Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 7

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à 19 LEGAL 20 AUCTION SALES Notice to Creditors ALRBGIS In ldu Bsaae of CECU.IA MARY SkHARIEB.ate ofithe u to ae Co.unssyof Pel. se.Residantial -Agricullural Indlualciat Ail pacsons hoing any dlaims againsl 16e Estate of the ahanie Alfred R. Spence named deceased. seho died on or about the 121h day ai August, AUCTIONEER 1966, are requicad ta sendi notice Gtan Willams 877-3306 ni the soain oth1e uodersigaed 20tf Solicitor on or bfore t6e 3016 don of Janaarv, 1967, afler IFtI 1967, YOU ARE anhicin dota lina distribautioonifTliINKING OF liAVING A the estole milI ha mode ilh re- HOUSEHOLD. DISPERSAL OR gard only 10 dlaims or notice. CMLT AMSL Dated aI Milton, this 19t6 day CMLT AMSL oi December. 1966. Clt HAROLD2 C. FUN-K, .SIue F0. Box 35 CIiris.A.Shue HMilton, Ontario. iesdAconr Solicitor for the Esecutor. LicsdAtine 19c36 Tel. 878-2576 Colleci Notice to creditors Sle20cd35d nsa t[ AND OTHERS In the mater of the EBaae of RHEA MILDRED MeIEACH- BSN, lai f15 Brote St. N-, In the Towna of Milton, th1e Caunly f Hatos, Wldow, de- ceased. Al pacsons haiog cdaims ag- aiînsI the Estate uf RHEA MtL- BEAUTY SALON DRED MnEACHERN. Iota ai 15 Branla Street North. la 1he utw o Milton,.in 16e County Vogue Beauty Salon ut ballon. Widow, deccaaed, mhu died on or about t6e 2lt A NEW COIFFURE day af JuIn, 1966, are raquesled Designed Just For You lu end particolora ai their - and - dlaims tu 16e undersigned an COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE or before t6e lSîb day ai Pcb- roary, 1967. aller which date Cali 878-2461 the said Estate wili be distrib- 192 Main Sret uted aong 1he parties cntitled aerto. and t6e Execulor mili not bce able toc any cdaimsn ' mhich il han nul then recainef HENNY notice. Datad Ibtis 9t6 da% ai Jonu HAIR STYLINO ara. 1967. 198 MiaItSt. - Miton HALTON & PEEL TRUST &' SAVINGS COMPANY, CALL 878-3263 282 Lakeabace Rd. E., FOR APPOINTMENT QOavilte, Ontario. Execalor. 19c38 * Modemn Equipuacal ______________________ * Expert Sîyling. Coloriog, 20 AUCTION SALES Waving. cS2tf CLEARING ELECTRICAL SERVICE AUCTION SALE MPALEETI For M P ALEET I ROY ELLENTON oINDUSTRIAL R.R. 6, Miton, lot 7, onces- 0 COMMERCIAL alun 6, Bucinglon ona 1he Ap- pleby Lino belmeen No. 10 and ai DOMESTIC Nu. 5 Sideroad. 5 milansnuth i eEETI ETN ni Hilton, 5 maes nrtb ai No. ELCRCHATN 5 Hwy. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1967 Complote EIOctric Home At 12 noua sharp. HOLSTEINS - 6 porc rcd 66 Charte-. S. Milton cama; 5 puce brad yearling hel- tara. open; 2 pure bred baller 878-9513 raInas. 2 mos. aId; 3 grade coma: 2 grade baîters.' duc or TV and RADIO SERVICE rcsh by ima ut sale; t sear -___ ing eaer: 10 lialstein heiars D R A and bull raInas, 1tut 3 mas, aI. DU NA Age and rcediog dates gisen TV AND AFFLIANCES on day aI sale. HAY. STRAW. GRAIN-SMO0 SALES & SERVICE soles ut iood masad hay; 1,50 baltes ofut uls rasa; 800 bus, ai * Phitipa TV & Tapa Racordeva Rodons aats; 10 bun, ai ed dlo- * R.C.A. Sterco. TV. Appliances ver Icical. * Sporlon TV and Starea MACHINERY - Intarnatian- 222 MAIN ST. 8784445 aI thresbiag machine laIt steel; c-tf cluner acecs ail sbredder 22-38, like ncm, on rubbnr; 100 f t. end- REFRIGERATION leva drive hll, lot. M FrmaIt____________ raclur ultb iront end toader, L. F10; Favgoson 20-85 F10, aam anbber. lt. 3 -lro camae bot-. KING tom pluas - goud condition; 3- R FIG R TO point itcb grader blade, ne; ERG ATO 3 î.h. 2lurrua Darbora. 