17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE cl7a0dest of20aces, par00y PAUL S. STARR "0ld-re '0 cre"emo of fulprlte. and Company Ltd. Il actes, pavcd road, north of R:EALTORS Campbellvillc. 7000 fuaIl price. Brampton - Guelph - Orangeville Wosok-'Mlton - -Heopeler Sydneuy K. Lam'b -Ay- oktw BUYING OR SEtLLING REAL ESTATE " Farma 0 Homes " Land * Businesses Contact our MILTON REPIRESENTATIVE BARBARA KING 100 Martin Street Phone: Milton - 878-3551 Brampton - 451-1510 Farms, Building Lots and Acreages We bave several building lots and ome larger acreages, as wevîl as a widv choice in dairy, beef or hobby farms, List wthI us for a widv expoture 10 intertsted boyers. Buy or selI the modemn way lrough Photo M.LS. Member of Brampton Rl IEstate Board. 17c43 REALTOR R.R. 4 - Mlton 878-3212 Member of Canadian, Ontaria,t Orangevilte and District RetaI Estate Boards. .17c43 FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT FARM 35 ACRES, near Fonthîi. ,ail plantvd 10 varity of good producing fruit trees. excel- lent 9-roomn home with con- veniences, barn, packing shed plus full line of matbintry. Asking $54.800 witb $19.100 down, Balance onc 6% open mortgage. SMALL FARM 20 ACRES, Fenwick area, 6. room home wilh convenient- vs, 3-piece bath. basement, barn plus farm machintry. large number of fruit trees. Asking $29.300 wilh 99,500 down. Balance ont 6% open mortgage. 65 ACRES WELLAND AREA, 8 - room trame home, ail convenlent- et, large barn, cickvn toop, 2 garages. traclor and mach- invry. Askirrg $25.000 witb 55.000 down payment. For more information, taIt Mike .Dugan 732-7517. evgs. 732-1424, Rep. 1 Iglo GE.ILU.UGXAN Spacious is the Word REALTY You tetl have king sze om- 28 Mait E. WELLAND fart in Iis modern 2-storey brick home with it roamy 7271 kitchen, spaciaus dining area 3-71 atnd living room wiîh its ut- 17c43 tractive stone fireptace and convenient extra washraam on the main floar; 4 romyn Christie & Woods bedroomt and bathoom, 0f REAL ESTTE BROKERS second floor î.nd insplring porth deck oser atacbed ga 189 Main St. - Milton rage for bot sommer nigtt. The brigt talkout basemvnt- boasts another complote ap- artmvn t with ils large living $14.900 fuît price, 2 - btdrom r0om, moden kitchen, bvd- stucca home. tampîvte with ronm and batbroam. econam. awningt and garage. situated ical bot teter gas beating. on well landcaped lot, large 'Locatvd in a refinvd nigh- living room wtb f replace, borhood for fine people. kitchen with dinett area. Don't miss it. A roat proper- fuît basement with recrea- ty invesîment t 925,000. ion room. Terms, Frvsb as Sprntg, Iis almost $20.000 full price, lt/z - storey nvw bof f brick bungalow has hume with garae, close ta 4 bedroomt. large living room, dotnoten. This is a tevîl de. modem kitchen and 4-piece crated. tomfarlable home, batbroam, atachvd garage, on tevl landttapecl lot, On fu1l basemvnt with gus FA. first flor there is a modern fuenace, and sorms and kitchen. large living roam, tceent, located in quiet, re., separate dinfing room. t bed- fined area, close 10 chool room and 4-piece bath; on and shopping. Dmop in and second floor. 2 bvdroamt. take a peek. We think you'll sewing room and 2 - piece tike it, FPrice $22500. tashroont, full basement Garden Farms 45 acres. on paved road, tonse. nient 10 marets, consists 0f 35 acres early produting, cIvan gardef sou andt 10 acres of titan hardwoad bush of sugar maples and white birc, seat 7-roomt brick bun- galow, good baum and ouI- buildings, excellent iater supply intluding farm pond. Frice 540.000. 