Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 16

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86 The Canadian Champion, Wodnesday, January 11, 1967 That Section 13 «populaion building, structure or lot, and/ shop, a drp rieaning establish- (4) Interior ide yard mini- ing in le thereof the word That Bylaw 1130 la amended lensl is amended by deleting or ment, a machine laundry, a con- mumi width, 20 fi. "etot b lndltn 6 b eeig1elte C 19 LEGAL ail amended Il deleting Secl Subsection 13.3. t e in7Sbeto,2 n dig(b) otte non - libiytdn rrosyr rao, ok 5 xeirad admn-li .word, oc eSt etion"Ds th er dting th laeutero Ce aet- ________________ In Il Iuseon 2 ndad That Section 13 is amended trespuaine, safety or caution sbop or equipmenî yard of a mum widtb, 30 ft. tr mni ats,.id o sei is.iiitng lieu t biherienth aratap Inle bro:by adding thereto: sgn not exceeding ilo (2) sq. decoralor, inteelor decorator, (6) Laadscaped open space lpeuvteerfor"contthuity 0f Inn '01'. PU L'EIs b7)eltt)sg(6)sponaoredpe spcetbereof tbe words "MI Zone" f Section 22 "Conservation is. P B I M E T N G ( ) 2) ()That 1y-law 1-170 (132) (12) M unicipal or Pb. fi. in area; and/or display designer or I g erector, m inimum , 3)% of the lot ra. (p o rds). r o tnu t f htri -aw11 30 i m n 'Milton Planning Board sehaPY rs, communication services, two (2) sq. fi. in area, including Class "B", a loclsmltb t ne guis- mum, nol 10 esceed 80 fI. That By-law 1130 la amended y deieting the word "Subaec- t cuitteratepayera witia b b a ftna ais sessage pumping sationts, gas [ramr, indieuing tbe name and smii's shop, a aboe epatr 'by deietiog tbe word 'fiDistricc" lion" in Section 22.3 and Insert- ,( frbTumn habtt,huainsrgltn rmtr upv a rfssion uf a pbysiciun, den- mans sbop, an upholterers .pruviding that if any portion i Scton206 niserting inb ' Wlieu thereof the word or otbee puepoaci in any part oe cilities, provided Ibal sucb ser- tis:. osîeopalb or chiropraclor, shots, a laboratoey, a cuatim f a building is erected above a lieu thereof the Word "Zone", '"Section", PROPOSED the 'Municipality la probibiled. vices be conlained wiiin a mua include a free standing ori worksbop, a private commere- beigbi of 30 fi., sucb portion Ta By-law 1130 "lieavy Il> 1Tbai By-law 1130 ila amendied inngrmobccsi el b rack fomlie frote dustrW Zone - 1f2" is amgendiedby deleline tbe figures 156" AMENDMENTS Tbat Section 81 "Parking harmony iîb the adoint in res lbr oserdban ((se (5) eell If) la] gar Stud. etc cset ay 'nerin add ronutsebyhadding to Section 21.1: and inserîing in lieu tbeeeof toi Space" is deleted and tbe foi- idential- buildings and csntorm lÉrom tbe neares t lot fme: usd/jbusiness office, an office buitd- ymrnirui remnsieorIisBy-îrage.) 