Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 2

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2The Canadrian Champion, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 LOWVILLE Children playing outdoors enjoy old-time vacation Dp Mms A. R. Casater sn105 sclpturing mas obte Congratulations and go od ed on the lamnofa Matea wsjaes ara extended ta tise Dent where there is a lite- nelymed couples ai thse com- figure ai a man and is dog munily M. and Mrs. Robert The aflernOOn unit ai Martindale and 'Mr. and Mrs. United Charch Wornen Eric Karu mha mere married betd aI the manse mithN in Lomville United Cburch on Bardge Gunby in charge ai Dec. 17 and Dcc. 30. prograrn The Centene iat Neighbors and f riends gatb- study "the Churcb Goam ered at the borne ai Mr. and Canada" mhicb iii bc stud Mrs. Roy Colter an Jan. 29 ta in Canada and the Uni banor 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin- States, as introduced bys date mith a kitchen and panîry and contesîs. Also an en shamer. A social ime as en- able sing.song aiftariliar1 joyed prior ta the operng ai tunes and soren val 5 fani thse gits, and lunch mas serv- as led hy Mrs. A. K.( ed atermotI. fitbs accornpanied hy M:s An old faahioned Christrnas vacation was enjoyed by the youngsters Iis year as they skated on ouldoor ponds, ski- cd and tobogganed on the snomy his and buit snow people of al heights and di- mensions. Some very clever ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm.. RIA., C).. Chortereti Accoaunt Municipal Aaditor 163 Main Street Bas 460 Milon, Ont. 878"542 ARC HITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B).rch. - IM.R..I.C. 17A Miii Street, Suite 2, Acton Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Starchavk Rd., Fort Credit 274-3428 Office Hoars hy Appoivîrnent AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCI4 Auctioneer and Evatoator 30 Chapel St. E., Geocgtuomn Telephove 8772864 . J. "BOB BEVERLEY Actioeeroand Sale Manager 4058 Soîuth Service Road Barington 634-60l30 'NatIon Coantys Auctioneer" CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, DC. Doctor ut Chirocractie 237 ings Court Crescent Corner Martin St. Movdoy, Wednesday. Tbucsday t p.rn. la 9 p.m. Tamsday and Friday 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Sa tu cday 1l arn. to 3 p.rn. Phone 878-20Mt INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURAt4CE ASSOCIATION Auto-Nome. Protection-Accid- ent and Sichvers - Fornily Liabitity Farrn Liability Yaur Miton Agent Mrs. Thea Rarz R. R. No. 1, Miton Phone 878-390 INVESTMENT SECURITIES GiO. E. C. JACKSON Represenla tire Geicder & Compoor Liriteti Inresîrnent Deniers and Stock Brokers Govi. and Corporation Bonds and Stocks Milton 878-2580 Hamnilton 525-194Q FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNESAL HOME Campiete Air Cundilioning Sineere - Curteaus Service Night or Day 878-4452 O PTO MET RISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.». 184 Main St., Mitoan Phone 87-9972 Res. 878-9678 TUESDAY AFTKERNOONS THURSDAY EVENINOS and ERIDAY MORNtNGS WM. C. MILLIGAN, O.». 