Outshoot rivais 3 5-16 but Merchants lose Milteu Mecisanla, fot ao long <go a fixture lu tird place lu tise Suburban League standings, nom fiud tisemeelven tcuggttng te isold tise pont. L>- abitity le capitlize fromn clone lu coul tise totale a s'lctory on Friday nigit au they outsot tise viiing Oakvtlle Btades 35- 16 but utltIotîty managed a 4-4 lic. Coachses Ento, Sclsizzi and *Murray Grenke had tiseir per- formers skating lu fine style, but il wae't enougis. Tisey couldu't pick tise corners. iu lise opening peiod, lise ever- preseing Mercisante limiled lise Blades lu onîF lisree sisets ou goallender Bob Lee, wile tisey mere bombordiug Stade nIai- marI 'Don McCafféry. However. u is e final minute lise visitors jumped intotise lead as Greg -McCauley scored while bis leam mas sisort- isanded. Milton minor ho< House Iei NOVICE Firepomer mas tacking on bols ends on Salurday more. ing as lise Litte Pouliacs and Lilîtle Firemen batltled 10oa scorelesdram 0 is e irt No- vice game ofthlie day. Danny Ervin mise servcd a three-miu- ute penalty for lrippiug mas tise only ployer lu have his name on tise gome report. David Tuorner fired fisc goals - Ime in lise tiret pcriod and tiree lu tise second - as Creet Hardware smomped Beecci Brus. 10-3. Turner, ceho isud a seveu point day, aise pieked op Imo assiste. Gordon Thomp- sen scoed Ibreimes and as- isted once. Eric Bllilsen and Faut Sproot had lise ether goals for the innere and as- sisîs ment lu Sproaî (2), Pool WilIon, David Scot (2), Brie Blison and James Ste. Marie. Wayne Wiarrau, Randy Hum- ilIon and Randy Murray scur- cd toc BeeceisBrou, Robert Frome (2), Randy Murray, Glyn Roberts and Randy Hum- ilIon Sud ielpere. Stepisen Hannons Ime goals paeed Mombray Fuels 10 a 3-0 decision oser Rebekols Ledge. MINOR HOCKEY STATISTICS Nwvsee F W L T PIs. Firemen... Il 6 2 2 15 Reisekaiss Il 6 3 2 14 Creet Hdme. Il 5 6 0 10 Beecis Brou. Il 4 5 2 10 Mombrayse.Il 3 5 3 9 Poullues Il 3 6 2 8 Seeelug G A PIs. D. Turner 19 5 24 P. Sprool. ..... 16 2 Il R. Hamilten . 10 3 13 W. Wiarruu ..12 I 13 G. Tiompeon 8 3 Il M. iereon. 7 2 9 S. Wilson.. 7 2 9 S. Hannon 5 4 9 R. Cole .. ..... 7 I 8 L. Ciarlen. 5 3 8 Par wrr P W L T FIs. Heodu Il 9 I i 19 Pisarmaey Il t 3 9 16 Con. Tire. Il 5 4 2 12 Foy FIg. .Il 5 4 2 12 McCuoig lus. Il 2 8 I 5 Mit. Lumber Il I 10 O 2 Seorl.ng G A FIe. H. Campbsell -23 i 24 G. Geoding 1. 3 9 22 R. Jubb.......... Il 8 19 S. McCann ......9 8 17 R, Hoseden ..... 9 5 14 K. Fay ............5 9 14 L. Potier........10 3 13 Ken Austen t..... 5 13 H. Brynkus ..... 4 9 13 Keilis Ausen 3 10 13 M. HyalI. . 7 5 12 C. Browen.. 6 6 12 Bantame P W L T PIe, DepI. Store 12 10 0 2 22 Bell Brou, 13 7 4 2 16 Local 4970. 12 4 8 0 8 Mil. Police . 12 4 t 0O Wee. Atisîtc 13 4 9 0 8 Seodng G A PIe, B. Thsomas ... il....1 14 32 P. Cllen .....14 Il 25 L. Wilson .....10 14 24 D. Neelande.. 10 6 16 G. resniak .....12 3 15 R.Low ...........5 7 12 W, Presniak 3 9 12 S. Bucktey .....6 5 Il D. Graham .....6 5 Il R. Romtey ............ 5 6 il J, Sales ................ 6 4 10 S Clark .........5 5 10 Mdgeta P W L T Pîe Park Farm 107 2 i 15 Harris Sa 10 5 4 i il Ledmit's 10 3 5 2 8 Knighl's . 10 3 7 0 6 Reoetug G A Pts. M. Cassidy .......7 10 17 L. -aggio.......... 8 5 13 P Mountain ...... t 5 13 R. Dunsmore 5 5 10 S. Dolby ........,...... 4 5 9 p artin ......... 5 27 L Risynold ...... 2 7 K Bridgman .... 