2)of gnsorateriaalsnaiedi Scto lowing is subsituted therefor: ing tu ibearea rectirements fr reorrte ing, a pflm ebange i, arlssmnmmfot ie o er (11 2 pn irgtN 16"a otie i eto By-Law' No. 1130 rTbe foloming is the chedule 'utch buildings, ci ne ,îît,srt-l ltttmitti lrpoorpbrssui, awam afurîber distance of one shah be permitled oulside any TbtB-a130iamne eferred 1: Triat Section i3_5(il , bt>,tt,,dl igu 5, notexr cl draugting office, amotion pc o o abfu ywibbidn epe.bat be open b y-a 3 saddnm en 29- the Zoning By-Law of "nded bs' deteting Stibectso rî îstrîcteil :l q.I l i tn aiea, turc studio, o broadcasttng sucbutortiah onut b16e hbuil ig exofoudaor at eoe vals Mpa".Tbetecap onîîacbe <4.) 'ry~ r Mîueofuld-and insertiof in icu thereof: attacbe: Io tbe street lace ut dis comrial arbool, a erce abp egîo 30 fi. may be permitted tu the rear ohereto are an iniegral part of the Town of Milton, îng or Structure Milno (IteheSd Yr: 1e building used lur a reigions newapopper office.' (0) Pabearki g ht o~~0 hmo b adi b ain whicb appears belnw. Riiiied Bulding iFaclliel".scbool, a sersvce clu associa- (g9)Service aspietc. - a er- u'Scio bl apy bemi uldn rsie bt ibis the-landfor tbe vurpos o Apatmntdwllng (a mniumof12fee o o tolaIubicorsucbutonl penvie natorageop ababe fSeunes8shllabereinbeforene provided.ons erinefreprvied Will be held in the Aaten wlln ouse, side poses, desigsativg ssIiy 16e'sbop, a ladies' bairdressing Tbal B y-tam 1130 la amended cessory lu the use of the main COUNCIL CHAMBERS (hb) minimum ut 24 frcet an' same and porpuse of sucb buildi ,sbop, a massage parlor, a dry by deleling lb, letiers "'MC" fol- building on the lot.Tborc ByIlam weill mmte anto- apaces per dwellittg unit. siber ide wiîouî an attacbed ing mas inclutîr a t ree standing' cleaneras distribution sation, a lowise the mords "escept a",in (b) no alorage is located duos- utva] Otro Muiia TctsdyJa. 2, 97 prsae eadene-.5pak-gara"e. or illuminated sigs nut esceed- spotting and sais re' Secti 20.1 and inserting in lieu er thas 30 fi. lu any street "ine. aord. At 8 p.m. ing spaces for eacb dwelling un- (c) minimum ut 12 fer: osng-1ifîcen Il5) sq. fi.. ssichýsbop, a band laundry, an auto- therel:-"CY". (Changes "MC" Tisai'By-lam 1130 Is amended * * ~il iberein. botb sides when building, in bat ul 6t bcdoser than tes (10>, matie laundry and dry cleaning uelu')Zo.)by deleting the worda Cms Section 2 of the By-iaw deais Hotel, motel, privaI, boiel - cludes an attached garage. Iceaiffram thesneareatt lise' establishment, a shue shine That By-law 1130 is amended merdiai Osarry" iv Subseclion Information relaiing to tbe 1ib Depnair.igpace for r ev er edr per- (dl)minimum o) 6 fret liior titeen t(5) tee rom as sn- shop, an automobile service Ia- 6vdeleling 16e mords "MI Dis- 5 of 21.1 (proibiti quarries in abuse Propoaed amendments (43) (a) Dwelllng Unit, Bacise-1parking space foresery 4 lIer- addiionalaorapartialsm sons that crs 6e accommodated racb stuc tri s p 1 r - ttttn led ion tn cbsand, aansi- IlrinivSection 20.1 (1) (d) Ibis Zone). py 6e obtained by railing ai for: means a dwelling unit con- aiany une timne isbeverage ry abuse t6e irs: stores' terl a snnset lftîm iatd mal buspitl, a duplicating sbop,l and isserting in lieu thereof 16e That Bs-tam' 1130is amedied [lie Planning Board Office, Mon- isting of ose bathroom and one rom iorlng, dnn Exiertor Sîde Yard: minimutm:(inthe sîrecitfare of a building a prinlief sbop, a parking lot,! surds "MI Zone". (Changes , digl eto 11()orpIBidnbients livingrdinn, sleeping akt ren nuriand/ormeeting room. îsîdtb 30'. iis-atrc rtgitîsa scbssl. pub iarcar wsahing establishment, a ivord "ditrict"lu "M" Zone.