and pesed n, sur tSat the Toptc for Knox W.A. star wouhd in deceive fihera. ___________________ lhese men were morte thoant mise, they mere moved by Heavenly mindom.Thu dteccise amoogaus Origin of Christmas Ca rois mutdcaewa ehvsen M&U OM Min. Myrna Thompson, assisl- '-j.. .... T h C r ia h is a s m e e tin g o f 13 -1 6 , h e m u li o d e o f h e H e a - r ial s T h e A n g e s a v e u s i e c d h y M in , W . L o c h ie , s a g h e Knox Csuenh Evonlng Auxiliaey veniy Hosi, praisng God, and fîrsi carol, the Itaiean people hcauî'iu Chrictmas carat, 0 item fer twsI 80011 nomB eoilifl an0 ms heMd ni the hume et Mrs. the journoy of the Shspherdc lo and a Germain Reformer. A man Hoiy Nigi, which mac a grand mhuaod. Cali Mua Rloustan at TR "M.8 M. Roboinson. Thse meeting mac Bethlehem. The girlc preccnied t'romi Boctoo, Thomac Hoa .isî1 hcaccdpeela- cpeedmlU aChrelac eoe ipcIre in a keen, a.nthus gave us the oycl caroi Joy la lion of the Christmas sia. rc. troin lise Preshylerian Rezord ia9iic marner and îa the dliîghl the Wccld, the Lord cs Coma. Neilic Anderrcon oliascd wilh a Away for Christmas? Gamins Bîrlhday arecllngc la Mcc. Jack hy vicejsreside0lt Mmr. K. Mac- o ail, eodod ihoir cicry hy ponts of mhich art jined in rî- hocghtoi Christmac ployer sad le pour haime? parties for Nein Laing, Eimcccod Croc., ccho ceio shall. Ail1 joined in ninging hymo cinnging A Song of Bethlehem. ing. Mrs. S. Lockjo graa.ioaciy air joined in cingiog the finit a saorCsneCd haidhrirdySadDo 180, "Thou didi,î leavo Thy Strange ceont aa.iod as cm.ponici lor iheco roi, Hoiy Nighi, Poaceful Night.Yarso hitCllm.ccmtehr 2. hAic hicîday, Dei-o Chrono and lthy Kingiy cromn". Mrc. Mac Elii aod Soc san couais. Thic portinn of the meeting Hoauston ai TR 8.9284 sud banc to Jacii Fletcihor, Bl] Si., ccha allter cohich Mms. Mashall ced in Tam foillomod atog wiih te Siocy of Wie Mon ctaodei wilh ail repoalino the yoer ems lies&e hsluded ha cciii coichralo hic bicîhday on prayr. Theoll calccas an- coc o a rang dcoilea hc Miepah bonediclian. ibis columsse t cîmcd., Chrictman day. sweredby matylorey Chrit- Tomhed adtiedtiitell hi, Ms. GeorgCarccfita cn. Acsocia hal( hourmwacint mas cverses. Moihor. Fiingiy, tho droam linacd Soc rracliog oi Tho Wico ccith oid and nom lriends cor a Congc,î1 laionsar c Micc flac- Mr. j. farilomancln Titontii, The variocn reports ocre pro- Tom hadt crac tho Bethlehem -and the Uccin Mec. The Wl-a lcrieîdic cap of teat and dainly hara Coursocn, Thomas S.. woi pnigCrita nMlo eled for adopiinandfrcm sorv butiTomheing in iihim- Mnttîttacîg a star'iicata aI.Chisiman crfrechmeic aorcol wton fic Chritmatroad $50 îdcpelatgiv, a Mîiiîic lise accousuc, asulhcc sccoccli colf, tcrd Sic moher Sa badl andt dictant laid, -hacoilt liait' 1 h Mrc. M. Robinoc, Mon. A. An- Prz ira lcu draw hfid hy fihle ihrilîo coin ycar bs heen accompliihed in iiôihing Ia aico but hic hoari. Siu cicdom by iialkocicn tha lighi docccn and Mcc. D. Ircing. - Sacaii Martini I.OD.E. Chaptier. ua i si .