ïke MOtesi eme isnaii'Oeee. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1 l .Auaho id aiiioc a ..M.1 et a ge. nCns 15, 1967 b tetPofi ce CepairsoînOaait wel aen- re et Letter carriers -~ begin delivery .; '~~-~~Iere on Mayl1 ff WAS TOUOH PULLINO liseougis lie slush and 500W for urday and lise bornes ami driver William weae Sept busy for sluady Belgians Kng and Bil. bal close t0 200 eilîdren ertno- tise resI aiftise aflernoan. Proceeds from tlie sinigis ride wens ed their tisnet f have a oeigis ide on Saturday. Gordon 10 lise Prta Mercy Public Sciools Cenlene ai projets - lise and William Rayner hisiched up their îeaa aIt 1p.rn on Sol- purchasing of boks for lise scisool lbrary. (Staff Phsoto! Deputy-Reeve Menefy Buy 2,400 bookcs of matches" retracts saifety charge ta promote Centennial dates Deptty - Reeve Chartes Men- efy oi Milton did an about-face on -Monday evening and con- gratulated tise members of aie Milton District Higis Scisool Board, tise printipal, staff and stadents. Tise deputyeeeve "severeiy censured" tise tocal iigis scisool at a meeting tise previous -Mon- day. for miaI ha termed a lack ai safety devices on sbop equop. ment. "In aS! hutiNity Id like 10 sitisdrase my remarks of asI serek." ie said. Tise depuly reeve toured the iigis scisool mas a credit 10 tise board, lise principal. the leachars and tisa tudents. Higis sciscol principal R. C. Hanter attended tise meeting ami said. 't appreciata those remarks veey muci." Board chaiman R etfor d Gardisouse repliid, 'me accapt pour aplogies with thanks." Mayor S. Chisids said isa would ike ta sea a maeting of Nassagaweya, Esquesing and 0011100 touncils aI thaeiigh scisoot 50 counrillors couId e tise acaitahie taclttes. An aspendilore af $247.500for books o matchies consainsng sîgnilîcant dates in Multons Centanniai Ye a r elebration plans was approve'd isseouncil on Mondas nigist C antannia i Celebraians chiasman Ross Pr aran sisowad severai samples aifibook match- as and il was desided ta ordre 10 cases ofthlie matches con- taining 240 books per case. He reporled thse Milton Dis- trict Hospital W.A. iad inlorm- cd him tise W.A. oouid present a $100 Cantanniai Award toaa deserving candy sriper who plans la continue bar educa- tion se a professiso allied witis ind scenes from al parts af Canada - iad haro hooked for tise sicaîre lrom Juis 29-Juiy t. He iaid ha lad bren ap- proachsi ta sec if tise Cente- nsai coamitte oauld pap for file siampionsiip pennants 5-pesnatise ai tise tise Tri- Csunty "B" cbaapionshsps w-on thi s star isp Milton minor isckra eams,. Tise penants would bang in tisa arena. Councilior Tony Cousens said tisa achissvrmnt sbouid ha rcogniard and said ha wouid discusa lthe mattar ailstisah Reareasion Commitire. Counci' ato..ised the t- Milton ani Milton Heigiss tsidents are urged tu have thaie homne fr1 er viols or hon- s instalird soan. for carrier Ielivery taosoer 2,000 local homas is eepected la isagin on ,ay t, Milton Posîmastar Wal- ter Bell reports Ibis week. Adverligemeista pp ea r ed bhis oreS for tise positions ai Citter carrier. Mr. Bell said sea- crai inqlîirie, have atready taen recriard about tise jobs. At icast fise persans will ha hired ta isandie tise espectad ive routes that oi ha neces- sarv tu o ver tise ton and ,Millon Heigisîs area. te a lettrta hauseholders last oreS, tisa Postal Dapart- ment oullined tise regulatians for irtier drop hases for cacis home. They are on sale at sev. ceaI local stores, altisougis no big rush to hua ibra isas bren reported. Pi-eietly ltri onetiere are foue lettr'drap bases" misera Mittnians can post a lettr. Me. Bell said Ihese oilhactrip- ted and soon 12 ai thrm miii he scatteed theougisout tise tawn. Ali but 10 oitise prescrit rentai bases ln tise Past Office lobby miii ha remnoard afttr Mas t, ta mahe room for local pa lai cierks and a sar isef arra fore tis e iter carers.These 100 hases wili serve people oho bye tao far " off tise heat- en track" ta ha raachad hv tisa latter carriers, ha, said. Those oho presentîs rent boxes ie tise post office lobby seul ha ablie ta dlaim a refond aller lettrdelivers hegies. ha Tise almost totally wreckec building ai the sortis end af Rotars