> railway sersicisg and repair bours of I and 2 anp afiernoon. liviger room slproiing adt-ein1. lie oriit sutîssal pro 's1cotd storage locher plant. Thut B-tam 1130 s amended yraml rbeddsrbt .S ENOA) chn crmodlo. A tven ublic ouse andl That Secion 13 is ame ded 'ni . . v porposes.:. isrbu- .S.KENGHN commemmdaon rilclub I esaue for deluting Section 13.5 (2) (dutpex: itntstv fsraised lInters af i(b) Siorage - astrg se!haadn1hrto s eo.as omril Chairman. (52) Converted Dwel llng eey -eroa htc6ea-1melsg iard tssucb a tace of 16e: bouse, a rold storufe plant, al (20.1) (21 Tranaportti.onand stable.ERESertay Mosane: means aer d4ln -bouses e md ted a an ne lie. ThallnSet 1Id' 13( mse ibîtg. suai lettre sut lu es- Irocen food proresa plant, a 150- Distribution: a Ilay a rail- a Bslie.0( mse E .PAE.Sreuy erected more iban 35 yers and dri'S:îs133 dobecr atr(2 nhe s rliepat say station. 6vdîîng1emrd "Subser- 93 whirh bas been or is proposed Place of ssembîs - i saureen e tionb13g5t, attd the ltotal areauof 16ei () Sales oulels - a builders That Bp-tam 1130 is amended lo"i eto 21.3 and masrri- lu bc altered or rnnverted an as for every S persons of 16e seul- duptex dîsrttisg bouse> sur:face actstII scîîî'rrrd 6v ',ch supply yard, a relail coul, coke, by adding lu Section 20.1 (in.-ivg in lieu thereof "Section". 1 lu provide therein îwn or more ittg raparity. Th,ît Sections 13 is amrvded i tr t t 5: u rarerd ightees îvoud, packaged il produels, a dustrial "MI" Zone): Tbat B tas- 1130 is amended deln nt.A reluit store. morkahop, a Ultivg Section 135 (4) (ari-,(1l)tsel. t., deigvatitsg olthss lumber yard; these produets (21(3OpnSoae-0 hadigieet:' e dwlln nua tuio o seric eispaue mcvi bouse). rame and pilepus ici -uc6 build shall be slored sithint a build- ltrg ta pnStrg la S 2.) (11 (a)in "'No auug par, ugrundorp sytie d io f seaprie hiý7f ddorh ' or gonds or materiaM J (108) (a) "Park" meansa afor every 200 square t iof That lis-lasa1130 lis,îmevdedl (0f ing. shi21e.5rm)te(o1)ie (yaard o m oor sehice me whirh may include one or more ,Pundsopigrnrge-i3lOf îelPrinbr '(i) Signa - 16e provisions of building encept thut t6e ope ing yards shaîl b6 eril aIbleti ilsfild hussPlfieshppnldnte,,e-(1.7iefSteedPikiboasesNaàin heetT ecl 1 h)shl-i surgAo.god MOOtril swimin pols wuingpols:era rtinremnt- 3 saues for provisions tif Sections g shaît ap 1(147) Off Street Parking: Tc (k) Ara requlregmns - No îsoy 6e permitted lu 16e reur (b> oto l sehc Repai or T." il greenouse, bo ooila gre rery 150 sq. fi. of fluor saue. pts. Provisioins ol Section 8 shatt ap peraun shoîl withis ap "C3" ufth1e main building, pruvided ops