4 3 7 D. ford-.........3 4 7 R. Kncwlet-.......2 5 7 Leon Stkte, Belan Bond and Craig Bruns it for tee- end pertod markere as Mton eurged iute a 3-1 lead and junt betore lise end otftise elanza, JefBlles, a ltlecul from tise 'Merchant squad tant inIer, made il 3-2. Am Keaneas goal temperar- ity gave tise locate a two-goal bulge but Ettis quickly narrow- cd tise gap as ise ceuuted bis second mucher efthtie nigist. Witis tees tison 10 minutes left in tise game, Bois -Lee came up mils two fine caves and tisen 'Wayne Bowden ifled. lu a re- beund te nolcis lie game for keepe. MitIons seulisome game le fFriday nigist aginultishe Or- angevîtte Greenesirte. On Thur- sday, lanuacy 19.,lise Mercis- anIs go te, Nemmachel. Friday, January 20, îisey bonIt Newmar- ket and Sunday, January 22, lbey go te Aurora. 48 Alte Rockers January 9 Ladies' 51gb single, Elteen MoDougati 277; ladies' iigis triple, Evetyn Nadallo 714. OlIser good esingles, Esetyn Nadatin 276, Ruth Twiss 253, Janet Mitcisell 249. Otiser Éood triples, Janet Mitchsell 668, Eileen McDoogall 647, Ruts Twiee 610. Scutîlebume wou 5 for 5; Hot Sisots, 5 for 5; Driflers, 4 for 4; Koot Kats, 4 for 4; Pin Heade, 3 for 3; Head Pins, 3 for 3; King Pins, 2 for 2; Four Pins, 2 for 2. 24 Club Jan. 4, 1967 Ladies' 51gb single, Docotisy Faubert 237; Ladies' iigis tri- pie, Potty Cannon 593. Otiser good singles. Nancy 3gue happenings JetI Smtiths iad kthee tisegoal and Smiths, Dave Maresall and Dereis Grittitise dresa assiste. PRE WEE Stepisen MCaun and Garry Gooding notcised a pair of goals eaois as Fay Plunebing loppcd Canadian Tire 5-3. Ken Fay iad tise otiser goal for lue winners and Mark Hyat Fay and Gooding dcem ielpers. Lee Fuller scored Iice for lise Tiremen and Bd Ford ingted. Assiste ment t0 Ford and Mau- rice Curtis. Ricis Jubb louis cace et ail lise ecoring as Hoode Ciicken Kinge continucd 10 isold cdown tiret place by blanking Mc- Cuaig tusurance 2-0 Keilu Austin iad eue assiet. Michael Fordes bat trick mas att Milton Piarmacy needcd 10 defeat Milton Lumber 3-2. Ken Ismond and Dose Ander- son iad assiste. Steve Ste, Marie and John Mannerose ecorcd for Milton Lumber. Pet- er Roberts isad tise only asslet, BAI4TAMS David Yemm isad Ibre goals and Bilt Preniak isad eue as Milton Deparîment Store top- pcd Milton Police 4-I. Buddy Thsomas and Leslie Wilson isad imo assiste cacis and Jark Ro- berson and Don Leslie isad one. Stuart Rbertson scered tise only Police goal on a pase fromt Ricis MeTracis. Wayne Emets scored twice and Rick Ormond and Jim Sales singîrd as Western Ath- tetie Sopply topped Bell Brus. 4-I. 30e Harringlon, Martin Bradsateand Jim Sales, Dar- ryl Grahsam scorcd toc Bell Bros. Garry McDougaîl and Tom Wilts assisted, MIDGETS Roy Tominson, Ricis Or- mond and Bob Watters taltied as Wstern Alletie Supply cdged Bell Brou. 3-2. Jim Sales 121. Peter Mule and Wayne Bmms isad aselels. George Freeniais iad bath goaIs for Bell Brus. and G. MeDougali and Piil Ramslaw isod asssise. Fiil Marins Imo goals and one from tise stick of Steve Dolby added 0p 10 victory tor Harris Stationery. Maurice Caesidy asistcd Imice and Owen Yemm once as lise Sta- ioners edged Kigisîs Mens Wear 32. Faut Keilly and Ro- Sert Martin cored for Kigits and Martin, Maesey and Keitty ,ssisled. Faut Mountain scoced twicee and Neil Gibbons, Keilis Bridg- man and Rick Cotbeck added ingles as Park Farm Dairy topped Lediisu54. Moun- tain (2), Bridgman and Jack Durante isadtassiste, Dose Ford (2), Ron Ounsmore and Brion Howard scored for Led- siti's. Jim Dance, Pte Mc- Cuaig, SeuIl Wiliamson and B. Howard