Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 8

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Per hot the der toi of ca, fur tia tig] ni ha Th of re A ceek - long ointer festinai higticgitied hs ua comptete don tftinter sportive activities ciii kick off a fund - raising drive se-iich it outhopefutin send graide 12 siudenis ai Hil- con Hiith Sehoot ta Espo 67. Tite Winîer Festivat mwiii 6e heici in 16e campas of Mit- tan Ditrict Higit Schoot fan onea'eek in the ltaler part of Jtnu.trs' and preparations for the esent are noenin fait scing. William Robinson, teacher .îclisor an te proleci. reports "itltoocks ccl eifi iih e verv saccessat The studenis are c.kcng aclcefinitei nieresi in it.' Ban Lee iste major siadeni crganizer. E.ceh ciass i inte sehoot ct-li ake parc in the festival and cili haid snocv sculpteures of "cIin gs hat interesi hai par- tcuLr ei.css' Contruction of tescaipltres ciii hegin on a Manduisand on the Saturdan hieiti 6e bcdged. Tite hors af grade 12 ciii n trut askating rink on a portioîn outh1e football field tndcieciihebcused far pieasunî- sk.cicng and hroomhatl games. The grade 12 hans mi lake an the teaceîrs 'n .cbroombati g.cme and t16v scirivar ai ihai eetsviit 6e chaitenged toaa seconcd h rîcnt hait gamne hn 16e irls ai grade 12. Toboggan and 'humain dog sied" r.'ces arealsu being plan- neci .nd grade 12 tudents iii prepîre caicnchean tac noan on the S.cîcrdav ati a dinner inthle etening. Cacndidtes fan the Snocv Kin, anvdlSncccocQeen cennesi cilIlle citîsn an the Monda% tir Tuesclay and an etection %inli ne itetd on Fridue. The s ci? oftiti contest i miib6 .cnncccnucied cniv on the main dai ite festival. A haoten.nnc-aroand a camplir, %ccclibc6e ld earIs in Ille eceving anvd lter a dance %%ci]ib he hld ta cap t6e o-eek- lotng festival. Alilprofitsfrontite festival ce cil 6e ased ta scnd te grade 12 tudents ta Expo 67. - OP.P.report - Durcng the percod Jan. t-7, Ctîribthîn, facttors in ci 1967 inclusive,.personnel tof dent s \cre ci" rccc conditions, the Miton etaclccîenî OFF.. dtd no[ haie rigitt tfi%%,ay, on torkd a total ofl655', houart trtngsttde oflrua,dc-er losî and patrolled a total ut 8396 conîrolitnd spcedttatast for milte on area hitghceas. read r tllii.c cditioncs,si As aresat of pattai 24 rai- hndoned nocitrcehictestiecre tic chargesttvere preferred and ri.-noedlfricthe htightrocs t 64 violation., cet.retissted. One flic uoct er< expeose Ove un- charge undcr the Liquat Con- zile rehicle uias seizd trttAc and one chargeoonder There were 37 goner c cur- the CrituiccatCoîde %vas laid. rences roiccccuinccltding se- Dorng the ame pet iod t'en clistat litticies, ttoctt r. therettere rune pecperte dam- platnts tfi cimiers tresp.ssing ageacci dents, tira persona in ctn prit tle preperte. tone as. jury accidents invesîigated re- sulfctt aosing httdiv harri re- satting in four persans heing stlttvn'in one prrsan heing r injured a n d apprccstmatclv tistîci andt tit ryicunder Sec. $6,125 in praperîs damage. 23t(2) of the CrtmcniCade. 