Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 1

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ïbk&IIbI o.rin th Coa umir for 1t6 nrsc MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCHE A tottrlmeu c.Second CI... M.il enCts 81967 nr tvau stOttice Oearluent. utîco.Eghleen Pages-e et. Del h*ghschool pprovalGroups meet oc-r Deay highapoa town centennial festiv' await consultative report Milton Council agraad Mon- day to amit the March 15 precntafionuof a report hy the Counly Consulttive Commit- tee un High Schootc, hetora raching a decicion on con- struction ut a $1,309,000 addi- tion u Mitton District Hcgh Schoot. Miton District Hcgh Schoot Board precencad is proposat for the addition, which woutd maka the tocat nahout a tutt compositescahoot accommodai' ing up lu 1,100 sladents. ate iJanuary. Depufy-Reeve C. Mencty rg- ad couanciltlu reach a deciccon oct the prjeet. reporting ha had promiced tu have Nassaga- weya and Ecquesing ofiiatc adviscld hat night. durcng hir meetcng, ut Mitons poition. The thrceamunicipatcties cap- port he tocal sahool and make up the district ervad. "If ive dont go inco hic ad- ditiun, halis tha ansr?' ha munderad. "Il is obviaus tualat ona or the ocher bas 10 ha dune. hatever the othar i". ha muced. "In vtaw ut tha pres- suce hing put un hv tha Hgh SehouotBoard. ma hava c give an ansmer in chea horîac t pus- sible lim". lhacuggastcd. Inte tisetlial prasantaconutA tha prupunat. hourd membarc noted grants of up ta $900000 mre avaitabte on this type ni prjeat, but the Federat-Pruvin- ciat agreement under mhich mach outIhe grant ws a aa abe cxpires Marah 31, 1967. The hard urged councilt o reached ils decisio hfore the dlaudlna expiras. Councitior C. Johnson report. cd on a meeting of thream;tn- bers uf- th-- councit to discass tha paupcsat. and che suggen- ion a aummilment huutd ha deiayed antct the Concutative Commttecareportl s precanird Marc.h 13. Healaso suggastad mraintormation nhoutd hc otained on the braakdown of grants and hum ci compare' ith tha regutar grants. Infor- mation on tha numbar eigibit Dpucv-Raeva C. MenaIs se- serets cannurad' the loat hgh sabot and public sceoot Mon- das u fur ak ut saftv dasicas us'shopaeqaiptoant. michbch tld Miton Couocit hehada nolaalsen hloared thetlocal scbouts. Tha dcpaty -rev hre cameaiutthe canaluasion out engthv dsertation in ccbccb laspeters chack ILS. $hp equiparnat Principat R. CHanter oh Milton Dstrict Hcgb Sahool ctcntsctans tcck ut udcquata: saftils destces os shopacqucp- meast. cheacontacted hy The Chacmpion Tuasdaasmuraing. M. Hanter notact eqiptoasi in tha sahoot uhaa en har- cagphts ahackeal hs shop inspaa- tocs oh tha Daparîment ut Ed- c-clan. Tha sa-s hava guardv <nal necssas csaetvs sitches rccin pace on att aqiptoant. h. nolea. DeI7Y report un inew clerk Noreporlon thc possil hrnguo! atocnnclcrk ml hc made ascii Ma. A. Brasb. pras- entty honpitatized. elratrcs ce work. eputy-Reeve C. Menets bold Milton Cousait Mondas. The aeputy-reena saggeslec he moul meet ith the depaîl clerk and financc ommitce betora rahing a deision or mhat action lu tua. Mr. Bruafi fias een acting as clerk sinca thse reignation af R. B. Reynods in January 1966. In Octohea ut 1966 Oep utyReeve Manehy tlId routail the finance commlttee moatc be considerisg the position. It mid-ebruary hcaialo soagent- ed the commitea mouid h. hringing -in a recommandation. The set eek Mrs. Brusb mus honpitaîized. [rom thic cahotoluattand the nccm Cottage ut Appicd Arts and Tachnotogv in