Paris wili ha tare dams and rapiacad ha another ane on tise same site as an appras- iaecost ot $2.240. Cauncillor Tons Cousens toti Mil-ton couri'il an Monday ave- nsng tisat tise dacistan had heen madie at a Parks Board meet. ing on Thursday nigbt. Hs said it had bren isoped thal the installation of sofrisaîl ligs n tise park shuuld prove a de. terrent to tise vandals mis ano post office. Unespired rentai fuers Imiicis are paid je ad- vancel will he refueded ta tise Me. Bell especis too "mal- mobiles"oilbe put inia ser- vice ta deliver la rge parcels, serve outlying arras sol rasily reacbed ha walking "pasties". cletmail i,îa lettr drap Hei-giss area. Thse Postater urges att residents of Milton and tise Heigisîs ta nolify everyone of ibrie propere sreri and bouse nonsier. Proper addrrssing is smprative for tise eew lettre carrier ssta 10oarh sesootis. 0 Decision on high school promised by next week hy tise Milton Dtistrict Higis Scisool Boards% propasad plan ut expansion for lise lacal scisool bas bren deaaed for ai least ana more waek. 'You cao prrtty oeil rest assured tsisl j5sel prohahiy ha cieanad ap nersi ssrk." Councillor Gordon Keanta tld arabers aiflise board aller a 55 msnute discassion on Man- das nigist. Tise proposed 1.,309.000 an- pansian bas heen sialird as tisa coancil levai for lise past mntiand al one point in Manda-*aN nigisîs meeting, il loahed as Ihougis il Oas final- lv ging la ha ciearad ap. Councillor Kranla agreerd tsi witisdraw is motion tram tise preaisaus Mandas that court- cils decisiss e heisld untis re- pars cauid ha recrived tram lise Counts Consultative Cam- mitte an iigisscisools.His of- fer cameaatiar ha and niher membersaofcauncil were aild "aItishe oulsat tise Consultai- 1 va Coamitter approvad Ibis rprojets almost 'issunanimous noie." Tise seconder aIflise mo- tion - Drpstly Reeve Ciarles Menefy - ais o agreed lis oitideassing il, batt han ana- ltiser snag arosa. --mIle prenaure i s nos cal 1as greai nase and since lise Consoltative Coamitie arets un tisa 201h. or proably couid have considerahir mare information for ness week." Couniliar Charles Johneson suggesîrd. 't dont tiinis il stili bava an argent need for a dacision. Up until Priday. it looked as sisougis we isad a good deal gaing. Now it looks as if or hava just as good a dral. and likeis w'ra going ta bave mare bnlp ta pop for it." Astisae outsst ai tise meet- ing. Me. Gardisause had ex- piained. "tisaoriginal uegency ai ibis mallar arasa ohm we learned tisa dominion grant aoid ha cul off ha Marcis 31. Bol ibis cisangad last Priday ohe tisa provincial govees- ment said st wouid pick upthse fu ian Tise daadiine oas ra- moard. bol Iis do esenot salve aur prablea Wr stilI hava ta pravida accommodation for ha studants." cil. '"l could be mwe havent communicated fuliy mitis you. If me havent, me apologize. 00e want sou 10 ha as futty awara ai tise situation as we ara. Even if we get youe at- proval now. il saould ha difi c- uit ta gel things undermay by tati for tisa complelion le 19681.' Ouestioning revealed lisat oparative and legistative granîs ta higis scisools have improved annoaily during the past fise vears and isal it is likeîy tise imrproarment milt continue. 'There is likeiy ta be -à very interesting increase in grants n M967 but were nol le a pos- ition t0 gise definite figures f Continued on Page Seven) Milton principal director education research counicil The appointment of E. W. The Couaci! explores new Fosisr ot Miton, as one of methods of teaching and con- six direct ors representing the ducts experimeflîs on ctass- Ontario Teachers' Pederation rooms in Ontario. New equip- at the Ontario Educationat Re- ment is designed and tested. searcis Councit was announced and the attitude of chitdren un- ini a cetter ai the March meet- der varlous conditions stsadied. sng of thec Miton Public Sehoot Findings are publicized and Bcsad Monday evening. exchanged with otiser groupo Mr. Poster. who is secretary workiflg in thse Council. oi thse board and Supervising Principal of Mitton Ptublic P&i. Foter wtII attend bis *Schoois, maintajord an inter- first meeting as a director Ap- est tneaducationai research for rul 29 t