11e INDUSTIRIAL, COMMERCIAL nae; tnt. No. 45 'aler, PT..; and DOMESTIC John Ocame maanre spreader. SALES & SERVICE on rubhar. G.D.; I luner wind -amer; bale gtharer; boy ted- Reliobteaond Efficient der; damp ake; I Cocksbtt 4-ton wagon. like 0c; t ne 16 CAMPBELLVILLE il. flt rock; Ho--Vater 24 il. bale lenalar. loba typa ilh 854-2228 molar like aaw. c48-tf Welmura ammer mitI mith bogger and happer. tnt. I - may PAINTING AND DECORATING dise, l-blade ; Mineapolins ______________ doubla diva; doubla tond paker, i ht.; lot. 4-section d rag rultin- GIL VANSOELEN aor, nnw; 3 section ai drag cul isotor; Ne Idea 7 f t. momer, P ITN like ne; tnt. 13-rua hoe drillt P IN IN power lift; lot, ide roa, 4-bar, Contractor on rahhcc; 3-poant ilcb rltin- alor, like naw; 4section hor- Indastriat Residantial rama; set ai tractur cains for Inîcrior Exterior loit. roctor; 14 fI ladder; 1957 Clt nom fac Frceasîlmates Chas. for srrap or prts; rab- ber ire halbarrow; sama nae 878-6137 and nsed radar lenca posta; Or Write vame ne and uaed lumbar; t Bux 1347, Milton. large cool or woud beater; wa- c27-tf gon load ai amali articles lau_______________ numeruus 10 mention. EI MCNS TERMS: Cash on day vot ae. IOMAHIE Farrse lasaldt. Onror auctiOneer milI 01 SNG be rsponibla far ana accidents S N ER an prapecly day ai sala. WALTER REINHART, SEWING MACHINE 29b2 Autioner. SALES - SERVICE falunREN TA L PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre Servtces and Repaira on -j L SHOPPING CENTRE MILTON 0 Loblaws 0 Plaza Motors " Smoks & Gift Shop " Fabian Furniturs " Laundre-Eze " Pollock Shoos " D'ath's Hair Stylists 10 The Lori-Ann Shoppe 0 Saveway Tots to Toons 0 Stopp's Cloaners& Tailors * New Stylo Barber Shop 19 Caravan Restaurant " Hassard Moreury Meteor " Karen's Flower Shop A -'i -1 -, - atM 3 1. LAYVKrmNt;P FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE Con. Fancy SPY APPLES ........ 69c bskt. Firm Red TOMATOES --...... 2 lb. for 39c No. 1 Ont. POTATOES . ..... 10 lb. for 39ç White MUSHROOMS ...........3IL. for 89c Shsrriff's Pure Orange Juice, 48-oz, tins 39e oa Gardon Patch Choice Peas, 15-oi. Tins 6 for$1 Tendorflake LARD..........---4 IL for $1. Monarch Brand MARGARINE .... 4 lb. for $1. WEIEKEND MEAT SPECIALS Maplo Leaf WIENERS ...............49c lb. C.P. Devon Slicod Rindless Sida BACON 79c lb. Lean Peameal Back BACON, slicod or pc. 79c lb. C.P. Jubiles Breakfast SAUISAGE .... 