asisîrd for Led- wili's. Pee Wees complele schedule with win over Chi.nguacousy Miton Kinsmen Pee Wees four minutes lter. Gord Ly- scored a goal a period te de- uns ied il up for lise visitors. feal Chingoacousy 3 - 1 and JiRbesofnssdofa close out the regular Tri-Coun- JmRbrsnfiheofa Rvsceulerton Monday. play wilh Rocky -Barker aI the Ibn s ohedonle 0 inth 36.second mark of lise second second ad liird priodu and period and in the liird stanza. Kerry Kitchen opened the ecor- Robsertson leamcd wth Brian ing in tise firul period as Mil- Wiliamnon ut 5.10 for his sec- Ion boosted ils reguarureason ond goal uftIhe night. record tu 14 wins, enty. Ime lusses, and une ie. Bob Col- -Kelso mas a isusy place for ens sisaters finisbed third in ski crs and tobogganisls un lise over-ail Tri'Cunty stand- the meekend. ungs behind Oakvitte and DRAW WINNERS Brampton, but were firul am- Lorne Gunby of 6154 Guelphs ung the "13"tuonleamn. Line, Burlington, mas thc e in- Tise Kinsmen eulhustted and uer of a $50 bond wisen tise outsmarted Cinguacoitsy and draw sponsorcd by tbe Milton benefitted from tbe relurn et Mercbanî Hockey Club was 'Brian Wiliamson fromto tisece made on Sunday afiernoon. week holiday in Flurida. Vuces valued aI $25 cach Kerry Ktthen rapped lu a ocere won by B. Cuthbbrlsou poss fram Greg Cbucbmacb at ut Ontario St., Milton and W. 330 of tbe fîrut period and Wallace of Carlisle. MILTON PHOTOGRAPHUC COMPLETI RANGE OF I PI<OTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. WEDDING EQUIPMENT PASSPORT & INCLUDING COMMERCIAL CAMERAS, FILM & . PHOTOGRAPHY DARKROOM SUPPLIU 878u3361 162 MAIN 8. MILTON Auger 234, Elsie Murpisy 231, c Donna Tercyberry 231. C Otiser good triples, luteN *Murpisy 58I, Docotisy Faubertd 565. 'Donnas mon 5 for 75, FIer- ences mou 5 for 71, Siirtey'et mon 2 for 61, Ermas mon 2 1for 31.a Ratepayors 1 January 3, 1967. 1 Ladies' isigis single, Normna P IViicMurpisy, 245; ladies' iigis triple, Glenna Connor, 615; mens iigis single, Bill Calme., 256 (256), Harold Jarvls 256; mens higistriple, 1Bhl1 Calmes, 649. Terriers wou 7 fer 74, Point- crs won 7 fer 65, Butîdoge won 4 for 65, Grepiseundes won 0 for 51, Boxers mon 0 for 47, Huskies won 3 for 47, Cetlles won Il fer 47, Whisppets mon 7 fer 27. P. L. Robertson Girls lanuary 5 Ladies' iigis stngle, Donna Grenke 252; ladies ttgis triple, Donna Grenke 7010. Ol-ser gond singles, Bonnie Fas 243, Betty Lou Bundy 226. Ofiser good triples, Bannie Fay 646. Doris Laweon 612, Mary Hcipet 596, Jean Smithi 578. Wittie Wilson 557. Grenke won 7 for 7, Seenes won 7 for 7, Heipel sues 5 for 5. MeFisait mec 5 for 5, CeaIes won 2 for 2. Wilson won 2 for 2, Brusis mon 0 for 0, Murrus mon 0 for 0. Flyers split tourney games Ater compmng le a 6-I vie- torysin thicr iret game, lise Nadalin Eleccric Juvenite Fty. crs droppcd a 32 decision lu Woodbridge in tise '8-lt" tour- rament in Woudbridgc on tise weeckend. Peut Ktchen scored Iice aind Robert Cotisecis. Marty Seed-,. Keitis Higge and Wayne Arnold Ibis firsl of tise yearl scored singles. .Milton-,cor.d imice lu tise lic-t pcriod and four imes in tise secoind,.Io regieler tise in. Assiss eut 10 Marty Seeds, Robsert Coîbecis. Grant Goed- ing. Joisn Forbes and Johnu Er- le tieirscecondgameWood- biridge rallied and came up %%lia3-2 verdict. Teugh tinw for g<,ukeaders Pro-Arn rnurksan 11,54 unis By John MeLean Il mas not cxactly a picuic for Pro-Am goaltendecu Ibis pasi meck as tise four gaines aceuunled for 54 goals. tn tise