A Blizzard of Bargains Drifts Through -the Classified. Ads.. BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS 1 BROWN - M. ansi Mra. litsm LAN - In iovlng tserory oh Bmossn <nee Mowden) of 82 W. 'H. Alias. %vho passed anay 878 Mary St., Milon. are pleased -Marais 7, 1965. ta announre te birtis oh tieir In aur beamîs, Dad. yourmnets- Cme son, T6tsotby James, welgisi 8 omy is kept, lba., 13 ors., ai Miltont District To love, 10 cberisb ansi neyer- Hospital on Febuary 26 1967. forget. A baby brotiser for Assette.- Ed, Florence ansi fariiy. in WALKE'R - M. and Mms.'Wi- c43-2723 lionm'R. Watker (nee Ousis) FER:RIER - ta toving rnerory of 423 Mouniainvien Or.. Milton, 0f our ceresi noliser, les- nil are pieased 10 unsousce thnisesi, nso tf t us 'Marcis 10, 1951,.878 birtis of tieir son, 'Wiliam aiso our deoest father Water, - Brian, neigt 7 bs. O80Ss. t Febramy 28, 1958. - - Milton District Hospital os Pcb- We noumafo - - ndthy e muary 2,17 witis beter reason - WOIIJLIAIS - M. antd Ms. Mi*it noure for us inaleasi. George Wiliams of 4233 Tra- Tiere is na somoss. sin or ssîs- ho: faigar Rd.. Oakviiie, are plama- try season. r id to announce tise birtis of For tiose ne cati tise deas. thhum son, .Hank Joseph,. weigbt Be sot 100 ssi for then. they- 6 bs., Il ors., ai Milton District have jusi departesi. Hospital on Febuary 22. 1967. Ciaus-ike beyasd our stghl. 87 Tiseir sunlit eyea in wonder .ami87 lifted- Unlo 'Eternal ligis; COMING MARRIAGES Ansi sore nso loves tien, kmn- 3 _________________ srn long depaated. ni Lovesi oses ussees for yeama. AOIESON - SOSNOWSKI-Mr. Wiit hing their rna about- and M. John V. Sossonaki ihen. iappy-earted. annousce tise neddisg oa htieir Weeping wiih thankfsoi, t'bask- sP daugiter. Mary Ans. 10 M. fui tears. pa Terresce B. Acieson of Toon- Itu airot seins tiseir sprit re- to. Tise weddisg 10 take place poses April 1ini Our 'Lady of Sor. Upas ight air above; h Iows Cburch, Toronto. Snoet as tisa drifting ceat oh a oses, ei _______________________Kinsi as tise 'breatis oh lave. - They are sot bast, for deatis DEATHS but corne to frete tien. sp Ansi thougis aar tbey roan. sti LI'DDLE. Kennetis - Passesi We con bu asit ansi hope t0 tc anay saddeniy, on Mosday, se -m Fdbuary 20. 1967.'Kensetis Lis.I- n our eternal bomne. Li dii tof 406 Roebarnpton Ave., c43-2807 Tise Farniby. () Tornto, belovesi isabansi oh NEILSON - In ioviaig rern- hc Jean Lais; dear fatier oh Ms. ory of o dear father ansi Gary Booth (Haribys) of Norths grassifolier, Wiliam A. Neil-- Bsy and John; brother ohfCChes- son.,niso pasesionay Pebru- bi ter ansi Ms. Leo Olomneli (Cîs- ary 26. 