'Haf cash. 14 acres of ricb. mllow soit, li '-storey warm Itueco home witb 7 roums, excellent hng barn ta bouse 200 feeder bogs. other barns and 2-car garage. water presuared tu bouse and outbuildings, vvry scenit setting. Frite $31,500. 6 acres choice garden land, t'apberries and tome fruit trevt. nvw imptemnent shed, goud hbarnhumand it'-storey 5-roum brick bouse, very con- venivt 10 markets., rite 928,300. Cmli us 10 viyw our homes ab- ouI town, alto dairy, beef and horse farms in tht surmounti- lag countryside. Wv are hap- py tasatit you in chooting your home oftifh11 future. Just Cail yur Gibson Willoughby representatives. Arina&Archie Cairns 340 bain Street East Phone 878-6980 1 17c43 tubs and worksbop. f COUNTRY HOMES $15,500 askitsg price, 3-bdrooma alominues sidvd, ranch stylev bungalow, kiteben with amplej tuphoards. tamfurtablv livingà roues. full batemynt. ail let- trie hyal, scenie loI ovvrlook- ing ravine, Trms, 129,000 asking pricv, 4-bedroomn 2 - storey rame and brick home. waik - ouI rouf on top ut 2-car garage, large living roomt witb natural stone f ire- plate. separate dining rom complete witb chandelier, kicbvn bas ample cuphuards. rear yart bas extra garage, fenced swimming pool. FARMS 9acres, stone home, large bank baum, on main pavd road. Asking 145,000. 100 acres, rame home, bank baum, river runs truugh the property. Asking $32,00. LOTS 10 acres. close ta Millon, rite 98,30. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 17c43 - To Btter Livng by seîîing articles you noeslonetesr use. Prosfi 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHEEI In 11e nattar oftIbm SalmIset LULLIN DRAIN,' laIe 09 Mal- tom Centenalal mann, la Ibm Tonof Met ie..la 1the Cosa- ty ef RatIon, Wldow, dacama d AIl persons baving dlaims ag- ainsI tht Estate of LILLIAN BRAIN, laIe of Haton Centett- riai Manor, in the Town ot Mil- ton, in the Counly of Halton. Widow, dvceased. wbo ditd on or about the 23rd day of Aug- ost, 1964, are requested tlu end particulars of -thym dcaims 10 the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Aprit, 1967, ut- er which date the said lstat will bce dislriboted among the parties entitltd therelo. and tht Administrator will nol 11e hiable for any dlaims of wbich il bas not then recevied notice. Dattd 1the 22nd day of Febru- ary, 1967, SHARFE & NICHOLS, 207 Mary St., Milton, Ont. Solicitors for 11e Adminis- trator. 19c45 20AUCTION SALES IF IN 1967, YOU ARE THINKING 0F HAVING A HOUSEHOLD, DISPERSAL OR COMPLETE FARM SAME Cal Chris. A. Schouten Licensed Auctionver Tel. 878-2576 Colîoct Sales conducted anytebere. 20c35tf Walter Reinhart Brampton Liveslock Exchange Snvlgmsve Licensod Auctionoor Farm Sales, Housebold Sales and Appraisals PHONE Sîtîgruve 843-1871 Ballon 857-1726 Cottecl Kitchener 519-742-7437. 20643 AUCTION SALE Tht undvrsigned bas receivvd instructions 10 sdil by public uoation in 1the Twp. of Nassa- ga.ceya. lot 24, con. 6, just bce- ose 25 Sideroati an 111e 5111 Lint, 5 miles south of Acton and 6 miles slraight souuh of Rockwoud, for A.LOOYENGA Commencing SATURDAY, MARCH Il At I p.m. DAIRY CATTLE - A com- mercial Holstein herd a! 24 cotes anti heifers - 6 cote, fretn i mos., 6 cotes due tims o! sale & due June and Juty. 4 firtt caîf heifers alto dut in July, 4 bvifers ready 10 11e breti 2 cuIt s apprux. 7 mas. aId, il calft. Complele breeding dates given day of sale. FALRM IMsPIJEMENTS - Fer guson tractar. complettly re. builI lasI year; Cocksbutt side delivery ruke, 4-bar; motter. fI. cul, for Ford Iractor, jusi îesv lust yvar; -Mussey Hurrim grain and fvrliliuyr drilIl,-mun binder. 