Brampton next Septembar shoutd atso ha cchtancd. ha suggstad. Cauncillor G. Kranta reaa ttd the financaaommtcttaa had bean morking on the propocitt and ha askad lor hat commit- ees viam. Chairman ot tha inance cummiltea C. Menatv observcd il mac a large sum ot mottas' Ha cuggacted a composcla schot s a hurdan on tacpay- $1,309,000 ddtiou ers untl it bas 1,000 sudanîn and hic wouud noc ocaur i che projectad anroimentc untit 1971 or 1972. Ha wonclered ahbout changes n egisation hac coutd affacc high schoutc. about regionai government and about the ha-nlasti- det'. Ha conciuded chat he was nul arguing for or against. Ha as asking the mayor and councit whac thae thoughl s ccrc. and ha moutd goc aong cith the majorily. Causall<or Keanto cndorscct the suggestion of accaltng the Consulttive Commit tac repocrt and acting on the issuea aIthe March 20 maceting Al othar dasira:d ntcrmaiot t s cc e gatharealin the meantinta. Counittor Hast cccrved tha manIt f thaesahouot sectu ha revccving arcctnct b.ang cnough cludents.tic accnctar- cd if anv disc.ussi,ccadhccbecn tcatd cilh Aatccn <Ioc rk ul a plan for tcctt utilitaticcvcl the orgaltications ioct tact crack lu racians ptans our Mittonc Ccc- accoilIcatabrations chat rang- cd tronc a Cantanniat Caper dance, hazaars. art clspl.cvs, antqueexhbitionscc hccccina in_, strassing the cmportance ot co-operation and urging or- ganizattons ccc plan avants and advisc hlm of tha dates lu ,ccoidct vrapping ofcclshcdctd c turnamants nd parca des lu avants. îîcNacSsuggestccttlis possi -thetnsMllPn rj IV might be dc cusse4 a'ilh h oco ctFndPoct Mr. Pearcnflmtted the om- mamhars of tha Ncorth Hllon dedicatton andc o m mni c nt htchevc a Urban Board. c, thcr cc tnt hurch serrviacma School board explains expansion i.' ricors tu more Ihus a dccc- h' ta hsdailail r sde amdnaicnp $40.00 «ciit be question-s concernis g ath, ac'a rre400,000 h.re hrt n nucscl. ,s on Ditrcct High Sahool As thameting rtosect. each hs tha h ac c clcl st<Il x Iud a, arts 11.309,000 asxpassion coanc il ugaeat l gise uather maka tha sahcccl a <cl cccccctc le n a-ra proidad tua 14 considealation u tha proposal itaechoolt. capabechî a cc ttc mbers ut Miton. Naccaga- ac.d make Iheca dacision an ing 1,100 sîticitls ru anal Esqua.ang Cuanait s cuvitas pttsihla fan anamer ta nrttccc qcca , Wadnsttseaa in of act The huard plana lu pravide lioîn, the hcccctcctcc< k.nsa eeigo la tccr cdiionat academia clus-c Il acca tatc l î,cih 5.- oces. ise commarciatl ro5 uIocanal stattents ccc nighl< .0 fie eauacilllae met ut the <sve shctps. an ncneaand dcv ig schools toivotc 1ioa con Coants Adminstration ing arc-a. an extra fytonasiato traaining, hacatîna ha localt tdingwic scx ohhiaiats of .nd an entagedtlihrarclo thet' ord<curtclcthatccPrccrca igb sahual hboardt liga- rsistcng acittîes in Miltocn îcanspcrtctccccocIc us l itav a!r iinnhcsar 3pratu heoîo bn'ghtrnnhccst<information prioa lu maik- A fattarat provincial grant ut aitla Thr ino<lu gcr.ntec theacosîs. The questions %ccctictnal aras hih is ex- peuvidee ccatiotttn nueitd slmme rom an ar lier meat- vng oh the hrc counaits chere il as agraad the court cils vacdad more information Tcirc.h. ccculd giva tha board a cash grant ut atone lu 1900. 