111 Trafalgar Rd.. Gakvilie Office Hoars Daity inciading Salacday ar. Cati 845-1511 fac appoinîrnent SURVEYORS BLACKBURN& DEWHURST Ontario Land Surveyors Cansultîng Engineers 533 Brant St. Bulinglon, Ont. LIBRARY HOUAS Tuesday, Tbursday and Frida 12 naon ta 5.30; 6.30 ta 9.0 -Monday, 12 noon ta 5.30 - Ciosed Wednesday Saturday - 9.30-12, 1-5.30 ag. Mcs. 3f the Ycar s iv :died Jnued skiis enjay- r fok miliar Ontf- Ir.J. N R M. Readheado the piano.- Oun Rllt cati mas answered by the glit payrnent of yearly member- mc %hip liees and suggestions for Cal Centennial Year projects. at The worahlp service opened Wl' by the singing of the hyrn an, "Lord nf the Lands, make Can- col ada Thine Own' foliowed by br the rcading of Psatm 72. Mrs. se F. 0. Cotting lead in prayer St and the hymn ' Be Thou My Vi- At sion" mas sang. Mrs. Gonby P'l closed the meeting mith a pray- er for the ncw vear' Lonch was served by the ho5tess as- sisted bv Mrs. G. E ' oote and me Mrs. Garfield Colling. a B&OSTON AND OMAGH NA PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister M Rev. Stanley E. Smnith, B.A. 878-3582 SUNDAY, JANUAIRY 15th, 1967 SI 10.110 a.m.-Omagh: Worship Service. 11.15 a.m.-Omagh: Churcb School.s 11.10 arn.-Boston: Church School. 11.30 a.m.-Boston: Worship Service. CHURCH 0F CHRIST OMAGH No. 5 Sideroad and 4th Line Traftlgar SUM'DAY, JANUAIRY 15th, 1967 10.00 arn.-Bible School Class- es for ait ages. 11.00 a.rn.-4Morning Worn4ip. 8.00 p.rn-Preaching of the Gospel. Larry Fart, Minister 241 Kingscourt Cres. Milton, 878-3555. 1 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. J. K. L. McGown, B. 878-6066 878-2652 "0 corne, lt us worship and bow down; ltlus kneel belore the Lord aur Maker." SUNDAY, JANUARY l5th, 1967 9.45 a.rn. - Senior Charch Schot. 9.45 arn - Yosung Peesple's Bible Class. 9.45 a.r.-The Thinkers. 0.50 a.rn. -Junior Church School. 1.00 a.rn. - Morning Warship: s "P.oals Plan af Charch Fi- nance." Il1.00 a.r.-Narsery. 8.110 p.r.-Joint Week oif ray- d er Service in Higwhay Gos- pel Church. GRACI ANGLICAN CHURCH Milttan, Ontario. Rectar: Rev. T. M. tiastan, B.A.. B.D, n.D. Assaciate: Rev. Canon F. H. Mosaon, MA.. B.D. SUNIDAY. JANUARY 151h. 1967 Epiphany Il 8.00 a.rn. - Holy Cornrnnion. *9.25 a.rn. - Jr. Charcb Sehoot. 9.30 a.rn -Marning Prayer and Sermon. D.10.45 a.r.-Sr. Charcb Schoot and Yoaîh Ctass. 78 11.00 a.rn.Holy Communion and Sermon. 7.00 p.r.-Adatt Confirmation Class. 8.00 p.r.-Joint Week of Pray- er Service in Highsvav os- pet Church. Tharsday, January 12, 10 ar. - Hoty Communion. t MILTON GOSPEL HALL *306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christians gathered tn the narne of the Lord Jesus Ci:rtst. (Matit. 18: 20) Lord'a Day SUNTSAY, JANUAIRY 15th, 1967 10.30 a.rn.-Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.r.-Sanday Scolo. - 7.00 p.rn-Gospel Service. Wednesday, 8 p.rn. - Prayer and Bible readlng. - AUt are welcarne ta these ly service. 00 The man Christ lenas, who gave Hîmself a ransomt for ail. lat Ties. 2, 6. RNSY Classes entertain at church concert nTbursday nigbt about 90 HOI payera met aI Faîrviese aIl for tbe purpase of get. ;recent assesornenîs af ýpcopecty explained and lied. Fresent mas E. Wil- ni assessar for tbe tomnoaf inglan. -He spoke on the E thads used tac deternining TI esoment values in this area. muc meeting mas then openedi ty cj queotianing. Mr. Williamns 5. a vered rnany questions in a The rat may and invited tbose mviti obad individoal pcohlerns tati taite an appoinîrnent ta sec Dar nat bis office. H.