. and W.MSirf hFresirsieria i hiuîr c b Id ris Thuendas Marih icrSS. riiims Presidesi C.J. Marsir.ll preideul e W.A rmectinîg.Mes, 1Mrr,îall gase rire open- aver Tire derirtiosal sas bs Mes. C. K. Jorcis. cîr cnsrsledîofluasinvita- rKnoxsW.A. basat si 1a cirreicteaiig hec rcir 22 and tir ,k A 'i ii,)rcotinsoc av'ing i i:irce label,. C. P.rtti-'isîrni iî,îecl-lie meeting. iselcoinig lire ladies and especiatîn tiret memirers miro bad soi ieen prsrt for some ime. Mev. Clarence Peacock read tire Glad Tidisgs prayer. Me. Mue- shall. reavurer. repsrîed tirai mîsen ira-] been sesnt tu the De' partment. Fuiher plans ere made lise o pot lut un acieon ris Marcir 15 oriBrrne Centre. Tise Rasier peogeam in tire Gtad Tidings mas fsltswed. mur MeMs. S.Smsithr an leader and att toking part. At tire close a detrcioas lanchir s erved bv Mes. S. Finnie S. and Mev. Henes Peaic'k. A sale mas ietd for tire uppis 1usd. Roll clt word %va, re- Tire thirrd meting ot Horrrhs Soutir 4-H sas retd Saturdav. M:areh Il ai 9 a.m., wiîb 17 micrers pressi FeiPsidesi Lînda Kuesaig ionductcd rire busness wmur sein-tors Ros- aivn Meren asrsring Tire 4H1 pedg, mas recie4. Roll cati mas Hoame a fuod ciaracteris- tic of Esgtasd. leetand. Scot- land" Tise leader Mes Patervos and Mes. Kiernas ecomed tire girls and ere ins chargesof tire tsson on 'Britishr tradi. s nýintire ses' landCanada -' A discussion mas etd ion loa Id food% as ierries. suis. islirand game and noies wcgîves irn the tfod, rît Esgtasd. tretand and Sirrtand ansd iroretheve soon became lmla onCasadias tables. Tire Englivir are tamrus for roas bcd. Yorrkshire puddings an thirre ea.Irsir are tond of porarîr disiresansi soda bread, isiilvi tire Sc'otch tîvrr Haggis. scorie, antdîrrm.'ai lîods. Tire girl s er' dis îred intr iii. îerrîrips. ose prcparrsg ,ip' ie numptîngs .rnd tire otirer poiup m.kingt putain pasiakces FREE AKING 1iWrdh 1i/ Widh 2 Wdth 2/.dth 3Widl a Uta Rgular Rgular Regular Regular Regul, L up' Lln.,d 21.98 31.98 42.98 52.98 64.9E * Making 16.99 24.99 33.99 41.99 49.9Ç 583 Regular Regular Regular Regular Rgula N Lin.d 2998 4298 5698 71.9 8 85.9E G eking 21.99 31.99 42.99 53.99 65.91 84.95 Lined Ps-ee Makine Regular 31.98 23.99 Regular 46.98 34.99 Regular Regular 62.98 7898 47.99 59.99 iiIUiIjIMIItiMIJ,,,UIi M ::,,MiirîuriroeiiUliiUIIiUIiIîUiIIUIIIUIIIUIUiI'IUI Klug father, son banquet Dy Mirs. Wlliam Wagaon sented tormer Aketa Mes. John On Wednesday eveninfi, Nykoruk with a set of spoons *March 1, about 80 fahers, ea. with the Cuir crest, on beiraîf ders. guests, Cubs and Scouts of the Croup Committee. Al- were in attendance for their thougir most surpeised, Mrs. f irdlft ather and Son banquet, Nykoruk muade a fitting reply. whicb mas held at St. Gerges John Caution thanked the Anglican cirurcir. Rev. Jeffares Ladies' Auxiliary for tire dis- said the Crace, foltowed by ner and tire'Rangers for hetp- tire toast ta tire Oueen by Tinsi ing serve, ta muir Ors. Ray Denton. Turner, president ofthlie Lad- Foitoming a deiejous turkey ies' Ausitiaev*.y replied. dinner. 'Rev. C. R , Wragg pre- Chairman for tire evenieg a group commilîce chir-i mas Donald Cosîson, who pre. chirnesevsupper. Following sUP- sented Mes. Turner witirtire per tire adies returned ta the head table floral arrange- home of Mrs. Ed Otdford. for ment. Tirece films shows iry tireir meeting. Foltowing a Mr. J. Brusir, incuding The stror, business period a report H-lI Drivers, Indianapolis 500 was given by Mrs. Keith and Abbtt and Cosiello. Hawkes and Mrs. Orvilte GCees brougirt tire evening lu a close. ton, un tire two-day program Wlnners at the euchre par- hetd ai the Fine Daks, Paris, ty sponsored hv tire Kilhride for tire cirurcir women of tire Centre Commitece, Satueday, Ilalton Fresbyteial. The rogam as ollwed Marcir 4, ai tire centre weee: Ti srepeigeam