000 tcwrd the totat cot. The Resuirface Highway 25 Higbmay 25 beimeen Higbmay 401 and the ouibern ouiskirts of Acton ce t ha completely resuraced lb c pear, the Ontario Deparcment ot Higbmays arnnuanced tat meek an the 1967-68 eslcmalen more tabled in tbe tegilalure. O. Ha rrc ofuthIe nformation Sectcon, O HO0. euptained the program woulci prubably begin lae Iis nommer. The renurtaccng oyers a 9.3 mile sreîcb ufthIe two-lane igbmay. The mark alsu inludes a minur idening un the firsi mile ut the bîgbway nortb f rom Higbway 401. The preseni 20 foot wide payement wiii be widened lu 24 feet, be said. ha rascaaad the nacalor Iccalc micac trainingland thc'cnail- ils utf urge cotnpunies u oper- a apprcnticasbcp prugraces ,ausauof union rastriction,, He referred ta a t<ck of gurds un sacvscanda othar peca- as of aqaiptoant and cbargad chut "a-han suavasa nsala ut- itadas. thea acha as are nul qcaliied". Novarte hauthar memnbers ot coanrct commantad on the deputy- raaes chcar gas ht cama aItsae end ut tesgthy dis- cussion un theacon straction ut ha paupomal additiocn u tha Milton District High Scbout. OILSIRT AND SULUVANS memorabie "The, Mikado" came la lie on Fiday and Saturday eveningu in the oece general parpone nuoto ai tbe Martis Si. Senior Public Shool. Clone ta 600 aiinnded fhe imo performances by the grade six studenin ut the W. 1. Dick cebool. 0 Bvi1973 thcschool\%clch futt, taking presant eccc c n fiue ntctcccand <istrictl sahools Butal attthe tact rccms moulaI ha partcatIs ucec i rgbt amay. *.A tevv ur appdO<inlty $35,000 a vear ccsar the district catît mccl theatahant aras c qoirad. e A puhlicccarcnductcccs rutadccuthaa.cuscctlcteclime elcman t cnccctcact, sactîtthe grantanxpactad tccaxyirea acthe end ofl March. Safety equip~fet in place ut M.P.S. Supervcscng Principacl 17. W. Fostar out Mitton PFabhtc Sihools. contacted Taasctcv hs The Champion, rcpccrîad lali bc mada an immadcatc insptca- uin ft hashop and %a as fical c-theh ccacpcccau Ha noteal gurds marc i ptace on the sams in osa, antd on the grindars. Studants mccrk- cng on lthas mare cnatring the gogglcs andl the tcaahrsras taking Atthe asual prccct lions nec.c.ssarvhfor tha sctfutuftihe boys. The popular operetia mas oniy pari of s twc. boue prograce mbicb uilized s conl ut 200 ir Ins finale. our fealured players in The Mikadc - Richard Case, Robert Addison, Virgini Wooland and Ronald Docens are shoen foc lowing a performance. (Saff Photo 'dinate ities Gro Mil Sit the bri or Co i m Ch THE SftIN@ LAM have arrived ai the R.R. 2 Three-yesr'oid Gregory Brain heips teed two j Georgetowen tarm ot Wlliam Brais, but muni ut the seven lambc un the Brain farm. Forh Mlon and area residents are nitl looking mure photos see the turm page.p tormard lutcarmer, spring-iype meaiher. (Saff Photo) Airport blasted again stalled for four weeks ftckcllc's an-agccn. tcf-a gacn and nuoccher propcrl cccultt rcatit * . soggasling tha Dapart' Muniîccipal atrycal mus statled match ils 'nencîst antt cca- ment ut Transport or the Fed' .ain Mondaccight ir ai lion. erct Tracsurv Board aould ccIs cil ocn Scmraccurc t flic hastill tornldocyn theairport. ,latirs stualstha proposat cots t,.Ccunccttctr Bitt Gities Anotiser district ralepayar ad presant count.l itccta de- marnd co<nilltheaotl-utctd cho appart.dcas Frank Op- îctiedtreportcnthe us and -10aents peraapila peryeur' dtean. -busc farm isol the incycng ccltha airporî. oas a lcm gusc on tha maint- and of the dcad-end Third Sual rti cttccalorc. backad eanceca cuc. Burtînglon has nen. Mr. Opsîcen morried ha ccp hsttuodcan Omagb dis. cet aide ils $75.000 share utf routtt bava nu acces.s lu hic rit t cascatnts mhose ives the landc aunin tha 1967 bud- farm. and accutd bave tuecros t ha bcatt aclac 'ns tha air- gaI andttha Qabvitta counit lan airport