Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 15

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MRESENTINQ HALTON in the Provincial Junior Frmers' Doreen Harrop, Carole Freeman, Jay Hayward, Lois Monter. chair competition Saturday et the King Edward Hotel in To,- Back rom includas Marg Hunier, Aveline Van Arkel, Ria Wil- ronto mare these musiciana under the direction of ters. Winni- son, John Wilson, Albert Bloom, Jon Love, Tom Hunier, Wilma f red Newell, and accompaaied by pianisi Mrs. Judy Hunier. Mason and Verna Thompson. They placed second ta Ontario ln the front rom are Grace Love, Ruth Maon, Diane May, County, Halton choir, quartet, folk singer win second prizes at conference NatIon Junior Farmers' choir iird mas Middlesexs mus 78 Ruths Mason. isba Wilson, representof tise county mou, points. Sevea oliser coun ties Aveline Van Arkel and Tom in tise Provincial Junior Parm- aîcpae.-Hunier, mahiag op Halions or' muit tompolition uithtie Earl Burt, carrying Haltuns Mîsed Quaurtette came amas- annut provinciul conternce banner inlise Folk Singing Pes t.hîi anther second lu Peel'-. Salurday uithlie King Edward timaI bot in Hampton Court. entra. Third an tise ibrce-cas Holel. Toronto. ied f or second plate svith El- cumpeliîîîa %vas Temisk,îming Tie'hoipacof second la gin Counîn aller TDisinici. tise Chir Festival hoîf in tise Districts irst itl 86 and one Te couuaiwas represented Sieralon Room. Firsl place bal points. Tise second plac an h-- public. speakiag cumpe- winrwas Ontario Counly mi aners mre sain une- blltilion hv John Mec-e Tise sia wiîs 81 points; second -a-,rewr i e . s point behisid.Tiseremr e as Charles Farlinger ofi Nattas itis e oits and entries. Duadas Counîn. J1,111I111O R MEMRS' FOURSOMES competed Halton fo a second place vctory in the quar from across theprovince at hePovncialJun- et ompetiton wee Haton JunorFarmns' or Farmers' music competition Saturday ai the choir members John Wilson, Ruth Mason, King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Representing Aveline Van Arkel and Tom Hunter. F ~2îtuuiou ruPage 4-H %%connoisseurs of fashion" prepare for achievement day By Mns. Patricte Squtsre ai Si. Pauls United Church ila his proiecc. Home Economiat Milton. The acne4-Ho . Tise Achivemeat Day for Ia additiontu, tise fashion ere arcluaçine 4H on. Halton Coaalv 4-H Homemak- parade, cacit club will present isg Clubs wiil be heid on Sut- a demontralion or enhibit, ove 120 girls hctvcen lictige, urday, January 14. The cor- which will iliastrate informa. 2 aa 2t , mii be ompici rent projeet of the girls is 'At- ion tisey hune learned duriag h roc cent on Accessories. Duriag thc past fcsv monlhs ho girls have beca learniag ho dos andi doalts of wearing accessories aad basvc discussscd the narinus s avs of making aF O implc costume both attractive and fasbionaaNe îivih the addi- tion of sitable accessories such as scarfs, ieweloery, bels à fl U E C and hais, ta addition to ho- coming connaisseur-s of fash- ion, eac'i girl aiso made a set U LT E VC of co-ordinalod acccssoies tc, w 'ar witb several oudfits anU% l A T her present wardrnhe. Tise girls made Iheir hat, from flat patteras îvhîch did not require millinery tech- niques aad their choice of color. fabric and trimming SEE YOUR QUALITY NEW CA materials have produced some chapeaux" tistain v mel-dres cd woman wouid ho proud to owa. The mombors also made* * 4 scarfa on which they produced an original design hy usiaz a technique kaowa as tîo.dying Some of the scarfa are ta be wora under coals, wbile others are 10 dresn up a basic dresa or suit. Senior girls have mode a fabric bug, which they have co- ordinaled wtin their hais and scarfs. At tieir Achievomoaf Day, the 4-H bomemuking club membera tili ha toodelling tisir ucceasorea and it wil, indeed, ho a gay Pasbion Show. Ait eomn eho are lsterasted in seebog lise girls' croatloos are invited ta attend lise f ternoan program ut 1.30 ar. Soybean yields are discouraging By H. J. Stantey Duria9 tise past feso years Suybeaai have becs groman Hiallun Couuty