makshofored ladies' high, Mes. Gordon Har- bys a MpisDsock sirwoex-fr rs:econd higir, Mes. James Mres. liar ineoetI iro s aweîireeî; mens iigir, Har- ailessedtheesinelv baCs. Luh old Jackson; second igir, Wit- al for tie tove gifs. Lnhos iam Jackson; motluane mas sfeed abd Ms.JhomWal- hands, Mev. Gordon Harris; lac. fedadMsJh a-consolation prize, Mes. R ay Me. and Mev. Arthr Plant. Turner. Me. and ýMes. Ronald Plant, Me. The Good Seighoes' Club and Mes. Jim Plant. Mes. met Mondav even ing. Marcir 6, George Hiamitton,.MMe and Me.s ai tire Centre mur 0 tables Carry Hamilton and Me. and being set op. Prises foar Mes. .im Hamlton were dis- tuchre went ti r Ms. Bsil ner guesîs on Salurdas murh Potier, Darwin Peer. Basil Me. and Mes. Clarence Dennis Potier, 'Mes. Vera Finnamore, of Brilannia. Horace MeArtirur and V. Bead- lev. A dose pre mas won iv Mev. Fred Sith. Tircsc ere seened for lunch Hosîs for the even ing mere and mere liked by ail. Nesi Me. and Mes. Frankr Hadfley meeting is Maecb 18 ut 9 p.m. and 'Me. and Mes. Jackr Rob- Achirirement dus' plans ere ertson. di scussed. Tihe Ladies' Assiliaey of the Fiedt Kiliride Girl Guide Com- Mr. and Mirs. C. K. Jarvis vis- pany met Tursdav evening, ted recentty with their niece Maecb 2 ai the home of Mes. and familv Mes. Ross Forires Bien Anderiheir. Guelpir Lise. and son Douglas in Waiee- The group are planning a domo ecuchreepaety luaire beld ai rire The Dmagti Basebaît Clubs, Communits Centre. Apil 8, hetd a vern successfut euchre and tickets for thi s enent are n Bonne Centre on Fridaveve- on sale nom and m-ilI ire avait- ning. Marcir10. Friee i nees able ai tire door tiraI evening. mere Mes. V. Bradley, Mes, C. lans are undeessaylore the McCann. Frte Tasker and Fred annual pol luck supper ta Snmith and doue prizes ment taire plaice asSi. Patricks tu Mes. Fred Smithi and How- Dav, Maech 17, ai Kilbide ard Winch. The cummiiee United Cirurcir Sundiav sciruol thank almiro puecirased tick. room traim530 lu 730, spon- ets irui mere unable lu attend sored hs' ire United Circh the purin. Women. Frieno mli irepleasd lru iei 141h Bulingion Scout lcar tht GergeDolb is munemen isi sponsoring a pa- cars bai eore Doiry per drive on Fridan enen ing. doing iels and esp!cîs iii March 3.ai 6prn. Al papers be oui of Toronto bospitat r se abute nna earln ibis week. M. Dolby w lî areaskedor be edn saeat be convatescîng ai iis hume ai un the street. Birtirdan greeiings ir Sharon Jastes, Il on Maeih 17; Betir Marsirait. 7 os Marcir 12; Net- vos Lawrence. Marcir 17. Rit' brt Sargent. Marcir 17; Nasn% Taylor, 9 on Marei 5; and %Mev Joeph Wiltmaii. Marci 15. Braitsots are easy 10 sice tii for a cake garnisir if sout por'soilt hem first for a few minutes, lires suce wmur a ne- getairte peeter. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optem.trisi Tu«eay 9 Ai. ta à pi.. Mddoy *.mm. ta 9 pi. 184 MAIN ST., MILTON <Dmo a 2wies's B i t 6"108" Regu& eular Rgular Roegular'Rgula, Ln.d 3398 41.98 66981 84.98 101 .98 Malg 25.99 31.99 150.991 63.99 76.99 àALLUS-CHALMERS fTRACIORS a 0UIpmINTf P' >Newand UvedI R e ýa n d I Cati BD 0 OUIPMUNT AND SUPPIT CO. Aigoe -877-3360 KELLY'S I GENERAL STORE 1OINERAL MERCHANDISIj 1SUP5RTSTGAS AND OiL CRAWFORD'S 1GENERAL STORE1 SCNNEIDIR'S MATSI Sopen 8 s s, ta 9 pism Rubber Ib oots els, Cofetisse1y ardwa MORNRY - 8783329 0 eTOWINO 0 eGENERAt REPAINS LAWNBOY LAWN MOWRSIS S Cati h HONYGARAGE1P Hriby 8784790 r 24-Nous- Service b s li At DAD'SI UITAURANT IAuthentic Homne Style ICOOKINOI 1j11mshing Rural Seftinj Ouelph Us. Sesuihoe CusaphelîvIlle 854-2m4 AtM Palermo Juniors tops i n festival The Patermo Junior Farmer Clair rere suicesslat in is ing tire W. t. Dicir trophn tee tire besl plan nnrire Hato Cooniy Deama Festival retd in tire Christian Educotion Cen- ire. St. Pols Uniited Churcir on Satueday