1966.C sy), hotis oh Miton andi Wesley; C grandfoliser oh Sandra Lynne Tisose ne love. s ansi Debiie Lynne. We neer bse, C; Resing at the tMurray E. For alnays tiey wil be - Loveti.rernembemesi. imasuretl, Nenbigging 'Fanerai orne, 733lanour rnerory. d Mount 'Pleasant Rd. <at'Eglîs- ton). Service in tise cisopel Lavingby renernieresi by Bob, ta Thursday 1.30 pm Internent Wanda ansi foiiy. c432833 % Prospect ceretery. _______________ ________________ COMING EVENTS - CARS 0 THNKS Eucisre ai Boyne Centre onK Friday, Marris 3 8.30 p.rn. Ad- a I1ssouid ike ta iisask al rny mission 50c. Ladies provide. s friensis.neigibsism ansi reativ- c432718h es for floners. gita ansi geta nuil nisises whiie Issas a pat- 'Keep in ninsi Knox Cisucb" ient in tise Josephs Brant Hos- St. Patricks Bazoar ansi Tes. pital, sBuligtan. Saturdoy. MrrhI l. 2-5 p.rn. d43.2715 Edgar Caimas. .432720 M. ansi Ms. Emnie Mitson Eucisre. 'Pisegrove Conmn- i niis to express tieir sisceme iy Hall. Saîumday eveiag. thanks ansi appriostion ta Marris 4. Admission 50c. Ladies their rny kinsi friensis for provide. c432404 carda. messages ad letters oh y niqe iply coadoleace at tiis urne ohf' -enuy AsiuSOsly reovernt in tise bas oh their Lunch ansi Tes, Satumdsy, Ap- osby son Leosard. c432722 rit 29, au St. Puls Cisristian TheMohes' uxliry f heEducation Centre. c432727 CtIhs andi Scouts nouisi ike ta Speyside Parents' Assaciation îisssk al ladies wiso hilpesi are sponsoring a Bake Soie ansi nith the bosquet at tise Scout Euchre. 'Fridoy. Mrris 10 aI Hall as Febraary 21. A apeciailishe scisool. Euchme at .30. Fi- tisanka la 'Mrs. . Grahama ansi ms ansi mfrisisrenta. b36-419 ber Rangera, tise Guides ansi- tise ladies niso havaeino cosser- Eacisre ou 'Kîlansie Castre. iasn itis Scouting. c432803 Salarday. Mach 4, 8 p.rn.. sponsoresi iy tise Kitbride We noulsi like ta îhosk tise Centre Connittee. Admission neiglibors oh Nassagoweya ansi 75c. Lunch providesi. c432851 George St. neighboms for tisir kissi consideralion in aur e- Dance, 'Marchs 4, 8.30 p.rn., in est bereaverns. Spe Ciai U.A.W. Hait. Martin St.. Milton. tbanka ta Dr. McCutchseon, sur- Relrvshrnns. $2 per couple. ses ansi staff of MiltonsDitrlict Spossomesi by Hablas East Nn Hospital. Onnocrals. Everyane nalcorne. c432817 Vera Beck ansi famiby. b432682 I wold like ta express ny sin- Benefit Echre. Masoir Hall, cere hnka Ia my relatives Campbeliviita. Saturdsy. Marris ansi friands for tiseir lovely 4 8 pari. Goosi lunch ansi priz- flossers. crdsandss gifla recev- s. Admission 5c. Auspices 01 cd daring rny stoy -in isospital. Carnpbetbvibte Guide ansi Aiso 10 tise otors. nurses ansi Bronnies L.A. 043.2815 staff ai Joseph 'Bran Mernor- lai Hospital. Special tisonka 10 Mrs. Gomet Hariion wilb be riends ansi seigihors for .u borne ta hem frienda as tise tieir arts oh kiasisesa ts y occasion aI hem 801h birtbday, hsniiy. Mosday. Marcis 13. 1967. ran, c43-2854 Mrs. Robert Elliot. 2 lu 4 p.n. ansi frm 7.30 os. We wish lu express aur sn- Everyone netrre c421 cen thanka ansi .appreciation Assuautmeeting o Milton loa al aur relatives. friendsandssiCentrai isrict Girl Guides neigihors for tiseir arts oh kinsi. Association ýLA. netrornasno- nesa and floral tribales daring thera of Brownies. Guides ansi our recent iereavernent. Sper- Ragers, Tuesday. Marris 7 aI litoIbaka 10 'Rev. Keitis Hank- 429 Muntanvien Dr.,'Miltas. ina. 