CAas 'A" seOB"ssRE zoologicul gardens, 6usd standa, A tourist home, boarding That Section 14 "Resideollail P%. ifane erraI or use any building, bat: oulrslorugerf or domuged INSURANCE I s rldighue-1Ue V saede vdlt, 1 itdt ceetdo lvileamuai have Iis ar skatng rnka tenis curt'eboseso couinrbous SECUseIONR"-( ,îmvde 6v etet. SCTrO use REIDE(aAL pemilîdplune rertd oruae'Sa)suc upestorge ar onloed ln]ai sids 6 a biad-CAMBILL-L_ bowling greens, bot liveriea apurce for each bedroom iherein. :vg Section 142 3) and insert USES - R3 iv 16e Zone, unIras municipal cessory lu 16e use ufth1e main u f a soid fence lu a' bIdghtRLVIL oalbing stations, curling rioka ht trgoclra 0 fi ie hro' ' T,î l as13 îetrdpiped mter and semers are as- building un the lot. uf ut teost as(6) feet abuse 854-227 1 refreshmenl boothsa, m pemeket. rther similor self- 1142)(3) A Cnvered Dwel Thialîddîîîg th 30eerlît d ailable and encepi in strict or- 11nostoabrge s located clos- sîreel lever. areus, fir grounds, reas for srvieeslubrisbhments - 3 spur- îog Houae: A dweltivg mitre' c21o"Aprtmntsdance mitb 16e flomv ethan 30 feet lu anp aireel gofcourses, or imilaruse s. sfor evers 100 sq. fi. sles reatban 3.5 %:cars Id. and ha' rc,sus a112 l Aatm Cheduale ut Accu Rmuirementa: lise. ('101lb l'rk PositerAn. ofiepbiiulig-:f ilsage and ize bas beumel u (1) Coverage maximum for (c) ap portion ufth lbareos mea08s(ha Park th r tha ac, pulcb-ili'g-bstlete lite a singte limitatie. Tbt tîaa 1130 is ,amendrd bulding, 50%. lused lue openstorage mhere il The Dirertoca of Voue lic park. (a> a building containe 3 or masi hcacncer led for more :î aa(:lîg Ibreeto' (2) Lot frontage minimum, 50 dues sot od3in the oulside mure office suites, i parking than single famits use. and pro-I (153) (3) "Apselmesi fouse", fi.aainI6ebldgisncud VCTRA ODRofNRE (108) (cI "Park Publi"meuns sace for every 300 sq. fil.of vîded ihai eacb dc1wlivg untilt (Lj:LLt: t.gr minimmv Is1 3)Ltdp0 iium 3 yof ten buidngis ls (etncbriehI ITRANO RofN RE park oived or ronlrnlled by fluor saue therein; .(b) a build- brestabîisbed theris shah 6be fi1frum3)e gousndeSncbmienemumv1321Branci t6e Corporation or bp any ing in mhich there are les hl 't self-cfi.li[rdmlmtheig uni uiI. 61 I ii île: tit vîmul: 20.1611 Board. Commission, orcriber 3'utffice esuites, i spore f or every su:: Iras ihas 600 square (cci 5 4 rn ad iiuof0 bl 'epraet uurp niepuO 6 Autbority estubliahed underany 200 sq. fi. of fluor saue Ihere- lou spaîr.,înd luriher pruîvid-lu. I'osd. and/or plastie controc- stablute 16te Province of Ont- 1on.cdi bai ihere us vo caierior ,ad-' (i ::Liuiri.max~5iim1(5)29 Sîdeyard minimum, 15 fi, ion mth a ratoof uts o uso- ario. ja) ~~A fatorp, a indutriali dtios or iatîcra ion shaît b' Pet-îocnt.