nigiri. Their play Tire Patchwork Quilt. o font- any hy Rachrel Field, mas di- eecied by Mes. Enelyn Dates, arnd tire cavî iscladed Verso Tirsmpson. Bll Sinclair. Lois Hunier. Dace Nsrton, Margie Pelettieris and Gmes Ksnaeirik miro mas amarded Mie Margar- et Atice Elliotiteopir loie r bevi acirt,.is -Spriîrg wmut ollieîaty arrise snt Tuevdalv moenisg, Marci 21. The Wary Month of Mardi Mas-ch Is emonth of changeable westher condiions. Roads are frequentiy icy - mitir snam meling during tire day and freezing again et ngin. Thins hazard de- mands entra cure frais mu- If yo're a carefut driver i'd lke ta show pou how CiA& AUTOMOBILE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE canld hietp pou meel co»s sf dammage in yor assiscar . . . damnage ta oIson .. . accidentltInjury ta paurseif or oIrer memisees ni pour famlly. Pieuse cati:. THEA KURZ CIA Automobile, Accident and Siekiesa, Fueso Famiiy Ltsbitt, Home Protection 3242 Lasser Bsiec Ijie W. RRt. 1 Miltan Phone 878e9741 Brios Cargill ufthtie Adtos Clair rvon ire 1I. EWhiteloek iropivrs lie ie esi aciiream- Tire Evenisg Branci ut St. Lures Wsmen's Ausitiory ireld their meeting tant Wednesday nigirt aitirhe home ut Mes. Rich- ard Jamievon, wmur 13 meis- bers presen i. Me. and Mev. George Pellet- ceria and Margie mere dînner guests on Susday wtthMe. and Mes.'Keith 'De Mois of Etou. coke. Tire ladies of St. Ceorges An- glican Cirurcir, and Lowville UJnited Cirurcir mere gugnîs of tire Zimmerman United Cirurcir ladies at a pot tuck dinner and social af teenoon aI tire ehurch ast Wednesday. Tire U.C.W. of Zimmerman United Circir eld lireir meet- ing last Tuesday ai lire home of Mes. Grieves. Mes. Bawden gave a report on ber day spent ut the Fine Daks at Paris. Me. and -Mes. Allas Patlgr- son and Beverley mere dinner guesis on Sunday miti r M. and Mes. Dan Vlabos of Cuelphr. JONRIDGEWAY FMILNE'S SUNOCO W.F CROSS 0Wmie Pompe mmes Ad Le"«s"rWee Fri me84-99 1lised or Cusfofn »A&e Isss tasLleg Noah .oflhsy 401 j 10SAD aaedMsn I... ma ....M..I Ai Englisir or Western OS11o Unloadusi ad Lobes, Wash, Oit, Bateries, 25 Beside "10-25' Service Peedmns Accessories, Tires Station Ne. 2SNlghssey Souhoilef : 7a&.m.te12 p.m IDISTRICT GUIDE Ful 1550 Service Support these District Services in 1 SPEYSIDF A RIS 0 " HORNBY * BROOKVILLE 0 KILIRIDE Repaies ta al makes " OMAGH * DRUMOUIN ASHOROVE TOWING SERVICE Watson's Esso Servce HENRY OMME FLORIST lossers for aIl occasions ssedding designs, funeral tributes, hospital. table ana annrverlary arrangemnents Delly D.Iivery te Mlles, KIIRIOM 8704213 OMAGH GINERAL STORE SINCE IF UPOOI ODIRAIO, people living in rural arobs 41 Use, end àS Sldeea hune pairanîzed generat stores nearby. sucir us Omogh Generat THuE MAXTEOS Stars owned and managed by George Masied. Tirs nrinty of Mebel, George, Vlcki end prodacis, easy occess and congenial aimospirere of uese Ellen la serve pou r u r a l m re s b u s m o d e t i re i o n c e u g a i s t i re s e n s i b l e p l a c e t a O P -e8i - e 9 a g p i . M y l sirop Hem e Mr.oed nd daughiers Elles nd Vîcki stand t FrldY - 5&5.m. tW i Pe besîde pari of tirs stores fruit coonier. lâ-z LYLE - DALES N Inernational Hrveriter iO~ AiW5S 1. lrSee01 eme Tractars and al Parm îEquip. OM A CARTAGU Gamilîne, Meter0OU, Weed PCV. Ucense Ciessi: CD., Sprays end lasude Nem and Used Fpp.S andM. Privileiles CAU .L 1 R.R. 1 OMillas 878-9974 FOR FREE ESTIMAIES Desseqwns No. 25 Hwy. ai 10 Sderoad CENTRAL CARTAGE »9.iNrsb 7.01 ai 'r ' a 'i 80attend Cub, Scout I~ imif Milton Girls' Pipe Bond ST. PATRICK'S DAY FRIDAY, MARCH 1 7th Canadian lagion Hall * ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON 0 LUNCH PROVIDED 25 ooO Optional Belge or Whie Lning FABRICS - KENT, NASSAU, CABMEN, BORDEAU, IMPERIAL AND REGENCY

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