2&h universury of Rotary On Januarv 22, t947, Milton cili ientrentcrct disttict go- Rotar> Cub iormaiiy receieed i ccitOtkieite. Ottestspeaker its charter as a memher in the cciii he the cetren t district go- worid -ide organization. On retno, Bec? Httrtltich. atso Tuesday, January 17, Miton icctm the O.ciccitie Rotury' cuh. Rtarians and their o-mas wiit mark the 20th an niversarv of the local groap wth a dinncr and ladies' night ai the Local Charter president Jodgc K. Y. iîk and hie ite iii 6e among the former memhers re- îurning tir the event. Oîher charter members of t6e club Bus Knight, J. M. Ledilh and G. C. Goo-iand iii aisa 6e omong 16e guesto. Representativea of Hilton Couneit and civie groiaps o-lit aiso 6e oilending thtenent, Gordan E. Purdue, tht dis- trict goernor of 20 pears ago. A menther ai Milton Pubhic. Schctil Baatd lar scs years ttnd vice-chairman during96, Roc HlarrisctascctectL hairman ofi the itiari tcr 1967. He suc- cceusIl ,P. ,ichttaJohnsont, %%hoacecll rectcana, atmemiter ofi flitectttth cctbord. The Oea' ticech.tcttttain s Doit Sticasn, %%haoctasehoscnciccIicsahsenîce Mandat nighi .ct the itîard's lit-tnýi n-tg in tieict %c ar. An iauogural ierilorccccwaa aonducied by Net'. J. K. L. Mc- Gu cii ai the6e hgcctîcccg ai the reacita.ciftiitacks ntbehlti aiutflcbhaatd ta Mi. McGown. Gierali-ceshuilig cas evtc Ocii int c [lie ican ttc i c ,% curnttces antttdccsceuships. llie stppiy îcctnttccitceî out ho îccaired ag.ticc itý oug Crick- sltank. acbscd by Aies UCcoke Two tourney wins for Novice Fords Miltotn Novicee Ftcrds sîored 7 gotals in ttco fumes ai the Waccclridge "8-18" toornament and cme utloffit scith a pair oi vietaries. Bitee Etliiscorecltic and iScott MeKenze, .Rîcn Rote- lev andi Norm Mctcsrats added ,nesas the tetca.cts umped Bolîtîon -. Cal Hilti, Moweirav andîlRost eve% sit Nom Mowbrayos four goal perfocrmace paced a 12-t roui avec Elmsýile. John Tonelti, Brce Ettisctn and Scott Mc- Kenzie haci tea goals each and scooesîten i ta Ran Gooding and Rctn Rascies Rottiev had four assists. Tctneiti thtee, Pcte Chttîhmaeit ttectand MeKen- zie. Rccn Ttc iss. Breni Marran and Mtttcrav onecaeh. -Thes'cccts ejt ec file cckn so%.I %a pr INOUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTUACTINS SUBSTATIONS MOTOR REFAIRS 24 HOUR - MAINTENANCIO SERVICE LOOIO NADmOlN BOX Mg., MILTON, ONT. 878 -2206 The Canadien Champion, Wedneoday, .lanuary 11, 1967 MQUIN . rvetorends iup iacreek whea tryiag te cleuùr ice Mrll Ceeil Patteeson A film on different courses rcy W. Merry Sehool for the Birthday greetings 10 Chartes we peor o-lItbe held on Wed- Oraveen, ion. 14; Spehras Pcf- doy, Jon. i8 ai the noan hany, Jan. 12; Mrs. Ken Mc- >Ur. Kav. ian. n tht recent coid epeli oir- Pýarents of grade eight sîud- MONDAY 7.30 cgementsseere made la have eutis ai Percv W. Merrn schooi E. Misoît, L. Arbii, L.Dafins, e creek cteared for skating are int-ited l toubr the White M Raspberry. 8; vs. D Ken- Drurnquin. Bilt Baitey. whn Ouke Seiondacy Schot on nedy, O. Ptoteîay. A. Pople. C. adoing t6e mark, reeeived Thursday. ian. 12 ta acquaint Cotheck, 5. surprise sehen t6e ice sud- themeelves with t6e many M Bealy.i McMiian. R. niy gave awav and his trac- courses of studv available aI Carhert, hy detautt; ns. C. , wenl inIa about four fetd hie fine new chool. So-eeîman. O. Hill, N. Loomîs, mater. Communion services mere R. Roo-iey. Young foks in the district ohserved in BetIcet 1United id Perîy Merry Sehool are Church on Sundan iJan. 8 wth MONDAY 930 geriy anticipatîng a ointers their minister Rev - Keith O. Rocviey. i. Chailinor. J. in skating. Oakvitte Recrea- Haw-kes in charge. B rown, C. Martin, hy defaull; n Commiîtee have intalled Ses-en yosng fetioms mere *in- vs. B. Reid, B. Clement, A. ,lits, soalai