î (6) Rear yard minimum, 25 cesnt grso' ilntfil.pe That By-lum 1130, as omended, building, o mrebonse - 1I auel macle oh ch atî ateriatîs' a1 I-' 'l'Frontd( 16eminiruge orna us sut via-T is amended bs deleling Section [nreveery 300 sq. fi. ut fluor' ierethe eteruîîr appeirasce andI lId( rorde. nyesribair (2) (109) and inerting in lieu apue therein, rtan orreca,: e u 6lulig ea e: ui::ii 1( ,ocase.ahaillide and rear pard he ltrontspatton h i ANN ihereof: foreve,ýry 3 emnplopees. wich-' That Section 14 as armevded ha il) Sude sard minimumo dis-b 6es ira th1e beigbl ut t6e sigbt thal is perpendirular 10U IL t4 ETIo 11091 ~ ~ ~ I "Prkn At"m hs vrs1e gruel lletiîIl Subecios .5 (1) (g)ý taneuii:.r tu th:e lîcig(ît ai the~ building mcasnred from gradel th centre meini the treet or JN AY1,16 as rea prosided by 16e omner (b) An office loroled in as sn-1 ad insrtîsg in letishaes) îbuiding meastrd fttiohe1 fise lu under-side outcaes. ebtap enior J1016e ion-96 or ocupant ut land, und used dusirial building or factory. ai (This amendtement reduces:2. ic utt:iheititside uof (1) Off-alneet parking - The genîs nI ilto 1tehentre tue the parking of motur veis- marehouse - 1I aue for esery louer aI tir oenr ud îon-bl) 'hr itesiprvsin f etinOabl ge-lnt, ut16eatreeintsin 16e caetoe Lusk Hall cIra; and inludes ail related 200 st fi. tierein. s'ieus and 2-stores hîtîteý.) tg: A plantîngtrip 211Il %vde PI- acOe tee.S O N sIM E HR and egreas launes, ad pivale ciber (han tiss lisîed in ibis FtIcor Ares minimum: ove s ot : audscapîng putptises onlyth~1e ide and rear loi uines arc by deeting 16e figure "l2"utOofeOtai garages:;but dos nul inlude Table - t parking spore for es- es. 1050 %q. Il.; ove and ose-halli (hi Posioîns ut Section 14.51contiguoons itb 16e boundories Section 20.1 and iosertiog in8.0.. ans part ut a public street. ery 300 sq.If. ut gruas fluor aor- tores, 1250 sq. fi,l; tw stores. 4 : iii Bs las 1289 shah tlv IaRsdetaPoePopais hro 6 fgr 11 a .0pm Thata Section I2l Subseciional Tea. Sec115 tio i4 l4rgh masumuum 75 ivg slrip oui lesa thon ten (10) (prosidea for cunsecutise nom- (t1)If) tB-tam 1130, s smend- Ta eto Rloia htSciî 4 ,rîr 3luitBIlaw 1130 is amcedd tet ide sali be prosided. bernne). Refresbments mill ed. lia amended by deleing Sub- nes - Generl" saomended b' î:rletung Sectcion 145 l (dobte hN i :ltring the test (ii Section lînilmtation of use - Not- That Bp bmw 1130 lia amended bae secondi secio 110)andadinginlie -dding lberr:Lo t6e following~ duplex dwtlg anr uvserriug 1534 "Sîgvs and nsaertivg us lieu mithtandine anytbing berein by deleting tise word "Subser- sci(110) "ak ding in lieu l.( 5)(o Te i nim lieu149 13) emi-Ieahd:î: 4vsalips ouîia rnbrcmeca thereof: ..ubsection:i li1 t'belf 'thrr:1-:e preîîaiaiuuvs îof Sec- cusîained, nu manutacturing, lion" in section 20.5 and insert-I meuna an open area nîher tiss orngbc1efrnlolneuDmloe( sia:I i:Blatais1130 "Commere- operatios mich (a obnoxious by o street. used for 1e empor-ore lot in an R2 Zone, saolI!i ti)Liii rotagr minimuum 80 lai Uses - CV" s a.unded ha reasn of 16e emnission ut, odur, ar akn fmtrv lll ifleen (15) per cent greaterý ti (r.ih unit 411, .