un a trial basis. Yields have been somewisaî disi.ouraging. Larry Picket, Georgetowen R. R. 3. barvested 201 husisels per acre of Menit Soybeans tis ycar M. M. Colos and Son, Atos, ad a yield of 15 bosis. eNper acre irom erot, and 10 bushels per acre witis Crast. Utitless yields of up 10 20 bush- esper acre cas hcobohlined, il is ncry doubîful wtheier larme rs cas swilcis from tiseir presenîcrups lu Sos-boes Weed contrat ta very crilicat wîth Iis trop. Linuron up- plied ju-.t aller tise soyiseans werc planted, gave excellent wee.d conîrul on bots fartas. A nom herbicidc - Treflun - cunlrolcd weeds ils tise esteption of Ragweed, tisus il cannut bc' recommended for any area-, mhere Ragsoeed lsaa prublem. Soyheass ateo rospand meti tu sus of higis fertiliîy, tis tise varc osuatiy soma an rota- tiua llluiag tise corn cu-op, where big amnoonîs of fertiliz- er have heem pplied. Vos so.uif nul cuasider Soviseans on aiiir larre, saesa Yau have high lerîiliîy, good weî con- trot. and tise Proper isarveat. tng equîpmeat. ACCIDENTS DON"T TAKE HOLIDAYS I Fanm Fadanta tan happan in wtntetm@, R.. in the barn whitle work- îng wîtis nervaus animais ...in the barnyard tehen its slîppery . n thse drivemay white snovvploming wmus your tractar. Accidents dont take hall- daysi Von and your family need s-car-round protection againat thse tbreat of fln- ancial loss due ta inlury. A CIA repreaenlatIve waîuld be pteased to exptaln how a FARM FAMILY PROTrEC- TION PLAN cen meet yu need, For more Information, please raît: THEA KURZ CIA Automobile, Accident and Slckneas, Parm Pamfly Llahlllty, Home Protection 3242 Loteer Bae Une W, R.R, 1 Milton Phsone 878-9741 Co-openalans C A Insurance AsC I ata New sdi, ,&otircourse offered t. Hut e. funars flY Heany 3L Stnh stucture, organic te An oducatlonal couse on talion, iritgationt, Souls and Ferilizors la tu ho conservation, soiltes0 conducted in tise Agricujairsi fertitizer racommenda Office, Milton, on Monday To date 30 farmer. eventings commenclng jasssai-yton Cously hase ragis 16. tbis course. A sicita Tiis 10-week course lu organ. miii ho taling tise ized by tise Ontario Depart- 1he Junior Parmer ment of Agriculture and Pood. Brampton, each Mon' il witl provide a deeper under- aflcraooaa. Similar standing of sols, and should arc beiag conducted onable tise farmer t0 becter oui the Province this manage bis soit and ta makre more efficient use of ferliliz- e stafff'om s e Agricul- Fnd .1of4-Hi taraI offices in bat-hNaltIon Ciloué E Dola and Pool Counties ho bcpro- senîing lise material in Ibis Claude E. Bain, a course. Some of tise tapîca ta ufthlie Kiwanis Club ho covered are soit fornatlion, way. passeet amay or ber 28. Mr. Bain was one godfriends of al N'vl esy k l for many noes. His1 annualty presenled Il Tise Jersey bull, Brampton standing first vear4 Favorite Agme, bas juat heen cultural Club meembe designaled a Silver Modal huit jst recen tly, tise laie hy lise Canadian Jersey CaIlle annoally altended lis Club. Ho bas 12 daugiters tisaI 4-H Awards Nigist, hune an average production Kiwanis Club ufthtise me. in 305 days, of 9,232 Ibs. banquet in Toruntoz milk, 503 ]is,. fat, 5.45 percent ime HaItons oustsî and t7 ctassifiod tisaI average Hors soore isonored. 86.19 percent. Ho is lise son af Wlsen tise 4-H mcml Brampton Acme, Encol lent, a un tiseir bus trip lu Gotd and Silver Modal, Senior and were guided ar( Suporior Century Sire, ils the Oiwanians, 'Mr. i li8tîested daugisters tisaI aver- lisere lu melcome tl age 9,778 isa. milk. 502 is. a. d served uver 493 fat, 5.14 percent antd134 clas- lise agricaîtural comî sified tisaI average 86.74 per- tise Kimanis. His frit cent. and enîisusiasm greatl Nia dam is Brampton B P ed tise 4-H spirit in ti Naidua, Excellent, mite a ae- î y. ord ut four yeara 318 days, in ______ 305 days. 3x mitking, of 8:938 tisa. milk, 508 tbs. fat, 5.68 per- -Ice and snow cent. Tiis huIt mas bred by change yoor "iigs' t( B. H. Bull and Son 0f Narval, ont. and is owned jointty by -Tise automobile B. H. Bull and Son and O. H. ptacod tbe isorse