Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 1963, p. 6

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January Classified Ads WiII 'HeIp Yoi DurISms otin"M FOu SAfl <CassSifadi) FOR SALI <Condn"d) Wanted C=SIID NWi--A hshm, %R. R FOR SALE-Signe of ail kinde. FOR SAL -% MZes-caryhtý tolaminaca Mt MilIce, oa 'hrdy Dees--ay Ouay, TE 8-2150. c-32-3008-tf traak,,MI60 gret eei ,1 ANt ED-nslot ADVERTISING buuvr' 12=6. thrt of Gldre FO;R SAE- Cleasdr , baedo pt anII Ceffrn ut pmat 7-13 Aasrcan MoSir T S Weadge. dear iatbctr of BrtLLY aheot sirare. TE 8-9326. Body, 28 Kennedy Rd. Sats a. 8859. c3-0t RA f ~~Mrs. Grant Stark), Mil-ton; c-2E3-21f10 Bramptn, 451-3887. c-33-MOS W PTDiiepaiy os R T SvEive M es. Sa m NadatiniF R SL) Car trucs and as d dr eI s es, ' feather te e *Mitace R oert -ReitS. Ma riet, FOR SALE-Shuvings far bel- tractor tires, nere ad usai, aBl Highm pecs _ ai. Wrie I George. Jady, Brian and Nan ding or litier. By truck laad an- sizes, bas priaas; fiuis fised, 75e; Zeer76 ColtEg t St. Tarcetet BIETHS DETO ARA ehm;heheo denI.Mlo 7-38 -424 sheeis holanced, $10.W a e olee"t LEne f724 cy.~~~~ ~~ 3-i1.0.5ehvea ei -E. ýS Noa k.eu- e-Alanef Mil fil anut.od batteries for mot enipUd.n-0 35-3 charge. FOR SALE FOR RENT. ETC.- 95,. cmin. ctec tee 15 mords. 5 i per word ther-ttt1r- - Subsrqurnt ioser ts ioo cep changes)evi 75c mito shg.ie0 15cards. 5C par -ord Iller atcer. -25c discutant cascawd far cas payaseft.. ;OMING EVENTS. ('sF0 0F THANKS-c fo iit t e lin s. ocfar cach additicat lic. IN MEMORIMMSI pics tac par lin ai serve. CLASSIFiED DIhP-AY. ELAL ESTATE-1i.20 par cal inch. BOX NUMBER 10 thi itiscit-c 25c additia,. DFADIiNES Ca,vitied Adccctsvirii 12 dNcco Wednrvdtc. t..ctD iecilme & Reacl EUse 5 p as. Taccday Phone TR 8-2341 6 Thr Caradiati Champion, ihurvday, Dec. 26hie 1993 ced Mrs. Normsan Cargiti of - Faaeral sriOcesOe haid on CS,îisrd.c ut tha Mcersia Fao- crut Home. miteiment in Ecarý g reco Cemetaey, Milton. STAZICKER - Ai Miltona Dis- 9-,c Elaspetal. an Fridaey, Dec- casher 20, 1963, in bier 851h veor, Emiiy Husovn, scidas of Matthrss A.. riear asaiher ai Mc-, M. Baies iLilticot ci Long Beach, Calt.. Mes. R. Hoasrth (i enet of MeOtan. Mrv. M. Retcherf (Mariani of Chicago, Mcv. G. W. Maoiey lsie) f ai tartse Ont. anod siier ai Jatte of FIorida. Foreri scrvice wd> îam the Ccrnsttack Facerai Fiuame, Peter- borough, an Mandav, Occeasher 23, citS tatermenti n Peterbor- cagh Ceasetery. Cards of Thanks Ta cas manv Irscvs sehcu sent cardvcedtilo5e,t nise white 1 cclv a patienat in Milton Divtrict Hcvit;tt ccd ssha Sctpedl mv ,lte i. vund m icr hakv. Ta ihe cci-ves and vOtf uttrhe hopiia. echa are tape an eevcsea, ttîekv lt. ,33-3063 J. C. Wetiscacd. In Memoriam Births, Marriages edASiAL-i locetef Deaths, Etc. i a eee .sht.t 1eed ________________________ a,,uty Ducelober 30,2 Born d,,k5ne-thrt liee wav valice cf. TharthSe bills secte bard tee BENNETT - MI. and Mrv Kun- clias. Ic;le, Bennett .i 127 Ppi-t ,, S H, 1.,ved Iliv a, ett Ac, Acler..are pl,,veel eoan- Ande Psrveelce bc uhrne. lo ice SebrtirO aillhecsar. Aitt.ecc ceasearheell v dtttIlt ttcclrt7yvlcac.cl 1 te_ Jctle.cat-,cri Otetd tont [Disi Hospital cn Deu;I geîseeiceKtl ,c-33Si061 cashet 24, 1963. 