îî 'eek aof rayer services i îmenced an Sunday nigbt M r- th a youlh rally ai St. Do- lJi s Cbarch Campbeliviile, on tthe sermon hy Rev. A. K. 2. if fitbs; on Monday night il T li held in Lomnilie United thw ircb mitb Rev. W. Leeman bel Ebenezer preaching the sec- 010 n. The services continued e Tuesday at St. George's An- on Charch, Lomnille, sec- 1%vil on by Rev. D. Nicholson. tI%. rnphelville; an WednesdaY Bo Ehenezer United Cburch Irc h Rev. R. Wrogg oi Kitbride h% id Carlisle preaching, and Ei sciades an Tbursday at Ki-tvil de United Cbarch mitb the rmon by Ren. P. Jeffares of (George's Anglican Charch. in,~ Il services commence at 8 sa ten lobe ten-mile hîkesma-vu- a n do the samne tbîng and M il shopping. a ch inisercPalStareeCatonaesfi 870-4473 878-3542 THE LORDS DAY j JNDAY, JANUARY 151h, 1967 , 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Scbool for b, ail. K .00 a.m .-.Morning WacshLp. R Speaker at bath services: Rer. Enrest Loewy, superinten. : dent ai Toronto Jemish Missions. 5.30 p.rn -Yoath Tirne. 6.50 p..-Song Service. 7.00 p.m.ýEvening Worvhip. il Nursery aI Sunday services. V Wednesday, 8 p.rn. - Bible l Sludy and Frayer Meeting.n Ail Are Warmly Wetcomed t sT. PAULS CHURCH Of t THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA r Main St. at James St. Formed by the union of the r Presbyterian, Methodist and i Congregalional Churches In F Canada. Minister: Rer. J. Larve Grahamn. Organist and Choir Leader: hOrs. Harold Magee. SUNDAY. JANUARY l5th, 1967 11.00 a.r.-Marning Worship condacted by Ren. Russell O'Brien,. MA., B.,D. Sermon sabject, "These Days in Which We Live". SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.30 a.r.-Sunday Sehool for ail boys and girls avec 8 years. I11.00 arn-Infant Nursery in charge ai registcred nurse and nursery deparîrnent. 11.00 arn-Boys and girls 4-8 years inclusive mutl attend eburcb mith parents and proceed ta their dcpart- ments folloming the se- cond hymn. Invitation toailt. THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Minister: Rer. A. K. Giffilbs, R. R. 2, Milton. Pastar: Rev. M. Christensen Lowvillc - Zimmerman Pastoral Charge Carne close ta Gad and He îsill camte close ta yaa." SUNDAY, JANUARY 1tt, 1967 Lonvle United Churcis Grganist, Mms. J. R. Dovey. Guelph Line 10.010 a.m.-Sunday Scbaol. Il1.30 a.m.-Divine Worsbip. Zimmerman United Chureh Appleby Lise Organirt, hOrs. J. G. Corneil. 0.00 o m.-Divine Worsbip. 11t00 ar.-Sunday Scbool. A Worm Welcome ta Everyane HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local asscrnbly of THE FENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA LORD'S DAY SUNDAY, JANUARY 1th, 1967 9.45 a.m.--Sanday Seboot. 11.00 a.rn.-Marning Wovrsbip. 7.00 p.r.-Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8Igm.-Bible Stu- dy and Frayer Meeting. Fridoy, 8 p.rn. - Young Feoplea Service. A Churcb You Cao Makeý By Mas. James Hiamilton tle North Trafalgar Com- nity Club hctd a cachre par. on Tbarsday nigbl, Januacy t the Percy Merry sehool. re mere 14 tables in play sh the prices gaing ta the moing soinners: hOrs. Bessie e. Mcs. Albert Rogers, Jirn îmln an Anderson May. oeks,lî.