~ tise morh uftOhe Macler. The re- Tcmcs miaihr copliîd Iloal ho e Chrintmas ciciitarc witIi Mr. itic -Hav cacsale aod happy Nom porl of the lmomisaling coin- had aicon the cighi giftIo t, he Mi-,. F. Lippai, Raody and Fran- Yoacr'o v If yon'ra drinhicg. mitice mac pceenned hy Mrc Chrict Chiid hy i, i itof aie ýhm Own Philosop-hy [ta. Robert Si., acre Mr. and Io-aco the car at honte. Edhll EllcOl and a ful ciale id seii. Thic cinail dorma pcîiraycd HsW YMis. Pail Saciîaoiah ai Torotaco officiers mas pcocenlod fcr 1964. hootiitifciiy ccit -ho ula ando Mr. ,and Mcc. James Fcdoc Change Meeting stmait da lur fic Macs-ÂAf n 1 and Bracîa, Cathyc and Chrîiine Vrosilgmc nf husinesscter. ivrs. Mvaggle Prestonl is 90J frotîMoii Hapa, Th ua .I mcre diinaed andiicrac decid- ýM r. Stewoat Locktasse Lo n[i i ir rlfn h ilr1 ce vssl ara daiighiocc of Mc. and Mcc. cd hy motion la chanae tha hc Mccs W. Lockie, snîgîao i beau 0ia gt uaiilt" h ,hi la.ancniil Geotge Lippai, ccho ]lia nith flic meting nighl irom the scoind lilai sola ott"d OJ.cîîi Saca.i.i 1 iatiath piiiaphc if Min. James- Snac. icho cotinon catile ccl, Lirlîc Tuesdey te the secood Maîday O Jeco Miid, %uniont uni, dda.d Miccan Ptotaon, ait 30 Claitoo Si., the. aaiiiîiitiiîig acrage. fur vile mnlhof Janary, Feh- iih leutrei haing Mileeta îaiaid Sa," 90h He43 Yearsi W vi'i Mi,. Thoas [doit muary and Marxh. Miss Rita Nanlar tard the bacs- biîîil,î iiiv Montda', Daatihat ile. in.Il aat 45 vacn Min. Pin, Pearlt Si.. gaaoiings n ait - hc761.]1 In keepingmilih th hmeor ground str tcr'aalcn atl lainin 23. Hît lifiiaiit .ai d îtoî ci, i,, tian thinali , a l.,Ille itohiiaMaiîaay Dacaiiher 23. the Christmos ceascn, memhocc oid araoic and ailtooc joiu nsn-bt 'itarllcn, tli, an fier f iaaaca a1 Charlas Si. Theofice Caaagt aiiai ins taM. andMis made a donaticoni ofhite girls ing a facnie ivia Hiik Ilie.s ia Satiad hai airain ut ia h caciiiaa ahoit her C. jaitan, Bwstca Si,. cho ncill tand nord cloihing fcr the Scott licatld Angerc Sing.M,,Nve it.i le. iliftimn, nci Oc tariaiood Sae c'is- ,Ieabi-alea ic1, îandig aonniîaî Missinnand a cach donaio tounotu tolaie Francis-aî Front itiYotrklaa)iisthipcuta aili.a rpotearnciithiiacciandicay Fiday, cmbrc27. Ascthe New Yearrings vac made for mcmhorc 10 carry Accicci, venu had hut un flie tari liti hias silice iaacgo l g1phiiocophy.MtnAdmRdaiCacS. taatcibghhcc unitheOhristmasccr al Eca'anic,rt Naiii Sc'e -anai h cita oa Totiacia.Mcn Mahtîc Sacm atiel Courtai Sia, cinc fhullma ofit Sacgh nai gel Hall. WSoc tlieo pople nac il îhan Presto',a til a1n att f aire tiao hiid. cidhrotev.I]lnpitCismsv frsn Mies Rita Nayiec mac in tIve do ihcilled, iSa.i Sors niti tellt Sa in ta Mt. acad Mcs. lamaiets a 50 greeaiig cacîin. "i am Roc. Join H. Raddei and Sic n m e al laesoutdd charge of thseChristmas deo onag anid ccncv lsaa iica. happy ta haro coa maca nîco îamiiy of Toronto. w ol iet d lies nand chose ascher heme ri,O0CmehirYe Faiilit. a hio aai.lnaiia M M sh Ppe i urcati yo adI "Lei os go