'D. MaoKay. nurses and .15 p.n. c432717 staff oh Milton Distrit Moapi- toi. Mm. Lamne Graham ansi Mc- Carne ansi csjoy yoursctf ut Kersie FuseraI 'Homne. Asigrove Institate St. Patrickas c43-2810 Met andi Rta Wiasian. Oance, Friday evcsing. Mrrh 17 Stenartona Hall. Novety daces andi lunch providesi. Mo- dentaires, 9 10 l. Admission IN MEMORIAMS $2125 pr oupe. c432828 Hulasn Juniar Forners' Dru- FLAiHSIRTY - In iovisg nen- nu Fastival, Sturday. Mrris amy of s dear daugisier, Pot- il. t 8 p.rn.. St. Pouls Unitesi iia Le, ssbo passesi snoy Churcis Christian Edacation Marris 4, 1966. in ber secostj Biding, 'Miton. Eîran ner ent ansi refresbret.Aina You cannot say, you must not sionee.00prpran Zne 2 say. That ise s dead;siteais a uit Hulasn Egg 'rosiocers' annu- snay. aI dianer mneeting, Horsby Un- So tik ofhber fsiing on as itesi Churcis. Monday. Marais 13, dear, 1967, 7 p.r. sharp. Outatansi- In the love ohftiere as lise love isg guesî speaker. Entertats' oh here. ment. Tickets 11.50. Pick op Lovitagiy rernernieresi by Ossi- tirkets by Marrh 10 frnay dy, 'Mornrny snd Shelley. br9loai diretar or fron fais. Ken e43.28 ltEu 878-9408. b43220 FOR SALE SIGNS of ait kinds. Ray Guay 1-2150. 1e47-2613 ISED V h.p. notors, 38.00. est 'Hardware. Milton. 1c43-2726 GREY Thisie baby carniage. igond condition. 878-6614. 1 c43-2812 i E'LECTRIC Spanisis geitar lbt amplifier, user) 3 nonths. 78-6516. ic43-2823 OROSLEY Sheivador refriger. for, very gond condition, very easosable. 878-6852. 1c43-2831 I)UANTITY of cboice baued y, ansi autornatic space beat- -r Carnpbeiivilte 054-2452. 1c43-2732 ADDING MACHINEFS, typa- vriters for sale or rentai. Phsone 86962, 'Marris Stationery. lctf-417 CRIB 27 n 52 inches with new inch serofoarn inyl covered nattress. 120. Phone 878-2133. lc43-2806 LARGE maple baby crib with ring - filled rnattress, burnper id. $15. Carnpbellvllle 854-2393. 1c43-2809 BUILDING or rernodeiing a srn? ýPurina bas beipful plans id ideas. See your Purina dea- r. 1c43-2638 OALL us for a fCree Hoover is-dry wasber borne dernon- ration. Crest Hardware. Mil- tn. 1 c43-2725 FRESH EGOS, corner 4tb ine and Stb Sidrroad <bebind Omagis general store), or for orne deliiery cati 878-9306. lc43-2713 YOU WILL LIKE bssyingyour uilding rnateriats and coal ai rawford's. Carnpeliviiie. Qulck srvice. Higis quaity. 'Pisone :arnpbeliville 854-2232. Icif-416 WEDDI-NG and bridai shosser decoration. centerpieces, betis, table covers, garne books etc. (rite for free iitustrated cata- lgue. ýMineti Lid., 25 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Ont. 1c46-2795 CAR.,TRUOR & TRACTCYR TI- RES. sew and used, over 2,000 Kelly Springfield tires in stock, ill sires, iow prices; fiais flxed. .1.00; wbeels baianced, 11.00. We have batteries for rnoSt Cars rnd trucks. Milton Tire andi Ra- liator Serelice, 191 Mill St., 878- 2711. Ictf-419 LARGE giossy prints f Cafr idian Charnpion staff photos, 5 s 7 sireSil; 8 x 10 sire $1.25; plus tas. Casbhrnust arcornpany order. Esqssire 00W at Charnp- ion office. 