59c IL pk. DELIVEY RESTVO'S 7 8-04 1 RE. $1.98 Now $1.49 WASHABLE BRUSHED DOROBINA - 36"1 REG. $1.8 Now $1.69 ALPINE FLANNEL - 45#0 REG. $1.69 Now 98C Remnants at Low Prices M urd r tialThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JaIt6Cy 1il 1967 A amton msae s Aamton mnres NoLIUBurlington Iandowners charge of murdar in a Sup- ramne Court Assizes trial open- ing in Mlton at the Hailtots Court blouse tIis week. Tt Is hield in Milton in recent yearu.p r t s w The mon is charged with Over 75 landuwners from the norlhern extremities of the hc woutd sign as affidavit stat- that in a toms sehere 800 ap- Manay felI a more effective the Sepember shotisg 0faa rural nurthcrn portion of the tawn and suggasted that saine ing only tava mere received by peats ni assesament annually means of informlng people of Bsrtington girl os Hghwa Townouf Barlinglun met la the location allowancc shooId be hlm. Heic lso admitled Ihat 137 as par, something must be the basis for asseosment com- 403. About 25 sejînesses are ýbe- auditorium ai Fairvormaschool, made. appeals mare lurned bock for sronf. pating should be used. ing clled la thc case. Lau ville, ta discuan a hot than l %%i o asld that ranqidarat- tardinassa,anc as mach as neOC A sesars are allowcd a 10 At the conclusion of tihe Iarinad onjosaI 1967 ass- ioann om gian Io location is ba- nmavth fleI. per cen t lecwav 10intaeir mark, mcating, -Mayor Berryman met' cîn g a iet cad on tîtir iing da ppcd sticadilvanmd hv A. H. Libby, anc af the most atthar avcr or under. wisitad his diagrunlled narth- Several Hornby and Mlton propartias, Thutascavcning. nastvcaa ha geagraphical sit traquant inlarroaoors of the Other suggestions inctaded ernasubjecta a Hlappy Newe area mcmbars of the Four Savarat digniaria-. tram the uaton of tand will ont bc a-sssar, wondcrcd why the anc that the previausycar'sas- Ycar. and thc meeting brokie Corners Square Dasce Club urban araaar "front" of Bar- caanted in the assessmenl. taspoyar should have la spend ses-,menl figure ba inctuded an Sp inoa mati groupa of three melcomed ln 1967 sehes lhey lingtan warainvitad lu attend. This aili up asseasment tas- is ima honing praPerty re- the noticensent out by the as- ta 10 people earnescly dîscuns- allended the clubs Nae Years 0f thasa. Ima eaplainad theyay 0h 00 aI or 15 par- cent, Tt assesaad îhrough appeals or sessoa's office for comparloon. ine and compaaing problems. ave dance, fealurisg a apecial marc angiagadinalothar mect- %aas pradictad. personal investigation saab as sale ta the centenniaI of iosa. Thosa ashu did cama a-. The conîronersial mtter of aaking a neighbor mîth comn- Canada. The parly mas field cladad Ihe chief assessor for nteeting deadl fns ilh assena- parabla layoul. n tta Lians Hall, Fort Credit, tha tumn. Ernest Wiliams,.nint aoppeals mas alsc, ginen Mr. Williams replicd that and Nick and Dol Redakap of wbo mas bumbarded with plants of di scutssion. Mr. Wil- anvane who akad queations Hornby mare os the commit questions cancera ing assesa- lama ated thal anla Imo op- concaro ing bis asseasmeat, - ee argonie ng the avent. ment. taxation and land valuas paals arrivad in the Toma Hall woald receive a traight, usbt- - nul ail ut tham appeaving acuritv bon sligbtllvpont the ased answer. aven if il would ______________________readils ansmeable. Through- daadline and bath mare for- lamer