îîntîl hc-taitr:s "Pubicua ((h moke, nise, fumes, inders, ary~~~~~~ paknttmto heil~uas the length uf tise front 10ti 'no Liit aree, mnimîum 10,0t) i "tsitutiiinal aies ansd v'ibration, reuse, or mter cur- and available for public use et- lin, required by nbeelos 16cr free or for compensation. y . si . Ita CI. i u ech aniti 5000 ci.t) Public isrs" t:: Section 161 (a) ried muste aolI bc peemitted. Subsection (129) (a) Vslet The corser lot arcu mini-1 la> Liii cuaerage maxiîmum 25 rhtt Bs is% 1130 ia%,umended That Bp-lam 1289 umesding P t y u o l r Stoe sa survmi iretil mum salI 6e 8,600 sq. fi. tipre cent. hi drlting the iaiids "the 2nd" B-tam 1130, is amended bp add gtondslfsom utoreasîsh ees of(1121 (i) Garages AM/Or Ac- (Frui sarlîîvmu 9 Saîu 61îî,s vertuvg isg ibereto 18.1 (fl "Earh gaso- tise foîîoing tes rategories: Zsasory Buildings La R2 and R31î the-asîtds an"usotueait upper lise pump usd/or pump iland sttineycofZtoneris itogs. et Rersvard minimum 25 t: loussof asp building" us lieu used lu dispense fuel for sole t o k . . e r amober' reqisites, dairy pend- (a) No uerson salI eredt aýhro,(eieta s vrms cpae o esta acta, sus prescription drugi, acressorp building, mbher of)L Side yard minimum 1 .tf: "tores) fiftîen (15) feet from tise near- magazines and paper bocks pa a permanent or temporaly nul- g> Each unit Ilooe area mis' Triai Bylam 11301 la amesded est limit ut o street or higis-g o d in e e t ckagd an ranrd fod.oys, are on a lot ilb 1he oulside imam' I stores. 9001 %q. Itllý bv h adding bri::emrsmy and photographie supplies. edge ufth1e cuve css as Irece torev, 10-50 sq. Il,; 2 stores. 1250, "C:ummtuvuis Centre" tu Section Tisai B-bm 1130 is amended1 teet, s ivebes (3' 6") trom th.eq. 1Il 161 (c). by deleting Section 19 "Comn- Tht By-aw 1130, s aornded reareat lot ise and the peak ofl Thai Section 14 s ,îmesded 6v1 That Bs lum 1130 is amevded miercial Zones 'MC"'"and insert-.O R L C L TR S O P N iamended oy dding tbe odI buildings sal olI eneedi drletivg Section 145 41 lapari 6 v addinugto Section 161 Sub- usg in lieu tisereof: Y U O A R S O P N '~oermen Biling" 0linine cet, sin incises W9 6") frorn) ment, bouses) and isertiig in! ,rctinn (g) tbe utîrds "a busý (Formrauses permilted in loisg the mords "'Municipalth abvoerage grade. lieuî bercro bai an apacluievi staion". "MC" Zones base been transter- OFFERS YOU ... Buildings" in section 5.2. (b) The cumbined reas of hbouse uis volt ermitird in an R2 That BIslam 1130 ia,,umevded red int "C3" Zone and "MI" Thol By-aw 1130, as amendedi,îaccessorp buildings and garafes Zone exarpi 1he R2 Zoeons 16e ha dc-ttivg Section 164 (21 and Zone.) C E UN (~IIc R SR E A~ILT is aomended hy deitine tise hsllnulbuse a lot coserage ut casi ide of Onario Sreeti uuîritivu in lieu uhercf (go- Thissectio (s anem raegur mord "district" in section 5.7 more Iban 10% ofuthebloi accu. North, the Norihers boundars îuiîghie 1 uildiof(gv T9)iNstin ine AL ES 41rO/ and inseriing in lieu tiereof the (c) Sabsection (a) and (lb) hivg the suutberly limit of1th6et "sua h , htdior habul 6es)"(1INSIUT".LUESO mord "zone", (abal applp lu onlp lands upun Ct Zona. tha