191 Main St., Milton. l Linoieum Remnants 1 pc. Cusbion Fioor (white and goid. 10' 6" s 6'. Reg. $22.50. TO CLEAR $10O50. i pc. Avion Iniaid (seconds), 11iA' s 6'. Reg. 120 <brown) TO CLEAR $10.75. Cati RICHARD CLEMENT 123 Tbomnas St., Milton. Floor Coverings l4 TIP-I-TRE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1959 CI4EV., rehut natar, SALES LIMITED conptete. 878-4770. 5c43-2721 BASELINE - MITON 1961 GALAXIE 2-door iard- Tires and Batteries 9467. 5c43-2824 - 1959 3-TON CHEV. truck, in Cone in anti si tise nen excellent condition. 19,500 G.V. W 14 [t. stake. rocks 84" higis. UNIROYAL MASTER CÂ'il 878-9129 ah ier 5 p.n. Tise tire for tire norriera. 5c43-2801 USED PASSENGER anti For Your Next Car .. FARM TIRES TRY * BUCK HAMILTON USED TRUCK TIRES AT In alires. 878-3131 BELL BROS. ANYTIME 87"-380 If buay CAILL078-2367 ________Sî 24 Hour Service imif USE 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE CHAMPION 1,500 BALES oI misaiS hay. C 878-9671. 2c43-2724 CLASSIFIEDS HIAY andi stron. 40c per bote. E78-2698> 2c43-2728 To 500 OR 600 bales ofoast strass. Clt 878-6104. 2c43-2834 BUY, SEL HAY, haleti, firal cul alfotto znsi tinotisy. Phase R. Colson 678-6106. 2c43-2802 RENT, TRADE 50 TONS goosi nisetiboieti ishay, lso nbeat strass. Raipis ECT. Kingdon 878-523. 2c43-27311 Aatornatic. radiaý, niitenolîs. lsdM'ilton orna, an February 9. Vers sharp. Lic. J7555. Renard. Toronto 638-787. i1 c43-2700 1962 Pontiac 4 Door 6 cyliader. aulonotir. radia. _______________ Lic. 612173.13 FR EN 1960 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan NICE turnishesi roan. cent- 6 cytinder, standard shsift. Lic. raity tocatesi. 878-3461. H23766. 13c43-2822 CHOOSE AND SAVE AT STORE SPACE, 400 square et, on 'Main Su. Witi renodel. R ee7qd genema,27 EmodCe Lin ted Phase 878-6050. 13c44-2731 Ontaria Street Sauts 'Milton.1FRIHDbdom ls 878-2393 -Iia0-1105Plza and donon ri 7 WANTED FURNITURE. laya. houka etc.. for Ferry Mrry shoot Cenlenniat Sale on April 15. Phase 878-4080. 7c43-2736 LIVE poltry. goose anti dock (cotisera. featiser ticks. Hugist prires. We rail. Write I. Zener. 792 Coliege Su., Toronto, or phase roilect LEnnox 3.724, iv- eninga 638-5793. 7c-1941tf 8 HELP WANTED EXFERIENCEO wasi t reas a. mrning shif t, 5-6 houra a day. Expeiniccasi niy neeti appiy (in persuni. Caravan 'Restaur- ant. 8c43-2719 ELECTRIC MOT WATER HEATERS nitis fret service. Phase Hilton Hydro 078-2345. 13cth-423 2-ROOM suite, norking couple oniy; aiso i roon, saitoble for 2 men. 358 Main St.. 878-3655. 13c4l-2679 14 WANTED TO RENT 1 - BEOROOM aporirnant me- quimeti imrnediately ta Milton. Phono 878-3142. 14c43-2827 HOUSE. 2 or 3 bedroom, Hil- ton ores. Couple traserreti fron Ottawsa. Na cisilalos. Write 'Mr. 