ossesament: bul those oual 1e inqairies. Mr. Williams marda.d ta the court iîb rea- mho accaplad Ibeir tasation allen ended is rapta wilh 1he ammendationa thal Ihev ha mould vnul ha nolunlarily adais- S suggestion 1he quastianer heard. cd. cuuld iait his office for for- A oumber of the landomnera Sume speculalors seba bave 4 har deailed diacusaion. preacr idanicd the probahilila purchased fora for nan-agria- MaFur Lloyd Berryman and ofth1e tatement. îending la ullural parpoaes grose minimal Cauncillur Bill Green aI Ward rein maya on the mord of thair crapa ta pronida a front and Tma. the arca largela n ques- ascatla who bad laid tham rccatna grcultural anseas- DECRATNG ion. atlended the meeting os tha appeala marc inthebobanthe ment. The banfilciaries of Ibis DEORTIO pecatalrs. Alan on band mera Fridav altarnoon hefore the lagal bock alley are lboasebah Denzil Law rance, prasideal of aladlina. and mee naîtraceiv- k nas about t., and the anses- the Hallun Faderaîlon of Ag- cd ha Mc. Williams balaye sors% office seams reluclant ta D rapery riculture, and chairman of the Munday morniag. the ima puoant il oual ta the tninitialed, meeting Roy Coulter. ahan Mr. Williamsa daims bie tlaas agraed. AsesrWlim n his op- lormardcd 1he anIs Is e a e- The moal enthasiastia aval-a - coalo m eing address gava a basic ccined. ion of theacnaning waat la the * Resdcta a grounding an northrn asness The chief assessor indicatad gentleman seba poinled out * Indutrialment. then began ansmring * Induîr aIquestions. *Cmercal The majority ai qacatianer's - manled ta knom mhy Ithir o-a,.m fF up .~1.111. la -ocmk ready-mode sesmant bad i ncreaa-sd up la up $ 0,44 For Custom Service 146 per cent in ana vear. or DISSATISFIED NORTHERN LANDOWNERS challenged Burlinq- why ncarl ideJtD urlingtentytons Chief Asseasor Ernest Williams ta explain the considerub- sec in thesamae aeigbburbod eas .ariii oEn OkEton Wr0y increaaed assavameota ani their and hrdyenignte perianccd radically differet Drn heqeto nd an- blok ai land was S17075 dur- auditorum ai Fairvem Sool. Lovmnille. Over 75 men fromý S iciR. assensmanî. or ahy propet h giutrlae tede h etn.Hr ao ly perchad on the scarpmen wr eid hsed ver 75 i0f 966.The addito ani- ioanatrlon tede iomeig Hr ao ly 228 Main St. 8782067 Imbere police, road mainlen nartb Burlanglon landomners mn siding ta saeof the Berryman, DonniLrence, prosident of the Halton Fedieration 21c-tf once and aven ire service n .aad atnded ha Erneat Wil- buildings on the farm. ronald- ai Agriculture, mina came anly as o spodttor; and chuieman unde-rsîandahlv tordy and iama. chiai asaessar for Bar- ced ta bhatha aquivalant ai of thinoeetingqRoy Coaltar, talla Iinga avec. GENERAL CONTRACTORS sabuol bas drivers dread seto- t tglan.Tbursdav, tha ganero anec raaloaiPaint ta the samne ___________________-ter dayal is taned mitb the pia.tatra ai tbe northland's alan buildings, scoutd have broaght same formula used o ansrma cackaing assasamcnt mas gan- an anpccted i acreasa nf 1650 n RE A S A E E SY W N Y U f RAY OLAN edging tha uchan area ai the e. Ocsen.R P IS A E A Y W E O tosen. Tbe serousnasa of the situa- The 1967 assena ment on the BUILDING Brion Beat. mba amna land lian ismura eadila onder- sama facm. inclading t6e am- USE OUR anha esrarpmenl. remindad taaad, baawaacr. saen a tapir pcuavemanln. hon a s mpad CONTRACTORS LTD. 