7 ft. cul. canvus goad us leva; International doubIt disc. 8 f t.; Woud't grain chot per, motor builI in; farm tsi gon seitb rack, on rubber; 4 wheel esanurv spreuder; stet landi ruIler; circular saso; drivc 'bell; 18" fan; upprox. 380 cedai fente posîs; a lot of galvunizec roufine; about <'i tan of toit mertial fertitizer. MILKING EOU'IFMENT- Surge milkers; Sorge vacuse pump anti pipes for 30 cotes. HAY & STRAW - Approx 1,500 'bulet of choice mixyg huy; upprox. 400 batet of a strute, bay anti strate. Nus ti 11e moved betare 'March 30. NOUSEHOLD FURNITURI - A -Dutch linyn closet <(poti able); 3 dressers; 4 chairs; mugs. ont 9 x 6, anc 9 x 12; stui runîvr uppros. 25 ft.; a lot0 cunning jars; some heut bulbs uppran. <'i ton of blue coul; hi plate; 'Duth coul ail) ho plate; and muny more stra articles 100 fomerous lu mer tiol. Lunch boolh anti refresl ments on groundis. TER-MS: CASH. Farm is told. Otener anti audlioneer not r, spontible for accidents day 3saIt . -CatIe seill 11e tolti undvr ci CIIRIS A. SC.NOUTEN, Auctioneer, phone 878-257 Clerk, Jim Langedyk. 2011 d il le t 43 by diaîing Champion Family Want Ads. 2MD ý 878-2341 IThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 1, 1967 AS O.P.P. taNk on safety ut Brookville school During the pàst wevk 14t safety lectures teere given o10 384 pupils aI Brookville sthool by Milton OFFP Detachesent safety off icer Const. William Joyce, Sgt, W. J. Grant report- ed today in a weekly summa- ion of detachment activiits for the week ending Saturday. January 25. Daring the perioti Pcb. 19, tu 25, personnel of the Milton Delachmenl worked a total ut 837 bouts and palrolted a total of 7,487 miles on area bigb- ways. As a result of patrol, 15 traffit charges were preferreti and- 41 traffit violation teare- megs were issued, as wetîl as 25 cunvictions regislertd. Durlng tibl perlod Il prop- erty damage accidents and ions, careless driving and les- proper passitte, t'inttY Pet cent of these accidents were atlributed 10 road and wetatis- er conditions, wbicb woutd in- dicate Ibat spetd of vebicles involved in these accidents teas too fast for thev conditions. There were 24 general occur- rences reported, inluding a break, enter andi theft utth11e Cadillac Stone Guarries, uon 111e Eighth Line Esqotsing Twp. in wbicb $35 in assorted bools mere stotets Ibret other Criminal Code offences; ont arrest made for other police deparlmenls; and two stoten autos recovered for other pol- ice deparîments. Tht remain- ing occurrences wvrv of a Min- or nature. SpweruautiNe scind à@"rdwerk Sp Men. Georsge PeUetterIo The Fairviet H om e and Seboul Association hld their meecting in the auditorium Wvdnesday nighl under the leadership of 'Mrs. ONcil and Mes. Steallote. The attendante tbide as teon by Mrs. Fol- ters rooes. George Pelleteria teas guest speaker. Ht outtined tht gel- eral work a!f11eSehaut Boatd, tht devetopmtnt o! the Bon- linglon Public Echout syttem and ils achievementtinte 19(o). James Mitchell, inspet' lor af Public sebouls for Bur- linglon. assisted in the ques- tion periadt Iat fllowed. Cof- tee and coukiet were served a!. ter the meeting adjoumted. Irtinjury accidents teere in- IeJCW.oParm Unt vesîigated, resuling in five Heurt diseuse is aur totutt- ed Cburcb calered 10 tht Oak- persons being injured and ap- trys No t killer,7Yaur Casa- ville Firemen's Banquet held praximately $7,195 in PrmPertY dian Heurt Fund is thev No, t ut tht Legion Hall on Friday damage. Causes ut accidents Defense against Ibis dread dît- night. were