'A. Johnson, 473 An- Icoster Si.. OItans, Ont, 14o43-2804 Phone: 878-2947 16c42 Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippiesi andi Disableal Cos andi Normes 24 Haur Sereice Lic. Nos, 1334MU 206.-C-2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 lietl OPEN NOW Halton Upholstery 'Re - Upisitery. Custom BaittuFumniture, Free pick-up ansi deiivery. H. JENSEN R.R. 2 Carnpbeliville. Phone 854-2323 16c43 17 REAL ESTATE MILTON HIS $800 don payrnt for 10 acre honenatte neor Hny. 25, norti of Hilton, Irans ansi roilinu hubis, gond roosi nitis scisool bus at door. Poil price $4,OOt i- E. A. Mitchell Ltd. d REALTOR 1. 24 Guien St. E.. Bramnpton. 1- 451-6232 4 ~17c4. MOTn comiinattos, large kit- aises ansi 3 spacbous besi- roons, crrt ansi 2-car ga- rage. Aaktng prime 525,000. Colt Bob Cross 878-6292 or es. 8784892. 'ýBY SiOPULAR 'REUEST-13 ocre lt with strean, near Kelso Conservation ares. Tiss is o vary acenir noodutl prop- arty ansi bas nany possibul- ities for develpnenî lotoa vemy attractive borne site, Askiag $12,000. CalBob Cross 878-6292 or 878-4892. JUST 'LISTEO - Olesiop Rd., smartu 3-esroon bungaloss, corniinatios living ans inm15 room, kitrisen, baîbroon. fu11 dividesi basanent. sent-finish- id recretioa roon, utiIily roon, worksisop. nany ex- tras, lot 63' x 120. Listesi price $17,800. Eariy posses- sion. Cati Art Peacock 878- 6292 or 878-647. DEVELOPHENT POT-ENTIAI. -7.4 ocres of lansi, sullable 3 for devlopnent, services on one baandury. goori acceas, ideol invesînant. Pricesi 10 * l saiut $4.000 per acre. - BEFORE YOU 'BUY" - Check aur listings firal. In tise past nontis. se have listesi 9 born- os in Milton, asti can noss offer you a goasi seliction. h BUY OR SEL A the modemn way through Photo M.L.S. Mernber oa htie 'Bramntffl Real Estate 'Board., CiiLL 13 878-6292 . il 'if CL SIID8A E HELP WANTED 14 WANTED TO RENT 17 REAL ESTAT~ 'MOTHEI8S helper reqsired, 'HOUSE for farnly -of 7, in TO WBO UP enastsate, 6. to ive in,. Marris 13 10 Marris Milton area, gond references, moots dsellng on 1 acre of landi, T.bopba.i. he Cliadimt 191 Mainst. 31, to bnlp tare for 2 pre-school lease preferred. 'Pliane Camnp- b niles south-west of Adtos, 078841I Champion Milton, Ontarieo chilsres, gond borne, friendly beilvilie 854-9936. '4043-2734 beated wtb propane gas. 48,500. a05 O&TU niao F~MiS AnsUenns airnospheme. 878-6237. Appiy Wlfrid Kennedy 8%42488. o,.moeau Ne~,8r43-2716 THREE MONTHS RENT 17b36-392 se ver w ord aniT. V Bubf:%umt = u (i» cms hOONTARIO Deparirnenitif Ag- IN ADVANC -n.00 ta sisbsasaorge man55votna a n si"n shan.ds, riculture and Food, 'Milton, full For country borne, scenic and TJC CI 25timodmnnasi attes fr ansi p*ayd. urne position of Cieical Sien- private surroundings a factor. TII I G 10siefor heddOtU.Ci0F TJ.lii 55ir n ographer. Sbortbasd rtqurcîWiiiing 10 redecorate inteiorHas' - nM y I Ettan Car 1.35 lue1oateans mofi-b& oc 0 78-9701 frorn 9 arn. - 5! provided plurnbing. beaiing etc. -opeareu onM y CtOSStFtnDSLO051AY. X1lAL, STAIC - $140pe cd init