News from 0. S. D. a report un aciivitima et Oni-aro Shoo for iha Def, Milt-on i '. SENIOR DASKETBALL On Fi-b. 21, Arhur Si-niai-s isii-ed OSD. Led by i-eb iil- liant ptay of No. 4, Ni-In, they dorinaied the gari- and i-ami- up with a 52-30g m. Gi-i-o intWdornusci-ed 12 points in a tosiug i-aune. AI- though the si-e aieus oaiun- acuy, OSD bas improned ramn the tant 75-25 beatiug in Artb- ar. 'assing mus OSD'n major tuait and the bans are work- iug ta impi-avi-. JUNIOR BASKETBALL OSD Juniors deleutth-ie Arthur squad 35-9 in a garni at 051) Fi-b. 21. Aiibougb the loa-as' shoatini- cas nut t its hisi, tbey domiuatod the garni witb i-letive pusing. Mike Smith piuyed bis hist gane, couti-ottini-thei-ibouds and searn-g 10 points. Jim Cripps si-ared igbt and .Ron 'Hall is Gurds N aît. Dans, Lai-nb, 'Day und Antonissen ptasoed ai-ilin a strang i-ans' di-ence for 050. -' ~ ai-u . 'BELLEVILLE IN-mVASION' "Standing rro nlant- futat SWIMMIN INSYRUCI a st part of iha fluai-. The pool is used by one raidance ai- a bouse" niee m ords lv des- pool agenda ai- Oniaro Si-boul for the Deaf_ ime in horlg shifts. ifui- OSD's sparts building Han- nwimring insîruci-nans Elsbth Austenri at Sturduy. helpi tudeni- Gary Bowros i-scola a bai-k (Staff Photo) We ni-ie "innaded" bn aver t00 studenis tram oui- siter ibroiberi si-boot, OSD Bi-île- viii-. The jamboreeo cas oaiis atm taoi-noble bath si-boots ta paitiiptetin aserios iof spaitsi-i-ints. Mc shah hope- i-i-ii-i-eavegani- descriptions ta other antoobers, or perbaps Mitions os'rwbotmtug soi. ci-s nbou id indicute that ne meri---v sas that Mitosn 050 domînated the si-ini-. But f sportanners'the- pur- pose ot the visit hi-cm cas' clown iast, anoîher pastiime gui a gond workoui. Our stud- i-nis must hi- the greatest "aid borne" week types in Onario. Ni-ver before did vo rnany grsvsi, lasp and dling iv dear oid pals, and ail day long they taiked and chatted in gi-caps doited ail over the buildings. Aanong the visitai-s as a groap af girls tram St. Jas- ep's si-boulin Sirailord, but %%ho iauid itl cho sias wbu' Our -junior girls lotnt Sîrallîîîd hs' a small score. OS OD senior girls won Ibeir garni. TRACK MEET A busicad af enibusiastic iiai.k and tified halls tram arn- ang the si-niai- studi-nîs ai OS OD saw a tbriiiing cash arn- oug caivilvtitars tram ailite ithie noiii idast sscik. The attair sots thie'Ci-nîco- niai Garnis ai Tuo-coas'Mapie L'ai Gardons. l s vno surprise' 10 liud sicih enîbusiasm amang OSD siadi-Ols. loi- sichave inthe- se-nior schoot, si-i-ciat promis- ina soang distance us' rs irnong hi-rn Alvin Smih, Sberissiid Rioers and Ron Hlall. on the nght iii the Cente- niai Ganes, il nias al soi-pi- sing tuv[cl-ihe-atrnispbi-i-i-oa ml-eresticbi rcrn ime 10 inme hraugb i onr tudents ta their loi-t as down on the tiack hilau'. adrarnatis ilim- usxrnautd ho building op, hope- ful oti ibriaf dwne set aniith- si- s". i-frthi- t - -ent. O ne couat ual h-p pr-ie-t vgintoîtthe niar fturienvhi-n 05,0 ni-uthld ils cn tist rails moi-t bei-e aiMilton. (ont ad on PgeB4) READY TO FLY off the end of the diving board feet long, 35 feat wide, and depth varies f rom at the new swimrning pool at Ontario School ihree and one-haif fi-et to 10 fi-et, seven for the Deaf, Milton, is bny Srith, a senior anches student. The pool he w I soon be an s 70 (Staff Photo) A SIAUTIPUL WALL MURAL dune ona pi-cea ai a ime. This vu-w oi- iha pooI shows iha ai- a ime la mussi le, anhances uni- end ut bleui-hi-ns ivi-e fnregroond. i-be iuviing ni-i-ir ihi- puol ai-i-a ai O.S.D. Il nas desigaed in ai- ifl and i-e moral inihi- background. Japan i-ad local iers pal il togither frorn a drawing, laboriousiy gling on une smail titi- (Saff Photo) STAYING ON TOP iv easy if oua have iha isg as part of ihi- O.S.D. Edocation Wi-ik pro- assistancn of a fnam plastic "flui-i-aiboand". gi-arn Aqoai-ic Dr-ci-or Donna King, i-mo fu- Hi-rn sucerai senior students ot O.S.D. race tîme assistants, and si-veral part-lime lustrai- Irovu one iie io ihi-cihi-r cf ihi-ni-w pool. ors beep match uni-ri-be si-adents. The olymîpic-sznd pool npened Tai-sdi-y eenu- (Staff Photo) fflu RUff fifnME "People Who Need People"f ARE DEPENDING ON EACH OTHER 9b For Places to Live For Services For Merchandise To Buy For Merchandise To Seli 0 Champion Classifieds Bring Over 15,000 People Together 878-2341 BMSKUMSLL AT O.S.D. is n popular sport end several camnpe- titions have been held wi-h outside teamns Recently girls fromn St. Mihaelis school in Straiford visited the girls' gymn for a game and the photographer caught Kerry Dwyer of 0.S D. an she scored. Lonking on arn physical education irstruci-or Miss Vandenberg, O S.D ployer oi-nie Boweri and a Sirattordi girl. (Staff Photo) 2#2 >~gz SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F TOMATO SOUP $12 CHEF SALAD$12 ROAST TURKEY DINNER, CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES MIXED VEGETABLES DEEP APPLE PUDDING FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 WeAre Open Emary Dey Thouphout the Ysar LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONOITIONEO Mken IWO LARGE GYMNASIUMS it Oni-ario Si-huai for the Deaf are bang with sports acti-ivîies neariy i-ni-iy day ufthi-berieh, i-nd many i-venings. Recentiy i-be Ontario School for iha Deaf si-adi-ni-s frorn Bell-ville si-ni- iheur juniur and senior bashei-ball i-i-ims lu 0.S.D., Milton, for gi-mas wl-h i-ha lui-i-Isi-denîs. The photo- graphar snapped ihi- action darig ihi-jujotr garni as Mil-on aliempîs i-o si-ara. Mil-on piay- i-rn in ihi- pi-i-are ni-iode Jimmny Cripps (lighi- uitairn No. 34 itii-fi-), Mike Smnith, Richard Larsh iad Kenaei-h Dans (Nu. 22). (Staff Photo) - -- 1 - 1 iý ý ý - mili"