îîe-,ere son bv -,. Iit.: î,-îDtito:: andeWeriey me.. The nes 1 caclire miii bc Titursdav nighl, Februarr he recreation commilîee ai SBorne Comrnanilr Centre -do a chre ports- on Friday hI.Jianuar * h.6,mitb 17 tahi- of etcre in pior. The prmzes cesiwn bs the ioiloming vners. Mrs. Gardon MeCrea- 'A rr. Gardon Tasher. Tom oslield anti Clarence Rich- son. 'Lochs dr,îms svrcwon 'Arr Witli.îm Robertson ond Ier Doaugli. NSexn etîchre i bu- ton Fîîttîrnigbt. Janu- .V20. Be1.îted annirersars greet- la IoMr.,îndt hrs. Mortin lîh.î. Il bîî lelsrated their ,îin nnitersarr tmn Satur- . J,înuary7. The Christmnas cangî egatilîn- sopper vi dSonîlav Seboal nit ofSt. Sitphen's Angli- ,n chtîe.h:t',îheld on Thurs- a\night. iovîî.rr 5, in the hurch v.lsement. îritb 80 topie .îtlentiing. Fîllîîming pp.-r. hîîlh the jlînior ancd enior c.lasses. îîîaprt in the ogrîn. sshich cansisted aI ols itîcir and recitatian-, te n îîrer-r la- s litstraled e songt. Fr.,,ts thetSnowîman he. -enioîr girlssavg sorti îngs %hichhithîr bod learned hile .îlleoeiing Camp Artabar F :il,îsing tho ptogrlm. git %1*.giren ot tII the mcm ,etof1te juînior clisses b, kýnWh,îles, Bîîh Grîcer ont Zkk Ro%,s. n îplatce of bu w, .O:fs ir tho seniolr classes ihe ic0ivrsdecide to oe thî t: l:eIolp.a veetis ehîld il -n,îthei coantîrv.Boîb Cr, --% hados d,lpi.î l large Cer .1:1:1.11 -.100 :5 hieh is rce ,o .1 ln v:,îlh it maîll stepsi te -idîe-, h -î rc îtec,îrale, uit si lC.n.dian and Cer îini lie C,îndi,în Centet mal Year 1671967 andtihl 101h .î rversîrr aof il. hîîreh 1837-1967. (les meill ishes arce estende tMrsi im M. wttho is apa ie in Ille Peel M:n:ri.îl Ho pital, Br.împtîn. Friedc. t Ge v Ritedi e -.,îr to heîrrlie haci l- 10 1,11 .îIo vai ad breil lie tîrîiI hile kiingg g il- eh:l T\îî,ll lîitChillonv Birilttîsgleetings tIi Mr [.ek MarehmentiJan 14.toîD vid Pe.,rs,, ndvîTom Bt::: hvip t.,:: 14 , nKc::Pli,, or Alberlt.::îlmevt Jîn. 15. Beil Sio,îîJa. , andîîîPair! rPtller-,,s Jan 18. Ciet isell îîjrh,-,,are teved, EnyD.lcious FAMILY BUCKE1 14 Picer Chimken 6 Railsl3% 6 Havler 3 . FAMILY ORDES FRENCH FR1!! COLE SA Sertes PHONE 878-6028 and we'l have passa en ready ()Pen Daiiy E8aS.. ta aS Friday snd gaiurday Il i te 12.30 sain- Sunday 12.30 p.s. ta 8S MURRAY HO( DRI VE-IN BaRe Lins Rd. West llighway 23 at Mille ie in the Oakville - Trafalgar Memoriat Hospital follaming eyc sargery. Anniveraary greetingo ta Mc. and Mrs. Abert Merccure, mho iii celebrate ibeir sredding ovnirersarr on Janaary 16. The ladies ai St. Feters Ro- man Coibotie Cbureh beld ilîir manthir cuchre on Sot- îîrd,îrv nghl, Javtîarv 7, ai the Si-:th T r.