oud and weather condi- case. Harold Fatterson and Eu- gene Coulter lef t early Satur- ~ day morning fat Burlington. Vermont tehere tbey wilît visit tht home of Arthur Simpson, Dual-Furpose Sborlhorn Breed- The Zlnmemnan di st r ic t BEAUTY SALON DECORATINO Young Couples' Club met atîthe home of Mr. and Mers. Harold Patterson on Friday nîgbl with Vogu Beuty alo DRA ERY 19 atttnding. Rev. Griffiths A NEW COIFFUREspk anttmrig ce- Designvd JusI For You BROADLOOM mony. - and - Lynne Oates teas an over- COMPLETS, BEAIJTY SERVICE * Residential nigbl guesl an Friday and Sut- Cou 78-461 * Industrial urday, witb Janice and Glenna Call 88-2461Rideougb of No. 5 Sidemoad, 192 Main Street * Commercial Burlinglon. Ready-madv Drapes in stock. The l1« Palemso Scout and ~RIkV1CFor Custom Service Cub group hetd their Father HENY'S and Son banquet t St. Lukes CALL 178-2067 FOR HOME Parish 'Hall on Friday. Pebru- HAIR STYLING APPOIN'IMENT ary 17. Tht guesI speaker was District Commissioner of Oak- 198 Mill SI. - Millon SYERS ville. CAIL8763263 228MainSt. 678-067 Miss Gonda Beekers o! Oak- CAI 87-323 28 Min t. 78^067ville anti 'bs. -Maurice Plitof FOR APPOINTMENT 2104tf BronIe Rd. visited Wednvsday _____________________afenoon wi 1h Mrs. Ray " Moden Equipmvnt ORNERAI CONTUtACTORS Cripps. " Expert Styling, Coloring, Waving. t52-tf RAY OLAN Fayroll dedoc4ions bave ut- _____________________complished ont thing: il is im- ELICTRICAL SERVICI BUILDING possible 10 spend ail off O-e-.r .A-.. %n 1 - v1arns.'-4Mmry Akus. McPHAIL ELECTRIC e IIfOUSTRIL e COMMERCIAL e DMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEAIING Complote Eîectric Home 66 Chartes St. billon 878-9513 TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AM» APMICES SALES & SERVICE " Fhilips TV & Tape Retorders " R.C.A. Stervo, TV. Appliasces * Sparlon TV and Steren 222 MAIN1 ST. 878445 LIUtS TV. SALES & SERVICE *EMERSON *Colar TV and Stvreo *Tape Recorder 112 Mill S., Milton. Phono 878-3208 2Ictf PAINTING AND DICORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING r Contractor f tîdustrial - Residential Inîvrior - Exterior tCaîl now for Frac Estlesates Il 878-6137 Or Write Box 1347, Mil11on. t27-tf UWINO MACHINES SINGER SEWING MACHINE 6. SALES - SERVICE * Home Improvements " Renovations * Alterallons *Additions *Commercial or Industrial UL 4-2263 CAL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVESTROUGI0ING ALUMINUM SIDING Rv-Routing our Speclally Carpentry Work of Ail Klnda ,Phone 878-6020 or 878-9303 MILTON - Fret Estimatvs - AU. WORK OUAIlANTE!D 21c-tf GARDUN SURVICEU Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR e Sveding an d sodding " Weed spraying e Ferliliuing " Trvv trimmlng e Patios 878-3263 210-tf WELL DRILLNG WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont, Phone Borlinglon NElson 44M2 CUSTOM UP9IOLSTUY MILTON UPHOLSTERY Now owned and operated by Lamne Arthur PHONE 878-9094 f R. R. 3 Millon * Rv-upbolstvry *Auto Irita *Upbolstery cleanlng *Custam built fumîiture *Fret pick-up andi dellvery 21v-ti PRINTINO RENTAI For Your Printing ... PHIONE 870661 *Top Quoaty Milton Fabric Centre* Effllcl:nt service Services and Rpairs on al makes of sewung machtines. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 20etf1 191 Main St. Ummle ad At thymr regular moîtly meeting on Tuesday aflernoon, NatIon Count v councittors: e Larnecl thal R. E. Serena ai Burlinglon bai bttn renam- eti as chairman o!f11e NatIon Conly Planning Association. C. D. Chisholm teas appointed vice-chairm.