"'Poriraitsc Jan. 26 f ir Mitnsfrtmajor project ot a centenniai nature, a fam- oua iistorical tasiion pageant, wtt be presented at the Wtl- tiams Ave. 90gb Sehoot on Thursday evening, Jaouary 26 at 8 p.m. The 'TPortraits of the Past" tashion show wiii be under thse sponsoeship ot the John Milton and Sarahs Martin chapters of the IODE. and proceeds wil go toward Multons observance of the Dominion cestenniaI. The presentation consits ut 39 women's costumes dating from the visits of earty explor- ers to the eaely 1900s. Repileas of the dresses worn by such tamous women as Ma- dame Champlain, Mes. John Graves Simcoe and Laura Se- cord are inctuded ini the show. 'Membees outhtie two cisap- ters and many riends from Miton women's organizations ...t modelthtie costumes. The Show is touing tise pro- vince under tise auspices ufthtie Ontarjo Centennial Ptanning Brancis. a division ufthtie Ont ario Departmcnt ut Toorism and Inormation. tt has ai- ready visitcd many major communities in tise province inctuding Acton. and has hetp- ed raise thousands ut dotlars for local Centennial cetebra- lions. In addition tetise contrib- ution it has made 10 Centen- niai tund - raining, t has help' ed stimotate interest in tise tlOtis irthday of Contedera. tion. Costumes in "'Portraits fromt tise Past" were designed atter j extensive researcis in otd books, magazines and istor- cal documents, but are made ut modcrn tabrics using mod- en drcssmaking techniques. Tiis ias enabted tise cos- tumes to stand up to repeat- cd use and disptay - even thougis some of tise originats from wiich tiscy were taken. sucis as Oueen Victorias wd- ding deess, were intended 10 be worn oniy once. BSoes of tihe garments were dcsigned for wear on format occasions, 5'Oisie otisers are modetted alter tise daity gars woen by pioncer women and Indian maidens. DOUBLBRNG ceremony unit- md Kathleen Wilson, daughteu of Mr. and ters. Alexander Wilson of 390 Woodward St. and Raipis Dvd Bond of Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bond of Canso, Nova Scolie in merriage, December 10 in Grace Anglican Church. of Past" fashion pageant rst local centennial proie Tise show inctudes an ex- ample ufthtie Paris styles woen isy Hetene de Champ- tain, tise chitd - bride ufthtie famous -Freochs explorer; a Vic- tories riding garment. costum- es iiustratlng tise dres uttise k t sives ofthtie provincial Prem- These tacts iselp iers at Contederaîlon time, and enticity lu tise ai many othees. lue ut the c05101 Inte ieommentary, some "Portraits (rom inteeesting and little known interesting bist bistoricet tacts about Canadas ment as wetl as eariy women arc contained. ing presentatior BWND 1THE SCEMES in tise fashion presenta- ion, "Portraits (rom tise Paît", a production worker anisîs in prepering the costume of Madame Helene de Champlain mors by a young model. Madame de Champiains maid Dend- Wilson Katisteen Atesande ýWilion, daugis er ut Me. and Me .AI- exander W'ilson ut 390 Wood' s-ard Ave., 'Mitton. became tise s-iteutf'Ralpis David Bond ut Milton, son ut Me. and Mes. Juisn Bond ut Cansu. Noua Sus- ui, n December 10 in. Grace Anglican Cburch. Milton. Tise cisuecis s-s decorutud s-itis bouquets utfs-hite cisry- santbemums. subite snapdra- g uns und pink carnations tue Ltise double-ring ceremonvs eTise rites were perlormed bs' Rev. De. Thsomas Dustun s-itis 1'Mes. A. J. Ledwitis as urgan. Tise bride s-ore aknee -lenglis gos-n