that is needed vested as Cuhs in It Hornhv Musro. L Cono-ay. o- is cald wether. Pack an Wednesday, Jan. 4 in R. Coulter, E. Liii. A. Coul- T'ie Home and Schooi mccl- St. Stephentschurch. Hornbv. son, hy delouit; vs. G. Chose. gfor Peren W. Merry school Thev are John Koenzig' Geof- E. Mclnîosh, N. Cashter. G. is heen' postponed until frev Drese-Brook, Stephen Smith. ureday. ian. 19. Att parents Bates,, Tom Caihoan, Bradiles E. Liii, B. Frani-,.B Green- Sgrades 7 and 8 pupils are Gittis. Fout McCaiiiîr. Rohert lceid. 6e detaulti vs..i Simp- ýquvsted lu attend. Guidance B rosen. Leaders are Geaffren sua, C. Doie. M. Ccclitng, B. acher wli hi prescrit. Please Drea-Brooh Sr. antiRtobert Readhead. ne change of date. Brotwn. TUESDAY 7.00 M. Pheips. G. Fetcher, L. Waiker. E. Seitstorlh. 8; ns. S. Fkck.d by trogedy Fav . Ncee. RCureM. Raspherrs. h. OU i g 1 R C W o I K. Maure.S. Chids.F Dis- Co si o R ck oo » ua on, R. Ramiev. Il; vs. l.Huk A.Woodies E. Foster. W. Pet- capta, of rescure ship igJSsok, dfut Rescues i sea and harning Wotdridge. a coulsin of Mc. Ji oucns. T. Tasiîr. ishing trawiers pechape fait Johnson and master of t6e H. Stantevr.VV Barber. R. t aiarm or distsrh the avec- Britisit drag ge r "Ocino' Segstt-crth. 6v delaultl ss. L. ge iand-tocked Hattnian. chich rescued 13 of t6e crew Hughes. S. Roberts. B. Phittips. Sait - sea di sasters have a ofi te Si. Finarr. OFeg uch -harper cf fec I an Mc. Mrs. Jahnsons hrother o-as TUESDAY 9.00 ýnd Mrs. WA. Johnsonaof R. 1he saungest seamon abor eriiJSmsnA L2.Rackmaod. however. the "Norman"miten ilsank Cairns, 8; vss B.Tasiar. G. The Jonoono. ormecin of in 1952, usl prier ta theirFlietcher, K. Ourn.cn,.4 fuit. England. are 'both tram eoming ta Hattn. O. Fariey. J. Noble. B. imities ceta mde their living Ironleaiip enoogh. hoth the Frame. 1. Chatinor, 7; vs. C. ishin, te wcecrs around te 'Norman" and 16e "Orsino' sý%cemac?, H. Statues%. G. Bed otheasiuacc.of Canadaand teere tram the- samne une of etcanM. Raspberry, 5; ;reentand.ships- Heitrer Brothers. O. Raides. L. Smith, L. Fur- When te British trao-ier The laie 'St. inharr w05 an. R. Rouies. 10;%, C. An- St1 Finarr' esploded and noîed as at rescue ship and dersaît, .B Reid. G. Mcltîcch. arned 250 mites north of eonsidered aiuckys-essel pri- J. Browen 7 'etc Faandtand on Christmas or ta hec sinking, o-hich L. Steosor. M. Beaty. J. )a. io-us Captain Edo-ard hroughl death ta 12 cremmen. Sproat, R. Hern, 16; ne. K. Has- sard, N. Comeron. V, Barber. A. Msnro. rtUd.tspla day of Sports THURSDAY 7.00 F. Martin. O. Reed. B. Cie- ~ ~ £ahuguI ment, LSanîpson. 9; vs. . ancd IL F. Jlincsaît Lion Stic- sua ccii hecui up litefiac caîccocîcc asîsed Mrs,5u. M. Kcit ighatt, IL P. Job tisat ctil citait 16e pversonaelî-inn tecct it Ltciug Cracckscacck acnd Aies Cîccke ctsscsticcg. Fro- peis and planiancg chaurmait i',.luesCccke. Onttlusîc.cccnc tee, MiltonciiPublic SChtoufsis uit ici. euh usted as tittiaits: Mart- nui St. Sîcîci PFS., Aies Cooke. BIauce St.PS. IL P. Jotîîtoî; J. M. OciesPS. Dougcaick- siîaîk, andcW tic ttkPS, Don Bob Mackay. chaialan ai te Miltona Public Lihrary Buard.,uppeared ai the iceet- cccg lu esîicothe neo- roiing ufth 1eOntarioc ticicinmcoî gricl ibrars* vboards fitc stau iofa corporatlion and gcvcccg chant îîî rimte pîîter tai th1e p ceviouasinhad.Ilie esycesseci hi, appreciccion ut Ite haracionvia cehici tche Pub- ic Scicocc Board and Libhîcîn have corkîcl. and ni0nttid the Publie Schooi Board nuoilonger i: aiocccd tccsendcui.c se. locv, u he Libraîn lBoartd. A vote oftifii.nks ceasni-id ici Mc. M.cu.c itflicechuair- THE "10-O25"f 'S No. 1 IN COMPLETE BP SERVICE Groceries, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Tobacco, Tires and Batteries Open 8 a.m.