'the assassor of tha inranvan- .at rasa is iîcd. Oaa agriculîar. $1t.093 la S28.168. Tbis iorreana T HumeImprvemela lnce ause ta hosaof h uaaw The Champion the an- for tha properta leaves an un-O * Renuvalloas ts esament figatren; for 1966 and anptainad i arrease fram ana OL R N A * Attrations ,î1967 vear ta thafolloing varofi W aemn ol n qim n *Additions Girls, Pipe Band Aslesamleni un the 175 acre $10.443.for he hany t m andhrseq ui et * Commercial or Industrlal elects officers fr -h e ad a n fo r h ae usd UL 4-2263 Milton Girls' ipe Bonda e -cl ufo whty n d _______ launcbad 1967 ilb lecîlon f 10 SKILSAWS 0 FLOOIR SANDERS CALL ýils nom ulfirars and isuad an 0l h gi .M ~ 0Ja OUSE JACKS 0 VISER SANDERS IRIG O FIG linvitation for mare girls la t. #<N e Wivai*40e ELECTRC DRILLS 0 PIPE TOOLS IVN F G join up. The bond la seektag 0 SUMP PUIMPS ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING tb ALUMINUM SIDING h ak.AS 0C PC FE A E Re-Rooing aur Spacilly 16e aew prasident la Marf'D V E lAS 0CPCFE AE Carpanîrs Work aif Al Kinda ha Wilson, ilb Sandra Mler #COR YEVU FOR PARTIES AND GROUPS Fhune 878-6020 or 8789303 ývira prasident and Landa Wat- MILTON son secrear.traesurer. Com- -Frac Estimatea - itea abairladies inctada ir6W no o aat ALL WORK GUARANTERD Irummilcea. Barb Lamon. beautfl hai the en- M L O N H RD A R 21C-tf dance, Bertha Powell. Barbara__ Lamun. quorlarmaster. Mrna peasylng, olaoigaet- 2 7ManS.Es MIT N Î 8-35 ' GARDEN ERVICES Wilson; acraphuola. Patricaraa .Batfl arct GARDEN SERVICES Powell. The bond perfarma Ire n eufah a quantîn lbroagh 1he vear and eyus Formosa praclices Tueadan avenings t ~b 0 A U R ýsý Formosa J.ha cUnion Hall. Nae rarroilaJ NU f Mara aWilsoai ot878.9979. If Landscapîng sol otc iamjreCLEARANCE A t CONTRACTOR e S AAMs0Caîî Earîy For Appeinlment CONTINUES eSeading oadi ng The ira dcpartmenî bad juat SL sWaed spraying ane ira cal n 1he pont a-ek- eFartilizing a bIlsa alarm Mondov night.AI sTrac trimming child aptlad wbaî 6e tboagbt Fu h o e ut o n eEnglish WooI Tweeds - 56-58- Folaios mas a firea aItha bome aI W I a 878-3263 16 ohnli., anrned lin6 At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 REG. $5.98 2ct ual relleatitans in a indom. cllhis Do ath S..and arndort2.98 yd It was atheîaaow's second fr wr alasesar adso.braar LEGIATE FLANNEL - 45" -Elafane lara. f* laO i WELL DRILLING * J. B. RUTTAN - R. R. 2. Hilton, Ont. Phone Barliaglan NElson 4-6025 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERY Nasa usvad aad oparatad by Lamne Arhur PHONE 878-9094 tf R. R. 3 Milton - *Re-uphlatars *Auto lrim *Upostatry cleoning *Custom built furnilaîre *Fi-ea pick-up and dlivecy 21c-tl PRINTING For Vour Printing -... *Top Qoaity *Efficient Service e * Reasonable Frices IS THE CANADIAN CHAMPION £LWIII IV/ main bi. Milton

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