p.r. c43-2729 i n good condition. Excelest rr- Choice Homes These OsadOn iblarto..OlraUa - 5pis. MECHNIC (rences. Aul repuies acknow- PatM th no se"i o hb . ilùi- ôIii addliaaial. for rrquired ai quar- irdged. atMnh UbOM o tisoft,ý- e Mtigul.ry i .rservice, rnaintenance and WAYNE 'MIIAREN DEADLNE IS12 NON TUSDAY ranniaf repaira of off - iigbnay 211 Gienvien Ave, Toronto 12, DEALIN IS12 OONTUEDA equiprnent socb as dorers, Onaio. loaders and rock tucks. Cali na, 1 53-2230. 8a34 b35416 Phone: 48950 8 The Canaduan Chamepion, Wdneaday, March 1, 1967 14c43 7!fts seiing nyons 10 your 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE iricnds. Send $1.00 (refond. __________________ __________________ bte) for cornpiete sales kit 10: 15 PERSONAL WHA taotsrw o-Sari Hosiery. 1482 Bathurst, To- Our soies bave been ter- WHEAT sr ay, oal seletmawucon ronto. 8c46208 PAIN kilier for comas and cal- rific. but we need gond lity 878261. Wil dlive. buses, loyd's Corn and Cal- listings non neyve.jut Iity-278 TRU262C KSiidYOverNG MENIh.P Ài l bus Salve. Prornpt relief . 98C about soid coottSales are ____________________ TRU ~ , ~ ~ at 'Elselys Pharmacy. being rnade despile tise OLEAN niseat stran, 50c a BET'NEEN 20 and 30 15c43-2561 weaîber. Dont wait. Cail a 'bcai Oailen 4Co77arloN A GOOD SELECTION YEARS OLD WORRIED about falling hair, Keitis professiosal. Mrs. Tocctino Oakiiie 8450177 or aiy, itcby scalp? Stella Porion 878-6705 so we 2o43-2818 ARE AVAILABLE NOW TO WORK IN LOCAL FE'ED lTyLnx a nen scalp treat- con be of service to yoo. 1.5 AE fcioice rised FOR IMMEDIATE USE. . m rent contoining 60% lonolin. boy, ai lise barn or deivered. SEE THESE USED Good nages and benefits. Grealseless. Satisfaction or MO- 1½/-storey brick 6-roorned bouse Word Brownridge, photne 878- Appiy cey bock .52.25 jar ai Elsîrys witb attacised garage, on cor. 6730. 2c43-2735 MODELS NOW 1 Pbarrnacy. 15c43-2553 ner lt, close to downtown. ___________________Box No. 131 sbopping, 3 gond sired besi- 500 BALES of goosi boy, wilit- 1965 ________________________Championrons, kitchen, living andi se ing to trade for strass or CeoetPcUp andnChminporate dining roorn. Muiltlie wouid like 10 boy siran. K . W. Styleside box. Lic. C89816. 8C43 16 SERVICES seen. Karnringa. phone 8531538. 2a34c4T26n 9 ic k Uple TYPISI SNOW piowing. drives and 2 - storey witie ciaphoard 7- One on ickUpianeways.umre 'Equiprnent 878- roorned bouse, on /o acre lot HAY AND STRAW New tires, stock racks. Lic. Brigbt Young girl witb short- 2621. 16043-2785 in the country, large kitcisen, F OR SALE 72566B. bond is requiresi for Milton of- faie uis elroin n aetog-and nabroon on nain floor $28.00 PER TON 1963 Dodge 700 Dump varnddoes seroigC.dHervesrougne - 3 bedroorns and 'bachroon DELIVERD 5 Toning. W eorge89-0C. Ha6c4s.