îbalg,î Communils (Chuie. rizerstete vian br tbe olloîivo 'AMrr. Hugb O'Con- nor, Mrs. Joe Ellis. Charlie Trimbie îand Otta Marcbrncnt. The tckr drams mccc mon by Mrs, Abert Mercure ond Mrs. Joe Sammit lu-ha piayed as a man). Lunch sas served bs tbe hostets, hrs. Chalie Mc- Carcan. assistcd by the ladies. The nent cachre miii be on Saturda ' vnight. February 4. Si ocece ssmpathv is etend- cd ta hrs. Jack hcCarran an the dcath ai ber sister. Mcs Mas Cormack, mho died on Mandor. January 2, ai Fart Credit. Frienda In Iis district ai Stan Erre etend gel mli mvirbes ta bîm aI the George- town hospilal. The Hamdcv farnls held heir Newv Years parts ai the -Unian 'Hall in Milton on Sun- day. iavuacv, t, miib 39 at- evding. A bot turkev dinner mas served ai 5 p.m.. olac br the esebange af i gus. A pictoce mas taken ai -Mc. and f Ar.Hamdev and their ine childrev and olso ave mith Noeir 10 grandcbildcen. HOLD THIS PAGE SEEK IMPROVEttENTS Borlington'a director of pub- lic worka Robert Bailtie la Pr&r paring a cool analysia on r&' qaested renovallons ta the AI- pleby LUne - 2 Sderoad -inter- section, cauncils works coOl- rittee tearned tant week. Councillor William Green wrred the intersection could be the scene of a fatality if irn- prorernents are not cared out OMAGH Name euchre prize winners at party in Boyne Centre By Mmas.Cec Patterson al Jan. 13, Paut Stover Jan. 9 A saccesofut and enjoyable and Kalhy Aexander Jan. 11. eachee party mas betd in Bayne teen dance wilI be Boyne Centre on Friday even- held on Saturday, January 14. iog, Janaary 6, with 17 tables These parties planned foc aur playing. Frizes for high scores yoang people are mdll super- ment ta Mrs. Gardon McCrea- ised. dY, Mrs. Gardon Tasker, Tom Boasfietd and Clarence Rich- ardson. Lacky ticket draws MILTON a.! wccc won by hrs. Jack Rob- u ertson aînd Elmer Doutglas. ___________M _ Cunvencsîsere the Mat sht ails. Fords and Feaco,.ks. SesI THURS..FRI.-SAT. porty is planoed foc January "TGCA 20,.SAGC A Commnoaion services mccc ANN MARGRET doserved on Dmagh Preshyter- CARTOON - ian charch at the t0 octock AUTET service on Suoday. January 8,ADI N mith Rer. Stantey Smith tbe Matinee Satur pastor. We are aarry la leara that SN.O TE.WD 'rs. Dougtas Leriche is a pot- SU.MN- TE.WD int in akvitle hospital foc "HARPER' srtger. Fiends isb hec aPALNW N speedy recovery.PALNW N hrs. Wanda Anuzis mos a CARTOON - New Yars Day holiday risitor sith friends in Long Branch. ADULT ENT Mrs. T. Snoose rsited ber sis- erin-tam, Mrs. Isabel McDom- el] aI London on Tbucsday. THURS.-FRI.-SAT. January 5. and ond ber inilit hcalth. "THE TROUBLE WIT! Hailon County 4-H Hornema- HAYLEY MILLO king Achîcrement Day iii bc hetd on Stardav. Januacy 14, CARTOON -"R in St. Pauls United Cburcb Christian Edîîcatiîîn Building. 1Jadging tîil bc in the morning SHOW TIMI wit a progrom and asiards in SUNDAY THROUGI 1the îlternoon. Ail are cordially FRIDAY AND BATtIt invited ta attend. 1 Birtbdav greetings ta George Maxted ian . ,Rileen Marsb- JAN LC"- in color rT - ALEX CORD - "BORINO IN" IERTAINMENT rday et 2 p.m. i. 12-13-141 JAN. 15.16-17-18 -in color -LAUREN BACALL "fMOEY DUCK" [ERTAINMENT JAN. 19-20-2 rH ANGELS" - in color -ROSALIND RUSSELL "OBIN HOODLUM' MES - WEEKDY JRDAY AT 7 AND 9 P.M. n M M M TO YOUR EAR AND LISTEN I THAT'S THE SOUND 0F A NEW TRAFALGAR MOTORS FORD AT 60 M.P.H. QUIET, ISN'T UT' SEE ONE AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS TODAY 0 THE SOUNDEST QUIET CAR YOU EVER OWNED!1 NOW IS THE TIME TIS S THE PLACEÀ for th. hast selectioin of a mew Ford - or a goci usai car MOT00R SM R0RD Co. LTD. ---------- 878-32721 .21

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