utfs-hite lace s-ish a s-hite net iseuddress. Sbe caeried pinis roses and white carnalions. ,Miss Sandra Fox, cousin ut tise bride, s-us bridesmaid. s-earing a deess utfbiscu'itb w-hite accessories. She carried w-hite carnatiuns and pink susootisoet roses. Tise bride s-as giren in murtage by ber tatser. Groomsman waa RussellItng' lis, triend nI tise groom. Foltos-ing tise ceremunv. tise reception s-as iseld utthie brides isome su b 20 peuple !rpresen t. ?r 'Mes. Alenander Wilson ce- ccived for ber duugbtee in a tout bluocs-ont dresus 'iiis S.mat.iîgis.t anîduucosage ut 01pinis ruses. r For tise departure (rom tbe reception. tise bride s-urea teal bNue suit s-itis blacks acces- Growth of Canadian churCh study for centennial year ip bring autis- tlamor and go- nes. and make 1tise Puni" an toricat doco- san entertein- tn ut tansions. loks on, centre. Tise special Centennial-flav- ored tashion show mili be presenlnd in Milton Higis Suhool auditorium on January 26 by Miltons Iwo .O.DE. Chapters. wedding "uieandla coesageioftpins sus eethbet ru rses. Tises suitibc residing ut Milton Coturt Apueiments. On' tario St. Mr. and Mns. Chaîrles Pue- ton. gruviparentsuofthtie bride.,.înd Mes. Ravmond Webster. grund-aunt out ho ASH Reception honors newlywed couple Bp Mrm. George Pellette-lo About 150 friends and neigis- bues s-ere s-eteomed et tise home ut Me. and Mes. ICarl Carts-right on Seturdey atter' nuon and euening lu meet tise nes-lymeds. Sisaron and Amrit Kejurie. Donne Meredithsut tise R.C. N.. Siears-ater, N.S., n vecat- iuning at ber houme for tise nextt so s-eeks. Me. and Mes. George Peltet. cerin and Me. and 'Mes. Gor- don Sinclair ettended tise mitis marketing board convention, banquet. enteeteinment and dance at tise Rovet Yorks Iotet lest Wednesday. Mr. and PIes, Dlave Peletter. on ut Apples-ood He i giht s, Coobsville. mere dinner guents un Sundav wustiste Peitetter- A miscettaneouusios-er tue ,Witmu Sisarpe ws-e ed on 'Monduy nigist et tise hume ut 'Mes. William Merediths. Wilma mas tise eceipient ut many love- ty gifîs. bride. aitended the sedding f ront Georgeowsn. Thse suet ding cake suas mide ubte brides, gr.ndlmî,Itei. Mr,.Par- PriurIo ,,ber m.rieteMiss Wît sun unasluîired uitb Hultin Couvis Adiniinîutrit. ion Buildling', N<uenv lier 29. and aiiscel.incu, ssb:iuue bser isome, belut bu ber couîsinî Saîndraî Fox, Nire nîber lit TiseLadies' Aid of Nassagit- weya Presbyterian Cisueci met on T'hursday, January 4 et tise home ut Mes. CiEf Nicholson. Tise president, M,'s.V. Morris, opened tise meeting by reading (rom "Thouýgiss for Todey". Tise iymo "Onwerd Christian Soldiers" wes sung, fotiowed by tise Lord's Frayer. Tise min- utes were read by Mrs. J. Ru- borts and approved. A di scussion touis place about the guud wurk and in- ui cstis te Boys' Club of tise Church and $25 was tu be giv- en tu them 10 belp mils tiseir prujects. Preshyterian celen- dars were sotd and ordero tekt- on lu iselp tise boys. Tise lest quilî s-as sotd and e date ar- eangod for a future quilting on January 10 et Mrs. Mutien's houme. Tise meeting ciosed with the 'symn: "Stand up, stand np for Jesus". The Women'a Missionarv Su- ciety isold tiseir meeting im- medietely tullos-ing. s-itis Mrs. Multen presiding. Arrange. ments were made for tise Wueld Day of Frayer to be isold Peisruary t10 attse cisurcis s-itis tise s-men of Ebenezer Cisurcs ettending as guosts. Tise Seripture, Apusties 1, 1-14 s-as read