tiret gamte ut thse mek Tomner iopped Brus7-4 wmiie lis e nigislcap MeConnell ctobbeced McCuîciseon 10-3. Tisursday nigisl action eaw Wilmott domu Ciampaux 11-7 and Cain dropped a 9-3 decielun 10 Hiltz. tentise Turner-Brusis encourt- ter, bols Wayne Timisers and Dave Lamrencsc ticed a pair toc lise inners mitis singletons gone lu Len Jackson, Nip Ger- vais and Art Brooks. Nip Ger- vais 13, Don Aikenisead and Brion McDutte notcised assiste. Replying ils singles tor Brus mcccNick Coleon, 1Bill Brusis, Ron Hudd and Roger Johnuson. Blackie G acte c, Brosis and Joisuson hit as- s1515. Gary Nayter led MeConnett lu vitery ils a bat trick, fol- lowcd closcty by Bruce Mc- Duffe, BillIJoyec and Doog Loomis att wiîis a pair. Brion McDutte taticd once. Doug Fedie and Brion McDuffe eacis bad tour assiste. t-ayler, Bruce McDuffc and Wayne Mc- Connecl acis bad îwe assiste and Joyce added eue. Single goals trom John Bell, Doug MeColciscon and Mike Joisn- son accounlcd for 311 of Mc- Cuiciscons goals. Fat Carr 12) and Johtn Heipet isad assisîs. Wiltmotisad Imo goal per- formances from Jim Gildea, Johnu Wilmott, Stuart Doîbet and Mike Bougiston lunfiseir sielory. Singles ment le Wayne Sisarpen, Norm Fleminglon and Adameon. Wilmoll and Sisarpen cacis asislsd tisree limes and double assiste ment lu Gildea, Doîbel, Bougiston and Fleminglon. Dave Gitties 150 Main St.- Opp. the Imperial Bank 87-9791 -~ CLOSED MONDAY O PEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY WESPECIALIZE IN SPECIAL WE KESFOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS -~Birfhdays - Anniversaries ofor any Special Event ploi irthday Cakes for tIhe Smail Fry NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON Un order te decreuse the amount of Moley whtch the Town Must berrow te muet current expendituret until suceI time as the Mill rate <an 6e set and thse reglr tax bills issued, AN INTERIM TAX BILL for »Il roui pro- Party in the Town of Milton will be laeued &bout th..end of January. THIS BULL WULL BE DUE ON FEBRUARY 28, 1967 and will be based on 25 mnilis. A penalty of 1la of 1% per month will be charged if tise bill s flot pald by February 28. THE BALANCE 0F THE PROPERTY TAXES may b. paid in full in May, or in thrme instaîments, in MAY, AUGUST end NOVEMBER. Businent tex wIll be payable IN PULL ln May. AUDREY BRUSH, ?raurer. oddcd une assiel. Lou Nadatin (3), Gorman Brisson (2), A Cisalmers and Gord Hassel- teldt replicd for Cisampaux. Wayne Itosden led tise assiel parade ils tise, Brissen isad imo and Nadalin eue. Al Joncs was lise big mon ut tise sesei as ise fired five goals and assisled on tisrec otisere 10 tead Hilte te vtory over Coin. Ross McLeod and iim Donaldeen witis a pair apiece wer lise oliser sarp- sisootere. Jim Donalduon (5), Wayne Sisarpen (3), Laveru Blacktock and McLeod tattied tise otiser assiste. George Cis- tiolm (2) atid Diek Cain mere tise only members ofthtie loe crs 10 dent lise Iine. Assiste ment Io Jîm Joisnson (2), Bruce Gales, Leyd Zuelt and Tippv Thibert. SENSATIONAL SALE OUR ANNUAL M4ADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS - CUSTOM TAILORED TO YOUR INDUVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS FINE QUALITY WORSTED.50 Priced From 6. and up WINTER JACKETS UP to 5O0Vo OFF TOPCOATS AND Sport Jackets 20". TO 1/3,&. OFF STOCK SUITS 15% to .25% OFF SWEATERS and SPORT SHIRTS 20% OFF HOUS OFHOBBERLIN ANNUAL JANUARY MADE-TO-MEASURE SALE Extra Trousers FREE or 20"bOFF --NTERNATl0NL Fords win