Eatarls bouvdaey grai'e tir hus75 (cclin height 1.) opronsa1iti sera td' fe vvo /i 6 pca SvnsSseeAu isoc Thol Section (5) "Ganerai Pro mhiris residences are cunstruct- 6-v 6eanelslmtut1etd nvît lling unit ihcrein ay()Zuooeaapbidn u 0 per aoui OcOotart' t'epet onSavnam esreve d c out n visit e ons"isoend b ddocd ops 16e le u tie p asig T:uw l Siit in a bd6e ouih 'ul eti at 0 u i sor structure for asp purpuse cx- 1~blneWien theon l, ulum(g1u1e-2)(2)ibis By-lam. l e- ruî tmtbeIvgone l' cept une or mure ufth1e fullum- ced,ted ta pou iv June and Decemnber minimum montlbanc.Wieo liona- (1.2)(2>No pferuns ao L.e-(v: l 16e Ml fuse. Hos Trial Bs )lam 1130 ia amcnded ing (1)uses, namely: îrecoved ousth, minimum quarereey cheques mof 6e ssued pou mop mth- (5.8) Noting in Iis By-lsm e967,ondiielln ng te Twnuurp 14.u 4)Arien ilous e ltiing Scrtin 16.5 Ipopîttat l)Reoldenial uses - uny balance. Areasonabte numleronI duoa' anyaounrt in pecaovn orby moi> i evntsthe uîond or the197osop udimrfseTmn. eqiemnntltin cielylreidestial use describrd in Sec- cheigues nn ap 6, ssued fee of charge' ai alp fil: erertion or use ofta building orot Milton, unless sp ar e is' luLi)Lot fromtage minimum 180 Tislui1130 is ,mendcd tion 151 hereot wbichis s cres- structure for ap underiakinglprovided for eretiion of aO r f.Ilhi% uvtra rring the tile "Com'. asry 10 a permitird Nos-Resid- G A A T E N E T E T C R IIA E aulbnrized or maintaioed gyage or rarpurt in contorntity, (hl Lot:ura minimum 20,0001 nia-tai',') C2- tu: puccede Sec-muai os ue. G A A T E N ET E TC R IIA E Goverumentol auuhoriîy or s mus Section 14.5 Il) and 15.31,q.fil. lton 1: (pta,ig ii: tileio propcr1 (h Non-resîdential uses - an Publie Utiliies Corporation,1 (1).1ta) t iic:ui'rage maimum 25 pla:e)î. ,ulivnitratite office orth1e Cor-.1./ mbere 1e Iand is uaed and Ibel That Section 12 "Parka", prcnTtB , îur11sacse oalion. the Couuviy the Pro- building or structure is erecîed amended by deletise Section 12~ (dl FrontisNard miniimum 35 lia îletivg Saton 18 aa li aerai Ostaritu or the Domin- in rontormnity iib 16e eslub- Subserlion (2) and issertine in 1lu.sciti::f:in ieI îliorcul Ire -ar.1ionv tut av,îda.,an ,rrva, o For a teiofo1,t2. 3, 4 or 5 peurs. vn odd or 5evnamusisfrom$1000 lished chararier outhIe Zone in ieu telsro:"a Pisote Park and (lRa ii mnmm4 ir.:uîivg test in il Zoe' ahuech. aucommusiis reer, a o10,0,yute-dps ar 61.pranrilIfeti ad whih i i siuatdpenidine a Publie Park". (This s o con- le) Rr,îrsari)EmiIALatZ.411*-lire hall ,îclub, as *associatiov ialf.year(y M chequse or wo-lt bdenios:ted I0 your susingsaorut. Ibal necesary parking 6ie ens denstion ut present secion.) ilî Side sed smivimumi dis -EAYCM RILZON -Ei tusli tutiovat bail, a home for tublished io sceurdonce ils tbe TisaI Section 13 s omended 6y lancee equa.l lu the heigbi 5i the C fieaged. a ait, a municipal provisions of Section O hereofdeletiof Section 13.2 (3) and in-buidigvie.surlfrtut thec 1(i'ublier--il police siatios 'Iard. a sursing bome, a parking YOU