runmac lu gel hic pr, mnagdtutcgltlhe air- has vetlccmake the dcision bidren tlachoal. potc c Iitlet untlt Oakvilte on ils 5755,000 shara. The D. Ma.Stcona. in repties lu a Cotccncls Aprct 3 meeting. OT. acculal nctlt runmacct barragacct quastions tram Whlc nîambers rolad unani- and ncacsars buitdings, but Ward One CaccnilturDounatd ncccccls Iottlabteathaesuhect maintenanac- statI op cluthe t.ncudo aeSx tor accîccnth atnactng the staff muniipalilias. Cniudo aeSx repocrt. lhacr opnion, con the Offies worr5 aboutcctheai- t ttr %crcc- nvchivg bac an- porc's usage. A Chîmhar Drve aniý,t,.Comerc uveN h.,edDrier burned, bariging ofi the Mavok tcx- ruck catches fi hacîlcna clcIt S -a',cngarat.ecaulisa ptanesuantd malt cal- raned ui icaIvtccttsolttt go treighlc. and tlcrus cag- A Milton mn cran ospccat. bouts beltre a MuccMccLan ga-tcd the avaitahiitlofutîhae «att cccîh ttc cIanal second de- Anttcc-.cn licyct calct a hatl airyccrt moutd anccurage more gaec faciat burns Tuesdav lic tha ttchcctc Ccncit un a indostrv tuc tocale icn Oubvilta. mcclning. mhcn a daivary ruck re ccte p vore ri an îhr- Oppcîinns c taim il %vocld bc' caaght ireaai Millons garbage cugh thaecvning îurnad down csad maints for plaascreacratt dispccsat site. a motiocn ctlavcnit archer dis- and Ihevscas tha anpendture cuinutl Januars-<f 196f is ashorbilant if tha airpoal is Raports indccate Reg Wotsa- ana l pacing thea irpccrc pro- uved primants for racrcation. las oh Ontario Si. haakc'd a jecl hattîre tha pauple for a Soaicitor F. David Thomp- Ldiths Foodl Maket ruck rc'arcnalum. con. apprurins for Gordon analtlatha dump's hurning pic ansd The item cc bandals aarea- Wiliam Ravner wobuc 100 cnlaadad coma papes. As ha armmcnaltittvfrutmti ha plan- acre lartom il 'nsautom a cant. pt hearckaefhue ning hboardl tacamanal thce cp hv the irpctrt projacî. lau-bakm halukatr tocn-ccclicitplnlcperit cbausaiachttcacioval ruka oulinltheox, searing aovn',accfpcal p talanctoarm t nhea ouncs M stond ns a -aris aan st.gtial ut riva Sialroatalhaa-en the gaal hare mera nu tatlitas k h rckwsdsry Thcc <t and Fcurth Lines ut incic.ting tha airport cc-nîldcd hafora irefightars arriveal. Omah Tha muniipatts op- hanafit the cchccetowucn. anal erataalcirporlccacfirstlcttk- îhermwas no protf ilculald c ett abcot 18 munths ago. but anlica indusîrv N oa s p an Ia covî ccccrss bas rangeal oser Tish aaneatctld nu plan theanacal.chea ita anal the prosa hir hrm anal canna ig ch o coI or tha pact sear. Til aha on ans long terce con- i h s h o acîl cîtlh a jint project ut tracts for chai r crcrk, hccausa linancial .assistaceaafor rthetion. he anplained. "Tha e ts n Cauniclivolced [ts approval oa cunstructiocn frot tha ederal c butlding thetoin imbo anal Msnday ntgist of fise prapased government. dcmanding tanes for land lhey expanatan plan for Milton ]Dlc Omagis arra rasidients buse do nal umo," hae chaged. "Yuu trlettilgis Scflaal. prota lad tha site. but mosl are nul acting in the interacss la a formai notice af mafia, bas ligucrscin the debata are ut att the peopte sou repres- theeasanrcil sfated lit fa prepsi- caticlica llha site cs the onts est if pou rab saltins Ihir ed toacseept <ta prapartianale P uitabta une in Oakvitte and ceound," sare afthie deieturet requlr O Bcringîon. At Monday'n meet- Mr. Thotopsun sogganiad cd tar the prsposed fIgb li ing 'DonatlStone, a Depart- cousicil shouod dater the ame- seflaol addition. D.ment of Transport repranenta- analmeni lu the oficial plan Caunclîlara lndleafed, "if n. ro) cira. saai the siae mas ideal unlil tise airport is more ut a cra dloanfise oufrlggif g ý p ion ed ta- MI ar- de Lir- gh WC M. lnjuaflea" If thce plan la ap- proved by tMilftnNasaaga wcya aad Esqtcc.ing toSnicSlsc fly Marais 31, fthc expansion pragram would befie~la foar filghsefisan tiorn graiits faferlng fa Mitone rmas' dlay la apps'ovlng tha projeet, anc fowaship conclf or aaid, "tissyra btlngoffdthernom fa <pff e fflairtaa." 