1~ Ile *.33 BEITTON - Me. aend M-c RI, ut ai c set rttlter, Isaac Ms- pleavesd toanntrict lthe bii ereher 28. 1962. ut iheir daagiier, M-sec Jaeet, 50e dc nal icresttea dcr se( WCe veceilil 7 5v. ai Mitaa Disi tend, Hcspiti ce Dceseter 22, 1963. Wc. thi cee yo fisa, teill ta b Far-gatet e cotas ,n eao il mecSe CARTWRIGHT - Mi*. ,end Mce. tee ccc memars,. ccu ill s-sec hu. Gordoc Cacîccrîcght ofi6 hOroats Son Narm-an Clerc -snd Billee SI. are plcaeto îc ce u-33-3029~ hthet tc ai Cc;i roc et Milton MCREADY-i ta .il reca ern DinictlHccpittl u ecsaser .a clie,trhvhtdtand ttltet 21, 1993. nd gc -rtirer, l'vcs Ms- Ccd,11-peCed ,c.y Duc- 170STER - Me. ,,cd Mcc. Eipe nrebsr 20, 1961 Fovece ,te irlcasvcd .lc te- A peCcecc atle leatt us iv oe eccesete Ltrot Iri n e e A caniscar i u.eroiec e,togt)ce,, atc is Milto leit Disrts Hospital att SattedzirV terreacte an brc liled. Duc.eecher 21, 1963. CtdI cîee I 'le Joeec rilueer teeeiev aend granlclle JANUS - t,1,and M-t; 1 un0-3.3065 tie ell te l d, lrovlr-seed tnc tl i Aeee.e ti aitet,ee e> ece D libter 30, 1960. 0l,,tlla llo , . [) e l ceeu ti i n eeesetettt Adlas ldBh s339 McARTIUIR-M,. aned Me, n . n Bb -336 ruMshrl,., eenc Teeiqocle MARSHALL-I tee in laî c irayr ult Cziibclttll,e sleeeed Io , ,e ei tailre Flacd. cîtea îln.n es tee, thIr ai e Dscter 30. veso, eee Pawl. t .5e 0 10 Ile,. 12 m,_. i Milton Deesti il tee eeeeeeth leseee c iee, "ti H.,ceitzl D,, ,7 1963. dieuil se e o cilaleep, esiti rio geetti Mr,. JoinertOi W, cecetle (icîcie i ci Re,r Si., Mlecer rie lLctect ce-lo Iiî.ea Dccche20, 1913. Boec l cca c eti No tel Ile a7i ,e ,e ctl -ce. 33-3067 Coming Events Engagements Milten Niglît Sciîec:l NreO tl- MI..eedjm-c.jeeile fiteldttesctrOealoeeima.iPeesescon nouriee Ile engaeetc ali c-33-2-2947 datights -, Marjiu cim I-cm.,Fi,,i Pilace, tn 7criav JaiFleer 251es 11364. te ilirec inîl, Ille Pa s cccecct.ct Cîrcetl Onariol viîecoUIeiltl, Ltîîlt. FteaeSI sîrece Il ,wstc ckc.E-c. Ont li WinrhecetB. . S.. B.D.. eceeteeti Unitced Mt -, ceeiegnlef elresvS ___________________________ c F,. The he mils i, in- Slc.'oetoc esiti us anet Died ccc v;il (tu tiece good.- Numbece and firepiace. heecb aed mapie. Tren remnta. TR 7-2031. FOR SALE -Addtng machines. typeseriters, for sale ce rentai. Phone TR 84692. Harris Station- erp. c-36-164-15 FOR SALE - Cois crn. Bert Vanderbaan, Loreer Base Line Rd. fiant E. of 25 Hsey.).TR 8- 9825. c-09_2898 FOR SALE-Appese Maeîntosh, Cccrtiand, Detisios, Greening and Spy. Bring containers. Wmn. Bousfirid, TR 8-355. b-24-6-2i73 FOR SALE-Aitre Ncrthern Spy. Maccntusb, Deticican, Court- icnd, Grrnings. Howared GOr- land, TR 8M646. Wr dei2ver. C-25-8-2613 FOR SALE - Mcps, Tocs ai Milton or Caunty of Haiton, 24c ech. Avaitabie ai the Champinil office, 191 Main Si., Milise. cr40 33611ý FOR SALE- 2 Young cares. 