îî. e Approved the appoint- ment ut George Tocher as coul ly buildings supeintend- ent. replacing the lte Lloyd Voune! e grecJ toa attat a Milton Distriot High Sthool student lu wark in 11e caunty admints- tratiol bulding f romt March 20-23. Tht prugram is part o! 111e student". commercial catîrse tininI. e Learned th1e Personnel Comssittee had agreed 10 re- atioal aciilyforw eekend piloIs," 11e said. - Resoîts of nurvey, 11e said, sbowed 72 per cent of tht people sorveyed ctppostd the airport pruject, saw no immediate need for il or w ere flot inîerested in tht projecl t attll Tht councittor stressed, "yoo are asking people tebo live in tht area 10 change their way of tife - divorce themsvîves fromt1the land they grtw up on. A tetter fromt Co u n t ilt1o r Geoffrey Drew-Brook explain- ed Chat he teas bospitalized and uttahle to attend tht meet- ing. However 11e did register bis belief that tht amendments to the officiai plan and zoning by-law shoold not 11e made aI Ibis time. Plainnng Board member Ad- dison 'Woodley said, "il 15 Up 10 the hourd 10 agret or dis- agret witb tht site proposvd. I tbink Ibat's as far as we tan go.,- Tht resotutions passed with only vite-chairman A. Chalk- Iey and B. H. Burrett opposing them. H4ire depulty Halton County tountil agreed Tutsday tu bire Claire MaKay, 31, of King Township as de. puty clerk for Hal-ton. Mr. McKay las married and bas f ive children. For tht pase f ive years 11e bas been assis- tant clerk -for King Townshiip and 11e bas graduattd f rom a municipal clerk's and treasur- tr's course. Ht was stlected fmom 25 applicats, five of wbom wert interviewtd. Tht new deputy witl replace iim Andrewes tho rtsigntd to take th1e post of deputy cterk ut Guelph. Mr. McKay's salary was set aI $6,030. THIS VITAL YO UN G RELIGION ehl -YP; The- ,* as hva IllionseplepI cnmntheia und todut liha - Is e .11 ofGod frluelle55. Iii5F Paulep baso,1 islhot youasma Rond, tonto7. adsertise for applications for the poition o! personnel of fie- er. Tht committe had inIer- viewed several applicants but foond notre suituble for the position. a Learned James De n,,l; Tî'esî of Burlinglan ansd Peler Howard of Oakville had heen :îppolnlec us directors o! tnt NatIon County Children's Aid Society. e Learned tht Children.s Aid Society had enled 1,000 squae feet in the Wellington Square Malt witb a f se year lense ut a cosl of $280 per monl1h. e Approved tht spending of $4.000 during the year on weed control in coursty and the ap- pointmvnt o! V. E. bicArrhur as Weed Inspector. County Council Briefs ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE Floride GRAPEFRUIT -......... 10 for 59c Can. Fancy MacINTOSH APPLES -. 49c bskt. New CARROTS, 3 cello hag - -.......... 25c No. 1 Golden Ripe Chiquita BANANAS Iloc lb. Ajax Powdered DETERGENT, Gt. Box ...83c Delsey TOILET TISSUE ...... 8 rolis for $1. Fancy Qualty BARTLETT PEARS, i 5-oz. tins .... 4 for $1. KAM LUNCHEON MEAT, Save 10c .... 49c tin Olive Loaf, Mac. and Cheege, Pichie and Pmeito, Chlcken Loaf, Dutch Loaf MAPLE LEAF COLD MEATS ...... 2.lb. for $1. WEEKEND MEAT SPECIALS Lean Pork SPARE RIBLETS ---- 3 lb. for $1. Maple Leaf BOLOGNA--.... 3 lb. for $1. Cmii. Packers Devon lndiema Sliced SIDE BACON, 12-b. pack ........ 39c E*IV R R S IV O 0704043 1 r 1 New pumper truck... (Continued f rom Page One) nR W0f 1e toucsah revenue and save debenture deter oatheg badtrucks was costs. dtroaigbdy -1ti CeunclIv Don Gordion, Who truck la ove 16 years old", represents Oakvllle on the- and il bas gone over rougt Committee favored buylng the roads and over fields. There la truckt Ibis year, as Oakville's tamoreib o eong an 1edais share of 1the cost would 1e bard.ll N o other f othn as quite small in relation tb thebor.N te !wn îa lown's own tasI for f ire pro-emergenty equipment o-ar 16 tection. 