49 I 24 1~. Vol. 107. No. 44, An, Boar plat Th the ther ing oft Deputy-reeve censures schools for Iack of safety in shops cnned for the Agricutcral ounds on June 25 cg be foi- ced by the dadication of the il Pond Projaci. The cmo 'ack, begictning August 19 ch the arrivai of the Cencn- cci Caravan for lis fwo day tp and conctoding wil-h the team Era un Labor Day, were sabtished as the period for ae lawn's concenirated cele- r.tion. cii hoped hy mid-March lu oduce a calendar of events oi the, Ccntennial year an4 ccct it on the Chamber of ammerca sign ac the corner )fMain and Martin St.., il rported. Among the evenis reporced !o the meetind as ptanocd merc aCentenniat Caper hy the Sar- ih Martin Chaplar I.OD.E.: a mcixd crabies bowling courna- nent bv che Milton Bowling ahu on Juty t; a zone ratiy by the Legion Ladies' Ausiiiary; in art displav and contesc bv th Milton Arts and Crafls rccup: che Fat! Fair wich spea- ai centennial conlesc: a Cen- ennialtcea and ancique dispiav bv the United Chorch Women; atrac pintcn;, bv theRangers, Guidas anal Brownias aitche hospitlt a Guide and Bromn- ce rayai. Old Fashioned DaYs; rock gardens aic the toms en- rances bv chc Lions Club; a Centenvial Dance hv the Dotch .Cnadian Cluh with che pon- sihitils ut a hailding alsobehing ereated. a plancioz depicfing a Canadian ftag hy the iforticul- turat Society and a flomer show; a speciat film showing bv the German Canadian Club as weli as participation in Oid Fashioncd Days: a Campbell- cilleMitton grudge hail gamne for the crophy firsl presented ec the cuwn's 1957 cenlenniat ciabration; schoot prujeets; a showing of a hilm on che Chris- tian pavition ut Espo and the posccilv of a vchooi parada for the dadication of che milI pond prcciecc. Concludini <the meeting, Mr. ,Pc aren suggesled tiSera woutd prohahtv nul hc torcher meet- ings oh the encire groop but ha was avaitabie lu discuss ptlans witb individuet croups durcng the vear. Wurn pureats spring doeige Paetar uged to prs hdwoie heksan dtge ithc springcitne. Milton Po- tice adviscd ihis meek. "Ans day 0w ch cs sctow in going lu disoppear and the cks and diiehes wcti he Fuît ut water,' Potice ChiaI Ray Andrenss accd Tuccday. "'i hope parents witt warn their chitd- rcn about the dangers of ptay- ingocar csaccr, and make sure ttcatr ahitdren arecuaeai att Ove chitd was drowned in tMilto n neyerat pears ugo when ihc tealito a swolteo crack. 1Officiats hope there won'l ha uvothcr Itiisprcng. hospitalized fire ai dump In thie ony ochar tira uf the panl wack, a badroom ait tha Ivhome of Antonio Votpe, 96 kMitas Si., was damagad Satur- eday aflarnoon. Firaman ware unabte apiain the causa of tha btaza. Fiee Chief A. E. Ciemani re- a ports tmo groups of kindergar- c en scudanis lourad tha fira d halt on Tuasday iu view the * eciuipmant and sac fitms on * fie ervanlion. One clans gui o1 tiritt in the morning when g o reat f ire alarmi was lurned e in whila chay ware ai tha fire Y-hatt, and chat waichad the big . ccd trucks roll oui. s approval 1expansion

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