the Park Plaza Motet, a considerabie time. Toronto. tise board and found "nothing invitation ta attend sucis a tise madicai professioe. igsuscikia ieiia lgs t Ihpe eilstgbmildirng." lloa rsn ays , gi tmiaae.mw oilv * eL . but metI guaeded equipment. meating misan ut migit ha con- Me. Praren said tisa omeers oe Main and Martin Strelts d 1« 1h S V SfyS lU cleanlinesand neatness. e venient ils tise memberesaifoi tisaRosa Theatre had eue- frisa Aagost 18intaSepeaber sureorac.kGd tis ld aon e." Bardase aid, "il fruah smid tise condition ai tise scsoolthtisacounicils.fismed tiai "HliieopterrCao- 4 uewekdteodoe- need for hoi,,esIlqKIrtrucethe A sariaus nard for single fa- scisoalioard and union aily dorilings. anaco tive type iais and members oS Pickcets hait production at Ontario Stee-lwl plant homes and aparimant dorîl- Planning Board, Council iegs in Milton oas poinîrd out Cammiteai Adjusîmesi in a esetIv ompleted sur. lv 15 serre comntetedai An Ilt-man picket Uine hiatled production at Ontario Steet Producîs plant in Milton Wed- nenday of lat t eS. seien Lo- cal 1067 UAW membees aI OS.P. refused to cross tise pic- ketl une. Tise production as suspend- ed for oser nine boum obhile pickets f rom tise stnike-isound Raton Springs Company of Chathsam paraded ai both plant gales bearieg placards. Thse pickets rrived sorty gî- ter 6 a.m. and stayed until lte la tise afleesoon. seiet5 Cirys- tee Corporation witisdrem a tontract for O.S.P. ta make car spemîgs and tie dspute Board hires architect Arciteels ere engaged by tise Milton District Higis Scisoot -Board at a special meet- ing Tuesday of last mecS. ta prepare sketch plans for tise proposed addition ta tise scisool. iltws eeplmied the sketch ptans -iad la accompany lise necessary municipal approvals 10 tise Department of Educa- tion and tise ederal Goveen- ment in seeking final grant apprusmln. Tise arciilents engagmi arr thea iem of Dunlop, Wardett, Matsui and AiSen. It is tisa came firm miicis deigned tise tat addition to tise scisoot. oas setled. Production oas resuard aI 4.30 pot. the same day. Larey Travseo tise Iegtiat. ing cammitter of UAW Local 127 aI atons. bld Tise Cham pion is firm's morkers iad gone on strike aI 7 a.a . Tuas- day mien tiey ere unsuccess. fuli n negotiating tieir first conteaet olti tise nem aton ira. TisaI aileesoon thay learned Ontario Steel iad he- gun manuiacturing tise Chrys- tee springs tisaItishe strika- baund Chathsam plant mas sup- posed ta be making. Local 127 despatcised the I- otan piket uine eaeiy Wrdnes- day morning. The pckels ar- rivad aItishe plant entrance aeound 6 a.m. and O.S.P. mark- ae arrivieg for the 7 a.m. shift deidad et lu cross the pickat lina. «Tbey are maSSis tise spriegs me sisould ha making.' M. Trasis explained. "We bava bad good coaoperalian frua tisa wuekers hara. tise co-operation bas haro 100 par cent" Me vomed tise picets wouid siav on tbe lob. 24 iours a day. oný tl tisa mater mas sttîrd. On Tuasdtly. 240 ae attise Chathamt plant iad goee on strike. Tsep sogbt a 40 cents an ioor increase plus several benef ils tbay mre nt recris- ing. Tisa me dascrihrd tiseir demands as siailar 10 the ban- fits paid 10 Ontario Siel oorkers. Tisey have bran ne- gtiating ils atons for sev- erai aonths bai cantract tlks faiied early last mark. caosing tise strika. Wisen OS.P. workers arriv- ail for tisa dav shift, and toond tise picSets. tisey israded for tise nearhy UAW Croire miera Licai 1067 otficiais ield ses- eral meetings traugisot tha day. Union spîkesaan ofterad nu instructions ta lise men ta aittier h 000e or cross tise pick- e. lias.,according 1tu,.Local 1067 UAW eiairman MarIa Ca- puos and 1067 preident Bois Farrell. To is knoolrdge. Mr. Ca- puo reported, oniy one man had crossed tisa Chathsam pic- kets' lme. Haeiad gona ino ha plant.- found iimslf atone. and oaikad bath out again. Remaindar of tisa 300 ea- pioyes stayed out. Mr. Caputo caled tise Eaton a t ta ir "drfinitely a legat srike". 