-phone on second ftoor. This bouse DELIEEK S on ou Wterown6891086 1643-737 coutd quatif y under V. L. A. A. v. GRAFFEN j V-8, 185 rear. 1000-20 tires. ex- Mrs, Swan ED. McMULLEN Try $5.000 down. Phoe:70-45-200 ceptionatty good shape. Lic. Oaile853 3 Contractor Poe7045200 V12115. e îaîein, eren Wmk 108ore5-3i8Hrn53is 2c5Col lect e Chianneyi andi Pireplacea trici. ___________________-_________ 8c43___ 0 Exierlor Stscro 200 acre farts, in Hornby dis CARS ac3 Piasteming Repaira trict. 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 1966 Oldsmobiîe Delta YOUNG MAN Phone Acton 853-1818 50 acre mnarket gardants8 farts, 2 O ult osensrn- 4 Door Sedan WANTED l6etifis Kitbride district. ers. J. W. Carney 8789600. Power equipped. radio. Lic.10acefri mpevle 3c432816 H29505. TO WORK IN Peter P. Looser district. REGISTEREu Appatoosa gel- 1966 Impala Men's Wear and Carpentry For these andi others. cati your ding. risisg 3, broken t0 ride. Do heFrtlrreaniTi Ok ocal Keith representative. :8784800. 3c432814 Two Do Hardtop So Department FrFan n rmWr REGSTRE Sin Brsrd Autornotic. power steertsg. Repairs - Alterationa r.Sela Pro e REGSTERD Sait Benard power brakes. radio. white- Good opportunity for the M s tla Pro 1puppies. lornaica Null Farts, watt tires. Lic. 647038. rigisi mas 10 teare the retail Phone 5.98 -Georgeowon, 877-6494. 542832 iltîing business. Applicant R~ .'~ÉZ1L. Milton 878-6705 HUNIN dg.Wernmaem 165 Oldsmobile 88 preferabiy single and in tise 17 - 17c43 10TN oWimrnr 9t 24 age brackel.___________________________ 7 nos. old. note pup. 820. 2 Door Hardtop -PCNIFrSvie&aIscto Copblvite04-60.3r3281 Bucket seots, hfulpower. Lic. Appiy 10 Consuli 'PURE BRED Hostein heifers 597536. ;and cons, close springers, berd 16 abe 6 ea ERIC LADNER Dead Stock Removal on .O.. Gorg 3c4387-296. Autornatic, whitenatls. Very Milton LMT1 fdcean. Lic. J6710. Higisit cash primes for deasi or IMPLMENT FORSAL 1965 Pontiac Custom Department Store disabiesi cowsa andi las-ses. lJçiaB g 4___________FORSAL Sport Convertible 8043 CAL OPEIiATOR - ASK FR REALTOR AND àSED SRY ,Jlbs Power equipped. niitenoils,____________ Zenith 9-7950 IN SU RA N CE ten SP deF, SPA 5EP r. ci radio. ic. 601574. an. now d1 A 75 CF rliilîLOST OR STRAYED Lic. No. 73RP67 97C67 sotd. 'Phone Burlinglon. Ont.194CerltSdn6t u -634-956. 4c432852 White with red isterior, ose GIRLS bicycle. Super Cycle. 30Ml tMloOt owner. Lic. 175927. Renard. 878-3118. 1c432730 INSULATION 878-6292St. 878-659Ont TU N1964 Corvair Coupe GREY and white noie Gem- Biossa Modern Macisery F8R8T-6ME9 OFERE8- 2 TURN ~~~Autornatic transmrission, ose non Sisepherd. oppias. 9 nus. FRTTM FERD-2 onner cor. Lic. 596064. aid. in 'Miton orea. 878-3649. Homnes - Fanes - Aparirnss year-otd sptit.level borne, lot, To your.friendiy Champon 11c43-2811 Foctortes - Churcbes ated nithin 3 nules of Mlon Farniiy Want Adi andi ae 1963o, Acadien FEAEhud Speciat winter prires. on o 3 ocre noodesi lot ssit -t ..iL,,..o.,. , white blMck Work guaran-ees. Sixtees Mile Creek througl offered. nil hofnliving rooinnOansiledin-n- jq th gh 1 all of the bargains orterca. le r S. ge e. ie 0 5c43 1