but Mcaig and Son, Narval, Ont, er sisould stay on the mtler, ro- drainage, esng and allions. rs ln Mai- dsered for ar number couîrse et Building. n3ay in tise dîhroogh- mi inIer. of Kings. an Decem- ne of tise 4-H club i County iloopisy is 4-H Agri- or. Untit cMc. Bain le Counly and tise Kingsmay ut msicis înding 4. toers mont oToronto round hy Bain mas toem. Ho years on uni ttee of iendtiaess tly assist- bhis coun. sisould to 'bm". Shan ra- tishe driv- IVE moTH eosQH m iuoîrSAVIN(iS! STRETCH YOUR APPLIANCE DOLLAR IN THE NEW VEAR WITH SAVINGS ON QUALITY KELVINATOR PRODUCTS FROM YOUR LOCAL UNITED CO-OPERATIVE AT MILTON, GEORGETOWN, ERIN OR ORANGEVILLE. SAVE IELVINATOR bde em $14 AUTOMATUC DRYER 111quiements 0 Ail purpose automatic lime cycle dial 0 Efficient, convenient lins trap 10 Triple safe drying - porcelets tub - high volume air flow and moderate temperatures. 0 3 temperaturo selections 90 Gentie wrinkle-free ail fabric drying. E& .............. Even if you're a senior fa=.s or nom, if you more once a NatIon Junior Parnoor tise met- camte mat is ouI for tise Jun- iors' 1967 reunion of paoî and preseot mombers heing sctsed- uled for Salurday ovoning, Jan. uary 21. Tise H.JtP. execulivo munIs tu s00 ail lise oid faces luro ouI for a dance complote milS en- torluiomeot, and ha rented lise Masonje Nalt near Milton for tise evontng. Dancing be- gins aI 3.30 pm. ta Bill Bout- lys orchestra, and during tise intermission tise Inearly) am- ard - inning junior furmer choir and quarlot plus a ladies' trio wili entertain. Couoty Otroctor loy 'Hay. mard reports att Junior Farta- ors have tickets for suie. lb"e are also avaitloble ut tise Nal- Ion office of thse Ontario De- partoont of Agriculture laMili- ton. INVISIBLE LIMIT Traffic authorities regulute tise speed limita and post max- imum speeda on or higisways. But il is reaily tise cumbination of conditions tisat set tisa safe limil, sucis us tise driver - are you aIgrI? Vour car - is Il in Foiod sisapo? Tise meatisor - cas y ou see? 'rie road - is it sfippery? Tisa traffic - ix I YOUR RED CROSS THANKS YOU Our heartfeit thanks ta the 339 donors who attended ast week's biaod danar clinic, also ta the ladies of the Cathalic Women's League, The Canadien Champion and all athers wha assisted in any way with the successfui ciic. PAUL KENT, Chairman, Milton Red Cross L Biood Donar Ciinic Ilegular 1162.95 ýOMODEL CDE350 SAVE NOW AT 1s4895 MODE L K560 " Twa do convenianca with autamatlt defroat- i in 8he frasfood compartment " Ganuina naro zana freezer with 111-1b. capeadty " Twln ail pancalaîn crispera plus met keepen " Mandy puil eut sa9 with anichrome t5dm " Magnetilsdoon claauna la0 four sidas) for aafe, positivesai " 5.year wanraniy an wanld'a finea# 'Palanaphere unit . " Colan styling avallahie la Antique Coppen an Deluse "AIR KING,,i rq-u H U MIDIFIE R 4 -~ eu Fealures Include: imw s 89.,5,,, 0 Adjustable bumidistat, automnatical. L Avallable ty regulates tise amount of moistore - 0 2 speed pusb button operation AIR KING PORTABLE * Humidifies up 10 5 rooma 0 Water level indicutor, refît ndtcaFNFREDHAE trligist and automatic shut offif7 NFRE M R resera-ir in empty. Size: 27" higis x 18" wide x 12" deen. Attractine styltng Capaciîy approaimatety 6.5 tmp. Gal.Quiet operatng fan snurh safety grill s59.,e Automatic thermo- $74.5 ONY s5 .95stat safonsety wte Reguler S2493 OnIy $18.99 LJ~~Milton 878-2391 Georg.tOWn 877-2271 Erin 833-2222 Orangeville 941-1880 United Co-Operaftives of Ontarià KELVINATOR WRINGER WASHER 0 Smarlly styied with many quality foulures n01 found on other pop- utar-priced modela 0 Self-indening Loveli safety teringer 0 Gluss-smooth lifetimne porcetain tub " Malth vane permanent phenotie agitator " Acrylic finish on wringor, skirt and tub top " Non-clogging pressure pump " Free-roiling, easy.swivetling castors " Conseateat ftngertip contrats NOW ONLY om MODEL KP432 $129-95 AvbI The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 1 Junior Farmers reunion welcome mat goes out

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