-1 1 p.m. Daiiy Inciodbng Sunday A. R. HARKNESS, PI8OP. "10-25l' SERVICE STATION R.R. 1, MILTON-878-2952 Corner of No. 25 Higho-oy and 10 Sideroad Pohr lourd At t6e iret meeting of the Milton Public Sehoot Board 10 1967 under new chairmon Ron Harris, Mondop evening i0 Martin St. Senior Public Sehoot, the board: -Mode no objection when itvsteceived notice from the îamîîtctte ut ,iutsmettof titi intention ut a tandowner ta concert part of a factory te ichin 300 fi. of Martin St. Senior Public Sehoot ino dweiting accommodation. They aiea receined notice fronat Vi same camrnittee of an applica. lion ta ceparate land and con- troct a dwetting on Ridge Dr. o-hich o-ouid require extended service, the praperly being cithin 300 fi. of W. 1. Diek Publice Sehoot. Fare, B. Pollen. G. Bieder- man, 4. Ký Eisiey, G. Stroin, J. Sproao, E. Tamptin, 16; ne. B. Reed. L. Fanoan, H. Schuyier, 2. N. Cameron, B. Porter, B. Me- Phai, A. Arnold, 10; ns. B. Tas-- ion. W. Eisiey. A. Cairne, 5. t. Siessar, A. McKinîton. C. Hunier, K. Lawerence, t0; ns. R. Harrison, K. Daînan. D. MacFortune, G. Carroîhers, 3. TIIURSDAY 9.0 D. Merriîî . tWatere, A. Cairns, B. Tattvn. 8: ns K. Has, sard. K. Plaît, B. Wheeier, J. Kelly. h. S. ýNadalin, T. Hacnsîock, J. Noble, M. Smith, 8; vs. L, Smithc, E.Robetsn, DO leslie, A. Fopie. 6. S. Harrop, G Muinîosh, G. Siclair, 12;.vne B. Erekine. C. Beeton, . RRîo-ten . SMcFaci den,.66 P. Barr, L. Furtan, B. Mc- Clore,.CC Ford, 13;.vne K. Hemn, R. Randeti, E. Toleka, G. titteeden, 5. FIDAY 800 R St. John, K. Moore, D. Piolens, t-. Wrght, il. B. Haiý lîetd. P. <,arher, K. Plait. T. Taylor. 5. R. Coalter. E. Robertson, S. Fay. 7; ns.R. Rancie]], B. Ers. ktne. S. Roberts, A. Cairne, 3. F. Martin,.MM Pheipe. S. Har- rap. A. Munro. 20; vs. P. Barr, S. Childs, R. Core. F. ison, 9. Car skids, three hurt Thre peple ereinjursd. two of ihem hoopittoized on Saturday evening when a car went ont of contrai on an tcy hili on the 1816 LUne, Boquen- ing, near 17 Sideroad. -Linda Deforent of 124 King St., Milton, driver of the car, suffered an injured jaw. A pateenger Crystai South of Marnai hadt face laceratton and hack injuries and o pan- senfer Daniel OConneti of Narval was aise, stightty injur- ed. Police oatd thet car went out of controt on the tcy 6111, struck some goard roins and ment over o 35 foot embank- ment. hîtling a cernent abut- ment. The car receined $50 darnage. In the onny other accident in North Hatton during the pont week which invotved o Milton resident, a cor driven ity Pot- rick Carr of 38 Court St., Mil- ton, received $200 damage in o to-o-car collision neor Kelso Saîsrday. -Champion classifiede help cou eteor out cophoarde foit ocf onu-anîelarticles. Adnertise tem in the "for sate" colsmn. Dia] 8782341. Free magazines for just $21 no bargain says housewife Although their noies melh- os were prébabiy quile iegai, their approach o-as lermed very mtsieodtng' by a Camp- bettviiie houseseife o-ho rani loto tome stick magazine sotes- mnen Monday of Ihis o-tek. She urged thin neo-spoper 1eo-arn athers in