111 arn firmly convint- years old." ed Ibis area nevds a new pum- The fire chief pointed out per and needs il now. 1 dont the cost t10 Miltonians 10 boy want to accept the responsi- the truck rigbt away would 1e bitiy i Ibi trck reak don tst over a dollar per capita. bidicaniftdo trujbeilsdown Thereis something wrong if ansd nntodo"the jsai ssu-you cannot afford ltaI," 1e Chairman Charles Wilson of sagetd 1 aeae ol Miltas agrerd the truck was Atbio. ge,., eCmmte nveded, but boped the pur- gAve i erising h o bae cbase tauld 1e delayed for lb pcfctin mn U eigbt or nine nsontbs until 1the tisecifscatheon rwn up finacin siuaton s esie. culd 11v ordered aI iber the "I arn a taxpayer and 6'mgo ed of Ibis year or the begin- ji6 1 tt thal rny property is ninofex arHewnd protected front fîre - I've got . g Iodnet a fr. He arix a stake in Ibis too, 1e sai6. l ould teor 10atsic "wv know il is needed and .. otsafe rein rt are prepared ta huy il, 11e to bave il delivered. 0bl bn l atr0 Later in the meeting Charles whol thig i a ratte of Wilson was returned as chair- eigbl or nine months delay 1e- maioth mitefr197 forevw uYi George Cornie was namned vive- Buelhngton repreéentatlve, chairman and secretary-treas- Councillor William Green satd ue r.Ade rs a 1e was against 1the purchase rer Mrs, udres.Bru psitioa. ut Iis ime because 1e knew r-pone-0ta oiin is countil would fol want ta become involved in the deben' Airport . tory. He felt the trucks could r 1e cbecked over and put in (Continued f rdt Page One-) good shape for the prestitt would serve a subslantially lime, in order ta bold off the large population and said Ibere major expendilure for as lnng bave been indications of a as possible, definile need for an airport in Mr. Green warned Burling- Ibis area. ton liadt eventual plans for a MIr. Snow destribtd in detail fire station of ils own ini Kil- t1e plans for 1the airporl and bride t0 serve thev nortb end of poinled out wby 1the chosen th1e îown, and a big expendi- site was ideat, particularly turctîoward tht Milon ire when expansion of 11e original iAret not- coutd burry their de. facilities would 1e considered. cision, "We ARE purcbasing a Greg Lund, vice-president of pomperby putting the monvy the Oakvilte Chanber of Com- away forilte"h1e reminded merce said is organization members. sîrongly favored 111e establish- Naaaagaweya inember A. R. ment of an airport. He said, if Service also favored a dtloy, the airport became a reality, and urged the tommitteeto10 ."yoo would 1e adding an in- b ave a mechanitcbeck tht dustt-y whicb teoulti begat in- present trucks over and report dustry." on Ibeir condition, hefeare any Milton lawyer F. D a v i d detision is made. Thompson said there was no f Tht fiftb member, Deputy- evidence given that an airport y Reeve George Cornie of Es- is needed and asked Ibat 11v Y quesing, also favortd delaying fort tht hourd re - oned the th1e purchase until next year. murb-needed agricuttural land, Ht sid il would 1e coslly 10 il sbould 1e sbown Ibat an air- tht remaining municipalitits port is needed. Ht said tht re- > if Burtineton withdrtw fromt zoning of tht property ut 11111 t- tht fire ares, as il bas tbreat- lime wouldrender il useles, e envd 10 do on Ps-vviOUS OeCe- ward I Counçîllor Don Gor- sins don spoke ouI against thte r ps p rrool Ti saer- io rt e- le d. is ,41