Miltnus Tartaigar Ford No- vice equad erupted for four tirut peried goalu and tlsen coasted te a 5-2 victory over Ciiguaceusy lu a Tri.Couety Novice game in Milton on Mon- day nigist. Thse vletoey, tiltos 15th lu 17 utarte (eue tous and oe tie), mas paced by ScoIl Mc- Keuzie miose coced twice and assisled once. Ron Romley, Ron Twiss and Jois u Tnelu had ilie llier Ford Markccs. Tonell, Rod Goodiug. Bruce Ellison, Rowley and Breol Murray drem assiste. Dunop Eiairu Nadatie Etectrie Juveutie Fîpers ratled for tisree goals iu tise final period te duusp Et- mira 4-2 lu recent Tri-County Juveuite action. Peut Klteben bit for lwo markecu lu tbe epace ot 26 sec- onde aud Tom Gooding tes Iban a minute cartier auslise Flycru overcame a 2-t Elmira tead. Keiîb Higgu' ficut period goat mas tbe onty otiser Milteu marker of the nigisl. RGbisie Coîbecis, Wayne Arn- old, Barry MeTracs, 'Richsard Clemeul aud Marty Seedu caro- cd assisîs utbe Milton goal&. 1 1 1 - a - a -- - -ma» Thse Canadien Chaempion, Wednesday, January il, 19675 Mu«cheaIeu.5-3 "Wouldn'l il Se great if we Tise brunI of tise teamuseor. could put togetiser Ifuxe per ing Toad conttnued ten tatI on iode of eetid hoeckey - uot liese houlderu of tise re-unlted eue, or two buetIisree," TisaI's front Ue et Craig Brusis, Leon appruximalely whiat Miloeu Sticiste and Doug Heame,. Merchant manager Alan Par- Since Stiekle hus cm moset Ion mas lhinking tottoming tise bock lu rigisi sing afler scre- Mercisanle' 5-3 loue Io theiseg a tour of duty on detence, league lcading Georgetown tisaI luneisas heem produiling Raiders on Wedneuday nigisî. lise VOSI majority efthlie Mer- lylîle isthest meek and chant goals. une-haifthlie Merchanle hase Bneis ad two goals and an ptayed tise Raiders Iita and assisI, Stiekie -iad s goal and Iumned lu tisree solid periedu an assiel and Heame s ad Iwc of -hockey, December 30ti these 5ists. Mercisants mere superior for Georgetomu epeued tiese cor- lise firsl peried and tleidd ing mils a minute left in lise Tise remitl mas a 5.2 deteal, tiret peried. At lise 16 second Wedneeday nigis tise totale mark of tiese econd ubanza isad Imo good periods and car> Bruslied il up and lises Ken ried a 3-2 tea n mb lie liird Robinsen 100k a paue trum utauza, betre lise curlain of Mike Cummins nine seconds mediocracy came domu, Iter and put lise Raiders bock "I don't know wmiy ce coult in front. Brusisuecond geai play lisrce gond periods - tise of tise night aI 12,25 knooteit boys seem 10 be lu condition, tise count and 12 seconds Jter t cant figure il eut, but il's Stickie put Milton in front toc certain me mont slart minning tise tirut lime, againet lisetop teamu untlt e Tcrry Hay, Ken Robinson de. We'ti have le skate bard and Fout Robinson scered le for tisree periods If mere golng lise liird peried for tise Raid- le beal elîher Georgetowen or ers. Aurera," manager Parlen said. Blueltese Banter: Roger Witd- Co-coaeh Enta Setteltel had long didn'î drees for tise gume. tiee boys trying ouI an otd Ne hait hurt bis sheulder aI style of mon on man detensive merk ... Frank Schsmidtltank hockey ou Weduesday nigisl bis Place on a tine ils Brian and hl bottled up the George- Bo'nd andt Jim Cote . .. Cote tome atlack for Imo periodu, atnd Pol Robinson equarcd "It masult anylising nece, but off in tise liird pcriod and re- il mas someling me isadn't ceived tise minutes majore fer lried befere," tise manager tiseir treubles . .. Milton re- noted. ceisci six efthlie Il petnalties.