Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 18

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IgThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Janusey il, 1967 - Our Readers Write- AT WILAT PuICE INDUSTIAL PROGPRSS? Dear Sir: For sumeune living milen away and unaffected by blaxi- ing, expouding the fine vie- tues of the quarriex comtex easy. Leading lip ervice la de- fease of the quarries ix cheap, as long as someone elses hume sostains the blast damage. Ctcsing dcwn the qurrles has acter been suggesled. The losa cf jobs bas been injected inta the contrcversy, la a weak ut- tempi to gain public syro- paihy. and cioud the real is- sue. Giviag coasiderution 10 only about 200 residenis and esctuding ail the oibers lx a verv narrow-minded approach. As siated in a intter tu your paper, only about 200 derive a living front the qurries, each earning about $5000 per year. Thats less than $100 a week: nt a great deal o money by îodays standards. To erm iis amouel. the non-union worker must seork muny hours in es- cess af the standard 40 hour week. Oui of this amouni must be paid the high cost of living, and the seemingly e n l1 e s s mortgage pavments. Q ua r ry workers arc not onike othet home uwners and spend mucb ut their lives paying for their homes. Many are as coaceen- ed about blasi damage as otb* er residents, but understund- plaint Fise îhousand dolars a seue i, not enough il ycur emptoyers btasting damages the home vout abor so long tu pop for. Looking lorward t retirement wth only u pen. sio to mintain u hume thui i, continually showing crack5 n the plaster, foundatton unc brick wo rk,. rettes a glocen% luture indeed, Hstndred. of home cwner ive around the quarries, b work elsesshere; manv bacc ai ineome tar eseceding a meagn $5000 per ycr and hav, home nsestments that couli cot be allcrded on an incota or $5000. There are larme. wiih tune siaiely old homes ihai wil survive for many st more yeurx if ihey cun escape ed tise biasi damage. Regardless th of the home's cost, i ix lait musc cases al each of os tan t afford and therefare highly r prieed. Why shouid any Cam- i pany be aliowed tu cause damt- age ta millions of dollars g werth ut pruperty? le is un josi lu milect damage and h bardshtp ol tnt degrec on in nocent huoneis~t. Meuns other thun blusttttg must bc ond to extruel thea rock. No rehabilitation plan c can beal cracks in plaster or t fouesdiaiins or graw rock back t cato a crutnbled escarpmeai.f This surely cannt be pro- gress, damaged pruperty and r defacing natural beaoty. The1 damage of natures bcuuty t musit aîl into the calegory 1 with air and waier pollution.1 i oiien sootder what price we are especird 10 puy fout indus- trial progress und profit. Ifi industriai pro gress continues. s eI have mure uir and water tpollution, and eventualînv plant .cntainfation,. piles o crum- i ble-d rocks and in the end, they i mu y succeed la annihiluting r the bumun race. ,RtonChrto heud of1dossessers Iý Town of Milton assexxar John Charlio nWs reiurned as rchirman cf the Haîhan Couniy Assesscrs' Association t the " Assciations year.end meeting " recenily in the Oukville Muni cipal Building. it Officiatine with Mr. Chari- is on troaghout 1967 wili be Id Steven Sane, assessor for Es 'y quesine Township as secreiary- rs Aso an haud for the meet- t ng werc P. Gý Gilis. Directur in of Assessmcr.i for ;he province re of Onario and Jobti McTuvish, e Regionai Directer of Asesx- d ment for ihis area. te Assessment la the urea wax s discussed wit't Mr. Gilli. The Niagara Escarpment bas itood for centuriex unmoieoi- ed. Now fouima bas begua he destructive iask of learing ls face. To wilfuiiy deface na. oure's creutions ix flot man's right. Il eume i010 aur genera. ion for sufe keeping and shouid be passed onlo the nsi generution in ilis original siate. Atre tee ta heur the disgruce of having atlowed ils defacemeot? The responsibility 1cr pro- icction of thc escarpmeflt rests mosi heas'ily on the destroyer and those in Local und Provin- cial Goveroment. Tisus far, their lack of action condones the crime and no protection for the escurpment or bomne owner bus been provided. How much longer wiil they wuit? Residents are generaily agreed thut control over blasiing ix long overdue, and are uppailed tu see the luck of concern shosen. If ibis situation ix ai- lowed îo continue, unuttended, il muy be time for the voters of Halion to make a careful evaluation of ail our levels of goeernmeni representalion and perhaps il wiii warrant a thor- ough house-cleaning. Wiif Foriowsky. M/iltea Pharmcy 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 COSMETICS lizaeth Ardel Du Barry-Max Factor CnlNAgency for LAURA SICORD CANDIES ' ŽYoiI ~1O~~i 9AVIN09~ during out Mid«WïtotIbrifi OLD FASHIONED JAN. 11-14 Ice Cream 9 ~Haf Gallons c aa20c %n.Sho ai orte I, las REG.$115 Choose f rom hese Buteroch f.hcslute RîPPle Cof n delicious flavours Ripple Strttsherrs Banana Split Back Cherrs Lhttt.'late Cherrv Vanilla Whie They Lst afficWanu Orange Pin pPI OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM CD FREEZER PAK 4 ICE CREAM HALF GALLONS Sok opun Rou c liohndlueCam-ai, 'Rg. i1cnu%% tshnsou huyV nfours. $460 s3.79 JAN. 11-14 ROYAL CORONET CE CREAM SHERBET PINTS PI1NTS- CORANGE hose whu love de- C LMONUMEluxe qualiqyice cream " PINEAPPLE can save on Coronfet " CHAMPAGNE2Itu S SAVE 14c Reg. 35e SAVE 16c " JAN. w ijt It Right JAN. 11-14 1114 AI Ail Dealers Dsplsying Ibo Royal Ice cruel Signs Compare at 31cF Garden Valley0 Choice Quality A Compare Mt 29cF McVitie & Price BISCUITS - 5 5;$ ZERO - For Woollens (0WD WATEI SOAP -49< Compare Mt 39c O A GEF.~ 46-oz. Tins 3 Compare at 3 for 38cF Kennel Club D G F O 0 1$ 15-oz. Tins OF OD1 R1 Compare Mt 2 for 43cF Gardon Valley0 Choice Quality P T T E Compare at 2 for 71c - 400s F KING SIZED - SUNKIST KLEENEX ()IP79 EATINO ITISSU ES ~~ IORANGES ________________________________________________ REG. $1.19 DOZ. Compare ait 41 c - Betty Crocker jPIE CRUSTF$ 89 d iMX Pkgs. 3No. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___WHITE Compare at 89c - Easy Off - 7-ai. Tins ~~SPRAY 2R1 01 d49 i GET YOUR ROYAL ICE CREAM SPECIALS AT LED WITH 'S

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