unolo Belehehm.' Carat Origlen MradMi.DtPrc n! Mrs. George Carrulhrscasisii Miciitnaisocar mcnttii)ne'taaiaoaiiiiainicii Wt l , ahiaeeaa in an inerenting reading "Showiniciorectin uih alto acainfs litiiefot,totihet. The g'oot Chita ioil d i-I Se cI- maycome yoar ay! Uc the Road 10 Bethlehem", alicc Mactin Lit,iîc tvill it-9aia ,a ua whioh one cf the favarlte caril ral our a toit fiaman chiidcoîî mac cotigr homo 177, 'Ad m'S cahieh ns Satrvi She ittialit ta Mic. Pi-entin aIu Englitii anid FEATHERSTONE Giadnecc Mon, of Old." Tia ncip- hi childiai tonair Atiar in il Sacothaiitgii SleIotaikci bout lure railing vies lahoî hi' lhr.a Manger: Phiip Boo'akc, elleat p- lier aitli tilic iaie .ttIo ticari boreC RI YUnas girlc, Missen Karein ilisi isichiihitti.iraad 'a- it liJO with Cacaa'naaîinii-1-E CT I Trimbie. MaryGy Qaich and cal .tia n fclictia'ght tuili.aalttliiih 17c TRt 8-6378 oI Ciemneitl. îîaîcac, munic r wioctit atou ili ilat a Macigaitiatyn T.aîoa' Tise girlc chose an ittoat nexit mactitil hana.t cti dia" ai Hag'nltili. (jj. acriploro riadingc. iohc 2, rot he carot. O Li tat 'fant ii Siail., i,ilui,a il D'. Gilbert Joseoph la Betleihem; Lako 2, everral lam il fail titan 9ii0.aIii, . iHl .andi Mac. Pireniai Veicll8-12, thvii or he ang[ oi. a-i1 taloatnii'ntiiag tu the Shophordca Loha 2. cornai, lai viit i otlivgc fIr nii tua - .lt gaaaaap itattanoa tuaitn Oi',aîoirelaxaiona MinS Preonî ait OMAGH MSC.fll FRESTOI lan taîtî %iiataî ion triatdi., orli.n 111fliatiiti taita gk ul to . c 'ad- 4-H Girls Complete Projects lier io ill l' iaahtt i ta amati tandat tilti roi - Plan Party, Achievements Day ttlt, taaat 0î1,W.oîdNLcc By Mra.Cecl Pattersos tire Atîte. Ma. .and Min".aîa hoî, îî,, tti'tlirci 0,'And Orei ioln %initor in tra. Vieîscvenolh meeting ofl Sh, lii, l h in. for P-C borne lai ta,' ltatt. ,ittlainti, , - W HarirbsSoutah "Boudoir lles" w iîana.and a till terralut8a i l ]cIctaaal "atSu h oa, aiati %lin eetl Cn 4-H Cubhmahfidcon Moodai aataiitr ct'ni ar. a ait iltaati atatiii 'a, Ittita il iiiailt0,t,~,,O i flic.c a, Decoiniir 23, ai 6.30 pin., mait atîdduti ilton.Ma.iiatt ia ttt Paeaaion. lata ai nottî Snî to iaa rire girlscatcndini. Berleoot~ Happcyirticiat grtanit' aalaiM I-ltoa at-ttot eo ltIîîaa.ii t.ardat piaittia a vorite ci'preidd frlh hniecc.T-al riirodi oa Soeir pcpial daîc tak, tait alto 1ltaai l.ttti li tiiit. (In daltaics nei v h -H idge îca.c rcuioated and Di- hiic inca h Ma.era fiaitel, 1\i or ltîi iii Stta'a.ala'tie ilatî OF USîa MiAT, ana'Dolhby.cecroiarn. reaoi nholdDaa.omber 18-Maii.G,anta tait Mis. titran ilo unatl tao aca iaitt fmrnutes Critie arr metag hoe: an) lPi Aa.mlo R1 Ktîa.ttt a nalr ailngments werp made, ai o eeiei i ah o' fil eeta 8 we ht itil tata f aaalot.ltiil Fitii A Rcn M gomes anda cari ai lima11 lofa 1 atti Slitintitita.a, in hnd 5.o.hllp 'iih i aoatitaoalltt,taatI-at, natI, oItI laan Wio.IIIII- thecrdlbp.m.andaaaIo htilo caMain ,aaaiManlWi',iand Fardhai fgaifn Smand be oial Atir Roui e 1 Mlar. itanditt D. Cii> W 