'Ontario Sieel Products mon- agad tu gel sone of tisir bus- iness, §0 lises sel op tiseir pic- het lnm e ic Gar mrn bonite- cd lieir pichet lines. and yma- pathiiad oiiis(hemcODurae siaved out, ibut it oas tiseir 0015 deciion'. ise added. Tise pekein.sisîs lioS taras sanding on tiselune due tui the iarsis. voicI aaliser. carrird sgns savinf: 'Wc arc on strihe for tise same O.S.P. oages and bene- fits" "Eaton Springs arn seeh a isoman oagr onder UAW. "Ealon's mrkers are an strika. Ontario Stael morkers arr doing our mark." SMILING FOR THE1PRESS, nrikeen frm o ane tise fine. Tise Etonn maorkers clalmed Onteario Springs at Chsatham pose for a Toronto nemi- Steel mas doing a npring conîracl for Chrysier papor pholographer as he pitturen Iheir pitSet wiitistieir sîrike-bound plant was supposed lino eI Onario Seel Produclp n Milon mesl 10 Se doing. PicSaler Larry Travis, leff. head- Wednesday ailernoon. Tise pitkeî fine lmted cd lise 1 1-man groap misiti picScled O.S.P. ens tison a day. but ied up O.S.P. praduttion misen 300 local empioyeen refuned fa ceose (Staff Pisoo) Thesa srvas Oas cinducted by tsa Milton Planning Boardi and fisloord tise for- mat ai a Community Plan- ning Association of Canada questionnaire. Of tise 41 questiannaires sent ta reators. bankers. noff ic- i> tise iland ent. on- and re- Tise need for "relief from tise cast af education' wsa pointed out on one question- naire and anotiser persan sug- gested tise lack of land ils- n lise municipatity to pruvide for an orderty develtapment, oas stifling tise 1000. Announce officiai opening for School for Deaf May 12 The ness$5,000,000 senior Education Week Chairman and socational scisoat addition V. Heaps presided for the din. tc tise Ontario Scisoot for the ner and expressed the comn- ticai at Milton wiit bc officiai- mittees appreciation for tise t a opened on Friday, May 12, ourk in open bouses at tise Saperintendent D. E. Kennedy schools and the co-operalion je toid an Education Week Dmn- planning the dinner. ner ai the schooi on Thursday esenief. Minister of Education Mayor S. G. Ciilda brought Williams G. Davis and Minister municipat greetings ta fthe oi Public Works Ray Conneli graup and extended a wet- %vil] share tise rihison-cutief camte 10 those who might be ceremonies, ise tater told Tise on scisool staffs who do not Champion. live in thse commonity. He con- Aisout175 teacisers, board gratutated tise group for spon- memisers, municipal officiais soring Edocation Week. and isands and wives at- Head tablie guents ocre Rev. tended uhe annuai dinner tisat J. K. L. McGoots. Mr. and Mrs. is a leature of Edocation Week. L. McNeit. Mr. and Mes. T. Piler ta lnitiatlng tours of Hennelty, Mr. and Mes. 1). E. tise scisoot Me. Kennedy out- Kennedy, Me. and Mes. V. ttned tise rote af tise provin- Heaps and Mayor Ciilds. ciat scisool, ils services and tise Poltowîng tise banquet tise area it serves. He pointed out guets toueed sections of tise tl bas a present staff of ap- Senior Scisool tisaI oet Into prosimatcly 250 and a stud- operation le September. Visit- ent population of 394 wins fac- ors saw tise academie and vo- ilities for 516. Tise operating calional classroomns, sports budget is close 10 12.000.00 buildings and senior residen- annually,,ise said. ces. Vol. 107.-No. 45. ""inm tàj*FO;ýý;Jitý" iJ 107 yeam ý 1", - 1 - 1 1 ý , . si" V.1 1 n7 -Ki. AA m certiffl Word mas received by coun- ty clerk Garfield Browen meek from tise Laisor Relat- ions Board, Toronto, tisaItise Nurses' Association of Halton Caunty Heaiti Unit bas been recognized as tise bargaining agent of ail graduate and eeg- itered nurses employed isy tise corporation of tise Coutty ai galton le its Halton Caun- ty Healti Unit, witi tise ex- ception ai tise sopervisor ai nurses and any otiser persans ahane lise rank ai sopersisor oi nurses and tise office staff. Tise appticant f(lie Nurses' -Associaioni is recognized as a trade union witiin tise meaning of Section t. para- grapis t, subsection J. Tise order mas dated Marcis 6, 1967 in Toronto, Me. Brown reporled. A commitîce of tise Sotth Centrai Regional Li br ar y Board is t0 laokinto a eystemn wisicis would make informat- ion availabte on TV screens at any memiser ibrary in tise eeg- ion.,miicis covers tise courites of 'Brant, Halton and Went- woetis. Tise local ibeary b ai- filiated witb SCRLB. Tise datacoutd be dialed to appear on TV sereens areses tise system.