1 huer. registesed Holsteii. Ail 3dce tul cii ei Janc r, '64. Rus. Vattcc Farre, R. R. t , Miltes, TE 8-2990. .33-3071 FOR SALE -Chestertieid. doser fiitcd, -excnt iorcra tirouir; plaee Pica; rceed crgan. 16 fi. hase. Aliras Radistor Service, 191 Mill Si., TE 8-2711. c-3l-29899-tf HeIp Wanted WANTED Reilabie man as Dealer in Hat- tas Ceaoiy and Milton. Espar- rosce not eessarv. Fine opqtor- tcoity ta stap, oieo sed profitable busiess sehere Rasslrigh prod- acte have bees soid fer vears. Big profits. Prodeet s fsroished onscedit. Wriia Rascieigh's. iJepi. L-284-163. 4005 Richelieu, Motreai. c-33 BOARD 0F EDUCATION For the Town of Oakville Rqcicv A SCH-OOL BUS DRIVER Dueis tucoentceaa 3,tccey 6, 1964l. Far ineve otc J. K. GILES LEGAL Notice f0 Creditors ANDS OTHERS Ia the mUater nf lise FSante Of BERTRA DIEATRICE PERRY, loie se lise Town of Oakviile, In thse Cmasty af Malien, Wld- nm, sleneased. Att persans hacing ctainisa ainsi the estai of BERTHA BEA TRICE FERRY. ]aIe ai the Taown cf Ockcitie, on She Cocnty of Hillona, Widere, dcccased, csho dced an ce abouti the 27ih day et Aped, in63. arc rrqcested ta scnd particatars ci samne toe Se n dersigord ce or hetare the l6it1 dcc' of Janst-rc, 1964; othercesec the estate cciii Se distibuhs0d scithaci regard ta their ecaimv. SHARPE & NICHOLS, 1f7 Marv Strect, Meli. Ontario, Solieitccs tac the Esesaisers. t.-32-3 Dead Stock PACONI LI PayDWfUmm _______________ MILTON UPMOLSTERINO - For Vour Next Car ..Re-upbnistering il spcvc.ca tom bait frni;uce repickup and deliveey. TR 8-9094,358 Main Si. c-28-2796-tf BUCK HAMILTON REIMER Uphotstery m- ce-up- holstering, furnitare refinishini AT rug cleanlng. Prompt service, beal quality nîateriais, fine work RF IR ~ m anship. Baitey Beos, I8-71 EL BRO 638827,t 1958 PONeTIAC 2 - daste haedtop, v-8, standard. 1957 PONTIAC 2-dcnr hcritcls 6, standard. 1957 PONTIAC 4 - dssor, 6, stan- dard. 1957 FORD 4-dsar, 6, standard. 1956 CHEVROLET Bei Aie 2-doc, 6, standard. Ait Gond, Cican Cars In Escellent Shape MOUNTAINVIEW MOTORS Brante St. Souteh, Miltcon. 878-3441 Miscellaneous LARGE GLfSSY FEINTS 0i ay clati photc appeccng in The Champicn, 5x7 vice 75c, 8stO SI. cash tua ccampanyt arder. En- Real Estate Faor Service and Satisfaction Consarit BRIAN BEST REALTOR & INSURANCE 310 'Main Stret Milton 878'-6292- 878-6592 dauble garage, in Miin Cli- ent trishing ta bay and is rie- pcrtd ta pcv S4,000 ic S5,(0 domo. Reqaired IsL Junc, 1964 Weatu8er liv ouad listings ua hacces ced prapertirs in ithe Milton ceea. Dce ta sale. due- inttohe pcot isco months, wu are short ai cli types ai FIu ficelles. WIMFEY HOMES-i-ast cat far sprciathaonusa6fcrcon 5Se- ocainiof homes 134 snid tii veadi. FouI daven payascot $675 and $742. Fait price $13.2M0 and $13,525. Bavas: icliy %odd- edilot or star as and serean scindws. Newmhomesflaceun. der cosvtruction eciti conît ap- praseimaieto 1500 mare than esiting homes. Boy nare and A.EM LMiPAGE A ' Memberse and Oa 1IGUS I.IMU or he Trno, Ontrio Evitte-Trafalgae Real state Bards. To One BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Cai Tom Bradley TE 8-9543 Or