by Mrs. Cuse, and Mrs. Beck led in prayer. Mrs. Roberts gave a shsort and per- tinrent Noew-Yeur's verse. Mr'.. Nurris ttîen tuok tise lrttesson (rom tise now stu- dy boul' "Tise C'turcs Gros iCanada". Members s-ere ad- s ed to be reedy lu eccept tise cisaltenge lu move foriverd in nour cisurcis and community. ris study bookis i, speciatly planned for tisis cv'ntenniai A short istory ut Canada s-as given s-itis mention of tise Frencis ieginnings ut our court- try and tise tact tiset Frencis Canada sent mure bhan tiseir ssearcofutmissioneries to tise îuueld. In 1764 tise first Pros' bvteian misuiunarv s-as sent1 your wife was just voted amost beautiful neighboie she hasn't an excess wrinkle.. or a imp hair problem... and she threw away ail her dry skin creams. out lu Londonderry, Nova Sco- lie. Then United Empira Loy' atists came lu Canada. Manv immigrants regrcttcd tise "sit- ont seisheibo" miere onty tey' men took charge but w-io coutdnot conduet e session meeting. Tisen a presbytery necessery (or tise ordination ut mininters. mas tormcd and su tise uburcs grem. Tiseisostess, Mrs. Nicisolson, suas tisunked (or ber kindness n offeriii ber bus-e for meet- ings andlthe bymo- "Standing at tise Portai ut the Opening Year" ws-us ung to comptete bhe attetonoon Mainor bazaar wiII honor Halton towns A ditterent Hetton ts-n s-iti be isunured eacis yeer in e Spring Bu caur under tise or- ganization ut Halton Contes' niai Manor Wumen's Auniliary, s- as decided et tise W.A.'s regutar montisly meeting Wed' nouday. Mrs. Stan Allen, president. sselcumned tise Ausiliary isack ater tise bolide y seasun, and itrs-lucvd une news momber. It Ru isoped tisai by featuring bhe tws- oune per bazaar an- nually, ail tos-nss-ili oventu- aill base isolped et une pro. gras- Tise Auniliary woutd be pleased lu iear ut any groups s-isu ld vîttunteer to iseip in deeurating a s-ing outhbIe Manur tue dittecrent seasonu or d.îys, lise Easter Spring. Pull, Hullus-uen or Christmas. Handieraf I work sessions s-ut begin et 2 p.m., Tbursdey, Januurv 12, and every w-eek tisereetter. Tise meeting s-as adjourned and tise Auxitiery inspected pictures pasbnd into a Manne bistuev bv Mes. A. Wilson. Pesiuus tu tise meeting, a pot luis lunciseon ws-e ed. want to know why? MOTHERS!e IS BABY BONUS CONTEST TIME AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE ON JANUARY 21 st A ORAW TICKET WILL BE PULLED PROM THE BOX AND THE WINNER WILL RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF NER BABY BONUS IN CASH. JUST PAY FOR ANY PURCI4ASE, SMALL OR LARGE, WITH YOUR BABY BONUS AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE, F111 IN A DRAW TICKET WITH VOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND AMOUNT 0F CHEQUE. AND DROPIT IN THE LUCKY DRAW CONTAINER IN OUR STORE. Take dvntage of mOur January Sale - Save * :r rj - * mney end in have Rh.u opp.erwnhyte wln Wbléý yes.r Baby Banus m.sR.ySTR ln fRail- - - - - - - - - FOR YOUR GAS APPLIANCES SEE RICHARDSON'S 2R aDin tMlon Phone 8786949 -Photo by W. Merle Gur** LINDA LAURA GUNBY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burdge R. Gunby. West Town Line, Burington. became the bride of Eric Karu of Petawawa on December 30 in Lowv ile United Church. *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEYtTV PHARMACY. 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - After Ifours 87"61 FREE DELIVERi' - REVION COSMETICI K.H. ELS1EY. B.Sc., PhM.