t6e ares 10 investi- gale befare they invent in the f irm's offer of free maogazinee for the cast of t6e postage an- .. She received a tetepitone cati tram a lady Monday marn- ing. woaasked her o siit- teeîing question about t6e cen- tenniot, o-hich she properly an- swered. In return. she o-os prnmieed a "wonderfui sur- prise". whteh turned out 10 6e a free subseription ta fine ma- gazines for ooiy lte cool of lte postage - 35 cents a o-tek for 60 o-teks. Il dtdn't take the houseselfe long la rnoitipiy 35 by 60 and find out 6cr f ree magazines o-ould cont her $21, whlch ohe described as "no bargoin". In about 200 minutes, a mon came ta 6cr door 10 gel ber ta sien 1he popern. She baiked aI itis approach and osked hlm to cave. Then she conîacîed the neo-spaper taourge other reod- ers 10 heseare of t6e approoch. WVhal they are doing is prob- ahty legal, but Iheir prenenta- lion le misleoding," she dlaim- ed. -Bosghl your 1967 licence plates yet? -Deodine is Feb. 28. -Took notice of two mes- nages of greeling sent 10 the board over Christmas ond New Years. -Received correspondence frorn A. H. Brillais lhanking the huard for hie appainîrnenl as their representalive 10 1he Milton District High Sehoot Board. -Agreed ta renew their memhership in the Ontario Sehool Trusteee and Municipal Counciltors' Association, and ilie affilioted group. -Agreed ta ýhlm oanew oral French teocher for grades sev- en and eigt F rench. Joet Lar- rue, who o-lIt spend one-fif 16 of hie ime ai Hoiy Rosory Separole Sehoot. -Agreed ta permit the col- teclion of funde for the Junior Red Crossi in Milton Public Sehoots dorme PFebruary, Jun- or Red Cross rnonth. -Decided ta agree 10 1he phatographing of students by Donald McIndoe in conjune. lion oith Milton Photographic. -Learned there o-os o reg- istration of 1,084 public sehoot students aI 16e end af Decem- ber, with an average daity ut- tendance of 958.79. JANUARY SALE ON INTERNATIONAL STERLING (AENDS JAN. 21) FEeytURING PLACE SETTINGS AND OPEN STOCK + i t, 5-pc. place BoIne - reg. $4300 $32.25 6-pc. plate n.ltlng - reg. $51.50 $3863 ANGELIQIII A 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING -KNIFE - FORK - SALAD FORK - 5 O'CLOCK TEASPOON SPECIAL$2 5050 (DESSERT or LUNCHEON SI11> REGuLAR $34.00 *BAIPODV A ROYAL DAMER SLI*HILY ROGNER leaspoans 5 o'ciock leas eoftee spoons dessert spoons cream soop dessert forks saiad torkn dessert knife baller spreader (6.h.) baller spreader (.1) regularly 6.00 5.50 4.00 9.00 9.00 10.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 8.00 baller knite sugar spoon pîckie tork sagar longs cold meai fark pie semver berry spoon grovy iodle tablespoon regutorly SALI 9.50 7.10 9.50 7.10 9.50 7.10 9.50 7.10 17.50 13.10 17.50 13.10 20.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 17.50 13.10 * ~ ross brancier jewellery 220 MAIN E. MILTON 878-6341 What is Baha'i? Grief and sorrow do not corne ta us hy chance, they are sen t ta us hy t'e Divine Mercy for our own perfect- ng. When a mon is happy he may forget :his God; bot when grief cornes and sorrows overwheim him,' thea wilI he rememer his Father Who is in Heaven, and Who je ahie ta deliver him from his humiliations-Baba For forther Informatton: Bahait. P.O. Box 164, Oakvtlie, Ont. fi5 ,R. Hi Gi N, M ro uirniiiiiwi WUESI EVWDtr Ron Harris chairs Public School Bd. WMM mmm

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