HAROi-D SAVAGE Guelphs TA 2-6881. C.33 Ie. 878-20151. e-3Muasa Stliet cictîti .1Bccev Lead Z)tOCK Kemovaî qaîea 1o ut 0 T e- Champen 0~ Wih nce -ted al Ilre veary FOR iiSAi-E-Yeo ciii tilla bey- Ftlectttc, Ot. LIMITED fier hat st cf god heakih, itappi- n orbuilding recriate ced e,33 Heciteci Cach Frices fer detd ar ns n lseiyi -oie ait service.'s Heh a - __ __ _ __ __ dis,,hied eame aed herses. esnPe riyi 19l. Phane Cseic itirua Oid Herses, 5c hl. SWAP-SHOP194, 23. Phn ape-3-tiff For Ren Licence Nc. 227C63 - 142EP63 Opren 9 -6 Daily L O 23.c-617-! o-Rn Phone ZEnffh 9-7950 WetIevî and Fî tdty Io 9 E I FO RN-Eest oiccirc-5fiif Tract., sel[, bac, coPlett SP CI L AT THE 'GOODWILL" UALITY ~ FO haccccThfeterricOho atec __________ houveheid tls, taras machisers. LaIieF. la Q U etr ihf-esrie hn auteil stc. cars, trucks, or iku P0 il sEcASW F UR NI U EMilton Hydra, TE 8-2345. c-i teS-t hace ycc, Nuire il. W»grins 12 a SîLL F FOR RENT---- - 9-aa retî- Walnut Ranch Ltd. No8'/2Culgov u - - FAC TORY eatcioactct. MsNivee Rd. ci Crippîed and Disahird Coars 2e1ieNCcFso eiinVnlBCS D R C 1iiee TE E-44 C 33T00 ad Harses mu 9-1051 i-6t /l6th - --.... ....... 10/ic TRADE NOW AT 0 F F ER SINGER 24 Hou Serv'ice cii~080 Gangs .. ...... 1 Milton Metor AT FABIAN'S SEWING MACHINE ice. Nos. 133-RF, 208-C-62 ACCORDION SCHOOIL IMT Sales Ltd. Fateir - To- Yett Acc e-rdin reele oheginnars 126 Main Si, N. 853-0860 388 Main 1t. - M»". S-se eiorekeepees' higle profits. RENî~TA L Waterdown MU 9-104à *AtIpetp0estacfhi hy Mc. Ras- Actes, Oct. FABIAN FURNITURE B.3 Wec 9rMnt -2 ct part.eay _______________________ MANUFACTURîNG CO. -PHONE TR 8-6861 393 - 5.3 pen. aekrdcye _________________ an - 530pa. aiadcv E Sudcio: Charlev & Maie Sis. BE flt>HE Open Evenie,2s Milton FABICete UECAPO(ariu)Athbndofheoc 15 Cammamitt Ire', USE ainmt Acuiatethcek l Fur tppoitîtmect TR 82031l Scrvicsand Rerpairs en CA PFON Fo ppitael ci poinat tuea New Year, reay Miltona ait maches cf scmieg meachies. CLSIIDAS878-2756 rire0 point tire cay o anay 28-tf ci1 If O s-331lS Ioyfol, peespelees heurs FOR RSULTSaireod tee yca. 4 / *Ummna' . LL DtS Yur Inenatinal Harvester ~vwww~~Dealer CLEANtES l DECORATING GENERAL CONTRACTORS l MOVING ______________________ 9ýI oakarCNADA KNIGHT'S INTERIOR A.c ANN Stan Rowe the MoverA Agente orAlidLie Tenl. 12. Onlct. DRY CLEANERS LTD. DECORATING & SON i-,Cas - Ce-aci .0iSd ........... hg1 Satisefacticon GcarantcedMoenSoieW rhue iovi.velirlOm SERVICES GENERAL CONTEACTUES M44ede50Yo Starso amltonse CteaeiegCcraeenenteî sa aal le cr C stam H e s Rs-pccrs MILTON REF. -itm s . Shir Lcndcrag e Cavtoee mode drapcs Aitcrctcaas Matis-îl Cophbarda CALTR8660i . .. Saie aysevic l eqird Rad mri dapsFlanssaîdFrec estnit-s s. CA LT -6 0c-33-11............... " Aiteratiiens and Repaîrs *Fccscref _____________ a Vetccite hlieds YeIrc o e cIreeee. TV amnd RADIO SERVICE ta Eags -ted Draspes espeitly 0 Wiw eeîcîc-442 ta urnshigsfrot fmos mn C11 DURNAN " Free Pick-up ced Detteery ttl-ssttrers se Aitmar dnec pr rap î.