ARE INVITtO TO CAtt FOR FURTHER INFORMATION l59)Were radio transmit- setine in lieu thereof grouîîd fine iii the uîvîtr-siutrofa~î, litr hallt. iah'titrnem office, loti, a police station, a hoapilal. ing eqipmeol is uaed in con- (13.2) (3) A Cooverted Oseeli- the rases. [c tmuinicipal bathanît suinimiig a public lîbrars. a chool, a Buy (onction ilb any permited use Ing Mose: A dwelling mure tIL, paiigsei 0 e:poai. pubtic coillmercial sclrs. Sot assocation,5 a municipalH A T N & P E TR S in this B-bmw, necesary techol' filan 35 peurs ld, and uy reuson taIlde on suIe avdrac tloi finea, LI cominilutu at ueurks plantsrvcebuilding, A.N & P E R S cal changea salI bc made t iil g ndal asbm e uedft:lnl.lisuseplsca .î iuiti als. amuiipl . 2) Zone Provisions, No fper. A IG O P N lbe aid tronamitting eqIp obsolete for a single eaml savshri.':a hltithis avn:, 11 Zone& A IG CO P N ment iv order 10 eliminale in- map beruonseeled ton more thon (b) Pro 1ai sonstf Sectioni 14.5 t-o:) Reidential - a huiel. ueavlto rcatro s terferesces on radio and televi. single fomily use, and pnovided (4) of BN-ILatie 1289 siali appîs. (c) Rereaional - a place of lv building or structure ex- 22MI IET MLO sion eception mithin the Townogtisaicaris dmelling unit lo be es- (il Heigbt omaimum 60 fi. amusemnti commercial baibsat-unn a r25daMAINsSTiEETbbcMfol- ut Milton. îabiahed iherein shaîl b, a self. Thui Section 146 s deleir md saivîmiof pool, a rummrer . (%%ivg provisions: treSueMvgt- 07-2834 Tht ecio 66"Nsa~ofo-conlained dmelling unit ut nul and bbe tolloig is suhstitutrd 'a) club, a private club, a laventi ta)n Resîdnia usesge 878or Imiatf ggUes" Is amended by sdd- es io 60s Oae feetOherotor tîteaîîvg wtsag-i g,: t u os.cordatvre mih the proviinssut Local Orector -Du. C A. MactisV:e-President un hereinu fluor spore, and funîber pnul(dl) Stores etc. - a sample or Section 15.1 hereof:r ing c~~~~~~~d isa Ibere il nou esierion ad- (14 6) Sîgos: Noi pets::: stt,:il,l ,ho%%roîîm, an catiof establiîb- (1Nnrodnlîue (6.6) (1) Tise use of rilers diion or alterations sbsll 6e %uiiîu ans R2 fZovease lysmetunauiioverra premiara () o-etdntluss-0 incidentai tu constructiono of aoy made mhich is miimaîeriully ai- Ihuilî(î:g. s irhe or lot l en nam ur seilesalvsrou . u l () Loi cuserage maximum At 1 CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS liesmei vnnsl eca isrre oIie lulig theO ceor oiîuidhr d iban% 1 abupstre a sares sttoe snk- aorealbudig,3%othlt senelishenwoinablpeoaceints- baateo the"buildn i ()ov uscihuiîld e l)Workasopa obar-(2) Front yard mas9.00-m.for O ta sa.- theisis igne uerfnlhdZoa i ssmne bbeltjatt ilg olcrr'i engaou «i'.p a nmithstop , o aIlbidvs 3 i erLoa rs npayAsi xce 6000 non~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ abnoebluacin 32<)(o-)(st u vo uavriiv okidrssoa c k 3 reont yard mnimum dr sot Swectiino 7 n"psolsbgn. ! tip ectlin13), b stW aleoe nnail or cae eutacb1i.Op.a comercali r 1 idni.3 t - .I nm x 6.0.0

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