28. Ili, .totda litl,, ai, tistaiti)t 1R andNnc'anllhrdaria -n Woi,atalouaiiaipaih Cal et tai - 1, ait, att ai vul,, ina illr.A htcupininilloo Moe Ci a,,, Min zd R 90ha', Ao ismci bc ioicd.n tito tiroiRri Otaaîtt tilb , 28,ii ~< MI T dand aoidy rohorarcnîl caýW iataataii l-itlatiltnl atk scunnstarllaorlhe kit tu c galane cil thil day. The leadern, Min. Puila ail Pata., W.Mtt ' Kiornan and Mrs. Padrati.,.filîal ilet,-t loitng lhitaiit tone loch chargeof the mooýtiaif i,ý , crcastcata Fitai. aiiaa1 and the girlcs.cero iicicanod atd joua, ana.aaiiî. "loaith- [I caipld ccih Sohir snt'g. Il i ata ro,îaa Scolttl dlat, t'A, docidoti ihal tho cadi meoaintitat oitil Mondaa\, Jtaia, t. il as 9 amn. and lital il tuaent- lialadat i at* tnianan We alini OO ino mouid cntinueOun inta flie na.,lc harl ta ill itt tanîtaindti ~ 9 afirtesuiarcr nlil tae girln had!poipin taill ta,, aintail confAled -ihrir prnjocl. lîalician. that date. Manry attractive droit- a ____________ ercscarvcc andrchianii daeoe benmode and ceverul plantri INSURANCE t 3taolta ,'la or nes traheNewaiear aromerr conne: FAMILY FASF cecn chair pac anod mahoantel ouwl ,ttca.iipcr cn. Diaa Doiit%I iaaikyau ortqaaaa us fle panaaioflnotaaitq'aaaad and Lioda Kiernannorimantiv natata 1964 Ot~tto -[, I taaaiouar hest w;chesrcla tai'aa tat tnaoneioand hpp-LA IS FU hindc cf deiicioc Chitiot. -is frc lot in t '64LA IE' U cooeiec al, relrechmuit t aoclc Yeu oa d Y. alaaar Baby lu Gcrmssey ' taln.Nota 'aal MountainView Rambler Congelailinn la i - it 'HE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF Min. Eirneni Poil oi Hcpedailc ai RNES. T .41MLO i-ho arrivai id choir irni grantd-! R L. W. EMMAS RNE 1 88341ML chiid, a daughîer-haro -1u Mr.',n atto R.Me R.F R W Mts. Fdmard Oancoi miMaig- Miltn, Ont. TR8.6357 I CT acal Peel) on Qcoitr i0, 1963. ta ______________ _ 8-9731 Ccc -liy. Baby cs cîmad Chitai ST. LAWRENCE --JO YO '- FRUIT and GROCERY STORE a-EJYYU ORIGI _________________ NEW YEAR'S DINNER Crair v W Heto catarn fltre64 Maly lti li aia a' happy laaîdaag [leiaj, lise begannig tai a penspernan, pleasiltg year for Yeua RAY OLAN BLIIIWUNGIIII CONTRACTOIS LTD. Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 Ibs. 29c Lonig G. ceti CUCUMBERS 2 for 25c Clnristie's white slîced Brookside Bread 2 loi. 37c LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS 55C lb. Canada Dry, Ginger Ale, Kin-j Size Carton 46 SAN E ; BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PHONEI~' FR1 C FR 8.6043 URESIIVWS EIcVlcRY The Canadian Champion, Thursday, Dec. 26îh, 1963 '_ 3 Friend-. of Ken M-coait iac RushCourt SI., enjov- Bmaioe St., cciii orý ci e hein: edChrisma at a amily ceamion ho cs patient in Milton District mi'ch 'hic con and daugter amd Hospital. Thiry ciii ccich him moul. their lannilies an Barrie. -guJ(a o r te New YeureiWe hepe itprovos t b. e aimey heppy, heeliisp and crosesanor* eae no, GEORGE BUNDY FUEL OIL fle year y ews yaa the hent, ini the item. Thooks more more îand goals izons i and d do. ULM