îes tc a cnd Ru, Clva lice as TV AND APFLIANCES Fo*nhm 12.50 ýlaios ecakli RAY OLAN SALES &SERVICE CALL TR 8-9941 Fr Mr. Campelli. BUILDING PhFlipg Tape Recorder C-tlCONTACTOS LT. EC.A Steeo, TV, Appli-at es e CAMpELLe COTRACORS TD. * Rtcferv.Majestic TV CA PBL S iteîe îe ipevcemcits * Spcrtae TV and Sterea 0F MILTON * Een.tions22MANS. T845 i i 8-6021 228 Maeie Si. * Alteratians 22 MI S.T 44 ST P ' -47-ti * Additions Cleaners & Tailors ELECTRICAL SERVICE mecî rIdsra WRLL DRILLINO N UL 4-2263 E R 1 HOUR McPHAIL ELECTRIC c-tf WELL DRILLING CASH & CARRY SERVICE J.B. RUTTAN NOIW This luttle Tiben eriebte, feeeied 1 00e Gtt-stntrrd Dry Ctc,îniec R. R.UTIL-PLM IGA DMET LI 2. Miltocn, Ocît. t lee m In dia dc eng bhe Cbineoe envasin, bus been fed- _____________________ t5 Osflr amnd the thousands ai people asha support if e Comptete reptile, & etltseltiell te DOMESTIC e Drapes, rlfe anvd b-s proies- sioa.ety cteaned e ELECTRIC IIEArINf. FREE Complefe EIecfric Homne PICK-UP atnd DEi-IVEEY Att soork donc as preceeterd. 66 CLice;lea S1. Miltan JIM MALLON *Ctesning * Repaies le intlatlion PRINTING TOP QUALITY 13Aîoî te i \1 .ee. 11 e ;,lt.__________ TR 8-2972 e c,,, -t rt24[our r ce, O1. elee A0 e teo, Sale Ail1 .ir0rtneý aaîebue '~~~Ac acce bu]",Fia n efthSe i-tee Harold Bartuc, ORNAMINTAL IRON T -77 hetev a e.D;clîîata rouiller et1 Ieevi ILI (Tolly) o--t 8-6r7tsiesf .. i e-c mai ad- Barr. grisdaseier t jacquaa FOR SALE-Ilay. 878-3690. -7i etsnbleis-i atlt fine 1Mev. [occeireaei. Me-s- c-32-2-2998 M~ILTON mes aey prinling ycamay a". deece Ja.cpiine. StepiSee O A- .2ecîe ADVERTISING IS AVAILABLE nAlr st ce aya ak ced Acîîheec.t ai bhome; alise chat TAE 8-1.22revolver2 N9 IlS ETO AT ECON- Ornamental Iron ADVIERTISE YOUR BUSINESS lwusIqotunyrwrk curricrd hp teo greai grand- Sdd Ch-ampionS ECIO OMICALen AFUORU &AL -RO SurILINOS SERVICE IN THlS HIANDY The CaraianCapo Funerci service mas ficld un eqîtipaseel dcies- fearast supptie,,s IA AE.POEFRAUMNM&IONRIIG IL RNIG&PBI Thsetrseday ci 3.38) p.m.- in Grace i pere S"ires. Sales -ted Scrcice, COMPLETE INFORMATION BILL KELLY TE 8-98271 DIRECTORY. RATES AS ING CO. LTD. Anglicn Choct. Intentlent if 1 Hercr Tliilsen, Bratîln.LW11Mi L itis Evergee Ceasetecy. Gi- 1-1275. c--9R-f 7 8-2341 c-tIl LWA 1881MiS-,Mt. miii have nathint te cal ihis Chrisemas, and nn sheîsee. Yec cao heing tasmedinte SelF la Illicitehomildeeed, banMe lots. Ynu cao de if milS yece peraseul danation ni nnep, or Sy giciel to Ostuas the peaceedsonf one evenieg's beidge niaS orotber social grou or addoationfn a serceorgiaien tu mhieh yea beicefg. Yau miil nt only Seing Scppieess et chrivrras o eresceehildree ha; adi hr helilera ee choer Irenres forlthem.l hoofh Oi,cmereefvyoad coninu- ion peogramo aif edcateoe, eOeevleaoeerl medioai aid, ecen tract, peaclicci mecasores as the soppis et seed for crePe. Yeu may viisl ti se the concenient coupan-or, better oufl, drop us a noe wils Ynue Morley. OXFAM OFro asAD CEnOîst insCafard.nitett. entc2 SPEntins tes nntTstmts an n adbu 1 r c- h 1 th- lin wom "A

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